Sorry , My English is bad
what you eat sweet child
This is something that will Help your teeth!
EU TRIP 2017 | A Day in Pisa | หอเอนเมืองปิซา - Duration: 4:16.Today we got to visit another city, we're at Pisa right now
didn't plan to come at the first place
but it only takes 45 mins train to get here from Florence
so we decided to come
I don't know why wherever we go, there will be a construction going on
it's so crowded
we're at the restaurant now
eating unhealthy stuff
we just went into a gift shop and bought so many cute stuff
and now we're finding an ice cream shop
and this is the name of the shop, La Bottega del Gelato
dad, did you taste it yet?
Dad: about to
how is it?
Dad: yummy
this shop has lots of reviews on google maps, so here we come
dad is feeding the bird again
oh it's coming closer and closer
trying to feed from hand
oh he's coming to me haha
we're walking back to the train station now
taking a train back to Florence
we came to buy some paprika, we'll carry this in our bag haha
We're thai, we carry paprikai around haha (spicy eaters)
these are real grass, don't know why are they sooo green
so nice
we're still at the station, about to walk back to our apartment
also bought some instant noodles
having noodles again tonight, don't want more of pizza & pasta haha
showered and washed my hair
I'm wearing a tiger pajama
bought it from Korea long time ago
there is a tail
will go to sleep soon
and tomorrow we'll be leaving from Florence
taking a train to Rome
which will be the last city of this trip
Anyway, goodnight for now
bye bye~
Dinosaurs Surprise Eggs For Kids Dinosaurs Eggs Hatching Video | Dinosaurs Eggs Real Fights For Kids - Duration: 58:57.Dinosaurs Surprise Eggs For Kids Dinosaurs Eggs Hatching Video Dinosaurs Eggs Real Fights For Kids
Abogados de presuntos violadores de menor en escuela de Maryland dicen que el acto fue consensuado - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Dinosaurs Finger Family Rhymes For Children 3D Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Dinosaurs Movies - Duration: 1:03:04.Dinosaurs Finger Family Rhymes For Children 3D Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Dinosaurs Movies
How To Style 3 Unique Concert Looks - No Try On Haul Required! - Duration: 1:51.This video only contains music. There is no spoken information.
MODx Магазин - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
#GiunglaDigitale | I Social Aiutano ad Apparire Su Google - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
FUT 17 LISTE DES MEILLEURS JOUEURS PETIT BUDGET POUR L'ACHAT REVENTE - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Three Little Kittens | Kids Song & Nursery Rhymes Collection | 3D Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:03:31.Three Little Kittens
They lost their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh mother dear we sadly fear
That we have lost our mittens
Lost your mittens
You naughty kittens
Then you shall have no pie
Meow, meow, meow, meow
Then you shall have no pie
Three Little Kittens
They lost their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh mother dear we sadly fear
That we have lost our mittens
Lost your mittens
You naughty kittens
Then you shall have no pie
Meow, meow, meow, meow
Then you shall have no pie
Three little kittens
They found their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh mother dear
See hear see hear
That we have found our mittens
Found your mittens You darling kittens
Then you shall have some pie
Meow, meow, meow, meow
Then you shall have some pie
泡泡大亂鬥 跑酷模式10 - Duration: 7:51.-------------------------------------------
Training Of The Champion | Bodybuilding Film | The Road To A Championship - Duration: 26:36.Sports documentary "Training Of The Champion"
Starring: Eugeny Ivanov
Vice champion of the Rostov region (Russia) Bodybuilding Championships
I Ivanov Zhenya, I'm 22 years
I started bodybuilding 14 years
I wanted to be a bodybuilder
The first steps I've done under the guidance of an experienced coach
Further, I independently prepared training methods
In bodybuilding competition, I started to participate in the 16 years. And further, increasing their level
at age 20, I took the second place in the Rostov Region Junior Championships
To date, this is my best result
In this film, I wanted to tell you about the preparation for the championship on bodybuilding among men
which will be held in a few months
this will be the area championship, Russia and the world
and depending on the dialed level I can take a worthy place in which any one of them
The basis of my program - training all muscle groups each workout
Training - three times a week
duration of approximately 1.5 hours
The goal - improving muscle relief and the maximum increase in muscle mass
The abrupt changes in diet does not occur
Just need to increase protein diet
Now I go to the gym and fully focused on the work ahead
so I'll be there in a few months to take part in bodybuilding competition
I hope to take the prize place
Today, I have to work out all the muscle groups in one workout
Using the classical number of repetitions
and a small number of approaches
Applying mostly basic exercises
and isolating a lesser extent
Techniques such as the Super Series and tri sets I do not use
and doing it a few weeks before the competition
making it more difficult with time program
training begins
Warm-up is required for stretching the joints and ligaments
and prevent injuries
it is necessary to carry out carefully
For example, a great bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger
She performs one of the warm-up exercises such as twisting of the press
did it at the beginning of training
First I do the exercises - horizontal bench press
strictly followed the technique of movement and feeling to work the pectoral muscles
The second exercise for the chest muscles - dumbbells press
which details the muscles and expands the chest
Next exercise aimed at the development of the upper portion of the chest muscles
Press obliquely upward on a bench barbell
Dumbbell bench press has a full range of infants to reduce
After working the chest muscles, back muscles worked
and one of the first exercises for them is
traction unit for a head
Link horizontal block narrow grip sitting
One of the most important exercises for the development of the back muscles
especially the middle part
The next group of muscles that I train
are the shoulders, deltoids
Here I use two exercises
dumbbell bench press and dumbbell layout
Between the muscle approaches can reduce
which leads to an additional increase
After working shoulder muscles, I train biceps and triceps
carrying rod thrust the biceps and triceps in the standing block
Feet - big enough muscle group
and with good muscle growth, for its study
is only one basic exercises
squat with a barbell on your shoulders
which develops all muscle bundles feet
Front - quadriceps, back - hamstrings
and also gives the total weight of the thigh muscles
Abdominal muscles need to work through a variety of exercises
in a large number of repetitions
to significantly improve their relief
Posing - a smooth movement of the body with the use of special postures bodybuilding
Athlete amateur level, not striving to compete
can not pay a lot of time posing
The athlete, who set a goal of performing at competitions
It should pose from 15 minutes to 1 chasa
from 2 to 7 days a week
not only for the study of positions and drawing up any program
but also to improve the detail and muscle relief
Some classic pose
Toggle application poses
Classic twine, showing good flexibility and entertainment
You can also conduct posing outdoors
or near to the hall, the green park
as the sun's rays are useful for the organism
as well as the skin gets the required tan
On the same way, as I was walking to the gym
I'm coming back home
Next day after training I
And so, day after day, month after month, year after year
there is a long-term continuous training process
And one of the athletes who are the most persistent, purposeful and talented
achieve the highest success in tournaments
local and international
Video documentary about bodybuilding in 2009
With any program acts
Athlete number 1 - Ivanov Evgeny
Bataisk, meet
Thank you, thank you
Right-Hand Man - Duration: 21:32.-------------------------------------------
Secrets and Lies - Duration: 21:33.-------------------------------------------
How to Increase Your Metabolism - Duration: 3:09.Metabolism is the chemical process by which the body converts the food you eat and drink
into energy. The body needs this energy to function and allow you to go about your day-to-day
activities. Your metabolism is determined by several factors,
such as genes, sex, age, hormone levels, body size and composition, and activity level.
A slow or low metabolism can have a huge impact on your energy level, body weight and overall
health. Some of the most common symptoms of slow metabolism
are low blood pressure, slow pulse, fatigue, weakness, constipation, dry skin, high body
fat and increased sensitivity to cold. Here are the best remedies to increase you metabolism.
Green Tea A small 1999 study done at the University
of Geneva in Switzerland found that green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat
oxidation. This is due to the presence of powerful flavonoids and antioxidants in green
tea. Additionally, green tea works as a stimulant to increase metabolism.
1. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves to a cup of hot water.
2. Cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. 3. Strain and add a little honey.
4. Drink 2 to 4 cups of green tea daily. You can also take 300 to 400 mg capsules of
green tea extract daily after consulting your doctor.
Cayenne Cayenne has a compound known as capsaicin
that has a positive impact on thermogenesis, the process by which cells convert energy
into heat. According to a 2008 study done at Aarhus University in Denmark, capsaicin
consumption increases thermogenesis, which in turn boosts body temperature and metabolism.
• Add cayenne pepper or cayenne powder in soups, salads or any of your favorite foods.
• You can also take 1 cayenne capsule twice daily with food.
Warm Lemon Water If you are trying to increase your metabolism,
drinking a glass of warm lemon water will help a lot. It will alkalize your body and
boost your metabolism. Lemon water will also keep you hydrated and
help fight hunger cravings. Plus, adding black pepper to your lemon water will boost your
metabolism and assist in losing weight. 1. Add the juice of ½ lemon to a glass of
warm water. 2. Mix in 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon
of black pepper powder. 3. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
4. Drink this daily to ignite your metabolism. Get Vitamin D
Vitamin D can speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Studies have shown that
low vitamin D levels may lead to fat accumulation, which in turn lowers your metabolism rate.
Plus, vitamin D enhances intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate and
zinc that are essential for a healthy body. • Expose your body to early morning sunlight
for 10 to 15 minutes daily to help your body produce vitamin D.
• Eat foods rich in vitamin D like fatty fish, fortified milk, liver and eggs.
• You can also take a vitamin D supplement after consulting a doctor.
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