Very S Teacher Student Ke Pagol Banai
HamaG - Ngôi Sao Bóng Đá Mobasaka #12 | 20K NĂNG LỰC, MỞ 10 THẺ S - Duration: 30:38.-------------------------------------------
Discours d'Emmanuel Macron lors de l'hommage national à Arnaud Beltrame - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Aumento de pecho y tipos de incisiones | Dra. Pilar de Frutos | LeClinic´s - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Les Marseillais Australia : Jessica Thivenin proche de son beau-papa, la preuve sur Instagram - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
1939-The Flying Deuces.Me Titra Shqip. - Duration: 1:05:06.-------------------------------------------
Smighties | Easter Egg Surprise Smash | Cartoons For Kids |Children's Animation Videos - Duration: 7:13.Smighties | Easter Egg Surprise Smash | Cartoons For Kids |Children's Animation Videos
Are you ready for the Easter Eggstravaganza
Are you ready to work
Already hid two!
Okay, Smighties...on your mark...get set...
Uh, aren't we supposed to hide the eggs -- not Smighties?
Smighties gone and more eggs than before
Could it be
Half of those eggs have Smighties.
Wait'll you see what's in the other half!
You have 30 minutes to free your friends
... or those eggs seal forever!
But you have a choice
Save the Smighties, or stop me from getting the Smighty Stones.
Biggs! The device!
It has every dance step ever in the world.
Follow the steps and, sooner or later, we'll unlock the portals and get us some stones!
Those GOOGS are seriously sticky.
Break the eggs in teams of two. GO!!!
Faster, Biggs! We only have twenty minutes!
Way to rock, Melody!
And Magic Region's in "gloom!"
I have the Air Stone! Dance, Biggs!
Blast and catch!
Forcefield up!
Our powers are gone!
Uh-oh. You know what that means.
Bro... Sneevil got the Light Stone!
How am I going to know which egg is which!?
The Super Six will never stop us before we get all the stones!
Yeah, they'll never figure out my code.
What code
I can't think!
Hey, I've got it, Nard-bro! Stripes have Smighties, spots have GOOG!
Thank you!
Of course! It's so simple I couldn't think of it because I was... uh...
yeah, that's the word we have to
Tell the other Smighties?
Yeah, what you said.
That's the last of the striped eggs!
Are you sure these are Smighties?
Your new resident genius figured it all out!
Now let's give these a Smighty SMASH!
Now we have to
...stop evil Sneevil before he gets all the stones!
What Dude said.
All is forgiven, Biggs! Grab the stones before ...
Let's get out of here
I've got my brain back!!!
But we lost Sneevil!
Not yet we haven't!
Get us out of here, Biggs!
Without further delay, we present the Smeaster Egg-stravaganza! Let the Egg Hunt begin!"
Exkurze pro osoby se sluchovým postižením v Moravskoslezské vědecké knihovně v Ostravě - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
다한증을 치료하는 5가지 자연 요법 - Duration: 8:15.-------------------------------------------
FFXIV Leatherworker Quest Level 60 (Patch 4.0) - Duration: 8:57.and we're back for another episode in this episode we're going to be doing the
level six sea level worker quest introduced in storm blood and as always
hello from every so you have to come back to the original guilt in order to
do the new level 60 questions you may have done everything previously so let's
do it now so I got some bad at me look so the question is called a taxing
request well we'll get some commercial engineering manuals my bad that'll help
us a little bit so I had 250 crystals as well
not bad so Gil Master giver surprised yet glad for your unexpected visit so
well if isn't my favorite level worker I was certain you'd be too busy selling to
lords and ladies and it's guard to have a convict but you've come at a good time
I have need of a woman with your talents we recently received a rather unusual
request for a level worker I wouldn't dare entrust it to the others
and I'm much too busy if you've tried to come and visit then I'm sure you can fit
this into your schedule head down to the shaded bowler and have a talk with art
alone tell her I sent you as you'll explain everything cool so let's do that
now we're ladies now originally to be
perfectly honest this girl was mean you know they like she was one of those
tough love sort of guild masters you know so when he's buying the quest as a
level worker is just horrible she doesn't really encourage you she
just expects you to fail and you can see here I'm still promising on nicely gang
they're nearly all level 61 already so what I was worried about is by basically
being so far ahead that I don't have a million quest to do so let me just get
them done so if we metaphor level workers guild oh yes give us told me
about you a darling protege who gained some small bit of fame for services
rendered here in gridania inish god so well your honors and accolades mean
naught to EOG as premier naturalist at a loon henceforth I and I alone shall be
the judge of your work you should be happy proud even to assist
me with my noble work there's not often one has the opportunity to serve as my
lady and well my duty dutiful apprentice okay
I'm assuming is this like the level 70 level work again I'll be interesting so
daunted by my celebrity I see worry not under my careful guidance your skills
will be put to good use this I can assure you until now I have
been collaborating with my first assistant marcet to write articles for
the New Jersey idea graphic though I would love to continue with my writing a
duty of much greater importance as drawing my attention in my research of
the calamity effects on the environment it has come clear that the abnormal rate
at which the realm is changing far after its the pace of animal adaption indeed
sorry one second indeed I fear certain species now face extinction and what
manner of naturalist would I be if I did not do all in my power to save them alas
time is not on our side which is why in the event I am NOT able to save these
humble creatures I would preserve them through taxi der
me that future generations may still gaze upon their splendor that is why I
conferred with guild master giver and why you now stand before me if you
believe itself capable of the task at hand I shall make you my seventy second
assistant what say you okay so hmm confidence good in time I
will know if there is any talent to match in any case your contributions
will not go unrecognized you shall be duly credited in my next publication of
new your Z and geographic as
etc low so now your first task shall be a simple one speak with the research
assistant 71 they own at the car line canopy well what are you waiting for
okay so imma she's gonna be like the new pain in the asses that she let's just
teleport save ourselves a few seconds of running maybe she doesn't realize how
famous I am when it comes to crafting I'm probably one of the very few people
in the game at this point who is actually doing this quest and all the
other craft the quest is actually my goal to be 70 everything in song blood
literally 70 everything and when you hit 70 of each rank so war magic handle and
you become god or goddess as long as you miss we will be goddess so it is my
intention to be goddess of everything here's Jordan and is worth doing all the
classic West because they are really really interesting even for crafters and
gatherers oh I you the level worker miss at saloon
core I mean hired to help with the mounting
dollars who were being scammed let's be honest you volunteered I mean working
under her is an unpleasant mind you it's just well Who am I kidding she calls us
assistants but I know the truth we're just a bunch of servants to her
my name is beyond by the way number 71 the taxidermist
she calls me to be honest it's just a hobby but she won't listen she never
listens it's sad when animals die you know but when I mount them it's like
they never really left so I practice every chance I get to make
the best mounts I can't I'm no good at preparing skins though they're always so
unsightly and mish shapen when I finished working with an honest-to-god
level worker like yourself how about they look so real folks will swear
they're still breathing yep
so I should probably be heading back or else I'll upset Miss Italian again
anyway it was nice meeting you
epic okay so I've a feeling we're gonna have to make a lever at some point so
let's go back to where we were before I guess I'll have to just one at this time
so as I say it's worth doing all of these quests all of them because they
are interesting is I've never seen a game where crafting and gathering has
got class job quests with story so which is really good usually crafting and
gathering in games is just an additional skill that you want Locke and just do
whatever you like but these have story so these are worth leveling just like
the other ones to make money to repay your on gear and so on okay let's talk
to her so there you are honestly did you get lost on the way back here my time is
quite precious you know so I suppose it is important for peers to establish
amicable relations I forgive you this time I'm tempted almost to make a voice
for now that we have dealt with formalities our team is assembled the
fledgling young taxidermist who knows nor of level working and the level
workers who likewise knows nor of taxidermy two halves that shall make a
lovely hole under my sage guidance the two of you shall make displays unlike
anything the realm has ever seen I think so yes lifelike displays that will
preserve the beauty of the realms blessed creatures now and forevermore
but future generations will look upon your mountain and mV the age when these
animals proudly walk the earth but first I must repair collecting animals for
mounting finding an ideal venue there is much to be done I thought you will make
good use of this time to hone your skills
so the next level worker price will be available from at Elune upon reaching
level 63 the requirements would undertaking subsequent quests can be
reviewed in your journal fair enough so as we said level 63 so anyway guys
that's it for this episode thank you for watching and as always good bye from me
and good bye from me free bye guys
La science affirme que ce type de femmes rend les hommes plus heureux - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
COMMENT LES AIDER À SE CONCENTRER : MUSCLER SA CORDE DE CONCENTRATION | en 4 minutes par semaine - Duration: 16:58.-------------------------------------------
41岁"大S"惊传癫痫复发!突然昏倒紧急送医病况不明!曾发作三次,妈妈出面哀伤证实! - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
【映画紹介】ドッキリの判別がつかない!スケア・キャンペーン。 - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Discours d'Emmanuel Macron lors de l'hommage national à Arnaud Beltrame - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
BMW X5 3.0 D High Executive Aut. | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Smighties | Easter Egg Surprise Smash | Cartoons For Kids |Children's Animation Videos - Duration: 7:13.Smighties | Easter Egg Surprise Smash | Cartoons For Kids |Children's Animation Videos
Are you ready for the Easter Eggstravaganza
Are you ready to work
Already hid two!
Okay, Smighties...on your mark...get set...
Uh, aren't we supposed to hide the eggs -- not Smighties?
Smighties gone and more eggs than before
Could it be
Half of those eggs have Smighties.
Wait'll you see what's in the other half!
You have 30 minutes to free your friends
... or those eggs seal forever!
But you have a choice
Save the Smighties, or stop me from getting the Smighty Stones.
Biggs! The device!
It has every dance step ever in the world.
Follow the steps and, sooner or later, we'll unlock the portals and get us some stones!
Those GOOGS are seriously sticky.
Break the eggs in teams of two. GO!!!
Faster, Biggs! We only have twenty minutes!
Way to rock, Melody!
And Magic Region's in "gloom!"
I have the Air Stone! Dance, Biggs!
Blast and catch!
Forcefield up!
Our powers are gone!
Uh-oh. You know what that means.
Bro... Sneevil got the Light Stone!
How am I going to know which egg is which!?
The Super Six will never stop us before we get all the stones!
Yeah, they'll never figure out my code.
What code
I can't think!
Hey, I've got it, Nard-bro! Stripes have Smighties, spots have GOOG!
Thank you!
Of course! It's so simple I couldn't think of it because I was... uh...
yeah, that's the word we have to
Tell the other Smighties?
Yeah, what you said.
That's the last of the striped eggs!
Are you sure these are Smighties?
Your new resident genius figured it all out!
Now let's give these a Smighty SMASH!
Now we have to
...stop evil Sneevil before he gets all the stones!
What Dude said.
All is forgiven, Biggs! Grab the stones before ...
Let's get out of here
I've got my brain back!!!
But we lost Sneevil!
Not yet we haven't!
Get us out of here, Biggs!
Without further delay, we present the Smeaster Egg-stravaganza! Let the Egg Hunt begin!"
Mary Had A Little Lamb | Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:18.Hello kids!
Let's take a look at Mary and her Lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went, Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go
It followed her to school one day
School one day, school one day
It followed her to school one day
Which was against the rules
It made the children laugh and play
Laugh and play, laugh and play
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school
And so the teacher turned it out
Turned it out, turned it out
And so the teacher turned it out
But still it lingered near
And hop and hop did all about
He did all about, he did about
And hop and hop did all about
Til Mary did appear
Why does the lamb love mary so?
love mary so, love mary so
Why does the lamb love mary so?
The eager children cried!
Why mary loves the lamb you know!
The lamb you know, lamb you know
Why mary loves the lamb you know!
The teacher did reply.
7 choses que les femmes font quand elles trompent leur partenaire - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140PK OnLine Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.000,- korting - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Cette femme reçoit la surprise de sa vie quand elle enlève le vêtement de son bébé - Duration: 5:44.-------------------------------------------
HELP - A channel steals my work! - Duration: 4:10.Hi Tabbies, i'ts Kogenta !
Today I make an important video, which is not related to cosplay...
Which concerns another of my activities which is the 3D.
And I calll to you because I really, really, really, need help.
I have a problem with another youtube channel,
who, let's say it, steals my work.
And doesn't respect the terms of use of these 3D models.
For those who do not know what I'm doing, I show you :
I started my channel by modeling stages for MMD,
Mainly the stages of the show "The Voice",
There are : The Blinds Auditions,
Tha Battles,
There are too...
"Lives Shows"
And I made several versions of these stages:
For example, the red version,
Blue, prink, briefly, several colors
and it turns out that ...
this channel...
uses models that I created...
he has a lot of subscribers and he has a lot of views...
But it doesn't credit my work at any time !
So I show you for example, I go on one of his videos ...
The first thing he starts to do is to ask you to subrcibe at his channel...
so then there is the video as you can see...
These are my stages that are in,
Of course.
and when you go to see in the end ...
he's advertising for him ...
and at no point is my work credited.
whether in the video or the description ...
I am not mentioned anywhere.
so this channel makes the audience on MY work,
And that, without crediting me, and that's just inadmissible !
And I can give you proof of what I say :
You see, I posted the stages video demo there long before.
In addition to that ...
I have all the source files to prove it.
You can see it and I don't hide it, I did everything on Google Sketchup
So I have all the source files...
And I even have all the steps of build ....
I have all the thumbnails I posted on my DeviantArt ...
I have the files, I have all that.
And there is also another problem with this channel ...
It's that, I sent him messages to ask him to credit me ...
And on all his social networks ...
He blocked me. You can see I've been blocked everywhere.
He blocked me and he refuses to credit my work.
So today what I ask you to help me ...
It's to go on his chainnel ...
And to report all of his videos.
I ask you to go to report all of his videos o his channel...
I already made a request to Youtube for that ...
I have no news ...
I made reminders but I have no news...
So that's what I'm asking you too is going to all the accounts of this user...
and to report all his videos so that justice can be done.
I thank you tabbies, I really hope I can count on your support...
because it means a lot to me.
We do not use other people's work, without the credit them...
This is inappropriate.
it's just called: From theft.
so please report this user, this channel,
I give you again the link of the channel.
You can also go on social networks, even send him messages...
But here it is, I really, really need your support
I thank you in advance...
and I'll tell you soon for new cosplay videos ...
certainly on Miraculous
Bye, bye Tabbies, thanks so much !
Laeticia Hallyday « a tout manigancé » selon Ici Paris - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz Citan 108 CDI BLUE EFFICIENCY Economy Airco - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
가상화폐 전망을 알아보자 [coin] - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Cette créature mi-homme mi-agneau crée la panique dans un village - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
Boisson à l'artichaut et au pamplemousse pour mincir - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
Quel est le secret pour brûler des graisses de la bonne manière ? - Duration: 7:42.-------------------------------------------
Book Review The Willful Kind Writer Wednesday) - Duration: 10:47.Today I'm doing a book review of my friend Melissa's book the willful kind
Hey howdy a trainwreck. How are you today?
I am the glorious train wreck mom this is your first time here welcome aboard train wreck glad to have you here
It's writer Wednesday, and I've got friends
Who are writers, and they have books out so I review their books because I like my friends
And I want them to sell lots of books so that they can live and be happy and all that fun stuff so
Read my friend Melissa Waldo's book the willful current
this is a project that she had started in college and
It just was one of those things NaNoWriMo was coming around and I was like come on publish book get a book
Yeah, I know you got a book in you and I urged her and poked and prodded her and pretty much
Strong-armed her into finishing this and and publishing it so yay for a dear friends, right?
I'll give you a little bit of a background on the book
And I'll give you a little bit of background on Melissa because she's pretty amazing chick when he gets to know her she's super quiet
But she's amazing so okay
So we have Elsa is a spirited college freshman trying to make sense of adulthood while dating a college professor
Her need to feel free and childish causes problems in her relationships with her boyfriend best friend and parents
She meets a new professor Phillip, white and then everything starts to change he doesn't hide their relationship
He doesn't fight with her is this real love can Phillip break through else's stubbornness that all being said
It was really hard for me to not
imagine Melissa in this role of Elsa because
Melissa severac like I said very quiet very reserved
Fairly guarded person, and I totally respect that she once you get through that though. She is super amazing
Intelligent caring she was my son's preschool teacher and honestly
it's one of the few regrets that I have of quitting my job and having to take him out of the daycare as well because
He no longer gets to have her as an amazing human being as a teacher
And I never I don't get to talk to her nearly as much as I used to and I miss her so much that
being said let's talk about Elsa and
the the
Train wreck that she is because in all honesty. This child is a 20 year old train wreck I
saw a lot of Daria if you're a 90s Brett and
You remember Daria very much like if you could figure Daria in
This is this is Elsa very snarky very sarcastic very cool very aloof very like
Whatever feelings okay? Yeah sure whatevs and
Yet, you know
There's something else there
and I think she gets herself trapped in a relationship where she thinks she has to be committed and
Yet, she really doesn't have to be so
It's kind of interesting seeing this dichotomy of I want to be a kid. I want to be in kroner
I want to be a kid. I want to be in kroner. I want commitment. I don't want commitment. I don't want marriage
I want a baby. Yeah, all this stuff going on and in her time of this. She's still living at home
Which yeah apparently that's a thing that doesn't happen work around here. I didn't move out of my mom's house till I was 22
Yeah, yeah 22 21 22, so you know?
But she's still living it, and she's having this relationship with this older guy and her parents are okay with it
And I'm just thinking there ain't no way I would have been able to bring a dude home
There was 16 years older than me under my mom's roof and have her a proof of anything
Never would have happened. Never would have happened okay
Now her best friend
Her best friend good lord that job. She's both
She's pretty much Sundance Kid two else's Butch Cassidy. They go everywhere together. They do everything together
Even when Elsa is out on dates wherever
Elsa goes Raya goes to and I mean these two peas in a pod Elsa and Ryan's relationship
unfortunately, you know what's gonna have to change because
They've been through so much already middle school and high school
It's a miracle that they're still friends college is gonna change them College is gonna
Have its ups and downs on their relationship and guys are gonna have an ups and down on their relationship as well
You know it's not always gonna be the dynamic duo. It's not always gonna be a terrific threesome
What I just think eventually
The relationship is going to change
Because it's inevitable
Yeah as Elsa's
Exploring her options riah's eventually going to do the same thing so you're not always going to have the dynamic duo
let alone the the
Terrific trio of
You know Riya Elsa and whoever which one of them is dating and it seems to be a theme that goes on is that?
Maybe they're both a little insecure
I'd need each other for that support enough you want to find out you should read the book the other
Player in this is the professor boyfriend who is 16 years of
Elsa's senior Heather
Thurman, what's she doing? I'm
Like seriously could you not find?
Anyone your own age that?
Dude, she's a student
Okay, and the other thing is it's not fair of Thurman to put so much on
Elsa she's 20 she's just learning to live her life and
Thurman's over here like he wants total commitment. He wants marriage and all this she doesn't like marriage
She just wants a baby come on man seriously
You don't need marriage for a baby most people don't even need love for a baby have you seen the world?
But here they are in this weird
Relationship where he barely acknowledges her barely talks to her they don't do anything
They don't go on dates because he's so paranoid about his job and his profession and that someone might see them out in public
Holy Wow, but that winds up being his undoing
You'll see you'll see you got to read the book guys seriously. There's this other character Philip white he's another professor and
He falls for Elsa pretty darn quick like
creepily quick and
I get where Elsa's craving
Crazy, and he's a little bit closer to her age. He's only like six years older than her but
He falls pretty hard for this person who pretty much treats him like crap
She's fairly mean to him. She's
Really like I said. She's very casual about the whole thing
So it's really odd to try to figure out where her relationship
where her feelings are for him until
About the end of the book which I'm not gonna tell you anything okay?
You're gonna have to read the book and I got it as you can tell I got my copy on
Amazon in eBook it is available in both eBook and paperback
I firmly suggest get this book. It's about 200 pages
estimated reading times about 4 hours
I mean seriously if you've got a weekend sit your butt down and read a book
It's a good way to go so check out my friend book. I really do it did enjoy it
She is an amazing author her dialogue was spot-on it was really easy to read
Dynamically with the characters these really did feel like real people that I know
Because I do know people who are ready to rush into
Relationships, I do know people who are like hey
Yeah, I'm gonna go over here. You know and chicks are like that, too
It's not just a guy thing okay. Sometimes chicks are just like
Thanks. I just kind of want to do my thing Thanks
Okay, so I definitely suggest checking out the willful kind by Melissa Waldo like I said it is on Amazon
Melissa also has another book called curried
Okay, and Caribe is poems about her long distance relationship with her now fiance honeyed who?
Hopefully everything goes well, and he should be here soon so excited to meet him Melissa
I'm so excited to meet him, and I can't wait to go to your wedding. I'm really really excited, but check out Caribe
poems about long-distance
Love you can check out my books all your fault and platitudes of gratitude
also in eBook and paperback on Amazon available
This is your first time here welcome aboard trainwreck glad to have you here go ahead and hit that subscribe button
So that you get to see all the trainwreck goodness on a regular basis, and I really want you to
My Bell so you can see all the children goodness and a couple good book reviews you can catch me on social media, I'm on
Facebook and Instagram as the glorious trainwreck mom you can catch me at twitter at witchy with two E's
1014 you can now catch me on
WordPress at
The glorious trainwreck mom don't forget the date
That's all I got for today trainwreck so all aboard
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