Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 28 2018

Zico Exposes P.O's Love For Sandara Park

On the September 1 episode of MBCs Insolent Housemates, Block Bs P. O and Sandara Park met Zico at an EDM festival. O shyly introduced Sandara Park to Zico, saying, This is Sandara, who Im living with right now.

Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

Zico then exposed P.O by saying, P.O loved Sandara Park. He even wore socks that had cartoon drawings of her. Zico looked smug as he watched P.O become clearly embarrassed, to which Sandara Park said, I am close to P.O now..

For more infomation >> Zico Exposes P.O's Love For Sandara Park - Duration: 0:35.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 500 Plug-In Hybrid Lang - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 500 Plug-In Hybrid Lang - Duration: 0:54.


汪小菲回應大S病情,網友:大S真是嫁對人了 - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 汪小菲回應大S病情,網友:大S真是嫁對人了 - Duration: 1:37.


Mueren dos bomberos con horas de diferencia por la "enfermedad del 11-S". - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Mueren dos bomberos con horas de diferencia por la "enfermedad del 11-S". - Duration: 4:02.


Why Are You Following Me? - Duration: 1:47.

Hey man.

Sorry to bother you.

It´s just that I´m thinking of buying one.

Can you recommend a specific model or...?

Well, this is a Panasonic Lumix with a Canon lens.


How much?

The prices vary.

But they´re really expensive, aren´t they?


Do you think I can find a used one too?

Yes. It´s possible.

Yeah, of course. And you can find one in good condition.

Cool. Thanks man.

Yeah, no problem.

Peace bro.

For more infomation >> Why Are You Following Me? - Duration: 1:47.


Sampling Methods and Bias with Surveys: Crash Course Statistics #10 - Duration: 11:46.

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.

In our last episode we talked about how we use experiments to imitate having two parallel

universes to test things.

But sometimes you can't do certain experiments without becoming an all-powerful and evil

dictator, and since it's statistically unlikely that any of you are evil dictators, today,

we'll explore those methods.

Like we mentioned at the beginning of the series, you're not always able to answer

the questions you really want to answer using statistics.

For example, it would be great to experimentally test whether getting married increases your

lifespan, but you can't randomly assign some people to be married and force another

group to be single.

Not only would that be difficult to enforce, it would also be pretty unethical, though

I suppose you being evil takes care of that particular concern.

Similarly we can't assign someone to be a twin, or a Democrat, or a smoker.

But that doesn't mean we should just give up and stop trying to find out more about

these topics.

Not at all.

Instead we just need a different method to collect data.

Enter Non-Experimental methods.


One of the most common non-experimental method is the survey.

From user experience surveys on websites, to political polls, to health questionnaires

at the doctor's office, you've probably taken hundreds of surveys in your lifetime.

There are two things that can make or break a survey: the questions, and who the researcher

gives the questions to.

The goal of a survey is to get specific information.

Say you're walking your dog in a local park, and someone approaches you and asks you to

take a survey on local businesses in your town.

When you look at the questions you notice that none of them are about local businesses,

instead you find yourself answering questions about your politics and religious beliefs.

Unless the surveyor was lying to you about their purposes, this is not a very good survey….It's

also not a very good lie A survey should measure what it claims to


It might seem obvious that having only unrelated questions on your survey is problematic, and

there are even more subtle ways a question can be biased.

Let's take a look at a few questions from a health survey you might take at a doctor's office.

The first question asks you how often you exercise: never, less than 30 minutes a week

or 30 minutes a day.

So what do you answer if you exercise for half an hour twice a week?

Or if you're on swim team and exercise for at least an hour a day?

And does walking count as exercise?

Multiple choice questions that don't offer all possible options and/or an "Other"

option can cause respondents to either skip the question, or feel forced to choose an

answer that isn't accurate.

Claims made using these questions aren't as strong as they could be if people were

offered a full range of choices.

The next question asks you "Answer yes or no: I don't smoke because I know it's

damaging to my health" this is a leading question since the wording leads to towards

the quote "desired" answer.

This is especially effective when a question deals with sensitive issues like smoking,

politics, or religion.

People answering the questions want to be seen in a positive light, and so they tend

to give the answer they think is "appropriate".

While having people fill surveys out anonymously by themselves can help, it can sometimes be

the case that respondents don't want to admit things--even to themselves--that are

socially undesirable.

In general terms, good survey questions are worded in a neutral way such as asking "how

often do you exercise" or "describe your smoking habits" instead of using wording

or options that push survey takers in a certain direction.

And while your doctor wouldn't...or shouldn' this...sometimes groups purposely use biased

questions in their surveys to get the results that they want.

Apparently, back in 1972, Virginia Slims conducted a poll asking respondents if they would agree

with the statement: "There won't be a woman President of the United States for a

long time and that's probably just as well."

Not a well-written question.

Biased questions can be more subtle...and can lead to skewed reports of very serious

things like sexual assault, or mental health conditions.

It's important to always look for biased questions in surveys, especially when the

people giving the survey stand to benefit from a certain response.

Even when researchers have created a non-biased survey, they still need to get it into the

right hands.

Ideally, a survey should go to a random sample of the population that they're interested


Usually this means using a random number generator to pick who gets the survey.

We do Simple Random Sampling so that there's no pattern or system for selecting respondents

and each respondent has an equal chance of being selected.

For example, telephone surveys often use Random Digit Dialing which selects 7 random digits

and dials them.

When someone picks up, they're asked to take a survey.

But here's where we hit our first issue.

If people aren't forced to respond to the survey, we might experience something called

Non-Response Bias in which the people who are most likely to complete a survey are systematically

different from those who don't.

For example, people with non-traditional working schedules like retirees, stay at home parents,

or people who work from home might be more likely to answer a middle-of-the-day phone


This is a huge problem if those groups are different than the population as a whole.

If your survey was on health insurance plans, or political opinions, it's likely that

these three groups would have different opinions than the population, but they represent the

majority of survey responses, which means your data won't represent the total population

very well.

This is also related to Voluntary Response Bias in which people who choose to respond

to voluntary surveys they see on Facebook...or Twitter... are people who again, are different

than the broad population.

This is especially true with things like customer service surveys.

People who respond tend to have either very positive or very negative opinions.

See the comment section below.

The majority of customers with an average experience tend not to respond because service

wasn't noteworthy.


Does that mean I'm not noteworthy?

Another source of bias is just plain underrepresentation.

If a group of interest is a minority in the population, random sampling paired with response

biases might mean that that minority isn't represented at all in the sample.

Let's say there is a city where 5% of the population is single mothers, it's entirely possible

that the sample will contain no single moms.

To overcome these issues, we have a couple options.

We could weight people's responses so that they match the population (like, counting

the few single mothers who do respond multiple times so that they count for 5% of the total sample).

But, this can be problematic for the same reasons that response bias is problematic.

If the few single mothers who respond don't represent all single mothers, our data is

still biased.

In a 2016 LA Times/USC political tracking poll, a 19-year-old black man was one of 3,000

panelists who was interviewed week after week about the upcoming presidential election.

Because he was a member of more than one group that was underrepresented in this poll, his

response was weighted 30x more than the average respondent.

According to the New York Times, his survey boost his candidate's margins by an entire

percentage point.

Stratified Random Sampling is another option.

It splits the population into groups of interest and randomly selects people from each of the

"stratas" so that each group in the overall sample is represented appropriately.

Researchers have used stratified sampling to study differences in the way same-sex and

different-sex couples parent their kids.

They randomly select people from the same-sex parenting group and... randomly select people

from a different-sex group of parents to make sure that they're well represented in the


Another issue is that getting surveys to people can be expensive.

If a cereal company wants to see how families react to their new cereal, it would be costly

to send some cereal to a random sample of all families in the country.

Instead they use Cluster Sampling which create clusters (not Honey Nut Clusters) that are naturally occuring (like

schools, or cities) and randomly select a few clusters to survey instead of randomly

selecting individuals.

For this to work, clusters cannot be systematically different than the population as a whole and

and they should about equally represent all groups.

Issues can also arise when the population being surveyed is very small or difficult

to reach, like children with rare genetic disorders, or people addicted to certain drugs.

In this case, surveyors may choose to not use randomness at all, and instead use Snowball Sampling.

That's when current respondents are asked to help recruit people they know from the

population of interest... since people tend to know others in their communities and can

help researchers get more responses.

And note that these sampling techniques can and are used in experiments as well as surveys.

There are also non-experimental data collection methods like a Census.

A Census is a survey that samples an ENTIRE population.

The United States conducts a Census every 10 years, with the next one scheduled to be

done in 2020.

It attempts to collect data from every.single.resident of the United States (even undocumented residents,

and homeless residents).

As you can imagine, this is hard, and it is not without error.

In Medieval Europe, William the I of England conducted a census in order to properly tax

the people he had conquered.

In fact a lot of rulers tended to use censuses to know just how much money they should be


Until the widespread availability of computers, the US census data took almost 10 years to

collect and analyze.

Meaning that the data from the last census wasn't even available until right before

the next census.

The length of time it took to complete the census is part of the reason we even have

computers...check out our CompSci series for more on that.

So why collect census data--instead of just sampling the population?

In the US--the Census could cost more than 15 Billion dollars in 2020.

There are a lot of reasons.

The constitution says we have to, but also the census provides the truest measure of

the population we can get.

It minimizes sampling error.

It also functions as a benchmark for future studies.

And a census can give researchers really specific information about small groups of the population--information

that might be hard to gather with regular sampling methods.

Doing statistics on Census data is different, because most statistical inference aims to

take a small sample and use it to make guesses about that population.

But with a census we already have data from the entire population, we don't need to

guess if there are differences, we can just see them.

Analysis on Census data is usually more concerned with whether differences we see are large

enough to make a difference in everyday life, rather than guessing IF there is a relationship.

The census as we said can take years.

And entire countries to fund.

That doesn't discount the value of sampling.

But we should be cautious...Badly worded polls, fake polls, and biased polls are common.

So are the results of those polls.

The statistics-friendly website FiveThirtyEight put together a great list of advice on how

not-to-fall for a fake poll.

Among its advice--Ask yourself if it seems professional.

Check to see who conducted the poll--and if you trust them.

See how the poll was conducted.

Check out the questions they asked...and who they asked.

If it seems fishy.

It probably is fishy.

That said, well done surveys are essential.

They allow us to get information without all the trouble of doing an experiment, and since

they're comparatively easy, they're popular ways for businesses, countries, and even Youtube

channels to collect information.

In fact Crash Course Statistics has its own survey! The Link is in the description.

And it takes way less time than the Nerdfighteria one. I promise.

Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Sampling Methods and Bias with Surveys: Crash Course Statistics #10 - Duration: 11:46.


Lake Washington Teaching: Nadia Miranda - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Lake Washington Teaching: Nadia Miranda - Duration: 1:53.


11 Signes que votre foie ne fonctionne pas bien et que les toxines s'accumulent dans votre corps - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 11 Signes que votre foie ne fonctionne pas bien et que les toxines s'accumulent dans votre corps - Duration: 7:01.


Choosing a suitcase - Tip Thursday 08 | Beginner Tip | How to travel better - Duration: 5:08.

Hey hey! I'm Conor Clyne, the Language Tsar and welcome back to another Tip

Thursday where I'm gonna be giving you a very basic tip with respect to what type of

suitcase you should consider bringing on your next travel adventure.

So what should you consider when you're thinking about going on your next trip

in terms of a suitcase or maybe you actually think you're purchasing a new

one what are the considerations you should have in mind? Now for me, the first

thing to start with is the size yeah that sounds very self-explanatory but

I'm thinking more in terms of when you have to get on an aeroplane of course

and we all know that there are hand luggage restrictions so you have to

basically go for his biggest size that you can get on of course. All those

dimensions are regulated by the airlines themselves so that can change

between airline and airline. Now I'm a guy who travels with a lot of stuff. I'm

not a light packer. That's in part because I have this vlog, this YouTube

channel so I need to travel with my camera equipment so I always need to

check in luggage when I'm gonna take an airplane. It's not possible for me normally

to travel with just carry-on. Things I look for in a suitcase are the following: the

first thing I look at is what material is it made of. Is it gonna be light?

Because that's essential. Now you gotta think there's also gonna be a weight

restriction on that check-in luggage after what you're gonna have to pay an

excess weight charge and they can run into a lot of money. They can very quickly

15 euros maybe or that's like over $15 US per kilo so you got to make

sure that when you get the suitcase to start with when it's empty that it

weighs as little as possible. That way you can fit as much stuff in without

being over that a weight restriction. That all sounds pretty obvious but weigh

the actually suitcase before you leave so then you see if you're actually over

the weight limit before you get there sometimes I even go over to a check-in

desk that's actually free and if the weighing scale is already turned on then

I will weigh it and then you know start taking stuff in and out and move it to

my carry-on if necessary so make sure that I'm you know right on that weight

restriction whatever it is. Now the next thing to consider is not just the the

way but and the material is made up but in terms of is it hard

I recommend a hard case just keeps everything more protected. I mean if you

have a soft fabric as the cover then there's always a risk that it gets torn

and it gets damaged. The stuff, your belongings, in the suitcase they

also get damaged when you're traveling who wants that? Don't risk it, a hard case

is always better. The third thing I'm going to give you as

a tip to consider when you are purchasing or gonna be packing your

suitcase next time, selecting that suitcase is does it have wheels? I mean that

sounds again pretty basic but of course you can have a backpack which traditionally

you just like throw over on your back and it doesn't have wheels at all. It's just

for when that ... I guess makes a lot of sense if you're going to go up into the

mountains or so where there's no flat surface then that would be a very

practical bag to be bringing but otherwise you should have four wheels

not two four wheels and make sure that they swivel that is going to give you

the maximum amount of ability to turn the suitcase with a minimum amount of

energy and exerted when you're traveling of course the downside to that if there

are cobblestones it's pain pulling that suitcase along them because the surface

is now flat enough. Of course if you have to go off terrain maybe there's just

somewhere where you have to keep lifting it and carrying it because it's not flat

something like grass then it's gonna be harder to move but if you're ... when those

people are saying but Conor I just love the idea of having a backpack it's more

this kind of image of being the adventurer, the traveler but my you know

backpack on my back, all my belongings, my house there no that's not a good idea!

You're kind of living in that cliched image because especially in the summer

when it's hot you might be on public transport and you're gonna carry all the

weight on your back it's gonna get really really uncomfortable in my

experience. I actually did that when I first started traveling I used to have a

backpack and I remember being in Italy for example on public transport and there's

no air conditioning. It's 35 degrees Celsius outside and you've got 20 kgs on

your back and when it could be just on the ground beside you and then not

really take much energy or not make you perspire as much so I would say

backpacks forget them unless you're actually gonna go off terrain like oh go

up into the mountains or somewhere where it's really there's no flat surface then

it makes sense to me.

So this is Viginia, the girl who always fixes my suitcase.

So good job. Thanks! We will see each other after the summer.

For more infomation >> Choosing a suitcase - Tip Thursday 08 | Beginner Tip | How to travel better - Duration: 5:08.


Pourquoi Tiphaine Auzière, la fille de Brigitte Macron, agace à droite - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Tiphaine Auzière, la fille de Brigitte Macron, agace à droite - Duration: 3:36.


communication non violente et équitation - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> communication non violente et équitation - Duration: 7:04.


41歲「大S」驚傳癲癇復發!突然昏倒緊急送醫病況不明!曾發作三次,媽媽出面哀傷證實! - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 41歲「大S」驚傳癲癇復發!突然昏倒緊急送醫病況不明!曾發作三次,媽媽出面哀傷證實! - Duration: 3:29.


Bhupe's Special | Like app fun 2 | student of the year dialogue | By Bhupe - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Bhupe's Special | Like app fun 2 | student of the year dialogue | By Bhupe - Duration: 0:49.



When Mercedes showed off the refreshed C 300 earlier this year, we knew it was only a matter

of time before the AMG versions also got an update.

The C 43 showed up first, gaining an additional 23 hp and an improved aero kit.

Now, with the New York auto show in full swing, it's the C 63's turn.As far as design

changes go, the C 63 gets a new grille and a reworked bumper with new air intakes.

Out back, there's a new quad exhaust and diffuser, while the shape of the rear bumper

has been changed to improve airflow.

For an even sportier look, you can also now add an aerodynamics package to the C 63 coupe.Inside,

Mercedes offers a few new leather and trim options, as well as the option to add ventilation

to its AMG sports seats.

More importantly, the C 63 gets a wider 12.3-inch infotainment system and a new AMG steering

wheel with Mercedes' ultra-cool Touch Control Buttons.Unlike the rest of the 2019 C-Class

lineup, the updated C 63 doesn't get any additional power.

Still, there's a chance both the C 63 and C 63 S will be slightly quicker thanks to

a new nine-speed wet-clutch transmission.

Not only does the nine-speed get two more gears than the outgoing unit, Mercedes says

it's smoother and shifts quicker.

Hopefully, that applies in all situations, not just at wide-open throttle as we observed

in the 2017 model.

AMG says it also recalibrated the C 63's driving modes to further improve the driving

experience.Pricing won't be available until closer to the updated C 63's early-2019

on-sale date.

For more infomation >> THE 2019 MERCEDES AMG C 63 GETS A NEW QUICKER SHIFTING TRANSMISSION - Duration: 2:16.


LEGO® Ninjago® Ride Ninja ...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago® Ride Ninja ...


Les offres d'emploi chez Sanimax - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Les offres d'emploi chez Sanimax - Duration: 0:57.


What Do You Know About Vitamin D? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


- Well, well, the sun, but you can get it from the sun.

- Well I feel like solar powered,

like I get it from the sun.

- I've also heard that it helps with your mood.

- You know, like, I don't know.

I would want to say maybe, no that's maybe E for burns.

- Honestly, where it comes from, where it originates from,

no, of course I have no idea, like let's be honest.

For more infomation >> What Do You Know About Vitamin D? | Learn More With Fullscript - Duration: 0:30.


Il cielo d'Italia piange Fabrizio Frizzi: lacrime e dolori per l'ultimo addio - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Il cielo d'Italia piange Fabrizio Frizzi: lacrime e dolori per l'ultimo addio - Duration: 7:05.



For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE PANORAMADAK - Duration: 1:00.


Volvo S60 2.4D Drivers Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 2.4D Drivers Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Effects of parent expectation & involvement on postschool outcomes for individuals who are D/HH - Duration: 4:23.

[light instrumental music]

- Hello, I'm Paige.

I'm part of the research team with pepnet 2.

I'm also working on my doctorate at the University of Texas

at Austin.

When I was growing up, my parents were quite involved

with my education and had high expectations of me.

I credit them for where I am today.

My experience aligns with what my research team found

and published.

This research study discusses how parent involvement

and the expectations impact post-secondary outcomes

for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

The literature demonstrates that parent involvement

and positive expectations play an important role.

Do those findings also apply to the population of individuals

who are deaf and hard of hearing?

Currently, there is insufficient research to confirm that.

We used NLTS2, which is a federal dataset

with data from over 1,000 students

who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Data was collected from those students over time

starting at age 13 to 16

to 23 to 27 years old.

Our sample consisted of 650 participants.

Our analysis explored how parent involvement

and parent expectations impact the future outcomes

of deaf students.

First, parent expectation is defined as parents believing

that their child would go to college,

obtain employment, and live independently.

We measured successful outcomes in three domains:

education, employment,

and overall quality of life.

We found that parent involvement did not have

a significant relationship with the child's future outcomes.

In terms of parent expectations,

we found that it does play a significant role

in predicting future achievement.

This finding held true across socioeconomic status,

ethnicity, gender, additional disabilities,

and academic achievement.

Parent expectations not only predict

that students will attend college,

but also complete college,

successfully gain employment, and live independently.

Now, what is it we should keep in mind?

Parent involvement in school-related activities

may not be sufficient.

Talking about school, helping with homework,

attending IEP meetings and parent-teacher conferences

may not be enough.

Overall involvement in other aspects of life are needed.

For example, conversations around the dinner table

may be important.

It is clear that parent expectations

are a crucial factor.

Our research team has also explored other factors,

including social skills, literacy skills,

and self-determination,

yet parent expectations are one of the most important predictors

for future achievement.

Now, how do we create conditions for high expectations?

Parents' expectations are not set in stone.

Expectations can change.

Teachers and community members,

all of us can take responsibility

for raising expectations for our youth.

Finally, what does high and positive expectations look like?

Providing opportunities, supporting youth,

expecting them to be independent.

In sum, we can expect more from the youth.

Thank you for joining us today.

[light instrumental music]

For more infomation >> Effects of parent expectation & involvement on postschool outcomes for individuals who are D/HH - Duration: 4:23.


Northern Journey 山本海太郎 - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Northern Journey 山本海太郎 - Duration: 5:21.


You Are The Reason - Calum Scott | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:37.












































For more infomation >> You Are The Reason - Calum Scott | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 3:37.


Art Chalenge: Transforming Merida from Brave - Duration: 1:51.

Hello everyone, MS AG here and welcome to another one of my art challenge videos

So I was challenged by TheLynata to take a cartoonish character like Merida from Brave

And edit her into more normal-looking proportions

I started with a speed painting of her in her normal style

Which you can see coming together on the screen right now

Painting in this style was a challenge in and of itself to me

But I did use a reference to make sure it was close enough to her look

And I ended up with something like this

So then came the edits to my digital painting

Trying to reshape her face, change the proportions of her facial features

Give her an actual neck

Things like that

And in general just make her look a little bit more human

And I ended up with something like this

And here is the final comparison side-by-side

What do you think?

Does she look a little more human?

Thank you to TheLynata

I had a lot of fun with this challenge

If I did it again

I would probably keep the reference up of Merida in her Pixar style as I was modifying her

just because I ended up altering her

In ways that I think could have been a little bit more closer to her original look

But either way it was an interesting challenge

And I was happy to have done it

If you decide to take on this challenge send me a link

I'd love to check out what you do

And if you have a challenge for me

Be sure to leave it in a comment below

Thank you as always for watching. Have a great day, and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Art Chalenge: Transforming Merida from Brave - Duration: 1:51.


5 conseils pour avoir des reins sains - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 5 conseils pour avoir des reins sains - Duration: 7:50.


Patrick Bruel « inquiet du défer­le­ment de haine » contre Laeti­cia Hally­day : comment il a choisi - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Patrick Bruel « inquiet du défer­le­ment de haine » contre Laeti­cia Hally­day : comment il a choisi - Duration: 2:51.


Que disent les gaz intestinaux sur votre santé ? - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Que disent les gaz intestinaux sur votre santé ? - Duration: 7:34.


Exercices faciles pour éliminer la graisse abdominale - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Exercices faciles pour éliminer la graisse abdominale - Duration: 7:28.


A little cutie「Pokemon Ultra Moon NUZLOCKE: Bounded 💀💀 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:43:01.

For more infomation >> A little cutie「Pokemon Ultra Moon NUZLOCKE: Bounded 💀💀 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:43:01.


Joey Starr à l'As­sem­blée natio­nale : l'an­cien bad boy sous les ors de la Répu­blique - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Joey Starr à l'As­sem­blée natio­nale : l'an­cien bad boy sous les ors de la Répu­blique - Duration: 2:45.


communication non violente et équitation - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> communication non violente et équitation - Duration: 7:04.


Pourquoi Tiphaine Auzière, la fille de Brigitte Macron, agace à droite - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Tiphaine Auzière, la fille de Brigitte Macron, agace à droite - Duration: 3:36.


65 trucos y consejos qué hacer si ganas muy bien el primer set y pierdes el segundo fácil - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 65 trucos y consejos qué hacer si ganas muy bien el primer set y pierdes el segundo fácil - Duration: 1:26.


Learn Spanish: (74) Vocabulary: the cinema - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Learn Spanish: (74) Vocabulary: the cinema - Duration: 3:23.


Elçin Sangu Living House Cars Interiors Revenue How Much to 2018 - Duration: 6:37.

Elçin Sangu Living House

Interiors Revenue

How much information

about Elçin Sangu according to 2018 data

For more infomation >> Elçin Sangu Living House Cars Interiors Revenue How Much to 2018 - Duration: 6:37.


LEGO® Ninjago® Season 8 ...

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Pitch Black 14 참가 싱가폴공군 F-15SG 등 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Pitch Black 14 참가 싱가폴공군 F-15SG 등 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 1:34.


Choosing a suitcase - Tip Thursday 08 | Beginner Tip | How to travel better - Duration: 5:08.

Hey hey! I'm Conor Clyne, the Language Tsar and welcome back to another Tip

Thursday where I'm gonna be giving you a very basic tip with respect to what type of

suitcase you should consider bringing on your next travel adventure.

So what should you consider when you're thinking about going on your next trip

in terms of a suitcase or maybe you actually think you're purchasing a new

one what are the considerations you should have in mind? Now for me, the first

thing to start with is the size yeah that sounds very self-explanatory but

I'm thinking more in terms of when you have to get on an aeroplane of course

and we all know that there are hand luggage restrictions so you have to

basically go for his biggest size that you can get on of course. All those

dimensions are regulated by the airlines themselves so that can change

between airline and airline. Now I'm a guy who travels with a lot of stuff. I'm

not a light packer. That's in part because I have this vlog, this YouTube

channel so I need to travel with my camera equipment so I always need to

check in luggage when I'm gonna take an airplane. It's not possible for me normally

to travel with just carry-on. Things I look for in a suitcase are the following: the

first thing I look at is what material is it made of. Is it gonna be light?

Because that's essential. Now you gotta think there's also gonna be a weight

restriction on that check-in luggage after what you're gonna have to pay an

excess weight charge and they can run into a lot of money. They can very quickly

15 euros maybe or that's like over $15 US per kilo so you got to make

sure that when you get the suitcase to start with when it's empty that it

weighs as little as possible. That way you can fit as much stuff in without

being over that a weight restriction. That all sounds pretty obvious but weigh

the actually suitcase before you leave so then you see if you're actually over

the weight limit before you get there sometimes I even go over to a check-in

desk that's actually free and if the weighing scale is already turned on then

I will weigh it and then you know start taking stuff in and out and move it to

my carry-on if necessary so make sure that I'm you know right on that weight

restriction whatever it is. Now the next thing to consider is not just the the

way but and the material is made up but in terms of is it hard

I recommend a hard case just keeps everything more protected. I mean if you

have a soft fabric as the cover then there's always a risk that it gets torn

and it gets damaged. The stuff, your belongings, in the suitcase they

also get damaged when you're traveling who wants that? Don't risk it, a hard case

is always better. The third thing I'm going to give you as

a tip to consider when you are purchasing or gonna be packing your

suitcase next time, selecting that suitcase is does it have wheels? I mean that

sounds again pretty basic but of course you can have a backpack which traditionally

you just like throw over on your back and it doesn't have wheels at all. It's just

for when that ... I guess makes a lot of sense if you're going to go up into the

mountains or so where there's no flat surface then that would be a very

practical bag to be bringing but otherwise you should have four wheels

not two four wheels and make sure that they swivel that is going to give you

the maximum amount of ability to turn the suitcase with a minimum amount of

energy and exerted when you're traveling of course the downside to that if there

are cobblestones it's pain pulling that suitcase along them because the surface

is now flat enough. Of course if you have to go off terrain maybe there's just

somewhere where you have to keep lifting it and carrying it because it's not flat

something like grass then it's gonna be harder to move but if you're ... when those

people are saying but Conor I just love the idea of having a backpack it's more

this kind of image of being the adventurer, the traveler but my you know

backpack on my back, all my belongings, my house there no that's not a good idea!

You're kind of living in that cliched image because especially in the summer

when it's hot you might be on public transport and you're gonna carry all the

weight on your back it's gonna get really really uncomfortable in my

experience. I actually did that when I first started traveling I used to have a

backpack and I remember being in Italy for example on public transport and there's

no air conditioning. It's 35 degrees Celsius outside and you've got 20 kgs on

your back and when it could be just on the ground beside you and then not

really take much energy or not make you perspire as much so I would say

backpacks forget them unless you're actually gonna go off terrain like oh go

up into the mountains or somewhere where it's really there's no flat surface then

it makes sense to me.

So this is Viginia, the girl who always fixes my suitcase.

So good job. Thanks! We will see each other after the summer.

For more infomation >> Choosing a suitcase - Tip Thursday 08 | Beginner Tip | How to travel better - Duration: 5:08.


"조한철"영화 '신과 함께2에 오달수를 대신해 긴급 투입된다. - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> "조한철"영화 '신과 함께2에 오달수를 대신해 긴급 투입된다. - Duration: 2:23.


2011-2012 F150 Turbosmart Kompact Shortie Recirculating BOV 3.5L EcoBoost Review & Install - Duration: 4:28.

The Turbosmart Kompact Shortie Recirculating Blow-Off Valve is for the 2011 to '12 3.5-liter

F-150 EcoBoost owner who's looking to increase boost levels safely up to 30 psi for higher

performance, but does not want one of the louder aftermarket blow-off valves.

Your factory blow-off valve was not designed for the higher level of boost that some tunes

provide, so this recirculating valve option will provide your motor with more boost retention

and better throttle response.

Everything is included in the box for a bolt-on install.

You'll be needing two of these for your model year, so expect one out of three wrenches

on our difficulty meter, and about one to two hours per valve.

These recirculating blow-off valves are great if you're looking to add power to your EcoBoost

but you aren't looking to add unwanted attention with one of the louder standard blow-off valves.

When you release your throttle, your excess boost pressure will recirculate back into

your truck's intake instead of the outside atmosphere, creating all that noise, allowing

for a much quieter use.

Compared to your stock valve, the Turbosmart is built from aircraft grade aluminum, and

a lightweight brass actuator inside allows for a quicker valve response.

It uses a softer spring in the body of the blow-off valve that allows for a fast response

that also reduces compressor surge, which would otherwise inhibit performance.

This, in turn, prevents leaks or premature venting of the higher boost levels, and then

the recirculating excess boost speeds up your turbo's spool, which is how the Turbosmart

increases your throttle response.

At just over 150 bucks each, I believe this is a great price for these blow-off valves.

With the high-quality materials and design that will allow increased performance, and

everything needed for a bolt-on install, this should be in anyone's higher-boost build.

Because of the bolt-on design, this is getting one out of three wrenches on our difficulty


You could expect to spend about one to two hours getting each valve installed.

The tools you'll need are a ratchet and socket set.

We're going to begin our installation by removing the inner fender well.

This will gain you access to the side of the turbo, so you can go ahead and remove your

factory blow-off valve.

Now that our inner fender is removed, we're going to go ahead and remove this clip, just

so we can gain access to that third bolt on the bypass valve.

Using your pry tool, go ahead and just pop this clip out of there.

Now, using a five-millimeter Allen key, we're going to go ahead and remove the three retaining

bolts that hold your factory bypass valve in place.

Now, once all three bolts are out, you're gonna go ahead and carefully remove the factory

bypass valve, making sure that all the parts come out together, but not before removing

your factory vacuum line.

Now, we're going to install our new Turbosmart bypass valve.

Using the new supplied hardware that comes with it, it's still a five-millimeter Allen

key to install.

And go ahead, just slide it in there and line up the holes.

And go ahead and start the other two to get it lined up perfectly.

After your bypass valve is installed, you want to go ahead and reinstall the vacuum

line to the top of it, and then go ahead and plug your harness back in.

The installation of your new Turbosmart bypass valve is now complete.

You can go ahead and put your inner fender back in, making sure that all your harnesses

are clipped back to your inner fender.

This way, they don't fall and hit nothing and get damaged.

Now, just go ahead and make sure you repeat this process for the other side.

It's going to be the exact same process.

That's my review on Turbosmart's Kompact Shortie Recirculating Blow-Off Valve.

Check these out and more at

For more infomation >> 2011-2012 F150 Turbosmart Kompact Shortie Recirculating BOV 3.5L EcoBoost Review & Install - Duration: 4:28.


[KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Jin and RM Dancing Bangtan Bomb- Behind the Scenes - Duration: 10:39.

Hello everybody, my name is Maggie and welcome to my channel, or welcome back to

my channel. I like to react to K-pop videos on the Internet.

I am so glad that you're here with me. Today we are taking a look at RM and Jim's-

Jin's Bangtan Bomb behind the scenes, when they were dancing for the birthday

celebration, and I just need to say that the level of empathy that I have for

these two guys, and respect, empathy, I relate, it's, it's, it's here. It's here

with us. Because I can't dance! I can't dance! I can like, go to a show, that type

of dance, but if you try to put me on choreography, you better bury my

five-foot-one ass in the back, behind the set. That's how bad. And coming from a

theatre background, they would actually bury my five-foot-one ass in the set. So

I, I wasn't ashamed. When I was a senior in high school, my last show, my

dance partner actually had to mouth the words to me every night, of what we were

supposed to do. So the fact that these guys are doing this? Respect. Okay, if this

is your first time to my channel, I run a Twitter poll every single week, you

decide what I upload on Mondays. My Twitter handle is @ReactionaryMag.

It's all fancy up here. Not really. Um, let's see. Is there anything else before we dive in? I don't

think so. I'm excited. Let's do this. All right, and play.

Oh, it's so good. I understand now what people say about J-Hope always using pah-pah-pah to teach.

And I could see, like, how cool is it that they all help each other out?

Cause I see J-Hope helping Jin all the time.

What's Kookie doing? Is he helping or is he just like, chilling? Nope, yeah, he's--

God, J-Hope, I can't take my mo- my eyes off him right now, he is messing my stuff up.

Oh my god, Jimin, this is, this is going to mess me up, the whole thing, and I'm supposed to be focusing on

RM and Jin. It's not happening!

Didn't need it, didn't need it! Especially not singing Cypher. Get out.

Demon. Get thee out.

Oh, I love him.

Don't make fun of him. You encourage him. Build him up.

I believe in you.

I'm sorry, dial me back in?

Oh. Doing better than I ever would.


God, I- oh.

This is really, really hard. Okay.

Jin! You did it. You did good. You did good.

I'm sorry! We all know how I feel about dancers. This is really, really fucking me up.

You did it!

Look at the look of satisfaction on his face. Cause me. That would be me.

Oh no. Oh no. I would have fallen. And fall. There would have been no and three.

God bless them for always helping each other out. It's the best. It's the best! Right? Am I right?

Done. Done, done, done.

Because they work so hard.

I love every single one of these guys so much.

All for different reasons.

It's not working. For me to try to block Jimin out is not working. Okay, hold on.

Does that work? No. It doesn't.

Oh, don't get, don't get frustrated. You got this, RM.

You got it! You got it! Yay! I'm like their biggest cheerleader right now.


No, don't get discouraged, don't get discouraged. Stay happy.

This is a hard dance, my god!

Tutting is hard! It's really, really hard. I've had people try to teach me, like,

internationally renowned people. I suck.

Oh. Don't laugh at him.

You encourage him.

Oh! And I'm done.

Jin's got some more of the like, popping down.

This music is amazing. I want to know what it is.



Even Suga's into it.


Yeah, your little boy's all grown up. And he's the oldest.


God, this look with J-Hope works for me. The sunglasses, that shirt, that whole thing works for me.

And your voice works for me too.

Oh no!

Be happy.

So excited.


All right. Tell me you wouldn't turn him down if he was doing that. Come on. You wouldn't.


God, you're such a good rapper.

Suga can't. It-

I have a hard time when they're reacting too, because it makes me laugh.

Yes! Yes! Your boys are behind you.

All right, let's do this. Let's do it, let's do it!

For some reason I thought they would be dancing together.

He hasn't done anything and you're cracking up on him.

Fuck yes!

Two thumbs up!


I will be the first to admit that I did not expect him to do as good as he's doing.


Holy shit!

I did not expect him to do that good.

I, yeah, I'm surprised, I thought they were going to be dancing together, but oh my god!

Everything, everything, everything! Um, I love how they all help each other out, and to see

the reverse of this, of actually seeing J-Hope and Jimin

you know, assisting other people, cause I've seen it, you know--

RM helping people rap and stuff like that.

This was good. This was a good Bangtan Bomb.

Okay, well I hope you had fun! Uh, if you would like to subscribe to my channel, I would love to have

you around, where we talk a lot of stuff in the comments and we hang out, so please hit that subscribe button.

If you do that, I would love it if you'd hit the notification bell, because if you aren't with the notification squad,

they don't tell you when I upload. Which is Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, 3 pm Mountain Standard time.

And I'd love to have you, so let's don't miss out on that. And if you'd give this video a big like, that helps me

out a lot, and it helps me figure out what type of content you like to see too.

I hope that you have a good day, I hope you have a good week, whatever it is, and I will see you in my next

video very shortly. Take care. Bye.

For more infomation >> [KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Jin and RM Dancing Bangtan Bomb- Behind the Scenes - Duration: 10:39.


Easter Sunday - Rev. Brian J. Shanley '80 - Duration: 3:44.

Happy Easter. I'm Father Brian Shanley, the President of Providence College. I

would like to share a reflection with you that, I hate to admit, I learned from

the Jesuits, but it's reshaped the way I think about Easter, and so I'll share some

largely Jesuit thoughts with you about the meaning of Easter. One of the things

that Ignatius points out in his reflections in the Spiritual Exercises

about Easter is that there's a pattern of the encounters of people with the

risen Christ, and the pattern follows something like this; that Jesus meets

people in various states of despair and sadness, the disciples on the way to

Emmaus, the disciples hold-up in the upper room filled with fear and sadness,

to the weeping Mary Magdalene. And, in all of these encounters what Christ does is

turn their sadness and their fear into peace and joy. And Ignatius' thesis is

that the great gift and the ministry of the risen Christ is to bring us joy, to

banish sadness and fear and desolation from our lives. That the risen Christ

comes, in fact, to console us. And Ignatius begins the meditation on the fourth week

by imagining an encounter between Jesus and his mother. Because, one of the things

that's puzzling about the stories that we have is the empty tomb. The question

arises; well, where's Jesus? And there's an old answer to that question, which

Ignatius builds upon, is that the first thing that the risen Christ would do

would be to visit his mother. So I think we have to imagine the empty tomb as the

time when Jesus goes to visit his mother, to console her after her great sadness,

in her great sorrow. And he invites us to meditate on what that encounter might

have been like, and I would ask you to spend some time meditating on what it

might have been like for Jesus to go and visit his

mother. Meditate on how much joy, how much laughter, how many tears, Mary's questions,

Jesus's answers. It is unthinkable to me that Jesus wouldn't go to visit his

mother even though we don't have that in Scripture. And Mary's joy on the Easter

morning is the joy that Christ wants to bring into all of our lives. So, my hope

and my prayer for you in this Easter season is that you might have your own

encounter with the risen Christ. That whatever sadness, whatever desolation,

whatever fear you feel in your life, that the risen Christ's ministry, even alive

now, is to drive out fear, to drive out desolation, to bring peace, and to bring

joy as one who has triumphed over death itself. The message of the risen Christ

is that nothing cannot be redeemed, nothing cannot be healed, nothing cannot

be forgiven, and it is the great Ministry of the risen Christ in this Easter

season, to bring that joy to us. And my hope and my prayer for you in this

Easter time is that you might encounter that risen Christ and receive the peace

and the joy that he wants to bring you. Happy Easter.

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