Saturday, August 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 12 2017




No, no. No.




Take your friends, and run.


Run. They'll keep coming and coming.

Listen, you don't have to fight anymore.

Go, go.

(WHISPERS) Don't be what they made you.


Laura... Laura...


So, this is what it feels like.






For more infomation >> Logan's Death 'So,This is What it Feels Like' (Scene) | LOGAN (2017) Movie Clip Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 2:59.


Taylor Swift : en plein procès contre l'anima­teur radio qui l'a agres­sée en 2013 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift : en plein procès contre l'anima­teur radio qui l'a agres­sée en 2013 - Duration: 3:16.


IVA PRO26DX Digital Speaker Processor User Guide Tutorial - 13 Steps to Mastery - Duration: 10:48.

hello guys today I will be teaching you how to use this IVA pro 26 DX digital

speaker processor so let's assume we have a 2 fullrange speaker and two

subwoofers so we'll be setting up the crosspoint and whatever other thing we

need to do so first thing on a set output 1 that's my first subwoofer so I

just enter to the setting of the output 1 and pressing the mute press and hold

now change to all this up one Phase delay the crosspoint EQ compressor the source

you can see is from input a and do you want to link the channels and copy all

channels ok first let's say I'm gonna set my

sample first is from the 30 Hertz too so I set my high-pass to 30 Hertz

its so I press cursor to switch from this to this and I move through the

you have it then maybe change these two butterworth

48 yes we have it butterworth the filter type and then next we set the low

pass which is 80 Hertz then we move from here go down here 80 Hertz it is maybe

we use the filters 24 Butterworth yes we have it so we are successfully set the

crossover point from the 30 Hertz to 80 Hertz from channel 1 let's say we need to copy

the signal setting from 1 to let the output three I just press next next next

next next I just make sure my output 1 copy put

copy to output 3 I just press this and you'll ask you sure yes or no just to yes

and enter again you are successfully copy output 1 to 3

okay so if you want to set your fullrange starting from maybe 80 Hertz to 20

kilo Hertz so we just press and hold output 2 so we next page on space and switch

next page so we have a high pass so we start from 80 Hertz yes we have it -

we are using 24 butterworth and the low filter I can set to

20 kilos Hertz

is only maybe four thirty six butterworth up to you what you want there you have it

the fullrange cross point for output 2 is set that you want to copy this to number 4

then we just press next next next page 9 copy to output 4

yes yes it's done okay so we need to do some equalization let's say we want to

boost 60 Hertz to the Subwoofer so we go back to the output one

so page 5 EQ so we have seven band EQ here begins set whatever setting 1 then

on and of it you need to on it to make sure it's

working off it and it's not working ok we leave it on then we have PEQ type

low shelf low shelf 2 which is the 12 octave 6 octave the high

shelf one high shelf 2 so you can choose the type of filter you want and let's say we

are going to set the 60 hertz so we have we choose to 60 Hertz yes, we have it

it maybe you want 60 hertz you are going to plus 6 dB

okay we have it then this is the octave how fat and thin is the filters so

depends on what number you want okay and that's all so you want to set second -

filters just press back back to here change your number - and you're good to go to

set your second filters for example maybe 97 Hertz

we are going to reduce a 3 DB and maybe 0.1 octave after you

are doing this so you sometimes you need to set a delay because of the phase

alignment issue so here you can put a delay to your subwoofers so you can see how

many miliseconds you'll automatically convert to meters and feet so if you

need to delay one meter so we just change to one meter

and we have a phase if you want to change phase we just change the phase really get back

to zero Gain sometimes you need to balance again between the fullrange and subwoofer

so you can plus minus here is up to your own taste and then finally you need

to set your limiters we are going to page six so you have to make sure is on

is the hard knee soft knee so normally we are using a hard knee for the limiter

part then what is threshold

this is the ratio for limiter to know me except one two eight attack time we set

to 10 milliseconds how fast this limiter works the release time how long the

limiter will release back to normal so now it's done the settings

so for whatever you have done you need to save it so it's very simple to save

the setting we have done we just press this save button so you have go to store

user program now let's go we look for empty memory yes number 4 is empty memory

so to rename the thing we just press the cursor go down so we are free

to put your own name so let's say we put a Pemory for example if I press this

again save yes press again okay okay so just if I want

to recall back press recall go to setting number 4 yeah you can see your pemory

so you did all your settings you save it unfortunately some people will disturb

your thing so there's a locking system which you can input some password and

then you lock the thing and others people we will not able to access or

change anything so you press this button press on hold

okay then go to page seven so from here we can change what type of lock so

this we protect the processors from other people to change the setting so

this we protect people from change and view they can even view the settings here we

can even mute thing in the mute button and then everything we cannot do

anything with the thing without a password

so for example I'm you I'm going to lock this thing everything so press this

cursor button to go down and put a password maybe one next


three okay and enter yes

so now it's successfully locked so I do something press and hold not in here

from here so I try to access anything they please lock I cannot mute the thing

so I need to unlock I cannot press and hold here I try to access the thing

is unlock press and hold again everything this locked

For more infomation >> IVA PRO26DX Digital Speaker Processor User Guide Tutorial - 13 Steps to Mastery - Duration: 10:48.


Rebecca Hamp­ton (Plus belle la vie) : mère céli­ba­taire, elle rêvait d'autre chose pour - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Rebecca Hamp­ton (Plus belle la vie) : mère céli­ba­taire, elle rêvait d'autre chose pour - Duration: 2:28.


Jetstar Airlines | Tokyo to Osaka | $90 Roundtrip | Is it worth it? - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Jetstar Airlines | Tokyo to Osaka | $90 Roundtrip | Is it worth it? - Duration: 9:06.


Future of the disabled - Duration: 5:34.

We are making a startup for 'harita keralam' (green kerala)

and had started its preparations already.

Other than that,each person should have a feeling of'his plant'

and thus improve their eye contact and stuff .. is the aim.

we are training them to put soil and plant seeds ,watering them

grass picking etc.Also we write their names under the trees so... to make a feel that its my tree and i'm responsibile for watering


other than the outdoor training indoor mechanical works are also possible

lack of facility is a concern for that.

.The realtime improvements and cooperation

When he refused to do things that normal child does at

an age of 8,we realised the illness

What training will they give him then?

-they use to train for concentration

There were physiotherapys till his 10 years of age

we used to come and return home.

At that time he used to walk through ramp catching its handle.

Frequently he used to get affected with fits

He would get admitted in hospital for fits usually as a child.

Now he is 20 years

How would chidren get improved with special school training?

-He can understand things well then he improved in doing some

activities too

After he's 18 ,I think he's a little backwards in undersatnding


because he is growing, and we are not able to give him that

attention now at home

...their daily pledge

For more infomation >> Future of the disabled - Duration: 5:34.


Nhảy nào. - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Nhảy nào. - Duration: 2:48.


「もっといじめてぇ!」ドSの男性が興奮するM女のエロ言動|Love TV - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 「もっといじめてぇ!」ドSの男性が興奮するM女のエロ言動|Love TV - Duration: 4:42.


Rebecca Hamp­ton (Plus belle la vie) : mère céli­ba­taire, elle rêvait d'autre chose pour - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Rebecca Hamp­ton (Plus belle la vie) : mère céli­ba­taire, elle rêvait d'autre chose pour - Duration: 2:28.


Tempesta d'amore, anticipazioni 14-19 agosto: il triste passato - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Tempesta d'amore, anticipazioni 14-19 agosto: il triste passato - Duration: 3:18.


Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco/Cruise/5drs/Zuinig - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco/Cruise/5drs/Zuinig - Duration: 1:01.


Taylor Swift : en plein procès contre l'anima­teur radio qui l'a agres­sée en 2013 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift : en plein procès contre l'anima­teur radio qui l'a agres­sée en 2013 - Duration: 3:16.


Oğuzhan Koç Yan Cover - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Oğuzhan Koç Yan Cover - Duration: 1:08.


In Search of Fellini Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> In Search of Fellini Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:28.


Wayne Dyer: How to Use Energry Waves ( Wayne Dyer Meditation ) - Duration: 7:49.

So that if you look at an addiction from everything to the right-hand side of

your room in the physical plane there are three aspects of it all of which are

in the physical domain there is the craving there is the craver and there is

that which is craved and all of those are on the right-hand side of the room

the craver is the person the body the craving is the thought the image I want

that I need that I must have that it's different from the craver and that which

is craved which is external to me the cocaine the marijuana the drugs the

sugar the hot fudge sundae but whatever it is and it's all in the physical

domain and as long as you stay here in the physical domain and try to deal with

it and get rid of it in your life you are still trapped because you haven't

gone to your source the source is the way you transcend the duality of the

physical plane and so when you go to your source and go to the left-hand side

of the room and become your source and now become the witness and observe that

and just notice it and just put your attention on it and just watch it with

love so I'll be talking about in the next principle and just observe it from

a perspective of I am connected to that it is me I have become it and I can also

transcend it and go beyond it by just putting my attention on a new aspect of

myself which is pure and so from the position of the source or the sorcerer

you just watch it and it's not you you're free from it you are just

noticing oh there goes Wayne again it's going to have another beer and he thinks

he really must have this and all but from the perspective of the witness of

the observer over here you are pure love because that's what God is that's what

the higher part of you is just pure unconditional love and you direct that

energy to that aspect of you which has allowed itself to be addicted and it

disappears when I left those things behind many many years ago in my life it

was as the result of saying and hearing a voice and the voice said you've tried

everything else now try me and when I went there when I

went there and truly went there and then began my manifestation meditation on

that it was gone and now today I can look at those things that I used to

crave those cravings I can look at the craver and all that is craved and I can

laugh at it when Siddhartha who was Buddha as a young man was going through

his experiences of learning about enlightenment as a young man he was

fasting for a great period of time and his friend's name was Govinda and

Govinda and Siddhartha traveled all over the countryside Siddhartha had been a

prince and he had never known anything about suffering and he left when he

found out that there was such a thing as suffering out there in the world and he

wanted to find out how to transcend suffering how to go beyond it and when

he was fasting and had been fasting for some 50 days and his friend Govinda

looked at him and he said Siddhartha he said what good is fasting and Siddhartha

looked back at him and said Govinda I can laugh at hunger do you know how

profound a statement that is I can laugh at hunger what he was saying is there is

that which is hungry there is hunger but I the I that is God the I that is

connected to the divine perfect loving source can look at that and

better I am no longer that and therefore it is just in the physical domain but

who I am something much greater and much grander than that that's the power of

attraction you can attract purity to your life it's why I put such an

emphasis on on drinking water for healing it's interesting that when the

Kahuna's talk about this God force they always equate it with water water flows

water goes here water has no boundaries this energy is always thought of as

water like I spend a lot of time in Hawaii I spoke with several of the

Kahuna's who had descended from a long line of healers and I talked to them

about healing and when how it works and how come some people have this ability

to heal and other people don't and they explained it to me like this very

intriguing they said that the life force is really electrical in nature or water

like in nature only water we can see electrical still flows the same way only

we just can't see it with our eyes and this one great Kahuna said to me he said

them being able to heal is nothing more than having an energy within you that is

stronger than the energy of the person who believes they can't all you have to

do is have that energy be stronger than that

and he said between your thoughts and any place on your body that you feel

needs to be healed I can ache or a pain or a disease or a

boil or a headache or a backache or a cut or just a plain disease process of

some kind that is located in a specific place in your body and you know where it

is he said between your thought and that

place in your body there's a current and the current is like an electrical

current and he's fighting I'm I was writing this down and it was so

fascinating and he said that current has charges

and these charges travel along that current and between your thought and

that place on your body you can place what they call shadowy substances that

will heal that sepsis or that disease or that pain and the way that it works is

that what you place along that current is your will and your will is in the

form of thoughts and this energy that I'm talking about this power of

Attraction is really the power of your ability to think it is your thoughts

which are not in the physical world I mean you can't get ahold of them it is

the power that you have to think it is that power and you can harness that

power and place it along according to these healers you can place it along

this current in the form of these shadowy substances or waves and you can

literally visualize or picture it going from your thought to that place and you

just keep that current filled with the will of healing and that's he said it's

how it works

For more infomation >> Wayne Dyer: How to Use Energry Waves ( Wayne Dyer Meditation ) - Duration: 7:49.


Ultime notizie: Maria De Filippi sfida Barbara D'urso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Maria De Filippi sfida Barbara D'urso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:35.



For more infomation >> PAHALI AMA LEZZETLİ ABURCUBURLAR | DAMACANA İÇERİR - Duration: 11:34.


MTO 11燒錢記🔥|錢包已空🙊|So.sharing😽 - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> MTO 11燒錢記🔥|錢包已空🙊|So.sharing😽 - Duration: 9:53.


Fake Brands In Anime! - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Fake Brands In Anime! - Duration: 5:40.


Every Person Has A Soul Mate Here Are The Top 6 Steps To Find Y - Duration: 5:54.

Every Person Has A Soul Mate.

Here Are The Top 6 Steps To Find Yours�

A lot of time has gone by and Hollywood has not yet been able to get over the �love

at first sight� clich�.

We�ve grown up on a steady diet of pop-culture that puts in our heads that the perfect relationship,

that one partner you�d slug it out with for the long run, just tends to�happen.

Fortunately, we�re not going to be feeding you fantasies.

Does that mean the instant working long-term relationship can�t happen to people?

No, it doesn�t.

However, the likelihood of it happening to most people is very small indeed.

The probability that it will happen to you is so small you might as well wait around

for the Cubs to win the World Series again.

Don�t be discouraged.

That�s why we�re here.

The perfect relationship is right there a misnomer.

Perfection is difficult to define and with that, unattainable.

But having a long-term relationship which is mutually fulfilling and makes your own

life more meaningful and complete is as close to perfection as anyone can get.

The good news is that this is not a silver screen romantic dream we�re peddling.

You really can find your soul-mate, but it�s going to involve some work.

The writers Grant and Melissa Virtue in their book �The Angels of Love� list out ways

to have an empowering and truly fulfilling relationship.

The 6 following steps are broad guidelines that you might want to follow when you�re

looking around for the prospective soul-mate.


Right Place Right Time

Where you run into your future partner will have an impact on how the relationship turns


That�s not hokum, it makes logical sense.

Think about it.

Leaving aside the chances of random encounters, you are more likely to find love in the places

you frequent.

These would be places that interest you, or an events that sync up with your personal


The first connection might be based on things you guys share in common.

Are you a lover of music?

Chances are you�re listening to the latest tracks in some record store or attending some

new band�s concert.

The point is when you�re looking for love its okay to look around your comfort zone.

That actually makes sense when you�re looking for something lasting and permanent.

The right place at the right time could gift you the person who might share the most common

traits with you.

But you can roll the dice and stack the odds in your favor by choosing to look for people

who might be like you.


Getting Ready To Seek Love

As the book details out, the angels of love will assist and guide you in your quest for


But remember that under no circumstances can they interfere with the free will of another


Sometimes you may not end up with the person best matched to you in terms of lifestyle,

and that�s alright.

The angels are around to make you a better person and to be ready for the moment when

it comes� not to influence fate.


The Dating Game

Dating is a skill and can be honed as any other skill.

The more you work on it, the better you�ll be.

But there is no need to feel unduly distressed by it.

When you�re looking for a long-term partner, there has to be a slight shift in the criterion.

First, since you�re not casually dating.

Look for a person who matches your interests and tastes.

Physical appearance alone won�t cut it anymore.

Second you need to make a judgment call on whether the other person is emotionally ready

to commit to a long-term relationship.

Third it�s ideal if your prospective partner is already single.

That being said, we have to admit that while you shouldn�t be involved in the business

of breaking families; try balancing that out with your prospective partner.

If they are ready to move on from their previous relationship then you can think about proceeding.

Basically it depends on the situation.

But don�t get bogged down by any moral absolutes.

Life�s complicated.


Be Brave

Having the courage to connect with another person requires you to be brave.

The thought of vulnerability is something we all struggle with.

The courage to BE vulnerable around each other is the hallmark of a spiritually fulfilling


It also forces you to face the inner demons of your own life and realize that you can

both give and receive love.


Patience is Key

A relationship is a lot of work.

Patience and perseverance will have to be your constant companions along every step

of the way.

A relationship is like a flower tree; it needs time to grow.

Both of you need time to adjust to each other�s rhythms.


When You�ve Finally Found �The One�

The smallest subconscious nudge, a bit of a magnetic pull; and you know you�ve been

attracted to the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

The important thing to remember here is that you have to initiate your own feelings and

be honest with that person.

Follow your gut and it could lead you to your heart.

The rest, as they say, could be history.

Good luck!

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