Saturday, August 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 12 2017

Welcome to Addo Elephant Park in South Africa.

Together with my parents,

Tricia and I took a guided tour of this national park

searching for wildlife that seemed to be playing a game of seek and hide.

We finally discovered one of Addo's 600 elephants,

together with her newborn baby.

Adult female African bush elephants can weigh up to 3 tonnes,

while male elephants can weigh up to 6.

But despite their size, they can be a little shy.

The search for exotic wildlife continued

leading to a lone zebra grazing in the open.

This species of zebra, the Equus Burchelli,

is named after the explorer and naturalist William Burchell.


Warthogs are a dime-a-dozen in Addo National Park.

They feed mostly on plants and shrubs,

but occasionally they stray from their vegetarian habits.

On this trip, we also saw kudu,

a few resident lions,

dung beetles,

and of course, plenty of incredible elephants.

For more infomation >> Exploring Addo Elephant National Park - Duration: 1:41.


Wegen seines Namens! Deutscher Familienvater darf nicht in die USA einreisen - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Wegen seines Namens! Deutscher Familienvater darf nicht in die USA einreisen - Duration: 3:48.


Dance Cover Dance School Jakarta - Sekolah Dance Cover KPOP - Duration: 2:56.

Dance Cover KPOP

For more infomation >> Dance Cover Dance School Jakarta - Sekolah Dance Cover KPOP - Duration: 2:56.


The Gifted on FOX

For more infomation >> The Gifted on FOX


Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:41.


KAMIYABI - Harry.S Mujik & Abby Singh || Official Music Video 2017 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> KAMIYABI - Harry.S Mujik & Abby Singh || Official Music Video 2017 - Duration: 3:30.


Peugeot 206 SW 2.0 HDI X-LINE Trekhaak Cv Dealer onderhouden zie foto''s - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 SW 2.0 HDI X-LINE Trekhaak Cv Dealer onderhouden zie foto''s - Duration: 0:59.


AMMOeinser featuring JSK -die Rettung der Welt (prod by Nymano) 4k Official Video - Duration: 1:44.

Who did this? People Arnold. Your birds will come back

of course they'll come back, they're birds. I trust them, I understand them. It's people I

don't understand. You see Arnold, it's time for me to leave.

It's people and nothing else, that destroys this world. Its the long going wish for wanting more and the lost values!

Even though life shows you nowadays, today more sorrow and pain. What people argue more about but still don't believe. What is striking about this world

is they just dont believe, like a leading divine that just appears. From their analysis in details

will almost be. The joke in it is, it wont change anything, at the end it is the peoples'

fault for their own doom. The end of humanity would save the world.

You will see it too, when you are honest with yourself. We ensure that everything loses its balance

the history of humanity will then end!

people are just on edge of abyss, but the topic gets

a different course of action. Without people the earth would still be healthy. Its getting robbed and exploited.

Money is the cause. The world is in the position to regenerate, without people to

reanimate it. She needs no care, no anti-aging medium. Needs nobody who titles

it as a world. She doesn't need a doctor for these deep wounds. You didn't

at that time, when she was completely rounded. Did you see that, do you understand what I mean?!

without us, the earth would be better off. It would have been nice, if there were no people

the earth would finally be turning!

And so my dear children, this is how we can save the earth!

For more infomation >> AMMOeinser featuring JSK -die Rettung der Welt (prod by Nymano) 4k Official Video - Duration: 1:44.


OPEN PERSONAL MESSAGE | What's In My PM? | Everything is frozen ??? - Duration: 6:48.

Opening a private message | What's In My Litchq? | Everything is frozen ???

For more infomation >> OPEN PERSONAL MESSAGE | What's In My PM? | Everything is frozen ??? - Duration: 6:48.


Taylor Swift: judge dismisses DJ's case against pop star - Duration: 4:27.

Taylor Swift: judge dismisses DJ's case against pop star

Judge rules David Mueller failed to prove Taylor Swift personally set out to have him fired after 2013 photo opportunity.

A judge on Friday threw out a Denver radio host's case against Taylor Swift in a trial that delved into their duelling lawsuits over whether he groped her during a backstage meet-and-greet and whether she and her team ruined his career.

US District Judge William Martinez determined that the pop star could not be held liable because David Mueller failed to prove that she personally set out to have him fired after the 2013 photo op.

His identical allegations against Swift's mother and her radio liaison will go to jurors for a verdict.

Mueller denies groping Swift and sued the singer, her mother, Andrea Swift, and their radio handler, Frank Bell, seeking up to $3 million as compensation for his ruined career.

The singer-songwriter said in her countersuit that she wanted a symbolic $1 and the chance to stand up for other women. The jury will still consider her claim.

Swift teared up as the judge read his decision, saying there was no evidence that her actions were insincere. Afterward, her team smiled and embraced. Mueller's side did not speak.

The move came after days of testimony from the singer and others and just before jurors were set to hear closing arguments.

Swift spent an hour on the witness stand on Thursday defiantly recounting what she called a "despicable and horrifying and shocking" encounter before a concert.

"He stayed attached to my bare ass-cheek as I lurched away from him," Swift testified. "It was a definite grab. A very long grab," she added in her testimony.

Swift's testy exchange with Mueller's attorney occasionally elicited chuckles even from the six-woman, two-man jury.

She got a laugh when she said her security guard saw Mueller "lift my skirt" but someone would have had to have been underneath her to see the actual groping "and we didn't have anyone positioned there".

Swift testified that after the photo was taken she tried to get as far away from Mueller as she could.

She said she told him and his girlfriend, who was also in the photo, "thank you for coming" in a monotone voice before they left.

She also said she was stunned and did not say anything to Mueller or halt the event after he left because she did not want to disappoint several dozen people waiting in line for photos with her.

In the image, shown to jurors during opening statements but not publicly released, Mueller's hand is behind Swift, just below her waist. Mueller's then-girlfriend, Shannon Melcher, is on the other side of Swift. All three are smiling.

Melcher testified on Friday that she saw nothing happen during the brief encounter and that she and Mueller were rudely confronted and escorted out of the arena that evening. Melcher said Mueller was devastated by the accusation.

She said she and Mueller started out as co-workers at country station KYGO-FM and became romantically involved in February 2013, a few months before the concert. They drifted apart late in 2013, but Melcher says they remained friends.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift: judge dismisses DJ's case against pop star - Duration: 4:27.


BALLANCE CHANGES in Clash Royale (11.8.17) | Captain Angry - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> BALLANCE CHANGES in Clash Royale (11.8.17) | Captain Angry - Duration: 12:00.


Birdwatching in Wildlife & Bir...

For more infomation >> Birdwatching in Wildlife & Bir...


The Sugar and Cancer Connection Why Sugar is Called 'The White D - Duration: 10:17.

The Sugar and Cancer Connection Why Sugar is Called �The White Death�

As good as it may taste, sugar is NOT your friend. It may �feel� like your friend

when it comforts you (due to the beta-endorphin rush in your brain), but sugar is really your


Truth be told, regular consumption of sugary foods is one of the worst things that you

can do for your health.

Modern scientific research has shown us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food

(in all its myriad forms) is taking a devastating toll on your health.

We�ll explore cancer and sugar further down, but let�s first take a look at the sugar

consumption trends over the past 300 years:

In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year.

In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year.

In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year.

In 2012, more than 50% of all Americans consumed 1/2 pound of sugar per day � translating

to a whopping 180 pounds of sugar per year!

In 1890, only 3 people out of 100,000 had diabetes. In 2012, almost 8,000 out of every

100,000 people was diagnosed with diabetes (and this number is rising all the time)!

Creating Our Addiction to Sugar

The �sugar rush� has been targeted at our children.

American children are consuming about 10 times as much sugar as they were in 1900, especially

in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is the average American�s greatest

source of calories!

Highly addictive HFCS contains fructose and glucose, but they are NOT bound together (as

they are in table sugar) so the body doesn�t need to break it down.

Therefore, the fructose is absorbed immediately, going straight to the liver, which turns it

into fat (VLDL and triglycerides).

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:

�Fructose also tricks the body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism (it turns

off the appetite-control system).

�Fructose does not appropriately stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin

(the �hunger hormone�) and doesn�t stimulate leptin (the �satiety hormone�), which

together result in your eating more and developing insulin resistance.�

This process also suppresses the immune system.

But just because you avoid HFCS doesn�t mean that you�re in the clear.

Excess intake of ALL processed sugars results in compromised immune function (decreasing

the white blood cells� ability to destroy bacteria), obesity, and diabetes.

And if that�s not enough, keep in mind that sugar is HIGHLY addictive! That�s right!

Dr. Serge Ahmed of Bordeaux, France, has been working with rats and giving them the choice

between cocaine and sugar. Guess which one wins, time and again?

That�s right� sugar!

It turns out that the sweet taste of sugar is more rewarding than the high of cocaine.

You see, sugar produces dopamine - a happy, feel-good chemical - in the brain. People

get addicted to eating sugar, whereby they need it to feel �normal� and they undergo

�withdrawal� if they cut sugar from their diets.

If they go �cold turkey� for a few days, their brain will begin to produce dopamine

on its own, but the discomfort of the withdrawal process keeps many �sugar addicts� trapped

in their addiction.

Does Sugar Feed Cancer? Exploring the Sugar and Cancer Connection

Due to the anaerobic respiratory mechanism exhibited by ALL cancer cells, sugar is cancer�s

favorite food! What this means is that cancer feeds on sugar.

And since half of the white sugar in the USA comes from sugar beets, you should remember

that most beets are now genetically modified with all the associated risks of GMOs.

This is another reason to keep the �White Death� out of your diet and reduce your

risk of various cancers, isn�t it?

Whether you are currently healing from a type of cancer such as breast cancer or prostate

cancer, or are simply trying to maintain good dietary principles, I personally recommend

that you avoid white sugar, brown sugar, agave, and all artificial sweeteners such as aspartame/

AminoSweet, sucralose, and saccharin.

If you have a sweet tooth, it�s best to stick with 100% organic green stevia, xylitol,

raw honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, and coconut sugar.

The bottom line� if you want to be and stay healthy, you MUST take control of your sugar

intake so that it doesn�t take control over you and your health!

Ending the Sugar Confusion

It�s easy to become confused by the various sugars and sweeteners, so here is a basic


Saccharide = sugar

Glucose (aka �dextrose� or �grape sugar�), galactose (�milk sugar�), and fructose

(�fruit sugar�) are all �monosaccharides� (i.e. single sugar molecules), known as �simple

sugars.� The primary difference between them is the way your body metabolizes them.

Glucose is a form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body uses glucose

for energy.

High amounts of fructose are very damaging to the body if it isn�t burned immediately

for energy because it travels directly to the liver where it�s converted to triglycerides


Excess triglycerides increase insulin resistance (and insulin production), thus contributing

to diabetes in a �back door� fashion.

The simple sugars can combine to form more complex sugars, like sucrose (�table sugar�)

which is a �disaccharide� comprised of 50% glucose and 50% fructose.

�Refined� white sugar (pure sucrose) is washed with a syrup solution, then with hot

water, clarified (usually chemically) to remove impurities, decolorized, concentrated, evaporated,

re-boiled until crystals form, centrifuged again to separate, then dried.

By this point, any remnants of �natural goodness� and �nutritional value� have

completely disappeared! Quite frankly, white sugar should be considered an �industrial

product� rather than �food.�

�Brown sugar� is white sugar mixed with molasses.

�Raw� sugar is not really raw. It has been cooked, and most of the minerals and

vitamins are gone.

But it�s probably a little better than refined white sugar because it has a little of the

molasses remaining.

Aspartame or AminoSweet is a neurotoxic rat poison� need I say more?

Splenda (sucralose) is NOT a sugar, despite its deceptive marketing slogan, �made from

sugar.� It�s a chlorinated artificial sweetener in line with aspartame.

Honey is approximately 50% fructose, but in natural (raw and unpasteurized) form contains

many health benefits. Buying honey that is local and unpasteurized is best.

Stevia is an extremely sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia

plant, which is completely safe (in its natural form).

Green stevia is the whole plant, while white stevia is processed and can often contain

other ingredients like natural flavors or dextrose - a form of sugar. 100% organic green

stevia in its natural state is what you want.

Agave nectar is made from the agave plant, which is a cactus. Sounds natural, right?

Like maple syrup from a tree, or honey from a beehive. Only it isn�t.

Agave is HIGHLY processed while the end product does not even remotely resemble the original

agave plant.

Furthermore, agave is approximately 80% fructose (much higher than honey and maple syrup).

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. It is mostly genetically

modified. Stay away!

Rapadura is the pure juice extracted from the sugar cane (using a press), which is then

evaporated over low heat, whilst being stirred with paddles, then sieve ground to produce

a grainy sugar.

It has not been cooked at high heats or spun to change it into crystals, and the molasses

is maintained in the sugar. �Sucanat� is the USA trade name for Rapadura.

Coconut sugar is made from the sweet watery sap that drips from the cut flower buds of

the coconut palm.

It has a low glycemic index (GI) and is rich in amino acids. It is typically less than

10% fructose, with sucrose being the primary component.

Xylitol is a sweetener known as a �sugar alcohol� (or polyol). Sugar alcohols are

neither sugars nor alcohols - they are carbohydrates (with structures that happen to resemble sugar

and alcohol).

Xylitol is extracted from corn or birch cellulose. Unlike sugar, Xylitol is slowly absorbed,

does not cause a rapid blood sugar increase, and does not require an immediate insulin

response from the body to be metabolized.

Moreover, many studies have shown that it actually helps prevent dental cavities, ear

infections, and some evidence suggests that it helps prevent gum disease because Xylitol

is anti-bacterial.

However, Xylitol does have some potential health side effects (most notably gastrointestinal

issues) and should be used with caution.

For more infomation >> The Sugar and Cancer Connection Why Sugar is Called 'The White D - Duration: 10:17.


BMW X3 3.0d X-Drive M Sport Edition High exe 258pk **HUD/CAMERA/FULL.LED/EL.SP.LEDER/NAVI** - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 3.0d X-Drive M Sport Edition High exe 258pk **HUD/CAMERA/FULL.LED/EL.SP.LEDER/NAVI** - Duration: 0:42.


[구독자 이벤트] 20만 기념 선물 _ 인디아게이트 커리 상품과 레스토랑 식사권, 사랑해요♡너도♡, 인도 커리 먹방 :D - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> [구독자 이벤트] 20만 기념 선물 _ 인디아게이트 커리 상품과 레스토랑 식사권, 사랑해요♡너도♡, 인도 커리 먹방 :D - Duration: 8:07.


PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS En Roblox ! - Roblox - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS En Roblox ! - Roblox - Duration: 14:59.


Prof.(Dr.)Basu 10.08.2017 - Duration: 21:39.

Ph- 9674250516

For more infomation >> Prof.(Dr.)Basu 10.08.2017 - Duration: 21:39.


Nettoyage cryogénique - Nettoyage transformateur électrique - Duration: 0:58.

Dry ice cleaning electric transformer

Blast of of dry ice on soot (fire)

The treatment is dry, fast and does not damage,

the treated surfaces...

The use of the ATX25-E coupled with fragmentation nozzle and,

Flat nozzle, allows treatment on surfaces with complex geometries

No water, no detergent, no secondary waste ...

The start-up of electrical installations does not require any drying time.

The ATX25-E can be used to clean (off-voltage) general low voltage panel,

divisional cabinets, electrical rooms ...

For more infomation >> Nettoyage cryogénique - Nettoyage transformateur électrique - Duration: 0:58.


Initial D Arcade Stage Version 3 - Part #12 - Kyoichi Sudo (ENG SUB) - Duration: 5:24.

I cannot believe it.

I heard that an Eight-Six ended Ryosuke's streak in this pass..

Emperor's target is to dominate the entire Gunma area..

Hmm? That Eight-Six..

Aren't you the Eight-Six of Akina?

Or are you a different person..

Why do you want to have a battle with me?

You have already lost by choosing an Eight-Six for the battle.

High power turbo plus 4WD.

Even without that it would be an okay car.

I will show you the difference between a car that races for fun and a car that races fast.

I'll say that in the beginning that I don't really think that this is a battle.

That's the lesson.

No matter how many times I race in this pass I lose..

Also.. it's like Ryosuke said..!?

Does it mean that this pass has a special technique..?

No.. there's no such thing.. that is impossible..

You.. next time come to Irohazaka to battle with me.

I'll show you what I really intended earlier before the battle..

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