Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 14 2017

Vegan politics: Forbid meat

There must have happend something for they refuse what comes from animals

Meat, fish, milk, eggs, fur, leather

wool, have you ever thought ? What happend to them ?

Generally, vegans did believe all the shit in the ads and on tv

you know when they tell you animals are killed gently

and slaughterhouse are comfortable places

and they are given incredible life conditions

Yeah yeah ... We all believes that right ?

Yes the bigger the better !

But as soon as you look for figures you realize that in each country

there are more farm animals than humans in the country

and where are they in you opinion ? Those animals we never see ?

Promise of an engineer we'll get organised to stop this massacre !

We are the missing links !

We are growing

We'll get organized !

And we arrive really soon

We count on you ! To make this video as visible as possible

Thanks to all of you helping me on tipeee

And to all those who are ready to move their ass to change things !

So like those fucking videos And share them to make them visible !

And if you can't like cause you don't have a Youtube account ...

Use the next 60 seconds efficiently and create this bloody account

So that you can use your vote on the internet !

Vegan politics ? Forbid the meat !

For more infomation >> INTERDIRE LA VIANDE ??? La politique des véganes ? - Duration: 7:15.


ミニが明言。「3ドアハッチバックモデルはこれ以上大きくならないし、これより小さいモデルも出ない」 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> ミニが明言。「3ドアハッチバックモデルはこれ以上大きくならないし、これより小さいモデルも出ない」 - Duration: 3:28.


Word of Truth - Creation

For more infomation >> Word of Truth - Creation


N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.

Amid heightened tensions on the peninsula Monday, South Korea's defense minister briefed

lawmakers on the security situation.

He says the possibility of attack is very low.

Kim Min-ji reports.

North Korea is unlikely to turn its threats into action.

That's according to South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo... who said in a parliamentary

briefing on Monday that top military officials in Seoul and Washington share that view.

Last week, Pyongyang said it is considering striking areas around Guam using intermediate-range


That threat followed President Trump's warning that the regime will be met with fire and

fury should it continue its threats.

"North Korea's ludicrous remarks not only jeopardize security on the Korean peninsula,

but also hurt regional peace and stability.

If North Korea continues its provocations, it will face stern actions from both South

Korea and the United States.

Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating and monitoring all developments in Pyongyang,...

and are preparing to take action instantly if a provocation is detected."

Minister Song went on to say that although it seems North Korea has developed missiles

capable of reaching Guam... it has yet to successfully master re-entry technology...

or miniaturize a warhead.

He said that North Korea's latest threats are rather seen as a means of bolstering solidarity

within the regime,... as well as a protest against the latest UN sanctions... and the

upcoming joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington.

In light of growing threats and provocations,...

Song said his ministry plans to speed up the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system.

Recent tests showed levels of electromagnetic radiation and noise from the THAAD system

were within legal limits.

The minister also said the president has requested that the South Korean military take any measures

necessary to address Pyongyang's threats,... as well as raise awareness of the need for

THAAD among people living near the site.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.


Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day s'af­fichent TRÈS amou­reux sur Insta­gram - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day s'af­fichent TRÈS amou­reux sur Insta­gram - Duration: 1:53.


Joy Of Basing Matt Cexwish´s Hexagonal Temple Tile Base PAINTING Tutorial Free Video 001 - Duration: 16:12.

Hello and welcome to the painting video of the Hexagonal Temple Base from the 'Joy Of


I chose to show you this video so you can get an impression on how the production of

these videos usually is.

The first thing that we will need to do is to mix ourselves a nice Basetone.

For this, we will mix some P3 Trollblood Highlight, some Thornwood Green, some Black -you can

use Tamar Black for example- and some Beast Hide.

We need these colours, so we can achieve something that looks very close to the reference that

we have also showed you before.

So yeah, we will apply this Basetone in a Heavy Base consistency onto the whole base.

We are using a technique called 'Wet Blending'.

Wet Blending is two colours together on the surface of your model.

So here we are blending the base tone and some of the 'Trollblood Highlight' directly

onto the surface.

This will really help us to get a great transition without much hassle, so to say.

The great thing about these Hexagonal Profiles is that they have very strong faces and strong

surfaces and edges, and therefore it´s more easy for us to paint the light situation on

according to what we want to do.

In this case it is a Zenithal Highlight that goes on to the base.

When we follow the rules of physics, we will be able to achieve a really nice result.

So for the first Shade we use some Army Painter Strong Tone and we apply it in a Wash consistency.

So we allow it to flow into the cracks and to build up some contrast really fast and


Be quite generous with it.

The good thing about the Army Painters Strongtone is that it dries out in a very nice, rather

satin way.

It is really difficult to put on too much.

For the first Highlight we will be using the 'Loaded Brush' Technique.

We have loaded our Brush in the back with the base tone that we have mixed before.

And in the top we take a little bit of Schmincke Titanium White.

And then we apply just a little bit pressure on the Brush and move it downwards the surface

that we want to blend.

So the colour from the back of the brush floats into the tip and therefore creates a really

nice blending while we go down the surface.

This technique has been around for actually a lot of years, but for Miniature Painting

it has been pioneered, I would say, by my good friend, Ben Komets, who is a real Master

of the 'Loaded Brush'.

And we will be painting every single tile using this technique, so they will look more

like individual little tiles than one big surface.

Here I am using some of the Base Tone to quickly glaze over the surface to unify it a little


Sideways you can also use the Loaded Brush Technique like that, using the side of the

brush and just going down like this.

We are focussing on one side of these Hexagonal Rods and the more precise you do that the

more realistic the light situation on your base will look.

It is also adviceable to take a picture of your base with the 2K Foundation on.

The 2K Foundation is when you put first the Black colour and then the White colour on.

That way you will be able to see the shape of the object that you are painting more naturally,

more realistically.

It is good to take a picture to use as a reference to see how the light will look on that shape

of the object that your are painting.

The next step is to use some Purple Glaze to add a little bit of a depth.

In this case I am using some Leviathan Purple.

It is an old Wash colour by Citadel.

The Wash is not available any more.

I think you can achieve the same result using the 'Purple Tone' from Army Painter.

The purple tone really gives more contrast and more depth to this gray surface and it

really brings some colour in there too, so everything that we need at the moment: More

contrast and more depth.

Notice how I put the Glaze down there and then I clean the brush really quickly and

pull the colour upwards, so it floats more naturally into the top.

Here we apply a Highlight with the 'Stippling' Technique, which is not drawing lines of the

colour, but to apply the colour with little reflection dots.

We have used some Schmincke Titanium White into our base mix to achieve this lighter


Then we also apply some cracks onto these tiles.

I imagine that these tiles from maybe an old Temple have been used quite a lot, so there

will be surely some traces of that on the edges of the tiles.

And again we treat every single like an individual tile, so we need to highlight that accordingly.

Use your 'Ghypsie Brush' to quickly remove mistakes that you might have done.

The Ghypsie Brush is a Brush that I have been using for quite a while.

It is an old regular brush that could not hold the tip any more.

I cut the tip off and therefore I can use the brush for many differen techniques, but

mainly for cleaning up mistakes very, very fast and very locally.

Okay, now we will go and glaze a little bit.

We will be using some Vallejo Armor Brown.

to further add some more interesting tone to the shadow area of the tiles.

It will also help to build up the saturation and therefore the contrast.

The Armor Brown is really good, because it has a natural, satin finish to it.

When we apply it to the lower side of the elements we will get something that looks

like a humid area and therefore looks more deep and more interesting.

Here we can also add some Armor Brown directly into the crevices between the tiles.

This will help to make them look more like individual tiles.

Now we will very carefully apply some drybrush using some P3 Jack Bone.

We will use a soft brittled drybrush for that.

Remove the colour with a paper tissue.

And then, very carefully, apply some of the Jack Bone on the very top of the base.

This also increases or gives a little more interesting surface texture.

It looks a little bit more like stone that way and it´s just ideal for Temple Tiles

for example.

This is the first of two steps.

Don´t be too generous.

Really, just add some of the texture on the top but don´t overdo it, otherwise you will

have to apply another wash or a glaze to bring in some more depth.

So, less is more really.

Okay, and the second drybrush pass with some 'Menoth Morrow White'.

You can also use Vallejo´s 'Ivory' for example.

It is not a pure white, but something like a Off White, a Cream coloured white and this

will help to further increase the highlight on top of that.

Just keep in mind to be even more careful than with the first step.

And at the very end you can add some Schmincke Titanium White and just drybrush on the very

edge of these Highlights.

Paint also the sides.

Yeah, you can see: We achieved a nice stone texture.

Now we have to clean up the quite messy spots like this one here.

So we take the base tone with a little bit of 'Menoth Morrow White' and we apply that

in a medium glaze consistency to cover up these little drybrushed mistakes or special

spots there.

Okay and that´s basically it!

In this case we will put on our Skaven Army Standard Bearer.

You can see that the angle is really nice for him.

That way he looks very imposing and as if he was towering over his army.

Thank you very much for listening and I hope that you have learned something.

I really hope that you will join my Patreon Channel for more videos like that.

Thank you very much.

Have a great day!

For more infomation >> Joy Of Basing Matt Cexwish´s Hexagonal Temple Tile Base PAINTING Tutorial Free Video 001 - Duration: 16:12.


Audi A3 S-Line pakket Sportback 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automaat ProLine S - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 S-Line pakket Sportback 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automaat ProLine S - Duration: 0:59.


Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day s'af­fichent TRÈS amou­reux sur Insta­gram - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day s'af­fichent TRÈS amou­reux sur Insta­gram - Duration: 1:49.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Quattro 5+2 2x S-line Full Options - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Quattro 5+2 2x S-line Full Options - Duration: 0:54.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S, Nw model, Panoramadak, Navi, Drive Select, Full - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S, Nw model, Panoramadak, Navi, Drive Select, Full - Duration: 1:00.


S04E1Aus Bob entspringt ein Fluss. Alle Folgen in HD gibt es auf - Duration: 18:42.

For more infomation >> S04E1Aus Bob entspringt ein Fluss. Alle Folgen in HD gibt es auf - Duration: 18:42.


Kautkur...! Somewhere! - Duration: 1:29.

Somewhere deep,deep in countryside

I wanted to say,in a distant city

his name is Limbazi,precisely,Limbazu industrial district....

And this time we look this area

who called as industrial area in citys

in every city such must be

let's see what there remained

those companies hat are left in this city,they also have...

briefly is all from me!

For more infomation >> Kautkur...! Somewhere! - Duration: 1:29.


L'ancienne nounou de Mel B fait des révélations explosives sur son divorce - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> L'ancienne nounou de Mel B fait des révélations explosives sur son divorce - Duration: 2:15.


Z Ciemności - Zobaczyć świat | odc 9 | 14-08-2017 | HD - Duration: 22:08.

For more infomation >> Z Ciemności - Zobaczyć świat | odc 9 | 14-08-2017 | HD - Duration: 22:08.


||SHASTRIGALE|| a kannada short film-2017 *Headphones Recommended* *English subtitles available* - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> ||SHASTRIGALE|| a kannada short film-2017 *Headphones Recommended* *English subtitles available* - Duration: 10:10.


Learn English Words - DIAPHANOUS - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:26.

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Because Ellen's shirt is diaphanous, she must keep her jacket on at all times.

As Mary walked down the aisle, she found it very easy to see her future husband through

her diaphanous veil.

When Sarah took a shower, she was clearly visible through the diaphanous curtain.

Mary found it quite easy to see through the diaphanous drapes.

In the movie, the aliens who came to Earth were short diaphanous creatures with see-through


Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - DIAPHANOUS - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:26.


Вкуснейшая скумбрия в мексиканском маринаде на мангале с апельсином (рецепт)/ Mackerel on the grill - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Вкуснейшая скумбрия в мексиканском маринаде на мангале с апельсином (рецепт)/ Mackerel on the grill - Duration: 3:04.


Channel Trailer | Commentry and Cam | First Video | Welcome to my channel 2017 - Duration: 1:18.

Hey guys, it's kinetic. Seriously. I'm going to do the first of you on my channel

And this is a channel trailer slash welcome to my channel because all all I'd say is just welcome to my channel

I'm going to be uploading daily

Gameplay videos and

Android Gameplay videos today

or you know if you don't look at my

Description in my channel so go check out my channel or be link in below and it will be

The logos there's like k you can just click on that and send you to my channel

You can subscribe to a notifications, so then you can see whenever I upload a new baby gameplay videos

so yeah guys

Then you can see all the games that I do in my channel description

I will do another deal like channel update like all of the good

Videos, I'm hopefully going to playing

ETC, probably do popular on the way and

Now for we have like 5 main game

So yeah guys I'll see you in the next video if you did like this video hit that like button and subscribe down below

So yeah guys I'll see you in the letter view bye

For more infomation >> Channel Trailer | Commentry and Cam | First Video | Welcome to my channel 2017 - Duration: 1:18.


UNBOXING KELME! - Duration: 10:25.

Cześć family!

How are you?

Welcome another week to my Youtube channel: "BP&ALL."

Well, this week I bring you a little thing that makes me feel very excited, makes me some kind of special


I haven't done it ever.

Well, and you'd say: "Ignacio, if you're new in YouTube, it's sure you have never

done this. "

Yes, well, actually, I have never done it; and it is why it makes me especially excited,

because it is something that I personally, as well as to share it with all of you...

to me...

I really wanted to do this because ... Well, now you will see what it is, right?

And as all of you know, last week I announced that...

KELME, the sports brand from Spain, was counting on me to be their visible face

in Poland; to represent them in Poland.

It is even more special, since this year, KELME meets the 40th anniversary of the brand.

Not all sports brands can say they have been for 40 years being on the top.

And besides, doubly special, because it's 25 years since the Barcelona'92 Olympics,

and KELME, yes, KELME was the official brand for that Spanish Olympic team that

delighted a single united nation.

Well, then it's why ... for 3 reasons: 1.

Because It excites me personally.


Because KELME is a great brand, of course.


And because of sharing it with you all and make you also participate in this thing that

makes me so excited.

Remind you of one thing: You know you have comments in

Youtube videos.

That's for what they are there, to use them.

I'd like please, please, please; I tell you from the heart, that you use

the comments

If there is something you do not like, if you want me to do something that you imagine it could fix me, because

well, you see me doing it...

Whatever you want, write it in the comments, right?

And I'm open to suggestions, any kind of things, both good and bad, okay?

Always from respect, but really, Use the comments and ...


Remind you...


If you haven't yet.

And if you have suscribed...


If you like the videos, give them the LIKE.

So, this week... what do I bring you, you will say?

Well then, I announced you KELME's topic, and ... this week ...


I have received the KELME goods!

Here it is!

So ... I will proceed to open it for all of you and see what the box has


I'll open the package. You see that it is closed, right?

I'll open it only for you.

Well, well, well, I was forgetting one thing.

It seems that this is no longer called "open a box and show you things."

Now it is called: "UNBOXING"

Well, a very technical word.

Well, I'm going to do "UNBOXING KELME".

What do you think?

It sounds ... sounds to me very well.

No, for sure the one who has closed the box, has done a really nice job, huh?

Because I have been like 5 minutes trying to open it... and there is no way.

Here we are still.

Don't think that I'm joking.


I'm even sweating.

Finally the box is open .

Have been trully hard for me. And I know what you're thinking:

I haven't taken my glasses off because I want to be more handsome.

I've removed the glasses because they are falling all the time and I have to be

hand glued to the goggle.

So, you are going to forgive me, but I'll take off my glasses.

Now the box is open.


What will happen first?

Well, the first thing is ...


A sport bag!

Looks good.


Do you See?

Look, the length.

The color is beautiful, and I loved it when I ordered the goods.

I loved the color, truly speaking.

I think it is a bag that only with the color It has, already shines.

Here it is.

Do you See?

Cool, right?

Yes, yes, it's a good bag.

Here I can fit three of my play's armors.

Well ... this bag is big enough for the situations in which we have to take several kits,

travels, etc.

We have...

KELME T-shirt!

Well, what nonsense, right?

If everything is KELME.

(Internal Monologue): P It's cooler live, seriously, that in the

catalog, honestly. We have the T-shirt...


We have...


Well, as you can see, I have quite a few things ... many things will be in this color, because

I love green color.

It is a color that gives me joy, it gives me energy.

What do you think about the sweatshirt?

I asked for it for a reason.

I really love zippers that are Half Zip.

I do not like zippers to bottom, because later they continuously go up, and you have to

push the tracksuit down all the time.

Then, with half zipper, well, you can put bit lower if you have are hot and done,

you can regulate it.

One of my "fav" things.



The coat, the windbreaker is blue.

In the catalog you have it red.

Red is beautiful, beautiful.

Very pretty.

This one is very cool.


I love it.

More classic.

Need to admit that for some things, I am a classic man.

As you can see, you also have the logos on the sleeves.

Very cool, very cool.

Being in Poland, for the rain and other weather, this one is great.

Well, next ...

Little polo shirt...

Polo shirt.

You can see that I have also asked for the green one to let me play with sport jacket.

Then you know about all that many green tonalities, right?

But I love this one.

Overall it is very cheerful, I like it a lot.

It's nice, do you see?

With the KELME brand there.

I do not know whether you'll be able to observe...

that the KELME symbol is on relief.

I think you can observe. It's ... very cool!

... here we have another little bag!

This is a little smaller.

This is for training and others.

It's also cool.

It is exactly the same as previous one.

Much more functional.

Do you see that you have here a little pocket to put inside the shoes and not getting your clothes dirty,

the ones you have inside the bag.

Which is very well thought out.

Well, let's go with the big prize; the premium items.

They are running shoes, we had seen previously

Here you have them!

What do you think?

There you have the sole...

And here ... the ...

Generation K!

And you will see that ... makes sense, because I took the green ones, to fit the style of

the whole.

Leather, looks good.



The highest KELME product.

With what I'll have to defend more myself, the most I will will use.

Chanchannnn ...

Here they are!


The best shoes, one of the best shoes currently on the market.


The highest range from KELME.

Impressive this shoe, awesome.

Leather, you can see it.

All leather, 100% leather.

Wonder shoe.

Really, highly grateful to KELME for giving me the opportunity to use

something as good as this shoe.

And you know that during the year we have drawbacks, depending on the fields or surfaces you play,

then the shoe suffers more, suffers less.

So then, I have asked for two pairs.

As you can see, it's the same.

Leather, 100% leather.

Great, this shoe is awesome.


The PRECISION model is good, good.

You're not going to find anything like it on the market, huh?

Truly speaking, really.

And ... it's been many years and many shoes that I've wore and these are

a glove.

Because, well, you know that goalkeepers and players, we wear different types of shoes.

And these are great enough to be wore by both goalkeeper and player.

I completely recommend you these ones.

So, that's all!

What do you think?

Have you enjoyed the unboxing or not?

Have you liked what I've shown you?

I hope to see comments, so that you may tell me how did it look like what I have shown to you.

Of course, I tell you honestly that having touched and seen all the goods, 100% quality.

Quality 10... 12!

And furthermore: If you are interested in purchasing these products;

I can already tell you: Website:


In you have all products.

Access now, because they are on sale, before the start of the new season.

Seize now.

There have brutal prices.

And you have seen that you won't only find futsal things.

You have Casual style, Soccer, even Padel!

Watch out! They Padel collection, the "padelers" now that you are on the hype and requiring

lots of products.

Well, from my side, only, say goodbye to you.

Remind you... Use comments.

Thank you for being there another week.

I hope you liked this video, which it's a little bit different than what I've done.

Maybe it has lengthened a bit, but I think it was worth to teach you all

these things; that you only had the chance to see firsthand how are the KELME products, which are wonderful,

for real.

Well, without further ado.

I say goodbye to all of you.

And I see you in the next video.


A big hug for all!

For more infomation >> UNBOXING KELME! - Duration: 10:25.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 BUSINESS EDITION / Trekhaak / Navigatie - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 BUSINESS EDITION / Trekhaak / Navigatie - Duration: 0:57.


Peugeot Partner 170C 1.9 D AVANTAGE (70pk) Stuurbekr./ Elek. pakket/ Radio-C AUX&USB/ Trekhaak. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 170C 1.9 D AVANTAGE (70pk) Stuurbekr./ Elek. pakket/ Radio-C AUX&USB/ Trekhaak. - Duration: 0:54.


Turquie : #FreeRightsDefenders ! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Turquie : #FreeRightsDefenders ! - Duration: 1:37.


INTERDIRE LA VIANDE ??? La politique des véganes ? - Duration: 7:15.

Vegan politics: Forbid meat

There must have happend something for they refuse what comes from animals

Meat, fish, milk, eggs, fur, leather

wool, have you ever thought ? What happend to them ?

Generally, vegans did believe all the shit in the ads and on tv

you know when they tell you animals are killed gently

and slaughterhouse are comfortable places

and they are given incredible life conditions

Yeah yeah ... We all believes that right ?

Yes the bigger the better !

But as soon as you look for figures you realize that in each country

there are more farm animals than humans in the country

and where are they in you opinion ? Those animals we never see ?

Promise of an engineer we'll get organised to stop this massacre !

We are the missing links !

We are growing

We'll get organized !

And we arrive really soon

We count on you ! To make this video as visible as possible

Thanks to all of you helping me on tipeee

And to all those who are ready to move their ass to change things !

So like those fucking videos And share them to make them visible !

And if you can't like cause you don't have a Youtube account ...

Use the next 60 seconds efficiently and create this bloody account

So that you can use your vote on the internet !

Vegan politics ? Forbid the meat !

For more infomation >> INTERDIRE LA VIANDE ??? La politique des véganes ? - Duration: 7:15.


Chirurgie des yeux en tunisie Reportage Medespoir sur France 2 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Chirurgie des yeux en tunisie Reportage Medespoir sur France 2 - Duration: 4:59.


Advice for parents sending their teen drivers off to school for the first time - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Advice for parents sending their teen drivers off to school for the first time - Duration: 2:44.


Ronald Reagan in Berlijn: Tear Down This Wall! (juni 1987) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Ronald Reagan in Berlijn: Tear Down This Wall! (juni 1987) - Duration: 4:00.


Hagda (10 couples parfaits) : bernée par la prod', elle a voulu aban­don­ner - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Hagda (10 couples parfaits) : bernée par la prod', elle a voulu aban­don­ner - Duration: 3:31.


Karine Ferri à propos de son fils : « Je vis en fonc­tion de Maël » - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri à propos de son fils : « Je vis en fonc­tion de Maël » - Duration: 2:43.


Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day: la lutte contre le cancer conti­nue, même - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day: la lutte contre le cancer conti­nue, même - Duration: 3:09.


UNBOXING KELME! - Duration: 10:25.

Cześć family!

How are you?

Welcome another week to my Youtube channel: "BP&ALL."

Well, this week I bring you a little thing that makes me feel very excited, makes me some kind of special


I haven't done it ever.

Well, and you'd say: "Ignacio, if you're new in YouTube, it's sure you have never

done this. "

Yes, well, actually, I have never done it; and it is why it makes me especially excited,

because it is something that I personally, as well as to share it with all of you...

to me...

I really wanted to do this because ... Well, now you will see what it is, right?

And as all of you know, last week I announced that...

KELME, the sports brand from Spain, was counting on me to be their visible face

in Poland; to represent them in Poland.

It is even more special, since this year, KELME meets the 40th anniversary of the brand.

Not all sports brands can say they have been for 40 years being on the top.

And besides, doubly special, because it's 25 years since the Barcelona'92 Olympics,

and KELME, yes, KELME was the official brand for that Spanish Olympic team that

delighted a single united nation.

Well, then it's why ... for 3 reasons: 1.

Because It excites me personally.


Because KELME is a great brand, of course.


And because of sharing it with you all and make you also participate in this thing that

makes me so excited.

Remind you of one thing: You know you have comments in

Youtube videos.

That's for what they are there, to use them.

I'd like please, please, please; I tell you from the heart, that you use

the comments

If there is something you do not like, if you want me to do something that you imagine it could fix me, because

well, you see me doing it...

Whatever you want, write it in the comments, right?

And I'm open to suggestions, any kind of things, both good and bad, okay?

Always from respect, but really, Use the comments and ...


Remind you...


If you haven't yet.

And if you have suscribed...


If you like the videos, give them the LIKE.

So, this week... what do I bring you, you will say?

Well then, I announced you KELME's topic, and ... this week ...


I have received the KELME goods!

Here it is!

So ... I will proceed to open it for all of you and see what the box has


I'll open the package. You see that it is closed, right?

I'll open it only for you.

Well, well, well, I was forgetting one thing.

It seems that this is no longer called "open a box and show you things."

Now it is called: "UNBOXING"

Well, a very technical word.

Well, I'm going to do "UNBOXING KELME".

What do you think?

It sounds ... sounds to me very well.

No, for sure the one who has closed the box, has done a really nice job, huh?

Because I have been like 5 minutes trying to open it... and there is no way.

Here we are still.

Don't think that I'm joking.


I'm even sweating.

Finally the box is open .

Have been trully hard for me. And I know what you're thinking:

I haven't taken my glasses off because I want to be more handsome.

I've removed the glasses because they are falling all the time and I have to be

hand glued to the goggle.

So, you are going to forgive me, but I'll take off my glasses.

Now the box is open.


What will happen first?

Well, the first thing is ...


A sport bag!

Looks good.


Do you See?

Look, the length.

The color is beautiful, and I loved it when I ordered the goods.

I loved the color, truly speaking.

I think it is a bag that only with the color It has, already shines.

Here it is.

Do you See?

Cool, right?

Yes, yes, it's a good bag.

Here I can fit three of my play's armors.

Well ... this bag is big enough for the situations in which we have to take several kits,

travels, etc.

We have...

KELME T-shirt!

Well, what nonsense, right?

If everything is KELME.

(Internal Monologue): P It's cooler live, seriously, that in the

catalog, honestly. We have the T-shirt...


We have...


Well, as you can see, I have quite a few things ... many things will be in this color, because

I love green color.

It is a color that gives me joy, it gives me energy.

What do you think about the sweatshirt?

I asked for it for a reason.

I really love zippers that are Half Zip.

I do not like zippers to bottom, because later they continuously go up, and you have to

push the tracksuit down all the time.

Then, with half zipper, well, you can put bit lower if you have are hot and done,

you can regulate it.

One of my "fav" things.



The coat, the windbreaker is blue.

In the catalog you have it red.

Red is beautiful, beautiful.

Very pretty.

This one is very cool.


I love it.

More classic.

Need to admit that for some things, I am a classic man.

As you can see, you also have the logos on the sleeves.

Very cool, very cool.

Being in Poland, for the rain and other weather, this one is great.

Well, next ...

Little polo shirt...

Polo shirt.

You can see that I have also asked for the green one to let me play with sport jacket.

Then you know about all that many green tonalities, right?

But I love this one.

Overall it is very cheerful, I like it a lot.

It's nice, do you see?

With the KELME brand there.

I do not know whether you'll be able to observe...

that the KELME symbol is on relief.

I think you can observe. It's ... very cool!

... here we have another little bag!

This is a little smaller.

This is for training and others.

It's also cool.

It is exactly the same as previous one.

Much more functional.

Do you see that you have here a little pocket to put inside the shoes and not getting your clothes dirty,

the ones you have inside the bag.

Which is very well thought out.

Well, let's go with the big prize; the premium items.

They are running shoes, we had seen previously

Here you have them!

What do you think?

There you have the sole...

And here ... the ...

Generation K!

And you will see that ... makes sense, because I took the green ones, to fit the style of

the whole.

Leather, looks good.



The highest KELME product.

With what I'll have to defend more myself, the most I will will use.

Chanchannnn ...

Here they are!


The best shoes, one of the best shoes currently on the market.


The highest range from KELME.

Impressive this shoe, awesome.

Leather, you can see it.

All leather, 100% leather.

Wonder shoe.

Really, highly grateful to KELME for giving me the opportunity to use

something as good as this shoe.

And you know that during the year we have drawbacks, depending on the fields or surfaces you play,

then the shoe suffers more, suffers less.

So then, I have asked for two pairs.

As you can see, it's the same.

Leather, 100% leather.

Great, this shoe is awesome.


The PRECISION model is good, good.

You're not going to find anything like it on the market, huh?

Truly speaking, really.

And ... it's been many years and many shoes that I've wore and these are

a glove.

Because, well, you know that goalkeepers and players, we wear different types of shoes.

And these are great enough to be wore by both goalkeeper and player.

I completely recommend you these ones.

So, that's all!

What do you think?

Have you enjoyed the unboxing or not?

Have you liked what I've shown you?

I hope to see comments, so that you may tell me how did it look like what I have shown to you.

Of course, I tell you honestly that having touched and seen all the goods, 100% quality.

Quality 10... 12!

And furthermore: If you are interested in purchasing these products;

I can already tell you: Website:


In you have all products.

Access now, because they are on sale, before the start of the new season.

Seize now.

There have brutal prices.

And you have seen that you won't only find futsal things.

You have Casual style, Soccer, even Padel!

Watch out! They Padel collection, the "padelers" now that you are on the hype and requiring

lots of products.

Well, from my side, only, say goodbye to you.

Remind you... Use comments.

Thank you for being there another week.

I hope you liked this video, which it's a little bit different than what I've done.

Maybe it has lengthened a bit, but I think it was worth to teach you all

these things; that you only had the chance to see firsthand how are the KELME products, which are wonderful,

for real.

Well, without further ado.

I say goodbye to all of you.

And I see you in the next video.


A big hug for all!

For more infomation >> UNBOXING KELME! - Duration: 10:25.


Adskills Paid Traffic Course Review by Tyrone Edge - Duration: 4:42.

[00:00:00] I first heard of Justin at an event I went to back in 2015 when I was pretty new

to media buying.

There were a lot of Internet Marketing heavyweights at this event and I thought that Justin's

presentation was significantly better than anyone else's.

He didn't just you know, give a fluffy talk.

[00:00:17] He talked about how to profitably send paid traffic to a blog post, which at

the time I thought was...well, that sounds impossible.

But the way he explained it and the way he went into detail about it - you know he didn't

hold anything back.

I was really impressed with him from that day forward and that's when I started to follow

Justin and AdSkills.

[00:00:36] Now the way I think that Justin's helped me change the way I buy media.

[00:00:41] I'm not a pro media buyer the way others are.

I only buy media for my own business.

I've been doing it for maybe a year.

Now the fact that I'm able to digest and apply Justin's principles and tactics means that

he's a really good teacher because I'm pretty new to this.

Now I guess what I would say is the single greatest thing about Justin's course is that

there there is a deep meshing of big picture strategy.

And today's most advanced tactics.

So the strategy is critical because if you just focus on you know the flavor of the month

of what's working you're never going to get the success that you really need.

That blend of strategy and tactics is really really valuable.

Now the fact that AdSkills courses are constantly updated means I never really have to worry

about being behind the curve when it comes to the newest most effective techniques because

the courses are constantly being updated.

But that's not the that's not the key part.

The key the key part is the strategic outlook that Justin gives you and it really can help

you shift the way you think about media buying.

[00:01:48] Prior to AdSkills, I actually feared media buying quite a bit.

And once I started to finally drive traffic I thought maybe Facebook was the only place

to do business.

Now Justin's really driven home the idea that being a media buyer means not being stuck

to one network.

I now understand you know why broadening my horizons to include Google, Twitter, and some

of the other networks, is important.

[00:02:12] And he's also provided a framework to get this done.

[00:02:16] Justin made me completely shift the way I think.

[00:02:20] I realized quickly that I have to think across platforms and never be tied

to a single network.

This is the difference between you know really moving towards being an advanced media buyer

and just being a guy who pays for ads.

In crafting an offer that resonates across networks that's my biggest task ahead.

And that's something I have to thank Justin for teaching me that I need to learn.

[00:02:45] There have been numerous takeaways that have helped me in terms of like the specific

tactics that made an immediate impact on the business.

[00:02:53] Justin's three by five approach to ad creation as well as the idea that image

is 80 percent of the ad were just massively helpful in understanding how to approach ads.

If you just take those big things that he's learned you know in his millions of dollars

of ad spend, And you just use those as a framework to start, that can save you just so much time

and money.

[00:03:17] Those are really important things you're not just like - you know, guessing.

[00:03:24] Another tactic that helps a lot is you know his advice to crank up the image

contrast that that always helps conversion a little bit.

[00:03:29] And you know it's a really great tip.

On top of that I'd say the teachings on how to separate your ads by gender, country, by

device type, like desktop, mobile, by Android by iPhone.

Those are huge things in how to like figure out what's really working.

How to maybe create something that... slightly different looking page that's going to help

you get better conversion by device or things like that.

Those are all huge things that that have really helped us buy more effectively.

[00:04:05] You know with my last the last event that we promoted, we got about 7000

plus new leads in just four weeks, at about a dollar fifty a lead.

That's pretty darn good for a rookie media buyer.

And you know, I have AdSkills and Justin to thank for that.

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