Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 14 2017

All incidents and characters in this film are fictitious, bear no resemblance

No birds or animals were harmed during making of this film


"The globe has shrunk in its size"

"The world has become energized"

"The whole universe day and night will fit within your fingertips right"


"Politics, music Cinema's magic"

"Gossip, awfulness Religion as a business"

"Everything under the sun in sight Will merge as one alright"

"Is it heaven nor hell, land of Trishanku?"

"Vishwamitra, please tell us the truth?"

"Is it heaven's hell of fright?"

"Tell us, o' man, describe your plight?"

"Database of delight"

"Networking with foresight"

"Truth lives and dies here"

"Help reaches out its hand sincere"

"Broken ties re-bond online anew"

"The pain of break-ups is here too"

"A person's world comes crashing down Also true on this social media ground"

"In the guise of God, online abound even fools ruling websites all around"

"Is it heaven nor hell, land of Trishanku?"

"Vishwamitra, please tell us the truth?"

"Is it heaven's hell of fright? Tell us, o' man, explain your plight"

"1 stop for all; website"

"Database of delight"

"Networking with foresight"

"Information day and night"

"Need of the hour insight"

- What, I say? - Aren't you a cop?

Don't you know to keep up your time?

I took off just because you are my friend, don't bug me

Where's your girl?

Wait and see

"My saffron precious My lovey-dovey princess"

You'll see with your eyes

As if others see with the nose!

Keep quiet

I'm tense myself about seeing her for the 1st time today!

1st time?


SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter...

- Didn't post your photo I hope - Wait, listen

I was constantly applying and finally got a reply

She has asked me to come here

You dumbass alien!

You'll start a family in WhatsApp, deliver a baby in Facebook

Sell him in Amazon!

It's all update

Your 'update' mantra will make you 'hang' one day

- So why did you call me? - Protection, of course

I became a cop with a lot of hope and dreams

Am I an escort for buffaloes and mice?

When will your girlfriend come?

I've been giving her a missed call but I'm unable to reach her

'Missed' call means hanging up before the caller picks, then what?

Aiyaiyo! My boss


Hello! Gana?

Where are you?

I'm in City mall

Is that so?

Hi, Gana

- How is my girlfriend? - Your girlfriend?!

She's a cyber crime officer

- Ganapathy, he's the one - I thought as much, madam

Don't whack me

Will you mess with the transformer instead of a flash light?

- I'm your friend - Yes, I know

Akka, take good care of him

Rascal! WhatsApp, Message

That too to a police officer? What arrogance!

Take off your shirt

Why is she asking me to take off my shirt!

Be thankful it is only your shirt!

Last week I was in my birthday suit!

Hey, shut up

Off with your shirt Why are you looking there?

Calling me 'akka'? Am I your sister?

Sister-in-law, aunty...don't hit

Send messages to your aunts Not to a police officer

Because you're my friend, you were spared

Get lost!

'Beware, she'll stuff the stick in your mouth'

What audacity! You and your 'loser' face

I'll skin you alive!

'Today is 2 years since the Malaysian Airlines flight went missing'

'Families of 239 passengers who travelled by that flight...'

'...till date are in tears waiting for their loved ones'

'In a similar flight accident...

'...I lost you, James

Gana, why the 'dull' face?

I joined cyber crime with so many dreams

Work is cipher though!

I come everyday

I watch movies like a night show and leave, that's it

Come on

Madam, don't call me such names I am a good boy!

Get lost!

This department has been started recently

Desk job

You must take it in your stride

Small job but a very smart job!


Good evening, sir

Good evening Cyber Crime Wing

Go ahead Your name?

'My name is Siva Gurunathan'

'I haven't lost my ATM card, sir'

'But cash keeps depleting from that account'

'I think someone is misusing that card'

When did you get the alert?

- 'Just now, sir' - Have you informed your bank?

Give me your card details

'ATM card number is...'

'0403 4464 1803 2312'

Your Aadhaar card details?

- 'You'll ask for ration card next!' - If need be

Okay, sir, your complaint #is 4-2-0


Because Section 420 is Cheating I said 4-2-0

- We'll get back to you - 'Please do the needful'

Gana, got work?

'Yes, madam'

I believe someone's ATM card has been misused

I think it must be his wife!

That's common practice

I've noted down all the card details

I'll start investigating

Just saw your message asking me to pick you up


I'll be there in 10 minutes

Akka is in the sho...shower

I'll in...inform her when she gets out

In the shower? Wrong number then!

Your laughter is just like the veena you play

Do you laugh even when I lie?

Why 10 minutes?

I'll be there in just 5 minutes

Stella is always special

Won't I get a hot cup of coffee? I'm on my way now

Gana, what happened to that card misuse case?

Madam, that card...

'...was last swiped in City mall'

'Not only that'

The chap's face is recorded in the shop's CCTV camera

We got his 2 wheeler's number when he rode it from the parking lot

'Tracing that number, we know his address also'

Most probably we will arrest him tonight

Most people will fall asleep late night!

Madam, I didn't say 'rest' I said 'arrest'

- Smart officer! - What...?

I complimented you!

- Hi, Cookie - Hi, Mummy

- Hello, uncle - Hello

Hi, Stephie

How many times have I told you to call me 'amma'?

Sorry, amma

But Ganapathy uncle alone doesn't let me call him 'mama'

Insists on being called 'uncle'

Stephie, is this complaint session needed now?

Don't know when this kid will nail me down

You should behave according to your age!

Okay, madam

I was apprehensive your akka might yell at me

Can you make coffee for me?

That's alright

Why did you ask Ste...Stephie not to you 'mama'?

'Mama' isn't only mother's brother It is derogatory too

Whereas uncle has many angles

Even mother's sister's husband can be called 'uncle'

Wait, I'll report this to my sis...sister

Your eyes are a give-away I am 100% sure won't squeal on me

"My 'Taj Mahal' sweetheart stammers her way into my heart"

"I want you as my life-partner My dear parakeet-wonder"

'Gana, what's that sound?'

Madam, there's no petrol in the tyre I'm checking it

A friend of yours is on the phone

- Who is it? - Your 'no' number

'No' number?

You've saved it like that


You talk

I would like talk to Mr Nandakumar

This is 'Murukku' Murugesan

If 'pretzel' is the prefix to your name...

...can you give it to the 'kook' Kadhiresan next to you?

Who is this?

'Don't get upset, boss'

'Hand the phone over to Nanda Kumar please'

Sir, I'm not boss But he's my boss

- I failed in 8th grade - That's obvious!

Can I talk to him please?

He doesn't have clarity of thought like me

See if you can understand

Sir, hello

My name is Ganapathy

Calling from City mall

Last week you had purchased a cell phone in our shop

You have won a bonus gift

Our shop has a tie up with a resort

You've been allotted free stay at the resort

Free stay?


How many days?

You are so integrity conscious Even a permanent stay is possible!

Note down this address

'Please tell me'


I'll come tomorrow

Please do Take your time

No rush

Inform your folks at home Only then they won't worry about you

I'll be waiting for you

I've said 'free stay' Wonder how he will be coming


Done...bait has been fixed!

Fox will fall of its own accord

Into our trap!

Okay Good job

Thank you, madam

Hi, I am Nandakumar

Can I see meet Mr Ganapathy?

Please wait for 2 minutes


Sir, one Mr Nandakumar is here to meet you

Okay, sir Okay

- Are you Mr Nandakumar? - I'm Mr Murugesan

Oh, okay

- I'm with him 24x7 - Okay

Do I get any privilege in this offer?

Actually this offer is only for him

Since you are very keen...

...I've decided to lock you in too

I mean in a room together

Where is this resort? Ooty or Kodaikanal?

It's rainy season now Might be difficult

Most likely Puzhal or Vellore jail

Resort will be near the jail

Sir, please come in

Please be seated Only him

'So eager to get locked up'

'Is she sleeping or thinking?'

Mam, Nandakumar


Mr Nandakumar, what business do you do?

Share market Real Estate

I believe you cheat too!

Hey, what do you mean?

I'm saying the card you swipe is not yours

The past few months in the city...

...for all the fraudulent online transactions

...I'm saying you are responsible

You are letting your tongue run!

Do you know who you're talking to?

Are you aware of the same?

Cyber crime officer Helen!

I have no control over my tongue

Nor my hand!!

She has conveyed whatever needs to be said

Now whatever has to be done...

...I will take care

Why don't you watch where you're going

You're hitting me like a Delhi buffalo?

- Hey, old man? - Think you're a youngster!

Who is a youngster or old man is not the criteria

You decided to scold Could've just said 'buffalo'

Why add a prefix 'Delhi' to the buffalo?

- I'll deride whatever - Oh! Really?

I'll post your cusswords in Facebook and rip you apart, mind you!

You plan to do it now I've already tweeted about it!

- Tweeted already? - Yes

- So fast? - Yes

Bro, you're older and wiser than me!

Bingo! That's better

- Which is better? - That one

- Oh, that? - Which...?

Something...get lost!

Hello, I am Panjabakesan here

Sir, 1 minute

Can you please take a look at this?

Oh my God!


Look at this

What is it, Gana?

Depending on the number of visitors to this website...

...Panjabakesan will reach Heaven that fast

To send off this eccentric soul, please come, one and all

Madam, looks like he has been tied to a stretcher

'Zoom in'

'Some kind of fluid is being injected into his body like drips'

'The more viewers log into this website...'

'...drip rate seems to increase'

Oh my god! I think it's-

Yes, madam

'I think there's some connection between the website's login counter and drip rate'

Is he diabetic?

If diabetic patients or otherwise if the fluid injected is more than normal will be life threatening

'How cruel?!'

I'm trying to trace that website

- First let me look up the IP address - Dinesh, I'll also try

I'll also try

Dinesh, IP address is masked Take a look at this

'Even I tried, sir'

'Couldn't trace this site's IP address'

Watch where you're going Switch off that phone first

Yes, sir

Yes, sir

Sir, we are looking into that right now

I am sorry, sir

I was about to call you, sir

Sir, I wanted to come ther-

I was about to come there

Yes, sir

What is this?

Why haven't you traced the server as yet?

I told them to trace, sir

They sat on the jo-

Sir, actually-

We were given instructions to trace immediately, sir

We tried many times too

But we are unable to track the server

'What is this new tale?'

Like those village complaints of chains snatched in a crowded temple festival

If you can't trace a server then of what use is your cyber crime department?

Actually it's a Russian server

Are you asking me to learn Russian now?

Tracing a server is child's play

Our normal procedure

To check where the website's server is being launched...

...we find its IP address

Then there's a website called

If we type the IP address...

...we can easily identify its location

Then tracing the culprit is easy

- 'He didn't tell me all this' - This is usual

But the problem in this case is...

...the IP address has been masked

A VPN has been used to mask it

VPN is virtual private network

As far as this case is concerned there are 8 to 10 operators in the world

This particular VPN is operated from Russia

They are functioning without any authorization

So we are unable to collect any details whatsoever

We're trying our best, sir

We'll nab the culprits

Have you finished?

Look, I don't have time to listen to your technical stories

First look for a way to save him

Trace out the culprit

You can go

Yes, sir

You please wait

Mr Sivakumar

The victim is Panjabakesan

General Manager of a private company

His family has filed a complaint

If they directly get in touch with the Press or media...

...then things will take a turn for the worse

Too many curious people will start logging on

First try to save that man

Go and meet them Get them on our side

If you don't want many people to visit the website...

...shall we turn off the internet throughout the city, sir?

Do you think this is a simple traffic problem, huh?

Blocking the roads with signs and barricades?

The whole world has access to this website, sir

Maybe you can cut the free wifi in malls

Rescue that man first

Get cracking Burn some calaries

The cyber crime officers maybe smart and articulate

But I am not confident about them

So depute someone from our department to coordinate with them

Somebody smart and intelligent

Sir, we checked the profiles of many officers

This officer Ganesh...

...I feel he will be perfect for this case

Are you confident about him?

Please check his profile, sir

Play it

He has been in the department for the past 5 years, sir

He was the one who nabbed the culprit in the recent ATM case

His plus and minus

He treats all cases as his own and is a perfectionist

Encounter specialist and a black belt in karate

He'll be apt for this case

Then depute him at once

Talk to him directly

But keep me in the loop

Yes, sir

- Good morning, sir - Good morning, Ganesh

I need to discuss an important case with you

- Come to the office at 11:00 a.m - Definitely, sir

This will be a formal meeting

I got it, sir I'll be there is uniform

Good morning, sir

Yes, please come


This case is very complicated

'A website has popped up'

'They are trying to kill this person by streaming this video 'live' online'

'Mr Panjabakesan is the victim'

'We must get to the bottom of this case and nab the beast at the earliest'

I'm deputing you as the special officer of this case

- I hope you'll crack it - I'll take charge, sir

You might have already seen your team members

- She's Helen - I know them, sir

Hi, Helen

Cyber crime branch special officer

He's Ganapathy

Hello, sir?

He takes care of the technical side in cyber crime branch

You should pool in your efforts as a team

And close this case as soon as possible

This is turning out to be a real pain

I hope you'll do it All the best

Thank you, sir

What is the status of it?

'Sir, here is the website'

'It popped up yesterday, sir'

'We've been trying'

But we are unable to trace the IP address

'As more visitors log onto this website, insulin injected via drips is increasing'

'With the increase of visitors, it will be fatal'

'We have only reached a dead end in our tracks'

'I have 1 suggestion'

'We can create an awareness for the public not to log in'

'At the same time we should also rescue him'

First we should go to Mr Panjabakesan's house

Let's go

Does your father have any enemies?

No, not that I know of

He would diligently go to work and come back home

I am pinning my hopes only on the police force to save him

Please move aside

Please move a bit

This is not the time for an interview

You'll land up for this bang on time!

It's our right to question them

We aren't interfering with your rights

I'm insisting only to save a life

This news should not leak out

In case out of eagerness...

...if many people login and as the login increases

...we won't be able to save him

Please don't disturb us

This news shouldn't leak out

Please don't spread this news

Shouldn't we alert the public?

We are creating awareness

What is awareness, huh...?

When the policemen insist on helmet being worn, no one will bother

If someone is lying hurt on the road...

...whether the ambulance is called or not

...bystanders will take pictures and whatsApp it to the whole world

This isn't awareness

This is arrogance

When leaving home...

...praying nothing untoward should happen is the olden times

But today...

...there are many waiting for someone to get hurt to click a photo and upload!


Take a murder case

Are we able to investigate it under wraps and arrest the culprit?

You splash the News all over, online every single detail of our inquiries

The criminal will happily escape with the help of your News

He gets the heads up by the posting online

A kid

Even when a kid is lying hurt on the road...'ll find the snap on Facebook with 100s of 'Likes'!!



If many log on to that website...

...we've already announced a life will be in danger

We got an alert the log in numbers have increased now

What do we understand?

That poor man may lose his life

Like a' live' cricket match, the culprit wants everyone to watch

Go, share it happily

Cool down, sir

At least now understand the gravity of the situation

All your efforts should focus on saving a life!

- What is your name? - Sandhya

Sandhya, please come in

We are doing our best to save your father

We need some details from you

Please come

'Okay, keep trying'

'Put some hackers in the job if we need'

'But I want results'

Sir, any developments?

It seems almost impossible to trace the server

City's best software engineers, ethical hackers have all tried their hand

But they couldn't find somehow that server IP

We stopped logging in only because we shouldn't contribute to the views!

We must find out his status

Correct, that's what I was also thinking

But there is no other way to find out

Ganapathy, do log in and see

Okay, sir

Ganapathy, feed it on the monitor

Zoom in this area

Saline bottle got empty

Oh my God!

I think he is dead

All our efforts were in vain We couldn't save him

'Internet killer's atrocity Manager of a company murdered'


Okay, sir

Okay, sir

I'll check and call you back, sir

Sister, this weekend is Ste...Stephie's birthday

You forgot?

I remember, dear

Too much pressure at work

Strange happenings

To celebrate her birthday now-

She's a child after all

Won't she be disappointed?

Let me organize something simple, okay?


Please leave it over there

Hello, sir

- Happy birthday - Thank you

Many more happy returns of the day

Good evening, madam

- Hi, Helen - Hello, sir!

Hi, beautiful

Wish you very very happy birthday, darling

Thank you, uncle

Please come, sir

Let's go

'Happy birthday to you'

'Happy birthday to you'

'Happy birthday to Stephie'

'Happy birthday to you'

'Happy birthday dear Stephie'

'Happy birthday to you'

"Music from the Veena you are to me while I'm the hand playing it lovingly"

"To me, you are the gold chain shining while I am the new diamond sparkling"

"Music from the Veena you are to me while I'm the hand playing it lovingly"

"To me, you are the gold chain shining while I am the new diamond sparkling"

"I do not have words to express how important you are, my princess"

"Pure light of the skies you are You are the radiant elixir"

"My precious star"

She's playing off key!

Hey if she talks, she stammers

If she plays, her veena stutters!

"Music from the veena sublime Heard only from time to time"

"Let this 'Thodi' raga befriend me with caresses repeatedly"

"Is it fair on your part to walk away, my heart?"

"I always want to hear your lightning words, dear"

"Won't you talk to me? O' my dear bud blooming softly"

"Won't your tears dry now for your eyes to glow, love?"

"Won't the grey clouds vanish from the December moon I cherish?"

"Won't these misty nights last longer for us to enjoy together?"

"If the interludes in 'swara' define a delightful raga"

"If the gap between colors differentiates the flowers"

"If the interval in the flow of water resonates the waterfall's laughter"

"If love is the lull between lips so full"

"What's wrong with a recess in-between words to express?"

"Won't our love stretch beyond the commas in our bond?"

"Come running to me, apple of my eye Blush for the sake of feeling shy"

"When your head rests on my shoulder usher me into utopia, my love so dear"

"Music from the veena sublime echoes only from time to time"

"Let this 'Thodi' raga befriend me with caresses repeatedly"

"Is it fair on your part to keep a distance, sweetheart?"

"I always want to hear your lightning words, dear"

"Won't you talk to me? O' my dear bud blooming softly"

"Won't your tears dry now for your eyes to glow, love?"

"Won't the dark clouds vanish from the December moon I cherish?"

"Won't these misty nights last longer for us to relish together?"

Let me make my tummy happy!

- Sir, hello - Welcome

What is this?

One look at you and a single 'Wow' won't do I think


A multilevel effect is needed I think

You look like a well-licked ice-lolly

Bro, I can understand you're jealous

This is God given

Maybe you wanted to build yourself up

Looks like you lost before you began!

You are a lost cause


Stephie is shy by nature

Don't befriend her with a kiss or gift as excuses

She might faint

Eat and go straight home

Go, I say

Thinks no end of himself

Why are you always targeting me, sir?!

- 'Wait and watch' - Dressed like a joker!

Will you serve generously?

You'll anyway trash most of it!

Stephie sweetie

You and I will play a game now


Okay, this game is 'Talking eyes'

With my eye movement...

...I will signal

You must identify the word like Dumb Charades

It can be anything

- Okay - First


What is this?

No idea

Snake, my dear

You call this 'snake'?

Snake moves like this

Then my eye balls will go up to Heaven!

You must accept what I say

Don't torture me too much

I'll fall at your feet here and you'll be embarrassed!

Alright? Okay, next

- What now? - Flower

- You showed a flower? - Yes, dear, it is a bud

Blossoms into a flower

Should I tell you what I think?

Please don't

It might be so-so But this is the Eye-Talking game

Keep this in mind, Stephie

Whenever I visit you I will play this game with you

If you remember what I taught you

And identify the word

...I'll get you candies


Very good You are a genius

'When one man is suffering, another is staring'

'Is it common practice amongst human beings?'

'Yes, Bharati'

'When one man is suffering another is staring'

'Even if it takes place in some lost corner'

'The entire world with avid curiosity'

' in WhatsApp'

'People watch in Youtube'

'There is a beast dormant in every person, Bharati'

'Won't someone kill someone?'

'That monster within waits in eager anticipation'

Thank God, Navin is here

4 boys confirmed for sure

Hello, sit at the back

If he interviews any VIP...

...he won't spare the big shot till he or she bites him

Shooting a video after he bites is called 'bytes', huh?

You suck at comedy Why do you try?

New reporter?

Know who the prime minister is? As if I know, forget it

Bro, this party leader is very fair it seems

Have you seen him?

Good afternoon

Hope you are all doing good

Warm welcome to all

You must have seen our election manifesto

I can clear your doubts if any

You've allied with a party you fought against for 5 years

Will people trust your manifesto?

In our country, it's common for alliances to be broken and re-bonded

Policy of a Party is different from its election manifesto

This is a beginners' lesson in politics

- Next? - In the 1st page of your manifesto

'If we are elected...' followed by 3 dots

It sounds like a thriller film's title But after that, it is blank

Should we read in between the lines you won't do anything?!

Without reading the manifesto properly those who simply look at the cover

...and attend a Press meet will ask me such questions

Any other sensible question

Sorry, sir, your TV reporter has not yet come

Mister, do you think I set up people to ask select questions?

Sir, we do not know if you have any other 'set up'

In a Press meet, if you get tense in the 2nd question...

...can we take it as election fear?

Who is scared?

You are the one scared of me

That is why you are provoking me

Do not play such games with me

You bet we are all scared of you!

Before we landed here that's why we checked our insurance papers!

Are you trying to make trouble?

Are you trying to get on my nerves?

You may not reach home in 1 piece, careful!

Leave me alone

Hold on to your dhoti It is slipping off your waist

'This Press meet has turned into a 'tamasha' treat'

Navin-Narada Lord of chaos

- Your job got done? - Did you eat?

Yes, I did

Not just come, sit, stand, eat, go!

A reporter should show 'attitude'

Who is calling me?

My girlfriend is good at bad timing, bah!

Yes, darling

I...I'll come right away, I'll come now, honey

Politician means he springs Girlfriend means he shrinks!

This is nothing

The leader's that-

That...that one

Before it turns that corner...

...'leader losing his cool' video

...will be uploaded in Facebook, Twitter and go viral in all social media sites

Then he will know Navin's divine antics!

Navin, you ace it, my dear boy!

Will you listen to me?

Some 20 years ago...

...girls will snatch the cigarette from their lovers' lips

Nowadays we have to do the same to mobiles!

Nimmi, you are a little old fashioned!

Know how today's world works?

- How? - Turn your head and observe


Brother! Any good news?

Yes, boss My friend Nivedita

...has accepted a coffee-date with me

- Where is she coming from? - That table

She must ditch that joker and then come

Brother, you didn't even talk to each other

WhatsApp will do Why waste time talking?

You did a silent kidnap!

Already I have 27 claps and congrats online!

- When did this happen? - Just now!

You saw that Nimmi? This is today's world

Tomorrow even this might change

If you don't download a latest app you'll be outdated in your age group

This is the fact

Just a second



Okay, I'll be there right now

I have to rush now

You drink the Cappuccino And pay the bill, see you

I am not going to see you Get lost

I'll be back please


You saved me from my girl, thank you

- Good morning, sir - Good morning, Helen

Sorry to wake you up

Next problem has cropped up

What happened, sir?

We have 1 more victim

Who, sir?

Sir, I will come immediately

'Ganapathy, check if you can locate this IP address'

- Sir - Come, Helen

Next target is...

At 8:20 a.m today we got the 1st alert

Not traced the server as yet

Is the victim a VIP, sir?

This boy is a media reporter

All VIPs know him well

Thank God, this time... alerted the public not to go into the website

That's why all the TV news, you can see the scrolling


Right, sir I am on my way

We've to find that website, okay?

I'll be back

My dear supporters

News reporter Navin

At times, he opposed us Sometimes he supported us

He is caught in a fatal mess now

Do not watch this website

Please do not see

Once again I request you

Do not log onto this website

Thank you

Wretched fellow!

He crucified Navin!

Are you sleepy, sir?

My leader is spreading the good word

You are blaming him

Half-baked police, think before you talk!

If your leader says...

'Supporters, don't self-immolate'

It means 'please set fire to yourself'

'Do not resort to violence'

It means, 'go ahead and kill'

This is not covered in concern

It is a new revenge plan

I don't understand, sir

All this political lingo will go above your head

You look like a car wiper and you're the driver!

Sir, what is Navin's situation now?

We are doing our level best

A life is at stake, Are you all asleep?

I am trying to do my best I say

'Catch the culprit fast'

'Put him behind bars'

'Arrest the culprit Nab him, move it!'

- Yes, sir - Sorry, Ganesh

I have an important meeting with the commissioner

Certain important administrative decisions need to be taken

Wait for a while

Sure, sir

In this case, even after the 2nd abduction... haven't taken a single step forward

What is the point in being as silent as statues?

He is streaming a 'live' telecast of the crime

Only thing he needs are commercials in between!

What's happening? Is our department functioning at all?

Sir, when they said they were unable to trace the server

...I didn't believe them, sir

With many experts at hand we are trying our best

Still we are trying hard

Mr Sivakumar

I can be patiently listening to you

Will the Govt comply?

I've already received a few calls from the Home Minister

The victim is a journalist

He has the full support of Press and Media

'It is becoming a sensitive issue'

'What are you going to do about it?'

Headlines in a daily paper

'The Police force losing a different type of game show'

He is inviting you

You want to join

Look! I want some positive results definitely

I must tell you this too

When we reach a set-back in such cases...

...taking action against the officer in charge unavoidable

Who will be that scapegoat?

You decide within the next hour and let me know

Mr Siva Kumar Your time starts now

You heard what the Commissioner said

My hands are tied

Mr Ganesh

Joined us just 10 days ago

It is too early


I understand, sir

Whatever decision you take now

I will abide by it

Excuse me, sir

I look after the technical side in cybercrime

This is a mistake from my side

I know you are aware madam's husband was a pilot

After he died in an air crash madam joined our department

She has always discharged her duties sincerely

Let there be no black mark in her profile

Ganapathy! You wait and collect your suspension order

This is such a huge sacrifice for my sake

You have a long career ahead of you

No, madam

I do not...think this was signed by the commissioner

It was God's will

Often I haven't taken this job seriously

I gave my job scant respect

I've said 'I come here only to watch movies'

In the most downright insulting way

Whoever the person maybe, should respect his or her job

Shouldn't be flippant even for fun

If disrespected there will be a bolt from the blue

I'm an example

It's all right, madam You go back in there

I'll catch up later

- Gana - Madam? sister Stella very lucky

Thank you, madam

All the best

God bless you

See you soon

Ask Ganesh to come in

Commissioner was really miffed in today's meeting

Ganapathy got suspended

I didn't want to lose you

That's why, I told you not to attend this meeting

I have full confidence on you

You may proceed All the best

I'll do my best, sir

Okay, team

I want your attention please

We've to crack this

Every crime is backed by a motive

If we crack the motive...

...we can nab the enemy

What is the connection between the 2 victims?

Good, Baskar

Investigate that angle

There could be a link

Else it could be random selection also

Mayilsamy, do one thing

Get the list of cyber crime's most wanted criminals

Check if their crime patterns match with this one

- Get it immediately - Okay, sir

Navin and Panjabakesan

Trace their last phone calls

Get it

...why is he killing online for the whole world to know ?

The ice block is melting

- Will he die? - Don't know

Media's awareness has lessened the log in numbers

Poor fellow!

He is dying slowly

Sir, the ice block is melting

'Sir, that halogen bulb's brightness is proportional to the log in numbers'

'Temperature rises with the brightness and hastens the ice to melt'

'The noose around his neck tightens'

Navin chapter close

'Well known TV news reporter, Navin was murdered in a mysterious way'

'On a website'

'This is the 2nd 'live' streaming murder'

'In this case that has created a stir worldwide...'

'...a doubt has been raised regarding a political motive'

I don't think he'll stop at this

Who is the next target?

Hello, sir What brings you here?

Can I ask you the same?

SP sir asked me to deliver some 'piles'

- Not 'piles', but files - That is what I said

I came to give those 'piles'

No sign of madam or her daughter

No one at home? No job here then

- Only Stella madam is here - Then I have a job

I am just curious to know

What is your job at this time of day?

If you have work why won't I have?

Tell me, sir

Fuse has blown it seems So I came to fix it

I heard the department has removed your fuse!

What fuse are you fixing here?

Have you joined the electricity department?

Clear out! You look like an electrocuted crow yourself!

I might kill you

- If I perform, you badger me - Try it with your boss

Hello, where were you?

I was looking all over the place for you

I heard you talking about fuse cu...current and something

For quite sometime...

...a tube light is really slow on the uptake

I am trying my best to make it work

Though I'm giving the right connections...

...the result isn't exactly positive

So I decided to profess my love in person

- To whom? - To your sister

To my sister?

She forgot to stammer in her state of shock

I am a bit scared of your sister


I love you

I am scared of my sister too

But I-

The tube light is burning bright now!

It's phone ringtone

Don't get me wrong Let me take the call

(song from 'Kumki')

Whom do you suspect behind Navin's murder?

Madam, his work is like walking on fire

Officers, politicians, industrialists

Count these God-men too

Plenty of problems

But to go to the extent of killing him...

...I never knew he would be in that kind of a mess

Has Navin ever told you of any life threats on him?

No, ma'am

I don't like the career he has chosen

We've argued about this many times

That's why he doesn't discuss his work hassles with me

Can you give me...

Facebook Id and password please?

- Password? - Darling

It's okay

Thanks, da

- This is the list you wanted - Thank you

Unofficial, sir Be alert

No problem, sir

'Unofficial is official here'

Good morning, Ganapathy

- How are you? - 'Good morning sir'

I have a piece of important news

I'll update you later, sir

'Some network experts from USA are here'

'I asked them to trace this website'

'They think this branches out from a public wifi system'

'From the Airtel office, I got the list of high bandwidth users'

'The City mall in our place uses the highest bandwidth'

'So the criminal must be only in that mall'

If you search the Mall with your team thoroughly... can definitely nab him

- Are you sure about this? - 100%, sir

Ok, Ganapathy I am on my way

Hello, sir

Fill me in, Ganapathy

Let me brief you in a nutshell

When that server was traced... was clear it was operating from a public wifi

I analyzed that list

I zeroed in on this mall, when I got the details from the service providers

You can nab him with a thorough search of this mall

No, Ganapathy

That involves a lot of risk

Public and media attention will go against us


Our name will be tarnished if this ends in a failure

That is the case only if we don't lift a finger

Technology does not lie

Even when I started that server was active

If we stop the wifi, we can nail him

Are you 100% confident about this?

Yes, sir

But shop owners should cooperate

If credit card swiping is stopped...

...they will protest


I want to meet this mall's IT manager

Sir, we have to convince the people here

Only then we'll get proper details

We must do this, sir

Let him come I will give it a shot

We should somehow convince him

That's the only way to solve this

Are you this mall's IT manager?

I need a favor

We might have to switch off the wifi in this mall completely

Can we do that?

That's impossible, sir

Because this mall's security camera

Swipe machines...

...are connected to wifi

What is the link between security camera and wifi?

That's right, sir but our boss-

All the security cameras here

...are being monitored by him in his laptop through wifi

Look here Talk to your boss

Tell him the wifi has to be disconnected

Insist the police force is pressurizing you

Okay, sir

I will discuss this with the Commissioner

And ask him send the Task force

Please, sir

Our target must be hiding somewhere in this mall operate that website

We must conduct an extensive search operation in this mall

Check every single person here and send them out

Alert the shop owners

They must help us in this search too

In every floor

Search every nook and cranny


Start immediately

Okay, sir

What is the problem here?

Wait, I'll call you back

- What is the problem? - Why are you doing this?

Is the culprit hiding here?

When a surgery is being performed... shouldn't ask if the operation is a success?

Sir, but this is a case of operation successful, but patient died!

Look here

Please cooperate with us We are doing our job

Who are you? What are you doing here?

Show your laptop



Searched everywhere

When I came here the server was active

Boss is calling you

Okay, sir

Nothing was found, right?

Sir, checked completely

Not a scrap of evidence


We have checked every floor

Nothing, Zilch, Nada

We didn't find anyone suspicious

We didn't get any equipment either

Okay, listen up team Search is over, disperse

Didn't I ask you repeatedly?

Are you sure of it? Are you confident about it?

You kept saying 'Yes' What happened now?

We are not tech-savvy

- No, sir - Are you fooling us?

That isn't true, sir

It is right under our nose here


Only because I trusted your judgment

I believed all your theories

But now

...bugged because you were suspended

Maybe you gave us wrong leads to divert our attention

I swear that wasn't my intention


Stop it

I've had enough

Don't try to mislead me again

I warn you

Sorry, sir Very sorry

'- How are you? - I am fine'

'Please be seated'

Going viral of late

I need your help in an investigation related to that

Sure, how can I help you?

We are trying to track that website's IP address

But we are unable to

It has been masked

- What can we do? - IP address is masked?

I think they're using VPN

If we trace...

...their gateway

Or their service provider we can identify them


Whom can I contact regarding this?

I know 2 people who are into this research

One is...Shankar

The other one is...Suresh

They may be of help to solve this

Give me their contact details

This is their card

Call them before you go in person

Thank you, sir

Hello, sir

On the way to work, we were discussing about our phone conversation

Generally to launch a website anonymously

IP address will be masked

To mask IP address VPN will be used

You've checked these

We wondered about other options

We attended a hackers conference called 'Deafcon' in USA

In that conference...

...a device was launched

We can use that device to mask the IP address and do web casting

But the problem is...

...the device was banned by US FBI right then

It isn't available If used, it is illegal

But that is possible What do you say?

Sure, actually... soon as it was banned hackers were intrigued

Actually what is *****?

It consists of 2 parts

1 base station 1 receiver

This base station can be placed in a public wifi system

Within a radius of 2.5 km

We can access it through a receiver

Actually it works on a radio frequency

If you want more details...

...I can explain to you on the board

Sir, if you don't mind...

...can I record it with your permission?

Sure, no problem

Let's consider this a public wifi system

You have a base station here

Base station

2.5 kilometers radius

It works on a radio frequency

***** receiver is here

Whoever launches that receiver

Either his laptop or server...

'...will be connected to it'

So when operated like this

This...IP address gets masked

'The person...'

...launching this cannot be found easily

Only possibility is...

In a public wifi system like this

This base station

A small device

...has to be positioned somewhere

If we locate it

'...using its frequency we can locate this receiver'

Direction of the 2.5 km will be available

You have a good possibility of finding it based on this

Memorize this

Picture of the base station

I can show it to you

'I got this from the Internet'

Show me

This is the device

Actually I don't know if anyone is equipped to do all this in our city

Plus this devise isn't available here

Could have been purchased illegally online

'As soon as the murderous website became viral'

'...we tried to hack that server too'

But we couldn't

But if you want to track that base station in any public wifi system

There is a good possibility you'll find it

Sure, sir Thank you so much, sir

You've been of immense help

- Thank you, sir - All the best

Do you think he will crack it?

He took so long to locate us!

- Let us see - What can we do?

'A big hello'

'This mail is from Ganapathy, who is an over enthusiastic impulsive idiot'

'When I was in the department'

'I stood away from the culprit'

'Away from the department now'

'I am nearing the culprit slowly'

'Anonymously, if a person owns a website somewhere'

'An American is invented a device for being incognito'

'From a public wifi'

' can be accessed at a distance of 2.5 km'

'I have sent all those links to you'

'Last time Venkatram sir reprimanded me vehemently'

'I will keep you posted but let me verify first'

' Please convey my apologies to him once more'

'Warm wishes to Stella and Stephie'

Thank you, madam

Hello, Ganapathy You are...?

'I am Ramesh speaking Friend of Shankar and Suresh'

'They told me you had enquired about 'that' website'

'The latest version and who bought it recently in India'

'I have all these details'

'If you come in person we can discuss'

'But highly confidential so come by yourself'

Where do we meet?

You know the restaurant 'Bird & tree'?

'I'll wait for you there'


Looks like our Gans

- How are you, bro? - I am fine

- What are you doing here? - You came at the right time

Can you drop me if it's on the way 'Bird & Tree' in Beach road?

I'll be happy to drop you all the way

Your funny bone is always active!

- Shall we? - Go

- Bro - Tell me

- I'm not into any shady stuff now - Is that so?

Then are you an angel or devil?

Reformed Dhandapani

How do you survive being so good?

I've got a job now you see

- What kind of a job? - You will make fun of me


Come on, tell me

I am a watchman in a ladies' hostel

- I can't believe this - True, man

Poor boss of yours!

Sorry, bro

Situation was such that day I had to hit you

Don't hold it against me

That incident changed my life

At times when we cross the limit...

I realized even my friends can't save me!

You hit me cautiously! I wasn't hurt

- I forgot about it - Thanks, bro

I'm late for work

Sisters will be waiting in the hostel, see you


Why are you so dull?

Be the happy cheerful self you always are, huh?

Call me sometime, okay?


Sir, are you inside the restaurant?


Outside? In a van?

I'll be there

Sir, Panjabakesan's daughter is Navin's girlfriend

'I spoke to them, got their Facebook and Email IDs and I analyzed it'

'Both have been hyperactive in social media'

'Only common factor'

'I've checked it thoroughly, sir'

Otherwise I didn't find anything offensive or fishy in their posts

Hyperactive online

We can't be flippant about this factor

Let's do this

You check Navin's Facebook account

I'll open Panjabakesan's account

If we find any similarity...

...if any specific issue is common in both accounts

I am sure we can make a breakthrough

Let's get to the bottom of it

Okay, sir


Between February 27th to March 15th...

...check if Navin has shared a suicide video?

I'll check, sir


In fact he has shared Mr Panjabakesan's video

'It could even be due to weed or drugs, sir'

He has posted this comment with a smiley

Helen, I somehow think we are inching closer to the culprit

Before daybreak

...let us collect the suicide details

Many doors may open in that process

Tomorrow is going to be a crucial day

- Good night, Helen - Good night, sir

'My God!'

'As viewers increase water level will rise'

'As the water level rises the time of death closes in'


Before the commissioner calls us...

...I've called him

Within the next 48 hours

I told him to announce we will catch the criminal within the next 48 hours

This is an acid test we set for ourselves, Helen

Yes, sir

Because Ganapathy is part of our police force

...I am scared more and more people will log in as the word spreads

This news is making waves

Anyway let's face this

Yes, sir

Be strong, Helen

- Tell me, Dinesh - You wanted the phone call traced


All calls have been received from 1 number only

Tell me that number

The subscriber has used an International card and spoken

For an international call?

Okay, Dinesh I want you to work on this

I want that number immediately

Please inform me

Has anyone purchased this high end equipment

Check with DHL couriers

Sir, these are print-outs of Ganapathy's mail

Take a look at these papers

I think, he was almost right

Receiving device

I am convinced we can save Ganapathy

In this mall, previous time we looked for a man, this time-

Sir, this is the receiver's image

But Helen...

This is too small

- How can it be traced? - I've organized more copies

If we give it in every shop and ask them to look out

...we will save time


I'll do one thing

I'll inform Beach Police Station

Before we reach there...

...Search Team will assemble

Okay, sir

Let us anyway inform the commissioner

You do that

Let's move

According to your whims and fancies you'll come with a search team

This must be his favorite mall So he drives down at the drop of a hat

Just a moment

We are very close to the culprit

The victim in his hands now, our personnel Ganapathy

...has given valuable information that is synchronizing well

Both the victims have some similarities

Both were very active in the social network

They had many followers

They kept posting different topics

Sensational news

We think someone who was affected by their posts is behind this

Have you found out who the affected party is?

Helen, come here

She will answer further questions if any

Please go ahead

One more thing

As far as possible, publish only the information she shares

I don't want you adding your 'masala' with over enthusiasm!

Don't give him another chance

Have you identified who the affected person is?

We have marked 2-3 incidents

But with Ganapathy's inputs

...we have a very good chance of nabbing the murderer

More than finding the motive behind the murders

...we must catch the murderer

Do you have any evidence to prove both murders are linked?

Of course

Last phone call received by both...

...from the same number

'Hello, I am Panjabakesan here'

'Sir, we are calling from Net Savvy's Network'

'In Tamil, it is called as Valaippadhivar Vattam'

Is that so?

'Sir, we cannot find a person more active than you in Twitter, WhatsApp or Facebook'

'We have decided to make you our group leader'

My God!

Happy to hear this

'We have some sensational clippings'

'You have plenty of followers'

'We will have a wider reach if you post them'

What should I do now?

'At 6:00 p.m today we are holding a committee meeting'


'5:30 p.m sharp you will find an Innova waiting for you at your office'

'Just get into that'


Tell me, sir

'I've seen you in Press meets'

'I have an important evidence about 2 heroines'

'The man servant in her house has recorded that video'

'If you talk to him in person you can get those clippings for sure'

'When are you coming?'

How do you benefit? Who are you?

'Professional rivalry, sir'

'Consider me the producer affected by the actress'

'I am not forcing you It is your call'

Okay, sir I'll come

This is our progress so far

Listen to my request

A reporter from your Media has lost his life

One of our valuable team members is struggling for his life

If all goes well

In just 2 days

We will arrest the culprit

Do not ask plague me with any more questions

Madam, sir wants you

Thank you

'This is the radio frequency detector'

This will help us to trace the device

Everyone listen

This is a radio frequency detector

The device we are looking for is somewhere in this mall

This will locate it

This is our plan

Follow me

Ganapathy is trying to say something

But I'm unable to decipher it

Sir, this is the list of buyers online who ordered costly equipments from USA

Courier service office sent this

Good work, Basakaran

Check if anyone has purchased that product?

Going by the product description one Mr Rangaswamy has ordered it

It's matching Correct, Helen

This is a good lead to the killer

Gana uncle is playing that game 'Talking eyes' with me, ma

Stephie, what is uncle saying

He is showing a bright flash and then a house

Bright flash and house alternately and repeatedly, ma

Bright flash and a house What can that be?

Bright flash, house Flash is light, then house

Light house street!

Can I speak to her?

Hello, Stephie dear

Ganesh uncle speaking Sweetheart, think and tell me

What else is Ganapathy uncle trying to say?

Twice he showed left eye then the right eye

Then he showed a kind of house

Twice left and then right

Yes, uncle

Light house street

2nd left

1st house on the right side!

Okay Thank you, Stephie

This matches with the address on the list

Excellent We have a breakthrough

Let's go, Helen

Okay, Team

We have reached the spot

Now we are preparing for a rescue operation

Ganapathy has to be rescued alive

Got it?

Helen, you stay here

Vasu, Baskaran Stay with her

Come inside only after I call you

Come on, guys

Arul, break the lock

Shiva, get that ladder

I am sorry, Ganapathy

We failed

We found the spot

We could not save Ganapathy

All 3 murders

Have taken place only in this spot Culprits have escaped, sir

Send an ambulance, sir

Thank you, sir

Hey, Helen!

You are...?

Don't you remember me?

Who are you?

I am Chandrika

Pilot Harshavardan's wife

- How are you? - I am good

Got a flat tyre, huh?

It is flat Tyre I'll manage

You look very tired

My driver will change the tyre And bring it over

My place is just round that corner

Before we go and drink a small cup of hot coffee

...your car will be ready

It's okay, madam

Why trouble you? I can manage

Come on

No trouble at all

Change the tyre and bring the car back home, okay?

Let' go

Please don't hesitate, come along

Come in

Your car will be here soon

We can have a cup of coffee by then

Relax Come

"The dainty moon dances delightfully In the sky where blue sleeps blissfully"

"Debris of unfulfilled dreams in her eyes as misty streams"

"A bird with wings two 2 hearts bound by pain anew"

"Dreams that float every night This peacock in a solitary plight"

"Her heart and mind scarred sadly Will time be the healer gladly?"

"As night unveils to a new dawn Old images reappear to haunt"

"Monster lashing to avenge in glee all through the night on a spree"

"A war to lose inevitably started at 40 unsuitably"

"The sun alone rises to a new day Her torment still continues to stay"

"Her heart and soul bruised badly Will time be the healer gladly?"

It's me

Yours truly

Chandrika, why did you do this?

What is the motive?

Listen to me

If the world had asked this question I would have answered

But you shouldn't be asking me this

Both our husbands who died in the air crash

...were painted black by the media

You may have forgotten

But I haven't

Because no action was taken... took my son's life

I bore your pain too along with mine

I thought enough was enough

And I decided to step into the arena

The air crash came under such flak on the social media it was so painful

I am not denying it

It was telecast and re-telecast

Is this a conspiracy?

Or negligence?

Were the pilots intoxicated?

When I heard all this...

I was traumatized

I was terribly upset too

But I realized each case... analyzed by our society through many angles

People will gossip

All this is common

I decided I should leave all that right there

I didn't try to take law into my hands like you

That isn't fair either

'I was also like that'

'Santosh wanted to get through to IIT'

'Every time I saw him'

'...I remembered how people took a dig at him about his dad's death'

'His focus in studies was shattered'

You forgot your water bottle

Ma, I don't want to go to school

What happened?

My classmates are ridiculing me too much

They blame dad saying he was drunk on duty and all kinds of things

Even my teachers are mean to me

Good lord!

Is this why you don't want to go?

Silly boy you are! Hold this

Listen to me, dear Let anyone say anything

Don't let any of that affect you

Hear it in 1 ear and let it go through the other, okay?

You should study well and make it big in life, right?

Study well, don't bother about all that, bye


His classmates were cruel

'Why don't you also become a pilot?'

'And try to reduce the population?'

They kept having a dig at him

'He was heartbroken'

'My son...'

'...committed suicide'

I lost my son Santosh

My only happiness was also dust to dust ashes to ashes

'I know he wanted to do well academically and carve out a good career for himself'

'But this heartless world'

'...killed him with mere thoughtless words'


For a few 'likes' in Facebook...

...that poor child's death

...was shared repeatedly online


These mindless morons

Want name and fame online

More 'shares' in Facebook they are elated!

That media-intoxication of its own accord

...destroyed those beasts

Chandrika, you should understand this

Social media is only now becoming popular

In the beginning stage

...due to over enthusiasm

...this is a grave mistake by some people

What is wrong with you?

Now, recently

An innocent girl's image was morphed and uploaded

Her mother believed it of that poor child

The mother committed suicide

I am not that much of a coward

Not a coward at all

That wretched Panjabakesan

My son fell down from the top floor

He shot a video of my son lying still

And uploaded it

'His father died falling from a plane'

'The son died falling from the terrace'

That was his insensitive comment

That rascal Navin the reporter

He spread this to Press and Media

Is this intoxication due to drugs or love?

He added a question mark!

I taught them both a lesson in the language they will understand

Both of them passed

They passed away

Look here

So does it justify you killing them?

Look at your screwed up logic!

As if I killed them!

Get this into your head All I did was kidnap them

I announced the victim will die if more and more viewers logged in

To the extent the server collapsed this herd mentality helped me

So whoever logged in to watch this 'spectacle'

...they are the actual killers

Those who heartlessly recorded a young boy in his last breath...

...their own followers watched and gawked and killed them


Should think

Each and every person should think

Someone else's death

Someone else's grief

In the name of 'entertainment'

For the sake of cheap thrills

In Facebook and Twitter

Social media

Before they share online they should think twice

What if this happens to us

This is how they should think

You know, Helen

One who holds a gun will be killed by its trigger

New adage is, one who uses the mouse dies in the hands of the mouse!

If misused everything is kaput

Look here

You may think your actions are fully justified

But you have killed not once but thrice

Police officers won't keep quiet

They should be

The police force should be quiet

When a mother is burning in grief and those flames scorch some sinners to cinders

...they should just watch and zip their lips

Otherwise you will share the same fate as that of Ganapathy!

Don't try to threaten me

Surrender for your own good

All along you did not even know which direction I was in

When I take the trouble of seeking you and tying you up like this... expect me to surrender to you, huh?

I thought you will empathize with me considering the fact you're also a woman!

Since you're also affected by this trauma I explained my feelings patiently

You are still retaliating with your police dialogs!

If I leave you like this it won't serve any purpose


Let go of me

Let me go


Set up the camera on my car dashboard

Connect my mobile to the camera

I am really fed up of the same pattern of killing

Wondering who he is?


He took care of my son from the day he was born

So he is my Rock of Gibraltar!

What is it now?

Will you arrest him with your eyes?

Get in, you bloody witch!

Police, so what? Blabbering, blackhead

Have you found out the killer's location?

We are tracing, sir

From the phone details killer is near Karivardhan racetrack


Send me the GPS location on WhatsApp

Immediately, sir

Hi, everyone

Let me welcome all of you to the JK Tyre National Racing Championship

Here we have the most exciting race of the day

Indian Touring car championship

Ready to go

I don't know if this will be a long drive

But for you this is the last drive!

This very moment as my speed-breaker... will also die in the same speed!


You don't get it?

Same game rules

No change

As the login views increase...

...our speed will also increase proportionately

What is happening here?

Don't be scared

You won't be dying alone

We will both be dying together

I am not scared of dying But you on the other hand...

...should not die without realizing your mistake

'Do you think I am irresponsible?'

You are seeing this as the conscience keeper of Law

But I am viewing this as society's eye also

Are you okay?

'Come at your own will to kill'

subtitled by rekhs

assisted by harini, seth and usha

For more infomation >> Inayathalam Tamil Full Movie | Ganesh Venkatraman, Swetha Menon, Erode Mahesh - Duration: 2:01:29.


Uova contaminate: qual è il rischio per la salute? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Uova contaminate: qual è il rischio per la salute? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:48.


U&D: Giulia De Lellis e Vallicella in lutto, ecco i Ioro messaggi sui social | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> U&D: Giulia De Lellis e Vallicella in lutto, ecco i Ioro messaggi sui social | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:25.


양금석 전남편과 이혼 후 재혼 바램- 아픔 극복 방법이 - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> 양금석 전남편과 이혼 후 재혼 바램- 아픔 극복 방법이 - Duration: 17:10.


성병숙 전남편 서송희(성병숙딸)- 이혼사유의 충격 - Duration: 17:54.

For more infomation >> 성병숙 전남편 서송희(성병숙딸)- 이혼사유의 충격 - Duration: 17:54.


アニメ | スマートフォン向けパネルRPG『ディバインゲート』新章『ディバインゲート零』のキービジュアルが解禁! 主人公たちの制服姿も公開! | アニメ の最新・人気情報を - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> アニメ | スマートフォン向けパネルRPG『ディバインゲート』新章『ディバインゲート零』のキービジュアルが解禁! 主人公たちの制服姿も公開! | アニメ の最新・人気情報を - Duration: 2:35.


アニメ | ドラマCD「女王蜂の甘美なる交合シリーズ」のアニメイト特典トラックが「ポケットドラマCD」にて配信開始!| アニメ の最新・人気情報を - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> アニメ | ドラマCD「女王蜂の甘美なる交合シリーズ」のアニメイト特典トラックが「ポケットドラマCD」にて配信開始!| アニメ の最新・人気情報を - Duration: 2:47.


Bowflex® Dumbbell Workout

For more infomation >> Bowflex® Dumbbell Workout


Story | Myths And Legends KS2 | Vikings History | Viking Sagas | Viking Gods | Viking Saga Stories 8 - Duration: 5:07.

Loki: Now, I'd agreed to help the giant Thiassi

against the gods.

So I took him somewhere.

Somewhere we've been before...

This is the place, Thiassi.

You hide in that tree.

Thiassi: Right, don't let me down, Loki.

I'm warning you!

Loki: Can you guess where I'd taken the giant?

That's right, back to Iduna's garden and I'm

sure you can guess why.

If I could get Iduna to leave Asgard then Thiassi could really harm the gods.

She was the only one who could pick the apples.

So without her the gods would grow old.

Ha, ha - that'd be a good laugh...and I wouldn't have to put up with

little miss prefect anymore either.

I had to get Iduna out of her garden.

To go somewhere quiet where none of the other gods would see us.

So I called to her: Iduna!

Iduna: Yes, Loki?

Loki: Can you give me one of your apples?

I'm feeling so tired after my journey to Midgard.

Iduna: Of course, dear Loki - with pleasure.


Loki: Thank you.


Aren't they small?

Iduna: Small?

These apples are as ripe and as delicious as


Loki: Oh well!

It's just that I've seen some much better ones today.

Iduna: Better?

Loki: Oh yes, a gorgeous red they were and so juicy

and delicious.

Iduna: But Odin says the apples that grow here are

the loveliest in the world.

Loki: I'd always thought so too...until today.

Iduna: Where are they?

Loki: Oh, about half mile beyond the rainbow bridge.

I promise you, they're much better than yours.

Iduna: I don't believe you.

Loki: Come and see for yourself.

Iduna: Oh no, I mustn't leave my garden.

Loki: Why ever not?

Iduna: Odin will not allow it - the gods might need

the magic apples.

Loki: Great - Odin had forbidden Iduna to leave

her gar -


But old Loki don't give up that easily.

Just think, Iduna - these other apples may be magic


And some other goddess might find the tree.

What would happen to you then?!

Iduna: Oh yes, I hadn't thought of that.

Loki: Believe me, it won't take long.

. . Iduna:

Oh, very well.

I'll bring my basket.

Loki: Good idea.

So off we went out of her garden.

It was work -

ing a treat, but just as we were about to leave the

strangest voices came wafting through the air...

Trees: Iduna!

Don't go!

Loki: Get this, talking trees!

Trees: Iduna!

You are in danger!

Iduna: My trees...they're speaking to me.

Warning me not to go with you.

Loki: Nonsense, off we go.

Trees: Iduna!

Don't go!

Iduna: Don't push me, let me go back!

Loki: Come on, come on!

Iduna: Oh!

What's that?!

Loki: Where?

Iduna: That!


Loki: Oh, that!

That's nothing to worry's only a

giant disguised as an eagle!

Iduna: What?!

Loki: Thiassi had had enough of hanging around.

He swooped down out of the tree, seized Iduna

and her basket full of apples in his claws and carried

her up into the sky.

Thiassi: Well done, Loki!

I'll take Iduna and her basket of apples too!

Iduna: Loki!

How could you betray me?!

Loki: Quiet easily!

Iduna: Traitor!

Loki: Byeee!

A few flaps of Thiassi's great wings and Miss Good

- ie-Two-Shoes Iduna was just a speck in the



So the weeks went by and it was jolly quiet without her, no gods and goddesses sucking

up to Iduna.

But there was just one problem.

Can you guess what it was?

Odin: Oh, Loki, I feel terrible...

Loki: Oh yes, Odin, I don't feel too bright myself.

That's right with Iduna gone, it wasn't just Odin and

the other gods getting older - I was as well!

I'm all stiff in my arms and legs, my lord.

Odin: Oh dear!

Only Iduna can pick the apples.

Loki we must get her back before it's too late!

What are we going to do?

Loki: What indeed?

If I ever needed a really good twist it was now!

For more infomation >> Story | Myths And Legends KS2 | Vikings History | Viking Sagas | Viking Gods | Viking Saga Stories 8 - Duration: 5:07.


Fiat Doblò 1.2 ACTIVE - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Fiat Doblò 1.2 ACTIVE - Duration: 0:55.


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア牧師の姪アルヴェダ・キング博士が、人種差別問題を語る。 日本語字幕 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア牧師の姪アルヴェダ・キング博士が、人種差別問題を語る。 日本語字幕 - Duration: 3:23.


"이 비주얼, 우아하다"..송혜교, 로맨틱 청순美 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> "이 비주얼, 우아하다"..송혜교, 로맨틱 청순美 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:12.


'안녕하세요' 박미선 "가족들이 행복할까요?"..오열 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> '안녕하세요' 박미선 "가족들이 행복할까요?"..오열 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:13.


||SHASTRIGALE|| a kannada short film-2017 *Headphones Recommended* *English subtitles available* - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> ||SHASTRIGALE|| a kannada short film-2017 *Headphones Recommended* *English subtitles available* - Duration: 10:10.


송중기 "'군함도' 상업영화로서 가치 충분하다 생각"(인터뷰) | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> 송중기 "'군함도' 상업영화로서 가치 충분하다 생각"(인터뷰) | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 10:11.


Learn English Words - CRESCENDO - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:19.

Crescendo the topmost increase in size or intensity

The storm's noisy crescendo meant it was getting closer to our home.

The audience's applause hit an ear-piercing crescendo when the talk show host came through

the curtains.

When the lion felt threatened by the hunters, its roar reached a crescendo.

As the song neared its end, the orchestra began building up to its crescendo.

In the middle of December, Christmas tree sales will arrive at a crescendo and then

begin to decrease.

Crescendo the topmost increase in size or intensity

Crescendo the topmost increase in size or intensity

Crescendo the topmost increase in size or intensity

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - CRESCENDO - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:19.


Learn Colors With Tanks And Fidget Spinner | Videos For Kids | Nursery Rhymes In English - Duration: 34:16.

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the spout again

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Tanks And Fidget Spinner | Videos For Kids | Nursery Rhymes In English - Duration: 34:16.


Learn English Words - CRESTFALLEN - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:15.

Crestfallen unhappy about a recent experience

After losing comrades in battle, several crestfallen soldiers cried in their tents.

A crestfallen John did not know how to deal with being dumped by his girlfriend.

The young politician was crestfallen after not winning the election.

When Jane learned she did not win the scholarship, she was crestfallen and cried for days.

The little boy was crestfallen when he discovered Santa Claus was not real.

Crestfallen unhappy about a recent experience

Crestfallen unhappy about a recent experience

Crestfallen unhappy about a recent experience

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - CRESTFALLEN - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:15.


Learn English Words - CURMUDGEON - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:21.

Curmudgeon a person who is ill-tempered

My neighbor is a curmudgeon who keeps the soccer balls that accidentally come into his


When I learned the school curmudgeon would be my math teacher, I knew I would be miserable

all year.

The waitress hates serving Mr. Smith because he is a curmudgeon who never leaves a tip.

Because we know Mrs. Green is a curmudgeon who never gives out candy, we skip her house

on Halloween.

Although Rex is one of the world's best golfers, he is also a curmudgeon who is always

looking for a fight.

Curmudgeon a person who is ill-tempered

Curmudgeon a person who is ill-tempered

Curmudgeon a person who is ill-tempered

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - CURMUDGEON - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:21.


Learn English Words - DIAPHANOUS - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:26.

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Because Ellen's shirt is diaphanous, she must keep her jacket on at all times.

As Mary walked down the aisle, she found it very easy to see her future husband through

her diaphanous veil.

When Sarah took a shower, she was clearly visible through the diaphanous curtain.

Mary found it quite easy to see through the diaphanous drapes.

In the movie, the aliens who came to Earth were short diaphanous creatures with see-through


Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

Diaphanous very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent

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