Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 14 2017

what's up guys I'm going to show you how you can take your video from this and

improve it to this so let's get started

ah dude it's just water

so one of the first steps you can do is to give your footage a distinct looking

style this is called color grading I want this video to have a more dramatic

and dark look to it I feel like the original footage straight out of the

camera just doesn't give me that look so what I can do is select the clip I want

to change now I have the option of opening up the advanced color tuning

tool which can be found here once that is open you can see that I

have a bunch of options to alter the clip changing things like the white

balance exposure contrast and saturation will allow me to have custom control

over the look of the footage or you can simply add a 3d lut to your video which

will automatically apply a distinct look to your clip which is exactly what I'm

going to do so I'm going to select the 3d lut tab and choose one of the

available left's each lot has a different look so you can play around

and choose different ones to see which one you like but I'm just going to go

ahead and stick with Mission Impossible now I'm going to hit OK and the LUT will

be applied to my clip in the timeline so if you want the rest of your clips to

have the same let applied to them then you will need to open up the advanced

color tuning tool for each individual clip and apply the light that way so to

really dial up that intensity from the gun shootout I'm going to use an effect

from the blockbuster set you can purchase your own copy of the

blockbuster effect set at Tamura wondershare comm slash effect store

there's a link in the description box below so if I go ahead and click on

elements then click on blockbuster on the left side of the screen I can open

up all the elements in the blockbuster set in order to make the gunshots more

believable I'm going to use the elements called bullets 22 and 23 these are

called muzzle flashes and I'm going to overlay them on the video every time

someone fires a gun I have 19 muzzle flashes laid out on my timeline in this

video so for the sake of time I'm only going to show you two examples one that

uses the camera angle looking directly at the gun and one from the side you can

follow these steps and repeat them for any other gun shots you have in your own

videos so in this clip the cameras looking at the gun

the front as it is being fired so I'm going to drag and drop bullets 23 onto a

picture-in-picture track on my timeline the muzzle flash only shows up for one

frame so I want to place it at a point when it looks like the trigger is being

pulled now once I have it in the correct spot on the timeline I need to resize

and reposition it I can do that by making sure the muzzle flash element is

selected and then grabbing one of the corners of the yellow bounding box and

dragging it inwards once I have it down to the size that I want I can reposition

it by clicking somewhere inside the yellow bounding box and dragging it

I'm going to place it somewhere over the middle of the barrel of the gun if I

play it back you can see that I have a muzzle flash that makes the gunshot look

more dramatic now I'm going to show you how to apply a muzzle flash when your

camera footage looks at the gun from the side so in this clip I'm going to drag

and drop bullets 22 on one of my picture and picture track layers the first

problem you can see is that the muzzle flash is facing the wrong way this can

be corrected by selecting the muzzle flash clip and clicking on the

green-screen tool if you look on the left side down near the bottom you will

see a tab that says clip click on that and you will see the option to rotate or

flip your clip I'm going to click on flip horizontal so that the muzzle flash

faces the correct way then hit OK and it will update in the timeline now I can do

the same thing I did with the last muzzle flash I will resize it by

grabbing the edge of the yellow bounding box and then I will click and drag

inside the yellow bounding box to reposition it just in front of the gun

now you would just have to repeat these steps every time someone pulls the

trigger on the gun and you will have a sequence full of dramatic gun shots one

last thing you can do is add overlays one popular technique is adding a

letterbox this is when you see those black bars on the top and bottom of a

video this is meant to create an aspect ratio that resembles the type of cameras

that are used to film big-budget Hollywood movies once you have imported

the letterbox into filmora you can simply drag and drop it onto a

picture-in-picture track layer and stretch it out to cover the entire video

make sure to keep it on the lowest picture and picture track that way it

will sit over top of all the other layers that you place in your timeline

also check out the Moors filters and overlay section you might find some

graphics that can be handy in your action film at the beginning of this

video I use the heads-up display from the sci-fi set thanks so much for

watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button and have fun making

your own action films

For more infomation >> Action Movie Effects Tutorial | Instantly Make Hollywood Films - Duration: 6:18.


Epic minigames! - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> Epic minigames! - Duration: 13:20.


Funny Animal Cartoons

For more infomation >> Funny Animal Cartoons


#TMAP0006 - Andrew S. [TEASER] - Duration: 1:00.

And that was the kind of time you just wanted to

just stop existing or just

just wanted to speed up time so that

things could be better again and then

all I could think o–

all I could do was just keep watching the

Facebook posts that she put with the ring,

like people don't even know they're together,

they think she's like "Oh, proposed– oh, Andrew proposed to her"


Old mate. Like...

and it was just like,

and then just seeing, like just

liking everybody's comments, like

"That's great! so happy for you!"

For more infomation >> #TMAP0006 - Andrew S. [TEASER] - Duration: 1:00.


Alquimia Real - CROMOSSOMOS (Prod. Fac Tual Clã) VIDEOCLIPE OFICIAL - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Alquimia Real - CROMOSSOMOS (Prod. Fac Tual Clã) VIDEOCLIPE OFICIAL - Duration: 3:37.


Quicksilver & Magneto Prison Break | X-Men Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.

In three seconds, those doors are going to open...

and 20 guards will be here to shoot us.

I know. That's what I'm waiting for.

What are you doing?

I'm holding your neck so you don't get whiplash.



Don't move!

You're good, it'll pass. It happens with everyone.

You must have done something pretty serious.

What did you do, man?

What did you do?

What did you do? Why'd they have you in there?

For killing the President.

Wow. Shit.

The only thing I'm guilty of is fighting for people like us.

You take karate? You know karate, man?

I don't know karate.

But I know crazy.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is a Code Red situation.

We are evacuating the entire floor...

so that my associate and I...

can secure the prison.

- Who are you? - We're special operations, CB...


Perhaps you didn't hear me when first I spoke...

but it is imperative that you understand...

we're in a complete lockdown situation. We have to get you to the third floor...

I'm sorry. Were you finished?

They told me you control metal.


You know, my mom once knew a guy who could do that.

For more infomation >> Quicksilver & Magneto Prison Break | X-Men Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:58.


4 things you MUST know about FOUNDER of "Daily Stormer" Andrew Anglin | Go Daddy | Google - Duration: 3:33.

Andrew Anglin is the founder of the Daily Stormer, which is an alt-right website

After the death of Heather Hayer Anglin wrote a post full of insults directed at the late

32-year-old, calling her a "slut" and "fat."

Here's what you need to know about Anglin. But before I start this video I I gauragutee

you will learn a lot from this is channel so without wasting any time hit that red subscribe

buttion now

#1 Anglin Thought Politics Was 'Pointless' Until He Heard Trump Was Running for Office

In a September 2016 interview with the Los Angeles Times, Anglin said he had no interest

in the 2012 presidential campaign. He even thought politics was "pointless" until

he heard about Donald Trump. Trump had me at 'build a wall Virtually

every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign." That's what he

told the times in September Trump instantly earned the support of Anglin

after he heard Trump's announcement in the summer of 2015 that he was running for office.

He wrote in one of his post: "If The Donald gets the nomination, he will almost certainly

beat Hillary, as White men such as you and I go out and vote for the first time in our

lives for the one man who actually represents our interests,"

In another December 2015 post, Anglin called Trump a "Glorious Leader" calling for

the "complete ban" on Muslims. #3 It's Not Clear Where Anglin Lives Today

Even though Anglin has no problem posting other people's addresses or personal details,

but he has kept information about himself private.

For example, in 2015, he spoke to the Los Angeles Times, but refused to say where he

was calling them from But he did admit in one interview that he

grew up in Ohio and said he traveled to Europe and Asia and In July 2017, he told CNN that

he lives in Nigeria. And hey listen he can live where ever he wants

but What makes it ironic that Anglin has kept his current whereabouts unknown

But that he has no problem posting information about others on his site.

Tanya Gersh, a Montana realtor, was accused of extortion on the Daily Stormer.

Anglin also revealed that she is Jewish and encouraged his readers to troll her.

Gersh got on the wrong side of the alt-right because she contacted the tennants of a local

building, whose owner happens to be Richard Spencer's

mother. The alt-right accused Gersh of extortion.

Gersh sued Anglin, who has hired a First Amendment lawyer to represent him in the case

#2 Anglin Has 24 Hours to Move the Daily Stormer to Another Provider

After his post filled with insults of heather Heyer, GoDaddy responded to Twitter users

who criticized the company for continuing to provide the site with its domain name.

Later godaddy issued a statement saying: "We informed The Daily Stormer that they have

24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,"

And Google has also joined GoDaddy by "cancelling Daily Stormer's registration with Google

Domains for violating their terms of service." #4 The Daily Stormer Praised Trump's First

Comments on Charlottesville, Writing 'No Condemnation at All'

While even Republicans criticized President Donald Trump for not condemning white supremacists,

but the alt-right had a different reaction As we all know trump said "We condemn in

the strongest possible terms, this display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.

On many sides," Trump said, Anglin's website took that as "no condemnation"

at all. "There was virtually no counter-signaling

of us at all. Trump said he loves us all," according to the website

Then on Monday Trump delivered a speech, condemning the KKK, neo-Nazis and "other hate groups

that are objectionable to everything we hold dear as Americans."

For more infomation >> 4 things you MUST know about FOUNDER of "Daily Stormer" Andrew Anglin | Go Daddy | Google - Duration: 3:33.


Man found dead at boat ramp near IPFW ID'd - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Man found dead at boat ramp near IPFW ID'd - Duration: 2:09.



For more infomation >> Volvo S80 2.5 D COMFORT *AUTOMAAT* / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / LMV - Duration: 0:58.


Souhail Semlali (DJ Noriken Remix) | Hard Trance - Circles - Duration: 6:10.

Ordinary people chasing stars,

Stop and wonder who they really are,

But the circles keep on closing around them

Fascinating fires draw them in,

Promises of love thrown to the wind,

But the circles never open for them

Like a circle no beginning,

Can't you show me how to break in?

Comfort me with warm and tender love..

Like a circle no beginning,

Can't you show me how to break in?

Comfort me with warm and tender love..

*Like a circle, no beginning*

*Love is endless, never ending*

Ordinary people chasing stars,

Stop and wonder who they really are,

But the circles keep on closing around them

Fascinating fires draw them in,

Promises of love thrown to the wind,

But the circles never open for them

Like a circle no beginning,

Can't you show me how to break in?

Comfort me with warm and tender love..

Like a circle no beginning,

Can't you show me how to break in?

Comfort me with warm and tender love..

For more infomation >> Souhail Semlali (DJ Noriken Remix) | Hard Trance - Circles - Duration: 6:10.


Coming Out – 5 free tips [ENS] - Duration: 8:52.

Hello darling

today we will speack about the coming out


when you want to coming out

what the fuck is all of that pressure coming into our mind?

all of that... Oh my god!

listen kid

the light will show you the right way

the ight will tell you where is the right way

there is no best method to do it

and also you have to know it's not an obligation to do it


it's not an obligation so get out that from your mind

First you can differentiate some coming out

for instance you'll not tell your friends as the same way as your parents

[ Coming out to your parents ]

[VOICE-OFF ] Eva can you set the table please?


Mum i'm kind of feel worried you know

[VOICE-OFF ] What?

I don't feel really well I mean, yersteday we went out with Natasha and you know what?

[VOICE-OFF ] Tell me

I saw a girl, we danced, get excited, went to the toilets, had sex

she put her fin*** on my v****

it was fun yeah but

I'm just worried, do you think I can get pragnant without any condom?



Don't do

Don't do that

I'm kidding, I'm kidding

it's a joke don't do that

your parents will have a fucking heart attack after that

go on slowly


[ Coming out to your friends ]

[ VOICE OFF ] Hey Eva let's have some drinks tonight


Oh honestly mate I can't be bovered tonight

yersteday I went out with Natasha

I met a girl, we had sex in the toilets


Don't do

Don't do that!

ok I'm kidding

stop chatting alright

I'll now, give you

the secret

the secret for

the best coming out

of the world

of the world

First tip

Stop giving you pressure

it is not helpfull

be confidente with yourself and everything will be ok

listen when you speack with people

the state of mind you are in

if you are stressed

if you are excited, if you are sad, happy

you'll share all of that with the person with who you are speaking

more you'll be

destressed more you'll be detached

from the situation

and people as an magnet, as a mirror

will get into the same mood as you


escape the situations too stressfull

don't do it when your parents have an argument

or I don't know you failed an exam

and they are really upset with you

you know, choice a moment when you feel calm

you are walking next to the beach

you are cooking together

I don't know this environment peacefull, calm

when there is no context

promoting a bad communication

your audience after word

will ask you a million of questions

it's not all the time but sometimes it's happen

it's true having your daughter saying she loves


can be a little bit

troubling for some parents


if you don't want to be disturbed

or embarrassed by some questions

maybe you should try to listed in your mind

about what kind of questions people

can wants to ask

so you'll less be suprise after word

Yeah there is always usual questions like

it's maybe only a phase

really but...


did you had a bad experience with a boy?

no worries it's just a phase

I think everyone wants one time exploring stuffs when...

when they are young

Yep, some question are really commun no worries


you also have to know people in front of you

it's something really commun from them

they never really get time

to think about the sexuality of them kid

them kid could prefer

could prefer a gender

different of them

listen every situation can happen ok

you have to be aware

about the people in front of you

are not really prepared about it

they can have different reactions

some can stay quiet, really cold

and just have a thought about it for a while

some can ask you a lot


some can maybe cry I don't know

honestly I can't imagine everything

but it's just people don't have...

people don't have necessarily

the habbit to be in front of situation "out of control"

and a little bit

different of usually

from the normality you know

so we have as well

to accept this fact

they will need time to understand


let this information coming into them proper world

do you get it?

otherwise maybe you'll be suprise


your family will massively


don't care about it

you maybe gonna have some reactions like

Common girl I already knew it

or also...

because... you wasn't gay before?

when you start to play football at 5 years I knew it

we can't get back, this child, this kid

she is lesbian obviously

but I have also to tell you this

I can't deny sometimes...

your parents can have really bad reactions

some have to leave them house and become homeless

boys or girls...

so if you think for any reasons

this could happen and you could get into troubles


you should prepare a B plan

speak with a trusted friend

who could be able to let you sleep at his place in case

but you have also to know some emergency call numbers can also help you

so you can contact some associations who can

help you

and will give you I guess somewhere where to sleep

even if it's only to talk

you can as well contact them

don't hesitate to talk alright?

I'll put the link in the description because it's really important

you should take distance with that because it's not something you have to do

there is a lot of people who leaves without feeling the necessity to do it

it's not an obligation

listen straight people don't have to do it

so why should we?

but if it's something you feel the need to accomplish to be

more comfortable with yourself do it

but think about it

their is no pressure

you can wait to have a good financial situation

it's never too late


and that's it

that's it, that's it

if you have questions, put it in the comments

and if not...

For more infomation >> Coming Out – 5 free tips [ENS] - Duration: 8:52.


'Meet The Pilot' | A Short Titanfall Animation (SFM) - Duration: 1:16.

Hey, buddy

I'm a pilot

That means i solve problems

not problems like;

how to win an interstellar war between angry farmers and rich suits

Because they would fall within the conflicting views of politicians and governmental powers across the vast sea of the Frontier

I solve practical problems

for example;

How am I gonna stop some mean rancid poor-excuse-for-a-pilot...

maniac from blowing me up in a million little pieces that used to be my body?

The answer?

Use a gun

And, if that don't work...

use a 24-feet tall mechanical robot

Reactivating music

Like this 28-ton advanced AT-cobalt composite armored Atlas-class titan

Designed by the IMC

Piloted by me

And you best hope...

not pointing at you...

For more infomation >> 'Meet The Pilot' | A Short Titanfall Animation (SFM) - Duration: 1:16.


LENTINE GHIACCIO SU OCCHI SCURI? - Review TTDeye, Crystal Ball Blue lenses ♡ Mitchie Anemos - Duration: 6:28.

Hello everyone

and welcome back, I'm Mitchie

for who already knows me and for who's here just 'cause wanna know

more of the subject. Today I'm here

to review a pair of lenses

that I got two months ago

but I tried them just today.

In the trailer you saw my fails trying to wear them

...and here you are!

...and here you are!

The color is called "Crystal Ball Blue"

and the brand is TTDeye.

They are so so beautiful, and the package when arrived

was packed in this white wrapping

and inside there were two boxes.

In the first there were the lenses

inside these little containers,

while in the second

there was this box

in which there are...

In which there are two tools

to pick and put the lenses and to remove them

for who's got long nails,

very very useful, with those silicone tips

that don't break or scrach the lense,

So, good.

And the container for the lenses.

Well, reading online the instructions,

because the one inside the box

was in Chinese/Japanese/ecc...

reading online

I saw that the lenses

have to stay

in a saline solution

for at least 24 hours

and I picked this one

that I found from a glasses shop near here

and I paid for it €2,50

and it's 500ml.

So, after 24 hours

the lenses are ready to wear.

This was my first time ever wearing some contacts,

I'd never tried them before,

and talking about impressions

the surely talk by themself!

They are very gorgeous

and my natural color is

is a dark-medium brown mixed with green

and through this

the color is visible.

Putting them in my eyes

taked around 30 minutes

but just because I didn't know how to.

In fact after the first lense, put the second was pretty easy.

About the comfort, I'm wearing them for two hours,

and now I'm starting to fell them.

But if you daily wear lenses

e you wanna know about this site and more,

the speech is another. The comfort is high,

and this site is pretty good too.

I got some problems with

the payments, because I

bought them in a sale day,

so they got a lot of orders,

and there was an error

because I paid the original prize

and not at -60%

so I contact the assistance

and they were super kind and helpful,

and when the parcel is arrived, they gave me back my money.

Do I recomend it?


For the coverage, from 1 to 10,

I'd say 8.


So they look super natural,

you can choose through so many colors and fantasies

and there are also cosplay lenses.

You can also set the gradation for myopia

And for the rest, I leave all the words to you!

Last thing,

I want to try to put them off

because I have no idea how to

and like I said before, this is the first time ever.

So, here I got my mirror

and let's try!

Well, put them off is very easy

and I'm so so so happy of this!

I'm happy that's as easy

...and nothing!

Write me in the comments below what do you think about,

if you like them in this shade

and if you got them others,

if there are some lenses that you suggest me

also for next videos,

maybe I can do some Try On

of other lenses!

And nothing more... thank you!

For more infomation >> LENTINE GHIACCIO SU OCCHI SCURI? - Review TTDeye, Crystal Ball Blue lenses ♡ Mitchie Anemos - Duration: 6:28.


мαѕку'ѕ ℓινє иιgнт¢σяє яα∂ισ || ѕα∂ℓу иσт 24/7 (sometimes Roblox, depends) - Duration: 3:11:03.

For more infomation >> мαѕку'ѕ ℓινє иιgнт¢σяє яα∂ισ || ѕα∂ℓу иσт 24/7 (sometimes Roblox, depends) - Duration: 3:11:03.


Sinful Woman Forgiven - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Sinful Woman Forgiven - Duration: 2:57.


최신 새:"몸매, 얼굴 말고?"… 남자가 느끼는 여자의 매력 포인트 3 |아이돌 24/7 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 최신 새:"몸매, 얼굴 말고?"… 남자가 느끼는 여자의 매력 포인트 3 |아이돌 24/7 - Duration: 3:25.


Milk is Bad (Summer Assignment) - Duration: 5:36.

Growing up in a family where being taller than five-two is an accomplishment,

drinking milk was basically a sacred ritual. "It will make you grow big," they

said. "Your bones will be so strong," they said. For a long time I believed the

adults, so I drank milk regularly (also while being lactose intolerant because

nobody decided to say anything for ten years), but recently, I found that my

family was udder-ly wrong. While I was jumping from topic to topic, trying to

find something to write about for this summer-dragging assignment, I found numbers

of articles on "the benefits of drinking milk" as well as "reasons why you

shouldn't drink milk". After spending hours reading the articles, I found my

position. Despite what many people say about milk's benefits and how crucial it

is to our diet, it actually does more harm than good.

Up until high school, I was forced to drink a cup of milk as soon as I arrived

at my grandparents' house because, as mentioned previously, it was like a

sacred ritual. At the same time, though, I was also suffering from cystic acne,,

which is the kind of acne that comes from under the skin and causes an

intense amount of pain and scarring, but instead of looking at other possible

causes, my family blamed it on genetics. "You have your dad's skin," my mom claimed,

but there was a clear difference between his skin and mine. I noticed that my

pores weren't the size of moon craters, and my face never looked like someone dunked it

into the tub of olive oil, so I didn't fully believe her. Eventually I came to

accept the fact that my skin was just problematic, and that my pimples would

cause endless pain; however, things took a turn for the better

when I left for "the mother country" (or Vietnam), even though I had to use

disgusting (but much improved) bathrooms and breathed in motorcycle

exhaust for half of the time, my day-to-day life did not have a

significant change. On the other hand, my skin definitely did, even without my

usual skincare routine. Before I knew it my three weeks Vietnam were up and I

had to return to America. What also returned,

unfortunately, was my acne. It had only been one or two days before something

with milk was put into my system again, yet here I was, suffering with a huge and

painful bump right in between my eyebrows. I had already suspected some

sort of connection between my dairy intake and my acne while in Vietnam

because of the extra research I was doing for the topic, but this time it

finally hit me that milk was the cause of multiple problems, one of which was

the much loved acne. No wonder where dermatologists recommended dairy as the first

thing to go in a diet. "But when some people consume dairy, they don't have any

reactions," a person might mention. That maybe true, and those kinds of people are

pretty lucky... Or are they? Do they think about where most of the dairy actually

comes from? Do they know what's in their milk? Nowadays, milk isn't farmed by happy

farmers on happy farms. It's manufactured. Looking at the famous gallon jug with

the blue, red, and/or purple caps, the milk may appear as something simple, something

harmless. However these milks are known to cause

excess sebum production, weight gain (because of the reduced fat and increased

sugar content), and, my personal favorite, acne. Until I sat down with my dad, watched

a documentary about cow farms (which aren't really farms), and did some extra

research, I never knew why regular milk caused so many problems. As I dug deeper,

it turned out that this milk was full of harmful things, such as growth hormones,

antibiotics, and pus, just to generalize it, from all the cows that came from.

Instead of eating nice, green grass, as many would like to imagine, they are

taught to eat corn and hay to make them grow large, and, along with that, the cows

are injected with growth hormones (many known to mess with the liver and cause

acne and excess oil production) to get them to be able to produce more milk.

With so much going on around them, from being enclosed in tight spaces to

walking around in their own manure to having their calves snatched away from

them a day after birth, it is not surprising that many cows are stressed, so

they are injected with other chemicals to reduce the levels of stress hormones.

Not only are the animals in a constant state of stress, their health is also in

constant decline. Their udders, which are continuously being milked, become

irritated, inflamed, and infected, so antibiotics are also added to the list

of injections. Unfortunately, even though the chemicals run through the cows' systems to

keep the milk nice and going, they also end up in the milk and, ultimately, in us.

So what's that about milk being full of vitamins and minerals? Despite the "good

stuff" found in cow milk, the manufacturing process as well as the

milk itself causes issues with both the cows and the humans drinking the cow

milk, but the effects for humans are much more long-term, such as hormone-related

cancers and bone fragility. Whether the people choose to consume more or less

milk after looking at some of the harmful effects is their choice but, in the

end, the lifelong risks of breakouts, allergies, weight gain, and cancer will

always outweigh "a good source of calcium and vitamin A!"

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