Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for you a

cheaters cam style headed out late night to jack-in-the-box because that's

actually the very best time to pick up any of their Munchie meals and being

that they've just introduced three brand-new munching mashups guys the

writing's on the wall to do this one right now and hey it's technically after

midnight so it is breakfast time so what do you say we go into the breakfast

version of one of these and see what it's all about

yeah peep this out let me go for one of those munchie mashups the wakey bakey

hash please and that's it beautiful thank you

cheesy eggy goodness on some crisp hashbrowns I'm definitely down for that

right now hey how are you doing yes thank you appreciate it have you tried this one out of the three have

you tried it I have not this is only one I have not

tried looks pretty good look yeah well breakfast you know after hours it's

breakfast so the hangry one right absolutely I really like I'll have to

try that and the jacked jalapeno looks pretty awesome too I haven't

yet this is my first one so this could kind of set the tone for the rest we'll have to see

thanks brother you have a good night as well alright guys is this gonna be some

after-hours munchie meal goodness here at jack-in-the-box

let's peep this out

the popular Munchie meals get some new editions here at jack-in-the-box guys

with the introduction of their all-new Munchie mashups and in this case the

wakey bakey hash and i gotta say guys right off the bat that looks really

really delicious what you've got here in essentially the breakfast version of

these munchie mashups is some golden hash browns on the bottom covered with

an egg that you can see there which I'm thinking is fried it looks fried around

the edges but it's then topped off with pepper jack cheese a white cheese sauce

and bacon bits and it looks like a little bit of parsley possibly there on

top for effect but man this is loaded with cheesy bacon goodness guys all

around and again the hash browns are looking really really tasty on the very

bottom here as well you got to have crispy hash browns to go with all the

gooey cheesy goodness here guys and this is looking really really gooey and

cheesy I'm really digging it already so let's not waste any more time because

the smell is pretty fantastic this is the wakey bakey hash one of the only

munchie mashup here at jack-in-the-box let's peep out this flavor I got to say

guys this is a pretty hefty portion of food for $3.00 the munchie meals

typically are a pretty good value because they do give you a lot of bang

for the buck and this looks to be no exception guys man the smell is crazy

good on this let's give this a go it's the wakey bakey hash one of the brand new

munchie mashups here at Jack

Oh man Oh man mmm

instant overload of cheese bacon and very crispy hash browns I'm not really

tasting the egg yet because the flavor of the pepper jack and that white cheese

sauce is off the chart this is ridiculously decadent a little

gluttonous if I may say so but man the flavor is very rich guys very very rich

on this mmm this is definitely cheat day food guys the egg is definitely tasty on

this I'm really starting to tasting pretty nicely but it's the cheese

sauces that this has on top of it that really send this one into overdrive

along with the bacon the crispiness of the hash browns is pretty good it's not

too oily but it's that really really rich cheese and the bacon that is

selling this one on top of the crispness guys this is really good it's a gym day

so I don't really feel too bad about having this right now but I got to be

honest even if it wasn't I think I would still go for this because I'm a

breakfast guy anyway and I do have to say this covers all the bases of things

that I look for when it comes to breakfast a lot of

gooey cheese and bacon and crispiness of those hashbrowns and of course the

eggs that are done pretty well fried eggs are not really my thing but

the yolk is coming through on this one but man the flavor like I said is off

the charter and for three $3.00 that's not bad at all it's almost like a little

mini omelet with all the fixings and breakfast in a little box let me give

you a shot of the egg on this one guys even though the dominant flavors are

definitely the cheese sauce and the bacon I do have to say aside from the

crispiness of those hashbrowns this egg is really doing it as well the browning

around the edges is coming through and the light taste of the yolk that I'm

getting is really really done pretty well guys really nice you know

personally for me I think the yolk would have been a little bit better if it was

just a little more runnier because I think mixing it up and soaking up with

those crispy hash browns would have been something truly special on top of the

cheese sauce which is just so strong anyway but I don't think it would have

taken any of the flavor away from it but as it stands guys this is truly

something delicious and I would easily recommend this to you easily and finally

let me give you a shot of what all this goodness is sitting on some pretty

crispy hash browns it's essentially two of their hash brown patties that are

semi chopped up before they're layered with all that goodness and those nice

crispy edges round out a really flavorful package guys featuring really

smooth and rich potato on the inside really well done

I mean it's rich and that's the whole point this is late-night Munchie meal

food guys this is really comfort food on a whole new level and having it after

hours is just the icing on the cake at least in my opinion but what do you guys

think do these new munchie mashups do it for you is this something that you

think you'd want to pick up after hours and more importantly what do you think

of the breakfast version of this because this wakey bakey hash is truly on

point so drop those comments down below let me know how you think this one's

stacks up overall and that's for the overall score I'm going to have to give

the wakey bakey hash as part of the all-new munchie mashups here at

jack-in-the-box a very solid

9 out of 10 it's rich it's dense and ultimately

packed with a ton of flavor and chances are if you're ordering something like

this after midnight you know exactly what you're getting yourself into

for any of my breakfast heads out there you owe it to yourself to jump on over

to jack-in-the-box and pick this up ASAP and for $3.00 how could

you not and those are my thoughts on this one as we close out another episode

of peep this out guys cheaters cam style and like I always say I've got new

content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the

next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty

well I got to say I've always been down for breakfast anytime of the day morning

noon or night and the fact that these munchie mashups are available all day

you don't necessarily have to wait until the evening time to enjoy them I just

think it's personally better that you do I mean guys isn't that what most people

do get the munchies late night after hours and I easily think this would

satisfy the bill especially if you're down for breakfast like me but what do I know

alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Jack In The Box® | Munchie Mash Ups | Wakey Bakey Hash Review! 🤡🍳 - Duration: 6:13.


GFX Mash Up Mindy Tan "Ah Mah, I" / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:04.

Grandma, I have grown up now

I am a photographer by profession.

Do you remember the long corridor

outside your old apartment?

My apartment today looks like yours.

It has a really long corridor too.

I remember growing up on the corridor

Everyday we played hide-and-seek

and rode our bicycles to and fro

The children today

no longer play along the corridor

They have also switched to


riding the E Scooter!

Excuse me!

Hardly a soul exists on my corridor today

Grandma, time flies.

With the changes in our environment

many sights and sounds of childhood

have since been taken away

Look, this is Mr Chen

owner of Chun Mee Lee Rattan Furniture

He is almost 70 this year

However he has not found a successor

The traditional crafts are dying, he says

His skills shall go before the ancients

and be precedented by no one

He still runs the business with his wife

purely out of interest and to pass time

Eng Tiang Huat, a chinese cultural shop

is owned by Mr Jeffrey Eng

He inherited the embroidery business

opened in 1935 by his grandfather

He sews traditional red door banners

and sells Chinese opera instruments.

This is Heap Seng Leong coffeeshop

located at North Bridge Road

It stubbornly retains its 1950s decor

preserving the original atmosphere

and still sells coffee mixed with butter

a speciality of early Hainanese migrants

Grandma, I find purpose as a photographer

documenting memories from childhood

recording the Singapore I had witnessed

I have been searching high and low

for nostalgic scenes that seem familiar

But the reality that exists for the camera

has disappeared one by one

I am aware no matter how hard I try

searching for these nostalgic scenes

One constant of photography remains

I will never be able to capture an image...

...of you

For more infomation >> GFX Mash Up Mindy Tan "Ah Mah, I" / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:04.


Brit hols chaos as SNAKES terrorise popular Majorca hotspot - Duration: 2:09.

Brit hols chaos as SNAKES terrorise popular Majorca hotspot

Party-mad Brits have been lapping up the Spanish weather yet again this summer. Magaluf and the legendary clubs of Ibiza have been swamped by Brits leaving Blighty for their share of fun. But serpents are out there to spoil the fun.

PLAGUE: Snakes are terrorising Brits in Majorca.

Hundreds of horseshoe snakes – which can be more than two metres long – have been spotted in the Balearic Island, particularly in the north-east of the island. Since April alone, at least 200 have been captured.

And although the creatures are not poisonous, they are still thought to be very aggressive towards humans. Scientist Piña Fernández explained the snakes "snap when they feel threatened and the bite can be very painful.

The girl was humiliated walking home after a night out.

It comes after activists on the Spanish mainland declared war on tourism. Protesters took to the beaches of Barcelona telling Brits to "go home" and on Monday, party-mad holidaymakers were even branded "terrorists".

The horseshoe snakes are not domestic and because they do not have any natural enemies on the Balearic Island, they have been able to multiply rapidly.

The Balearic Ministry of the Environment said: "The authority has set up around 200 snake traps. The captured animals are euthanised and studied at the Balearic University.

"Our goal is to study and locate the animals carefully, so as to be able to tackle the spread. "Meanwhile the reptiles have spread almost everywhere on the island..

For more infomation >> Brit hols chaos as SNAKES terrorise popular Majorca hotspot - Duration: 2:09.


Here comes Big Liz! Britain's biggest warship EVER arrives in port TODAY - Duration: 3:22.

Here comes Big Liz! Britain's biggest warship EVER arrives in port TODAY

ROYAL NAVY: HMS Queen Elizabeth sails into Portsmouth today for the first time ever. HMS Queen Elizabeth is the Royal Navy's colossal new aircraft carrier – weighing in a whopping 65,000 tonnes and measuring 920ft long.

The warship has been flexing its muscles in the North Sea as it undergoes sea trials – last week meeting up with US aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush.

When fully armed, the ship will carry at least 40 aircraft and be crewed by 1,000 sailors. Known as Big Liz, the ship cost £3.1 billion and is first in a new class of state-of-the-art warships for Britain.

Today, she will sail into her home port for the first time as the Royal Navy welcome her to Portsmouth.

The warship is bristling with 30mm cannons and a number of miniguns to fend off enemies. She also has Phalanx launchers designed to blast away any anti-ship missiles.

New fighter jets the F-35B Lightning II will be packed onto the ship, along with a host of chopper including Chinooks and Apaches.

HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH: Royal Navy ships sail in formation in the North Sea.

WARSHIP: HMS Queen Elizabeth is the biggest vessel ever built for the Royal Navy. HMS Queen Elizabeth will be latest warship to have a home at HMNB Portsmouth. The city is one of the core's of Britain's naval power.

It often hosts the deadly Type-45 Destroyers and the port was the last of home of Britain's previous carrier HMS Illustrious.

Ahead of her arrival in Portsmouth, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said: "The most powerful warship ever built for Britain's famous Royal Navy is set to sail into her proud new home in Portsmouth.

HMS Queen Elizabeth‎ will be the Royal Navy's flagship for the next 50 years, keeping us safe by deploying across the seven seas, using her strike power to deter our enemies. Sir Michael also taunted Vladimir Putin has he branded the Russians "jealous" of Big Liz.

HMS Queen Elizabeth is primed to takeover as the flagship of the Royal Navy – being handed the baton by HMS Ocean.

Portsmouth prepared for her arrival by dredging 3.2 million cubic metres of sediment from the harbour to make sure it was deep enough for the giant warship.

Big Liz will ready for full operational service in 2020 and her sister ship HMS Prince of Wales will be handed to the navy in 2019.

For more infomation >> Here comes Big Liz! Britain's biggest warship EVER arrives in port TODAY - Duration: 3:22.


Migrant family with KIDS as young as 4 found hiding in lorry in UK town - Duration: 2:50.

Migrant family with KIDS as young as 4 found hiding in lorry in UK town

UPSET AND CONFUSED Onlookers have told of their shock to Daily Star Online.

Cops swarmed the truck in Wellingborough, Northants, yesterday after reports of people in the trailer. Officers opened the doors to find a group of migrants cowering away including three adults and four children.

The youngest child was believed to be aged just four, with shocked onlookers saying they looked "upset and confused".

It is believed the family were from Iraq, and had been found on a haulage truck from Czech Republic which apparently managed to pass through border checks.

UPSET Onlookers said the children looked confused. Passer-by Mez Sharp told Daily Star Online paramedics later arrived to check the migrants over.

She said: "I just walked up from my house which was literally a minute away to see what was going on, and it turned out there were four children aged between four and 12 and three adults in the back of a loaded lorry.

"I stood there with my friend who works in the local shop and she asked if she could give them any food or sweets.

"But due to not knowing if they had any allergies we couldn't, but we were told they would be fed when they are settled.

LONG RIDE: The family were believed to be from Iraq. "Instead we were allowed to buy them magazines and the looks on the kids faces were amazing (when we gave it to them).

"The kids had all looked so upset and confused." Another local resident, Tammie Lamont, told us the side of the lorry had a large rip in it. She added: "It was so sad to watch, I really felt sorry for the kids.".

DETAINED: The group were detained before being handed over to immigration officials. A police spokeswoman said the family are being handed over to UK Border Control.

"We can confirm that at about 11am yesterday, we received a report that a number of people had been found in the back of a lorry in Nest Farm Road, Wellingborough," she said.

"Three adults and four children were detained by police until they could be handed over to immigration authorities." Daily Star Online has contacted the Home Office for comment.

For more infomation >> Migrant family with KIDS as young as 4 found hiding in lorry in UK town - Duration: 2:50.


Kylie Jenner's knickers exposed by gust of wind in Marilyn Monroe wardrobe malfunction - Duration: 2:28.

Kylie Jenner's knickers exposed by gust of wind in Marilyn Monroe wardrobe malfunction

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians starlet was spotted grabbing a takeaway lunch in Studio City, Los Angeles, on Monday.

However, the reality TV babe suffered a major Marilyn moment as a gust of wind whipped up her dress, causing her to expose her underwear for all to see.

While the brunette beauty was heading back into her car, her flimsy red dress flew up and flashed her Spanx for the paps. Wearing the discrete shapewear underneath her red polka dot tea-dress, Kylie headed out with best friend Jordyn Woods.

WHOOPS: Kylie Jenner suffered a major wardrobe malfunction on Monday.

BOMBSHELL: Kylie is no stranger to flashing the flesh. Despite her undies being bared to the masses, Kylie did manage to maintain her dignity. Her chiffon frock also featured a plunging neckline, allowing the bombshell to tease her fans with ample cleavage.

The 20-year-old teamed her stylish dress with a pair of black ankle boots and matching bag to complete the ensemble.

SMOKIN HOT: Taking bikini snaps if one of Kylies favourite pastimes.

She kept her dark tresses in loose curls, and even decided to go makeup-free for her outing. At one point Kylizzle was seen covering her face with her iPhone, sheltering herself from nearby photographers.

Just last week Kylies mum, Kris Jenner, flashed her own Spanx.

REALITY TV BABE: Kylie appeared to be following in her mothers footsteps.

The 61-year-old was seen having lunch with Scott Disick at Marias Italian Kitchen in Woodland Hills, California. Kris tan-coloured underwear was clearly visible as her Stella McCartney frock caught the wind during their embrace. Well, they do say like mother, like daughter.

For more infomation >> Kylie Jenner's knickers exposed by gust of wind in Marilyn Monroe wardrobe malfunction - Duration: 2:28.


Today's World: Kylie Jenner flashes her spanx in a flimsy red dress - Duration: 4:04.

Kylie Jenner flashes her spanx in a flimsy red dress

KYLIE Jenner suffered from an embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moment when the wind blew up her summer dress and revealed her Spanx to the world.

The reality star had been making her way back to her car after grabbing lunch with her best friend Jordyn Woods when she ended up revealing more than she planned.

The 20-year-old beauty looked stylish in her plunging red summer dress which featured ruffled detailing along the cleavage and skirt.

But it was revealed her figure was being kept in svelte shape by her shaping underwear.

The Life Of Kylie star completed her look with glamorous make-up and long wavy locks.

Meanwhile, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star recently celebrated turning 20 by showing off her cleavage in a very sexy picture.

In the shot, Kylie can be seen wearing a sheer yellow lingerie set which pushed up her boobs to dramatic effect.

Posing in front of a blossoming tree, the reality star wore a sheer pink gown draped around her shoulders and a pair of stiletto heels.

Ditching her trademark dark locks, she is wearing a blonde wig while pulling a dreamy face in the image, which she simply captioned: "20".

Meanwhile her family members have also posted a series of pictures to mark the end of her teens.

"I am so proud of the young woman you have become. Kind, generous, hard-working, funny and beautiful inside and out.

You are one of a kind, and Im grateful every day that God gave me you. I love being your mommy!.

"There is so much ahead for you, my angel, and I cant wait to see what your 20s has in store!! I love you more than you will ever know! Mommy xo".

Khloe shared a couple of pictures of her sister and wrote: "Happy birthday my baby @kyliejenner!! You are my sister, best friend, business and life partner!

You inspire us all! To the happiest of birthdays my baby girl! Cheers to your 20s! I love you beyond measure ❤️".

Busty Kylie Jenner mucks about with filters in revealing video after zoo visit.

Kourtney picked a picture of them both soaking up the sun and write a slightly more understated by equally as lovely message:.

"Happy birthday baby sister! Tinkerbell sleep shirts for life. I love you my lip kit queen.".

And Kim paid tribute to her sister on her birthday by posting a very sexy bikini pic of her, writing: Happy Birthday baby sis!

You are always so determined & so set on what you want in life & starting at such a young age you always went for it. Thats so inspiring to watch. I love you Ky..

For more infomation >> Today's World: Kylie Jenner flashes her spanx in a flimsy red dress - Duration: 4:04.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


August 2017 - Top 10 Co-op Mechanics! - Duration: 35:12.

For more infomation >> August 2017 - Top 10 Co-op Mechanics! - Duration: 35:12.


This Amazing Detox Water Will Melt All of Your Excess Fat! - Duration: 2:49.

This Amazing Detox Water Will Melt All of Your Excess Fat!

Today, we have all become witnesses to the growing trend of infused water.

Telegraph reports that health guru Gwyneth Paltrow and singer Beyonce begin their day

with hot lemon water instead of coffee.

In addition, fitness expert Julian Michaels also practices consuming hot lemon water,

which she calls detox water.

She even adds dandelion tea and cranberry juice in addition to lemon.

Therefore, many people ask what the truth behind this warm lemon water is.

Does it really help to lose weight?

In an article published in Woman�s Health magazine, Alissa Ramsey, who is a spokeswoman

for the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition, says that warm lemon water can contribute

to weight loss, only if consumed as an alternative to morning coffee or milk.

It is useful due to the fact that water, as the main ingredient, stimulates the work of


At the same time, this detox drink replaces all other drinks that contain sugar and fat.

It acts as a mild diuretic and reduces swelling.

Therefore, that is the reason why you need to start consuming infused water in the morning

or before going to sleep, because it helps your metabolism to burn fat fast.

�Power Water� � Recipe


1 lemon Bunch of cilantro

1 tablespoon grated ginger 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera

1 cucumber 1 glass jar water ( 1 liter � 35 oz)


Slice the lemon and cucumber and put them in the glass jar.

Add the rest of the ingredients and let them stay overnight.

The next day start drinking it all day long.

Make new one every night.

The cilantro is ideal for relieving swelling thanks to the large amount of anti � oxidants

it contains.

The ginger boosts metabolism and digestion and Aloe Vera reduces inflammation and fight

free radicals in the body.

Cucumbers are rich in water and fiber, which actually represent a miracle for weight loss.

Fiber makes you feel full without eating too much and consuming too many calories.

In addition, fiber prevents you from overeating, which means that if you drink this �Power

Water� before going to bed, you will not have night cravings, and if you drink it in

the morning, it will make you eat less.

We really hope you enjoyed this article and please share it with your family and friends.

For more infomation >> This Amazing Detox Water Will Melt All of Your Excess Fat! - Duration: 2:49.


The All-New 2017 Honda Civ...

For more infomation >> The All-New 2017 Honda Civ...


Nghe thử đi, hay lắm! Tuyển Tập Những Bản Cover, Mashup Hay Nhất Của Thánh Nữ Cover - Duration: 1:27:54.

Đăng kí kênh để nhận thông báo về video mới nhất mỗi ngày nhé ! Cảm ơn bạn, Chúc bạn nghe nhạc vui vẻ !

For more infomation >> Nghe thử đi, hay lắm! Tuyển Tập Những Bản Cover, Mashup Hay Nhất Của Thánh Nữ Cover - Duration: 1:27:54.


Premiering This Saturday, Do...

For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


Jack In The Box® | Munchie Mash Ups | Wakey Bakey Hash Review! 🤡🍳 - Duration: 6:13.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for you a

cheaters cam style headed out late night to jack-in-the-box because that's

actually the very best time to pick up any of their Munchie meals and being

that they've just introduced three brand-new munching mashups guys the

writing's on the wall to do this one right now and hey it's technically after

midnight so it is breakfast time so what do you say we go into the breakfast

version of one of these and see what it's all about

yeah peep this out let me go for one of those munchie mashups the wakey bakey

hash please and that's it beautiful thank you

cheesy eggy goodness on some crisp hashbrowns I'm definitely down for that

right now hey how are you doing yes thank you appreciate it have you tried this one out of the three have

you tried it I have not this is only one I have not

tried looks pretty good look yeah well breakfast you know after hours it's

breakfast so the hangry one right absolutely I really like I'll have to

try that and the jacked jalapeno looks pretty awesome too I haven't

yet this is my first one so this could kind of set the tone for the rest we'll have to see

thanks brother you have a good night as well alright guys is this gonna be some

after-hours munchie meal goodness here at jack-in-the-box

let's peep this out

the popular Munchie meals get some new editions here at jack-in-the-box guys

with the introduction of their all-new Munchie mashups and in this case the

wakey bakey hash and i gotta say guys right off the bat that looks really

really delicious what you've got here in essentially the breakfast version of

these munchie mashups is some golden hash browns on the bottom covered with

an egg that you can see there which I'm thinking is fried it looks fried around

the edges but it's then topped off with pepper jack cheese a white cheese sauce

and bacon bits and it looks like a little bit of parsley possibly there on

top for effect but man this is loaded with cheesy bacon goodness guys all

around and again the hash browns are looking really really tasty on the very

bottom here as well you got to have crispy hash browns to go with all the

gooey cheesy goodness here guys and this is looking really really gooey and

cheesy I'm really digging it already so let's not waste any more time because

the smell is pretty fantastic this is the wakey bakey hash one of the only

munchie mashup here at jack-in-the-box let's peep out this flavor I got to say

guys this is a pretty hefty portion of food for $3.00 the munchie meals

typically are a pretty good value because they do give you a lot of bang

for the buck and this looks to be no exception guys man the smell is crazy

good on this let's give this a go it's the wakey bakey hash one of the brand new

munchie mashups here at Jack

Oh man Oh man mmm

instant overload of cheese bacon and very crispy hash browns I'm not really

tasting the egg yet because the flavor of the pepper jack and that white cheese

sauce is off the chart this is ridiculously decadent a little

gluttonous if I may say so but man the flavor is very rich guys very very rich

on this mmm this is definitely cheat day food guys the egg is definitely tasty on

this I'm really starting to tasting pretty nicely but it's the cheese

sauces that this has on top of it that really send this one into overdrive

along with the bacon the crispiness of the hash browns is pretty good it's not

too oily but it's that really really rich cheese and the bacon that is

selling this one on top of the crispness guys this is really good it's a gym day

so I don't really feel too bad about having this right now but I got to be

honest even if it wasn't I think I would still go for this because I'm a

breakfast guy anyway and I do have to say this covers all the bases of things

that I look for when it comes to breakfast a lot of

gooey cheese and bacon and crispiness of those hashbrowns and of course the

eggs that are done pretty well fried eggs are not really my thing but

the yolk is coming through on this one but man the flavor like I said is off

the charter and for three $3.00 that's not bad at all it's almost like a little

mini omelet with all the fixings and breakfast in a little box let me give

you a shot of the egg on this one guys even though the dominant flavors are

definitely the cheese sauce and the bacon I do have to say aside from the

crispiness of those hashbrowns this egg is really doing it as well the browning

around the edges is coming through and the light taste of the yolk that I'm

getting is really really done pretty well guys really nice you know

personally for me I think the yolk would have been a little bit better if it was

just a little more runnier because I think mixing it up and soaking up with

those crispy hash browns would have been something truly special on top of the

cheese sauce which is just so strong anyway but I don't think it would have

taken any of the flavor away from it but as it stands guys this is truly

something delicious and I would easily recommend this to you easily and finally

let me give you a shot of what all this goodness is sitting on some pretty

crispy hash browns it's essentially two of their hash brown patties that are

semi chopped up before they're layered with all that goodness and those nice

crispy edges round out a really flavorful package guys featuring really

smooth and rich potato on the inside really well done

I mean it's rich and that's the whole point this is late-night Munchie meal

food guys this is really comfort food on a whole new level and having it after

hours is just the icing on the cake at least in my opinion but what do you guys

think do these new munchie mashups do it for you is this something that you

think you'd want to pick up after hours and more importantly what do you think

of the breakfast version of this because this wakey bakey hash is truly on

point so drop those comments down below let me know how you think this one's

stacks up overall and that's for the overall score I'm going to have to give

the wakey bakey hash as part of the all-new munchie mashups here at

jack-in-the-box a very solid

9 out of 10 it's rich it's dense and ultimately

packed with a ton of flavor and chances are if you're ordering something like

this after midnight you know exactly what you're getting yourself into

for any of my breakfast heads out there you owe it to yourself to jump on over

to jack-in-the-box and pick this up ASAP and for $3.00 how could

you not and those are my thoughts on this one as we close out another episode

of peep this out guys cheaters cam style and like I always say I've got new

content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the

next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty

well I got to say I've always been down for breakfast anytime of the day morning

noon or night and the fact that these munchie mashups are available all day

you don't necessarily have to wait until the evening time to enjoy them I just

think it's personally better that you do I mean guys isn't that what most people

do get the munchies late night after hours and I easily think this would

satisfy the bill especially if you're down for breakfast like me but what do I know

alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

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