Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

Hello everybody, this is John.

I am, as always, really grateful for your presence here.

So, welcome!

I have a couple of things I'd like to talk to you about today

that have to do with our journey over the years, with you.

Carla and I have spent the first 18 years of our marriage

in a long Odyssey from spiritual teachers of self-inquiry

to the discovery of Just One Look, which takes us to the actual heart of self-inquiry

and beyond, to the actual heart and self-reliant human life

free of all false fear.

Carla and I met in Boulder, Colorado in April of 1998

and married in San Rafael, California in June of 1999.

We were at the time both students of an American non-dual spiritual teacher

and we were both independently drawn to the teachings of Ramana Maharshi

and the practice of self-inquiry.

We had both followed Ramana's instruction

and we were both certain that we had succeeded in recognizing

the true feel of our actual presence in our own minds

and therefore we were convinced that we had succeeded in Ramana's movement of self-inquiry.

We also both suffered together through prolonged and difficult recoveries lasting many years.

Following our success with Ramana's method, we've spent the last 18 years

working to understand how it could be that such a simple and, for us, effective tool

as Ramana's self-inquiry has brought so little hope to people who need it most.

Ramana himself often remarked on the fact

that so few found actual help from him.

So we both are among those fortunate few and the results have, over time,

simplified and clarified our lives and brought us home to our own minds safe and sound.

This was long before we came to see the actual cause of human psychological misery

to be best understood as a kind of psychological autoimmune disease,

no different in kind of the need for recovery from any other autoimmune disease.

Our discovery of the fear of life to be the root cause of the disease

and of all purely psychological misery arising from it,

along with the practice of self-directed attention as the solution

not only to the long and lingering fear-driven confusion that follows the cure,

that took some years to find, understand, and put to use.

We cannot stress enough...

I cannot stress enough the value of the work of the hundreds of people in the forums

who have come together seeking understanding and help with their own cure and recovery from fear.

It is certain that without their questions and open conversation

among themselves and with us, many more years would have passed

before we could have come even close to the clarity and confidence they have given us.

Our only wish now is to find a way to bring just the simple suggestion to look at themselves

to all human beings who would be willing to look with their mind's eye

for the feel of your presence and, after having done that,

would be willing to begin gaining intelligent self-control over their own attention.

I want to make clear that you understand what I'm saying.

The work of understanding this great gift that has come to us,

the deep understanding of it, is pretty much over.

There certainly will be many things that we all learn together,

as the days, and months, and years pass along,

but the essential nature of our work is clear, and understandable, and true.

This has got to be brought to the world.

You know, Carla and I often notice

circumstances that come to us without

any reasonable understanding of how they do.

Things come to us, ideas come to us, help comes to us.

When we are really broke and desperate for money, money comes to us.

And we have come to the conviction that the world really wants this.

There's something about what we, together with you, have found here

that is missing the world of human endeavor; in the world of human misery;

in the world of human understanding of human being.

It would be so easy.

It would be really easy to do this,

to bring this to everybody. It's simple, it doesn't take any understanding at all,

except the understanding of what we are talking about when we ask them to look at themselves.

And if we had the money, and the volunteers,

especially volunteers skilled in web design, accounting, and mass media

who would be willing to work with us to find money, work with us to find ways of reaching a larger audience

with events and things of that nature...

If we had that, if we had that money, if we had those volunteers,

if we had the time, just the time, this could sweep throughout the world.

Truly, it's so obvious to us. Truly.

If you consider your own experience with this work, you will see for yourself

that once that first look was taken, whether you argued with it, believed in it, disbelieve in it,

no matter what your relationship was with it, you must know that once that was done,

things changed for you, without you having to understand what was happening at all.

The nature of your mind changed in you without you having to lift a finger to do anything about it.

Some of the things that occur in the outcome of this are difficult.

They're difficult, the recovery from this terrible disease that afflicts us all.

I mean, there might be a handful of people throughout the seven billion of us

that were lucky enough not to be infected by this disease, but most everybody in the world

has this same disease: the good ones, the bad ones, the politicians, the rich, the poor,

the murderers, the murdered, all working and relating to their own lives

from the unseen sense that life is dangerous.

That I have to find a way to protect myself.

That the most important thing is for me to find a way to get it

so that this terrible thing that I fear will not come to me.

All the murderers, all the torturers, all the horrible things that human beings managed to do to each other,

that we, human beings, have managed to do to each other...

All of these things are predicated on the sense that life is here that life is fearful,

that life is untrustworthy, that there's nothing I can do.

Most of the time when I have spoken to people, I have spoken to you in these meetings,

I have spoken about the ins and outs,

the ways in which to do things to help yourself.

Most of the things that I have talked about over the years have been singular.

Talking to you, just to you.

You should take this step; you should look at yourself; you should get control over your own mind,

get control over your own attention.

But we got to find a way to do this not one person at a time, but a bunch of people at a time.

That's our focus now.

So, give us some ideas; tell us how we can make this happen.

If you're skilled the skills that we need in order to be helpful, volunteer for that.

Be real, a real volunteer that works directly with us,

that works to help us and to...

And if you have money, if you are a rich person, or have plenty of money to spare,

give some of it to us. We are not going to spend it on stupid stuff.

We are not going to spend the money that you give to us on stuff that enhances our own experience of life.

We are accustomed now, after many, many, many years of basically poverty,

we're accustomed to living simply and without the need for a lot of personal money.

So, whatever you give us, it's going to go to where it needs to go.

Whatever work that you can provide us with is going to go to where it needs to go.

We have nothing else in our lives,

except the deep certainty that what we have stumbled upon here needs to get to the world.

So, that's most of what I had to say today.

We are done with the need for an understanding of the whole of what we're doing here.

We've got that, we understand now.

We see why the self-inquiry of Ramana Maharshi did not produce results

for most of the people who came to him.

We see now very clearly why all of the ancient spiritual teachings that are now blanketing

at least the country in which we live, America, the United States,

blanketing the world with

ideas that are not helpful.

ideas that are dependent upon miracles to happen.

No miracle is going to save anyone from the misery of fear.

There's no miracle that's going to come down and wipe fear off of anybody's mind.

The only way to get rid of the fear that is now driving the human species into...

God knows what terrible miseries are in on our doorstep now.

And the solution is in our hands.

For more infomation >> Conversations with John Sherman - Episode 20 - Duration: 18:04.


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For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


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For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron en maillot l'OM s'affiche à la la Commanderie - [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:37.


Nicki Minaj torride sur Instagram, elle dévoile sa poitrine - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nicki Minaj torride sur Instagram, elle dévoile sa poitrine - Duration: 1:45.


Christophe Beaugrand victime d'homophobie, Valérie Damidot et Véronique Genest le défendent - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Christophe Beaugrand victime d'homophobie, Valérie Damidot et Véronique Genest le défendent - Duration: 2:13.


Kelly Vedo­velli, la nouvelle chro­niqueuse qui incar­nait « Bella » pour Maître Gims ? - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Kelly Vedo­velli, la nouvelle chro­niqueuse qui incar­nait « Bella » pour Maître Gims ? - Duration: 2:34.


Kate Hudson méconnaissable : sa nouvelle coupe de cheveux fait le buzz - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Kate Hudson méconnaissable : sa nouvelle coupe de cheveux fait le buzz - Duration: 2:07.


MINI 1.5 COOPER D CHILI SERIOUS BUSINESS Navi /Clima/16"LM/Xenon - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.5 COOPER D CHILI SERIOUS BUSINESS Navi /Clima/16"LM/Xenon - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> MINI Countryman 1.6 COOPER D CHILI / PANORAMADAK / NAVI / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PA - Duration: 0:59.


Làm Thế Nào Để Tự Tin Hơn? / How To Be More Confident (Eng sub) - Duration: 4:49.

Hello everyone! I'm Ellen Nguyen, also known as Hong Gau

About 3 or 4 years ago, I was known with the video "Why you should quit Facebook"

which received quite many mixed responses from you guys

Then I made some more videos, but gradually because of school and work, I had no time to continue.

Now I want to go back and renew this channel, make more and better videos and hopefully bring useful messages or lessons for you.

So shall we get to know each again?

My name is Hong, or you can call me Ellen Nguyen

At the moment I have graduated with a degree in Psychology and I'm working in a bank here in London.

I am very interested in topics such as mental health, conditions like depression, anxiety, and also social issues such as gender equality

In this channel I want to focus on those topics, and hope to get many responses from you guys

Back to the video this time

I want to share with you "How to be more confident" from my personal experience and the lessons I've learned.

When I was in school or when I just came to England, I was quite energetic and friendly but I wouldn't say I was that confident

It's because I was always worried if I had said something wrong, or if people didn't like something about me

Or even if people paid compliments to me, I wouldn't believe them 100%. I would still doubt myself

With that fear, many times I had to hold myself back

I wouldn't dare to express all what I was, or voice my opinions

Because of that people wouldn't remember me and I failed to get what I wanted

Luckily as I grew up, especially when I started working, I changed many habits, then way of life and mindset, mostly in my own self

and I began to see the world around gradually changed.

I felt more myself, emotionally stronger, more able to build and maintain relationships

In short, my life became better, more joyful and satisfying

Now watch this video and see if you can apply something for yourself

First, you have to invest in yourself

E.g. Taking care of your body, focusing on your school and work

When you invest in yourself you don't just feel more confident because you then have a better body, good grades, or more money to buy you things you want

But most importantly, now you have the knowledge that you are absolutely capable of taking great care of yourself instead of having to rely on anyone

That's the one thing that could enable you to keep your head up high in front of anyone

Plus, no one can take away your investment in yourself

Secondly, know your strengths

Out there, there are many smart people, many beautiful people, many of those who are not only smart and beautiful but also rich

If you keep comparing yourself with them, especially on Facebook and Instagram, then there's absolutely no point

If you want to be confident, you need to know your strengths and own value

Even when you're compared to others, you know there isn't a fair ground, there are things only you have, things which are special about you

Once you know your strengths, you need to keep playing at them

As you get positive feedback loop from others, you will feel increasingly more confident

Thirdly, think positively

Your thinking has a massive impact on your reactions and actions

You need to get rid of all the irrational worries

If you have been doing the first and second things I just talked about, there's no reason you should doubt yourself

Facing a new challenge, your first reaction should be:

"I'll try, I will put in all my effort and I will be able to do it" because you believe in yourself

as opposed to "Oh so scary, I probably wouldn't be able to do it..."

Even the word "Confident" (in Vietnamese) means you - not anyone - believing in yourself

Do you believe??

Four - Pay attention to your body language

Body language can say more than spoken words

The way you walk, sit, look at something or your gestures are all very important

They influence how confident you feel and the reactions from people you interact with

When your body signals that you're open and welcoming and sends out positive energy

naturally people will approach you and want to be around you

As you get positive reactions from people, you will feel more confident and be more able to express yourself

All these 4 things, you need to be mindful of them daily

It might be hard at first but gradually as you build yourself a foundation

your confidence comes from inside instead of external validation like compliments or possessions

you will find this much easier and that it's worth all your effort

Let's start from today :)

See you in the next video!

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