Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

Hi my name is Hayden and today I brought my sister

Hi.This is Jamie and today

we're going to talk about how when one sibling comes out what the other

sibling goes through and well many times when there's a coming out

story we never really get to hear about what families go through or what the

sibling goes through and ... everyone has their own experiences when

someone comes out and so today I wanted to talk to my sister and have a

conversation about the things that she had to go through and the things that

she saw my parents go through.

I came home to my sister... I think.. do you know

when? 2009, 2010? 2009 because I was a junior in high school

was it 2009 yeah and also my first cut my hair -

do you remember like how you felt? Or even know what you said? I do.

So I remember thinking.. (So up into the point where like you had actually told me

that I like girls? No, you didn't say it out like that. It kind of came out when we

were talking about ... I don't know if it was about a friend or something and up

into that point you had been throwing hints at me whether I think it was

through social media or something you're throwing hints at me..

But I kind of ignored it. Thinking "oh it's just kind of a coincidence" or "she's just being quirky" or whatever

and then I asked you something flat out and

your answer to it was a very "Well, like don't you know?"

like "Don't you know I'm gay?" type of answer

I don't know. I can't really remember exactly

I don't remember either. Yeah I don't remember exactly

but then I remember thinking...

I remember telling you

"You're not gay like you don't know what you're talking about "

"It's just a phase and like you're just confused

right now and you know everyone gets confused once in a while but you're not gay"

I would have known when you're a kid and you're not gay and then that

was the end of that conversation and I think we had a phone conversation again

Everything was on the phone. Really? No way. Yeah it was all on

the phone. I remember that because I remember after that conversation. Why were we on the phone?

What were we talking about? We were barely ever on the phone.

No it was on the phone I remember. Oh I don't know why we're on the phone but we

were on the phone and then I didn't talk to you for a few days

and then I think I called you back and no no you called me back and then I was

in the phase of like 'anger' right because I feel like.. when at the time too,

I was like very much into church. I wouldn't say I was like a bible thumper

but I was very, at least in our Catholic Church, or the way we were brought up in

in religion.. Guilt was like a really big thing and I said I remember thinking

like praying thinking "Oh my gosh you know like she's not gay because she's


like she already has a really difficult life already, you know.

She's already had such a difficult life because I remember like she never really

got along with people in high school and I remember you know obviously with your

like heart condition and all guys like you've already had such a tough life and

on top of it you have to deal with something like this

and so I remember thinking you know like she's just confused and like God will

like figure it out and you know like He wont put this on her too you know

because, at that point, I knew, even at that young age, it's like it's not

something that you choose. It's something that you're born with and you can't help

it and it's not something that needs to be fixed you know but it's just some

people are gay and that's just that and I just felt like what are the odds that

like everything worked against her and in the sense that you know like life

is just so much harder.. like one after the other, you know like praying I remember praying

but it wasn't the case and then the second phone call I remember almost like

yelling at her I was so mad I was and it wasn't even mad at her I was just mad at

like the world you know? Like why do you have to put so much on like one person

like that? and I was just telling her like you're not gay like it's just a

phase, you know. You're not gay and so um I think we went like a few weeks

without talking because I think you realize how like upset I was but I think

maybe you I don't know why I thought I might have been upset but I think maybe

you thought I was upset because you were gay but I was more upset that you know that

oh shit like it's just gonna be like a harder life and I think that

was my main concern. My main concern was.. you know like during that time when

you when you see things about the LGBTQ community

at the time I remember just whenever it was in the news or in social media it was

always only negative where someone was being attacked, someone would kill,

someone would being bullied at school, or someone have been suicide and that was

actually one of my main fears I was I was just afraid that you would go into

this really really deep depression or something in that it was something that

like I couldn't help and that was the reason why I was upset like I was upset

because I just didn't want that kind of hardship on you and I think we went a

few weeks without talking and then I think I think I called you back and I

said you know like "I don't care" like "it's okay" like "I accept I accept you for

who you are" like I remember that phone call because I felt so bad leaving the

conversation the way I did and so so yeah and then after that I think I think

you to ask me to like not say anything or something and I was like yeah I like

the of course it's not something that's mine to share and so I just kept it to

myself and you know and like it just got so much easier like after

I had the time to process it and think if

this is how I'm reacting as a sister I can't imagine how other people would

treat her and the least I could do is accept her and you know be there with

her when she's happy like if that's what she feels she is and she identifies that

way like the least I to do is support that as a sister and if I can't even do

that like who does she have you know and so I

felt up it was my duty as a sister to just

let her do her and when I said it out loud you know to her saying like

it's okay like I don't care I accept you it just got easier like it it was it

just got easier to just think you know like everything's okay like nothing's

changed you know

how I felt so I was kind of

angry yes because I thought you wouldn't care but I didn't know you were you

didn't except because of the fear but I was angry because I

thought you did accept because you didn't accept the fact that I was gay

but it was angered me because you had friends who were gay and you were totally fine with that

Right. So that goes I guess to my next point I felt betrayed

Right. So I actually remember thinking that way um you know

like growing up like you want to think that or you want people to perceive you

as someone or at least for me I always consider myself someone who is accepting

and like very open-minded and I don't judge people typically um in the sense

where like I like I'm like prejudice and I treat them differently. Everyone judges

people somehow but like I just you know I don't treat people differently based

on whatever you know anyway um and I remember you know everyone was saying like

oh yeah like I have gay friends like I am totally okay with you know gay people

like I accept people you know I accept everyone whether or not they're gay,

straight, bi or whatever but it doesn't matter but then I remember thinking when you

did come out to me wondering like why is it why is it so

difficult for me to just be okay with it? When I have gay friends and

and I'm totally fine with that and I think and I dont know how other siblings

feel but I think for me it was just so close to home you know. When it's a

stranger or when it's a friend, not even the best friend, just a friend. They're

not, it sounds kind of crass, but they're not that important to you.

Whatever they're going through in their life, is not that important to you

whether it was whether it's like adversities from you know them being gay

and being you know discriminated against or they're treated differently

It's not 'not important to you' but

you think it probably doesn't like impact you or it makes a difference on your life. Right.

cuz you're not that close to them. I think it's well I think

to me it was not important because... how is it going to affect your life kind

of important? No.. it's like I don't care. I didn't care right. but then

when you came out to me it was like the immediate thing is like fear like

the immediate thing I felt was fear like hurt your like your well-being and your

safety and that was like a genuine fear I had and that's not something that I

had ever experienced with a friend or like a complete stranger you know and so

I think that was what was so difficult for me to accept because not

that you were gay, not that it wasn't that I didn't like (you were gay)

It was that I was afraid. It was almost selfish right because I felt you know if

you are gay and you just stay closeted, at least you're safe, at least

people aren't going to attack you, at least our family isn't going to give you

a hard time. You're safe. That's also depending on how you act and

depending on how you present yourself. Right. And this is when I was younger so

I wasn't thinking about... I was thinking more like the external

effects of people. I wasn't thinking about the internal struggles that you

would feel if you had bottled it up. So at the time, like I wasn't thinking

that far ahead and so my immediate thing was just my fear that like automatically

your life is going to be more difficult like people are going to treat you and

look at you differently. My fear of our parents you know...

What would they say? What would they do? and like How do I? What do I do

as a sister to like help mediate that you know? and so I think that was

that was why it's more difficult for me, when the close family member comes out.

After a while you just kind of like got over it Yeah you do and I did.

I mean you get used to it, you get over it. But were you still feeling

that fear? I still do like when you are here and you visit and you're out with

your friends or you tell me even when you're back home and you tell me you're

going out with your friends. In the back of my mind I always worry like

Is something gonna happen? But what's different if I go out if there was me

versus like a straight me. Like what's the difference? Because, on top of

on top of the regular.. I guess on top of all the dangers already of going out

late at night and being.. I don't know susceptible to dangerous people.. on top

of that there are sick people out there, who target

People who target LGBTQ. I think I think on top of just the normal dangers

of you know people going out by themselves and random people you know

It's just like a paranoia, but on top of that there's one more that I have

to think about. So did you feel anything when Orlando happened?

um like frustrated

and angry

because for a while.. in the news and on social media

They tell you about everyone's stories. All the victims' stories and

what they're doing with their life and you know why they were there... like some

people were like celebrating a birthday or whatever. I guess I didn't

directly associate it with you but I was angry that anyone would just do

something like. It's an anger that you can't... you kind of feel hopeless

because you think no matter what you do there's always going to be someone who's

fucking crazy (am I allowed to cuss? :P)

There's always going to be someone like who's fucking crazy

and there's always going to be people like that

No matter what you do and in a way you just feel so hopeless

Did you ever think that I would be in that situation or I could be in that situation?


especially like if I come to the states and guns are allowed here. Yea after a while

that definitely dawned on me. I thought that was a place that

Hayden would go and yeah it may not be in California but crazies are

everywhere or even if things are illegal firearms illegal.

If you have the will, there's a way.

If you really want to do

something you're going to somehow obtain what you need to get it done and this is

what people like that do. what kind of person are you that you

have all that time and energy, on top of your normal life,

if you have one.. to put it in this and like Why are you so focused?

I guess that's my question.Why are you so fixated on that? like what is going

on in your own life? Are you angry because maybe you might be

closeted? Are you angry because you're projecting your anger?

maybe your parents don't accept you or your family doesn't accept you or you

can't accept yourself and so you project that on other people


on top of the regular.. I guess on top of all the dangers already of going out

late at night and being.. I don't know susceptible to dangerous people.. on top

of that there are sick people out there, who target

People who target LGBTQ. I think I think on top of just the normal dangers

of you know people going out by themselves and random people you know

It's just like a paranoia, but on top of that there's one more that I have

to think about. So did you feel anything when Orlando happened?

um like frustrated

and angry

because for a while.. in the news and on social media

They tell you about everyone's stories. All the victims' stories and

what they're doing with their life and you know why they were there... like some

people were like celebrating a birthday or whatever. I guess I didn't

directly associate it with you but I was angry that anyone would just do

something like. It's an anger that you can't... you kind of feel hopeless

because you think no matter what you do there's always going to be someone who's

fucking crazy (am I allowed to cuss? :P)

There's always going to be someone like who's fucking crazy

and there's always going to be people like that

No matter what you do and in a way you just feel so hopeless

Did you ever think that I would be in that situation or I could be in that situation?


especially like if I come to the states and guns are allowed here. Yea after a while

that definitely dawned on me. I thought that was a place that

Hayden would go and yeah it may not be in California but crazies are

everywhere or even if things are illegal firearms illegal.

If you have the will, there's a way.

If you really want to do

something you're going to somehow obtain what you need to get it done and this is

what people like that do. what kind of person are you that you

have all that time and energy, on top of your normal life,

if you have one.. to put it in this and like Why are you so focused?

I guess that's my question.Why are you so fixated on that? like what is going

on in your own life? Are you angry because maybe you might be

closeted? Are you angry because you're projecting your anger?

maybe your parents don't accept you or your family doesn't accept you or you

can't accept yourself and so you project that on other people

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Celine Dion Greatest Hits Full Album 2017 - Best Songs Of Celine Dion - Duration: 1:12:30.

For more infomation >> Celine Dion Greatest Hits Full Album 2017 - Best Songs Of Celine Dion - Duration: 1:12:30.


Audi A5 Спортивность и элегантность в сочетании с экономичностью! ГБО от СТО PROFIGAS - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Спортивность и элегантность в сочетании с экономичностью! ГБО от СТО PROFIGAS - Duration: 2:42.


Spider-Man's Costume

For more infomation >> Spider-Man's Costume


रूस के ने अपने 'अदृश्य' सुपरफास्ट स्टेल्थ फाइटर्स जेट्स को दुनिया के सामने प्रदर्शित किया - Duration: 2:11.

The Sukhoi-57 will rival the American F-22 and Chinese Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31

combat planes, the Kremlin has boasted.

Military officials claim "cutting-edge" stealth technology will make the £120 million jet

near-invisible to enemy radars.

Russian air force chief Viktor Bondarev hailed the aircraft, which is expected to have a

top speed of 1,615 mph, as a "wonderful machine"

He said: "Every country probably wants planes such as this, and we have them.

"The decision has been taken, the plane has been christened.

Su-57 is what we are going to call it now."

The fifth-generation jet will carry K-77M missiles with a reported range of 125 miles,

according to Newsweek.

The jet has another year of testing before units enter military service in 2019

Russia has previously claimed the jet will be cheaper to produce than its US equivalent,

with units costing less than £120 million.

However, the Su-57 has another year of testing before units enter military service in 2019.

The pre-production batch will consist of 12 aircraft, according to Yuri Slyusar, the CEO

of the United Aircraft Corporation.

The pre-production batch will consist of 12 aircraft, according to Yuri Slyusar

Last week it emerged a new Russian warship is being built in St Petersburg and will be

handed over to the military in 2020.

The 8,500-ton Arctic multi-role ship, dubbed the 'Ivan Papanin', is currently being built

by the Admiralty Shipyard.

Shipyard chief Aleksandr Buzakov said: "We happen to have been specialising in building

civilian ice-rated ships for the last 25 years.

"We laid down Ivan Papanin in April.

The construction is fully underway and in 2019, we will launch it and then deliver it

to the customer in 2020."

For more infomation >> रूस के ने अपने 'अदृश्य' सुपरफास्ट स्टेल्थ फाइटर्स जेट्स को दुनिया के सामने प्रदर्शित किया - Duration: 2:11.


[VOSTFR] TAEYANG - DARLING - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] TAEYANG - DARLING - Duration: 3:55.


Yeo Jin Goo Shyly Talks About Kiss Scene In "Into The New World" - Duration: 1:13.

Yeo Jin Goo Shyly Talks About Kiss Scene In "Into The New World"

On August 15, starred as a guest on SBS's "Night of Real Entertainment.

The segment started with ELRISs Kim So Hee reenacting the character Jung Jung Won from . The two shared a snack together, and Yeo Jin Goo showed off his boyfriend-like charm. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

During the same episode, he discussed his feelings towards the in Into the New World. " He said, I was very nervous and embarrassed during that scene. The behind-the-scenes for the kiss scene was also revealed during the segment.

Yeo Jin Goo added, I want to date. My ideal type is someone who has a lot of aegyo, and someone who laughs a lot..

The studio erupted in laughter when he continued, Ive never gone on a group date or been introduced to anyone. It makes me sad.. Check out the clip below!. Watch Into the New World (also known as Into the World Again)!.

For more infomation >> Yeo Jin Goo Shyly Talks About Kiss Scene In "Into The New World" - Duration: 1:13.


Deadpool (Et si on parlait de #3) - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Deadpool (Et si on parlait de #3) - Duration: 2:08.


Premiering This Saturday, Do...

For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


[PS4] 용과 같이 6(한글자막) [서브] 전화 상대 - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> [PS4] 용과 같이 6(한글자막) [서브] 전화 상대 - Duration: 9:12.


How to Make Money Buying Stocks | Your Money, Your Choices with Susan Daley - Duration: 5:30.

My latest video outlined how fixed income or bond investments work, and how specifically

you make money investing in those.

My topic for today is how you really make money buying stocks.

I'm Susan Daley and this is Your Money, Your Choices.

As I outlined in my video: Isn't Investing Just gambling, a company can raise money to

invest in internal projects or acquire other companies by issuing common shares that investors


Once those shares have been distributed to the public, they can be bought and sold

on the stock market every second of the trading day.

You buy that share for price that a seller is willing to trade the share for.

Once you own those shares as an investor, you can make money in three ways.

First off, let's discuss how the price of a company is determined.

The price is essentially the discounted value of the company's future profits, per share.

Let's assume that company XYZ will be around for the next 5 years.

During that time I expect the profits of the company per share (or earnings per share in

industry jargon), to be $5 each year.

5 years of $5 earnings per year would result in a share price of $25.

Now we all know that $5 today is more valuable than $5 five years from now, so in reality,

that would be discounted and the share price would be less than $25, let's say $22.

Another investor might only think that the company will produce $4 in earnings each year,

so they value the share at $20.

Yet another investor might agree with my $5 per year earnings, but discounts the $5 in

5 years at a different rate than I do, so he thinks the shares are worth $23, rather

than my $22.

The share price of a company can be calculated many ways, or it can be calculated the exact

same way but with different assumptions.

So how do you get to that share price you see on Google Finance?

That's the job of the stock market.

The market is a big calculation machine and incorporates everyone's view on the price

of the share and comes up with the best guess of what the share price is.

Let's say that the "market" agrees with my price for the share of $22 and I go ahead

and buy that stock.

So how do I make money on my XYZ shares?

The first way is through capital appreciation, or capital gains.

This happens when the company does well.

If they earn or are now expected to earn higher profits than $5 per share, then the share

will be worth more and people will be willing to pay a larger price for those higher earnings.

I bought the share at $22 but now it's worth $25.

I just made money and could sell that share for a $3 profit.

With the higher earnings, the company can take that money and reinvest it in new projects,

products, or services that will then increase their profits even higher, thus increasing

the price of the shares.

If the company doesn't have any really good opportunities to invest in new products and

services, or they've already funded those and have excess profits, they could pay you


This is the second way to make money investing in stocks.

Say the company has earned that $5 in profits for the year, and $3 per share is used to

fund a new project.

The remaining $2 is extra that can be paid out to shareholders as a return on their money.

Companies can also pay out dividends by giving you extra shares instead of cash, but this

is not as common.

Now… don't make the mistake assuming that dividend companies are way better than companies

who don't pay dividends, because you get the increased $25 share price AND the $2 dividend.

It doesn't work that way.

If you're paid out that $2 dividend, the company is has now gotten rid of $2 per share

so the company isn't as valuable.

As such, the share price of the company falls by $2.

All things being equal, you should be indifferent as to whether a company pays a dividend

or not.

If you receive a dividend from a company, their share price will fall by the dividend


So rather than having a $25 share, you have that $23 share + $2 in your pocket that you have

to decide what to do with (keep it as cash, reinvest it in the same company, or invest

it in something else).

The final way to make money through owning stocks is through share repurchases.

This is where the company decides to take its excess cash and rather than sprinkling

that out to all the investors through dividends, they'll buy some of the outstanding shares


What this does is it reduces the number of shares out there.

That means that your shares will own a higher proportion of the company.

Rather than expecting the company to earn $5 per share, since there are fewer shares,

but the company is worth the same amount, you might expect $7 per share. This means that the

share price will goes up.

In essence, you make money owning stocks when 1: The price of your shares increase in value

above what you paid for them, called a capital gain or 2: by receiving a dividend payment

from the company.

For the tax-sheltered investor, whether you earn a return through dividends or the share

price of the company rising, you should be indifferent.

For a taxable investor, it will depend on your tax bracket, but I'll get into that

in a future video.

I'm Susan Daley and this has been Your Money, Your Choices.

I post new videos every other Wednesday, so be sure to subscribe.

Click the bell next to the subscribe button to be notified when new videos come out and

check your notification settings if you're not getting those.

For more infomation >> How to Make Money Buying Stocks | Your Money, Your Choices with Susan Daley - Duration: 5:30.


Let's talk EL CLASICO BAR 1-3 RMA - Duration: 4:24.

Oh oh hey there I didn't see you there I was just busy watching the highlights of el clasico

and completely demolished Barca, like completely if I say completely I mean completely

the completely screwed up barca in 15 minutes we came on in the 60th minute

drama but suar.... no let me just start , let's just

start but before that before that take a look at this

huh sorry Barca fans anyway Oh Suarez oh my God I dont know how he doos.. uh does it

that he's a dolphins literally the guy dived but yet he didn't

get a red card or a yellow card or even any card in fact he got a penalty which they

that is that he's with dolphins literally the guy died but yet he didn't

he shouldn't have raised his hand or push the ref but still it's not like

don't deserve by the way but when Ronaldo he did have contact and I know

he shouldn't have raised his hand or push the rest but still it's not like

fair I think Uefal.. I mean Barcelona paid ,UH i dont know

UEFA no its not UEFA paid LaLiga yes I guess I think they played La Liga

- and the ref so that so comple..... you know what ronaldo got banned for five matches

four for pushing the ref and one for the red card and guess what here is the

photo of Messi Pushing THE REF ZERO BANS

what happened there I think that UEFALON...... I mean Barcelona just had to pay

the ref coz they knew REALMADRID WAS GONNA BEAT THEM anyway so yah other than that i..i dont get it

it just happens to them every time.......... oh yeah and about the celebration too

it was bang on bang-on I would understand why he would celebrate like that

coz that goal was fantastic cutting through then his dog Pique fell completely

demolished the whole defense and curled it to the top corner

that was fantastic.. fantastic and then the celebration of doing this ....he did not

copy it from Messi once more I mean yes he was mocking Messi yeah I agree with that

I completely agree with that but he did not copy it from Messi

first of all messi copied it from Marcelo Marcelo and isco did it first

like in the LA DECIMA year when we won our tenth European trophy they

did it first not messi so I don't know why people like Barca fans keep on saying

that oh Ronaldo copied it From Messi Fuck no man they did not anyway so

Ronaldo go redcarded but that was not it that was not it

The story is ronaldo completely screwed up Barca in 15 minutes

he came on in the 60th minute

like 8 minutes later or something our youngster , mainstar future balon d'or winner, Asensio just ran the same place where ronaldo ran except he shot it with his left foot

he scored a goal in the 80th minute and 82nd minute sent off Wow


For more infomation >> Let's talk EL CLASICO BAR 1-3 RMA - Duration: 4:24.


حضرت خالد بن ولید ہر جنگ کیسے جیت جاتے تھے؟ ایسا کیا تھا ان کے پاس؟ - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> حضرت خالد بن ولید ہر جنگ کیسے جیت جاتے تھے؟ ایسا کیا تھا ان کے پاس؟ - Duration: 2:59.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 320 Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 320 Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


रूस के ने अपने 'अदृश्य' सुपरफास्ट स्टेल्थ फाइटर्स जेट्स को दुनिया के सामने प्रदर्शित किया - Duration: 2:11.

The Sukhoi-57 will rival the American F-22 and Chinese Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31

combat planes, the Kremlin has boasted.

Military officials claim "cutting-edge" stealth technology will make the £120 million jet

near-invisible to enemy radars.

Russian air force chief Viktor Bondarev hailed the aircraft, which is expected to have a

top speed of 1,615 mph, as a "wonderful machine"

He said: "Every country probably wants planes such as this, and we have them.

"The decision has been taken, the plane has been christened.

Su-57 is what we are going to call it now."

The fifth-generation jet will carry K-77M missiles with a reported range of 125 miles,

according to Newsweek.

The jet has another year of testing before units enter military service in 2019

Russia has previously claimed the jet will be cheaper to produce than its US equivalent,

with units costing less than £120 million.

However, the Su-57 has another year of testing before units enter military service in 2019.

The pre-production batch will consist of 12 aircraft, according to Yuri Slyusar, the CEO

of the United Aircraft Corporation.

The pre-production batch will consist of 12 aircraft, according to Yuri Slyusar

Last week it emerged a new Russian warship is being built in St Petersburg and will be

handed over to the military in 2020.

The 8,500-ton Arctic multi-role ship, dubbed the 'Ivan Papanin', is currently being built

by the Admiralty Shipyard.

Shipyard chief Aleksandr Buzakov said: "We happen to have been specialising in building

civilian ice-rated ships for the last 25 years.

"We laid down Ivan Papanin in April.

The construction is fully underway and in 2019, we will launch it and then deliver it

to the customer in 2020."

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How to get Cashback on Aliexpress? - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> How to get Cashback on Aliexpress? - Duration: 11:21.


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