Sunday, March 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2017

Modern technology has given scientists some incredible tools to study the universe and

share their knowledge.

With photography, for instance, we've been able to collect images of everything from

microbes to galaxies.

But before we had cameras, we had scientific illustration.

And throughout the years, hundreds of science illustrators have made 2D and 3D representations

of concepts in lots of fields, from biology to physics.

You might recognize some big names, like Leonardo Da Vinci's anatomical sketches and James

Audubon's bird paintings.

But there are a lot of people you've probably never heard of, even though their work has

had a huge impact on our understanding of the natural world.

The 1500s were a pretty horrible time to get sick.

Medicine was kind of a mess.

At the time, doctors believed that we were all made of four elements called humors: black

bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm.

Supposedly, when these humors were "imbalanced," we got sick.

Most of what we knew about human anatomy was from the work of Galen, a renowned Greek philosopher

and physician.

But Greek and Roman societies prohibited dissection of the human body.

So Galen's knowledge mostly came from dissecting pigs and monkeys, and using their anatomy

to guess at the structures inside our bodies, from the muscles to the circulatory system.

It wasn't until Andreas Vesalius came along that we actually took a good look inside human bodies

Vesalius taught medicine and surgery in Italy.

And instead of just reading from Galen's texts, he dissected cadavers for his students,

usually the corpses of executed felons.

Through those hands-on studies, he discovered just how wrong Galen's teachings were, and

clarified topics ranging from how the circulatory system and nerves worked to bone structure.

For example, Galen believed that the human jaw was made of two bones connected in the

middle, from his dissections of dogs.

But Vesalius discovered that it's just one solid bone.

After years of research, Vesalius published a set of seven books called De humani corporis

fabrica in 1543, which was likely the first complete representation of the human body

in the Western world.

Working closely with other artists, Vesalius included over 200 illustrations, from detailed

skeletons to networks of blood vessels.

As a kinda creepy cherry-on-top, at least one of his books was bound in human skin!

Lots of people consider Vesalius to be the father of modern anatomy.

At the very least, his work changed our understanding of the human body, and helped usher Europe

into a new, better-informed era of medicine.

Born into a family of German artists and publishers in 1647, Maria Sibylla Merian started illustrating

young, painting decorative flowers alongside her stepfather's male students.

At the same time, though, she found herself captivated by insects, especially the life

cycle of the silkworm.

So Merian started to collect caterpillars, studying and painting their lifecycle as they

metamorphosed into moths and butterflies – along with the plants they ate.

In fact, Merian was the first science illustrator to record the relationships between insects

and the plants they lived on, which is critical for understanding food chains, as ecologists

realized later on.

Plus, she proved that caterpillars hatch from eggs, instead of a common belief that insects

randomly appeared from rotting plants and meats.

The idea of spontaneous generation dates back to our old friend Aristotle.

He never observed insects laying eggs, so he figured larvae just appeared from random

places, from old wax to books to horse carcasses.

(exasperated) Aristotle

Later in life, Merian spent two years traveling with one of her daughters in the Dutch colony

of Suriname.

Her written accounts were some of the earliest descriptions of the climate, the jungle wildlife,

and society in the colony.

And in 1705, she published a book called Insects of Suriname, earning her an international

reputation as an illustrator.

Even today, naturalists use her work as they study and classify insects.

It's easy to find science illustrators who studied biology, observing plants, animals,

and the human body to understand our universe.

But Moses Harris was also fascinated by light and color.

Harris was a skilled artist and entomologist, and spent some time studying insects.

In fact, he even published a book called The Aurelian in 1766, filled with illustrations

of moths and butterflies.

When he wasn't sketching bugs, though, Harris was studying Sir Isaac Newton's relatively

new theories on light.

Newton's work with light and prisms showed that white light could be split into three

primary colors: red, blue, and green.

See, light is additive.

So cells in your eyes detect different amounts of different colors of light, and blur them

together to perceive new colors, even a bright white.

That's how you're able to watch this video in color!

Right this very second, the pixels on your screen are emitting different combinations

of red, green, and blue light.

Harris expanded on color theory to play around with pigments, and demonstrated that yellow,

red, and blue are the three primary pigment colors.

He also showed that pigments are subtractive color.

Basically, they take advantage of how surfaces absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light.

A white surface, for instance, reflects all colors of light, while a red surface reflects

red wavelengths, and absorbs the rest.

After his experimentation, Harris created an incredible color wheel.

Still used by artists today, it shows how mixing any two of the primary pigment colors

together generates the secondary colors – orange, purple, and green.

While all three together makes black.

Helena and Harriet Scott were born in Sydney in the 1830s, when Australia was still a pretty

rough place to be, and women weren't allowed to study science at university.

Luckily, the girls' early interest in nature was encouraged by their parents.

And when they were teenagers, their family moved to Ash Island, where their dad studied

moths and butterflies.

The sisters helped their father with his research, cataloging specimens, raising caterpillars

to observe their behavior and food preferences, and eventually painting the insects.

Like Maria Sibylla Merian, the Scott sisters depicted the full life cycle of the caterpillars

and butterflies they studied.

They even included landscape backgrounds of areas in and around Sydney in many of their paintings.

Their dad's book, Australian Lepidoptera and their Transformations, was published in 1864.

And it was so renowned that the sisters were awarded honorary membership in the Entomological

Society of New South Wales, and were commissioned to paint for many of the science publications

in Sydney.

Their skilled work helped document Australian natural history throughout the 19th century,

and they were possibly the first female science illustrators in Australia.

Drawings and paintings can be an awesome way to communicate research, but sometimes a 2D

illustration just won't cut it.

So some scientific artists branched out into 3D work.

Born in 1822, Leopold Blaschka came from a long line of celebrated glass workers.

His day job was creating trinkets and glass eyes for the family business, and training

his son Rudolf as his apprentice.

In his spare time, he studied plants and flowers, and made delicate glass models which were

displayed in museums and botanical gardens around Europe.

During an ocean voyage to the United States, he became fascinated with ocean invertebrates,

admiring their glass-like colors and shapes.

And in 1863, Blaschka was commissioned by the director of the natural history museum

of Dresden to create glass models of sea anemones.

From then on, Blaschka and his son turned all their time and energy to making scientific models.

And their work was groundbreaking, artistically and scientifically.

While vertebrates like mammals and birds could be taxidermied to resemble living animals,

invertebrates could only be preserved in jars.

That kinda worked, but these squishy creatures eventually lost their color and became shapeless blobs.

Working first from drawings and later from live specimens kept in saltwater tanks, Blaschka

and his son built hundreds of accurate, ethereal glass models of invertebrate sea creatures.

Because glass doesn't need water to survive, these models could be displayed in museums

and universities all over the place.

Now, perhaps the most famous collection of their work is the Glass Flowers in the Harvard

Museum of Natural History.

Over 4,000 models of over 800 species of plants are on display, from entire stalks to magnified

pollen grains.

And glass flowers are always in bloom!

You've probably heard of Peter Rabbit – the cute little bunny in a blue coat who stole

carrots from the garden.

But long before Beatrix Potter became famous for her stories, she was a wildlife illustrator.

As the daughter of a wealthy family, Potter was privately educated, and her scientific

interests covered pretty much every field except astronomy.

She collected and studied fossils, insects, and even archeological artifacts before finding

her true passion: fungi.

The naturalist Charles McIntosh sent her specimens and taught her how to use a microscope, and

her scientific skills grew.

She was fascinated by fungal reproduction, drawing and painting over 350 illustrations

of fungi, down to the details like the gills of mushrooms and their tiny spores.

Potter successfully germinated mushroom spores in her home.

She mounted them on glass slides and tracked their growth, trying to understand how different

environments influenced their development.

Believing that she was breaking new ground in fungi research, she even wrote a paper

called On the Germination of the Spores of the Agaricineae in 1897.

Whether or not she really contributed to advancing the field, her illustrations withstand the

test of time.

Born in Spain in 1852, Santiago Ramón y Cajal dreamed of being an artist.

But, like overbearing parents everywhere, his father pushed him to study medicine instead.

He studied anatomy and pathology, and wrote books and articles about using microscopes

to examine tissue samples.

But he was struck with passion in 1887, when he learned about a neuroscience lab technique

called the Golgi method.

Even today, we don't know exactly how the technique works.

But Golgi staining uses potassium dichromate and silver nitrate to fill random neurons

with a dark blackish-brown color.

And it leaves the tissue around them completely transparent.

With this technique, Cajal was able to study individual neurons, which are normally too

dense to see under a microscope.

Here, he found his calling: illustrating and describing the structure of brain cells.

He made major contributions to the field of neuroanatomy, and helped figure out the basic

structure of the brain – a subject of major scientific debate at the time.

His sketches proved that neurons aren't just one long, continuous strand.

Instead, he showed the brain was made up of lots of individual, branched cells connecting

and communicating with one another.

And he discovered microscopic structures that scientists still study today: like the axonal

growth cone, the structure neurons use to guide their growth, and dendritic spines,

the little bumps on neurons where they form connections with other cells.

Along with the scientist Camillo Golgi, who created the technique, Cajal was awarded the

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1906 for his contributions to the field of neuroanatomy.

Many consider him to be the father of modern neuroscience.

And neuroscientists today still discuss his drawings of different cells and theories about

how they connect and communicate.

Without all these science illustrators, we wouldn't have the detailed records and models

of the natural world that we do today.

So no matter how separately they may be taught, science and art are complementary tools to

explore and talk about our universe!

This is an episode of SciShow, that we could not have done without

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It's just helping us do it so that everyone can get it for free.

And of course if you want to support us in a non-monetary way

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For more infomation >> 7 Science Illustrators You Should Know - Duration: 11:50.


Voices nationwide: A Mother's Day poem by Laurie Ogden for Gavin Kelly and his mum - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Voices nationwide: A Mother's Day poem by Laurie Ogden for Gavin Kelly and his mum - Duration: 2:01.


VW Golf - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 1:09.


Conditions complexes sur Excel: Remplacer des Fonctions SI imbriquées avec la fonction RechercheV - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Conditions complexes sur Excel: Remplacer des Fonctions SI imbriquées avec la fonction RechercheV - Duration: 4:05.


How to send any file in the Android version of "Google Allo" - Duration: 2:12.

How to send any file in the Android version of "Google Allo"

Hello everyone

This time, we will introduce how to send any file in the Android version of "Google Allo"

Android version of "Google Allo" in the v8.0 update, which was delivered on March 23, 2017,

In addition to the corresponding have photos and stickers to this, was also able to send and receive any file

How to send any file Android version of "Google Allo" procedures and if you want to send photographs, etc. are the same

Touch the clip icon that appears when you touch the "+" icon is displayed in the text input space in the chat screen, select any of the file

The file is sent to you in this only

File is also of course can choose from, such as "Google Drive" and "Google Photos"

Image, video, audio, PDF, such as Office files, you can send and receive a wide variety of file

The ability to send and receive any file this time added Android version of "Google Allo" is a chat application such as "hang-out" is a feature that is installed in the standard

Because it is now also available in "Google Allo", making it easier to use the "Google Allo" is also in the business scene as well as private

By the way, it has been updated to the iPhone version of "Google Allo" also v8.0, but this does not correspond to the transmission and reception of any of the files at the moment

Probably it will be expected to correspond to the a future update

Transmission of any file in this addition to v8.0 Android version you have not updated even "Google Allo" is, of course, please note that can not even receive

Or more, it was the introduction of how to send any file in the Android version of "Google Allo"

For more infomation >> How to send any file in the Android version of "Google Allo" - Duration: 2:12.


Playing With Global Elites!!! - Counter Strike Global Offensive - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Playing With Global Elites!!! - Counter Strike Global Offensive - Duration: 3:58.


3 Tips: HOW TO BRAINSTORM ► Brainstorming Techniques | Brainstorming Exercises ★ How to Brainstorm! - Duration: 2:51.

What's up guys this is KreativeVein and today will be a shorter video on how to brainstorm.

I do this at least once a day, especially when I'm in class and I look like I'm

taking notes even though I'm really brainstorming for YouTube and business.

So before I get into these 3 tips, be sure to smash that subscribe button and a big shoutout

to MeatForThought, I'll talk about him more at the end of the video.

The first tip I have is to never reject ideas when brainstorming.

Even outlandish things that you think of should be written down, not that you'll necessarily

use it but when you have a flow of ideas coming out onto a piece of paper, that dumb bullet

point can actually spark a practical business idea.

The main point is to have quantity over quality while thinking, and then once you have enough

notes you can sort through which ones are most useful to you.

The second tip is to research the topic.

Pretty self-explanatory because sometimes when I'll be jotting down how to be better

at rapping, I have no clue because I'm an amateur.

So instead, I looked up how other people mastered their craft and then used those tips, one

of which was to study artists that were at the top of the game right now, and brainstormed

how I could do that.

So I came to the conclusion that if I wanted to get better, I'd rap alongside one new

song a day and see how that went, and now my rhythm is much better than before.

Finally, the third tip is just to keep a journal everywhere.

In the shower my mind somehow relaxes and I get a bunch of new thoughts.

For some people like Bart Kwan from JK Films he gets a bunch of ideas when pooping, and

for some you just need to walk around.

Going outside for me has helped so I definitely want to live in a warmer area as if I try

to walk outside right now even in March I risk falling on my ass because of all the

ice out here.

However the main thing is to keep a journal or just use your phone notes because if you

have an idea while in the shower, you don't want to forget it, so the moment you get out

just write it or type it.

That's all there is to it.

Brainstorming is a very crucial skill, especially when you want to be able to continue to get

better and better at whatever you want in life.

Big shoutout to MeatForThought for animating this video, his channel also has self-development

clips so be sure to check him out on scree or in

the description!.

KreativeVein, peace.

For more infomation >> 3 Tips: HOW TO BRAINSTORM ► Brainstorming Techniques | Brainstorming Exercises ★ How to Brainstorm! - Duration: 2:51.


Message pour votre nuit. 26 Mars - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 26 Mars - Duration: 0:52.


Make the Cut with Imagine Dr...

For more infomation >> Make the Cut with Imagine Dr...


Michelle Publicly Slams 'Predatory' Trump, Then Her Own Perverted Secret Comes Seeping Out - Duration: 15:14.

Michelle Publicly Slams 'Predatory' Trump, Then Her Own Perverted Secret Comes Seeping


If there's one thing Michelle Obama is good at, it's running her big fat anti-American

mouth. Throughout the entire presidential election her vitriol for Donald Trump was

on full display, as she frequently used her position as First Lady to put the Republican

candidate on blast. But unfortunately for Michelle, her dirty secret is now out, after

what Rush Limbaugh revealed on a live segment of his show several days ago.

During the election, Michelle used her position as FLOTUS to go around bashing Trump for his

"locker room talk," saying that she "doesn't know any men who brag." But Rush Limbaugh

recently exposed Michelle's words as a blatant lie, where he reminded America how Michelle

was all to eager to invite her cocky rapper friends to the White House in 2016: all of

them who make quite a nice living with the vile and disgusting songs they write about


Not only did Michelle's rapper buddies brag through their songs about having sex with

their "b*tches and hoes," but then performed these songs at the White House, where Michelle

bobbed along to the tunes, applauding the rapers for them! Here's just a few of the

"artists" that Michelle Obama widely applauded, whose lyrics all subjugate and reduce women

to mere sex objects for men. Via The American Thinker:

Rick Ross's, "U.O.N.E.O." glorifies date rape with the lyrics, "Put molly all

in her champagne/ She ain't even know it / I took her home and I enjoyed that/ She

ain't even know it." While Ross denies that this was his intended meaning, "molly"

is slang for Ecstasy, a well-known date rape drug, and the context of "molly" in his

lyrics shows clearly that a man put it into a woman's drink without her knowledge or

consent so he could have sex with her. Ross' "Same Hoes" consists primarily of the

F word, a variant of the N word, and "hoes."

Common, whose "Go!" includes, "And a ooh baby she liked it raw and like rain when

she came it poured" along with a variant of the N word and even more sexually explicit


Jay Z, who proclaims, "I've got 99 problems and a b***h ain't one."

Michelle Obama called out Trump's remarks with the words, "What message are our little

girls hearing about who they should look like, how they should act?" Nicki Minaj, another

rapper whom she and her husband brought to the White House, answers that question in

"Hey Mama," "Make sure mama crawls on her knees keep him pleased rub him down be

a lady and a freak" and also "Yes I do the cooking/ Yes I do the cleaning/ Yes I

keep the nana real sweet for your eating/ Yes you be the (boss) yes I be respecting."

Beyoncé's "Partition" includes far cruder and more explicit language, whose sole

redeeming virtue is to remind everybody that Hillary's husband actually did what Donald

Trump talked about. "He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/He monica-lewinski'd

all on my gown," to which she adds, "Hand prints and good grips all on my ass."

Unfreaking real! This woman hardly has room to judge Donald Trump about his "locker

room comment" that he made in private, when she openly celebrates music artists who make

their entire fortunes for the vile and disgusting ways in which they subjugate women. Michelle

needs to immediately dismount from the high horse she's gotten so accustomed to parading

around on, and take a nice long look in the mirror. To throw Michelle's comment about

Trump right back in her face, "What message are our little girls hearing about who they

should look like, how they should act?"

H/T [American Thinker, Truth Monitor]BREAKING Gowdy FURIOUS At 30 Of Obama's 'Leftovers'

Who Just Put Americans' Lives In Danger With What They Did

Over the past several weeks, more details have continued to emerge about 'Obamagate'

and the massive illegal spying that Obama had his intel agencies carry on Donald Trump

throughout the election. As Obama's reckless unconstitutional actions could land him a

federal indictment, this is only the beginning. In a bombshell revelation that the mainstream

media will no doubt ignore, Trey Gowdy reveals the clandestine operations that 30 of Obama's

insiders are carrying out, that's currently putting every single American life in in grave


When utilized correctly, our intelligence agencies are paramount to our national security,

as these agencies frequently intercept the plans of terrorists who are constantly plotting

to carry out terror attacks on Americans. But because Obama abused his presidential

powers and tarnished these agencies by harnessing them for his own political agenda, Trey Gowdy

believes that these continued intelligence leaks will not only destroy the credibility

of these agencies, but that these leaks will directly jeopardize our U.S. surveillance

programs' ability to do their jobs.

As we're quickly realizing, just because Obama is out of the White House, doesn't

mean that his talons are not fully embedded in Washington D.C. Gowdy believes there are

around 30 leakers on the inside of the White House funneling information to Obama and the

liberal media as well. Trey Gowdy went on Fox & Friends several days ago to not only

slam Obama for his ongoing antics, but to admonish the liberal media as well, who keeps

celebrating anytime they get their hands on illegally-obtained information that can be

used against President Trump. Gowdy reveals that not only are these actions highly illegal,

but it is an extremely dangerous threat to the safety of all Americans and to our national


"The unnamed source is one issue and I'm going to let the media sort out whether the

moral quandary that is that. I tell you what is not a moral quandary, that is printing

of classified information. I will tell you this: We had a hearing yesterday on one of

our surveillance programs up for reauthorization programs this year. The reauthorization of

these tools that we need to keep us safe is in jeopardy if we don't stop the leaks,"

Gowdy said.

"Leaks are illegal and they are dangerous and they are deleterious to our national security,"

the South Carolina Republican added.

Gowdy believes that Obama has about 30 people on the inside, who are involved in the continued

leaks of information.

"It is a small universe of people who would have had access to the underlying conversation,

any summaries, and then what ultimately wound up in The Washington Post," Gowdy said.

"So you need to find those 30 and apply whatever pressure is necessary from a legal

standpoint through your investigation because leaks are going to destroy these programs,"

he added.

It's not only startling that Obama would engage in illegal activities to use as a weapon

against his political opponents, but would be so careless in his actions that it would

put the very security of our nation at stake. Hopefully President Trump can figure out who

these 30 Obama operatives are on the inside, and try them for treason. This is highly illegal,

and heads need to roll starting at the top with Barack Hussein Obama.

H/T [Western Journalism]Michelle Just Got WRECKED With Devastating News From 54,000

Pissed People – No Coming Back From THIS!

Michelle Obama's post-First Lady life has been particularly quiet and away from the

spotlight that she has so loved for eight years. It was a complete about-face into obscurity

that didn't seem to be on par with the public personality. Now we've learned why she's

been hiding and it doesn't look for her after receiving some devastating news.

The former First-Lady prided herself on more than was probably warranted but there's

one thing in particular that she's had a hard time letting go. However, the facade

of success has been smacked clean off her face by 54,000 people who just issued her

a heaping dose of reality she wasn't expecting.

Michelle has been comfortable atop her high horse for eight years of feeling like the

nation's authority on parenting while her two children were being raised by Secret Service.

She prided herself on her platform of "healthy" school lunches and fitness programs, both

of which failed miserably. She was just hit with the brutal reality of that today with

54,000 "lunch ladies" revolted against her disgusting school menu that kids hate.

Since she thought childhood nutrition was her legacy, it comes as devastating news that

the second she was out, so was everything she had worked eight years to achieve, for


According to the Washington Examiner, the School Nutrition Association is days away

from presenting Donald Trump's administration with the facts of Michelle's failed program,

in an effort to replace the ridiculous food rules with ingredients that actually appeal

to kids and are just as healthy. "Studies show that students are no longer eating what

their cafeteria's are serving, turning most cafeterias into money-losing operations,"

the Examiner's report noted.

While it's currently possible to opt out of Michelle's lunch program, to do so comes

at a cost, like everything else with the Obama stamp on it. Districts who decide to go against

the former First Lady's stringent food rules face federal subsidy cuts. It's bad enough

that the public school system is already strapped for cash, but this is just insult to injury.

Ditching the dumb program comes down to far more than just last of taste for the food

prescribed by Michelle. It's not even cost effective since the meals diminished in substance

and quality that participation in the program is at an all-time low, resulting in higher

cost and food waste, according to a new policy paper on the issue from the association.

Heading off the effort to put Michelle's food plan to rest and move on with healthier,

happier kids is North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows who said, "The federal government involving

itself in what is served in school lunches is the epitome of government overreach."

Meadows added that there's been huge success in schools who have opted out and "have

been able to provide more options to students and better-quality services" because of

it. "It's the perfect example of how government interference generally makes a small problem

far worse," Meadows added in his blistering statement of yet another failure of the Obama


There's no bigger — and perfect — slap in the face than to have your legacy destroyed

the second you leave the White House. When you build platforms that nobody but you wants,

that's what you can expect and both Michelle and Barack are receiving exactly what they

deserve.ICE Just Hauled Off Trump-Hating Dem Congressman After Finding What He Was Doing

Inside Their Chicago Headquarters [Watch] Some time ago, cities across the nation decided

they would buck federal mandates, and ignore any and all hold requests on illegal immigrants

from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Basically, local law enforcement would be

allowed to go rogue, or just ignore illegals altogether. What's worse is that the illegals

know this, and have begun to exploit it to the fullest extent. These cities are known

as "sanctuary cities."

Odd, isn't it, that the same liberal politicians who think that the states should have no rights

outside the federal government think that individual cities can become a refuge for

illegals and the government should just mind its own business.

One such politician is Illinois Democrat Representative, Luis Gutierrez.

Via Gateway Pundit:

Gutierrez attended a 'sit-in' at Chicago's ICE headquarters to protest their deportation

procedures. He considers the procedures 'egregious, unfair and morally bankrupt'. He knew that

there was a chance of him being arrested after he was given his first warning, yet refused

to leave. He even tweeted 'Federal police giving us our first warning that we risk arrest

if we stay at Chicago ICE HQ'.

Federal police giving us our first warning that we risk arrest if we stay at Chicago

ICE HQ.#chiresist #twill

— Luis V. Gutierrez (@RepGutierrez) March 13, 2017

That risk became a reality when Gutierrez was put in cuffs and pulled away from his

illegal pals by ICE. Unfortunately, someone asked the officers to back down, and Gutierrez

and his cronies were eventually freed.

The fact that Gutierrez would show up at ICE with "members of the immigrant community"

shows a level of disrespect for national law that is absolutely unacceptable from a United

States Congressman. This is a person who was elected to make and uphold laws, in line with

our constitution. Instead, he is spending his time consorting with the lawless, flaunting

that a city in his state won't be adhering to federal law. These politicians are having

to stoop to more and more desperate measures to keep their jobs. Their party is falling

apart, as are their cities due to their lack of foresight and poor judgment. Perhaps the

next "sit in" Gutierrez does with the "immigrant community" will be in a holding

cell, and he will be able to see just what rights he's protecting.

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)Hillary Just Caught In SICK Plot To Take Out Trump After Obama

Failed To Do It On His Own

We've learned so much in recent weeks about Obama's shadow government and his malicious

plans to undermine and take down President Trump. It appears as though Obama and Hillary's

little plot have gone back for quite some time, as the recent wiretapping scandal shows

they were both behind the scenes trying to find dirt on Trump to secure her chances of

getting into the White House. If that wasn't enough antics to keep us set for the rest

of the century, brand new information is breaking that puts Hillary Clinton right at the nucleus

of chapter II of this ongoing scandal.

With President Trump proving very difficult to take down, it appears as though Hillary

and Obama have now locked eyes on his first-hand man, Vice President Mike Pence. WikiLeaks

founder Julian Assange said he will be dropping more evidence in the coming days, but tweeted

out that both Hillary Clinton and intelligence community officials are plotting a move to

implement a "Pence takeover," with the following post that was made on Tuesday.

Assange's second tweet noted that the IC officials in question "Did not state if

Pence agrees." He further tweeted: "Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately

this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees."

Assange's second tweet noted that the IC officials in question "Did not state if

Pence agrees." He further tweeted: "Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately

this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees."

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