Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

Ecom Domination Review 2017|ecom domination + my bonus

Ecom Domination Review 2017|ecom domination + my bonus

Ecom Domination Review 2017|ecom domination + my bonus

For more infomation >> Ecom Domination Review 2017|ecom domination + my bonus - Duration: 14:06.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


3 Yılda Paramparça - Duration: 8:59.

Surname is Gurpinar, right?

- Dad, come on tell me!

- Cansu is not daughter!

- Did you hear me? Cansu is not our daughter!

- I am not your real daughter...

- Hazal! I'am your real mother...

- Your mum's name is Gulseren?

- The woman's name who raised me is Gulseren!

- You are my real mother!

- Are we gonna switch our children?

- Mrs. Dilara!

- I will not let you buy my daughter!

She is my daughter!

- I wanna divorce...

- I accept to divorce!

- I am your father...

- What he wants? He wants Hazal?

Then better lets give him Hazal...

- You got cihan's first gun

You have remaining other two...

- Am I lying or what?

Don't tell me our enemy's child will be my brother?

- I don't expect you to accept him as your own kid...

The only thing I want you to raise him like a normal kid...

- Cansu said "Mom is giving a birth to our enemy a child"

- Yes, we have a new born baby...

- Oh Really!

Dilara has a new baby!

- What did you say? Cancel the flight captain...

- Sorry, very sorry...

- Iam gonna kill you! Iam gonna kill you!

- What are you doing here?

- I came to see my son...

- I will not let you united with him...

- She sacrified herself for me.

- Demir is my son right?

Not talking to Cihan! - Are you not aware? I fell in love.

For more infomation >> 3 Yılda Paramparça - Duration: 8:59.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


'Religious left' emerging as U S political force in Trump era - Duration: 11:36.

'Religious left' emerging as U.S. political force in Trump era

Since President Donald Trump's election, monthly lectures on social justice at the 600-seat

Gothic chapel of New York's Union Theological Seminary have been filled to capacity with

crowds three times what they usually draw.

In January, the 181-year-old Upper Manhattan graduate school, whose architecture evokes

London's Westminster Abbey, turned away about 1,000 people from a lecture on mass incarceration.

In the nine years that Reverend Serene Jones has served as its president, she has never

seen such crowds.

"The election of Trump has been a clarion call to progressives in the Protestant and

Catholic churches in America to move out of a place of primarily professing progressive

policies to really taking action," she said.

Although not as powerful as the religious right, which has been credited with helping

elect Republican presidents and boasts well-known leaders such as Christian Broadcasting Network

founder Pat Robertson, the "religious left" is now slowly coming together as a force in

U.S. politics.

This disparate group, traditionally seen as lacking clout, has been propelled into political

activism by Trump's policies on immigration, healthcare and social welfare, according to

clergy members, activists and academics.

A key test will be how well it will be able to translate its mobilization into votes in

the 2018 midterm congressional elections.

"It's one of the dirty little secrets of American politics that there has been a religious left

all along and it just hasn't done a good job of organizing," said J. Patrick Hornbeck II,

chairman of the theology department at Fordham University, a Jesuit school in New York.

"It has taken a crisis, or perceived crisis, like Trump's election to cause folks on the

religious left to really own their religion in the public square," Hornbeck said.

Religious progressive activism has been part of American history.

Religious leaders and their followers played key roles in campaigns to abolish slavery,

promote civil rights and end the Vietnam War, among others.

The latest upwelling of left-leaning religious activism has accompanied the dawn of the Trump


Some in the religious left are inspired by Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic leader who

has been an outspoken critic of anti-immigrant policies and a champion of helping the needy.

Although support for the religious left is difficult to measure, leaders point to several

examples, such as a surge of congregations offering to provide sanctuary to immigrants

seeking asylum, churches urging Republicans to reconsider repealing the Obamacare health

law and calls to preserve federal spending on foreign aid.

The number of churches volunteering to offer sanctuary to asylum seekers doubled to 800

in 45 of the 50 U.S. states after the election, said the Elkhart, Indiana-based Church World

Service, a coalition of Christian denominations which helps refugees settle in the United

States - and the number of new churches offering help has grown so quickly that the group has

lost count.

"The religious community, the religious left is getting out, hitting the streets, taking

action, raising their voices," said Reverend Noel Anderson, its national grassroots coordinator.

In one well-publicized case, a Quaker church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on March 14 took

in a Honduran woman who has been living illegally in the United States for 25 years and feared

she would be targeted for deportation.


Leaders of Faith in Public Life, a progressive policy group, were astounded when 300 clergy

members turned out at a January rally at the U.S. Senate attempting to block confirmation

of Trump's attorney general nominee, Jeff Sessions, because of his history of controversial

statements on race.

"I've never seen hundreds of clergy turning up like that to oppose a Cabinet nominee,"

said Reverend Jennifer Butler, the group's chief executive.

The group on Wednesday convened a Capitol Hill rally of hundreds of pastors from as

far away as Ohio, North Carolina and Texas to urge Congress to ensure that no people

lose their health insurance as a result of a vote to repeal Obamacare.

Financial support is also picking up.

Donations to the Christian activist group Sojourners have picked up by 30 percent since

Trump's election, the group said.

But some observers were skeptical that the religious left could equal the religious right

politically any time soon.

"It really took decades of activism for the religious right to become the force that it

is today," said Peter Ubertaccio, chairman of the political science department at Stonehill

College, a Catholic school outside Boston.

But the power potential of the "religious left" is not negligible.

The "Moral Mondays" movement, launched in 2013 by the North Carolina NAACP's Reverend

William Barber, is credited with contributing to last year's election defeat of Republican

Governor Pat McCrory by Democrat Roy Cooper.

The new political climate is also spurring new alliances, with churches, synagogues and

mosques speaking out against the recent spike in bias incidents, including threats against

mosques and Jewish community centers.

The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, which encourages alliances between Jewish and Muslim women,

has tripled its number of U.S. chapters to nearly 170 since November, said founder Sheryl


"This is not about partisanship, but about vulnerable populations who need protection,

whether it's the LGBT community, the refugee community, the undocumented community," said

Rabbi Jonah Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, using the

acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

More than 1,000 people have already signed up for the center's annual Washington meeting

on political activism, about three times as many as normal, Pesner said.

Leaders of the religious right who supported Trump say they see him delivering on his promises

and welcomed plans to defund Planned Parenthood, whose healthcare services for women include

abortion, through the proposed repeal of Obamacare.

"We have not seen any policy proposals that run counter to our faith," said Lance Lemmonds,

a spokesman for the Faith & Freedom Coalition, a nonprofit group based in Duluth, Georgia.

Trump son-in-law to testify on foreign contacts in Russia probe

ared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and a top White House adviser, has volunteered

to testify to a Senate committee probing whether Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 presidential

election, the White House said on Monday.

The allegations by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russian actors were behind the hacking

of Democratic National Committee emails last year linger over Trump's young presidency.

Democrats charge the Russians wanted to tilt the election toward the Republican, a claim

dismissed by Trump.

Russia denies the allegations.

But there has been no doubt that the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak,

developed contacts among the Trump team.

Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign on Feb. 13 after

revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with Kislyak and misled Vice President

Mike Pence about the conversations.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Kushner is willing to testify to the Senate Intelligence

Committee chaired by U.S. Senator Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican.

"Throughout the campaign and the transition, Jared served as the official primary point

of contact with foreign governments and officials ... and so, given this role, he volunteered

to speak with Chairman Burr's committee, but has not received any confirmation regarding

a time for a meeting," Spicer told reporters at his daily briefing.

The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate panel also said Kushner had agreed

to be interviewed.

At the same time, a mystery rooted in Trump's claim that he was wiretapped by then President

Barack Obama during the election campaign deepened with the disclosure that a top congressional

Republican reviewed classified information on the White House grounds about potential

surveillance of some Trump campaign associates.

U.S. Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence

Committee, visited the White House the night before announcing on Wednesday that he had

information that indicated some Trump associates may have been subjected to some level of intelligence

activity before Trump took office on Jan. 20.

Democrats have said Nunes, who was a member of Trump's transition team, can no longer

run a credible investigation of Russian hacking, the U.S. election and any potential involvement

by Trump associates.

Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi last week called Nunes "a willing stooge of Trump."

Nunes spokesman Jack Langer said in a statement that Nunes "met with his source at the White

House grounds in order to have proximity to a secure location where he could view the

information provided by the source."

White House spokesman Spicer did not shed any light on who at the White House helped

Nunes gain access to a secure location.

"I'm not going to get into who he met with or why he met with them," Spicer said.

"I will leave it up to him and not try to get in the middle of that."

It was the latest twist in a saga that began on March 4 when Trump said on Twitter without

providing evidence that he "just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump

Tower just before the victory."

FBI Director James Comey told Congress last Monday he had seen no evidence to support

the claim.

Trump's mention of wiretapping drew attention away from U.S. intelligence agencies having

said that Russia tried to help Trump in the election against Democrat Hillary Clinton

by hacking leading Democrats and spreading disinformation.

Nunes told reporters on Wednesday that he had briefed Trump "on the concerns I had about

incidental collection and how it relates to President-elect Trump and his transition team

and the concerns that I have."

After an uproar over the allegations and the fact that he briefed Trump first before members

of his own committee, Nunes apologized on Thursday for the way he handled the information.

A congressional source said congressional investigators have questioned agencies directly

to try to find out what intelligence reports and intercepts Nunes is referring to, but

that as of Monday the agencies were still saying they did not know what Nunes was talking


The Washington Post reported on Monday that Nunes was on his way to an event late Tuesday

when he left his staff and went to review classified intelligence files brought to his

attention by his source, whom he has not identified.

The White House had seized on Nunes' remarks to bolster Trump's unproven assertion that

Obama wiretapped his campaign headquarters in Manhattan's Trump Tower.

Nunes and some other Republicans have focused much of their concern over the investigation

about the possibility that some Americans' names have been improperly "unmasked" and

released to the public in leaks about the investigation of whether Trump's campaign

colluded with Moscow

For more infomation >> 'Religious left' emerging as U S political force in Trump era - Duration: 11:36.


Message pour votre nuit. 27 Mars - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 27 Mars - Duration: 1:30.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


5 Steps to Recognize Fake Facebook Accounts - Duration: 4:16.

In this video, you'll learn how to recognize the warning signs of a fake Facebook account.

There are always people who are trying to scam or steal personal information.

Use this video as a resource to help you spot the warning signs of these fake accounts.

Our 5 steps to catching a fake facebook account are:

Photos, Friends,

Posts, Messages,


Step 1 is Photos.

Look at the profile picture of the account in question.

Does it look genuine or does it look like someone got the picture from an online magazine?

Click the photos section on their account and see what kind of photos they have been

tagged in or posted.

Do the photos fit together or all they all random?

Accounts can make their photos private, but you will still be able to see their profile

picture and cover photo.

You can usually get a pretty good idea about the account with these two images alone.

Step 2 is Friends.

How many friends do they have?

Do you have any friends in common?

My personal rule is if we don't have any friends in common and they don't have at

least a couple hundred friends I won't accept them, even if they do look like a real person.

If you have multiple friends in common (5+) it's usually pretty safe,

but not always guaranteed.

Spam accounts tend to only have a few friends in total and no friends in common.

Step 3 is Posts.

Look at their posts.

Do they have a lot of posts?

Are the posts written by the person or is everything shared content from other pages?

Look for people commenting and liking the posts.

Spam accounts will usually only have a few posts, or none at all.

If you don't see any posts or interaction, that's usually a red flag.

Also read their intro or "About" section.

Usually people will have a school or job listed to the public.

If there is no info there, that's another red flag.

Step 4 is Messages.

If a random account sends you a strange message like "You look so beautiful!" or "I'm

giving away $1,000" or anything else really out of the ordinary

that's probably a red flag.

You can of course click on the person's name and use the other steps we've talked

about to verify if they are a real person, but messages like these are usually from

spam accounts.

Step 5 is Google.

Another great way to double check someone is to google them.

Most adults will have a Linkedin, Instagram, business website,

or other type of online presence.

You may not find the person on google, but if you do, and the data matches up with the

Facebook account, it's usually a good way to help you verify an account.


These 5 steps are ways to spot spam or fake facebook accounts but they aren't the only

ways nor are they perfect.

The best thing you can do is be safe.

If you have any doubt or concern about someone on Facebook, don't add them as a friend.

If you have added someone you are concerned about, you can unfriend them by clicking the

"Friends" icon on their profile page, and then click unfriend.

You can also click the "More" icon and Block or Report the account.

We'd only recommend reporting someone if they've engaged in suspicious activity.

Usually an unfriend or a block is sufficient, if you aren't sure what to do.

Use these steps to protect yourself on Facebook.

Click the share button below to share this video on your timeline so your friends and

family can learn the warning signs too!

Come Like our page to watch more useful videos on how to use technology!

Thanks for watching!

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