Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

A family that prays together stays together.

During my time, at 6:00pm in the afternoon,

we have to be home.

The church bell will ring

because it's 6:00pm and it's Angelus time.

In my time, I think there's more of an emphasis in doing action

rather than treating religion as some sort of routine or something that you have to do every single day.

Even if you go to Church every Sunday, that does not necessarily mean you're a good person.

You still have to practice what's preached to you.

I like religious songs.

Oh, yes!

- Parang you're praying na rin, diba? - Yes, yes!

I have collections of religious songs.

"How lovely is your dwelling place, oh Lord!"

And people think that song is about how beautiful churches are.

No, it's not.

It's about us.

We are the dwelling place of the Lord.

That's why you should keep your soul clean at all times.


People right now are saying homilies shouldn't be about the length of the homily

- but more about the quality of the homily. - Yeah. Sometimes, there are priests that you can't understand the homily.

Just blabbing on, and on, and on.

If I can only raise my hand and say, "Stop it!"

A family that prays together stays together and eats together.

And they grow big together.

Do you pray that you'll have a right body?


I don't see prayer as a reward system.

He's not a bank.

Jesus is not the bank,

where you just withdraw

- if you need something. - Yeah.

Do you like it when Senators quote the Bible in politics?

I don't.

There's so many religions in the country.

To base politics and the law on one religion,

I don't think that's right.

Since there are lots of religions, each of us should respect those religions.


You can always ask for forgiveness

and change everything.

God will always accept you,

no matter how sinful you are,

He will welcome you back with open arms.

And there are marriages now

between, for example, another religion and another religion,

and that's fine, for as long as they love each other,

whatever religion they have.

For more infomation >> BIBLE QUOTING IN THE PHILIPPINE SENATE || Tita Lily and Her Son: RELIGION - Duration: 2:11.


What is an INDEX? Why you MUST Understand it Before INVESTING? | Investing 101 ANIMATION - Duration: 4:52.

If you have been investing in the stock markets

you must have been paying attention to the worldwide stock market indices as well

but do you know what the index really is and what the components of the index are

Actually the index is trend indicator of a basket of assets

which could be designed according to stocks

commodities regions countries sectors currencies or real estates

The index is aimed to provide investors with a representative reference for a particular type of assets

there are different indices used in different countries and regions as reference

Such as the US S&P 500 the Japan Nikkei 225 the Germany DAX index

and the Chinese Shanghai Composite Index

Each index has its own calculation methodology

We use different methods to track different indices

for example Shanghai Composite Index is calculated by all stocks listed in the stock market

Apart from calculating all stocks

some indices use only a few dozens or a few hundreds of

representative stocks to constitute the indices

Standard and Poor's 500 index is one of the examples

it is constituted of 500 stocks and the trend is determined by the stock prices

so what are blue chips

as we have mentioned

some indices only use a few dozens and a few hundreds or stocks to track the respected index

take hong Kong Hang Seng Index as an example

it is calculated by 50 representing stocks and these 50 components of the index are called the blue chip stocks

the criteria of adding the stocks into the index are based on the market value and turnover

equity index will do a time to time review on the stocks and adjust the number and weighting of the stocks

for the time being In Hang Seng Index Tencent Holdings has a highest weighting percentage

and followed by HSBC Holdings in Hong Kong

As Hang Seng Index covers 70% of the market value of all listed company last year

it can be seen as a reference and also an important economic indicator

The United States has 3 major indices

the Dow Jones Industrial Average the Nasdaq Composite Index and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index

S&P 500 index which is founded by the Standard & Poor in 1957

is the second largest index after the Dow Jones Industrial Average

Compared to the other two US indices

S&P index selects 500 stocks from different US industries with the highest market value

it also includes different industries such as Apple (AAPL), Nike (NKE), and Honeywell( HON )

which people are familiar with.

that is why the trend of the index is relatively stable and is representing of the overall market.

being different from S&P 500 Index

the Shanghai Composite Index (SHA:000001) is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

all listing companies are the components of the index

once a company is newly listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

the price-earning ratio will be adjusted as well

the Shanghai Composite Index is officially announced on Jan 15 1991

the base date is Dec 19 1990 and the basis point is 100

although Shanghai Composite Index started later than those indices in other countries

it is developing with China's rapid growth in the economy in recent years

with the addition of the huge trading volume

many investors are taking notice of the trend of the Shanghai Composite Index

so is an equity index useful as a referencce?

the major function of indices is a trend to provide investors with a sense of the overall market

Of course it cannot be ensured that all stocks will rise when indices rise

the relation is more like a pet owner and a pet the index is the owner while the stocks are the "pets".

different pets have different temperaments

some would be more active and like to run around while others might follow the pace of the owner

however the owner always leashes up their pets and eventually

the general direction and pace of the pets walk will still depend on the owners

In other words

the trend of the stocks indices will eventually be affected but it may fluctuate in certain volatility

In fact according to historic statistics when the indices rise 70% of stocks will follow

while 90% of the stocks will follow when there is a decline

thus apart from selecting a good pet watching the market trend is equally important

For more infomation >> What is an INDEX? Why you MUST Understand it Before INVESTING? | Investing 101 ANIMATION - Duration: 4:52.


Škoda Yeti 1.2 TSI 105pk DSG-7 Ambition - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Škoda Yeti 1.2 TSI 105pk DSG-7 Ambition - Duration: 1:06.


10 Abstinence When "Love" needs to be completely avoided - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> 10 Abstinence When "Love" needs to be completely avoided - Duration: 11:46.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


Will Earth Ever Be Sucked Into A Black Hole? - Duration: 4:39.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

Black holes are some of the strangest places in the universe.

They are points in space where the gravity is so strong, nothing can escape their pull.

Most black holes are created when a dying star runs out of fuel.

If the star is large enough, it starts to collapse in on itself.

As its matter is compressed, it becomes so tightly packed into such a small space that

its gravitational force becomes huge -- and I mean really huge.

Black holes can pull in planets, stars... even light can't escape their grasp.

The Milky Way alone contains up to a billion of these so-called stellar black holes -- stellar,

because they are formed by collapsing stars, and also, I assume, because they're awesome.

They range in mass but are generally 10 to 24 times as massive as our sun.

And it's the mass that counts, not the size.

If a star the mass of Earth became a black hole, it would end up being only the size

of a marble!

Imagine holding the entire mass of the earth in the palm of your hand.

Of course, you couldn't really do that because the extreme gravitational pull would destroy

you...along with your house, your neighborhood, and the entire planet.

But there is something even larger than a stellar black hole.

Supermassive black holes can be millions or even billions of times as massive as our sun.

They can result from stars crashing into each other or smaller black holes merging together.

Astronomers think it's likely that every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its

center -- even the Milky Way.

So, should we be worried that we'll suddenly be sucked into a black hole and torn apart?

Well, we're ok for now.

The closest supermassive black hole to us, Sagittarius A, is 26,000 light years away.

And you can't be pulled in unless you get really close to one.

For example, if our sun were to somehow become a black hole, it would still have the same

mass, just condensed, and Earth would continue orbiting it like normal.

Of course, we'd probably miss the solar radiation.

But what if we did encounter a black hole?

What happens inside of one?

Every black hole contains an event horizon, the point of no return, after which nothing

can escape.

Inside of this is the singularity -- the place where the star has collapsed down until it

has zero volume and infinite density.

Since everything past the event horizon disappears, it's really hard for us to know what's

going on in the singularity.

In fact, because black holes don't emit anything on their own, we've never actually

seen one.

We only know about them because of how they affect the matter around them.

When the gases and dust of nearby galaxies get pulled into the event horizon, the atoms

gain energy and heat up.

This causes them to emit radiation that we can read here on Earth.

Using this radiation, astronomers have a plan to create the first-ever image of a black


This isn't the kind of picture you'd snap on your phone and share with friends.

Instead, 12 teams around the world will set up radio telescopes calibrated to the same

frequency -- 230 gigahertz -- all pointed at our supermassive black hole neighbor, Sagittarius

A. Their data will be pieced together as if it came from one giant, earth-sized radio


If it works correctly, researchers think that we'll be able to see the ring of radiation

around Sagittarius A*.

So, although we won't technically "see" the black hole itself, we'll essentially

be able to see its outline and the dark shadow that the black hole casts on the radiation.

This experiment could help us finally confirm that black holes do exist.

It could also be used to study how black holes change over time, how their magnetic fields

work, and even how they destroy materials.

It's going to take quite a few months to get the data processed, so look for results

in 2018.

But when it's done, good ol' Sagittarius A will be the "star" of the show.

I hope it's ready for its close up.

So, what would you most want to take a picture of in space?

A black hole?

A distant planet?

Let me know in the comments below!

For more infomation >> Will Earth Ever Be Sucked Into A Black Hole? - Duration: 4:39.


Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 130PK *NAVI * FULL LED * CLIMA * LMV 17" * PARK.H. * - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 ALLURE 1.2 130PK *NAVI * FULL LED * CLIMA * LMV 17" * PARK.H. * - Duration: 0:47.


Feds Raid Immigrant Attorney's D C House After Hearing About Their Secret — What - Duration: 11:40.

Feds Raid Immigrant Attorney's D.C.

House After Hearing About Their Secret — What They Found Inside Was Worse Than They Thought

After 8 years of open borders and Obama handouts, immigrants have gotten used to living high

on the hog after migrating to America.

In addition to being able to instantly get on welfare, these people are given endless

chances to have a great life, as America's promise of hope and opportunity is quite the

startling contrast from the third-world country crap holes that many of these people migrate


But despite America's extreme generosity, that didn't stop one nasty illegal couple

from doing everything they could to stab America in the back, before making off like a bandit

back to their homeland.

Fidelis Agbapuruonwu is an African immigrant who came America several years ago with his

wife and 4 kids to make our country his new home.

Despite coming from a very poor family of 8 kids, that didn't stop Fidelis from becoming

a successful lawyer, thanks to the generous American scholarships that helped kicked off

his career in law.

Fidelis and his family were truly living the American dream, raking in a whopping $1.5

million a year practicing law in Washington D.C.

But the swanky millionaire high-life still wasn't quite enough for Fidelis's greedy

wife Hellen, who devised a nasty plot to earn the couple some extra cash on the side, showing

the true greed of the couple who would then screw over the same country who gave them

so much in life.

Between the years of 2010 to 2016, Hellen would falsify countless bogus welfare claims,

where she and her greedy family would then go on to collect food stamp and medicare benefits

to the tune of well over $100,000, all while her husband was raking in $1.5 million as

a lawyer in Washington D.C.

Police charged the 42-year-old woman with "with felony welfare fraud and document

forgery," but by that time it was too late.

She and her family at that point had already skipped the country, making off with the tens

of thousands in benefits courtesy of the American taxpayer.

While it's unclear where the family is now, by the Daily Caller believes they "fled

the country and are somewhere in Africa."

The D.C. law firm of Mayer Brown confirmed on Monday that Fidilis is no longer an attorney

at the law office.

"We hope it sends a message that if you are taking public assistance, it's truly

intended for those in need, and we're committed to ensuring those who need the most help receive

it," Ashley Savage, spokeswoman for the Arlington County Police, told NBC News.

It's pretty sickening that these people would take stab the very country in the back

that gave them so much in life.

But at least the trash took out itself this time, as I'm sure these greedy douchebags

will never show their face in our country ever again!

H/T [Daily Caller, NBC 4]BREAKING: Look What Just Happened To Kaepernick Today — This

Is The BEST News EVER!

Colin Kaepernick was reaching a high point in his NFL career when he decided to go low

for an entire season and use his public platform to slander disrespect our country and those

who defend it.

His sickening decision caused his career to devolve into a bench-warming position, however,

now things just got worse for the entitled athlete on a personal level and patriotic

Americans who hate him couldn't be happier.

The days of Kaepernick's NFL story look to be coming to a screeching halt after leading

the league last year, not in wins, but in disgrace.

He began the movement of black athletes kneeling for the national anthem and today he's telling

his future suitors that he will stand for the national anthem, but the phone isn't


When free the agency began last Thursday, NFL teams have been in a hurry to snatch up

every free agent — great or not.

Even former lackluster Chicago Bear's quarterback, Jay Cutler got a call from the Jets but not

a single team is showing interest in disrespectful Kaepernick who once led his team to the Superbowl,

NBC Sports reports.

In the time since he began his sickening sideline antics, President Trump was elected and stood

behind citizens who were fed up with these anti-American "games."

The spirit of our country that had begun to grow dim under former president Barack Obama

is now shining bright once again, thanks to having a real leader in the White House.

The American people have spoken and NFL teams don't want to touch Kaepernick.

The only thing team owners, fans, and sponsors remember him for now, is that he made himself

an American-hating icon and disrespecting the men and women who lost their lives so

he could have that right and the badged heroes who still protect him today.

So goodbye to Colin Kaepernick, who will live on in infamy after every team just turned

their backs on him because he's a risk that nobody is willing to take.Black Bully Wants

More Than A Chat With Little White Boy, Didn't See What Was Coming Until He Tastes The Pavement


Thanks to 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama's antics with drumming up the race war in our

country, race relations in America are at an all-time low.

We constantly see senseless attacks being carried out on white people, as Obama's

thugs seek to make whitey pay as part of their misguided rage.

But unfortunately for one thug who thought he's score an easy knockout against a much

smaller kid, he would soon realize he had chosen the wrong victim to be the target of

his racist rage that day.

In the following video, a red headed white boy can be seen backed up against a fence

with no where to go, as the young thug dances around throwing jabs and hooks into the air

as a menacing sample of the beat-down that's about to ensue.

But then out of no where, an unlikely hero steps in to save the day, where the cocky

thug then gets a savage taste of his own medicine that you have to watch in order to truly appreciate.

Check it out:

Hell yeah!

Nothing like getting your racist ass stomped into the ground in front of half the neighborhood

as they cheer!

Perhaps next time this little douche will think twice of picking on a white boy half

his size in order to get his racist kicks in.

Rapper Snoop Dogg Made SICK New Threat To Trump That Just Backfired On Him BIG TIME

After Snoop Dogg's threats on white performers at President Trump's Inauguration went unheard

and they showed up to do what they signed up for anyway, the rapper hasn't stopped

running his mouth.

This time, he's directed his rage right at our president and made a sick new threat

which just blew up in his face big time.

Snoop's hate for our Commander-in-Chief is no secret as he openly speaks out against

Trump and threatens people associated with him.

Now he's gone directly to the source of his despise and with the typical arrogance

of a Hollywood elite, he feels that it's okay to incite violence and encourage assassination

attempts on our president.

However, he just learned the hard way that's not acceptable.

Snoop Dogg's days of making music videos may soon be over after what's depicted in

his most recent rap video.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a vintage revolver in his right hand, Snoop

fires a shot off at a Donald Trump imposter named "Ronald Klump," wearing clown makeup,

to only further the disrespectful message, American Mirror reports.

You don't have to look too deep into the video to know what the rapper is saying and

now Secret Service could be getting involved.

The rapper has now landed himself on authorities' watch list and could soon be getting a visit

from them for promoting the president's assassination and inciting violence.

Others who view this video could easily be "inspired" to want to take the "winning"

shot at Trump and forever go down in infamy as a martyr.

Never before has it been acceptable to call for the killing of our Commander-in-Chief

as stars seem to believe it is now, who also don't feel there is a consequence to their

criminal actions.

What's particularly dangerous, is that liberals are crazy enough to be motivated by these


Now, it's time to send a new message to all of these degenerates that the rhetoric

needs to stop or you can expect a knock at your door from Secret Service who very much

take this as an actionable threat at can hold people accountable for it.

BREAKING: Barron Rushed Into Lockdown After His Worst Nightmare Just Showed Up At His


The attacks on President Trump aren't enough for liberal lunatics who won't be satisfied

until they take the entire Frist Family down — seemingly starting with the youngest and

most vulnerable.

As leftists in New York complain about the increased security costs for the president's

youngest son, Barron Trump, perhaps they should realize there wouldn't be such a great need

for it if they stopped inciting violence and hate against the Trumps.

Ten-year-old Barron is finishing out his school year at New York City's Columbia Grammar

& Preparatory School and hasn't had an issue with that plan until today.

At about 10 a.m east coast time, the First Son was rushed into lockdown after Secret

Service saw what was going on right outside his school that was a direct threat to him,

and potentially all other students inside the private campus.

"My teacher had no clue what was going on but he was just saying 'Be quiet,'"

a senior at Barron's school, who did not want his name used said.

A 1993 Chevrolet K-1500 had parked on the street in front of the campus with an Indiana

license plate and a suspicious package inside, sending the entire school into lockdown, with

Barron inside, New York Daily News reported.

"These two girls that were next to me were pretty scared because they were getting Snapchats

from their friends saying there was a bomb threat, and one girl was crying," the student

informant told the news station after the horrifying ordeal.

This was exactly one of the reasons the Secret Service has been ramped up, proving the need

for it when a bomb threat was found outside young Barron's school.

A passerby had reportedly been the first to notice the suspicious tattered bag inside

the pickup and called authorities.

A bomb squad cleared the discovery after about 45 minutes, and the kids were free to go about

their school day, still shaken from the threat.

The package turned out to be an old, beat up military bag that didn't contain a bomb,

but you can never be too sure in this enraged liberal society we live in today.

Now, it's only a matter of time before leftists come out and complain, once again, about the

cost of mitigating this threat and claiming that extensive security isn't necessary

for this child and say that it should be funded by his father and not New York taxpayers.

The fact remains that hate pulsates through Democrat's political party, fueled by any

liberal with a public platform who feels entitled to perpetuate the divisiveness.

Not a single person on the left had anything adverse to say about the millions of dollars

spent on the Obama's vacations and the entourage of Secret Service that accompanied them on

every, frequent, getaway.

This boy should be safe to study in peace and although he dodged a bullet this time,

it won't stop lunatics from trying for next time.

For more infomation >> Feds Raid Immigrant Attorney's D C House After Hearing About Their Secret — What - Duration: 11:40.


Ford Focus 1.6-16V FUTURA, AIRCO,TREKHAAK,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6-16V FUTURA, AIRCO,TREKHAAK,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:00.


Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 200 AVANTGARDE, AIRCO,LM VELGEN,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 200 AVANTGARDE, AIRCO,LM VELGEN,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:00.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


POP LATINO Abril 2017 Luis Fonsi, J Balvin, Nicky Jam Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:03:01.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> POP LATINO Abril 2017 Luis Fonsi, J Balvin, Nicky Jam Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:03:01.


Donald J. Pliner "Fifi" Platform Thong Sandal - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Donald J. Pliner "Fifi" Platform Thong Sandal - Duration: 3:48.


Travel in Japan - Northeast Japan - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Travel in Japan - Northeast Japan - Duration: 4:43.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie



For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz SLK-Klasse 200 K.AUTOMAAT.LEER.EATC.CRUISE.DEALERONDERHOUDEN. - Duration: 1:02.


Dushman Se Nijat Ka Wazifa Hindi Urdu | Dushman Se Bachne Ki Wazeefa in Urdu - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Dushman Se Nijat Ka Wazifa Hindi Urdu | Dushman Se Bachne Ki Wazeefa in Urdu - Duration: 4:43.


Pokémon GO Plus náramek trailer CZ - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Pokémon GO Plus náramek trailer CZ - Duration: 1:23.


BMW 3 Serie Compact 320TD COMFORT LINE AIRCO LMV - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Compact 320TD COMFORT LINE AIRCO LMV - Duration: 1:02.


BREAKING Barron Rushed Into Lockdown After His Worst Nightmare Just Showed Up At His School - Duration: 11:40.

BREAKING: Barron Rushed Into Lockdown After His Worst Nightmare Just Showed Up At His


The attacks on President Trump aren't enough for liberal lunatics who won't be satisfied

until they take the entire Frist Family down — seemingly starting with the youngest and

most vulnerable.

As leftists in New York complain about the increased security costs for the president's

youngest son, Barron Trump, perhaps they should realize there wouldn't be such a great need

for it if they stopped inciting violence and hate against the Trumps.

Ten-year-old Barron is finishing out his school year at New York City's Columbia Grammar

& Preparatory School and hasn't had an issue with that plan until today.

At about 10 a.m east coast time, the First Son was rushed into lockdown after Secret

Service saw what was going on right outside his school that was a direct threat to him,

and potentially all other students inside the private campus.

"My teacher had no clue what was going on but he was just saying 'Be quiet,'"

a senior at Barron's school, who did not want his name used said.

A 1993 Chevrolet K-1500 had parked on the street in front of the campus with an Indiana

license plate and a suspicious package inside, sending the entire school into lockdown, with

Barron inside, New York Daily News reported.

"These two girls that were next to me were pretty scared because they were getting Snapchats

from their friends saying there was a bomb threat, and one girl was crying," the student

informant told the news station after the horrifying ordeal.

This was exactly one of the reasons the Secret Service has been ramped up, proving the need

for it when a bomb threat was found outside young Barron's school.

A passerby had reportedly been the first to notice the suspicious tattered bag inside

the pickup and called authorities.

A bomb squad cleared the discovery after about 45 minutes, and the kids were free to go about

their school day, still shaken from the threat.

The package turned out to be an old, beat up military bag that didn't contain a bomb,

but you can never be too sure in this enraged liberal society we live in today.

Now, it's only a matter of time before leftists come out and complain, once again, about the

cost of mitigating this threat and claiming that extensive security isn't necessary

for this child and say that it should be funded by his father and not New York taxpayers.

The fact remains that hate pulsates through Democrat's political party, fueled by any

liberal with a public platform who feels entitled to perpetuate the divisiveness.

Not a single person on the left had anything adverse to say about the millions of dollars

spent on the Obama's vacations and the entourage of Secret Service that accompanied them on

every, frequent, getaway.

This boy should be safe to study in peace and although he dodged a bullet this time,

it won't stop lunatics from trying for next time.Feds Raid Immigrant Attorney's D.C.

House After Hearing About Their Secret — What They Found Inside Was Worse Than They Thought

After 8 years of open borders and Obama handouts, immigrants have gotten used to living high

on the hog after migrating to America.

In addition to being able to instantly get on welfare, these people are given endless

chances to have a great life, as America's promise of hope and opportunity is quite the

startling contrast from the third-world country crap holes that many of these people migrate


But despite America's extreme generosity, that didn't stop one nasty illegal couple

from doing everything they could to stab America in the back, before making off like a bandit

back to their homeland.

Fidelis Agbapuruonwu is an African immigrant who came America several years ago with his

wife and 4 kids to make our country his new home.

Despite coming from a very poor family of 8 kids, that didn't stop Fidelis from becoming

a successful lawyer, thanks to the generous American scholarships that helped kicked off

his career in law.

Fidelis and his family were truly living the American dream, raking in a whopping $1.5

million a year practicing law in Washington D.C.

But the swanky millionaire high-life still wasn't quite enough for Fidelis's greedy

wife Hellen, who devised a nasty plot to earn the couple some extra cash on the side, showing

the true greed of the couple who would then screw over the same country who gave them

so much in life.

Between the years of 2010 to 2016, Hellen would falsify countless bogus welfare claims,

where she and her greedy family would then go on to collect food stamp and medicare benefits

to the tune of well over $100,000, all while her husband was raking in $1.5 million as

a lawyer in Washington D.C.

Police charged the 42-year-old woman with "with felony welfare fraud and document

forgery," but by that time it was too late.

She and her family at that point had already skipped the country, making off with the tens

of thousands in benefits courtesy of the American taxpayer.

While it's unclear where the family is now, by the Daily Caller believes they "fled

the country and are somewhere in Africa."

The D.C. law firm of Mayer Brown confirmed on Monday that Fidilis is no longer an attorney

at the law office.

"We hope it sends a message that if you are taking public assistance, it's truly

intended for those in need, and we're committed to ensuring those who need the most help receive

it," Ashley Savage, spokeswoman for the Arlington County Police, told NBC News.

It's pretty sickening that these people would take stab the very country in the back

that gave them so much in life.

But at least the trash took out itself this time, as I'm sure these greedy douchebags

will never show their face in our country ever again!

H/T [Daily Caller, NBC 4]BREAKING: Look What Just Happened To Kaepernick Today — This

Is The BEST News EVER!

Colin Kaepernick was reaching a high point in his NFL career when he decided to go low

for an entire season and use his public platform to slander disrespect our country and those

who defend it.

His sickening decision caused his career to devolve into a bench-warming position, however,

now things just got worse for the entitled athlete on a personal level and patriotic

Americans who hate him couldn't be happier.

The days of Kaepernick's NFL story look to be coming to a screeching halt after leading

the league last year, not in wins, but in disgrace.

He began the movement of black athletes kneeling for the national anthem and today he's telling

his future suitors that he will stand for the national anthem, but the phone isn't


When free the agency began last Thursday, NFL teams have been in a hurry to snatch up

every free agent — great or not.

Even former lackluster Chicago Bear's quarterback, Jay Cutler got a call from the Jets but not

a single team is showing interest in disrespectful Kaepernick who once led his team to the Superbowl,

NBC Sports reports.

In the time since he began his sickening sideline antics, President Trump was elected and stood

behind citizens who were fed up with these anti-American "games."

The spirit of our country that had begun to grow dim under former president Barack Obama

is now shining bright once again, thanks to having a real leader in the White House.

The American people have spoken and NFL teams don't want to touch Kaepernick.

The only thing team owners, fans, and sponsors remember him for now, is that he made himself

an American-hating icon and disrespecting the men and women who lost their lives so

he could have that right and the badged heroes who still protect him today.

So goodbye to Colin Kaepernick, who will live on in infamy after every team just turned

their backs on him because he's a risk that nobody is willing to take.Black Bully Wants

More Than A Chat With Little White Boy, Didn't See What Was Coming Until He Tastes The Pavement


Thanks to 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama's antics with drumming up the race war in our

country, race relations in America are at an all-time low.

We constantly see senseless attacks being carried out on white people, as Obama's

thugs seek to make whitey pay as part of their misguided rage.

But unfortunately for one thug who thought he's score an easy knockout against a much

smaller kid, he would soon realize he had chosen the wrong victim to be the target of

his racist rage that day.

In the following video, a red headed white boy can be seen backed up against a fence

with no where to go, as the young thug dances around throwing jabs and hooks into the air

as a menacing sample of the beat-down that's about to ensue.

But then out of no where, an unlikely hero steps in to save the day, where the cocky

thug then gets a savage taste of his own medicine that you have to watch in order to truly appreciate.

Check it out:

Hell yeah!

Nothing like getting your racist ass stomped into the ground in front of half the neighborhood

as they cheer!

Perhaps next time this little douche will think twice of picking on a white boy half

his size in order to get his racist kicks in.

Rapper Snoop Dogg Made SICK New Threat To Trump That Just Backfired On Him BIG TIME

After Snoop Dogg's threats on white performers at President Trump's Inauguration went unheard

and they showed up to do what they signed up for anyway, the rapper hasn't stopped

running his mouth.

This time, he's directed his rage right at our president and made a sick new threat

which just blew up in his face big time.

Snoop's hate for our Commander-in-Chief is no secret as he openly speaks out against

Trump and threatens people associated with him.

Now he's gone directly to the source of his despise and with the typical arrogance

of a Hollywood elite, he feels that it's okay to incite violence and encourage assassination

attempts on our president.

However, he just learned the hard way that's not acceptable.

Snoop Dogg's days of making music videos may soon be over after what's depicted in

his most recent rap video.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a vintage revolver in his right hand, Snoop

fires a shot off at a Donald Trump imposter named "Ronald Klump," wearing clown makeup,

to only further the disrespectful message, American Mirror reports.

You don't have to look too deep into the video to know what the rapper is saying and

now Secret Service could be getting involved.

The rapper has now landed himself on authorities' watch list and could soon be getting a visit

from them for promoting the president's assassination and inciting violence.

Others who view this video could easily be "inspired" to want to take the "winning"

shot at Trump and forever go down in infamy as a martyr.

Never before has it been acceptable to call for the killing of our Commander-in-Chief

as stars seem to believe it is now, who also don't feel there is a consequence to their

criminal actions.

What's particularly dangerous, is that liberals are crazy enough to be motivated by these


Now, it's time to send a new message to all of these degenerates that the rhetoric

needs to stop or you can expect a knock at your door from Secret Service who very much

take this as an actionable threat at can hold people accountable for it.

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