Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

But I am not that cheap. I am the owner of this house.

Do you know why I rented this house to you?

Because there are three earning members in your family.

I thought I would get the rent on time.

I didn't rent the house to get myself insulted.

Sir, please don't shout. Talk softly.

Why should I talk softly?

There are just a few people watching as of now.

But these people will go and tell others..

..and gradually the entire town will come to know about it.

What happened, Laxman? You seem very angry. What's the matter?

His younger brother wrote a love letter to my daughter.

Will a respectful person do such a thing?

What happened?

What's the matter?

What should I tell you?

Your brother wrote a love letter to his daughter.

Really? When did you start doing all that?

He has written, come and meet me at the park at 5pm. Read it.

You have asked her to come to the park.

That's fine. But you didn't mention which park. She will be confused.

Hari, are you making fun of me?

Hey! Stop this act!

I thought you people were decent when I rented this house to you.

When one of you makes a mistake, all three of you become one.

Vacate the house right now.


Hey! You called her to the park. That's fine.

But how will you feed her? Didn't you think before falling in love?

Do you have any standing? Once your business kick-starts.. will earn at least Rs. 20,000 per month.

Rs. 10,000.

Shut up!

You will run the house with that money.

So, you will love the same girl.

Come on. My brother is jobless. I will explain.

About 100 people work in his office.

Everyone consumes alcohol.

But he never does that.

He doesn't even smoke.

His co-workers waste a lot of money.

He is a miser. He is not like them.

The truth is that he will take good care of your daughter.

He is a rare find.

Sir, do as I say. Find a good match for your daughter..

..and get her married. And yes.

Your daughter has flunked college.

So, she won't get a doctor or an engineer as a partner.

But you are wealthy and own so many properties.

You will find a worthy match for her. Am I right?

But nobody will know what the guy will really be like.

The guy can turn out to be a womaniser.

If an ordinary guy will marry your daughter, he will ask for a house.

And you will give the house to him. That's not a big deal.

Tell me something. Will he keep quiet after that?

What will he do? Please tell me.

Uncle, the guy who loves your property more than your daughter..

..will throw you out of the house.

He will sell the house and she will become homeless.

At that time my brother will be sitting peacefully at home..

..and you will come to our house and tell us whatever happened.

And you will cry. Then my brother will say..

..that you should have married off your daughter to him.

And you will think... - 'He was a good boy. He was a better match.'

Exactly. I was going to say the same thing.

You will think you made a very big mistake.

And that you shouldn't have missed such a good boy.

Listen. Parents are always against love.

They are like that. So please don't think about committing suicide.

I will talk to your father.

You remain alert. Keep her away from..

..ceiling fan, rope, matchbox and kerosene.

Get all the stuff out. I will get a van.


Don't you people have any work? Get going, come on.

What is this, Hari? The house owner would have calmed down himself.

Look at your brother's condition.

Have patience. If I am not wrong..

..he will be here by the time I count five.

Five, four, three..

..two, one.


Look he will apologize.

I am sorry.

I am sorry for being rude.

Hello. There is no use now. You have insulted us a lot.

I have seen a nice house in the neighborhood. Let's go there.


You are overacting now.

We are getting late. Come on, let's go.

Please wait, Hari.

There is no use now. People are going to gossip about us now.

Please forgive me. I beg of you.

I could foresee my daughter's future.

Hari, please listen. It's a matter of my daughter's life.

What should I do? What do you think, brother?

He is elder to us. We should obey him.

Okay, brother. I can't disobey you.

Hello? Why are you still here?

Go and start the wedding preparations.

I will invite all my relatives.

Take the bag. - Here. Is everything alright?

It was very good. Hope you are happy with this marriage.

Your choice is my choice.

Don't you both know each other? - No.

No, we have just met.

But both of you had been for a movie yesterday, right?

Okay, dear. We will take your leave.

Father, where are you going?

Father! - Don't overact!


My son is innocent. Take care of him.

If one of the two is innocent, fights don't occur.

And yes. I want a grandchild within a year. Do you get it?

Who is Giri?

It's me.

Get into the jeep.

What happened, sir? What's the matter?

How are you related to him?

He is my son.

His boss has complained that he has embezzled money from his office.

Sir, Giri is not like that.

Come to the police station.

Hari, you had said that your brother was decent.

And that he has no bad habits.

What happened now?

You got my daughter married to a wrong person..

..and ruined her life.

God won't forgive you for this.

Father, this is my family's problem.

You need not interfere with this.

I trust my husband.

I am so unlucky.

I am glad you understood him.

Thanks. - Come on, father. Let's go to the police station.

Come on.

All of you haven't eaten anything since morning.

Giri will come back soon.

What happened? Tell me what happened.

Giri didn't do anything. Someone has cheated him.

Because he was busy with the wedding preparations..

..Giri gave Rs. 10 lakhs to someone to deposit in the bank.

And he fled with the money. Nobody knows where he is.

How is Giri at fault?

The police says that he is lying and that he spent the money.

Doesn't his company know how he is?

The company doesn't support him.

He will be in custody till they get the money.

Won't he get bail?

He will for sure. But we will have to deposit Rs. 5 lakhs.

And we have agreed to pay the remaining amount later.

Where will we arrange the money from?

I have some money and Meenakshi's gold.

We will manage about Rs. 60,000.

I have Rs. 20,000 left after the wedding expenses.

That will make Rs. 1 lakh.

But what about the remaining amount?

I have a friend in Bangalore. I will arrange money from him.

You come with the money. Even I will try my best.

Okay, father.

My friend had agreed to give money..

..but now he has refused.

Let it be, Hari. Things don't go as planned.

Everything is fine. Keep the money safely.

I will arrange for the remaining amount. - Okay.

I will take your leave. - Okay.

'Hail Lord Vishnu. The one who travels on a Garuda.'

'May auspiciousness come to all.'

'Hail Lord Narayan.'

The 'Rahukaal' is over. Now I can get into the train.

He is impossible!

Go to your own compartments.

Get going!

How dare you!

We are going to win.

Get into the train.

Greetings. - Greetings.

Greetings. - Greetings.

Greetings. - Greetings.

Are you okay? - Yes, I am okay.

'Train number...'

Excuse me. Is that your seat? - No, I didn't get a reservation.

Does that mean you will sit anywhere you wish?

Go to the general compartment. Come on.

'Shortly from platform number 2.'

'Train number 8291...'

Do you have a reservation? - Is this your seat?

Yes, it is. - Then sit here.

Okay, fine.

I don't know about you people, but I am really worried.

Why is that?

Last time I sat in a train during the 'Rahukaal'.

The train hit another train as it left the platform.

10 people died in front of me. Yes, really!

And the next time I was in the middle compartment.

A blast happened in the compartment in front.

I was lucky that is why I am here today, or else...

Even this time the train entered the station during 'Rahukaal'.

God knows what is going to happen this time.

I am really worried.

Why is my eye twitching? Stop, please!

What happened, dear?

What is happening?

I think there is going to be a blast in this train.

Get down all of you if you want to save your life.

Get down quickly.

I am a jinx. Save your life.

Save yourself.

That's like it. The window seat is the best way to travel.

My eye has stopped twitching.

The 'Rahukaal' is over.

Move quickly! Come on.

Make it quick! Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on. Quick.

Come on.


Yes! Faster!

Ma'am, they are following us. We need to escape.

Oh God!

Come on, faster.

Come on.

Get in fast!


Look for her. She is in here.

Look for her! Did you find her?

Look that side. Come on.

Hey, open the door. - What is it?

Let me use the toilet peacefully.

Come on, ma'am. Come this way.

He is not here. Come that way. - Come on.

Look there. - She is not here.

Look carefully.

Where is she?

Listen. I am participating in the tournament..

..and they have sent goons to kill me.

Please stop them!

Yes! Come on.

We won't let you go ahead.

Hey! They are running. Catch hold of them.

Ma'am! It's me, ma'am.

There is no danger now. They are gone.

Please sit.

Thank you very much. - Not a problem.

God! - What are you looking for?

I had kept a bag here and it had Rs. 3 lakhs in cash.

Oh God! Why were you carrying so much cash?

Someone cheated my brother at his office.

My brother and father had accumulated that money somehow.

Where did the money go?

What should I do? - Don't worry.

You have returned my money.

Thank you so much.

You can help me in return. If you help me..

..I will help in getting your brother bailed.

How can I help you?

Only you can help me. I know that.

Our family has lost many lives in wars and fights.

There is no man left in my family.

My husband is in a vegetative state.

Everything is clear to you. He can pass away anytime.

But even I don't know when.

I don't like fights. Even my daughter..

..has gone away to Switzerland.

I tried calling her many times.

I even wrote letters to her, but there was no reply.

Forget all that. We are living under constant threat here.

I want to see my daughter just once.

I don't know how you will do that.

Go and get my daughter to me.

She will listen to you. I will give you as much money as you want.

But please get my daughter.

I will go to Switzerland and get your daughter.

Thank you. But she shouldn't come to know..

..that I have sent you.


We got him bailed. But from where will we arrange Rs. 5 lakhs?

I have a friend in Mumbai. I had called him.

He has called me to take the money.

I will go to Mumbai.

Chandana? - Yes.

An Indian girl? - Yes.

Are you Indian? - Yes.

She has just finished class. You will find her on campus.

What's her name? - Angel.

Angel! Angel, come here.

Yeah! Good girl.

How old is she?

She is one year old. - Oh! Very good.

Oh! - So sorry. I am so sorry.

Oh God!

'100, 100, 120, 140.'

That means 34 times.

Rs. 400 more in Indian rupees.

Back in India the entire family could have eaten for so much.

I don't understand what to eat.

Can I have your order, please?

'Bels'... - Pardon.

I don't think we have any item like that.

I will have to place an expensive order to impress her.

Well I will have the most expensive thing around.

Veg Nova.

You are Indian, right?

How did you come to know?

By your accent. - I think I was too much.

Yes, I am Hari from Hyderabad. - Hi!

Excuse me! - Coming!

Who came to disrupt our conversation?

Hey! This salad is absolutely ridiculous.

I was waiting for so long. It's not... - No!

It's not like that, sir. - I don't like.

Please be seated, sir. We are trying to..

..take an order. - Wait a minute.

Why are you scolding her? Don't you have any manners?

You be quiet. He shouldn't talk to you like that.

He was scolding you so badly.

Hey! What do you think of yourself?

He doesn't know Hindi. - That is why I am shouting.

What? Are you guys friends? - Yes, we are friends.

Yes, we are friends. Right?

Do you have a problem?

Of course not! - What would you have done?

What would you have done?

Actually, we can talk. Please sit down.

Please! Please sit down.

Yes, please sit down.

Please, sir. - No, please go. You are fired.


Is he mad? He messed with an Indian!



Hello! I think you are from India. - How do you know?

Because only Indians run like this on roads.

How is the Charminar?

Charminar is good and so is Taj Mahal.

But our life has been ruined. - Why? Do you have piles?

Hey! What are you saying? - Who is the girl?

I don't know. - You don't know her and are following her.

Do you think I am mad?

Do you want to know? - Yes, tell me in detail.

I saw her and I liked her, so I followed her. - Oh God!

Even I was doing the same.

Who were you following? - Do you really want to know?

Tell me, please. - She was beautiful.

She was deadly.

Are you sure she was a girl? - Yes.

I used to try and woo her every day, but she eloped with the neighbor.

After they got married..

..their families fought with each other.

How many people died? - 10 people died in the fight.

I was supposed to kill all of them..

..but they fought amongst themselves and killed each other.

I didn't want to fight anyone.

That is why I bought this taxi and settled in this city.

I drink every day in her memory.

But you are a driver and are drinking!

You are drunk even now.

This is what drives me.

And I drive this taxi.

Nobody cares about anyone in this country.

Tell me where you have to get off.

Stop by any cheap hotel. - Cheap hotel!

You are a true Indian like me!

Don't worry. I will take you to a hotel.

This is the place. Come on.

"You are a foreigner. You are not going to stay."

This is my Charminar. And I have this bottle.

Come on, let's drink.

No problem. Your love story has just started.

When the girl will leave you, you will need this.

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

"I don't care if the society will be jealous of us."

"She is the one for me and she is my life."

"I have got new dreams and hopes in life."

"The weather and the nature around has become so pleasant."

"I am crazy about her. I have lost my heart to her."

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

"She has come to meet me here."

"The fun began when we came together."

"Why did you stay back for so long?"

"The world is jealous of us."

"I don't know what is happening. I am crazy and intoxicated."

"The world seems beautiful since our love begun."

"I seem to be flying in the sky."

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

"My heart beats to a different tune."

"I live in a dream world."

"Come and love me, O dear."

"I am all yours."

"I can only see you all around me."

"I can't live without meeting you."

"Come and become one with me."

"When we come together the distance between us will erase."

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

"I just followed my heart."

"I lost my mind when I saw her."

Excuse me.

Are you missing her?

Sitting like this won't help.

If you give her a nice gift..

..she will be impressed.


Excuse me. Hello.

You are here and I was looking for you everywhere.

I am lucky I found you here.

Why? Do you want to get me fired from here as well?

Oh! Did they fire you from there?

That means you lost that job because of me!

Chandrika, I am extremely sorry.

I shouldn't have messed with that white guy.

Listen to me. You lost your job because of me.

So, I will do anything you say. Really. Please.

Do one thing. Go away from here.

Don't say that.

I... I was just...

Oh my God! What have you done? - I am sorry.

I am seriously sorry. - Actually it's my fault.

Crazy girl! - I am so sorry, ma'am.

Putting it there... - My client will be here.

It's not my fault. - Actually, it's my fault.

Okay, I will pay you. - Yes.

I need the money.

Pay it right now. - I am so sorry, ma'am.

I was just keeping it...

Shit! There is no ATM over here.

What do I do?

I need the payment right now. - I am really sorry, ma'am.

I will pay for that. - What will I tell my customer?

He has to receive it right now.

Please keep this chain. I am so sorry, ma'am. - No, I can't.

I am really very sorry. So sorry. - I need cash.

Where is the girl? Where did she go?

She went away.

You can take the amount for the clock.

No! She has given me her chain.

Actually the watch is more expensive than the chain.

Can you please give me the chain and take the worth of the clock?

Oh, surely! Why not? Take it. - Yes.

It seems to be more expensive.

Chandan, whenever you meet her..

..she loses her job because of you.

Chandrika! - What will you do now?

Do you want her to lose this job as well?

Stop the car. - Why are asking me to stop?

This is Switzerland and not India.

This is not India. Be careful!

Chandan, is she working at DK Centre?

My friend's son studies at the same school.

Then what should I do? Why are you telling me about it?

For your benefit? - What do you mean?

I have an idea to help you go near your love.

Do as I tell you.


I will be back. - Okay, aunt.

What's that? Oh! - Apple.

Hello! You lost your job. I am really sorry.

Do you want to get me fired from here as well?

No! That's not right. I have also come here to work.

Your warden refused.

But when I told her that I am your friend, she hired me.

I have an emergency. I will be back.

Ma'am, one second. - Don't worry.

Hey! Wait, please.

Hey! Don't fight. One by one.

Give it to me. It's mine. - What's your name, baby?

Tell me your name. - Get up from here.

Don't you worry. Looking after kids is an art.

I will manage them well.

There is a technique to please children.

Okay! Now one after one.

Alright. Okay! - You want this?

Okay! Take it.

It's very nice.

Listen, Chandrika. This child needs to go to the toilet.

Where is the toilet? - No, I will take her.

Go quickly or she will pass it here itself.

Okay, fine. Take her quickly.

That one.

That one. Yes!

Come on. Let's go get some more ice cream.

Good boy!

Okay! Here we go again.

One. That's right. Two. Yeah, go.

Yeah. Okay. Now it's your turn.


I am the kidnapper. - Kidnapper?

Yeah! I have kidnapped Johnny! - What?

Yeah, I have kidnapped Johnny.

One minute!

Johnny has been kidnapped! He has called.

Johnny, that small boy. - He was here.

Look there. Over there. - I was...

Yes! Don't inform the police or I will kill Johnny.

No! No! No!

If you want Johnny, give me 100,000 Francs.

100,000 Francs!

Yeah! Give me your cell phone number.


Don't inform the police. Do you understand? - Okay.

What did he say?

Johnny has been kidnapped. They are demanding 100,000 Francs.

If my boss finds out, I will lose my job.

It's all because of you. Whenever you are with me..

..this happens. - Listen. Please let me speak.

Please! I will go and check. - It's your fault.

Is the child okay? - Okay.

I have given him a nice ice cream. - I hope there is no problem.

I will go and see him. - I will manage. You go.

Chandrika! - What is it?

We are trapped! - Johnny's father is here.

What will happen now? - I don't understand anything.

Even I don't understand what to do.

What's the matter? - Who is this?

He's wearing a dhoti! He can't be Johnny's father. - Johnny, come to me.

I... - Actually, his mother is from here and he is...

I am from Kerala. I got married over here. - So, Johnny is mixed.

Is he your husband or friend? - No.

Or lover? - Yes.

There is bad news for you.

What? Bad news! - Yes.

What is that? - Your son...

My son? Johnny? - Johnny!

Johnny? - Someone has kidnapped him.

Oh God! Johnny has been kidnapped! Johnny!

Oh God! Johnny has been kidnapped! Where is Johnny!

Johnny! Oh God!

Sir, please don't worry.

Calm down. - I am fine.

There is one more bad news. - What is that?

They have demanded 100,000 Francs.

They will release him after they get it. - 100,000...

Francs! - Francs?

Oh God! My son, Johnny!

Johnny is my only son!

I want money to get him back.

You don't worry, sir. - You are overacting.

I can do one thing.

This cash belongs to my office. Give this money. - Okay.

And get my Johnny back.

Come on! Stop overacting. - My Johnny!

You also do something.

What should I do? - Do something, my friend.

Johnny! My son, Johnny! - Okay!

I will go. - Yes.

Leave my dhoti!

Okay. - You will get my son, right?

Okay. - Johnny!

What will we do now? Tell me.

Do something, Hari. - Okay, I will do something.

I am here. Why do you worry?

Who is it? Is that him? - Yes, it's him.

He has called us to the station.

Excuse me. - Who are you searching for?

I am looking for the kidnapper.

I don't think he will come to us. - Why?

I mean, we will meet him.

It's the kidnapper. - Hello. - Chandan.

Yeah. I beg of you.

I have lost all my money in feeding him ice creams.

Okay! Which link? - Link?

I wasn't this hurt when I had a heartbreak.

I beg of you. Come soon.

Oh! He has called us near lover's lake.

Yeah, sorry. Tell me. - Come soon.

Yeah, okay. Okay.

Why are you just saying okay?

I even sold off my taxi.

I have no money left and my whiskey is also over.

Come and take him soon.

Stop saying okay and come soon.

While we catch fish..

..he will confirm there is no police with us..

..and then he will leave Johnny.

What? We have to catch fish. I don't know how to do that.

I know.

I am ready to do anything for you. Come on.



Chandrika, the kidnapper must be watching us.

I will catch fish. You sit there. Come on.

Go and sit there.





Are you mad? Why did you jump into the water?

Tell me, Hari. Hari? Tell me.

Hari! Hey! Tell me, Hari.

Won't you talk to me? Tell me!


What's the matter? I love a girl very much.

Her handkerchief fell into the water.

How is she? - Who?

That girl.

How will Lord Krishna look without the flute?

Not good.

The same way even my life won't look good without her.

Did you say anything?

No, I didn't say anything.

I think that girl is very lucky. No problem.

Hey! The kidnapper is here. Look there.

Where is the kidnapper? - There.

It can't be him. - How do you know?

Johnny is not with him.


I think there is a fish.


Come on, let's go. Run.

Hey! Money bag!

Forget the bag. Run for your life. - Wait.

Come on!

Hey, Hari! - Run fast.

Wait for me.

Hari, where did the kidnapper go? I think he is mad.

He keeps changing plans.

Hello? I am talking to you. What are you thinking? - Yes.

Nothing. I keep on dreaming all the time. - About?

I wanted to ride on a bicycle with my girlfriend like this.

But you got the chance.

She will be sad to know that I sat instead of her.

I am not that lucky. - Why?

Mine is a one-sided love. - Oh!

Since when do you love her?

7 days, 16 hours, 36 minute and 6 seconds.

What else do you want to know?

Where did you see her first?

I saw her running to catch a train.

I was very sad at that time. - Why is that?

Because I couldn't see her for long.

She is really lucky.

Did you say anything?

Well... - I am sure you didn't.

No, I did.

You be here. I will just be back.

Hey! Hari! Don't come here.

Don't come here. Please. - Hari...

Where are you going?

Hey! Ouch! - I had told you don't come.

You never listen to me. - Oh God!

You are so shameless!

I am relieved now.



What are you looking for?

Oh shit!

Look there. Is that what you are looking for?

Should I pick it? - No, I will do that.

"My life has lit up since you came to visit me today."

"I was heartbroken when you weren't with me."

Hello? Give it to me. I will talk to the kidnapper.

Hello? - Hello. We will have to stay in a single room.

Hey! I won't do that. What do you think of yourself?

Don't you recognize me?

Do you think I will listen to everything you say?

Listen! I can take the trouble, but why are you bothering her?

What? - God will never forgive you.

You will rot in hell.

You will be washed away by the waves.

Do you understand or not? - Please, Hari.

Don't argue with him or else he will harm Johnny.

I can't see you in trouble.

I will beat you up if I see you. - Why are you talking like that?

He is troubling you by doing all this.

Hey! Where are you? You will be doomed today.

I won't spare you.

Oh God! The phone.

Hello? Please, sir. We will take a room in a hotel.

Don't do any harm to Johnny, please.

You tell him. Please do that.

I will do it since you are saying. - Please do that.

Please, sir. We will do whatever you say.

Hey! You are not getting a Filmfare Award.

You will win the Oscar. I am ruined.

It's so cold.

How can I help you? - Can I have a single room, please?

Is there any way we can get a concession if we book two rooms?

You want to book two rooms.

To look like lovers we should book one room.

The kidnappers will feel hurt.

If you book one room, I will be hurt.

But I have the money only for one room.

I will pay for the second room.


She will ruin my plan.

She is crazy.

What did you say? - The problem is solved.

God has saved us. But I lost my chance.

I will have to do something. - Okay, two rooms, please.

Okay! Two rooms!

Oh God! Hari! Hari, what happened to you?

Hari! Hari, why are you vomiting blood? Hari!

Leave me!

It's hurting. I won't live.

I won't live.

Hari! Hari, how are you feeling?

I am feeling better. - What?

I was badly hurt.

Oh God!

Who hit you?

The kidnapper. - Kidnapper! Why?

What do I tell you? - He had asked us to book one room..

..still we booked two rooms. So, he thought we will call the police.

I explained a lot to him, but he beat me up badly.

'Greetings! Oh! I am not supposed to join my hands like this, right?'

Sorry. I don't know how to offer prayers in a church.

Had I been in a temple, I would have performed a veneration..

..and prayed after offering money in the donation box.

Since there is no temple here, I have come here.

I have seen many guys who on seeing a girl..

..immediately say that they love her.

But Hari is unable to say that even though he loves me.

I have considered him a very good friend of mine.

God, I pray to you from the bottom of my heart.

Nothing should happen to Hari.


Hello? - Chandan. I have handed Johnny over to his dad.

The kidnapping drama has come to an end.

I can't hear you. That poor girl is unaware of what you are doing.

She is so naive. She believes everything we say.

Listen. I have done your job. I am very happy.

I am going to celebrate today.


Hello? - Let's end this right here.

I can't cheat her anymore. She has started loving me.

Now if she comes to know, she will never forgive me.

Hey! She had gone to pray for me at the church.

I can't cheat her. I will tell her everything.

Dear Chandrika.

Excuse me, I need a cab. Can you arrange for me? - Yeah.

Of course.

Excuse me. How long will it take? - Yes.

I need to check out. - It should be here any minute.

Any luggage? - No. Yeah.

Chandra. - Why have you come here?

What happened, Chandra? - I don't want to talk to you.

What has happened to you? Chandra... - Leave me. Don't touch me.

Let me speak. - I don't want to listen.

Tell me. Chandra, please listen to me.

Chandra, please! - What do you have to say?

You were cheating me, right? I know. I hate you. - Let me speak.

I don't want to talk. I hate you. - Chandra, listen to me.

Excuse me. Is this man bothering you? - Look, man..

..this is nothing to do with you. Just go away. - Hey, you!

I am talking to her, okay? - Just get out of here.

Mind your own business. Chandra... - Please leave.


'Dear Chandra. I saw you in the bus first.'

'I fell in love with you.'

'Nobody kidnapped Johnny.'

'I put on this act to come near you.'

'But the truth will come out in the open someday.'

'That is why I am telling that I did all this to love you.'

'If you trust me, I will wait for you at this address.'


Hari! Hari!

Hari! Hari!


What is all this?

I had cheated Chandra. This is the punishment for that.

But my love is true.

Who is that?

Hari! Hari! - Hey! Who is that?

Hey! Stop there!

Hey! How can you enter my house without my permission?

Stop! Stop there!

Hari! - Ma'am, are you here.. get him beaten up again?

You will let him stay or ask him you go away as per your choice.

I have never seen a girl like you in my life.

Get out. - Let me meet Hari, please.

Shut up! - He won't talk to you now.

I will just meet him once and go away.

You are pushing me! This is my house.

Never lie to me again.


"Let's dance to..."

What's the matter? Are you leaving?

Hey! I am talking to you.

I had to lie to take Chandra to India.

But I don't want to cheat her anymore.

That is why I am leaving without her.

Hari, one lie of yours will unite a mother with her daughter.

And your brother will get bail with the money.

If you will lie for that, that won't be cheating.

Hi, guys!

Why did you stop? What's the matter?

Hari's brother has been arrested by the police.

What are you thinking? You should go, Hari.

He can go. But there is a small problem. - Money problem?

No. It is love problem.

Oh! Love problem!

The problem is that he loves a girl named Chandrika.

He can't eat, sleep..

..or do anything without her.

Shut up!

He has written a long letter to his parents..

..saying that he will only marry her.

And he has even sent your photo to them.

They might have got your photo. And he is very sad.

He can't live without you. Am I right?

Stop it. - Did I refuse to come along?

Even I will meet your parents. Will they want to meet me?

Of course! - I will finish my exams in two days and then we will go.

Your job is done.

What happened, Chandra? Come on.

Chandra, this is my village.

You never told me. - You never asked.

Now that we are here, I will tell you in detail. Come on.

Chandra, you wait here. I will arrange for a car. - Okay.

Which station is this?

Radhika is here.

Give me a tea.

Greetings, ma'am. - Greetings.

Your daughter is waiting there. - Okay, I will meet her.

Hey, Hari! Come here. - Hey, hi!

Have you guys come to receive me?

Take this money and give at the police station. Okay?

Aren't you coming? - No, I have some work.

Hey, come on. - No, I can't come now. You guys go.

I will come later. - Give me your bag.


Are you okay?

Who are you waiting for?



Hari! - Oh! No, dear. He won't come.

I had sent him to get you here.

He wanted money for his brother's bail.

He has left with the money.

Now you come with me.

Hey! Catch hold of her. - Catch her.

She is running!

Catch her!

Leave me!

Don't run! - Leave me!

Leave me!

Come with us.

Leave me!

Come on!

Hey! Move back.

No! Leave me! - Move back.

Leave me! - Move back.

Move back. - Let me go, please.

Move back.

Move back, come on!

Who is the girl? - She is Solanki's granddaughter. She is caught.

What do you mean?

She is Durgadevi's daughter, right?

No, she is her enemy's granddaughter.

I wonder how she got caught by Durgadevi.

Check and mate.

You win every time! - I am smarter than you.

Forget that. I will conduct a test for all of you. - Okay.

If anyone wins, I will consider him my guru. Okay?

Yes, sir.

Will this coin dissolve?

No, sir. You wouldn't have dropped it otherwise.

You have become very sharp.

So, now answer a question of mine.

Go on. - The sun rises in the morning.

Yes. - Say something in return for that.

You always catch thieves.

You are lying.

Do you think I am a fool?

You are sure to win at the end. I know that.

Sir! Who is the SI?

Do I look like a constable? - No.

Then what's the matter? Tell me the problem immediately.

A test is going on here.

A girl has been kidnapped in this village.


Stop here. Sir, this is her house.

What? This house!

Come on, sir.

Hey, reverse the jeep. - Okay, sir.

We have to escape. - But why?

What is this? I don't understand. Are you police? - He recognized.

What? - That you got in with a recommendation.

He didn't say that. - But he must have thought.

Yes, I became an inspector with a recommendation.

When you were talking in English..

..I should have guessed that you would put me in trouble.

Durgadevi will get me transferred to a Naxalite area.

And my life will be doomed. - Sir, that's not the case. Listen...

What happened, inspector?

I will have to stop pretending.

Ma'am! Ma'am...

The jeep was not starting.

What are you saying? Why are you scared of her?

She has kidnapped her. - Kidnap? Who are you?

Who am I! Do you recognize Chandrika? - Who is Chandrika?

Inspector, she is a fraud.

She gave me Rs 10 lakhs to get Chandrika to India.

And I got Chandrika here. - Sir, I don't know what he is saying.

But I feel that he is mentally unstable.

If you feel that way, even I should feel like that.

That girl is in this house. If she is not found here..

..then I will go to a mental asylum. Please, sir.

He is acting stupid.

You may go and check. Take him also along.

Ma'am, it's okay. - No problem, sir. You may go.

Go inside. - Okay, ma'am.

Go inside. - Go, dear.

Go. - Go and check.


Chandra! Chandra!

So, did you find her?

Sir, wait a minute. You can ask him. He was there.

Please say something.

He is dumb!

The police is with you, but I won't keep mum.

I will complain to the MLA. - He is the MLA of this area.

He will complain to you. Note it down.

He has gone crazy.

You used me to get Chandrika here!

I won't go without her, Durgadevi! - Hey!

Nobody has called me by my first name till now.

You called me by my first name!

I see! Brother!

Ma'am, I will explain to him. Come on.

What... Listen to me. - Come on.

She is a fraud. Listen to me. - You will be in trouble.

You will put all of us in trouble. - Sir!

Please, sir. Listen to me. Durgadevi has kidnapped that girl.

Had she applied 'Tilak' to you, you would have been dead.

So what? I am not scared of her.

That 'Tilak' is sacrificial.

Listen. I was sharp in Maths.

But I haven't been able to count how many she has killed.

I don't care. I won't go without Chandrika from here.

What do you know about her? You went to fight with her!

People apply 'Tilak' before doing something auspicious.

But Durgadevi applies 'Tilak' before killing someone.

She has set her eyes on you.

She is powerful and rich. She is a witch.

'The wedding is so peaceful.'

'Have you seen such a wedding before? - No.'

'I will kill you if you cry.'

'Ma'am, what are you doing?'

'Wait. - Have some mercy.'

'Don't ruin my daughter's life. I beg of you.'

'Hey! You are very lucky.'

'Why are you doing this?'

'You should be happy she is getting married.'

'They look so good together. Look there.'

'If you don't like it, get her also married.'

'Are you a human or an animal?'

'Hey, I will kill you! - My son is worthy.'

'Have you seen anyone more handsome than him?'

'He can marry as many times as he wants.'

'Still he will take good care of your daughter.'

'Come on. Sir! - Hey!'

'You are new to this place. - Come on.'

'Sir, Durgadevi is very powerful.'

'Sir, she is very dangerous. Don't mess with her.'

'So what? Will she get me fired? - You will get another one.'

'But you have only one life.'

'Raja, you were involved in the murder at the bus stop.'

'Here is the arrest warrant. Get into the jeep.'

'Who dared to give a statement against me?'

'Tell me!'

'Speak up!'

'There is no use asking them. I have a warrant.'

'If he won't come along, I will drag him all the way.'

'Well done, inspector!'

'You are very good. You have proved that you are a man.'

'Apply a 'Tilak' on his forehead.'

'Ma'am, the witness was Solanki.'

'Meera! My daughter!'

'What has happened to you?'

'Meera, get up!'

'Hey, come on!'

'Come on. - This is going to cost you heavily.'

'I will see what happens. Get into the jeep. - Brother!'


'Raja, my dear! How can anyone arrest you?'

'Don't you worry! Come on.'

'All of you study well, right? - Yes, we do.'

'Janki, is the car here. - I've already looked thrice.'

'The car isn't here yet. But it will be here soon.'


'You took so long! Grandpa! - Grandpa!'

'How are you?'

'Where are they?'

'Greetings, mother. - How are you?'

'Why did you stop there? - How can he come inside?'

'He has married a Gujarati girl. - That's an old story now.'

'I have already forgotten that.'

'I have organized this veneration to meet my grandpa.'

'Come on. Quick. - Come on.'

'Grandpa, I don't how you were, but now you look like a groom.'

'I am alive to see you dressed as a bride.'

'Grandma, you have married grandpa once.'

'Shall I sit in your place now?'

'I know my wish will never get fulfilled.'

'Hey, Solanki!'

'Solanki! Hey, Solanki! Come out!'

'Durgadevi, this is an auspicious event and you're here to fight.'

'You are remarrying after 60 years of age.'

'My son's marriage stopped because of you.'

'Get your granddaughter married to my son, I will forgive you.'

'He is a criminal!'

'Brother-in-law, calm down.'

'Yes, ask him to shut up. Why does he want to marry again?'

'He has property, so many servants and such a big family.'

'Go and wear a sari. My son is ready.'

'Raja, go and sit on the wedding dais.'

'If you try to marry her, I won't spare you.'

'God! - Son!'





Durgadevi destroyed Solanki's entire property.

'Raja!' - Now there is no sign of Solanki in that village.

Nobody knows where he is now.

Durgadevi destroyed his entire property.

'Raja!' - Now there is no sign of Solanki in that village.

Nobody knows where he is now.

How will we fight that dangerous woman?

I don't understand.

We won't be able to save you. You go away from here.

You are asking me to flee from here.

But that woman had sent me to get her to this village.

Her life is in danger. I will have to save her.

You will get killed trying to save her.

I am not afraid of dying. I have nobody.

But I am ready to sacrifice my life for her, uncle.

What do you mean? - Haven't I treated you as a son?

Okay! You may go.

But first tell me how you can..

..leave your village to save that girl.

Because I love her.

And that is why I want to save her.

Or else those people will kill her.

And I won't let that happen.

That means you won't leave this village.

I will but along with her.

That's not the case.

Uncle, you don't know.. much she trusts me.

So, you have fallen in love with him.

I thoughtfully sent him to you.

Do you think he is very rich?

He is a tenant.

I gave him Rs. 10 lakhs and in return he brought you here.

Hey! In spite of knowing all this you are crying for him.

He won't come back. Listen to me.

Look who is here.

Why are you looking like that?

He is waiting to marry you.

He looks good, doesn't he? My son!

He is so handsome.

It's because of you that he is in this state.

You are the reason for it.

That is why you will have to marry him now.

Now you will get married.

And that too with him.

You can't die before that.

God decides everyone's destiny.

But I decide the destiny of the people of this village.

Brother, make arrangements for the marriage.

"I am in love with her."

"She is away and I am sad."

"My heart yearns for her."

"My dear, come to me."

"I think I have made a mistake in love."

"I am still in love.."

"..only with you."

"I am in love with her."

"She is away and I am sad."

"My heart yearns for her."

"My dear, come to me."

"You are in my heart and soul."

"Since I have met you.."

"..I fell in love with you."

"Why did my heart.."

"..start loving you?"

"I have got your company.

"There is restlessness in my heart."

"You are my partner."

"The only one for me in this world."

"There is a strange feeling in my body."

"I am in love with her."

"She is away and I am sad."

"My heart yearns for her."

"My dear, come to me."

"Let your beautiful tresses fall on my body."

"Don't trouble me like this. Teach me how to love."

"I want to break all shackles of the society."

"I want to match tune with you."

"I can't live without you now."

"Come and kiss me, my love."

"Come and feel the state of my heart."

"I am in love with her."

"She is away and I am sad."

"My heart yearns for her."

"My dear, come to me."

"I think I have made a mistake in love."

"I am still in love only with you."

"I am in love with her."

"She is away and I am sad."

"My heart yearns for her."

"My dear, come to me."

Why did you call us urgently?

Hey! Where are you going alone?

Come here!

I am scared. What if we get caught?

Is it necessary to take such a big risk?

What if there is a dog inside? - You can deal with it.

The wall is very high. - There is a photo of a girl.

Go and meet her. - Get on top. Come on.

Solanki's men can come here to save the girl.

Keep a watch.

Oh God!

He will get us into trouble.

Why are you bending here? - I was looking at the photo.

Come on, come inside. - I won't come inside.

I will be here. You people go inside.

I won't come. - Then be there.

Hey! Nobody will make any noise.

We have to do our job and leave.

Hey! How did you come inside? - The gate is open.

Come on.

Come on.

You fatso! Come on.

This is the outhouse. They must have hid her here.

Hold my hand. I am really scared.

Where did he go? - Where is he?

Pandu! - Forget him. Come with me.

Chandrika must be here somewhere.

Chandrika! What is this? - Where is Chandrika?

These are colorful stones.

Chandrika! - Don't shout. Be quiet.

I don't want it. I am smoking a cigarette.

You are going to smoke. - I need to smoke when I am tense.

Hey! These are not stones. They are bombs. - What happened?

They will blast. - What are you saying?

This seems to be a bomb factory.

Let's go out. - Chandrika.

Chandrika! - Where is Chandrika?

She is not here. Let's go.

Hello? - This is Hari.

You had hidden Chandrika from me.

But now she is with me.

Hey, Shayamraj! Where is everyone?

Ma'am is calling. - Shyam, Ganpat, Dhama.

Why did you call Durgadevi? We will be in trouble.

He will put us in trouble. I am going. - Shut up. Wait.

He has gone mad. He called deliberately to ruin our sleep.

Come on, go to sleep. - Come on, everyone.

Come on.

He ruined our sleep.

Let us also leave. - Wait.

Come on. He ruined our sleep.

Come on, go to sleep.

My sleep for ruined.

Hey! You people be here. - Okay.

Well done!

Let's hide here.

Cigarette. Where is Pandu? - I don't know.

Give me the cigarette.

Let's celebrate Diwali.

You used a trick to find out where Chandrika is.

And I used a trick to catch you.

God decides everyone's destiny.

But I decide the destiny of the people of this village.

Run! - Escape!


Oh God! What is happening?

Run! - Go and see!

Let them free.

Look everywhere. - Help!

Go and see who it is. - Look there.

Go there.

Hey! - Look fast.

Water! - Oh God!

Ma'am, they have escaped. - What?

How did they escape?

Look there.

Look here!

Look there! - Where did they go?

They are not here!

You people are here! Where is Hari?

Didn't he come here?

No. - Actually, we were going to get Chandrika stealthily.

But Durgadevi found out and her goons are following us.

Parvati, close the door. Make it quick.

Come on, let's go. Come on. - Yes, come on.

What happened? So late at night? - I will tell you. Come inside.

Come inside, everyone. - I will tell you. Turn off the lights.

Hey! The TV is on. They must be hiding here.

Look everywhere and kill them on the spot.

Hey, look properly. And kill them as you see them.

There is no one here.

They must be hiding here.

Look everywhere. They shouldn't escape.

Kill him. We just want Chandrika alive.

He is not here.

Don't spare anyone.

Nobody should escape.

He is not here!



"So much has changed since you came into my life."

"I touched you and my body was on fire."

"What are the rains trying to say?"

"They are trying to tell you.."

" become one with me."

"So much has changed since you came into my life."

"My heart stopped beating since I touched you."

"Our bodies are wet and our desires are new."

"Nobody is going to stop us now."

"The heart has many desires."

"Let's make love."

"I am crazy about you."

"Give me some love."

"Tell me what is happening to you."

"I am losing myself."

"Don't keep me waiting in this weather."

"So much has changed since you came into my life."

"The desires of the heart are still young."

"Our bodies are wet and the weather is romantic."

"Our lips are thirsty, let's bring them together."

"This has never happened before."

"I have no control on myself."

"You came close to me and my body burnt with desire."

"You showed so much love to me."

"Come into my arms."

"Do something."

"Douse the fire within me."

"So much has changed since you came into my life."

"I touched you and my body started burning with desire."

"What are the rains trying to say?"

"They are trying to tell you.."

" become one with me."

"So much has changed since you came into my life."

"Our bodies are on fire."

It's just smoke from your mouth now.

Wait and watch when smoke will emit from all the parts of your body..

What did you say? - Nothing, sir.

Playing with fire can be dangerous. - I know that. Make a peg.

I am not getting a kick.

You need to be human for that.

Nothing. You will need a full.

Stop it, brother. You are drinking too much.

Will you stop me? You couldn't stop him!

We looked for them everywhere, but we didn't find them.

Did you look in Lanka? - No.

Then go and look. I am sure she will be there.

He won't keep mum now that he is drunk.

Go and look for her.

Brother-in-law, we have found out about the one who took Chandrika.

His name is Hari. He was the one who saved Durgadevi.

I don't know their relation..

..but he ran with Chandrika. - Where are Raghav and Ganga?

They have gone to Durgadevi's house with weapons. - Call them back.

And kill that Hari.

And get Chandrika to me.






Hello? - Hello, Hari. We have been trying to reach you.

Your uncle has come to know everything.

How? - Tell me where you are.

I don't know. I don't understand. - Did you tell her everything?

Not yet. She is still unconscious.

I don't understand how should I tell her.

You people find out about her grandpa. I will take her to him.

And all of you be careful.

Did you get it?

Don't make any mistake? - Shall we complain to the police?

The police won't do anything.

Do as I tell you. - Okay.

Be where you are. Durgadevi's men are looking for you.

We will be in touch through phone.



Chandrika, stop. Listen to me.

Durgadevi's men are looking for us.

Listen to me. Chandrika.

Chandrika, please listen to me. Trust me.

Leave me!

If you touch me, I will kill myself.

Chandrika, listen to me. - Do you think I am mad?

Will I come with you? - Let me speak.

Please! - My blood boils on seeing you.


Oh God! - What happened?


How many eggs does a snake lay at one go?

At least a 100 eggs.

You idiot! You should have told that before getting off the boat.

Come on, let's go.


Chandrika! Stop it, Chandrika!

Chandrika. Please, Chandrika. Chandrika, listen to me.

Don't shout.

Chandrika, please! Please!

You cheat!


You cheated me. You trapped me!

I hate you.


You won't listen to me, right?

Chandrika! Chandrika, stop it!

Chandrika, stop!

Chandrika! - Leave me!

Chandrika, stop it!

Let me go.

Hey! Do you think I am mad? I don't work for Durgadevi.

You may do or think anything you like.

But I won't leave you.

I made a mistake, but I won't repeat it.

You go to your grandpa.

Until then be here.


Please forgive me.

Will you take me to grandpa?

Sir, I have a doubt. - Even I have a doubt on your existence.

Tell me what your doubt is.

Can a donkey become a horse if he lives with a horse?

How is that possible?

Will a cat turn into a tiger if painted yellow?

How is that possible?

Then why do you sport such a big moustache?

To scare you off.

Shave it off. It will be good. - Really?

Do you have a problem with my moustache?


It is Durgadevi.

If we don't find them, she will kill us.

Hold this. - Ma'am.

We have found Hari and Chandrika. Shut up! - Where?

We have tied them to a tree. Shut up! - Where?

I tied them up..

..and asked our head constable to guard them. - Oh God!

Hari offered him some money..

..and the head constable let them flee.

Ma'am! What are you saying, ma'am?

Will you kill him directly?

As you wish. - Sir, please forgive me.

Please let me go, sir.

It was not Durgadevi. - Then?

My wife. - Your wife!

Your wife, sir! - Yes. Don't mess with me again.

Follow me.

Come on. Get them here!

Brother-in-law, we didn't find Hari. They are his friends.

Greetings, uncle.

Uncle, please let us go. He is a fatso.

He can't run. - He has sworn never to run.

He doesn't know how to run, uncle.

Tell him to take the hand off the shoulder.

We thought you won't harm us.

Please, uncle. - Then tell me the truth.

What if we don't? - Get ready to die.

And what if we do? - I will book your tickets.

For the heaven?

Rail tickets. - Then tell the truth.

You are right.

Chandrika, Durgadevi knows that we are here.

Her men will get here. It's not safe here.

We will have to get out of here. Come on.

Go and look for them. Quick!

Look for them everywhere. Come on!

Look there!

Look over there! They are there! Catch them!

Chase them.

Chandrika! Chandrika!




Hari! - Chandrika!

Chandrika, help me.

Help me! - Did you think I believed you?

I put on this act to escape from you.

You ruined my life for some money.

This is your punishment.



Can I make a call? - Sure you can.




Uncle! Where is Hari?

Why are you asking about him, uncle?

He has cheated me. - He didn't cheat you.

You misunderstood him.

Hari! Hari!



What happened, Chandrika? Didn't you find Hari?

He is not there, uncle. I didn't find him.

He is not there!

Uncle, my parents were killed right in front of my eyes.

But why did I live?

I made a mistake. I should have believed Hari.

Uncle, take me to Hari.

I want to meet him. Uncle, please.

Uncle! - Come on, Chandrika.


Chandrika, you don't need to ask him to meet Hari.

Go inside. He is there. Go and meet him.

Go quickly.

Hari, you have grown up so much..

..that you put everyone's life at stake for a girl's sake.

And you even wanted to kill yourself.

Listen to your uncle.

Parvati! - Why are you filling this form now?

This form is for organ donation after death.

I know, doctor. That is why I am filling it up.

All my family members are going to be dead in some time.

We want to do a good deed before dying.

Are you alright? Do you realize what you are doing?

In spite of knowing how dangerous Durgadevi is..

..he went to her house for a girl's sake.

That was an invitation to death.

He even knows that Durgadevi will finish his family.

Even though he loves her. So, death is certain.

If he is right, then even I am right.

Uncle! - Hari, until I am alive..

..I won't let any harm come to you three brothers.

I had made that promise to my brother.

But you want me to break that promise for a girl's sake.

Hari, will you sacrifice your family for a girl.

I beg of you.

Don't do that, Hari. Don't do that.

Okay, uncle.

Uncle, let's go from here. - What happened, Chandrika?

Chandrika, tell me what happened. - Let's go.

Listen to me.


That was Chandrika, right? - Yes, come on.

Chandrika was here. Did she meet you?

She didn't meet me. - She left without meeting you.

Chandrika had come here! How do you know?

She had. We just saw her leaving. - Yes.


Why are you looking here? She has left.

This is her uncle's number.

Hello? - Sir, this is Hari. Let me talk to Chandrika once.

Hari wants to speak to you.

No, uncle. I don't want to talk.

She doesn't want to talk to you.

Sir! Please, sir. Just give the phone to her once.

I want to tell her something.

She is not talking.

Sir, please. Just once. Please, sir.

Just once. - Hari, she doesn't want to talk to you.

Just once! Just let me talk to her once.

Hari, how do I... - Please, sir.

Why are you after me?

Stop following me. I am going.

Don't try to meet me again.

I hate you.

I hate you!

Chandrika, please! Listen to me once.

Hello, Chandrika! Listen to me. - 'Attention, passengers!'

Chandrika! Listen to... - 'Shakti Punj Express has arrived.'

'It will depart for Kolkata in 10 minutes.'

'Attention, passengers!'

Hey! Come with me.

Hey! They must be leaving this village. Let's go to the station.


Hari, Chandrika has left.

I think she never wants to meet you again in life.

Come on, Hari.

What happened, Hari?

Chandrika is here somewhere.

Here? But the train has left! - Yes.

No, she is here. I am sure.

We don't have tickets. Where are you going? - What is it?

I have to make an announcement. It's very urgent.

Announcement! Outsiders can't make announcements.

Please, sir. Just once. - Come with us, sir.

Come on, sir. - You do your job.

Sir, did you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage?

Was yours a love marriage or an arranged marriage?

I am not married.

Come outside. - Come on.



I know you are here.

I know very well.

Just meet me once. Just once.

I am waiting for you at the station.

I never cheated you.

I am not a cheat.

I am not a cheat.

Chandrika, trust me. I have always loved you truly.

I am telling the truth.

Just meet me once and forgive me.

Then I will go away.

You don't even want to see me now.

Am I so bad?


Please forgive me.

Hari, I love you!

Hari, I love you.

There he is! Catch him!

Hey, stop there!


Hey! Stop!

Come on.

Move aside, everyone!

Move aside, or else.

Move aside!

Escape from here!

Hey! Catch her! - Catch her!

You won't be able to do anything. They are lovers.

Hold this! Hey, come here. What are you looking for?

Tell me. - We are looking for Chandrika and Hari.

You are so stupid.

They must have escaped. Go and look there.

Come on, let's look there. - Take this, sir.

How was it? - Superb!

Do you know what was in that sack? Your son.

You wanted to separate Chandrika from me, right?

Now I have separated you from your son.

What have you done?

You loaded him on to a goods train!

That train will first go to Orissa. He will be thirsty.

Then it will go to Kolkata. He will be hungry.

And then the train will go to Bihar where he will be cremated.

Go and stop that train. Come on.

Go quickly. Save my son.

Stop the train! Save my son!

Stop the train!

Durgadevi, until when do you think you can rule over here?

This will end at some time.. and the time has come.

Now you are all alone. Nobody is there with you.

Come on! Look at this.

Your son is with you to bear punishment with you.

Stop the train!

You have committed a lot of crime in your life.

But I still give you one chance to mend your ways.

Hey! What if I am alone?

Will you kill us? I am not new to all this.

Raja, if you are my son..

..then kill all of them.




Hari, hit him!

Raja! No!

Raja! My son!


Raja! - Durgadevi!

Do you want to kill Durgadevi or do you want your granddaughter?

Human beings make mistakes and God punishes.

And God has already punished her.

Durgadevi, nobody can win against lovers.

Bear that in mind.

Welcome! - Come on, Chandrika.

This is Chandrika. - Greetings.

Greetings. - Greetings.

Get married soon and live happily.

For more infomation >> Mission Ishq | Hindi Dubbed Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movies | Tarun Movies - Duration: 2:19:32.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i Dynamic Sky - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i Dynamic Sky - Duration: 0:47.


Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Style - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Style - Duration: 0:54.


蛋蛋? ? ?逆齡蛋 美白 補水 保濕 SHEPPARTONE Egg Essence 💗 SYLVIA ​​EASTER - Duration: 5:09.

Hello everyone

My name is Sylvia

Welcome back to my Youtube Channel

So what we will doing today?

Today I want to show you a beauty product

Which you can see many people promote about this product

in FB and Wechat Moment

This is 童颜蛋 (Sheppartone Egg Essence)

They call them 蛋蛋 (EGG)

This is a beauty skin care product, which apply on your face

Make sure your face is clean

Or use it after apply facial mask

This packaging is gold

And this packaging is silver

Gold is for night use

Silver is for day use

So let me to try the gold one (Night use)

The packaging is look like this

and then back

After open it...

Actually I use this product for several days already

Look, It's empty

Because I use them all

So I throw the empty one away

This is what their look like

Like an eggs, half of egg

When you open it up

There is liquid inside

The smell is very light. It's almost nothing

Before use, my skin moisture percentage is... 40%

Make sure surface is absorb and dry

After use, my skin moisture percentage is 61.9%

It's dry, ok

They all absorb into my skin already

So let's use another one

Which is silver, day use

I will apply on other side of my face

So that everyone can see the effect

They are the same

It's look round

This smell is different

It is smell good

But the liquid is...

This liquid is like milk

But I love this more

When you apply on your skin

Your skin become very smooth

I already use it for several days

that's why I try to filming and share about it

After it absorb and dry

My skin is so smooth and soft

My skin is so tender

I like this feeling

Comparing with the gold one (Night use). Very different

I like this one

Make sure the surface is absorb and dry

Just now is 40%, and now?


The moisture is getting increase

Ok, let me mention what I dislike about this product first

All I want to say is...

I wondering why they design this kind of packaging, i mean...

We just need a little of liquid for applying to our face

How about the rest of the liquid?

Isn't we need to seal it up like this?

That's why I don't really understand

I am afraid of the air will spoil the function of this product

If this will never happen. That's alright.

But if yes, I think this way is not good idea at all

When you try to put it back

I was like... the liquid will leaking or not???

But so far, it never happen before

When I put it back

Cover it up like this

The liquid never leaking out

By the way, when I use the gold one (Night use)

I think the effect is not so fast

Unlike the silver one (Day use)

When you apply it, your skin become so smooth and tender immediately

But the night use one is not that fast to see the effect

Just my personal opinion only

You need to long-term use

You might see the effect

I put all the product information in the description box below

Please check it out

And what my favorite is...

The packaging is quite unique

They look like this

And there's 2 piece inside only

It's feel like.....

"Why just put 2 pieces only?"

"It's so little, please put more than that"

My skin is very smooth and tender, which I just mention before

I love it (Silver one - Day use)

Oh by the way, if you forgot how to put it back

Try different way to put it back

I always did mistake

Ok, it's fit.

I wondering you guys try this product before?

If yes. If you have any thought about this product

Please leave a comment down below

I think other people also want to know about it

And me too\

If you ask me, will I continue to use it

It's probably yes

I love the silver one (Day use) a lot

My skin become smooth and tender immediately

Please use the gold one (Night use) for a long-term, so that you can see the effect

If I didn't mention more information about this product in this video

Please leave a comment down below

That's all for today

I hope my video can be a reference for you guys

Please follow my Instagram

Click LIKE to my FB PAGE

Give this video a thumb up

Share this video to your friend and family

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel

And see you in my next video

Bye ~

For more infomation >> 蛋蛋? ? ?逆齡蛋 美白 補水 保濕 SHEPPARTONE Egg Essence 💗 SYLVIA ​​EASTER - Duration: 5:09.


This is a good tip to keep your lips soft, flushed pink, never dry or cracked - Duration: 4:50.

This is a good tip to keep your lips soft, flushed pink, never dry or cracked.

For more infomation >> This is a good tip to keep your lips soft, flushed pink, never dry or cracked - Duration: 4:50.


Shocked Loud Thinning Lips With Only One Night After Applying Before You Go To Sleep - Duration: 2:58.

Giật Mình Môi Thâm Xì Bẩm Sinh Cũng Hồng Hào Chỉ Sau 1 Đêm Nhờ Bôi Thứ Này Trước Khi Đi Ngủ

For more infomation >> Shocked Loud Thinning Lips With Only One Night After Applying Before You Go To Sleep - Duration: 2:58.


Confused Areas: Causes And Remedies For The - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Confused Areas: Causes And Remedies For The - Duration: 11:53.


Drink It Every Day No Fear Round 1 Slice "The Wall of Grapefruit" - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Drink It Every Day No Fear Round 1 Slice "The Wall of Grapefruit" - Duration: 6:47.


Giúp Hàng Nghìn Người giữ hưng phấn trong chuyện ấy Xuất tinh Sớm Và Mộng Tinh Bạn Cần Biết - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Giúp Hàng Nghìn Người giữ hưng phấn trong chuyện ấy Xuất tinh Sớm Và Mộng Tinh Bạn Cần Biết - Duration: 9:42.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


77 Year Old Man Will Spend The Rest Of His Life In Prison Thanks To Obama's MASSIVE Mistake - Duration: 13:44.

77-Year-Old Man Will Spend The Rest Of His Life In Prison Thanks To Obama's MASSIVE


Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the worst president's this country has

ever seen.

Between Obama's government overreach and the constant disrespect of our veterans has

turned all of our stomachs.

The lack of care our veterans receive by the Department of Veterans is disgusting.

Many veterans are left to fend for themselves or are dying due to lack of medical care.

And now, one veteran has been sentenced to life in prison which could have been completely


Lee Carroll Brooker is a 77-year-old veteran that has been suffering from many chronic


Brooker who resides in Alabama decided that instead of taking endless prescription pills

that have terrible side effects, he would use marijuana.

Brooker planted the plants in his son's backyard and used them strictly for his medical


The plants were discovered and Brooker was arrested, charged and eventually convicted.

The amount of usable marijuana found in Brooker's yard varies among sources.

The law in Alabama uses its harsh sentence for amounts over 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram).

It has been reported that Brooker's plants weighed about 2.8 pounds, including the unusable

parts of the plants.

The judge stated that he wished he could have given the elderly veteran a lesser sentence.

However, in Alabama, that is not even possible with the current laws on the books.

Brooker who joined the Army at the age of 17, was under fire in both Lebanon and the

Dominican Republic.

He eventually rose to the rank of sergeant in the 82nd Airborne — where he was decorated

for infantry service.

Which makes me wonder why was he not given a more appropriate sentence?

The New York Times reports that: "While the sentence was mandatory, the prosecutor

was not required to bring the precise charges that triggered it.

Prosecutorial discretion here, as in most cases, is a central factor in determining

what punishment defendants face."

Many of our veterans are sadly left to fend for themselves because of poor medical care

from the V.A..

I am not exactly sure how I feel about marijuana being legalized for recreational care, but

I do see the benefits in medical use.

If Obama truly cared for veterans he would have made sure they were getting top notch

care, However, these heroes have received sub-par care and because of that one man is

now in prison for the rest of his life.

So, Obama, you can add this to your "legacy" as well.

H/T [ Conservative Daily Post ]WHOA!

Look What Women All Over America Are Doing RIGHT NOW Because Of Ivanka — This Has NEVER

Been Done Before

The first daughter's popularity is growing, in fact soaring since her father became our

45th president, and for more reasons than one.

This is the first time in the history of American presidents that there has been a first daughter

that…wait for it….women want to be.

Of course, with her strikingly good looks that are model worthy, her classy poise, and

her gentle tone…is that so hard to believe?


Women of the WORLD have admitted to actually spending as much as $90,000 on cosmetic surgery

to get what is now being called the 'Ivanka Look', and this is not just any one party

doing this…we're talking women period, who just love the way Ivanka looks.

A little sad…yes.

However, this sort of thing has been happening for years…somehow it's become a trend

to jump on the bandwagon of the next big look and try to copy it, it's awful and true.

Li Yunxing, from Foshan Yiwanka Medical Management, said young women are lusting over Ivanka's


She said:

"Young women here want Ivanka's big eyes, her pretty nose and lips and her flawless


"Her facial features, disposition and appearance are perfect, no matter whether they are judged

by the beauty standards of the East or West."

This company is based in the city of Foshan, and it offers such services as, breast implants,

liposuction, and nose and eye surgeries… that are ALL inspired of course by the look

of Ivanka Trump.

They registered their name before the election, and is now called, The Chinese Translation

of Ivanka.

Humorous, yes… a bit creepy, oh yea.

So now, the latest cosmetic surgery boom is…you've guessed it, the "Ivanka Effect"

Now there are even companies that are registering themselves to sell a vast range of products

to include things anywhere from underwear to sanitary towels.

Yes, sanitary towels folks.

All this over Ivanka Trump who isn't even the first lady, but the first daughter.

Now Melania on the other hand, is really QUICK to cut companies using her name to make cash,

she's just not down with it.

As it should be, being the first lady.

However, as would be expected, products and pictures under Melania's look and name started

popping up all over her homeland Slovenia right after her husband's election and those

ranged anywhere from pots of jam to lingerie.

However, since then her lawyer has issued a warning to locals in the area restating

the words of Trump.

Melania and Melania Trump are all protected trademarks.

Are you down with the 'Ivanka effect'?

I will say one thing….if the 'Ivanka effect' includes her causes and what she is rallying

for when it comes to childcare… then count me in.

She is meeting with lawmakers in Capitol Hill to discuss child care issues and has even

invited Republican senators, Deb Fischer of Nebraska and susan Collins of Maine, to sit

at her table at the White House for a lunch this past week all to honor women.

"She has the car of the president" said Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Republican of

West Virginia.

"She's a young mother, she wants to help young mothers in the work force, and I think

she can be a good voice here."

The facts are American families typically spend about 30% of their income on childcare

that compared to most other western countries who spend 10% is just a shame, and shouldn't

be the case.

So it is Ivanka Trump who is putting these issues on the table, and trying to find a

better way for American families to live the American dream without having to be under

bondage to the cost of childcare.

Ivanka Trump could be the bridge needed to get this work done.

Here's hoping.Trump Makes HUGE Move For Secret Service – No President Has Done This…

In the past month three separate people have jumped the fence of the White House.

Questions have been raised over how secure the residence really is and the danger the

President faces.

One of the said intruders was even able to evade Secret Service for a total of seventeen

minutes after jumping the fence.

As a result, a massive relaunch of the Secret Service program is underway.

Understandably, the President's safety is of utmost importance.

The Washington Examiner has reported that as a result of these Secret Service mishaps

the President is looking to appoint a new Director for the Secret Service.

But the appointment will come from outside the agency and not within like it's normally


The Examiner revealed: "The Secret Service is bracing for the impending appointment of

a new director with a senior military rank, the first time an agency chief would come

from outside the service in modern history."

Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will name a general to head up

the Secret Service.

Kelly is a retired Marine general and was once the head of the U.S. Central Command.

The administration is looking for a person who can help reform the agency and assist

in creating a more intensely vigorous discipline that would prevent future mishaps.

Another incident that precipitated this change was when twenty-six-year-old Jonathan Tran

jumped the fence of the White House and knocked on the back door of the White House proclaiming

he had an appointment.

Because of this six uniformed division officers were disciplined and are now facing disciplinary


As well they should.

Nobody should get away with being lax in their duties especially when their job deals with

matters of life and death.

They should be held accountable.

And they are.

These are serious times and they should be treated as such.

In such a heated and divisive climate the President's safety is of utmost importance.

Especially with all the violent protests and riots.

Good for President Trump for taking the safety of the First Family so seriously.Oorah!

Double-Amputee Marine Is Now A Cop

Former U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Matias Ferreira lost his legs in Afghanistan in 2011 when

he stepped on a hidden explosive.

Now this double-amputee has joined the police department of Suffolk County, N.Y., located

on Long Island.

Ferreira jumped off of a roof of a building in a suspected Taliban compound and unfortunately

landed on a bomb.

It resulted in him losing both legs due to amputation.

He recalled,

"As soon as I landed I knew something was wrong because it was like a movie almost.

I heard a noise and everything went black.

I just saw blood throughout my pants."

He was eventually transported back to the U.S. for recovery and rehabilitation.

After three months, he was released from the hospital with two new titanium legs.

"I was up and walking in prosthetics and really just starting my new life."

Not one for just sitting around feeling sorry for himself, Ferreira tried things he had

never done before including snowboarding, scuba diving, skydiving, and riding a motorcycle.

Add to that playing on a softball team with other wounded warriors.

He also tried a number of different jobs including welding and working as a steamfitter.

Ferreira said,

"I just really want to be able to help people.

I want to be involved in the community, and the police department definitely allows you

to do that."

So he decided to take the exam to become a policeman.

He not only scored a perfect score of 100, he was elected class president by his fellow


In a public statement, Police Commissioner Timothy Sini said,

"He has served this great country with outstanding distinction, and will now serve and protect

the residents of Suffolk County."

Ferreira has previously made two comments about his rather distinctive condition.

One is about life:

"The only disability we have is the ones that we make."

And one is about keepin on keeping on:

"If I break my leg, I go in the trunk and put on a different one and I keep on going."

We veterans congratulate Matias Ferreira on his new career.

And we also say, "Semper Fi Marine"!


Look Who Just Showed Up Outside Trump Tower That Forced Melania & Barron Into Urgent Lockdown

First Son Barron Trump was rushed into lockdown in the middle of his school day yesterday

after a mysterious truck pulled up and parked outside the front doors.

Although authorities later cleared the scene and the kids went about the rest of the day,

the threat was apparently not an isolated event as word of another attack has come out,

this time at the boys home where he lives with First Lady Melania Trump.

As we broke yesterday, Barron's school went into lockdown after an old Chevy truck with

Indiana license plates and a tattered bag on the front seat was cause for alarm.

NYPD and their bomb squad determined the threat to not be what it first seemed and cleared

the scene.

However, this was the second attack in two days, the first being at the family's home

in Trump Tower.

The night before the truck was spotted at Barron's school, he and Melania were locked

down in their own home after a deranged leftist began hurling eggs at the side of their building.

While it seems like an amateur attack, it still shows how close crazies can get to the

First Family and could have been a trial run for something more sinister.

Pix11 reports that the man was promptly arrested and admitted to NYPD that he was trying to

get to President Trump, but was apparently unaware that he was not in New York at the

time of the egg attack.

Adding to these two incidents was what happened on Saturday when an intruder jumped the White

House fence and made a run for the front door.

Although he too was tackled and arrested before getting into the building, a former Secret

Service agent who served on Barack Obama's detail warned that Trump's safety is in

imminent danger.

"The president, in my humble opinion, is just not safe at the White House anymore because

they're not serious about the security plan," former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino announced,

according to The Blaze.

"They're serious about how the White House looks and uniform division, but they're

just not serious about the security plan at the White House anymore."

Deranged liberals know no bounds and will stop at nothing to become infamous in attacking

the First Family, starting with the most vulnerable.

Every attack attempt needs to be taken seriously because they could be trial runs to find weak

points in the security system to be used later for the real deal.

For more infomation >> 77 Year Old Man Will Spend The Rest Of His Life In Prison Thanks To Obama's MASSIVE Mistake - Duration: 13:44.


Ford Focus 1.6-16V FUTURA, AIRCO,TREKHAAK,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6-16V FUTURA, AIRCO,TREKHAAK,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:03.



For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION, AIRCO,TREKHAAK,LM VELGEN,CRUISE C,ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 200 AVANTGARDE, AIRCO,LM VELGEN,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Coupé 200 AVANTGARDE, AIRCO,LM VELGEN,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:01.


Nouvelle F-TYPE | Toit décapotable - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Nouvelle F-TYPE | Toit décapotable - Duration: 0:30.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


Donald J. Pliner Dani2 Cross Strap Platform Wedge Sandal - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Donald J. Pliner Dani2 Cross Strap Platform Wedge Sandal - Duration: 7:49.


How To Live On Your Terms.

For more infomation >> How To Live On Your Terms.


Video Portrait: Ogi - Duration: 5:29.

If you should describe Ogi wito one word today

Who is Ogi?

An adventurer.

Beautifully said.

Beautifully said.

If you have to give an advice to Ogi from 10 years ago

What advice would you give him?

Take adventures!

Otherwise, what advice would I give to him?

I'm not sure,

If I would do things in a different way in my life.

So maybe the advice would be: Be yourself!

And what advice do you think

Ogi from 2027 would give to Ogi today?

It depends

on where is Ogi in 10 years.

Where do you think he would be?

I can't imagine that.

Where do you want him to be?

Where do I want him to be?

I may want him to be on many places.

But I do not think

it's right to imagine

where I would be

Because I can be everywhere.

And I could be everything.

or everyone.

And because of that

I could't know

which future would

give an advice to me.

Because it could be everything.

And every future would give me a different advice.

so I can't say

what advice exactly

would my future-self give to me.

The nature for you is.....?

A living creature.

A close friend.

Many things.

The intuition is .....?

Something which you should have trust in.

and to listen to silent

and by setting aside the mind.

Do you have trust in the intuition?

Do you listen to it?

Yes, I definitely trust the intuition

and till now I haven't been disappointed.

And that gives me

a good reason to continue to trust it.

To be different is.....?

To be different is something very good.

And is something present in everyone.

We are all different

although we think we are the same.

And the fact that we are different

makes the world so interesting.

That's why man should take adventures.

The curiosity is ......?

The highest form of knowledge.

Trough curiosity

man should learn about the world.

The change is.....?

The change is something which happens all the time and to all of us,

and everywhere around us

whether we see it or not.

And something which apparently

stays the same for years

when you look back

you see that it has changed a lot.

So the change is everything.

Everything is changing.

And the change is around us.

You are welcoming it?

Yes, definitely.

The Other is....?

The Other is someone which I don't know.

And it is always interesting to know him, to understand him.

So everyone is a new object of interest.

This is exactly what connects the curiosity and the Other.

That drives me to communicate.

Exactly because it is something else,

something different than me.

The friendship is....?

Something very important.

So people with whom you build friendship

should be people who you can trust.

But if at the same time

the friendship does not justify your expectations,

you should not reject it.

You just should search for it somewhere else.

This was obviously not the person

you should build friendship with.

The love is .....?

It is something very, very abstract.

Is it overestimated?

It is difficult to describe it with words.

The love is something inside you.

And you feel it when it is love.

Otherwise it is just an attraction to someone else.

How much are you ready

to give from yourself in the name of a friendship

or in the name of love?

It depends on

to whom I should give from myself.

Regarding the friendship

it depends very much on the friend.

Regarding the love

- once it happened to give much more

than I was ready to give.

And I don't want to repeat this.

I have seen what it is. It is really cool but...

Did it deserve the efforts?


It was a valuable lesson.

It was definetely a lesson I won't forget.

To travel is....?

The road is....?

A way of living maybe.

But it is not so important to travel from A to B, but the whole road.

The whole traveling process is actually the path.

The end destination is not so important.

More important are the things that happen to you until you reach it.

For more infomation >> Video Portrait: Ogi - Duration: 5:29.


The Most Useless Super Powers - Duration: 4:57.

The comic world is littered with characters possessing various god-like abilities.

But for every hero or villain with powers like these, there are characters who couldn't

even receive the short end of the stick without getting a splinter.

Here's a look at some of the most useless super powers.


A Spider-Man villain with the ability to create tiny inter-dimensional doorways from the spots

on his body, Spot uses these doorways to do things like confuse Spider-Man into punching

himself in the face, which is hilarious, come on now.

However, while the randomness of his spots does have the benefit of confusing Spider-man's

Spidey-sense, his power is otherwise useless in any kind of fight...since he's just a normal


And a normal guy punching Thor or Captain America is going to do exactly nothing.

"Whoa, big guy."

Friendly Fire

A DC hero wannabe who fought alongside a team of good guys known as Section 8, Friendly

Fire had the ability to shoot powerful concussive laser blasts from his fist, strong enough

to blow someone's head clean off.

This sounds really impressive, except for the fact that his name was all too fitting,

because his powers only seemed to work on his friends.

And himself, which we learned when he accidentally blew his own head off.

Man down!

Bailey Hoskins

Literally described as the worst X-Man ever, poor Bailey Hoskins is a mutant with the ability

to detonate his body at will.

One problem, though: he doesn't have the ability to actually survive his own explosion.

Which means if he ever uses his power, he'll just wipe himself out of existence.

Professor X feels so bad for Hoskins, he gives him a suit of power-armor so he can actually

help out during fights… and presumably to stop him from, like, blowing up the Empire

State Building or something.


The Wall

A regular kid, Joshua Waldemeyer was laying bricks one day — y'know, totally normal

stuff that kids do — when a freak accident caused him to fuse with a wall.

He then went on a confused rampage, battling Spider-Man with his wall-like powers at a

baseball game.

"Well, if it isn't the wall-crawling creep.

Here's one wall you'll never crawl you red and blue buffoon!"

Spidey finally defeated him by… well, actually, they both just got kicked out of the stadium

by Morgan Freeman.

"Lucky I didn't slap him with a $50 fine!

I can be pretty stupid when I wanna be!"

Considering it was Mets game, they were probably the lucky ones.

Ten-Eyed Man

This guy is a Batman villain with secret eyeballs hidden in his fingertips.

In real life, this would make Ten-Eyed Man a wreck of a human being who only knew how

to communicate via screaming.

In comics, however, it makes him powerful enough to square off against a man who has

a file in his desk detailing how to kill Superman.

Hint: it involves sinks.

To be clear, Ten-Eyed Man has no superpowers beyond having 10 eyes, all of which are located

on his fingertips.

Hell, he doesn't even have regular eyes to back up these extra eyes, because he was blinded

in an explosion.

Despite this, Ten-Eyed Man decided to inexplicably become a supervillain and antagonize Batman,

and he even managed to beat the Dark Knight once despite the fact that he has to blind

himself to throw a punch.

Bet you didn't see that coming...


Invisibility should be a cool power.

But for the sad sack known as Wraith, it's just another way to get beat up.

See, his mutant powers only partially manifested themselves, causing only his skin to become

invisible, something he has no control over.

Naturally, a terrified mob nearly pummeled him to death before the X-Men intervened,

because honestly.

That's just gross.

Arm Fall Off Boy and the Legion of Substitute Heroes

In the far future, the Legion of Superheroes protects the known universe from all threats

with their incredible powers.

And then there's the Legion of Substitute Heroes, which is made up of all the rejects

who tried out for the real team but didn't make the cut because their powers were stupid.

Perhaps the most infamous of the substitute heroes is Arm Fall Off Boy, who has the power

to detach his own arm and then beat people with it.

He's joined the luminaries such as Color Kid, who can change the color of any object, and

Infectious Lass, who can spontaneously generate infectious diseases, sometimes by accident.

Hey, not everyone can be Wonder Woman.

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