Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

BREAKING Obama's Secret Bunker Found 3 Miles From White House With Terrifying Find Inside

To Take Down Trump!

Following Trump's inauguration, we had all hoped that we had seen the last of Obama.

But we very quickly learned that wasn't the case at all, as this man is quickly turning

into the hemorrhoid who refuses to leave the backside of America.

Shortly after moving into his new home (aka new headquarters) just a mere 3 miles down

the road from the White House, we soon realized that Obama wasn't simply going to drive

off into the sunset never to be heard from again.

Now with a way to keep close tabs on his minions in D.C. and run a shadow government, we're

learning more about what Obama has been up to.

Now a horrifying plot has just been discovered to take President Trump down, with the help

of 30,000 of Obama's minions who are foaming at the mouth at the chance to take out the

man who they so vehemently despise.

You can be sure that the man who worked so hard to infiltrate our White House isn't

going to simply roll over and let his entire legacy be flushed down the toilet by Donald


Now Obama is kicking his skills as a community organizer into high gear, as the mastermind

behind many of the violent anti-Trump protests that we continue to see unfold around the


But unfortunately for us, it gets much worse.

Obama's plans to take down President Trump is not only extremely violent in nature, but

he shockingly already has 30,000 people in place to do his dirty work.

Paul E. Sperry is a well-known right-wing author and political commentator, working

as a political pundit for the Hoover Institution, a public policy think tank.

In a recent tell-all in a New York Times piece, Sperry reveals the unsettling truth of Obama's

evil plans not just for America, but for taking down our new president by any means necessary.

Here's part of his article from New York Post:

When former President Barack Obama said he was "heartened" by anti-Trump protests,

he was sending a message of approval to his troops.


Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican

successor at every turn of his historic presidency.

And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what's shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn't just staying

behind in Washington.

He's working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government

to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration

and its popular "America First" agenda.

He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.

Normally you'd expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda

to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama's OFA.

Rather, it's gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices

across the country.

Unfortunately, this isn't just Sperry pulling a tall tale out of his ass.

The connection between these violent protests and Obama has already been made, after it

was recently revealed that Obama dumped massive amounts of money to the tune of $400 million

dollars at violent anti-Trump groups on his way out the door.

While we can be thankful that we have a president at the helm who truly loves America, we must

continue to stay vigilant.

There are so many people out their gunning for our new president, determined to do whatever

it takes to undermine him and make his life as president as difficult as possible.

Be sure to share this story and help expose what is going on!

H/T [Breitbart]After Bashing Trump For Months, George Soros Just Got The Worst News Of His


There is a 3-day meeting at the Mandarin Oriental hotel beginning on Sunday, according to Politico.

This event is sponsored by Democracy Alliance – which is headed up by George Soros.

Their plan is to stop Trump even after he has won the election.


You heard that right.

The election is not over.

It's going to be a long year.

*** If you didn't know, Soros is behind the protests going on right now.

Soros founded the Democracy Alliance in 2004.

Members of the organization have to donate at least $200,000 a year to its recommended


*** Soros gave $13 million to unsuccessfully stop Trump from winning

The Democratic party is wanting to get away from Soros's Democracy Alliance.

One Democratic strategist said the following:

"The DA itself should be called into question," said one Democratic strategist.

"You can make a very good case it's nothing more than a social club for a handful wealthy

white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic

Party burns down around them."

You heard it right here at Liberty Writers News.

The Democrats are starting to doubt George Soros's vision for the party.

Let's help them doubt it!

#SHARE this article with every single patriot and Democrat that you know.

We need to stop this man from trying to topple our country.

Are you American?

Will you stand up, patriot?

God bless all the real patriot left.

Share this article if you agree.



Hannity Just Dropped Atom Bomb on Podesta Exposing 75K Things He's Been Hiding For


Ever since Trump got elected as president, the butthurt on the left has been massive.

As a way to excuse away Hillary's embarrassing and unprecedented loss, liberals continue

to push the ridiculous and baseless propaganda that Donald Trump "colluded" with the

Russian government, which in the end was the only thing that got him elected president.

As their narrative continues to reach epic proportions of insanity, their very own John

Podesta was just busted in a HUGE scandal, proving who is truly in bed and "colluding"

with the Russian government.

In a breaking report Monday morning, Sean Hannity from FOX News reveals that Hillary's

2016 campaign chairman, John Podesta, violated federal law during the election by failing

to disclose that he had purchased a startling 75,000 shares of stock from a company with

close ties to the Kremlin that made him a very, very, rich man.

Sean Hannity has more on this scandal:

Podesta received the shares from Joule Unlimited Technologies while serving on the company's

board back in 2010.

After announcing he was leaving the company to work at the White House in 2014, he was

awarded an additional 75,000 common share stocks.

The Schedule B section of the financial disclosure forms for government officials demands that

new employees "report any purchase, sale or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent

children…of any property, stocks, bonds, commodity futures and other securities when

the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000."

Apparently, Podesta didn't find it necessary to disclose tens of thousands of shares of

stock, and left that section completely blank.

The new information was even condemned by liberals, with one lobbyist slamming Podesta

over the newly-leaked info.

Not only did Podesta fail to disclose his collusion with the Russian government, but

was intricately involved with three top-ranking banking officials, where the company in question

received a whopping $35 million from the Russian government.

"Podesta should certainly have been more upfront in filling this out.

Clearly, it should have been fully disclosed," said a lobbyist with close ties to left-leaning

Public Citizen.

"That's the point of the personal financial disclosure forms, especially for anyone entering

the White House."

A former FBI official chimed in to put Podesta on blast, saying it was even more important

to disclose the stocks because of their foreign affiliations.

"I think in this case where you're talking about foreign interests and foreign involvement,

the collateral interest with these disclosure forms is put in the forefront of full disclosure

of any foreign interest that you may have," he said.

Nice diversion tactics, huh?

It's amazing that liberals continue to get busted for the very same corruption that they

keep screaming is rampant on the other side.

Deep down they know that President Trump isn't "colluding" with the Russian government.

They're simply trying to deflect the blame off of themselves.

H/T [Sean Hannity]

WH Security Scrambling After Strangely Familiar Woman Found On Grounds – Here's Who She


The Secret Service has had their work cut out for them with President Trump in office.

He's a magnet to liberal lunatics who feel justified in attempting to take out our Commander-in-Chief,

as we saw yet again early Sunday morning, but it was who security caught that makes

this security breach much different than the others.

An alarm on the White House grounds was set off at about 2:15 a.m.

Sunday morning, "at the southeast corner of the Treasury Building," WTOP reports.

Secret Service was immediately on the scene, where they found a familiar face who had attempted

to make her way on the grounds.

Unfortunately for her, she didn't wear the right shoes for jumping the fence, as her

shoelace tripped her up, making for a rough landing on the other side.

It's not the first time security officials have see the fence-jumper, identified as 38-year-old

Marci Anderson Wahl.

Evidently, Wahl is intent on getting to the president as this is her third attempt to

do so, in just a week.

Two prior arrests and a "Stay Away" order couldn't keep her from attempting what she

set out to do, which shows the degree to which these degenerates will go to ensure the fate

that they feel Trump deserves.

"She was arrested and charged with unlawful entry and contempt of court," the report

noted, adding that her backpack she wore to scale the fence was also confiscated.

She brought with her what she apparently felt was "mission critical," including a sleeping

bag and other non-dangerous items.

It's unacceptable that this woman was able to make this attempt multiple times, regardless

of the fact that the third time wasn't a charm.

There have been at least two other attempted intruders and there will likely be more.

The most effective way to resolve this ongoing issue is to electrify the fence around the

White House —which is the same that should be done to the border wall.Trump Just PISSED

OFF Richest Man In America With PERFECT Kick In The Ass!

One of the reasons an overwhelming amount of Americans picked Donald Trump as our next

president is he because he makes no apologies for the things he says and does no matter

who it offends.

After eight years of lame duck leadership, it's refreshing to see a powerhouse moving

into the White House and incredibly satisfying when he pisses off rich people before he gets

there, who don't like the fact that Trump is in charge now.

When you're as rich as Trump is and focused on making America great again, you don't

care about other people's money who try to bribe you with it.

President Obama was quick to take in other people's cash and his presidency proved

to be very profitable for him since this former community organizer is moving out of the White

House and into a multi-million dollar estate after just two years on $400,000 per year

president's salary.

The game has all changed with Trump in charge who just stuck it to one of his biggest and

richest haters who showed up to his golf course and tried to throw his weight around and got


The list is long of people who think they're in power and hate that Trump is who also tried

their hardest to keep him out of the White House.

Despite their best efforts and wads of cash to detract him from his goal, he won anyway

and is laughing all the way to Inauguration Day especially now that he just got the opportunity

to stick it to two men who led the charge against him, when they decided to spend the

afternoon at Trump's private golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Heading off the effort to prevent Trump from becoming president was the billionaire Koch

brothers who love amnesty and are big supporters of free trade — two things Trump is avidly


Charles and David Koch opposed Trump during the Republican primary season and refused

to help him during the general election, as Breitbart reports and they happen to have

a close friendship with Harry Hurt III, who wrote a slanderous book about Trump in 1993

that brimmed with disgusting rape accusations about the wealthy businessman who is now our


Hoping to partake in a little rest and relaxation, David Koch and Hurt planned a day-long retreat

at Trump's exclusive golf resort which was suddenly cut short when Trump found out they

were there.

In perfectly humiliating fashion, Trump instructed management to remove the pair from his property

and told them they weren't welcome back.

Being escorted out had to be one of the most embarrassing moments for these billionaire

buddies in the presence of other rich people there enjoying their pricey membership, which

Koch and pals don't get to be a part of.

Trump proved that their money isn't important to him and no price can fix how stupid these

two look after earning this karma when they went against their own party to protect the

political establishment.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Obama's Secret Bunker Found 3 Miles From White House With Terrifying Find Inside To Take Do - Duration: 13:47.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


Prince Harry's girlfriend Meghan Markle's 'Suits' Co-Star Patrick J. Adams Wants To Meet Prince - Duration: 3:07.

It appears that Patrick J. Adams would like to personally meet Prince Harry.

During a recent interview with Access Hollywood, Adams revealed that he wasn�t really surprised

when he heard the news that his �Suits� co star Meghan Markle is dating Prince Harry.

But since Adams feels like he�s a big brother to Markle, he admitted that he has become

a little bit more protective of her since news of her royal romance broke.

�She�s like a sister to me,� Adams said of his relationship with Markle, who plays

his onscreen fianc�e, Rachel Zane, on the USA Network series. �We�ve been like brothers

and sisters for so long, so I�m just super happy for her that she�s found someone that

she seems to really be into.�

�We don�t talk about it a lot obviously. There�s so much secrecy involved in something

like that, so I just sort of stay out of it,� added the actor, who portrays Mike Ross on

the legal drama. �[But] I feel like big brother [protective of her].� In fact, Adams

implied that he would like to meet the royal prince in person. �I would love to do that

thing where a big brother gets to actually meet the guy [and know] him a little bit,�

he said. �I think we should go through that process just to make sure he�s up to speed.

[Perhaps we should have] a couple of drinks to make sure he knows where his head�s at

... [to know] that he can take care of her [and find out] what his intentions [are].�

When asked if he�s been teasing Markle about her relationship with Prince Harry on the

set of the show, Adams said: �Well, that�s the problem with this thing. You can�t tease

her about this one thing cause it�s like kind of serious. [These guys] look like falling

for each other, so you can�t take it too far, but maybe this season I�ll have a little

bit more leeway.� This isn�t the first time Adams has reacted to Markle�s relationship

with Prince Harry. The 35 year old actor actually alluded to the pair�s romance during his

Reddit AMA last week. When a fan asked what it was like �making out on screen with the

potentially future princess of England,� Adams joked: �The same as it was before

she was potentially a future princess of England.�

An all new episode of �Suits� airs on Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 10 p.m. EST on USA Network.

Check out the synopsis for Season 6, episode 13, titled �Teeth, Nose, Teeth,� below:

�Rachel (Markle) receives a letter that creates an unexpected issue for Harvey (Gabriel

Macht) and Louis (Rick Hoffman); Mike�s mentorship of Oliver (Jordan Johnson Hinds)

and Marissa gets put to the test; and Donna (Sarah Rafferty) gets a surprise from the

IT department.� thanks for watching. please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry's girlfriend Meghan Markle's 'Suits' Co-Star Patrick J. Adams Wants To Meet Prince - Duration: 3:07.


BMW 5 Serie M550XD - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie M550XD - Duration: 0:58.


Welcome Home Paisley - Duration: 1:28.

First day in my new home

Moving is hard work

Shh, I'm sleeping

I can help - what tool do you need?

My toy - you can't have it!

First time using scratch post in my new home

Love my new scratch post

Aww, this bed is comfy cozy

I'm sleeping here

I'll keep your feet warm, no problem

Hmm, I wonder

See the upside heart on my chin

Yup, I'm sticking out my tongue at you!


Love to hang out in this corner

Its a tough life but someone has to do it

Now what is this?

Don't worry, I'll get it

Bath time

Come on, rub my belly

For more infomation >> Welcome Home Paisley - Duration: 1:28.


BMW 5 Serie BMW M5 7-DCT V8 Full options Schuifdak GR. Navi Beige Leder Innovation-Pakket - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie BMW M5 7-DCT V8 Full options Schuifdak GR. Navi Beige Leder Innovation-Pakket - Duration: 0:59.


Chanson à boire©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Chanson à boire©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 3:38.


j'ai pas fais du doublage... - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> j'ai pas fais du doublage... - Duration: 2:50.


Valerian - New Movie

For more infomation >> Valerian - New Movie


Taxpayers Have Spent $16k For Secret Service To Rent Golf Carts At Mar-A-Lago - Duration: 3:52.

So far, United States taxpayers have paid more than $16,000 just for golf cart rentals

at Mora Largo for the Secret Service to protect Donald Trump while he is out playing golf.

The man has been president for nine weeks.

He has played golf 13 times during those nine weeks, every single time at a Trump owned


When the Secret Service has to go out and pay for these golf carts or pay for hotel

rooms or pay for food, same thing with all of his guests and people that show up, that

is money that goes directly back to the Trump organization and that is money that comes

directly from the pockets of United States taxpayers.

We are paying for Donald Trump to go golfing every three or four days.

We're paying for the Secret Service to ride around in golf carts to make sure nothing

happens to this idiot.

That's our money and Donald Trump, allegedly the great businessman who's going to run our

government like a business, is pissing it away so he can go and have fun, so he can

go play golf and not worry about all the stress of being president.

This is not a man who wants the power and responsibility that comes along with the office

of the president of the United States.

This is a man who wants the title.

He wants the prestige and he wants the money, but he doesn't want to do the work.

He just wants to use this office like he has with everything else in his life to put more

money in his own disgusting, slimy pockets.

He's doing a really great job of that.

In spite of how horrible this entire administration has been in terms of black and white numbers

on paper, Trump's doing really well making money for himself off this crap and that's

our money.

That is the taxpayer's money.

That is money that should be going to public school teachers.

It should be going to buy materials for classrooms.

It should be going to police officers and firefighters, roads, bridges, water delivery


Instead, we're giving it to the Trump Corporation to use golf carts for a couple hours.

We're giving it to the Trump Corporation to make burgers and fries for the people that

Trump invites on these little trips.

Yeah, people need to eat.

The people that work at those businesses need to make a living.

I'm sure they don't get paid very much, but that's beside the point.

Trump shouldn't be using the office of the president to make money.

A different Corporation needs to step in and run these things so that this money does not

go back to Donald Trump's pockets.

That is a direct violation of the office of the president, of the Constitution.

Yes, he very well could be impeached for that.

It would not be difficult.

The only difficult part about impeaching Trump for this stuff would be to get enough people

in Congress to actually get it started and vote on it.

That's the only thing holding it back at this point.

Do you understand that?

The only reason we can't impeach Donald Trump today is because not enough people will go

forward with it because he's a Republican and they're Republicans.

Rand Paul said it himself.

We could impeach this man.

He's broken the law.

He's broken the emoluments clause.

We have the evidence.

We just don't have enough courageous people in Washington DC to go-ahead and start the

impeachment process.

For more infomation >> Taxpayers Have Spent $16k For Secret Service To Rent Golf Carts At Mar-A-Lago - Duration: 3:52.


Finishing 3D Prints 101: How to Glue 3D Printed Parts Together - Duration: 4:17.

Hi my name is Shawn with MakerBot

learning. Gluing is a great solution when

you have objects that you'd like to

print larger than the build volume of

your 3D printer or for assembly. So in

this video we're going to cover some of

the best practices associated with

gluing your 3d prints. In order to

effectively glue your models you'll need

the following supplies: super glue

activator, two-part epoxy, rubber bands

filler, sand paper, paper towels, a

scraping tool, a gluing tray, a respiratory

mask, gloves, and eye protection. First

inspect the points where your pieces

are to be bonded clear them of any

support material or rough edges to

facilitate a firm bond. Next glue your

models sub-assemblies

using two-part epoxy here will allow you

to reposition or realign pieces while

the glue is still curing as epoxy cures


when gluing larger assembly it's

important that your model be held in

place firmly you can do this with rubber


spot join parts by placing small dots of glue

evenly across each scene this will help

your model stay in place. Superglue

typically takes about 30 seconds to a

minute to cure completely to speed up

the process use a spray activator

continue to spread glue across the rest

of the scene any excess glue should be

wiped off immediately with a paper towel

once the glue has cured completely use a

putty knife exacto knife or scraping

device to scrape off any excess glue and

to create a smooth steam once you're

happy with the surfaces joints and small

details of your model you can begin to

prepare the surface further if you plan

to paint

in order to ensure that nope its seams

or joints are visible before painting

apply some fillers such as bondo

apply filler in layers where needed and

set to cure

after the filler is dry stands briefly

with 1000 grit sandpaper if you've

applied thick layers you may need to use

400 grit sandpaper to remove more

material here we have the final product

you just learn how to take your prints

beyond the build plate

For more infomation >> Finishing 3D Prints 101: How to Glue 3D Printed Parts Together - Duration: 4:17.


Melania Trump needs public-relations help - Duration: 8:16.

Twitter Email Print POLITICS Melania Trump Needs Some Public-Relations Help

While the president's approval ratings hit a new low this month, his wife's are on the rise. A recent CNN/ORC poll found that 52 percent of Americans like Melania Trump -- an increase of 16 percent since her husband took office.

That far exceeds the favorability ratings of first ladies such as Michelle Obama and Laura Bush in their first years.

But it's unlikely that Melania Trump will be able to stay popular without help. So far, she hasn't hired a press secretary.

That's really odd. Every first lady since Jackie Kennedy had one by this point in her husband's administration, according to Kate Andersen Brower, author of "First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies.".

As any public-relations professional will tell you, prominent people have two options: to try to shape the narrative about themselves, or to let others do it for them.

But Brower says that currently, reporters for major media outlets can't even get their requests to interview the first lady answered.

"There are so many requests coming into Melania right now and there's no one there to decide what's worth doing and what's worth skipping," she said.

"It just leaves this big hole which people fill with their own interpretations of her. They're judging whether she's smiling enough and what she's wearing.

But if she had a press secretary, she could do very coordinated interviews with media outlets to shape her image the way she wants to be seen.".

For example, Brower said former first lady Michelle Obama's team did a particularly great job of making her relatable to the American people.

"The mom dancing on 'Jimmy Fallon' was a way to really endear her to the public," she said. "People want to feel like they could be in the carpool line with the first lady. They want to feel that connection.".

Brower says Melania Trump's challenge is especially difficult because "her great wealth and really unattainable beauty" make it hard for everyday Americans to relate to her.

But a press secretary could help Trump talk about aspects of her life that ordinary citizens understand, like raising her son.

A spokesperson could also help her figure out how to effectively harness the powerful platform she commands. Brower says every first lady since Lady Bird Johnson has used her position to promote social causes.

"Lady Bird Johnson said that, as first lady, you can pick up the phone and change someone's life," she said. Americans are unlikely to love a first lady who seems indifferent to the tremendous opportunity she has to do good.

Melania Trump, who hasn't moved to the White House yet because her son is finishing school in New York, has been largely invisible since her husband took office.

She did, however, read to kids in a hospital and host a White House lunch about women's empowerment in honor of International Women's Day this month.

A good press secretary would help Trump research and think through the issues she chooses to champion -- and be sure she follows through. In particular, it's important to consider how promoting particular causes could invite negative attention.

For example, in early November, Trump promised that if her husband were elected, she would use her platform as first lady to combat cyber-bulling. Any good communication professional would have advised her against this.

To start with, her husband is widely considered the cyber-bully-in-chief.

For example, after an 18-year-old college student criticized him at a rally, the then-candidate took to Twitter to call her an "arrogant young woman." The young woman received threats of violent assault for more than a year.

Any cyber-bullying initiative the first lady undertakes will only draw attention to this irony.

Second, a professional communicator watching out for her husband's interests would likely advise against getting involved in the anti-bullying community because, as reporter Stephanie Mencimer explained in Mother Jones, the community is largely run by advocates for LGBT youth.

That would alienate conservative evangelicals, an important group of voters for the president, who view such initiatives as a veiled attempt to promote LGBT rights.

Beyond that, Melania Trump seems to not be following through on her pledge. Last month, Mencimer contacted key figures in the anti-cyber-bullying community and found that no one has heard from her or her staff.

Perhaps the only thing worse for the first lady's reputation than viewing her platform insouciantly is making promises and then breaking them.

A professional communicator would also help Trump avoid other mistakes, such as her plagiarism of Michelle Obama in her July speech at the Republican National Convention.

Of course, I'm not applying for the job. As of late last month, there were still nearly 2,000 open positions in her husband's administration.

Part of the problem is that even Republican professional operatives hesitate to be involved in a scandal-plagued and truth-challenged administration. But an effective East Wing press secretary could be one of the most helpful people to the West Wing.

Lauren Wright, author of "On Behalf of the President: Presidential Spouses and White House Communications Strategy Today," found that first ladies can not only improve their husbands' images but also help build support for their policy agendas.

In fact, sometimes their ability to command attention exceeds that of their husbands themselves.

Melania Trump holds a staggering amount of potential power to improve both her own reputation and the world. Here's hoping she finds someone to help her wield it.

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