Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

Hello, sir. - Hello.

Look, I've deposited Rs.100 in my husband's account.

Great, Jamuna. Great job.

Do you know what's the balance in Kashinath's account?


I didn't even know.

How would you?

This proves that every rupee counts, Jamuna.

Money comes in handy in bad times.

Tell Kashinath his money is safe in the bank.

He can withdraw it whenever he needs money.

But only when he needs it.

Here. Pass on my greetings to Kashinath.

And tell him to deposit money bit by bit.

Goodbye, sir. - Goodbye.

Hello, sir.

Why have you come here?

To withdraw my money.

Why do you need it? Doesn't your father feed you?

Look, don't talk about my father.

Otherwise I'll complain to the manager. - Is that so?

Give me my Rs.750.

Rs.750? Why?

Is it necessary to tell you everything?

Don't tell me. What do I care? It's your money. You can take it.

Sign here.

You have Rs.755 in your account. I'm giving you Rs.750.

You have a balance of just Rs.5. Why don't you withdraw that as well?

No. I need to maintain some balance..

..for the account to remain operational, right?

But why do you need so much money?

I won't tell you.

Shankar, the manger is calling you.

Anything special? - How do I know?

He just told me to call you.

Come, Mr. Shankar.

Sir, did you call me? - Yes.

Thank you, Sir.

Do you know..

..that you cannot work here any more?

But manager.. you mean, I..

Your application.. - Yes.

About service extension. - What happened?

The head office has accepted your extension thanks to your honesty.

Manager, you've done me a big favour.

I desperately needed to work for another three years.

Now all my dreams will be fulfilled. - In three years?

Yes. My elder daughter, Sudha, has completed her MA.

She'll be getting married soon too.

My younger daughter is learning dancing.

And my son is doing MBA. - Oh!

Manager, now all my dreams will come true.

What's the time, Gudiya?

Must be 5:00pm.

Dad and uncle Karim might arrive soon.

Munna hasn't returned yet.

Brother knows nothing other than studies.

It would have been better had I gone instead of him.

Quiet! We'd be waiting till tomorrow for you to return in that case.

Sister, I got delayed because of the long queue.

Here you are. - Was that money enough?

Why wouldn't it be? We had been saving for a year.

Look at this. I saved Rs.10.

Where have we come? Whose house is this?

It's our house, but what has happened to this house?

Why this decoration?

I will tell you. First go freshen up.

Dear, I get fresh when I see my children.

For God's sake tell me what's the matter?

Yes, tell us.

It's dad's birthday today. - Oh!

Shankar, happy birthday.

Take this, Dad. Wear it for us.

What's this?

Sherwani (Indian suit).

Sherwani? But why did you buy such an expensive Sherwani?

No matter how expensive the Sherwani is.. can't be more expensive than you.

Well said. - Here.

Go get ready.

Uncle Karim, you too come. Here.

But why did you buy one for me?

Because if I wear a new Sherwani..

..then you will sulk like a kid.

"You sang for us."

"You kept singing and repeating."

"You sang for us."

"You kept singing and repeating."

"Today we also will sing the same thing joyfully."

"Today we also will sing the same thing joyfully."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."

"You sang for us."

"You kept singing and repeating."

"Today we also will sing the same thing joyfully."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."

"It is my dream."

"Your life should be such."

"Everybody thinks about you."

"You create an example for the world."

"It is my dream."

"You be the apple of everybody's eye."

"Don't search for support. Be your own support."

"You be the apple of everybody's eye."

"Don't search for support. Be your own support."

"People should bless you."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."

"When I think about it, I get emotional."

"Someday you will go to your in-laws'."

"I may get married and I may go away."

"But I will never forget my father's house."

"I will never leave this house."

"I will always be with you."

"I will never leave this house."

"I will always be with you."

"Days will never end."

"Today we also will sing the same thing joyfully."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."

"I pray to God.."

"..we should always be friends."

"Everyone should understand you."

"Everyone should respect you."

"The way I do.."

"..everyone should respect you."

"You always saved us from trouble."

"For us you are like God."

"You always saved us from trouble."

"For us you are like God."

"There are many hurdles in the path of honesty."

"But facing the hurdle is what life is all about."

"We will follow your footsteps."

"We will face storms and survive."

"We will follow your footsteps."

"We will face storms and survive."

"We should have your blessings always."

"Today we also will sing the same thing joyfully."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."

Sudha, who are you waiting for with the door open?

What? Send the goods inside.

Paltu, take the goods inside. Come on.

But Sudha, when youth gets as hot as the noon.. shouldn't stand outside for long with the door open.

Dad is in his room. Take your money from him.

I will get the money while the door is open, but..

Lala! - Money is not a problem.

I will get my money.

Greetings, Lala. Greetings! - Go.

A letter for me?

Dear, this is the letter you've been waiting for.

'Nowadays it's very cold in London.'

'There's everything here, but you.'

'I feel like meeting you right away.'

'But I am helpless.'

'Let it be. We will meet next Saturday at the same place.'

'The same park. The same bench.'

'Yours Deepak.'

Hello. - Who are you?

I am your Deepak's friend Sardar Ikattar Singh.

Co-pilot. Air India.

But he went to London.

And I came from London to meet you.

But Deepak shouldn't have done this.

I don't know what you're talking about.

What has Deepak done?

He loved you, but married someone else.

Somebody else has to pay for somebody else's deed.

What nonsense!

If you don't believe me, then see this. What he is doing with this girl?

My Deepak can't do this.

He is no longer your Deepak.

Now he belongs to that foreigner.

That foreigner girl deceived me, and Deepak deceived you.

What do you mean? - This girl was my girlfriend.

She was smitten by Deepak.

But I've fallen for you.

Julie has got married to Deepak.

Why don't we too do the same thing?

All this is common in love.

Exchange of goods. What do you say, girl? Tell me.

Let's go to the police station.

Do they keep musical instruments there?

We have to get married with great pomp.

Mister, the police station has a nice music system.

They will get you married with great pomp.

Very good! I knew this. I will go wherever you take me.

You have to be my wife. Otherwise I will remain a bachelor.

Leave my hand. Leave me.

I will remain a bachelor. - Leave me.

My darling.


Sudha, some fun in love adds to the joy.

Then someday you'll say that this wasn't love, it was a charade.

Come on, Sudha. Look, this time I will surely marry you.

I am in a hurry to become a father. Got it?

Who is this Colonel Verma?

I don't know. I don't even know why I've been called here.

It's okay if he has called you, but why call me?

He's a soldier, if he shoots us both.. should at least shield me. Come on.

There's nobody here as well.


Look. Deepak's photograph!

Deepak? - It means this is Deepak's house.

And Deepak's father has called Sudha's father.

He's coming..

He is coming here.

What is written, Shankar?

He is an intelligent dog. It's written, 'Please sit down'.


Chest out. Stomach inside. Legs together.


Which of the two of you is he?

He? - Idiot.

What do you mean? - The girl's father.

Can't you recognise from the faces.. - Shut up!

If you don't tell me, my dog will recognise you.


You mean this dog will recognise?

Not just that. He will even bite you people.

Then I'm leaving. - Wait.

Look, Colonel Verma had called us here for some important work.

He.. - Shut up!

Johnny. Come on. Recognise who is the one?

I don't know. Is he biting me?

With God's grace, till now it's fine.

He recognised you! You're Sudha's dad, Shankar . - Yes.

I accept your daughter Sudha's and Deepak's alliance.

I am very pleased..

But there is a condition. - Condition?

Yes. I will take dowry. - Dowry?

Yes, everybody takes it. Why shouldn't I also take it?

Do you mind? Any objection? - No.

Neither do I. I will take dowry of at least Rs.1.25.

I accept it. But right now I have only a rupee.

I accept that too.

25 paise some other day. - Surely.

You're a jolly man.

Dad, now at least stop this.

You're making so much noise, I can't study.

Look, day by day he is growing so tall.

Tall man, you have your whole life to study.

I'll surely play the tabla today.

Sudha's marriage has been fixed. How can I not play the tabla?

Shankar, do it. Do it. - Dear, begin.

Dad! Uncle, what's going on?

I am playing the tabla.

Because Sudha's marriage has been fixed. - Yes.

Gudiya? - Gudiya is dancing.

Come on, Dad.




I'll not listen to anyone today.

We danced to your tune all our lives. you will dance to my tune.

Stand there with Gudiya. - Yes, dear, please.

You danced very well as a child. - Yes.

Why don't you dance if your dad wants to?

Oh, no! I was here to stop you from dancing and singing..

..and you want me to dance? - Please sister.

I've only seen you scolding us, not dancing. Please dance.


Dear, please dance. - I won't dance. And that's that!

You will and that's that!

Remember, when you were so small..

..I'd play the table when happy and you'd dance.

I'm very happy today.

You won't dance?

"With colours and friends."

"With desire and excitement."

"Radha plays merrily in Bhuj.."

"Lalita, Chandra, apply colour to all."

"Lord Krishna, I give up. Go away."

"I give up. Go away."

Wonderful, my child!

What happened? - I will wait for you here.

I know you are very decent.

You are a studious man.

No need to be scared. My room is upstairs. Let's go.

I will sit downstairs. - Come on.

Look. Kalpana. I.. I can't come upstairs.

I.. I.. please, Kalpana.

Kalpana, I will sit there.

Not there silly. Sit here. Yes.

So.. notes. - Yes, notes.

Notes. - Yes.

Oh, my God! What has happened?

I don't know what happens.

The power goes off once or twice in the night.

Where is your main switch? I will repair it.

You must be having fuse wire, right?

It's not the main switch problem.

It's the power house problem. Got it?

Power house? - Don't worry.

I have candles. Okay?

I have lit the candles. - What?

Notes. - Yes, notes.

Notes.. - Yes.

Here are your notes.

Your arms..

I'll be right back. Okay? - Fine.

Miss Kalpana.

Yes, darling. Don't be Impatient. What happened?

Miss Kalpana.

Only Kalpana.

These are not my notes.

In darkness you tend to make mistake.

I don't want these pictures. I want my notes.

You know very well what's written in your notes.

Read my heart. You are really weak in this.

I want my notes.

I am your notes. Read me.

I love you, Rakesh. - Don't be silly, Kalpana.

You're a rich man's daughter.

That's why you have no thing else to do besides loving.

Rakesh, who could be busier than me?

Round the clock chanting your name.

Is that a small job?

Is it an easy job to chant your name all the time?

Please, Rakesh.

It's not right to harass someone so much.

Look, the electricity is back.

I'm leaving. I'll take the notes some other day.


Dance to the rhythm.

Good. Dance to the rhythm.

Which girl among them?

The fifth one from the right.

From here? - Yes.

What's special about her? - She is very special.

What do you mean? - Pure vegetarian.

From a pure vegetarian family.

And we're 100% sure that you can't entice this girl.

What are you saying?

Want to bet? You will lose again.

I am confident this time we will surely win.

Then let's bet Rs.500 this time. - Okay.

But time?

Have I ever taken more than 100 days? 100 days.

Okay. Done.

Hello, Master. - God bless you, Bablu.

How are you? - I am fine.

How are your guitar lessons going on?

I'm done playing the guitar.

Now I am planning to learn sitar.

What? - Yes.

Vimla, dance to the rhythm.

What are you looking at? - The firth one.

What? - No, no. I am watching the dance.


Wow! Very good!

You dance so beautifully.

Amazing! Wow!

What dancing. What footwork. Wow!

Your body movement is beautiful.

I had great fun watching it.

Your expressions are great.

What's your name? - Gudiya.

Gudiya! What a nice name. My name is Bablu.

I love music too. I learn guitar nearby.

But after watching you dance I have decided..

..that from today I will learn the sitar.

Great. I will surely come to see you.

I loved your dance. Master, now I will leave.

God bless you. - Good bye.

Go home and ward off the evil eye.

Sudha? - Yes, Dad.

I've bought vegetables.

The bag seems heavy today. How much did you pay?



What was the need to buy such expensive vegetables?

We have to pay Munna's fees next month.

We have to pay the fees for Gudiya's dance school.

You tell everybody to save money.

And you yourself spend it.

I received a bonus yesterday, and the kids like these vegetables.

They like it. Fine. Give me the remaining Rs.4.50.

Out with it.

This is just Rs.4. What did you do with 50 paise?

Dear, I.. - I know.

Whenever I send you to the market you keep the pennies with you.

Come on. Give me the remaining amount. - Here.

You bought toffee?

We both like it. - You are so childish.

Two for him. Two for me. You have one.

You eat it. - Let's go.

"What to do when somebody falls in love?"

"God knows who falls in love with somebody."

What is it, sister-in-law? You seem to be in a good mood today.

Brother-in-law, when did you come?

I came a long time ago.

But tell me, are you having an affair?

No. - Why are you afraid? It's normal.

If at this age you don't have an affair then..

Shall I call sister? - Okay.

But remember one thing. - What?

You should eat the coconut only if your teeth are strong.

Sister is here. - Hi.

What is it, Deepak? What were you talking to Gudiya?

Sudha, I was telling her that her sister is like a Goddess.

Every morning she should get up..

..and break a coconut at the feet of your Goddess like sister.

No, Sister. Brother-in-law was saying that.. - Shut up.


How often have I told you not to interfere when elders are talking?

Come on. - Sister. - Go and do your work.

Please sit. - No, Sudha. I'm in a hurry.

I just come to tell you that there's a party tonight at the Officer's Club.

Be ready. I'll come to pick you up.

No. Don't take me to any party.

I'm not worthy enough to go there. - Come on, Sudha.

If you don't come to the party, how will I face my friends?

Everybody is eager to meet you.

Please, Sudha. Attend this party once.

Our next party.. will be our wedding party.


"She doesn't look like my lover."

"She doesn't even deck up."

"She looks like my wife.."

"..whenever I see her."

"She looks like my wife.."

"..whenever I see her."

"She doesn't look like my lover."

"She doesn't even deck up."

"Till the time I don't get married."

"How can I deck up?"

"I am simple and innocent."

"First get married to me and then you can love me."

"I am simple and innocent."

"First get married to me and then you can love me."

"She doesn't look like my lover."

"She doesn't even deck up."

"If I tease you when you walk on the street."

"You feel bad."

"If I talk about my craving heart."

"You feel bad."

"Come near me. - No, after marriage."

"Embrace me. - No, after marriage."

"All the couples, who have come here.."

"..are eager to unite."

"I am simple and innocent."

"First get married to me and then you can love me."

"She doesn't look like my lover."

"She doesn't even deck up."

"She never writes letter or replies to mine."

"I craved for her tresses."

"At times I feel like clinging to them like a flower."

"Darling, to tell you the truth."

"Your dreams always surround me."

"If you loved me now.."

"..then what will happen in future?"

"If you got content.."

"..then what will happen in the future?"

"Apply vermilion on my forehead. - At the wedding."

"Become my groom. - At the wedding."

"Everyday I wait for that day to arrive."

"I am simple and innocent."

"First get married to me and then you can love me."

"She doesn't look like my lover."

"She doesn't even deck up."

"Till the time I don't get married."

"How can I deck up?"



Jamuna? So late in this storm?

Sir. - What's wrong? Why are you crying?

My husband has met with an accident.

Kashinath has met with an accident? - Yes.

The doctor says if he is not operated within an hour..

..he will die.

Sir, I need Rs.10000 for the operation.


But from where will I get Rs.10000 at this hour?

The bank is closed. Tomorrow is Sunday.

Till Monday..

I don't want to hear anything, Sir.

You had said that in bad times I can use the money.

What can be worse than this?

I understand everything.

But the rules of this bank..

Rules of the bank?

When I amassed the money bit by bit.. had told me that I can take the money when I need it.

Today, when I'm in need, you remember your bank rules?

Sir, have mercy on me.

I will be ruined.

Save my husband.

Inspector, it's so surprising.

This is the first case..

..where a thief has committed a robbery so honestly.

From Rs.250000 only Rs.10000 is missing.

Where is your cashier? - Cashier?

There's the cashier.

Do you know that a robbery has been committed in your bank?

Yes, I know. I've committed the robbery.

No! Your Honour, I've committed the robbery.

Jamuna came to me. I went to the bank at night.

And the bank watchman had seen me only.

I should be punished, Your Honour. - No, Your Honour.

I swear on the Holy Gita that Karim is lying.

Tell him to swear on the Holy Koran.. - Shankar!

Order. Order.

Mr. Shankar, do you want to say anything in your defence?

Yes, Your Honour. I have to say a lot of things.

A lot of thing.

There is another culprit, whom the court can't see.

And it is the real culprit of your law.

The blind rules of my bank.

Yes, Your Honour. The blind rules of the bank.

There is a strange norm of this blind rule.

It closes down every Saturday evening and goes on a leave.

And it doesn't return before Monday.

But does this blind rule know..

..that death, sickness and accident wait for no one?

Such an incident had happened with my friend, Karim.

It was an ill-fated Saturday night.

He needed money desperately to save his wife.

The bank was closed.

Because of this blind rule, his wife died.

So, when Jamuna came to my house on Saturday night..

..I remembered the incident which had occurred with my friend.

Your Honour, now you tell me.

Had you been in my place what would you have done?

Would you have saved Jamuna's husband?

Or would you have let her become a widow?

So, I committed robbery honestly.

If I am found guilty of robbery..

..then this blind rule should be given death penalty..

..for killing my friend Karim's wife.

For the crime of robbing money from the bank..

..the court sentences the accused Shankar.. three years of imprisonment under Indian penal code section 380.


Don't cry, my child.

If you cry like this, I'll feel that I'm really a culprit.

No, Dad. We are proud of you.

We are proud of you, Dad.

Karim, look after the children. - Okay.


Dear, don't worry.

I've got another job, paying me Rs.800.

How much would your dad's and my combined salary amount to? Rs.1100.

What if there's a difference of Rs.300? At least I got a job.

Now we will run the house as before.

What if your dad is not here? I'm here.

What's wrong? You're not happy?

I've got a job and you people..

The only difference between your dad and me is that..

..he knows how to play the tabla and I don't know.

If this difference has made me a stranger, then it's fine.


The only difference between dad and you.. that he has become a prisoner.

And we've imprisoned you in our love.

Can I come in, opening the door?

There's no one here.

It means I can go further in while the door open.


Shankar want to the prison and this place has become silent.

Earlier the sounds of the tabla and..

..the tinkling of anklets would reverberate here.

Lala, would it be all right if paid last month's balance next month?

Why would I mind?

It will settle the account.

Karim paid it this morning.

What? - Yes.

Karim repaid last month's debt?

Yes. He has paid for this month's groceries too.

My boy will come soon and he will bring the grocery.

Dear, till the time I am here, you don't have to worry.

If ever you need Rs.10,000 -Rs.20,000, then tell me.

Why would I need so much money, Lala?

We get by with only a small amount.

You are intelligent and you know dancing too.

Since inflation has arrived in your house..'ll have to face it with your door open.

I don't understand.

Now that God has given you the gift of dancing..

..take advantage of that.

I'll bring the customers.



Get up, Lala.

Lala, you have forgotten your decency.

Why do you beat me? Beat your dad.

He stole poor people's money. - I will kill you, scoundrel!

Let go! Let go off him.

If you mess with a filthy person, you get filthy yourself.

Lala, get out of this house.

Don't you dare come here again! Go!

I'll break your bones!

You are living off someone else.

Karim feeds you all by pushing a handcart.

Aren't you ashamed to live off his earnings?

I gave Sudha an idea, and I became a filthy man.


Go away! - Munna!

Uncle Karim pushes a handcart?

Driver, stop! Stop the car!


Sudha.. Bless you.

I had gone to your house.

Get in the car. We'll have a talk and I'll drop you home. Come on.

No. Go ahead. I'll take the bus.

I'll do one thing. I'll also travel by bus today.

It's been 20 years since I travelled in a bus.

Come on. Let's go.

It's healthy to walk sometimes.

I have a job for you. It's a decent job. If you do it..

..they would be honoured.


I like independent people.

Just like my son, Deepak.

He has never pleaded before anyone. Not even me.

It's not bad to plead to the elders. - Right!

Now you have to listen to me.

I've accompanied you till here, now you accompany me.

Get in the car. Come on!

Yes! I push a handcart. I don't steal!

Parents do everything to raise their children.

For my sake, Uncle. Please.

When children become responsible, elders shouldn't act stubborn.

I've got a job.

Uncle, didn't you like it?

It's not like that.

I had come thinking that I will scold Munna. I'd tell him..

"Your dad's dream won't come true by driving the rickshaw."

Uncle. - Yes! He drives the rickshaw.

If you want me to promise you and stop fulfilling my duty..

..then stop Munna too.

Sorry, sister. I'm late.

Gudiya, come in. - Sister!


Didn't I tell you that I study all night with my friends?

Had it not been Raksha Bandhan (Indian Festival) today..

..I wouldn't have come.

Gudiya, take this umbrella. It's for sister.

Now she won't have to go to work with the sun beating down her head.

Gudiya, return the umbrella.

What's wrong, Sister?

What else could go wrong than.. member of our family lying?


Do you study at night?

Answer me!

You work so hard for us.

Can't I even do a small job?

You can do a lot, Munna.

You have to do many more things.

Hard work is good.

But right now, you should work hard at your studies.

I will tie you the rakhi (sacred thread)..

..only if you agree with me.

I promise you.

Gudiya. - Yes, Sister.

Here are the vegetables.

Why did you bring such expensive vegetables?

I got my first salary today.

You and Munna like these vegetable.

And yes. Take this. Mahalaxmi temple's offering.

Munna! Take the offering.

What happened? I got my first salary..

..are you not happy?

I know what's going on in your mind. But now don't think. Got it?

Take the offering. Take it.

What about my offering?

Uncle, when you go to meet father..

..take us along.

Yes, Uncle Karim. We yearn to see him.

But he has forbidden you from going there.

Uncle, we'll see him discreetly.

We won't go in front of him.


Great, my friend. You've given me such good news.

As it is you are a jolly person.

I'm glad you could forbid the children from coming here.

Forbid them? Not at all.

They'd be sad to see me behind bars.

That's why I forbade them.

But you are happy behind the bars, aren't you?

What else does a person need?

Your own joy and happiness.

No, Karim.

A father hides as compassionate a heart as a mother.

He also always thinks well of his children.

But what can I do? I can't see them sad.

They are sending me to Nasik prison tomorrow.

Nasik? So far away.

Yes. We won't be able to meet.

I was thinking of meeting the children once before leaving.

Can you bring them here?

Friend, I know what's there in your heart.

The dreams that you see, pass through my eyes first.

I've brought the children.

Really? Then call them.


Dad. - Dad.


Dad! - Dad!




You knew I was going to return today from London.

Yes. - Why didn't you come to receive me at the airport?

Why are you standing? Please sit down. - First answer my question.

I..I've just returned from office.

Office? What office?

The office where I work.

Sudha, don't talk in riddles. Tell me clearly what's happened?

The answer of this question is not so simple, Deepak.

Between dawn and night, there is a dusk too.

And that dusk is so small..


You may not believe it..

..but dad is in prison since a month and a half.

No, Sudha. Such a good person..

No. This is impossible.

The law has no regard for human emotions.

That's it. I don't want to say anything further.

But why do you have to work?

Uncle Karim also lost his job.

Now, I am responsible for this household.

Why? Can't I shoulder these responsibilities?

Am I an outsider?

Deepak, you're the closest relative we have.

Grief, sorrow, troubles..

..are a part and parcel of life.

Not sharing your grief and sorrow..

..with your loved ones. What is it if not selfishness?

Don't get angry, Deepak.

I can share my sorrow only with you.

Sudha, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I want to stay here with Munna and Gudiya as their sister..

..until dad returns.

Deepak, will you wait for me?

Can you share this sorrow with me?

Sudha, I'll wait until your dad returns.


Come, Mr. Shankar. He has come to meet you.


I knew you'll surely come someday.

And I know why you've come.

You want to say..

..that a criminal can't be your father-in-law.

You shouldn't have taken the trouble.

I am leaving, Jailor. - Listen..

Uncle, please. Listen.

I've heard..

..that at times your hands get burnt while performing a fire ritual.

I..kissing these hands, I've come to tell you..

..that I am the way I was.

I'm proud of you, Uncle. I am proud of you.

God bless you, Son. God bless you.

Boss, you've lost 90 days out of 100.

I think you're going to lose your Rs.500.

Bablu has never lost in this game and he never will.

What's the date today? - 12th.

12th. There's a dance programme on the 18th of this month in Pune.

For that, master, Gudiya and all of us will leave on the 17th.

And the bus will break down in Khandala. - What about the master?

You guys handle him.

I'll take Gudiya to that old 5-star hotel. Simple.

We too will meet you there.

I see? Sure? - Yes.

But what do we do about the master?

I will handle him. Why do you worry?

How much? - Three, Sir.

How can it be three owners. There is only one owner of this hotel.

Three flies.

Three flies in a 5-star hotel?

Where are the other two? - Must be somewhere here.

Somewhere here.

What happened?

But master.. - Come on.

Sir! - What happened? - The other two have come.

The other two have come.

They look like love birds.

I think they are coming here.

Take this and quickly take your position.



Excuse me.

No excuse. Why excuse?

Excuse me, my phone.

Hello. Rome?

Hello. Julius Caesar.

Rome! No!

Call from Rome. Julius Caesar's call.

He wanted to come here for a holiday with Cleopatra.

But I refused him. - Why?

What if it's Rome? There is no vacant room.

The phone is ringing again.

Hello. London?

Hello London. James Bond.

Hi, James Bond. There is no vacancy.

Try to understand. This is India. There is no vacancy.

What if he is Dr. No? There is no vacancy. Bye.

James Bond's call from London.

He wanted to come here with Dr. No.

But.. - But you said, "No".

Very intelligent man you are.

But tell me something. - Yes.

How did you switch to Hindi from English?

James Bond knows Hindi.

He is linguist. It means he knows every language.

What do you want?

You don't have what we want.

How could it be so? Every room is vacant.

I mean that special room is vacant.

I have especially built it for special couples like you.

The room where Laila and Majnu..

..laid the foundation of their love.

And made it lush.

The room where Bobby stayed..

..and the key got lost.

And they both had celebrated their honeymoon.

Where Love Story was written. And it spread love.

Sir, we've not come here to spread anything.

Thank you.

And we are not what you think we are.

Then you will be. It won't take time to happen.

Appu! Keys. The bell.

Come, I will show you the room. - Come.

Topaz room.

Welcome. Welcome.

What atmosphere. What fragrance.

What lovely flowers. Such a beautiful garden.

Garden? Where is the garden?

Look carefully. Forget garden, you'll even see the rainbow.

Look. Here is the garden and here is the rainbow.

There is sea-view too. - Sea-view?

Yes. It's in here. Have a look.

Here is the sea. View it. That will be sea-view.

Here is water. I remembered.

There is a bathroom too. Come.

But there is a room.

You have to go to the lake for a bath.

Look. Here is the 'Nal'(Tap). I remembered.

Nal-Damyanti. Damyanti died.

But the tap is still crying. There is warm tears.

But it's not crying right now. Some drops..

Is this warm water? It's cold.

Sir, along with time their love too became cold.

But your love is young.

How many minutes will you stay here? - What?

How long are you going to stay?

We will stay here for four hours.

Four hours? Whether you stay for four hours or one hour.

Rs.25 for an hour. And Rs.100 for four hours.

Rs.100? - Advance please.

Here is Rs.100. - Thank you.

I will leave now. I will lock the room from outside.

Lock the room? Why?

Society. World. Enemy. Police. Parents.

You got scared. I have to tell you the truth.

The thing is that two lovers had come here.

Both strangulated each other and they committed suicide.

Their ghosts still haunt this place. - What?

You got scared. They are gentlemen ghosts.

They come through the door.

They don't even peep from the window.

Even if they come, they will come to me. I have the key.

I will explain to them.

You explain to him. He will explain to you. Have fun.

If they came to me, I will tell them there is no room.


What happened?

Nothing. What he said.. Ghosts.

Him? He's mad.

Don't believe him. There is nothing here.

Yes. Look, there's nothing. Look.

There's nothing. You're unnecessarily scared.

What happened?


Why did you get scared?

Nothing. It's nothing.

How come? Let me see. - No, no. Don't go.

Why not?

That's it? You got shocked.

They are making love.

Let's leave. - Why?

I don't like it here. - But he has locked the door.

What? - Yes.

You're scared of me?


Do you hate me?


Do you love me?

I didn't get an answer.

It means.. you love me.

Give me my jacket. - Come and take it.

No. Throw it.

What happened? - No.

Why did you get scared?

What happened?


What happened, Gudiya? - Nothing.

What happened? - Nothing, sister.

Nothing. - What happened?

Nothing. It's nothing.

What's wrong? - No, Sister. No!

Gudiya! - No, Sister. No!

What are you hiding from your sister?


Just a spark is enough to burn down a house.

And you've committed this grave sin.

No! I won't let this sinner stay in father's house. - No.

Let her go, sister. - Let go.

Sister, let her go.

She has not right to live. - No. - No, Brother.

No, Munna. Let her go.

I say leave her. - Brother.

Sister, let me go.


Munna, no. - She won't live in this house.

Munna, let her go! - Move!

Let her go. I say leave her.

No. Munna, leave her. - Sister, let me go.

No. - Sister, leave me.

Munna, leave her.

You can't solve this problem with your anger.


We can't accept your family's sin.

But what about the sin committed by your son?

What are you saying?

My Bablu can never do this.

Then call Bablu in front of me.

Tell him to swear on the holy water and say that he's innocent.

People like you may swear falsely.

Maybe your family commits such derogatory deeds.

I don't ask such derogatory things to my son.

Because you don't need it. How will you ask him?

You are afraid that this might come true.

Pardon me. It's not wrong to know the truth.

It's wrong to hide the truth. - Shut up I say!

You should say that to your son.

He has ruined my younger sister's life.

An elder sister like you is tarnishing your family's image.

What kind of an elder sister are you?

Instead of hiding her crime, you're declaring it openly.

Do you know it's a sin to propagate this?

I know.

To hide your child's sin is a good deed.

God has made you a father.

You are the judge. And you are the lawyer.

Fight the case so that the honour remains intact.

Take this.

Get her aborted.

Didn't you like my suggestion?

Only a person who weighs his conscience with money..

..can give this suggestion.

Thanks a ton for this suggestion.

You were very harsh with that girl.

So should I have worshipped her?

You don't go out of the house.

What do you know about this budding business?

Rich people are blackmailed by shedding tears like this.

But I felt the truth was in her eyes..

..revealed through the tears.

Hearing her voice I felt that it's the voice of her soul.

In other words you are saying that Bablu is the culprit.

The crime has been committed, with her younger sister.

No matter who the culprit is.

There is no harm in asking Bablu once.

Is it that we are unknowingly hiding our son's sin?

I didn't do anything unknowingly.

I did everything knowingly.

Now don't aggravate the matter.

In such a situation it's only the woman who is considered wrong.

And it's only the woman who is punished.

All men are alike.

Though you're my husband, you're still a man.

Bablu is my son, but he is a man.

But listen to me. I am a mother.

And the girl who is pregnant, she too is a woman.

What are you trying to say?

I want to ask him.

You are afraid to ask him. I want to know the truth..

..that you don't have the guts to hear. - Shanta.

If this turns out to be true..

..then till date Bablu's father used to make decisions..

..but now Bablu's mother will decide.

Don't cry, Gudiya. Don't cry.

I am Bablu's mother.

I've come to console Gudiya.

Why did you take the trouble to come here?

People without support learn to console themselves.

I know what you're going through.

Knowingly or unknowingly Bablu's father has insulted you.

I apologise on his behalf.

What about Bablu?

If a crime is accepted, then it no longer remains a crime.

Bablu has accepted his crime.

I'll get you married with great pomp.

Its good news that Shankar's daughter is getting married.

But he can't be released on parole.

Why, Jailer? My friend has not murdered anybody.

Look, the law has released him, but..

But? But what?

I regret to say that Shankar won't live long.

What? - The doctor has said that he has cancer.

There is no hope of survival.

No. No, Jailer.

Don't release my friend under such conditions.

Keep Shankar in the prison, Jailer.

Don't release him like this. Don't release him like this.

Have patience. Come with me.

Too much excitement is not good for him. Come.


You had come to find the patient..

..and you yourself are lying on the bed?

I saw you coming from there. Get up. Get up.

Happy Eid.

Happy Eid.

It's Eid, but why are you so sad?

Say it happily. Smile and say it.

Happy Eid, friend. Happy Eid.

I saw a beautiful dream.

There is light all around. I hear the clarinet playing.

Excitement of marriage. People have worn lovely clothes.

I asked who is getting married.

I am asking people who is getting married.

Nobody told me. I was stunned.

There was marriage in my house.

The clarinet was playing at my doorsteps.

It was such a lovely dream.

Your dream has come true, Shankar. - What?

Sudha has arranged Gudiya's marriage.

Sudha has arranged Gudiya's marriage? That's great news.

Let's go home. We will get Sudha married too.

Both will get married at the same dais.

Did you meet doctor?

Doctor said that I'm fine.

And jailer said that I'm going to be released from the prison forever.

Now I can go anywhere. I want to go home.

I want to see my children.

I want to see the wedding house adorned.

I want to see both my daughters dressed up like a bride.

I can't see anything. Karim!



I have cancer, my friend. You know it, don't you?

Karim if my children find out about my death.. will break their heart.

All the dreams that I have seen for their happiness and success..

..won't come true.

Karim, till the time they don't become successful in life..

..don't tell them that I..


I have written these letters to my children.

Whenever they are happy..

..give them these letters as my blessing.

Will you do it? - Yes.

Karim, I'm being released today.

Get me up and embrace me.

Shankar. Shankar?

"This is my only prayer."

"We should always be friends."

"Everyone should understand you."

"Everyone should respect you."

"The way I do."

"Everyone should respect you."

Sister! I've got both the Sherwanis ironed.

Give that to Gudiya. She will give it to dad and uncle.

But why has uncle still not brought dad?

Uncle has come.

Uncle? - Gudiya. - I'll bring dad myself.

Your father hasn't come.

What happened?

I tried my best.

But but he didn't get permission to come here.

So dad hasn't come. Why?

Doesn't he know that Gudiya is getting married?

He loves me so much.

And he didn't even come to bid me farewell.

Have patience, dear. This is God's will.

We have to accept God's will.

And I'm here for you.

Sudha, your father has given this letter for you.

He said, "What if I can't come?"

He has sent his blessing for Gudiya in this letter.

What's this, Uncle?

Tears too are strange.

Be it joy or sorrow, tears are shed on both occasion.

You can never make out whether they are tears of joy or sorrow.

Seeing your qualification, we give you this job.

Thank you, Sir.

But you'll have to live in the company bungalow.

Sorry, Sir. I won't be able to accept this job offer.

People in Mumbai work for a house.

And for the house you are leaving this job.

What's the use of this job which makes me leave my house?

Great! You are an honest man.

Did I say that you'll have to stay there alone?

You can live there with your family.

Thank you very much, Sir.

Here, Mr. Sen. Give him the appointment letter. - Okay.

Thank you, Dad.

Dear, today for the first time I liked your choice.

Thank you so much, Dad.

What's going on, Munna? What are you typing?

I'm typing sister's resignation letter, Uncle Karim.

From today sister doesn't have to work.

Very good. This should happen.

Did you ask Sudha? Did she agree?

I have still not asked her.

I'm afraid. You talk to her.

I will talk to her.

But I've got a precious gift for you.


Your..your dad's letter.

Dad's letter? - For you.

Thank you, Uncle Karim. Thank you very much.



Dad's letter. - Is that so?

He is pleased that I've graduated and I got a job.

What else has he written? Did he write anything about me?

Nothing. This letter is just for me. Me!

Uncle Karim, did you see what father has done?

He didn't write a word about me.

Let him come. I will not talk to him.

Why are you sad, silly?

For you, he has started writing a long letter.

Let him write!

Till the time he finishes writing his letter, he will be released.

Am I right, Uncle?


This time when you go to meet him..

..tell him that Sudha has got a promotion.

I've got an increment of Rs.100.

Uncle. - Yes, dear.

As it is you have got an increment of Rs.2000.

Munna's salary is as good as your promotion.

I mean, both brother and sister are not separate.

We brother and sister are one.

But Munna's salary is for his own expenses.

What did you say? Say it again.

Why are you quiet?

Say that my salary is for my own expenses.

If this is my own money, then why did you slog?

Why did you toil and meet my every need?

If this is my own money, then shame on such earnings.


Yes, Sister. I will work only on one condition.

You won't work.


Munna is right, Sudha. You don't have to slog any more.

Sister, it is each brother's desire that his sister should be happy.

And she should get married with great pomp.

You too will get married someday.

Till the time you are here, don't be upset with me.

Please leave this job.


First class. Very good.

What's the score? Did you make a century?


When will you stop being childish?

What's the use of venting out your anger on these things?

Look, dear. As a friend I ask you something.

Did Rakesh refuse to marry you?

No, Dad. He neither says yes nor refuses.

He's worried only about his sister's wedding.

He's a sensible man.

First he will get his sister married.

And then he will get married.

Why did he get his younger sister married first?

Is that so? Must be some emergency.

No, Dad. Theirs is a love marriage.

And you know, Sudha is in love with a pilot named, Deepak.

He visits their home openly. Do you understand?

On one hand they claim to be so modern and on the other hand..

But Kalpu, why are you in a hurry?

You don't understand. These men are not trustworthy.

They might change their mind any time.

They don't have any brains. They change all the time.

Am I right, Dad? Tell me. Am I right?

Am I right? - That is fine.

But.. what have you thought?

You know that I'm so stubborn. - That's true.

I will break Rakesh's silence.

You people have started fighting before marriage.

No. This is the quarrel of love for love.

Done. - Done, Madam.

Who are you? What happened?

Help me! Save me!

But who are you?

I am your younger brother, Rakesh's classmate.

My name is Kalpana.

Oh, I see. But what's wrong?

What can I say? Dad's friend's son has come from London.

Look over there.

Dad wants to get me married to him.

What's wrong in that?

Every thing's wrong.

My life will be ruined if I marry such a drunkard and gambler like him.

What kind of a father is your dad? How can he marry you to such a guy?

My dad is very greedy.

The groom's family is filthy rich.

But I need love not money.

I can get that love only in your house.

I don't get you, Kalpana.

I love your younger brother, Rakesh.

We've known each other since a long time.

Sister, he's not an ordinary man, but is Godsend.

I'll be ruined if I get married to that man.

Come on, Kalpu darling, we're getting late.

Look mister, Kalpana will not go with you.


She's my would-be wife. Who are you?

I say, get out! Get out of here!

Come with me.

What are you doing?

If you misbehave with me, I will kill you.

Shut up and get out!


But why did you give your consent so quickly?

You should have asked me once.

There is no need to ask to save someone's life.

And this marriage is a good deed.

People will taunt me. Have you thought about that?

The whole world will say, "What a great younger brother you are?"

"You got a job. And instead of getting your sister married.."

" yourself got married."

Which people? Who are they?

What is their connection to our joys and sorrows?

They can only talk. They can't do anything else.

Don't worry about me.

Just think. When your sister will get married..

..there should be somebody to comfort dad.

Wow! Great! What a house!

Sister, come in.

This is my company bungalow.

This is the hall.

There's also a swing.

And here is your temple.

Entering the house I got to see God.

Stairs in the house?

And there's our dinning table. We will together eat there.

Sister, the room upstairs is yours. You will stay there.

This is great.

I will swing here whenever I feel like it.

What do you mean?

Are you mad?

When Shankar returns who will bring him here.

Why? We will together bring him for Munna's wedding.

You will bring him?

This is not an easy task.

To bring him, I'll have to go there.

'Shankar, there's a wedding in your house.'

'Daughter-in-law is going to come.'

'You had said, you'll see everything through my eyes.'

'Look.. Look, Shankar. See it.'

Brother-in-law! Congratulations!

Brother-in-law! - Congratulations!

At last you have come. - So you enticed Kalpana.

But what's this? You are alone.

She is inside busy performing rituals. So I am here.

If this is the case now then later..

Deepak? You're here?

Thank God that I got the news early.

Otherwise had my plane been in the air and I had received it there..

..I would have got down wearing a parachute..

..and have come straight to my darling.

Brother-in-law, hello.

Sister-in-law, hello. Hello.

But who is the man standing besides you? I don't know.

For the past few days she has been calling me her husband.



Tell me. Are your teeth strong?

Do you have any problem in eating the coconut? - No. Not her.

But I do have some problem in breaking the coconut.

Forget all these things. First come and see the bride.

Bride? Let's go. Come on, brother-in-law.

No, no. You go.

Later give me your expert comments.

Surely. But first let me go and see. - Come on.

Deepak has come to see you, Kalpana.

Wow! This is called beauty.

Seeing her, a soldier's raised hand will stop in the air.

A bowler's ball will stop half-pitch.

A flying plane will stop in the air.

And a pilot will forget his flying skills.


Hang on. I want to talk to her urgently.

Ma'am, the thing is that your husband is a tenderfoot.

This is his first experience.

If there is any problem in the beginning..

Deepak, come on. - Handle him.

Come on. - I didn't say anything.

Tie it tightly. You are.. You all are lazy.

Come, Mr. Pilot. Now will you give me your expert comments?

What expert comments? She is gorgeous.

An expert man is needed for her. - Yes.

Brother-in-law! You are resting before the war?

Get up. Get up.

Brother, give him some training before he enters the battlefield.

You are my senior in this matter.

That's true. But don't you worry.

Leave the fish in the water..

..and It will learn to swim on its own.

You didn't understand? - We will explain it to him.

"First be my disciple."

"Then I will teach you."

"You are my brother-in-law."

"So I won't take any fee from you."

"The flower which impresses the Goddess."

"Offer her only those flowers."

"Learn these tactics from us."

"And begin.."

"No matter what kind of girl you get."

"Whether she is hot, spicy or cold."

"How to win her heart?"

"Give her what she likes."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"No matter what kind of girl you get."

"Whether she is hot, spicy or cold."

"How to win her heart?"

"Give her what she likes."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"A Punjabi girl.."

" like a rose petal."

"If she becomes the queen of your dreams."

"She hides after giving a glimpse."

"She escapes from your grasp."

"Take her to the sugar-cane field.."

"Take her to the sugar-cane field.."

"Offer her a sugar-cane, and express your feelings."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"A Bengali girl is gorgeous."

"She doesn't ask for stars."

"She likes to get intoxicated."

"The girl from east knows black magic."

"She converts a man into a puppet."

"Don't get trapped by her."

"Don't get trapped by her."

"Showing her the fish ask for the gold of beauty."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"Be it a girl from Maharashtra or Gujarat."

"No matter what her caste is."

"One asks for spicy food and the other for sweets."

"Who likes mango and coconut?"

"What all things will a man do?"

"What all things will a man do?"

"It's only a banana which everybody likes."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"A girl from Madras is like the spring season."

"She's the best thing on earth, but a cause of destruction."

"Dahi Vada, Rasgulla..

..Kachori, Samosa (Indian Snacks)."

"No matter what food has been served."

"She likes only Idli and Dosa (South Indian Snacks)."

"She likes only Idli and Dosa."

"Feed her Dosa and ask for a kiss."

"The girl will get enticed."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"Is she Padmini or Shankhani?"

"Chitrani or Hastini?"

"Be it from east or west."

"Be it from north or south."

"Women all over the world are unique."

"Who will like a liar?"

"Being an educated man he uses thumbprint."

"Being an educated man he uses thumbprint."

"The buffalo will remain tied to a strong stake."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

"No matter what kind of girl you get."

"Whether she is hot, spicy or cold."

"How to win her heart?"

"Give her what she likes."

"The girl will get enticed."

"She will embrace you lovingly."

Brother. - What is it, Gudiya?

Nothing. - What is it, Gudiya?

Sister is unwell.

What? Sister is unwell.



What happened, Sister? - Nothing.

Your body is burning and you're saying it's nothing?

It's just fever. It will abate by morning.

Go on. Your wife must be waiting for you.

Have I become a stranger as soon as I married?

Why are you saying such things? - Why not?.

You were so sick and you didn't even tell me.

And now you're telling me to leave?

Fool, it's just that..

Sister! Sister?

She has fever due to exhaustion.

Apply cold bandages to her forehead. And give her this medicine.

Okay, Doctor.

Munna. - Yes, Sister.

How are you? - I'm fine.

You're still here? Go on. Go.

You seem to be very angry.

Kalpana, are you angry?


What can I do? Sister suddenly fell ill.

And you know, I am what I am just because of sister.

Now you tell me. How could I have left her in this state?

The fun in waiting..

Wait? Every girl spends half her life waiting for this night.

For me that night arrived and it was spent waiting for you.

But the dawn doesn't wait for anybody.

Kalpana, have your tea.

Why did you bring tea? I hear that you are unwell.

You don't know Munna. He exaggerates everything.

The tea will get cold.

Today, I'll drink tea you have prepared.

But from tomorrow I will make tea for you.

Everyday at this hour.

You're saying as if I'm a guest in this house.

Whether you accept it or not, but you're a guest in our house.

Wow Kalpana! You read my mind.

Look, I'm always ready with the band and the priest.

Bid your guest farewell.

Kalpana, I hope last night went off well.

And my best wishes for your future.

And for your information..

Sudha, you have fever.

No. It's nothing serious.


I know that you take good care of everybody.

And you should. But look after yourself too.

For my sake. Please.

Wow! A smile in your eyes and a gem of a smile.

Look here.

January, February and March.

5th March? Dad is going to be released on 5th March.

After that..

Come on. First clean up all this.

After that clean the rooms. Come on.

What's the matter, dear? Who are they?

Uncle, did you forget? Dad is going to come on the 5th.

I thought I will get this house cleaned..

..although he will stay with us. Is that fine?


Shall I tell you something?

In spite of living in a huge house with Munna..

..I always miss this house.

Today after so many days, standing in this house I felt as if..

Yes, dear.

This is the difference between a brother and a father's house.


..when dad comes, we'll first bring him to this house.

This tabla is not in tune. I'll fix it.

Uncle, do you remember?

When I was a child, dad had fallen ill.

Sitting by his bed the whole night I thought..

..if anything happened to him, I won't be able to live.

What happened to you?


The drum is ready. I will check outside.

Sister! Sister?

Kalpana, how is this necklace?


I was sure that you'll bring a gift for me today.

It's such a pretty necklace.

This is not a necklace. It's your love.

Kalpana? - Yes.

I've brought this necklace for sister.

For sister? - Yes.

She never thinks about her wedding.

But I have decided. I will buy the best gifts for her wedding.

Sister, I've brought this necklace for you. How is it?

It's very beautiful, but..

Nothing doing. I have brought it so lovingly for you.

You will have to accept your younger brother's gift.

Okay. Freshen up. I will serve you breakfast.


Kalpana. - What happened?

Are you still angry?

Angry? Why would I be angry?

You're saying something and your face reveals something else.

Silly, you still don't know Munna.

He had brought this necklace for you.

He was only harassing you.

But I scolded him.

And I told him not to play such a prank henceforth.

Take this.

It feels so nice to hear some people lying.

Kalpana, I've never brought anything for sister that's why..

And I can buy it any time for you.

How do I look?

What's this? - Are you shocked?

Someone lied to someone.

I accepted that lie considering it to be true.

And the truth is that maids wear such necklaces in our family.


I am sorry.

Munna, such trivial fights are common.

But it shouldn't create a distance between a husband and wife.

Come on. Sit at the place where you eat your meal daily.

Come on. Get up.


Now, will my husband love me after taking permission from his sister?

Hello. Who is this?

Deepak. - Who Deepak?

I think you are Kalpana speaking.

Only Kalpana can have such a sweet voice.

Am I right?

Yes. Tell me.

Where is Sudha? Please call her.

She's working. The servants have taken a day off.

And there is no servant to go and inform her.

Call later. Okay?

Hello. Yes.

How are you, Sudha? - Deepak?

I have heard that your servants have taken a day off.

No, no. You're mistaken.

You joke with Kalpana often, don't you?

She was teasing me about your call.

Forget it! When are you coming?

I can come right now, darling!

First tell me, how are you?


No, Sudha. You are telling lie.


Hello! Hello?


Sister, if you want to make a call, then call during daytime.

Your brother is asleep.

Hello. - Is that Sudha?

Yes. - Bablu's mother here.

Hello. - Hello.

Gudiya has given birth to a boy. - Really?

Yes. - Gudiya has given birth to a boy?

I'll come immediately.

Okay, I'll inform Munna. - I have informed him.

You have? - Yes.

Thanks. Bye.


Take some more.

This won't be enough to buy a gift for a rich family.

And as it is you're going home very soon.

Till then you can squander your brother's money.

What are you doing? Take it.

No, Kalpana.

Today you've reminded me..

..that you can't buy gifts using someone else's money.

For Gudiya's son, my blessings are enough.

By God, sister. I don't believe that Bablu has become a father.

You too become a father soon. Then you'll believe it.

Look at my wife.

She doesn't have the manners to come for a few minutes.

I told you. Kalpana was unwell.

So I only had refused her.

Kalpana? - Are you shocked?

When your intentions are bad, you tend to get shocked.

Bad intentions? My intentions are not bad.

The omnipresent vices of women!

Of adding fuel to the fire.

Kalpana, what has happened to you?

That's what I want to ask you.

Don't you like my happiness? - Kalpana!

Shall I leave? - Kalpana.

Shall I go to my dad's house? - Kalpana.

Today at last I've realised who is responsible for..

..the increasing distance between me and my husband.

I can never even think of this. How can you say this?

I want to say another thing.

I've heard that there are some tenants..

..who gradually become the landlord.

Kalpana. - Yes, sister!

Not you, but I am a guest.

I've called you here to give you a surprise, Karim.

I've fixed Sudha and Deepak's wedding date.

5th March.

What? - Yes.

Now I can't wait any longer.

This house seems forlorn without my daughter-in-law.

And you know that Shankar will be released on 5th March.

So the wedding procession will begin from the prison.

What's the matter, Karim?


I always pray to God that 5th March should never arrive.

Karim, why are you saying that?

I've hidden a secret like an old wound.

Secret? What secret?

Tell me. Speak.

What is it?

Shankar is dead.


Why didn't you tell anyone?

How could I? I had promised Shankar.

Oh, God!

Colonel, you know..

..Sudha is still waiting for her father.

I know, Karim.

God is great.

Leave this to me.

Uncle? - Yes.

What a surprise!

Young man, surprise is life. Life is a surprise.

Why are you standing? Take it inside.

Sister! Look, who's here.

Do you know what these gifts are for? - I know.

The wedding is on 5th March. - Wedding?

Yes. - Yes, I've made all the arrangements.

Dad too is coming on 5th.

I want to..

May his soul rest in peace!

May his soul rest in peace!

May his soul rest in peace!

God is great. He moves in mysterious ways.

Somewhere wedding and somewhere mourning.

But in spite of all this, life is worth living.

I don't understand, Uncle.

I want to ask you something. - Go ahead.

What can give you the biggest shock?

I have endured the biggest of shocks.

Dad going to prison.

What will give you the greatest happiness?

The day my sister will get married.

You're right.

You are waiting for your dad..

..but he is no more.



Munna, let's go home.

Munna! Munna?

Why is no one answering me?


Didn't you hear? Take me home!

Sister! Sister?

Munna. - Sister, no.

I can't see. - No, Sister.

Sister, this won't happen. - I can't see.

No, Sister. - I can't see.

Karim, I've made a big mistake.

I should have told Sudha about Shankar's death.

I've made a big mistake.

I've decided to directly take Sudha home from the hospital.

What are saying, Uncle?

Sister has to go to your house someday.

But she'll be bid farewell from her brother's house.

'I want to say another thing, sister.'

'I have heard there are some tenants..'

'..who gradually become the landlord.'

No, Munna.

Sudha will go to her dad's house.

Colonel, you don't know.. was Shankar's last wish..

..that Sudha should be bid farewell from her father's house.

Munna, a son fulfils his father's wish.

Am I right?

Come on, Sister.

"Today we too will sing the same thing joyfully."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

"We wish this day always comes."


Come inside.

No, Sister.

On uncle Karim's bidding I've brought you here.

But now I won't listen to anyone. - Munna.

Sister, do you think I've stooped so low?

That I'll leave my sister and live in that grand mansion.

No. I won't leave you.

Munna, are you mad?

Will you take away Kalpana's support while you lend me one?


Why will you listen to me now? - Sister.

Dad is dead. I have lost my eyesight too.

Now why will anyone listen to me?

Sister? Fine, I will leave.

I'll leave for my wife's happiness.

But remember..

..for the first time I feel that I have lost my support.

Munna! Munna!


Who is it?

Flew away. They too flew away!

Flew away? Or you scared them?

Those, who have wings fly away on their when the door's open.

Your father was imprisoned.

All the pigeons of your house flew away.

You lost your eyesight.

Your younger brother's wife took him away.

And your pilot..

..I don't know why he doesn't want to marry you.


Why are you shouting? Don't shout.

I'm your servant.

I can't see you suffering.

Listen to me. You too fly away.

My door is open. - Lala!

I will leave. I'm leaving.

But remember, I'll be back.

I'm a man, who always waits to pounce while the door is open.




I came as soon as I got the news.

I don't regret this, Deepak.

Now, I will see with your eyes. Right, Deepak?

Deepak? Why are you quiet?

When you speak, everybody understands.

And when you are silent..

..I understand.

I understood.

By being silent, you've said a lot.

Forgive me, Sudha.

Today I can only say that..

No, Deepak! You are Sudha's last hope.

Don't shatter her hope. I beg you.

No! No, Uncle.

What happened? What happened, dear?

What is it? - Nothing.

Come on. Come on.


Hi, Sudha. - When did you come?

I never left, darling. My heart was always here.

But darling, now I will end this coming and going.

All your conditions have been fulfilled.

And our marriage..

Great! I am talking and you are reading.

Am I alone going to get married? Seven nuptial rounds..

Wow! Your eyes are so gorgeous.

Darling, look what I have brought to save it from evil eye.

Look. Look.

How does it feel? - Very nice.

Great! Very nice? Do you have a mirror in front of you?

You are there. I saw it from your eyes.

No, no! This won't do. Come on. See it for yourself.

Come on. See it for yourself. Come on.

Look. Now look at yourself.

What will this poor girl say? - Why?

She can't see.

Can't see?

Hearing the news of her father's death..

..she fell down from the stairs.

And lost her eyesight.

Somebody has cast an evil eye on these eyes.

Sudha, I'm sorry.

Who is it? Munna?

Hello, Brother-in-law. When did you come?

What happened? Did I do something wrong?

You haven't made a mistake, God has.

He gave you a Goddess-like sister.

Munna, is this how you have repaid your sister's love?

For your happiness, she sacrificed all her happiness.

At this age girls get married..

..but she, instead of getting married..

..filled your life with happiness.

And what did you do? You gave her only sorrow.

But I tried to stop sister.

You stopped her! That's it.

What do you think? Will your sister stop like that?

The one, who gave you a big stature..

..if your wife considers her as a servant..

..would your sister have stayed there?

To live like a slave?

That's a lie. - Go ask your rich wife.

When I had called from London..

..and I told her to call Sudha. Do you know what did she say?

"There is no servant at home. Sudha is working upstairs."

"There is no servant to call her."

Munna, if you had been a true brother.. would have lived here with your sister.

But by losing that chance, you've lost the right to enter this house.

Now please get lost! - No, Deepak.

Yes, Sister. Brother-in-law is right.

I don't have the right to stay in this house.

And Kalpana doesn't have the right to live with me. Bye, Sister.

Munna. Munna, stop! - Sudha, no.

Munna. - No, Sudha. No.

All my life I have listened to you.

And I have seen the outcome too.

These circumstances won't let you get married, Sudha.

You've come? Did you meet your sister?

Yes. After marriage for, the first time I've met my sister.

Answer me.

Brother-in-law had called. Why didn't you inform sister?

Oh, God. So your sister has provoked you.

Why didn't you inform her? - There was no servant at home.

So you made sister a servant? - Yes.

This is my house. I will reign here.

I didn't marry a pauper like you to hear you harping about your sister.

I want a husband. Not sister's Munna.

And listen to me. A sister-in-law who is dependent on her brother's wife..

..she can get meals, but not respect.


You hit me?

Yes. I should have done that long time back.

But I was so lost to my sister's world..

..that I gave her only sorrow.

And you? You created a barrier between me and my sister.

Sister craved for my love.

And I saw only your deceit.

Now you will clearly see, Rakesh.

My father has given you this post.

My father has given you this bungalow.

Now you will be seen on the streets.

And nobody will give you alms.

I said get out!

How many times have I told you that I won't eat? Get out!

After a long time, I've heard glasses breaking in this house.

I am sorry, Dad.

Since childhood you have broken so many things.

Did I ever say anything to you?

But those things were lifeless.

Once lifeless things are broken, they can be bought again.

But if a living thing breaks once..

Dad! You know, how much I loved him.

I did everything for him.

I married a pauper like him even though I am a rich man's daughter.

What did I get in return?

Dear, you didn't think about those eyes..

..which can't even shed tears.

You have humiliated that Goddess.

This is your house. You can stay here as long as you want.

But remember one thing..

..once a daughter gets married..

..her house changes.

Father's home becomes a house.

And husband's house becomes her home.

He banished you from your husband's home..

..not your father's house.

And as a father, I tell you.. make your own home.

I'm sorry, Sister.

I am sorry, Captain Deepak.

Sudha's eyes are completely damaged.

Doctor, is there no other option?

There is.

There are some people..

..who donate their eyes before dying.

Give an advertisement on radio and television.

Maybe you'll get lucky.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it? I say who is it?

Who is it?

Why don't you say something? Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

You'll recognise me if I speak, while the door is open.

Lala? Go away from here! Go away!

But this time I will close the door.


No! Let me go.

Let me go! Scoundrel!

Uncle Karim!

Uncle Karim!

No, Lala. No!

No! Let me go.

Scoundrel! Let me go.

Uncle Karim!

Let me go. Let me go.



Deepak? - Don't worry, Sudha.

Your Deepak is here. Stop!

Lala! Get up!

Did you have fun while the door was open?

Deepak. Deepak?

Sudha, get inside. Go!

Where is everybody? He will kill me.

Where are you running? The door is open!


Oh, God!

Uncle Karim.


Uncle Karim.


Stop there, scoundrels!

No, Deepak. No!

Uncle Karim, no.

Uncle Karim.

Uncle Karim?

Dear, I had promised my friend..

..I'd ensure this family's happiness.


Doctor? - Yes.

It's my last wish that after my death..

..Sudha should see with my eyes.

No, Uncle Karim. will see her getting married.

Yes, Uncle. You'll see it.

No, Son. I know. I know.


Dear.. dear.. my Sudha..

..Sudha should get married with great pomp.

"Everybody thinks about you."

"You create an example for the world."

"This is my dream."

"Be the apple of everybody's eye."

"Don't search for support. Be your own support."

"People should bless you."

"We wish your birthday comes for many more years."

For more infomation >> Grahasthi (HD) - Ashok Kumar - Manoj Kumar - Rajshree - Mehmood - Duration: 2:13:29.


Bayern: US-geführte NATO-Truppen nach Polen entsandt, um „gegen Russlands Aktionen vorzugehen" - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Bayern: US-geführte NATO-Truppen nach Polen entsandt, um „gegen Russlands Aktionen vorzugehen" - Duration: 2:23.


The 2017 Kia® Niro

For more infomation >> The 2017 Kia® Niro


Honda Civic 1.8S 2017 Remote Engine Start - Roda Pusing Khas (English) - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8S 2017 Remote Engine Start - Roda Pusing Khas (English) - Duration: 5:22.


Introducing RL360°'s Quantum Applications Tablet App | Key Benefits - Duration: 1:06.

[upbeat music]

Are you ready for a Quantum leap in efficiency?

Save time writing out [RL360°] Quantum

application forms with our tablet app.

Our new business app is available for

Apple and Android tablets.

Reduce hassle.

Use helpful shortcuts.

Take photos of supporting evidence.

Certify them directly on your device.

Speed-up policy issuing with built-in validation checks

to ensure that [Quantum] applications

are accurate, first time.

Securely upload applications to our website.

Have them checked by your admin team

or send them directly to us.

Save money.

Submit instantly;

it's free with no costly courier needed.

It really isn't rocket science.

Download and launch our new [tablet] app today.

For more infomation >> Introducing RL360°'s Quantum Applications Tablet App | Key Benefits - Duration: 1:06.


Swing Low, Sweet Rugby Controversy? - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Swing Low, Sweet Rugby Controversy? - Duration: 1:24.


Horrible fighting of buffalo with a lion. - Duration: 1:44.














For more infomation >> Horrible fighting of buffalo with a lion. - Duration: 1:44.


RL360° Quantum Tablet App Tutorial - Part 2 How to complete an application - Duration: 7:33.


In this video we're going to explain how to complete

a new [RL360°] Quantum application on your tablet.

If you haven't used the app for a while,

click on "check for updates" here

before starting a new application.

Now you're ready to create a new Quantum application.

Click "start new".

Here you'll be asked to select a product.

Then choose whether the policy is going to be

structured as either a "life contract" or

a "capital redemption policy".

Now select the applicant type - currently you can

only use the RL360° app for personal applicants.

Finally allocate a label or

file name for this application.

This label is purely for you to identify this

particular application. Click "Continue" to

move to the next step.

The first thing you'll notice is it looks very familiar

as it mirrors both our printed and

desktop application forms.

The first step is completing the details of

the first applicant. You can then continue to

complete the whole application from

start to finish or you can populate certain

fields and come back and finish the application later.

To save part completed applications you must have

filled in the first applicant's title, sex,

their first and last name, and their date of birth.

At this point we could save the

application via the menu here.

This application would then appear in the "My Application Menu",

ready for you to continue it at a later date.

But we're going to continue now and fill in the various sections.

It's worth noting that at least

one of the applicants must be

signed up to the RL360° Online Service Centre

as all communications with your

client will be through the Online Service Centre.

Once an online application is accepted and issued

by us, all the policy documents will be

available to both you

and your client under the "Important Documents"

tab within "Policy Servicing".

The next tab along is the correspondent details.

We actually default this to the residential

address of the first applicant,

but you can enter a different address if required.

If there are joint applicants, add the second applicant here.

If the address for Applicant 2 is the same as for Applicant 1,

use our time saving copy function to automatically

duplicate the details. And, if you've

added a second applicant by accident

simply delete the second applicant here.

Section 2 captures life assured details.

Again, use our handy copy function if any

of the lives assured are the same as the applicants.

For this example we're going to assume

there's only one life assured.

We've now moved on to Section 3,

which is all about premiums and payments.

In this section there is a great example

of how the apps smart validation

function can help you fill out the

application form correctly first time.

So when you choose the premium details the

minimum premium for that particular

selection is displayed here.

The requested start date allows you to

choose the policy commencement date.

Our smart validation will only show payment

methods that are available for the

premium options you have selected above.

We're going to choose credit card for this video.

The collection day allows you

to select which day of the month your

client wants to pay their premiums on.

You can enter the CVV number and the

credit card details will automatically

pre-authorized when you upload the application.

If you do not upload the application within 5 days

the CVV number will be removed

and you will need to enter it again.

You'll also notice that

as soon as we save this section the card

and the CVV numbers are masked out for

security reasons.

The "proceeds" tab allows

you to choose which bank account any

proceeds of the policy will be paid into

when the policy matures.

If you do not wish to select a bank account at this time

you do not have to, but this may delay

payments from the policy.

Section 4 is where you select which funds you want to

invest into. You can select and filter by

ISON, fund manager, currency and sector.

Just choose the asset, add in the

percentage of premium to be invested

into that fund, then add it to the list.

The percentages of all the selected

funds must always add up to one hundred percent -

and of course our validation system

makes sure this happens.

Section 5 is where you add the clients

source of wealth details.

The app has the flexibility

to add as many sources of wealth

as you need to help us understand affordability.

As an absolute minimum, you must complete

the "annual salary and bonuses" section.

In Section 6 you can add

any further details about source of

wealth and affordability or any other

notes you may have regarding the policy.

Section 7, the financial advisor details

will automatically pre-populate based on

your Online Services username.

The only two fields you'll still need to complete

are the name of your authorising body and

your regulatory number, if you have one.

If you have the relevant permissions,

you will also see an option to be appointed

as the investment advisor on the policy.

Check the box here.

Section 8 is for the declaration.

It also contains a question

about politically exposed persons.

If anyone associated with this policy is a

politically exposed person, you must

declare it here.

Moving to the declaration, if all the sections are

complete and have green ticks,

then your client will now be able to read the

declaration and sign on screen at the bottom.

If you choose the "investment adviser"

option in Section 7, then two new tabs will appear.

The first is the investment adviser appointment

where the client can sign again on screen to

appoint you as the investment adviser.

The second is the "investment adviser acceptance" section.

Here you sign to agree to be the

investment adviser for that client.

Section 9 is where you need to

provide all the documentation and

illustration evidence required by us to

accept this [RL360°] Quantum policy.

In order for you to capture this evidence and certify

it on screen you must be set up with us as

a Suitable Certifier.

Join us for our next video where we'll show you how to

capture supporting evidence and include

it with your application.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> RL360° Quantum Tablet App Tutorial - Part 2 How to complete an application - Duration: 7:33.


Page 23 - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> Page 23 - Duration: 43:04.


Koopwoning: Hoflaan 11, 's-gravenzande - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Hoflaan 11, 's-gravenzande - Duration: 0:52.


Moana As Told By LEGO

For more infomation >> Moana As Told By LEGO


Plongez dans 150 ans d'observations météorologiques - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Plongez dans 150 ans d'observations météorologiques - Duration: 10:37.


Chroniques d'en haut - Des pilotes au sommet (extrait) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Chroniques d'en haut - Des pilotes au sommet (extrait) - Duration: 1:25.


A toi de jouer - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> A toi de jouer - Duration: 1:00.


cliff jump - Duration: 0:09.

<heavy breathing>


I have crippling depression.

For more infomation >> cliff jump - Duration: 0:09.


[ Eng Sub] Yandaixiejie No.10 [ Additional 02] BL Web series - Duration: 10:05.

Hey... one more round... one more round...

You both, we're closing soon.

Don't you very good in drinking as always?

Are you fooling me today?

Let's go. We find another place... to continue drinking.

Let me tell you...

I'm serious.

Are you okay? My dear...

How can you sleep at here?

You'll get a cold later.

Let me find something to cover your body.

Stop making noise.

Stop making noise please.

Stop making noise please!

Not again?

Hang Hang.

Why I feel that...

The pets in our shop are getting fat?

Not getting fat...

But the animals are growing thicker fur during winter.

So it looks fatter.

Then, why human will not growing fur?

We will.

You can try to getting naked on the street...

...surely you will grow fur.


It's real.

- What are you thinking? - Nothing...

I'm thinking about the growing of fur.

Seriously, are you still thinking about fur growth?!

Shuaige... I've been thinking about it deeply...

Even fur growth happened, it's still black fur.

Not nice.

I think... I've missed out on something.

What it is?

Species evolution.

If human...

...wearing clothes... will not growing fur for sure.

How about if going back to the past...

...perhaps human can grow fur?

But anyway...

Why are you keep discussing about fur growth?

What is this for?

I'm discussing about this because of something.

We, as human...

...had went through evolution over million of years.

At last, we're not growing fur during winter.

How come?

This is because we are wearing clothes now.

Look at this shirt...


The button has come off right?

I'm sewing it back for you now.

If you sewing the button back...

It would not be the same shirt anymore.

The button is still the original button, how can it be not the same shirt as it is?

What I mean is...

...the button came off and you sewing it back...

It just like... a baby came out from the mother's womb...

...and you're going to sewing it back.

This is inappropriate right?

Not like that... This is not making any sense!

Am I wrong for mending it for you?

Human went through evolution over million of years...

...we shouldn't let our ancestors get embarassed right?

I really don't know what are you talking about now.

I want to buy a shirt.


I - want - to - buy - a - shirt.

Oh... But...

So you're keep talking about this and that of fur growth and evolution...

...just because you're actually trying to tell me that you want to buy new shirts, is it?

If this is a TV series... you know you've wasted how much of audience's time?

Why don't you just be straightforward to tell me that you want to buy new shirts?

Moreover, if you want to buy new shirts... you don't need to ask for my permission.

It's because 'someone' has no more moneeey~

But 'someone' here...... has no moneeey too~

Take it.

My 'ancestor', hold on.

I've a question...

The publisher has paid you for your magazine column of this month...

Where's the money now?

In the East Africa...

...there're aborigines called Swahili people.

Their clothing is unique.

They look wild and uninhibited... on the African grassland.

Therefore, I...

Therefore, you...

...spent a lot of money... get a set of costume of Swa......?

Swahili people.

When the item arrived, you be my model.

I only allow you to buy casual clothes!

For more infomation >> [ Eng Sub] Yandaixiejie No.10 [ Additional 02] BL Web series - Duration: 10:05.


I Hate My Job (or would if I had one) - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> I Hate My Job (or would if I had one) - Duration: 2:44.


Dresses Coloring Games l Coloring Book Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Dresses Coloring Games l Coloring Book Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:09.


Què és la pau per Sergi López? - Duration: 1:32.

Peace, for someone living in the western world,

in the wealthy world...

I feel odd talking about peace when I know

that most of the world is in war.

In a simple, easy way,

peace should be a non-violent space,

that allow humans to listen, talk, negotiate, invent, create, grow...

then, it's not clear that we are in peace, here and now.

The violence from the system, the power, the government,

is so obvious and we're so used to it

that has become something anecdotal.

Is so easy to sell violence,

that we think is already part of us.

To see people killing people is almost like a routine.

I think that this is very harmful,

it distorts the reality.

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