Sunday, August 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 14 2017

hello everyone my name is new weapon welcome to my channel today we are

playing Dungeons and Dragons with my fellow compatriots all which happened to

be in Europe somewhere instead of Asia now yes Europe and not Asia anymore

let's see so balazar and MRA aren't here today MRA

may just show up in the middle of the stream but until then it is just a Shara

Judas gimbal and xanthe on so without further ado are there any comments

questions concerns war stories before I begin great nope so notes who is doing

the recap today we bumped into nails had a good chat told us about Tillman and a

few of the things we then went on our way to head to eSport bumped into the

greatest road on the road we met Kanak which was a dwarf who was a jacuzzi

he sold us some junk I mean magical stuff and then teleporters to the

Wizards Tower spend a couple of hours there messing about molding other stuff

and then decided that we would translate a book and then good a perfect thank you

thank you very much and now let us begin so as you enter the East gates of

Waterdeep you look off you look forward you see the streets are jam-packed with

marketers plenty of people selling and distributing different services people

taking things in and off of boats you see

the slums off to your West North the slums off to your north a lot of the

buildings and a lot of the houses are on the water are built on the water and you

can walk through different piers almost like lake town in Lord of the Rings and

the music perfect and while you're looking at the slums you see several

different people all different shapes and sizes ranging from a business casual

to roughing dirty when you look off towards the southern end of Waterdeep

towards your left since you're entering in of the East

gates you look up and you see peers that look down several different almost like

crosses steps up and up and up three or four different levels or plateaus that

reach up and the further up you go towards the top of the hill that water

deep is built on the more rich and more flamboyant the colors get the houses get

until you get to the top of Waterdeep where there's a giant barracks that

houses with the training grounds for where the soldiers of seed are sent to

be trained so as you walk and through these gates

what is your directive

I suppose we say pieces like yeah yeah formation after all that is why we've

been sent in so local caverns whatnot I know a few around here at least ideas

I've been here in years

is there any like yeah they're like from hearing from your recollection you've

been up into the barracks and you've been on different levels you've stayed

in a few caverns yourself you actually have a favorite place that you used to

stay but you don't know whether or not they'll recognize you if you would like

to go to some places you're more well-known and maybe get a free room and

board or if you would like to stay low and try

to go to one of the bed-and-breakfast is that we happen to be around the market

area and around the slums area more likely to be like network like have a

network or so like some sort of connection to getting information a lot

of a lot of your network would have been in the for itself in the keep well along

with a bunch of the other trainees in training you have a few places that

you'd like to go out to eat and you had a few shops that you like to frequent to

get your food and your clothing and some of your key repaired you might be able

to go to some of these shops rather than the place where you're kicked out from I

think it will be more about trying to find out what

my idea we be more like seen what's happened here what's changed why is this

a nice situation but sitting people have aged probably go for more just keeping a

low for now all right then you might go around the market area

see what people are talking about see if you can't overhear any gossip that's

going around in the town without being conspicuous and actually directly asking

people all right so as the six of you are about to set off bells are and Emery

well Emma Ray's following ballasts are as balazar states well I have to go

figure out see if I can find any leads on why Muhammad might be chained up I

heard that there was a library here in Waterdeep I'm gonna go check that out

for now let me back up with you where you guys staying where where are we

staying the shower points across the road to this really rundown looking pub

tavern thing which is called the smelly back side the nicer part town and she

just points all right he nods and then walks off with a beret going in pairs of

two to make sure you keep yourself safe you do all right

sighs he leaves and you guys head off towards the middle the market town you

pass a few fish vendors and you pass a few different people that you see going

through my notes a few people that what you find a few people that cough that

are coughing and sneezing and the immersion is real the and and then what

do they do and then what do they do yeah yeah so see yep that's that's what they

do and you come across this place the smells of different fruits and different

baked goods as you're come across trying to be as low-key as possible I would

like everyone to make a performance check to see how low-key you see one way

here but yeah I kind of knew that was gonna when you say like low-key are we

just like we keeping we're staying lower we I think I've got a late advantage

yes low-key meaning that you aren't looking

around at everything you see you feel like you're you know where you're going

a shower and Judis you guys are Judas's adept at the city is walking around just

knowing the streets and knowing which way to go and azshara through her keen

sense of being a natural deceiver in a way Hey

she's good at just being a girl so you need to say good at being a girl and say

perfect acting natural in unnatural situations his following Judas behind

almost like a teenage girl and parent being parented by her father of sorts

kind of like that considering how she's dressed bad on baby Judas Judas yes why

are you crouching just cuz we keep it low does mean you have to crouch I'm

just going to your level I figure you know the height issues I guess what more

you know it's just not the same without balazar he'll be back as you guys are

chatting you see gimble just in awe and wonder man just looking up at everything

is an thon just and depth on being very stoic looking and out of place for an

elf sure is gonna like scurry up and just like hold both of their hands and

drag them along pull my hand away thank you different Shh okay I can learn

the costal facet of his legs you know it's that beard that's weighing you down

it's just a beard why if you shaved it off maybe you'd grab it look more like a

gnome this one but what why would they do that whilst

look like at all as you guys are chatting you hear a commotion in one of

the shops and someone gets chucked out of one of the doors ah lands on its back

when you see before you sprawled out a man dressed in leathers with a tie-dye

bandana over his face down to the bridge of his nose with eye-sockets cut out he

gets up and dusts himself off and says good riddance anyways I didn't need your

services then he walks towards you guys how peculiar let's walk past him as it

gets a sign of the stoic looking elf Thanks hey you elf wha what what what

what no no the stove that dumb that tall one man what yeah you are

thank you just being racist now yeah what yesterday what's what's your what's

your name elf you just called it what's it matter to you I was just like walking

around I don't see elves no nearly as much as anymore clearly not when you

can't tell between a half elf in the elf what are you talking about a little

young miss man excuse me yeah you heard me

it's nokay turned herself into the grim reaper

hey hey you magic-user right back off take a guess

yeah yeah I seen your type you guys think you are cool and what not being

able to cast magic that far she's more likely to harm you then try to look cool

I would just yeah I would I would not I would not do physical assault here in

this town because you know there are guards everywhere this is the this is

like the best training general just all the town yes what is it that you want

what I just I was just like you know I was I was watching I was I came out of

this this the shop you know and I saw this I was like cool that's like cool

man right you know like that hey I haven't seen those pointy ears like in

forever he said oh I sure is gonna like raise one of their hands in front like

from front of their faces if she's looking at this just like a skeletal

hand and they all of a sudden gonna set on fire and a small eldritch blast force

bubble ball is gonna appear in it yeah I would leave leave us alone roll an

intimidation check gladly

no it's like well yeah I was just there I was passed around he starts scooting

backwards a little bit I'm just like well you know like you ever need

something you just you just come to me my boys man is this you know we just

just ask around for for the crew the crew the dragon to quote the Drake you

know man his last just like walking back a little bit more and well well you know

just just any time any time man any time so I what up and then walks off into the

alley did I tell about you two on Loki so you did that and as you look around

you see that you've gathered a crowd this sure is gonna like she's still in

spectral form she's this guy self or the head you could drop it now looking

around several of the passers-by and the caravans have stopped some places and so

cars are telling me move along move along

I'm happy to stay here nothing to see here

and a lot of them looked a little bit at some of the guards looking a little bit

apprehensive like they did not want to fight to start out right here she was

high tensions right right there okay sure it just takes a deep breath and she

goes all this like black smoke just comes out of her mouth like shakes but

as she shakes like she uses minor a live illusion to make like the spectral form

just like float down her body as if she's just like shaking off herself

that's gonna show off don't go proving call the people again

okay how does the bike like how is the general gist sour people treated it you

know that if you're if you're were middle-class merchants you have a fairly

well-off life you have food to eat a place to stay

a lot of the slums though aren't treated very well a lot of them have small

Fisher boats trying to bring in a good catch to sell to the market and you know

that if you work hard you're able to get by and have kind of kind of an all right

living here but if you get injured on any type of accidents or if you get ill

through the shoulder the diseases that run around in a moist damp environment

warm environment you might have a hard time getting by without several family

members helps a look at it so we are we gonna follow that dude well you just

mentioned Drake and that was why we're here so I see why not

seems like a good lead to me okay I'll follow you very well I'm good

all right everyone well stealth checks

at least I wasn't willing because I need to know the book with with your height

let's see let's see so sure it's show is literally doing like the Aladdin thing

right now you know where he comes in with the genie

yeah everyone has a very keen eye on you right now whom being the one medication

yeah but it seems that xanthan being is monk-like self just pretty much blends

into the shadows puts up a hood how early am I

let's see so you mean off with Bella's are you probably dropped him off at a

library and you then you were on your way back there's a market place accurate

and and you see the end of what happened here in the market where Shara scared

off guy in a tie-dye bandana I'm glad how that's surprising to you usual stuff

every day of you so as you guys make your way let's see so lucky for us Shara

with year plus four and his natural one with only a completely oblivious to two

people staring directly past him towards the the just looks past him I wonder

what was looking at me

yes I was just like trying to she's following Judas like a comfortable folks

and like steady got stacking on his heels as she walks okay and then it's

like using minor illusions make like her clothes like shimmer and Shake in like

silver dust is going off being as stealthy as possible

yes gimble what type of shoes do you have on think I'm just perfect to be

high heels so you're either wearing some type of boots or some type of just

padded foot off cloth padded foot where

you tap your feet down and you you you hear something underfoot you can feel it

under your foot it doesn't doesn't seem like stone what are you sticking now I

don't even want to pick up my friend to find out what just carry a walk it I

slowly pick a few up here it's not good okay this the street is a bit filthy and

the smell hits you instantly yeah you may want to watch just that round there

I can't smell a difference coming off him

yeah so as you make your way following this Drake is stealthily stealthily as

you can he seems to pay fairly close attention

to some of the stalls around him trying to see if he can't pickpocket some

things roll a perception check has MRA seen a showers display of lights silver


spectacular I think a good reception check shall do the honors yeah

something I call only I call the natural ones get out of here so you with your

natural twenties get out of here so xanthine and ash are you see a down one

of one of the sideways corridors as you're as you're following Drake or the

member of the Drake clan or whatever he might be

you see another person in a tie-dye bandana down off of an alleyway sitting

down and handing pieces of bread to some children and these children look ragged

clothes dirty they almost look like street origins if you were to guess so

as you make your way past they don't continue to follow this

tie-dye bandanas kids adult guessing his age don't know if he's in his late teens

or early 20s human-looking he comes to a

an inn and he opened up the door shouting ha my old sweet home of homes

of home and just goes in and says hey hey jeez hey what's going on as you hear

is voice trail off into the the very loud and very boisterous in of a

Thousand nights that reads upon the sign yeah just what I do oh yeah this one

this one you know - just off of the clients you've never released stayed

here but you've seen it from time to time they changed their name every

couple of years

and it's changed owners a couple times showers gonna use minor religions so

many I've never known this name I just know where it's situated yeah okay

showers gonna use my evolution to change the name to homely homely home so that's

how they change the sign yes there's now a neon sign that that rotates and flips

through the different take a look shall we

I can't you can't why not I'm a minor you should know these things

it's okay I'm sure they've got milk or something back okay your girl one day oh

I get boy I'm sure there's hope but I am definitely not on mine I think he's

older than anything um so can you like describe the building is it like

poverty's house is it's a two storey to storey tavern there is a windowsill that

that comes out the front that's kind of a made window but trying to make out

what's going on in there through the greasy windows it doesn't look like like

the windows have been washed the smoke and the different ages the crookedness

of the building seems to keep these window colors a dull gray the yellowish

gray and as you look it's a made of some dark wood you have some water rot and

being very humid place everywhere around the back

yes as you can go around the one of the sign alleys and around the back and

around the back there's a little trough

24 the cook would throw some some excrements in some ways and who knows

what happens to that waste after that

how that windows besides the front bay windows it seems that the glass work

here doesn't doesn't be seem to be too impressive there is a small chimney up

at the top with a bit of smoke coming out of it probably for some type of

cooking and as you look to the back there is a small almost foot sized

window that's been slid open and you can smell some of the baking going through

from the end but besides that it's a lot of wood and not too much glass work

grass work seems to be pretty expensive how steady does the wood look the wood

in some places it's almost bought it away down at the down to the bottom

where the where when it rains it would gather some some puddles so down there

it might be a little bit more rotted and then as you go up it becomes

sun-bleached what becomes unbleached so it looks

fairly sturdy fairly sturdy is just like an average average building built in the

Middle Ages

okay sure looks up at the chimney I'll just fly up there can I can I sort of

stealthily obviously shimmy up to the window at the back and see if we could

see through yeah you'll have to jump up and be able to pull yourself up it's a

fairly high window it seems that yeah you can look her up

hey hey gimble I need a boost if Kimball was to give you a boost think you need a

boost no snapping storm where's the party exactly

woody no you mean what you have to do is stand really still like a stand on your

head it's about nine feet up so if you do stand on his head you'd be able to

reach it you've gotta snap and lift super heavy by the way super heavy how

much do you weigh about just wearing chainmail as well 82 pounds yeah it's

almost an erection skinny it's like what your one leg waist use fat off

yes pure except as you peer up into about the nine-foot window and as you

look in roll a still check to see if you are noticed or not yep

and as you pure in you see just a little woman on a stool about a two foot stool

she's maybe no more dwarf size and height the old wrinkled has a ladle in

her hand stirring on this giant pot on the stove

bubbling singing softly to herself I do cooking for my hair two young ones

shower kind of like kicks Judas in I'm assuming I'm like standing on your

shoulders or something yeah okay so I like kick you in the face to let me down

out in the backyard is there like dogs Pig

the backyard is is about five feet and then it reaches to another building that

also has another door you wouldn't know what type of if it was a shop or if it

was a home unless you went to round it to checkout it to see if it's a

storefront these these the quarters of Waterdeep seem to be very compact and

very narrow there's not much space wheat in between each one of these houses

there's brick ways everywhere and where there isn't brick away is there's kind

of mud grass and dirt and you're on this grass and dirt Park a mouse

okay so sure is gonna say to Judas would you

mind standing did you say there's a back door there is a back door isn't there is

a back door that is right next to the window okay cool so Asher is gonna put

two Judas stand behind the door why gives him a

big thumbs up and then it's gonna set and they're tapping her foot until he

does so pass as you pass her so do I so when he's standing behind the door

sharra is going to tap on the back door so alright and then here here the auto

and just a minute and you hear it

and you see so just before the door opens I am gonna cast disguise self

before the GM nerve said Prius annoyed with my shenanigans yeah so I'm gonna

discuss elf and I'm gonna make myself look like a young lad who's like Blake

seems distorted and broken oh shit alright

why are you planning a show and I'm standing back from the door bitsy yeah

alright three or four feet away from the door

the door handle jiggles a bit ah bloody thing

it's too tall I should get one of my labs to shrink it down a bit put my

height jiggles a little bit more goes down and then opens inward and she hooks

her head out from a little bit of slit like with a ladle on her shoulder is

about half your height looks up to the young lad before her now it's like what

is it boy like you want to see a clinic about that this is an inner we prepare

food here I just can you just pick me up please pick you up you're twice my size

just help me up help you up one moment I'll go get one of my boys

I'm you'll take them please oak over the woman and I'm basically go to drag

around by bomb basically drag around Buffalo hose best I can

all right roll a strength check to see if you can hold on to her because she

doesn't know that you'll be able to grab her without rolling for a track the

others see if you can if she screws squiggles out of the way Oh God and with

her 9 she's good as you go to grab her she rips her hand free boys we have a

lively one in here and I'm gonna Eldridge blaster in the face done Leafly

what happened now that easily because you know Judas messed it up alright roll

for damage right I think that's the best contradiction I've heard since like say

I'm gonna kill her non-lethal luckily that's not piercing damage and

as she gets knocked back and has the winds taken out of her she looks ragged

and more eyes glittering a little bit the spatula the the ladle down on the

ground next to the door the door has now been bursted wide open and the Reckitt

you hear coming from the I would like everyone to a roll initiative to see who

goes first now I've got select my token

boy finding information like that

I think that's a bit realistic you know yeah right at the moment to say he has

no idea what's going on seriously Why Why What let's get his in yeah I do

we need to get him well that was the whole point wasn't it well find out so

again book you have 6 seconds to react what are you doing I help you help the

worker in the shadows is blessed what do you do how far up so as you help her up

her days look she looks up at say Messiah she looks at your beards like


sure is gonna drop her disguise self and go

his name's GWAR actually and then I'm going to really tempted to just leave

him here right now oh you know what I think I am I'm gonna run back round the

side of the building to the front all right Judas your turn

and as I'm passing something I'm like

hey guys I'm here now follow suit as sharp as a passing the door go too far

not be flee out of a piercing or lethally piercing I'm good I'm just like

shooter in the columns and knock her out piercing will kill her can I knock her

out without you it you would have to do force damage or bludgeoning damage for

the label yes you can throw the label

finisher to move to be 20 plus 2x yeah since you're a fighter you're pretty

much precision collision you're proficient with improvised weapons I

didn't else which gives you that it's a feat isn't it this is a feat but I

thought this fighters pretty much just can use anything or is that a few they

can use they can use any weapon that's is it tough and brawler right bad yeah

you're looking around trying to see for something that doesn't kill her you

reach in grab the little that's on the floor

toss it chuck it and hit bounces off the door that it goes to the the front of

the tavern and you rush around the side same time okay this is not a fool I'm

gonna do an unarmed attack so you're gonna go and run off you're holding her

up and you see impact her into the face and she just head knocks back and she

falls in conscious into your arms mama Jack's feet does everyone get how

much XP everyone guess I need to know yes and you cook it around the side of

the cavern being your monk self you have your extra movement speed they'll be

able to make it round

in there yeah you've front of the tavern you hear this commotion and you see

Charlotte Judas and xanthine come looking it out onto the street wait all

right give me a DC UDC intelligence

sharra unconscious bruises starting to form her face Internet and five guys all

with tie their bandanas come rushing in mrs. G mrs. G

what's going on and they look down at it holding out this is gee they look over

to Yellow Sea George

all right I'm guessing that azshara Judas is Anton and Emma Rae you're

booking it for this time being well I wasn't but I think it would be funnier

if I do so yes yes I have alright so at this point I will say that

we're out of initiative and this is about to ensue what what happened to

mrs. G George I'm not right they come around the other side and see her face

and neck what happened did somebody attacker yes

then they legs I've no idea what's happening where they go where they go

they went back I was I was saying up along the back I say alright one of the

guys points to to the others you see if you go after them and they book it after

now at the door okay um let's let's take it to the

doctor let's take her to the doc maybe he can fix her up there's your breathing

you see alive can I take the fifth yeah maybe a medicine check

just about maybe so good so good we'll take care of her mr. G at this point one

of the one of the bigger guys picks her up and then another guy in a bandana

comes in and you recognize him from the street where he was kicked out of one of

the one of the bakeries say he looks down at a gimbal let's see if he

remembers what you look like nope and any old wolf so what's going on

in here I say looks back to the other mrs. G sees sees real hurt real bad we

have to go get her to doc so all right all right all right let's go take her

let's go take her looks down at mr. e you you come with us all right Pacino

let's go

all right and as you make your way out of the front of the door you see two

tie-dye people running in different directions not knowing exactly where

these folk wins who booked it and they start heading off the towards the

direction of what you assumed to be doc now let's go over to our other fellow

compatriots as a girl I'm very confused I traded I traded praying and an

anger-management for this wait hold on let's discuss this as a committee while

you're running or are you gonna go hide somewhere no while we're running Adam do

we do did gears that winds down which is the whole point we're here technically

though he didn't he all he did was show some other dwarf what other girls do you

know they were dying race is kind of unique so other than uniqueness what

does the wharf ever done for us

oh you know what guys it's beside the point we did we need to go back

they're only going on we we need to go back we left the woodpecker I can't do

this little target the golf is fire like the redirect or running to like

basically double back but like in a different one yeah with your familiarity

of the streets you're able to definitely go through alleyways and double back to

where you were without being seen fairly fairly obviously and without the two

banana people knowing where you are it's almost a shot in the dark to see if they

they don't even know what you look like so as long as you're inconspicuous and

don't look like you're trying to hide something they probably won't be after

you what if we look frantically like we're running away yeah yeah definitely

yeah several people have given you looks

but if it's any consolation a show is kind of like laughing while she's

running because it was quite funny it's all right there and I really wish you

could have seen just grab a Sarah by the neck countries like wrestled her to just

stop moving a post reigneth well you do like

grabbing me yeah I like rubbing you behind the neck okay III let them do it

there's no post yeah I just take a like they could bring her head down like

alright what did you do this time so mushara puts her hands on your wrists

and I think everybody knows what is coming right now

dimension door and inflict wounds on you

you don't have any afflict wounds left you haven't rested are you sure I think

you've used all of your now yeah okay so I'll burn to sorcery points no faster

yep no speak so at this point I'm gonna catch this guy self get myself into a

marae and I'm gonna say now speak why are you running step see as it is to

this guy stop it's a Judas and say this a big what do I see out of any cars

coming our way you're inside some of some of the alleyways you see role

perception check to see what you can see outside of the different alleyways to

see what you can see to see what you can see yeah with that you see one of the

bandana folks running sideways you don't know who they are

you've never met them before but you see a guy in a tie-dye bandana running from

left to right as you look down one of the other ways away from where you just

came from and then you see just a couple of pasture buyers looking in different

directions I start walking towards like that the open road we still with you

still have a right on my on my like retinal huh okay so I'm gonna try and

get out of it all right are this will be yeah I think it's opposing strength

checks at this point isn't it aesthetic so erratic

yeah proficiency enough let it flow just use one all right cool grapple opposed

athletic tool neurotics well there's my ex addicts is like a lifter off the

ground you know that mean where are you running

now tell me why are you running I slap myself so OH

this base point roll for initiative

total TPK by each other you don't care I'm just watching that's just anxious to

see how this turns out and I was gonna do a party get-together

episode this day okay we are bonding yes by hitting each other stop this

technically only one person has it at someone and technically you hit a young

girl so just saying that was gonna say OPP this management so fact you are

myself so your height is technically different but she's still grabbing her

yeah it's no hits so you no matter just do it so at this point a shara you go


so am I still grapple yeah well might as well get out the grapple another

strength check and then casting string check memory there we go all right with

that sharra breaks free of the grapple and it

is able to back away Emery mm-hmm tell me what are you doing tell me what are

you doing Judas I'm going to I'm just gonna put

myself in between the two Cheryl what are you holding your action for if

anyone makes a move against the other and what are you gonna do I'm going to

try your escape okay cool so I would like to step back

about five 10 feet so I'm no longer in grapple range and at this point things

get serious because I am now gonna add just last you don't hit 16 ac boy also

in the sides you never took those from the inflate winds I mean no I just throw

my hands in it fine fine whatever not my problem

I just turn around walk away all right Judas um she just dispels the disgust

off are we out of initiative I think so

all right and as this is going on let's go back to our friendly neighborhood


so mr. chief did you get a look at who what what they look like you're walking

down headed to what you assumed to be the docks place I'm just going to see

the three average light humans three average humans

yeah were they what what what color hair did they have did they have any any any

marks or anything we can recognize him back

it all happened just that quick they're never really got a chance to see what

they looked like of course of course mr. G okay we got

her back like always

are you okay did they hurt you no no I'm fine

we didn't expect you back so soon when did you get back there today know me so

how did business go business front well good good yeah did they give you any

trouble No

right all right and you got the stuff right

it's being delivered from tomorrow okay okay you you were able to find some

trustworthy folks nice Oh yep okay all right

so which which case should we be expecting this train to happen in na the

nor think the northern gates there are no northern gates that's just a seat I

mean I'm am what I am yeah but but yeah yeah that would have

ever shaken me up to role of deception check at this point they seem to stop

questioning you and just you're walking beside them go into where docs is and

you come to this very simple home it's it's dark wood painted white with a blue

X on it and that used to him to be a symbol of

some type of doctor this is very stands out among the rest of the house

houses and as you walk in to you as you walk inside with the rest of these

people with the three four yeah before that are that are there including the

one that you saw in the street a a stout dwarf comes out with some type of lab

coat on and a hat kind of a white brimmed hat

with a little feather a little blue feather he looks over at mrs. G and nods

at the four men you're kind of staggered behind them takes mrs. G in his arms and

then set her down on a elongated table that has some some cloth and some some

pillows on it where he looks over her for a moment it grabs a few utensils

from some cupboards this place seems to have there's there's bloodstains in

different places a lot of surgical tools and it seems to be almost like a one

room a one room show with a just one back room that seems to host a bed or a

bedroom with some kind the kitchen area is this small kitchen that may be used

to sterilize utensils there's their spots and in there that's boiling as

well as cooking food as well all different types of ingredients that are

around in this doctor's like room that has all the tools of the trade in order

to sort of remove any crazy materials that have entered in to person's body

which is kind of odd that they don't have a clerk just healer so at this

point what do you do I'm just gonna sit quietly and wait all right as you wait

as time goes by the doctor looks over her looks up at the different fellows

he's hurt pretty bad

they the fella bandana users they take off their tie die bad Dennis then knob

slowly okay okay doc doc looks up to him well if you could find a cleric or some

type of magic healing user you may be able to save her life she's old and

fragile luckily whoever did this wasn't

intending it to be lethal seems to be some type of just blunt force applied to

the chest and no one knows exactly where dimple is except for a gamble himself

he's in a foreign city he probably has no as the doc looks up and looks over to

looks over at our friend gimbal it gives Google a strange look which of the

others looks again at the wounds at the size of the friends on the face looks at

Gimbels hands Lexus lips thinking shakes his head you know yes I suggest you go

about your business

she'll be fine for now the Rollie a perception check to see or an insight

check he's he's giving you the hint that he knows you're in the wrong crowd right

now and you should probably get out of here

he recognizes that you are probably not who you say you are right now I suggest

you go to the west gate to see if your business is due there

non-story I know it's a bit shocking but head right on this road you may be a bit

dazed from what just happened and then go far enough north and you'll get to an

intersection and then you head towards the direction you know of course you've

lived here long enough yeah of course she's in good it's gonna tell him

the poor guy so as though we'll just stay here keep an eye on okay mr.

Jonathan okay we got this we can take care of it see you soon

so which direction do you had I'm gonna follow instructions off the dock and

head north okay so now we go over to back to our

other party so Amory have you left the party what I mean have you left the

vicinity of where where is everyone at this point I'm assumed we were like in

my calendar you were in a back alley yeah a little bit away from where he was

yep I feel what whilst I was a walk making my way I was gonna let my

woodpecker go to see if it finds the other party that'll be a tremendous help

okay so yeah take that into consideration

okay so the rest of the party members

I'm just like filming I just walking the opposite direction all right you're

walking northward at this point through the alleyways until you hit a street

where you see the market is

ah the bursar chirping what a wonderful sound I just like what do I see around

me um you see a hustle and bustle you see people coming in off of ships

bringing in some cargo and letting it go and you see traders trading different

odds different ends and Baker's baking cooks milling about traders of fine

jewelry silks spices all different types of trade goes that you see in the kind

of a larger town do I know what are we here to do you know that you're here to

find out more information about who or what Drake is and give that information

back to the mages hall

mm what summer today is it it's almost nighttime at this point I need if I just

find the nearest tavern with the most an appropriate name of course but the most

appropriate name with the most an inappropriate name inappropriate name

yes the smelly backside excellent smelly one place it backs onto the street front

side which is fine then there's the MIT then there's the

even middle side yeah the questionable middle side yeah just like regardless of

name or stature I just find the nearest tavern I just bunker in there basically

all right meta : there seems to be regular tavern set up seems to be a just

tavern there is no in attached to this just sell drinks sell some chief kind of

disgusting food an overinflated price excellent just my kind of tyrant yeah I

go to the bar I go to a bartender just slap a gold coin at table go whatever

what he likes he takes it he takes the gold sound did you take away that

emotion all right I'm guessing you're drinking for the night

does he punk is the gold coin it sounds like a good idea

alright let's get you started with something easy something light

what do you think I'm a woman come on it'd be over something Allah are you

sure yes punch all right water get the water brings out a small a small glass

and then goes over towards one of the pantries opens up the pantry looks down

at something grabs a a bucket and brings the bucket out sets it up to the table

and it sloshes everywhere it's green pungent smells tremendously awful he has

he grabs the tiny wooden shot glass dips it in and then puts it on to the table I

wouldn't drink it if I were you but that's the stronger stuff we have

immediately I chuck it in you try to please tell me the DC of my Constitution

we're all a constitution check natural one almost you instant you instantly

vomit on the table that's what I'm talking about

sir and whatever gender you call yourself

you don't want to know what's in this you know identify myself as a war sighs

excuse me

well whatever whatever is in does just I don't know hit me up with a nail or

something you don't want this stuff anymore

it's fine you know put that away and give you something

that regular folk drink all right tell me sir you ever heard of a man called

Drake man it's more like a game mmm what can you tell me about this gang well

they go around doing whatever they really feel like and as long as they

stay out of trouble the guards don't mess with them too much hmm yeah they

have a in don't know what they call it now let's change so many times I think

it's a thousand something how many have

dudas juice you if you've been able to come up behind her you're listening to

this conversation I'm just gonna sit down do I just know

that we're looking for Drake yeah okay the information I'll try well let's see

they some of the members do some real good in this town some of them couldn't

care less about so what are we talking about a thief's killed a bunch of

bandits they would love to be a Judas yeah maybe kind of more of like a

wannabe thug group I'm assuming means something to follow in so sorry are you

following in party for Santa are you there sorry mic muted um yeah full of it

alright just before we go in the shower it looks up at the sign of the taverns

no information found here what is this stupid name insert name here and as you

walk in you're hearing the Telenor some of this conversation about slugs well

they really don't do much harm they haven't heard of anyone getting hurt

because of them they're more like a rowdy bunch of teenagers teenager kids

at all the same I just need to find them point me to the right direction just go

over to there and you can probably talk to them talk up a storm they'll probably

give you a little posturing but besides that they're they're fine

take if we busted I give the beating it's fine but don't don't give beating

salt is still illegal in this town I see Judas like well should we call I think

we need to have a talk first but you what do you want to talk about I think

you should need to a bit more cool you had a bit I see you around the street

and then you mock me what am I supposed to do I expect you to trust us have we

not been adventuring as well the trust is only work it's only a work

I trust actions I trust when you do something and I can believe that

actions speak more than word you you come to me you say nothing good lie I

don't I don't trust what you did back there could have potentially hurt all of

us I mean we could have been chased down by criminal I was kidding

oh you know criminals remember knows all I hear is there's such a bunch of boys

bunch of boys they need to kill me last time I was here left me dead in the

street bleeding out well you're fine

you know nothing

oh yeah look I'm not here to go on about how you know he said this he's done all

the sayings cool your head and half faithless showers as hasty in awkward

and Bowl she is silly times she does mean yes yes I know but I have a very

short temper for this right a shower walks up to memory and holds her hand

I'm sorry amber Elia looks at her just the kind of like hand motion so dirty

I'm going to grab his hand I'm fine I just shake her hand a shower sort of

hesitates for a second so like squints as if she's

concentrating and she goes look next time when something happens you just

tell me okay just don't grab me

look Seth you belong some intelligence are we going to go and save the

woodpecker you go I go I go investigate this Drake well they are when we were

running from alright yeah basically like you just messed up and then like got

captured and then I tried to save everybody but I couldn't

so we ran terribly capture yourself they do not know me I go that makes sense you

know surahs I look at the bartender don't know like sign my hand on the

table a few times thank you for a horrible drink good

night I drink whatever I have left nine users

how would I go um I don't know about you but I'm little tired

you rest I go I'll be back in a minute

me okay what about short rest

yeah just recuperate for an hour just chill just a short one and then you just

do a few others blasts it's fine to say she doesn't actually know where this

happiness I mean you know beam says you can pay for drinks we can spend an hour

you might as well use the money you've just spent right I'm on my way already

on do we where you don't do the way yes I do

I saw you guys run from the tavern well we were running and it was quite hasty

you remembered way way out from now back streets as well I double back and use

back treats

I probably get a metal 20 you're fairly certain it's a very straight gritted

road if it wasn't one Street then you just have to go over the next street you

know that it's south and it's on one of the streets in a ten minute walk okay so

it takes you a little bit and at this point gimble finds you oh you're

wandering ready water your woodpecker was able to spot a marine who were to

able to find her and just walk directly over to her

what were you guys planning exactly undo why didn't you run so Judas didn't know

it was a Maury I am assuming we all did I thought so who went with a Marine who

stayed at the end or the e tapping well if we would take the short rests we were

following yeah all right so you guys took a short rest for an hour and then

came out yeah everyone else waited on that's Jonathan so then everyone is

Isleton you haven't taken a short rest correct

all right good boy you seem to know what happened please tell me in these two do

not want it do not not at all I don't think M will got the grasp of the

situation no women and then fine away I

don't know I looking for trouble we're trying to find a man called Drake we are

it is like man it is many man it is organization district organization

thinks I am in charge so great we can do the subterfuge yes yes yes Cerf he has

studied world no man no no yes tiny doors don't man this must be how this

must be exciting for you we might actually have stumbled across another

took off to view if you're lucky it will be a

c-congratulations gimbal I've been out five minutes and you already crammed

Lord anyway find this trick yep or a GM exposition

is out of here mission so gimbal you were told by the talk to head to the

west gate do you follow any lesson Jenny went east well I was told to go to the

west gate involving something with this group but I don't know where is it

because that's something I said or if there is actually something that's

going to happen oh maybe that was too proverbial kick up the backside to get

you out this town although never know I guess sort of this is the door use it I

agree this is what the point is people saying that there's potentially some

going down at the West Gate like what it's okay keep up the right

what were you thinking well thank you should go to the west gate personally we

could always and the camera deserves to amorous face split up the party you mean

break fundamental D&D rule number one

the average just like Ross like as a random roll20 just slap this cheek there

are porkchop games

yeah keep up Gua V and there is there is a item called The Player's Handbook and

Dungeons & Dragons yeah it is the coolest game well I think I'm going to

go check out of the West game why I don't know I'll just Krypton and

claiming to go that direction okay somebody somebody who is a member of the

guys that we want to find out information with because we know that

the bad people told you to do it yes I say we cast what she showed us the

rest of the pie can I just point out this is the guy that while we were

attacking fighting and then quickly pronto getting out of there

this is the guy that went in and helped the person we were fighting

maybe next time she runs up land buyers before it do it sometimes okay just mean

a street and you have very small feet

can you see these wears a robe just a second let even see his feet this

is ridiculous why are they fighting that pajama groups

have stopped this road maybe he's got hooves

I'm gonna cut myself to make you have feet ever so slightly different so I

don't know it looked like this is George person all right you think if you get

rid of your beard it might help a lot a shara is gonna look at him like this

places nose ever so slightly that's better now they'll never recognize you

I'm just gonna may know losing my beard gone the shoulders roots without it

without the beard gimble look like a gnome better seen in my life now that

you think of it you don't remember gnomes ever having


that's because he's he's a dwarf no he's a golf don't have beards how could have

I been so stupid it is a short human jelly which

destination are you headed to the tavern table on which tavern the Hopi hobos

nice home young there was promptly me named another thousand punches which is

what sent on this yeah yeah especially as a monk one punch man so as you make

your way to streets over and you're there pretty quickly

since Amory was on her way there at that when you found gimble and there you see

the thousand Knights sign there since you've left the vicinity of your

illusion magic hmm and you've also cast another illusion on something else

so I'm gonna my evolution the sign yeah okay hop me home again wonderful maybe

that one's permanent quietly wait yes okay in through the back just clarify um

can I check through one of the windows at the front yeah

as you go to the bay window at the front and trying to peer in it's pretty greasy

you have to smudge it a little and you can see kind of very opaque almost

translucent there's a great ready precipitation of the window it's clear

it has never looked so immaculate in your life so do you so do you it just on

one pain or just now I just do enter like a little corner just so I can like

see through all right not the entire window to you know as much as I want to

do them a favor now as you look through peering through the the window you see

five guys or so that have the tie-dye unban bandanas sitting down in different

stools and different placements there's a dining table in the room it doesn't

look as much like you have here your stools and your bar looks more homely

there's a hearth with a fireplace with fire burning in it and a sea

all right with the fireplace going in it and you see tables set up with chairs

and some people having some food but then there are about 10 other patrons or

so that are wearing tie-dye depend anise and there's two guards in their in their

armors probably in their time off with their helmets on the table and people

just talking back and forth through the front door all right

same all right guys I have a problem and I'll go in just no response no I can't I

can't go in I'm a miner to be and as you go in this

is where we'll take this is where we'll take a break can see what happens on the

inside break we know take break I break you


and we're back we have lost our mr. Judas due to work schedules and he being

in the UK and me being in the US and scheduling and alike so an evil witches

and evil plots evilicious and evil plots so Judas and probably we stayed outside

and a bit away knowing that you most likely might be targeted by the drakes

might be noticed I'm no so gimble and who else when what's going inside I'm

going inside so yes fine gimble xanthine and Emory or

going inside SR you're just gonna watch through the window what I assure is

gonna do is she's gonna wait about a minute and then she's gonna use the sky

self and change herself into just like a random villager merchant something that

she saw on the way and they're walking

all right

okay all right right right so more messages okay so as you guys walk in

gimble no one really pays attention to you at all

there's people walk in and out of this place all the time you see one patron

get up and leave and there seems to be an empty spot for about two people and

then a table oh and then another table that has two more seats that are open

it's fairly crowded but you could probably pull up chairs in different

different places and sit yourselves and move a table over to sit your three-man

group or three men and women group yeah all right grab a table as you grab a

table and scooted two or three people look over and then just look back and

continue talking there's one there's two people playing Wizards chess back and

forth all right it's basically just but for wizards these two guys are moving

with spectral hands their pieces back and forth and these two average-looking

Joe's seems to have some type of rice farmer outfit on and the other person

seemed to have some type of market or Fair farm it on both of them guys look

each other in the eyes are you sure you want to move there yeah the one looks at

him are you sure that you're sure and that I don't want to move there

it seems a very heated very intense discussion back and forth and who does

what move their very mind altering as you're watching this go on as you're

watching this go on xanthine what are you doing

I've sat down with you I with does he sit down with Emory it's about this time

that Shara walks in as a different person just some right uh did you pick

rich or poor looking fellow so between may be a merchant so character

alright a merchant sort of character and as you walk in like one of the less

wealthy merchants sounds nice wealthy merchants so a panhandler of some maybe

knockoff jewelry that has a little kiosk or the tailor for britches and hose okay

get it britches no I got the point all right I was trying to be rude yeah so

yeah go ahead as you walk in one of the guards who has a plate of some soup

looks up nods at you seeming to recognize you

she she sort of looks around the room but gives him a quick bulb of the heads

and then walks up to the bar all right in this room there's just tables and

chairs there's no real bar with stools okay and then there's a back room that

leads to food place okay is there like a spare table there's

you see there's a spell there several tables that are pushed together there's

four tables that are pushed together three tables that are pushed together

one that's pulled off to the side that seats xanthine and MRA and then there's

another table pulled off to the side where people are playing Wizards chess

and that's near the bay window and gimbals they're just watching it

watching them use their spectral hands pulling it back and forth there's a door

in the back that leads to the kitchen as my voice just suddenly goes in the front

door leads to so you can pull off one of the tables and take five minutes please

GM will never take five minutes yeah Phil all right take three go so yourself

out one of the one of the patrons cough I'll just leave with it

it's now my new DM voice so the three tables push together host about the five

of the bandana guys and then there's the other patrons and the four tables with

two of the guards at the end of the matter at the end of one there is an

empty seat at the end of one table across from what seems to be just

merchants eating some soup

basically their chairs and tables everywhere and there are several

different chairs that are empty and there isn't another free table that you

can pull off okay so I'm just gonna approach the table with something and

worry on it okay do you mind kind fellows if I take a seat

you see merchants doesn't look very familiar

I'm sorry I'm not looking for any of your wares

indeed I just want the seat sorry he's just gonna pull up a seat and like Punk

it on the end of the table and wait to be served I'm assuming yeah

and as you wait it goes by it seems to be a fairly long time there doesn't seem

to be anyone coming out to serve you someone grabs their what one of the

patrons one of the merchants grabs their bowl after they've finished eating pick

it up and then walk into the kitchen area

wait you note someone out you did not come here and then he comes the virtual

comes back at this point has a copper piece and puts it into a bowl that's

sitting on kind of a pedestal next to where the kitchen door is and sits down

with a new ball soup

laughs you again Oh should I pay we have to serve ourselves here but you might

save him I seated please yeah fellows and showers gonna get up and walk into

kitchen grab a bowl and drop her in the bowl and sit back down and eat a bowl of

soup as you go in you see the same kitchen there before the pot that the

Lydia was stirring that you saw her stirring is still there the little has

since been put back into the pot and besides that that's this is that's this

this is the entire building there's no second floor that's just seeing

everything that's inside this building okay um can I have a snoop around the

kitchen while I'm in here yeah roll and investigation check see if you can find

stuff yay you look around there's pots and pans everything's pretty much out in

the open there's not too many cabinets cabinets are pretty expensive to build

on to kind of this shanty and there are bags everywhere you go through some of

the some of the top of some of the flour barley and kidnap

yeah where's she gone sorry yeah there's spoken with some like a half bucket of

water left and then a few other buckets that seem to be empty stacked on top of

each other okay so she's gonna grab like a bowl of food and a glass of water back

out drop two copper in the bowl and time passes no one seems to pay you mind

the Wizards chess has finally ended at this point and they're just sitting back

and just enjoying the opaque view out into the

city there's you can barely see resemble some figures and some shadows moving

back and forth it seemed to be kind of just a place to chill oh well that food

was lovely tell me um I don't mean to intrude or pry look I quite a disheveled

Bunch what do you guys help from that's to the three idiots on the table with me

by the way sent on a marae and Gimbel what what are you doing right now that

the wizard chess is over I'll see I originally short course it's quite the

way way yeah what would make you journey this far oh you know you were a bitch

into sorts no I just traveled dangerous business doesn't pay very well ma'am you

should try taking up a trade sure fellow like yourself has seen a lot in places

the merchant business isn't too bad well I have dabbled in a bit into alchemy and

what no I can't claim to know anything about it

what about you kind sir pointing at the elf in the room

mr. elephant

Alfre Larry I've heard of that place I've must confess my troubles of not

taking me there what's it like were you able to write

the description zenthon that i gave you yeah you can pull it up and read over it

and see what you can get from that his emery here yet okay he basically stayed

in a monastery most most of my life so but is highly wooded area Alvin so but

I've come out to investigate these dark forces currently affecting the different

parts of the country dark force as you say I can't say I've heard of that there

is more trouble on the roads these days tell me what is the the Crystal Palace

like I've always wanted to go I'm sorry

eternal disease and I'm okay no sentence you don't know what she's talking about

or he's talking about hey yeah I'm sure you're referring to regards the crystal

pilots I'm sorry all the pin the monastery too long get out and about

so what brings you to water deep well trying to find some more information

about Drake how loud do you say that by the way yeah quite quietly brawl a still

Jake I think that would be the best way to handle that realist I'll check to see

if any was passive hearing with the conversation yeah yeah you're fine you'd

you feel no no need batted an eyelash Oh Drake you say yeah do you say that oh

yes five guys at the table no cover that's us you're in our timer yeah what

are the answers my friends these are these are the people you're searching

for ah such a small world you would think all is all this traveling all this

time that I've been on the roads and I quit the the things that you see you

come across people bumping into each other quite sublime I can't believe the

coincidence that we yeah one of my friends my friends come come join these

fellows are looking for you I begin to suspect something awry with this man

roll and investigate after they have to actively be searching for the magic yeah

so if they if they think that their characters would be thinking that

magical enchantment on me then you get the sneaking suspicion that there's some

type of illusion magic on this person

just the way that they just the way that they handled their food and some of

their body went in and out of the bowl a little bit I was trying to be extra

careful this will have come over here

string and waving for the group of people that called bring your table back

on over oh yes an even better idea come come fellows and she's gonna get up

and so I just pick up the table you flick it with your finger and it just

like sluts yes like like flick it and it sounded like the camera zooms and with

the tables almost colliding it's like just like few inches from each other

very impressive

you see understated and the the table just moves away from you they said put

tables outside with tables there alright so as you research and situate yourself

with your chairs sit down just kind of lean over to the side on the table

trying to look at these with five tie-dye bandana guys so what do you want

what do you want to know

but what do we want from these people I'm so sure is multiple chat at the end

of the table so everyone else is like on I'm assuming it's like a bench style

table or it's chairs with there's like a square table that's able to sit for

chairs around it so if you put them together then you're able to sit three

and then two to two and then three at the sheriff's like perks on the end of

one of the tables I'm sort of like avidly looking between you've got me ask

you a question my friends from these people I was here when this was said

same look as Anton but I'm just following on from what you just said

look at Judas choice isn't there he went away he doesn't want to enter or do

something with Drake's look at look at the Raven Queen in the corner just shake

shake your soul just like kind of like shrug their shoulders this is gonna do

actually do actually know what do we want with these people were you there in

the majors Hall mmm-hmm yeah I wasn't at the end I didn't I can't actually

remember yeah Batman seeking information about capture Drake role in intelligence

check to see if any of you can remember exactly why you're here

- that's my faith natural 20 Emery you remember you're supposed to just figure

out more information about Drake's and then give it back to the majors Hall in

exchange for their service to translate the black book I gentlemen gentlemen

Hey yes my living become we come with a with our open arms we'd like to know

more about you we've heard a great deeds would you care for a drink

right it is on me really have water here you're gonna go out and go grab some and

then come back with it is not a tavern no this is just a place to grab some

food grab some water for fairly inexpensive meal

ever ace tempted to you know to get pissed and like flip the table but well

I don't think this is a tavern I think it is it was called the homely home when

I walked it it's just a local establishment I've heard about it's

quite a buzz it was called the unclean back about the smelly back side and the

back side that was a completely different place well I did it's called

the this place is called the Thousand nights because it's it served a thousand

nights huh congratulations well the name said homely home when I

came in to be perfectly honest I kind of liked that bit better you should

consider changing it it changes all the time whatever mrs. G is up to she just

likes wood carving and sometimes she just replaces the signs every once in a

while maybe I ought to take it up with her

maybe maybe suggested to her when you next see her sure so my wisdom I mean

we're just ragtag group of people just doing whatever jobs we can and then

every once in a while we come back to mrs. G and just honor her and keep this

place running what do you mean so jobs what what do you guys do well Tim over

there is a fisherman he goes out of the boats mrs. Roger he

Tim but Roger Roger works on the market he brings in the fish from them from

some of the boats me myself I just work as one of the cleaning crew for some of

the noblemen I see nothing I'd be interested in I I do some trade I dabble

a little bit and my trade sort of mundane medical items that sort of thing

nothing nothing too expensive unfortunately businesses and kind at the

moment but I thought you might be able to help with that but apparently not but

that's interesting to know anyway I should probably let you people talk

you've probably got loads of speak about especially what you were looking for

them and they were right here after all I think that person think you should

stay oh really yes okay oh they right today right that

was very kind of you I guess my company I feel that whatever tales I can I can

tell I shall embark my wisdom upon you've kind folks as I can sitting there

with a beaming smile deception checklist to see how these people react a bit and

this one is with advantage because of your tall tales and magical lows see

they just look at you yeah business chanter yeah whatever

so what else would you like to know I mean we just

I mean what's what's with the headbands oh there's headbands they're just

something mrs. G makes us oh yeah it's like an identification for your

plan band of merry men I don't put over you consider yourselves yes I mean she

likes dealing in different cloth so you she's a very resourceful woman she gets

bored when mr. G is away on business trips so this is just one of her new

things you you mentioned these people quite often who is who is mister the

owners of this establishment of course Oh does it have residents here I thought

it's just one floor yeah they have their own home this is just a business or

place of business oh I see I'm terribly sorry I'm and they just put this place

are they into business yeah mr. G goes out across the land of seen go and trade

in different wares and bringing them into town just like a slanty of these

other folks just like you do yourself absolutely what does he look like uh he

looks over at temple looks like that it looks like you with a beard top hat and

everything Oh interesting oh this sounds like a Gimple he is our

half like friend next to me ha ha no yes I get it he's very tiny it is adorable

haffley you say yes because you see he cannot be a dwarf as I've already

thought before he has no beard no was my second guess

but gnomes do not grow such impressive the Earth's and this one

it looks as though has no beard but isn't have a beard no and I never got a

beard I I feel my friend and my lovely lady you need they I think you may have

gone a little too long without a drink and therefore it is your mind slightly

yeah what's what sort of trade is mr. G

tracing all different types of things silks jewelry antiques sometimes if he's

able to trade some fish pretty much anything you get it hands-on for cheap

and then import it into our town and then exports any goods so his main

operation of business is in water tea but this is his like headquarters so to

speak yep yeah this is a lot of round town he provide for your people I does

he bring in where's that you don't commonly get sometimes I mean there's a

lot of marketers that come in here that sell different types of trades some some

of his main stuff is bringing in some weapons for the new recruits that come

up but so do a lot of other markers do do the creeps you say yes to your band

or through the barracks up there you've seen it

oh the military establishment of the area yeah I see this it's quite it's

quite a bustling area for military proceedings I haven't this is my first

time in what a tea and I'm just getting a lay of the land it's always good to

know the place that you intend to do business using

well you two men you say you go around you say you do things why what is it in

for you

money right to support our families that's right

what other reason would there be for what we do in life it is always to

support those of those those of us who depend upon us and I guess we all try to

do that as best as so mr. G do you know does he have a trading posts or outlets

around kind of I mean it goes out then comes in through depending on if he went

pretty goed sore he went through caravan but there's not much on this island

usually it's through boats to go around collect things from the different ports

and the different islands sometimes it might take him three to six months to

come back from a trip does he does he deal with magical items of any sort mmm

maybe I don't know I've got no jury mr. G super-long would you would you think

that it would be an area of business he would be interested in

I don't know if the price is right he probably would it's interesting but I

would why didn't like to meet this mr. G would it be possible is he in town at

the moment is he traveling do you know when he's due back

well he did come in today oh he did yes Oh what would the for luck yes for mr.

cheese out mrs. mrs. G she had an unfortunate accident oh dear Oh what on

earth happened well it seemed that some blokes came in the back and roughed her

up a bit well apply me there's no horrible news terrible

terrible news what sort of world hope to be live in

these days where you can't even I don't know she's the world's kindest person I

know they would do such a thing yeah maybe one of them things where you

just have to make sure the door is locked at all times it's such a

shameless always a they must have known that you gentlemen we're in here because

obviously you guys look like you can handle yourselves they they probably

went round the back as a means of getting to her directly without causing

any trouble establishment terrible horrible people say Kimble your face

looks quite bruised have you been in a fight well smash is there a Marie I mean

look at me can't even hit her he cannot even hit a shoe could have done such a

thing I just it was terrible you say mr. G is in town at the moment mm-hmm

would it be possible to arrange a meeting I don't know if he's obviously

sounds like a very busy man but possibly a few hours of his time

maybe just sir I'm understand his business a bit better and maybe maybe

the two of us can find a true adventure off some sort of course just hang around

here long enough and you'll be bound to show up expecially if mrs. G is able to

get back on our feet no I do actually have a friend who might be able to help

with that it's quite quite well-versed in that healing sort of magic he's a

he's a very useful fella to actually have around when you're traveling

especially with the roads and the travel these days where it's so dangerous I'm

always getting more so maybe I shall I shall see if he can pop by when he is

next free of course now it sounds mighty fantastic if you make it kindly ah

splendid oh I'm sure you do fellas you've

accepted us into your home at the end of the day so I'm sure you would do the

same if the roles were reversed so at least I can do so I feel like I'm taking

over the conversation and I'm babbling on too much and I wish you 3 3 fellows

who wanted to know more information about about this this Drake I do

apologize ask away ask all the questions you need get the information that you

need I will I will sit and I shall listen enjoy fine cup of water so you go

around doing deeds for money could you not get a proper professor for that

these are proper professions we just have to see what boats are coming in and

then pretty much offer our services for cheaper than the next guy right right

inside yeah why did he lie he's boarding with the entire the entire

time yeah why would he lie he's been cordial with you the entire

time I think I broke the jam guys so repeat it's that a matter of you two uh

yeah there's several of us um everyone who's come by mrs. Chi I mean these

bandanas are just just the thing I think she made like 20 25 of these bandanas a

bit everyone really loves her she's a fantastic person right going back to

apologize they seem to be harping on about him but it is my trade my business

at the end of the day what does he do in terms of you say he travels a lot

how does he what does he do in terms of protection because he seems like such a

obviously ourselves are such genuine a kind warm-hearted people what does he do

in terms of protection for himself I find it's terribly difficult to find the

correct forms of bodyguards for the road sometimes those fellows can be a little

bit gruff and not very honest I might add

does he have trusted friends or does he hire from the local barracks or I don't

know how does he protect himself while he is on the road

that's a good question I mean usually we just see him leave on a boat with

whatever crew he has at the moment and then he comes back and we don't really

ask him too many questions and how he protects himself I mean I guess maybe he

hires so loud I wouldn't know personally oh that's

interesting it seems a very peculiar way to do business

I mean even the seas are very the Pirates here and what's not

I hate the war myself calm standard not a seafaring fellow I get very sick how

does it get to water deep well obviously I had to get a boat to cross the water

but I don't enjoy it it's my thing you know it isn't necessarily a necessity as

part of the business especially in seed as there is an awful lot of water and it

is Islands so I have to go I just don't like it yes the thing but it's very

strange that he doesn't seem to employ any company or any assistance or aid

with him does he do large business or it's just simply small small business

with maybe a couple of sacks more bags of whatever he can purchase but why are

we talking talking an actual boatload of of goods that he brings back yeah he's

just a lot of what he does is not a paper sign he sets things in motion he I

don't think he actually travels with the good himself a lot of the times

throughout the six months periods will get several shipments in under mr. G and

missus cheese name that we'll be able to unload we always have a job there from

them there they're good to their folk

but every once in a while he'll come back and visit mrs. G and stay for a few

weeks or so before he has to go out and make some more make some more earnings I

see okay I'm sure he also deals with the paperwork side of things and

establishing trade links people to deal with who do the trading on his behalf

assuming of course oh yes much clever way of doing it

oh it's very hard to start housing that you can go to have a lot of good

connections I find yeah you'd have to ask him exactly how we started it

yes when it comes down you can you can ask place you know as many many good

connections throughout the whole of seed

but yes I shall ask him I think would be very beneficial if the two of us were to

meet we can certainly facilitate some sort of trade maybe an area that he

hasn't traded in before which is always fun and new maybe if he gets us more

work then that's fantastic absolutely absolutely and and that's the

thing with trade it brings wealth to the area so fine fellows like yourself who

are clearly genuine honest and hardworking they might add and very kind

and welcoming to strangers in your home yes it's very rare and features to hold

in people I would be quite interested in impossibly using yourselves or people in

hotels with my business ventures in future he so it gives them an and sort

of like a generous nod of I look you up later you know no I sit like a yes as

you know some beneficial someone comes into the door it's like oh what up my

Home Slice is this person has a bandana and you recognize him from the

storefronts looks over and sees his merriment a friend talking with you guys

sees the elf person Oh how's it going Elfman it's fantastic to see you here

you like the food you like the place too bad mr. G

here right now you would love her to be sure I would I like this fellow yeah

to apologize I didn't see him before he walked in I didn't realise he's with you

my friend pull up a chair joining us married we are having a

marriage at I'm amongst friends Oh merchant dude hey you can you can do

whatever you want man and I go grab this chair right here and I put it back and I

pull back and you know now just sit down and relax people's a

real question the real question here is what for the

flavors is a babe it turns the chair around and sits on it back first sits on

it backwards and just sits down leans forward a bit what can I do for your

family today

tell me gentlemen I do apologize I didn't quite catch your name I mean I

got to Richard and I got memories escaped me and what was your names again

I do apologize I feel like we've got all this way and talked so long and we

haven't even been properly induced Oh

juice this person's team at this person's Roger L adore tumult and my my

name is Gregorian and then my name you can call me the home slash of this here

water deep you could call me the doves you can call me the webs you can call me

what you like just don't call me late for dinner

my my name my name is like the wind I will call him wind boy I like him it's

like dog food you flap in your wings and your roll right on the

ground in the dust then you eat a bigger pie that is what my name is lack yes I'm

terribly sorry I think maybe I mumbled I'm getting on a bit so my my age

doesn't help my linguistic skills sometimes but um I asked you for your

name not what your name was like Oh direct folk man and like your staff your

groove in well that's very kind of you to say

am i those around me but I'm sorry I still did not catch your name my name

you can call me yes explose because of his eyes then just sits there inhaling

deeply and then looks up today I show many others questionably name is what

sorry today you can call me ball because I feel like I can hold the world in my

hands no ball trust me I've tried that before they did not work bad for your

back and you know oh you said yes bow like you hold your soup in it

Oh Bowl oh oh I do apologize your and your diction is splendid

so Bowl oh it is okay thank you very much like a bowl of always spills all

from the other side never keeps anything

and that's just it if you spill me but if all my insides come out

very good utensils perfect for holding your food in and that's probably about

it yeah I I go to gamble with these people are crazy sir tell me oh I was

just speaking to Timmy here and he was telling me all about yourselves and your

group of almost like a community that you're building here what is it that you

do find fellow the other five guy just snicker did I got food on my face they

just hold up their hands like both I am the breath of the wind I am here to

make your laughs amazing I walk into places and they be like yo I

just felt the wind in my face I just felt what it's like to be loved for the

first time I just felt what it is like to be a leaf on a tree

I am I get the feeling a slight impression that you're speaking

metaphorically just because places can't talk places

people you said you walk into places and they

say but I'm assuming that is a metaphor oh you win you're smart you are be like

metaphors and long words and I'd be like feeling you know I feel feeling like the

wing okay hey I'm just Turk Tim just looks over at at you and just a drifter

oh I see I used to be around how how did you Tim because I'm looking right at you

you say oh did you come to meet all the stifling snicker he just walked in one

day and you just just mrs. G just came to bed and he's just wearing around town

all over the place just being his old self

fascinating yeah what was it again you said you do it oh oh

aside from aside from being a leaf and wind I can't be a tree I sister is

somebody who just sort of wanders around with no real purpose or designation in

life but just enjoys the environments and the atmosphere that he lives in and

takes it day by day I do believe is approximately well to be honest it

sounds quest just like us yes I imagine but probably a little less dangerous a

little less productive probably but each to their own as I do say so direct well

Timmy Bowl thief man man of the wind what can you

tell me of this Drake the Drake is in all of us we are the Dragons of our own

Souls Oh what we are all the drink yes I do

have power against the side of me is that what Drake stands for buy the drink

is an actual metaphor itself everything is a feeling yes most things will have a

feeling in a person because that is what we do boss

I guess makes us unique

you know a connection to your so oh do you hear the Raven Queen as well oh you

speak of the Queen of the province yes he she speaks in quite similar way as

you makin with no real direction yeah kind of like wind as I take the wind of

her of her foes quite useless for one who offers to guide and assist yes she

as if guys dead not the stream of wind yes the one people of as I as I cleaved

the lives from those with wind that my scythe leaves behind I feel we have

turned onto you and not the Raven Queen anymore so the sight of you is like a

feeling of breath being take out of you immediately blows a big puff of fate

I wish someone would do lady usual like blow my mind my little receptacles

inside my brain be like you mean the ones friends you said um you're at mr. G

does he have a full name I feel I feel terrible calling him mr. G I feel like

it's not quite appropriate for someone who wishes to be me business

of sorts with him does he have a more formal greeting or an actual name I

could use for him no that that is his name his actual name is mr. G as in his

first is mr. and his last name is G his last name is Qi his last name is G what

is first maybe I don't want to sound too I don't actually know I don't I want to

sound casual and polite but not disrespectful so I think if I greet him

with his full name it would be more appropriate for the situation everyone

just calls him mr. Qi I personally don't know I I've never heard his first name

if he has one what happens if there's two people with the same name that

happens all the time does he not have a deep name is he mr. G of something of

somewhere it's all very confusing yeah just don't

think too hard about it and you should be fine well it's good thing I do not do

most of the thinking yes did it um you fellows you seem quite well-informed

especially of the local area I must I do wish to confess something to you is no

mere chance that I've walked into your establishment today I've I've been

scouring the docks and the less wealthy areas because I have a friend a very

close friend who is is in some danger in the area he's or should we said just say

he's had a misunderstanding with some of the locals and they've they've

required some assistance in dealing with him should we say I have just I don't

know if you've heard anything of that sort I know what these these areas can

be they can turn into places that are infested with ill sorts and ruffians and

crime lords of sorts who tend to rule and lord over the area and well very

nasty people I just wanted to have you heard of

anything like that held or sits back for the first time he's a rather large man

you don't know maybe he has some half over half giant half something he's

rather large sits back looks down well

every once in a while will come across the case where some people will use the

drakes name in vain that's in your name as in your groups name yes but I thought

ill deeds you mean yes if someone went around saying that they were I pardon I

didn't get your name but my name yes my name is a sha-la-la-la-la yes I have

someone why don't they just go by ash because it seems a bit more easier on

the common tongue all right so Shalala

it's a horrible name which like my parents gave to me which i can't change

so you should be lucky to get a name from your parents um yes

I cannot even remember my original name it is quite sad as if someone went

around claiming to be a merchant named ash and then was to sell poisoned that

poisoned a king or a noble Oh blimey then your name would be had four lil the

same thing well then I would suggest you go and find the perpetrator and you snap

his legs earth or her pets depends and then they confess it seemed to me that

difficult blimey but friends please there's no

need for such drastic measures is there not a local militia or

authority there is a military barracks here for for heaven's sake

are there not proper as shits that you can I speak to off authorities that you

can speak to you who can help yourselves and clear yourselves of this is horrible

horrible the fitment that they fare they've put on you of course every but

unless of the person or the victim speaks up on what happened

there's no usually no beliefs that go on unless we find them on the ground like

we did mrs. G oh so mrs. G has been one of these victims

so sort yes we told you that maybe oh you mean tonight oh I see yes I don't

know how would you like if we would go search

around and we would bring these imitators to justice if you find

imitators just let us know when we can handle it you don't have to put yourself

out of the way what kind of crews can you give us

you're the one coming to us with the information we can't give you anything

have you seen anyone anywhere whatever things been happening it seems recently

you're coming to us with the information whoever your friend is mr. Ashe have him

go speak to the authorities won't be able to handle it yes well you see he's

um he hasn't been attacked of sorts he just knows people are after him he

did not mention what your name do not get me wrong that's not where I'm coming

from I just I know that somebody is after him and I was wondering after a

delightful conversation that you you might know but um yes maybe I should

speak to the authorities directly on this that would be the best place to

start I cannot personally stand but Cara tied

behind their feeble words no muscle I can understand but words I do not and I

tolerate cowards yes it's awful these these these silly people who play cheap

tricks and illusions to deceits and despise and hide themselves yes I have I

know this one child very annoying all the time runs away from her problems and

and just tonight imitated me when I was trying to ask her there's normal

question as she just boo-boo-boo-boo-boo trying to copy me and like grim or like

I have of my own and it is funny when they do act like that you have wise you

would drive yourself crazy otherwise um but I'm sure I'm sure your friend means

no harm and is a delightful person if you actually spend some time to know

them um yes she's a nice lad last last ah see

yes so well yes look at the time it is it is almost pitch black out I don't

want to be seen out cetera is there an establishment where we could stay for

the evening which is nearby let me leave the way oh just let's do this darkness

away from your thoughts I can lead you to the end of your choosing or the

insurer or ash optimism at Tim soar suspiciously like hmm is this a good

idea and should we trust him he just shakes I said it might be fun yes this

time right fun it's not quite what I'm after

the guards patrol all the time it's part of the regular regiment if you follow

patrol if you wait maybe 5 10 minutes you can follow up with the troll I see

that may be the best so are we off into the night yes I'm sure I say we go for a

walk perhaps find a nice end what is wrong with you is that nearby yes it is

about a 10-minute course ah I may join you I mean you have said that your

adventures I trust you I've spent some time with you and maybe we could

all together and we can get there on time because it's dark and I kept two

people there to be out in the dark which is detrimental to be and my business

bull takes em race and let's go let us depart my this place he like he like

starts walking and like embrace our I'm just like a lift and he just like comes

to a full stop as like a murse is not moving sure it stands up and and holds

out a hand to off to the gentleman at the table - like offer to shake hands

and of course thank you thank you very much my fellow friends if you see mr. G

I'm terribly sorry I couldn't see him tonight and regret that I couldn't pin

to him but if you see him tell him ash mr. ash is looking for him quite like do

you meet him with business opportunities which may be beneficial to the both of

us short term and long term and possibly maybe which he potentially has not dealt

with before if you can pass that information on to him I would be most

grateful and forever in your debt and here he drops two silver pieces onto

the table I know it is not much my money pouch unfortunately it's not with me I

don't tend to carry much cash or coin with me wealth out at night just in case

as you can probably understand but anything I can do please look me up I'm

more than happy to try and help where I can and this is a delightful

establishment and anything I can do to assist and aid you in the future I would

be most forthcoming and willing to try to bowl just spreads out his arms twirls

in a circle and then exit and then moon walks backwards out the door putting his

hands in front of him and bowing his head this way my fellow brother sure he

brushes herself down in turn she was quite a peculiar and print you have that

very much so but in for a good lap or two it's a bit later for laughs for me

but I'm sure he means well and he has good heart just as you guys

do thank you very much for company and the fine fruit and compliments to mrs. G

when you see her and I wish she is well soon if I bump into my friend I will be

sure to advise him of your lodgings and maybe he can assist in her recovery

obviously dog to the dogs you say I shall do my shut down and you too doc

yes Oh - dog not the docs yes right and where does doc live a bit south of here

and two roads over I see well what I may actually do it's the white house show

him Blue Cross or the blue X oh and is it on the Main Street you won't be able

to miss it okay certainly well I will I will advise my friend all that have been

sent him forthwith and obviously any assistance he could be this doc fellow

seems quite capable anyway but any assistance that I'm sure he would be

more than happy to try and get mrs. G back on her feet because I shall be here

again for your fine delicious scriptures and food because it

is wonderful and with that I bid you farewell and good night all the best and

taking care and Aston's and

all right and for expeditious sakes you're able to

through follow patrol towards one of the several different ends that are down

towards the lake the water shore that's a bit cheaper and it will cost you about

a silver a room you can fit about four people in for our room into a room if

you were able to bunk down alright is its bubble still with us ball yeah

ball assuming he's not he is there with his hands on his head and then he Pat's

his head and rubs his belly and just grins at himself grins at himself yes is

in front of him here you don't know there's something on huh that dude okay

- still in the guise of ash I turn around to him

thank you very kindly for your escort and she gives him two copper pieces

very kind of you to do so I hope you have a good evening

would you be okay getting back to your lodgings for tonight my lodgings is the

world it's quite don't we all have all lived here quite happily together

fantastic thank you very much have a great evening

maybe we shall see each other again soon of course he put his hand in front his

face closer into a fist see and with that we'll end a nice journey

yay can we end it after the low-risk C's

know right before right before long debit so thank you all so much for

watching hope you guys have enjoyed as I sure have good luck and

For more infomation >> Mrs. G | Neobros DND 10 - Duration: 3:05:52.


G-Dragon releases another version of 'Untitled, 2014' MV - Duration: 1:20.

G-Dragon releases another version of 'Untitled, 2014' MV

G-Dragon has dropped another version of his music video Untitled, 2014 through his Instagram page.

On August 12, he uploaded three separate clips of the video with a caption that reads, Untitled, 2014 This is another music video just for you guys. In this version, he is seen wearing a suit jacket and singing passionately for the camera.

The outfit alone makes the entire thing look different and creates another vibe that contrasts with the original. Check out the clips below.

For more infomation >> G-Dragon releases another version of 'Untitled, 2014' MV - Duration: 1:20.


Once crushed like Africans, she was stripped white with a bunch of red spinach - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Once crushed like Africans, she was stripped white with a bunch of red spinach - Duration: 10:17.


😍nail art 2017 without tools nail art 201 nail art 2016 compilation nail art 2017 nail art 2017 may - Duration: 12:39.

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For more infomation >> 😍nail art 2017 without tools nail art 201 nail art 2016 compilation nail art 2017 nail art 2017 may - Duration: 12:39.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Trixz first look on PlayerUnknownPlayergrounds - Duration: 3:04:50.

For more infomation >> Trixz first look on PlayerUnknownPlayergrounds - Duration: 3:04:50.


Do Not Buy Drum Kits

For more infomation >> Do Not Buy Drum Kits




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