Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 15 2017

What's up Champ! I'm Vince Del Monte of In this video we're going

to look at the truth about barbell bicep curls. We're going to find out are they

our friend or foe.

So here's the deal. You guys are thinking too much like bodybuilders.

Alright. You guys are thinking inner grip for the inner head wider grip for the outer head.

Guys that's all BS. Here's the truth. You need to be focusing on what's called the path of the joint when

you're in the gym. Alright. So you need to stop looking at exercises in terms of

what they're doing to you and start asking yourself how does my joint want

to move. What should my joint be doing? What should my joint be doing? What

should my joint be doing? What should my joint not be doing? What should my joint

not be doing? What should my joint not be doing? Those are the questions you should

be asking. This video should have been entitled the truth about the elbow joint

not the truth about barbell curls because when we understand the truth

about the elbow joint and how it wants to move that solves all debates and puts

you in the best position to build bigger arms. So let's look at this really simply.

In this video I'm going to start demonstrating the way most people do

curls. When you're doing a barbell curl can you break the bar so that you can

move through the path of the joint? No. That's a steal 45 pound bar. You're not

going to break that bar so because the bar is stronger than you, your elbows

have to work around it alright and this is the biggest problem with attaching

yourself to barbells. You have to work around the barbell as opposed to the

barbell working around you. Alright. So it's like you trying to fit into a bad

relationship with a girl you were never meant to date and you were never meant

to get into a relationship with. If you look at these exercises it's kind of like

picking a partner. A marriage spouse. You can start quickly seeing... shoot I'm not

matched up for everything out there just like you're not matched up for every

exercise in the gym. Alright so the important part of the video here is to

know how to check your active and available range of motion to see if you

even qualify to do a barbell curl. Alright. So how do we do that? It's very

simple. So what we're going to do is close our eyes so we can visualize this

and not force anything and we're going to start with external rotation of the

shoulder and we're going to start to rotate rotate rotate

until we start to feel some resistance and then we're going to stop there. If you look at

my active and available range of motion I don't even have I don't have bad

external rotation at the shoulder but I don't have supination on the forearm. I'm

not even at a hundred and eighty degrees. So for me to attach myself to the bar I

can't even get there without weight. So if I now attach myself to the bar what's

the bar going to do to me? It's going to force me into this position. Is that

smart? Well let's see what happens. So I've been told you've got to do

barbell curls for big arms. So I say okay. I'm not going to think about what I have

available. I'm just going to do the exercise. So because this is my active

and available range of motion look at my wrists. So right now I don't even have

what I need to do this exercise effectively which is radial deviation at

the wrist. I need to have supination at the elbow. I have to be in this range to

work the path of the joint. But because I don't even have that, now I've got ulnar

deviation at the wrist so I'm curling the bar like this and my elbows have to

move in and out to keep the bar in a straight line because the bar is

dictating the path. So now I'm trashing my wrist. I'm trashing my elbows. For what.

For what. So if we look at this I have to force external rotation at my shoulders.

I have to force the rotation down to my elbows. I have to now try and get some radial

deviation at the wrist if I even can, and then I have to start contracting

against the bar. Most people aren't even thinking about this and this is why they

bang up their wrists and their elbows. Now if you can get into this position safely,

and comfortably, where it's not a forced relationship,

then by all means. I've got no problem with the exercise. The question is are

you qualified to do the exercise? Can you get into this position and maintain this

position so that you can maintain the tension on your biceps? Now I can right

now becuase weight is very very light but that's going to limit my progress.

See what I'm saying. So we've got to match up these exercises properly so we can load

them properly. When you're doing barbell curls I'll be

honest. Most people would be best off just not doing them. Yes I know Ronnie

did them, I know Dorian did them, yes I know Arnold did

them, but those guys also have beat up wrists. They have beat up elbows. They've got

beat up shoulders. So you can't take the good without the bad alright. You got

to ask yourself is it worth doing some of these movements that may be causing

me more harm. Some of you guys might be

laughing at this. Yo're just like but everybody does barbell curls Vince. I'm

not saying you can't fit into the movement but you have to ask yourself

are there better movements in the gym that can give you just as much

hypertrophy. I will tell you straight up front there's no extra benefits of doing

the barbell curl from a hypertrophy standpoint, versus an exercise that

allows you to work through the path of the joint. There's no extra benefit to

the barbell curl guys. There's nothing special about the barbell curl. It's all

about your ability to produce tension, fatigue, stress, damage within the muscle.

That's what's going to determine whether your muscles grow or not. Not the

exercise you're doing. If you're ready to embrace this approach of building muscle

smarter and not just harder, then check out There's a link

up there. It'll take you to a page where you'll learn about my philosophy about building

muscle with baby weights. Alright. You'll learn how to execute

your movement safely. You'll learn cues that very few people are teaching that

will help you get more from less. Alright. Thank you so much for watching

guys. I will see you guys next time. Let me know what other videos you want to

cover in this truth about series in the comment section below. Share this video

with a friend who would benefit from learning how to train smarter not just

harder. Maybe somebody is beating up their body. He needs to learn how to

optimize their movement. Alright. Thank you so much. I appreciate your time and

your attention. I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> The TRUTH About Barbell Curls (WRIST DESTROYER?) - Duration: 6:27.


ポルシェが991型911GT3のエンジン保証を延長。10年、もしくは12万キロまで。不具合があれば交換の対応も - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> ポルシェが991型911GT3のエンジン保証を延長。10年、もしくは12万キロまで。不具合があれば交換の対応も - Duration: 5:13.


Do Not Buy Drum Kits

For more infomation >> Do Not Buy Drum Kits


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S, Nw model, Panoramadak, Navi, Drive Select, Full - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S, Nw model, Panoramadak, Navi, Drive Select, Full - Duration: 0:59.


Get 0.50$ free! - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Get 0.50$ free! - Duration: 2:04.


What Are White Dwarf Stars? - Duration: 5:53.

Hey Crazies.

I've been meaning to do a video on white dwarves for a while.

No no no, white dwarf stars!

I did my 90-some-page thesis on them.

It lives on the shelf over here.

They're one of those weird astronomical objects that can't be understood

without quantum mechanics.

Let's start at the beginning.

No no no no, too far back!

I mean where white dwarfs come from.

Stop it!!

There are three types of stellar corpses.

The big stars leave behind black holes and the medium ones leave behind neutron stars.

It's the small stars that leave behind white dwarfs.

Different low-mass stars live slightly different lives, so they can end up as white dwarfs

made of slightly different things, but it's always a white dwarf.

The vast majority of active stars in the present universe are low-mass stars.

About 70% of them are faint red dwarfs.

The point is, eventually we're going to have a lot of white dwarfs floating around.

We should probably understand them.

Classically, these things shouldn't even exist.

Gravity should collapse them into black holes, but we know that doesn't happen.

We can see some of them through telescopes, so we know they exist.

The problem is balance.

Smaller stuff like these ice cubes don't collapse under their own gravity because the

bonds and intermolecular forces hold the atoms in place.

You can say the same thing for stuff as big as asteroids or planets.

But stars are different.

They're so massive, that their self-gravity breaks the matter down.

Molecules and even atoms fall apart and they become a giant ball of plasma.

Stars have something else to keep from collapsing.

Radiation pressure!

As the gravity pulls inward, the fusion in the core releases light and that light exerts

an outward pressure to balance gravity.

It's what we call "Hydrostatic Equilibrium" because it behaves like a fluid with balanced


White dwarfs are kind of in-between planets and stars.

They're a dead star, meaning no more fusion or radiation pressure, but they're way too

massive for molecules to hold up.

Actually, if white dwarfs are white, then they're emitting light, so there is radiation pressure.

Yes, yes, but not nearly enough.

Remember, radiation pressure depends heavily on momentum and, therefore, energy and ultimately


Without fusion, all you get is the standard black-body light, most of which is only in

the visible range.

That's pretty low energy.

Fusion in an active stellar core releases high-energy gamma rays, which have 10 million

times the energy.

Besides, eventually, even that will bleed out into space.

The white dwarf will get cold and black and it still won't collapse.

I really need to stop being so depressing.

Anyway, if it's not intermolecular forces and it's not radiation pressure, we need

another explanation and it comes from Quantum Mechanics!

Remember from the previous video, how you could only put two electrons into a single

atomic orbital?

We called it the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

That same rule applies here.

It's just that white dwarf matter isn't nearly as organized.

Gravity is so strong that molecules get crushed.

The atoms end up overlapping so much that the electrons don't belong to specific atoms.

They flow through the whole star like it's one big spherical box.

It's called "Degenerate Matter" because it's of a lesser quality.

The quantum states are very simple and a lot of them share the same exact energy.

It's a mess.

But, because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle, you can't have all the electrons in

the lowest energy.

There can still only be two in each state, so the rest get forced into a higher and higher

energy states, just like in an atom.

This behavior acts just like an outward pressure.

We call it "Electron Degeneracy Pressure" for obvious reasons and it's enough to hold

back gravity, up to a limit.

The Chandrasekhar Limit!

Anyway, calculating this limit can be tricky, so we'll want to be careful.


We don't need to use General Relativity.

While white dwarf stars are dense, they are neither massive enough nor dense enough to

require us to consider curved space-time.

Trust me.

I've done the calculation both ways.

You get the same result.


We do need to use Special Relativity.

Remember how most these electrons are forced into higher energy states?

Well, they're also forced into higher momentum states, which means most of them are going:

fast fast!

I've also done this calculation both ways.

You don't get the same result.

Now, what was that last thing?

Oh right!

We just need one more piece of information: The limiting factor.

We need to know what makes the Pauli Exclusion Principle fail.

That's where the protons come in.

The more massive the white dwarf, the stronger its gravity, so more massive white dwarfs

are actually smaller in size.

Their electrons are confined to a smaller and smaller space, which means they're moving

faster and faster.

At some upper limit, the electrons are moving so fast that they combine with the protons

to make neutrons.

It becomes a neutron star, which we're saving for another video.

The upper mass limit for a white dwarf is

is 1.4 times the mass of our Sun with a diameter of only 1083 miles.

Some people describe it as a giant diamond in space, but this density is way passed diamond.

So how many of you to see one these up close?

Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for liking and sharing this video.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up with us.

And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.

The featured comment comes from qbslug who asked

Why do atoms seem to be the most stable with p-oribtals?

It's not really about the p-orbitals, it's about the shell as a whole.

The p-oribtal just tends to be on the outside of the shell.

For that atom to gain an electron in a bond

it would have to go up an entire extra energy level.

That's not easy.

For more infomation >> What Are White Dwarf Stars? - Duration: 5:53.


Toyota Auris 1.6D Dynamic | Panoramadak | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 1.6D Dynamic | Panoramadak | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:02.


Bold Mint and Coral Eyes || Fangirl-inspired makeup tutorial [CC] - Duration: 1:56.

hi, everyone! my name is Camille, and today I'm showing you how I did this super

colorful eye makeup inspired by this edition of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

I've primed my eyes off camera because it's the exact same process as all of my

other makeup tutorials, so we're going straight in with a neutral base. I'm

using Heart-shaped Cookie by Sugarpill. I'm patting this all over my eyelids as

well as sweeping it above my crease to use as a transition color later. First I

want to bring in that lovely mint color from the font of Fangirl.

I'm using Mochi by Sugarpill, and I'm blending that in and above my crease as

well as underneath my eye. To deepen the outer V and the crease, I'm using

Subterranean by Sugarpill. This one might be the hardest one to dupe. All of the eye

products that I'm using today are by Sugarpill, but this is probably the most

unique shade that I'm using today. The color itself is a lovely peacock green

mixed with navy blue, and it's got these lovely mint sparkles in it. I'm just

packing that into the outer V and the crease and blending it out with more of

Mochi ^.^ We're doing something a little unconventional for the eyeliner. We'll be

using alternating layers of Cubby and Suburbia. I did not own any color like

this that's legitimately made for the eyes in my collection, but of course, if

you have something that is made for the eyes in this color I highly recommend

using that instead. I'm using the actual lipstick for the deep pigmentation and

to get the right color. Suburbia the eye shadow is slightly more Orangey, but

I'm just lightly dusting it over just to set that lipstick as my eyeliner. I've

done my face and brows off-camera because, again, it's the exact same process

as every other makeup tutorial that I've posted, and I'm topping this look off

with Praline by E.L.F. Since the eyes are so vibrant and really the statement of this

look, I really wanted to tone down the lips. Thank you all so so much for

watching! I hope that you all have a super wonderful day and don't forget

that progress is more important than perfection <3

For more infomation >> Bold Mint and Coral Eyes || Fangirl-inspired makeup tutorial [CC] - Duration: 1:56.


RUN & HIDE: Fallout 4 Ultra Survival (episode 1) - Duration: 2:17:26.

For more infomation >> RUN & HIDE: Fallout 4 Ultra Survival (episode 1) - Duration: 2:17:26.


Private Companies Registration Fee - Duration: 10:09.

Companies Registration Fee

For more infomation >> Private Companies Registration Fee - Duration: 10:09.





Private Companies Registration Fee - Duration: 10:09.

Companies Registration Fee

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