Sunday, March 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2017

Subcribe Chanel. Thanks for watching. Sub by newonline

How can this be?

(Episode 105)

She's gone, Soo-hyuk. She's not here.

I think she left as soon as she woke up.


She ran away?

Hold on one minute.

I'll be right there. Wait for me there.

What if she goes into hiding forever where no one can find her?

She won't do that.

It's so easy to locate people.

She won't do anything rash like that.

She's trying to earn time.

Then she must have gone to her attorney for help.

Why don't you head out too?

I'll find out her attorney's address so let's meet halfway there.

Let's do that.

The police found out.

They found out about the arson at the resort!

What do I do now?

How could you let that happen?

They had evidence of it.

They arrested me but I escaped.

What do we do now?

Are you asking me?

You have to find a way.

Don't you know that if I end it this way,

it will be the end for you too?

How did you let them find evidence of it?

This is your fault.

That's why I'm asking you.

If you help me out this time, I will never forget it.

I'm Eun Hee-soo. The vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I will soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

About the Yongin estate...

When are you transferring the title to me?

It hasn't been transferred...

That's not important right now!

Don't worry about it.

I will do it for you. That's why we're working together!

So just find a way out.

The faster you find it, the faster you will have your estate.

Do you get it?

She's probably looking for a way out.

Her attorney's office isn't far from here.

We may bump into her.

If not, we will make her a wanted person and get her arrested.

She knows she can't run any farther.

She knows she has no way out because of the evidence.

Let's get her for the hotel's fire and then go after her for the...

fire at the Pyeongchang-dong house and your mother's death.

Let's do that.

What's going on?

I came as soon as I got your call.

You're making me really nervous since you're nervous.

Listen to me very carefully.

Don't be shocked no matter what I tell you.

Why are you being so serious?

You make it seem like you have committed a crime.

It could actually be the end for me.

But that won't happen.

I won't let it.

What's going on?

Min Kyung-chae turned me in.

The police came.

Why would she do that?

You have already been fired for the corruption case.

You don't have any other crime...

That's not what it's about.

She thinks I ordered the fire at the resort.

What are you talking about? You weren't even there.

Min Kyung-chae is set on ruining me.

Don't you know her by now?

But how can she accuse an innocent person?

I have no one else.

I don't have anyone to call.

You need to trust me and support me till the end.

Otherwise, this may be the end for me.

Could you do that for me?

Trust me and support me till the end?

I just don't understand a word you're saying.

Just answer me!

Will you support me till the end?

Of course I will.

I won't be able come home for a while.

I have to find a way.

I can't let Min Kyung-chae ruin me.

I know Eun Hee-soo stopped by.

Where is she?

It's my job to protect her privacy.

Helping Eun Hee-soo is aiding and abetting her.

How can you support her after knowing what she did!

How can you just barge in like this without an appointment?

If Eun Hee-soo avoids punishment, you will have to pay the price too.

In fact, you will be punished too.

Just know that your threats will work against you.

Tell me where she is!

I know she stopped by to look for a way out.

If you help her so that she gets away with it,

I won't forgive you!

Calm down, Kyung-chae.

Please tell us. Where is Eun Hee-soo?

Tell us right now!

He's in the same boat with her. He won't tell us so easily.

Perhaps he really doesn't know.

Eun Hee-soo doesn't trust anyone fully.

This is so upsetting.

How can a lawyer be that way?

That's the power of money.

I'm sure she gave him a big amount.

Much more than we can imagine.

Eun Hee-soo doesn't have that kind of money.

She hasn't even paid back her bank loan.

Come to think of it, that's true.

She used her house for a bank loan to give money to Mr Jung.

She hasn't been able to pay back the loan.

Where did she get the money?

We need to look into this.

Did you turn Hee-soo in to the police?

Is that why she's on the run?

I did.

What's wrong with you?

Why would you blame her for the resort fire?

You know she wasn't there.

She can bribe someone to do it without being there.

She paid an employee to commit arson.

We even have evidence.

What's the evidence?

Yes, Yeosu Resort.

Do a good job.

Make sure it looks like an accident and not arson. Okay?

Eun-chae recorded this by chance.

If you know where Eun Hee-soo is, you need to persuade her.

She's a wanted person now. She's bound to be caught.

She couldn't have done this.

She knows the damage this would cause the hotel.

Why would she do this?

I'm not sure if she's doing this to avenge her termination or...

to try to get back to the hotel.

This is no light accident.

The hotel will take full legal action.

So make the right choice.


I don't know how they got our number.

They have been calling me all day.

I have a headache from answering calls all day.

How can you let such an article be published?

I'm sure Eun Hee-soo told them about us.

She must have lost her mind after being fired.

What are you going to do?

The hotel's image is damaged and...

the opening day of the resort is postponed.

Don't worry about it.

We revealed that the resort fire was Eun Hee-soo's work.

Would you be able to do it before people?

I'm sure I can.

I can tell everyone that Hee-soo is a bad person.

I'm not scared of her anymore.

I'm brave now.

Will you start a new case against her?

Eun-chae is being so brave so we should do all that we can.

We will have a trial and punish her.

We need to.

What are we going to do now that she's on the run?

I think she contacted Ji-sub.

I told him to persuade her.

It would be good to see her turn herself in.

But she won't do that.

I'm sure they will find her since she's wanted.

She knows she has no other way.

Letting her free after committing such a horrid crime is...

like living with a time bomb.

Other people will suffer because of her.

We can't let her get away with this.

We have to punish her no matter what.

She won't get away this time.

I won't let that happen.

Hey. Hee-soo went out this afternoon but hasn't come back yet.

She's not answering her phone either.

I don't know what's going on.

Do you know anything?

Something came up for her.

She won't be home for a few days.

What happened to her? Why a few days?

Did anything bad happen to her?


She just has something.

She's fine so please don't worry.

Come on! Why can't she even call me?

She's so cold and unloving.

She thinks nothing of me.

She only looks for me when she needs me.

Are you sure nothing bad is going on?

Mother. Actually, Hee-soo is...

Yes? What about Hee-soo?

She is...

Never mind. I will go upstairs now.

What's wrong with him?

Why isn't he telling me?

Is he feeling me out or something?

If you know where Eun Hee-soo is, you need to persuade her.

She's a wanted person now. She's bound to be caught.

Your mum is worried.

She's really quick, so I just gave her some excuses.


I don't want my mum to know.

What are you going to do now?

How long will you be able to do this?

What do you mean?

I'm sure Attorney Jang is working on this.

I have to wait for him.

I can't let her falsely accuse me.

Are you sure it's a false accusation?

What are you saying?

Then are you saying I'm lying about this?

I heard from Kyung-chae.

About the recording of your phone call.


It's all over.

This won't change anything.

Just take the punishment and live in peace.

You can start over after that.

That's the best option for you. And for us.

Are you crazy?

How can you even say that?

Why should I?

I'm being falsely accused.

It's Kyung-chae that should be punished.

Not me!


Did you call me to tell me this nonsense?

Do you even know how I feel right now?


Don't call me anymore.

You're the same.

You don't believe me.

You only believe Kyung-chae's words.

You're no different from her!

Why did you run when you're bound to get caught anyway?

I want my attorney.

I won't talk until Attorney Jang comes.

- I won't admit to anything. - Gosh.

We even have evidence. What are you trying to do?

This is not going to change anything.

Even if you have 10 attorneys, this is deserving of imprisonment.

- Do you get it? - I want my attorney!

Sir. Could you excuse us for a few minutes?

The situation will change once my attorney comes.

He's a really competent man.

More competent than you can ever imagine!

I know how he is.

But I'm sure he's got no way out this time.

The employee who started the fire admitted to his crime.

He said you made him do it.

He confessed how much he got and everything else you told him to do.

Why would I hire a mere employee to carry out all that?

The Mona Lisa is special to me as well.

You said if you can't have the hotel, then no one can.

You meant to destroy the hotel.

That's why you set the resort on fire.

If the hotel was really special to you,

you could never have done that.

You can get an arrest warrant right away, right?

Yes, we can. We don't need to prolong this.

Now it's finally coming to an end.

We still have other crimes to expose.

The fire at the Pyeongchang-dong house, my mum's death,

and Eun Ki-man's murder.

It's just a matter of time before we reveal they're all your doing.

You will soon stand trial for those crimes.

No, I have done nothing wrong.

I'm innocent no matter what you say.

It's all over.

Just confess everything! That would be better...

I have nothing to confess no matter what you say.

I just lived my life with all my might.

It's you that was jealous of me and falsely accused me.

I'm the one being falsely accused!

You're too much!

Have you ever felt sorry for my mum's death?

She did nothing wrong!

Why should I be sorry for her death?

She didn't treat me like a human being.

Your mum was a bad person.

Just because she was rich,

she thought she could mistreat people she deemed beneath her.

She only knew how to protect what...

was hers and didn't know how to share.

She covered herself with arrogance and extravagance.

She treated me like rubbish.

But it was your mum that was the real rubbish!

Watch what you say.

Not everyone who is less fortunate is like you.

Not everyone tries to fulfil their greed in your dirty ways!

There's something you don't know.

This is all your fault.

If you had protected what was yours, none of this would have happened.

If you hadn't acted like you were willing to give me everything...

No. If you hadn't acted like you could understand everything...

You made me this way.

Min Kyung-chae, you made me this way.

So you killed your mum!

How can you say that?

This will only hurt you.

You have come to your ruin already.

You have nothing else left.

No, I won't come to my ruin.

When my lawyer comes, I'm going to sue you for defamation.

Be ready for it.

I will sue you for this!

You can't do anything to me!


Get out! You can't do anything to me!


Get out!

She will soon be taken to prison.

Are you more at ease now?

No one will believe what you and I went through.

Who would have thought one person could create such havoc?

That's true but I'm worried about the resort.

Our opening day has been postponed.

That's not for you to worry about.

I will take care of it as the CEO.

It's just important that we got Eun Hee-soo.

I feel like it's all my fault.

If it wasn't for me,

you wouldn't have been bound by this twisted fate with Eun Hee-soo.

Come on. You shouldn't apologise right now.

You should just say "I love you."

Don't you know it by now?

All men only want to hear "I love you" from their women.

But I'm still sorry.

There you go again!

"I love you." Say that.

That will make everything fine for me. Come on!

I love you, Soo-hyuk.

Now I'm happy.

I love you lots too.

Tell me the truth.

I know you're hiding something from me.

Did something bad happen to Hee-soo?


Did something bad really happen to Hee-soo?


I'm here, so stop calling me!

Talk to me.

She actually has been arrested.

She will soon be imprisoned.

What are you talking about?

What did Hee-soo do?

She ordered the fire at the resort.

They have evidence of it.

There's also a witness.

My child has come to her ruin now?

Her life is over now?


Did you get Hee-soo arrested and put in prison?

Answer me!

Did you do it?

I did.


Hey! How could you do this! How?

You know very well what Eun Hee-soo did.

It's only right that she gets punished.

What? It's only right?

You just ruined my daughter's life and you say it's only right?

It's only right?

Who are you to throw her in prison?

- What are you doing? Calm down! - How dare you!

Let go of me! Who are you to do this?

How could you do that to my precious daughter!

You deserve to die!

I'm going to call security if you keep this up!

Eun Hee-soo needs to be punished!

She has more punishment coming!

This is only the beginning!

You know there are more crimes!


So you will still go after my daughter?

You? You! You? You!

Mrs Gong! Mrs Gong! Mrs Gong!

Don't worry.

Everything will work out.

Nothing will happen.

Everything will return to normal.


Can you sit down? You're distracting me.

Be quiet.

Do you think I'm on the same level as you?

I have something to think about so just mind your own business.

She must have lost her mind.


You rubbish!

Do you know who I am?

I'm not someone you can dare to gaze at.

When my lawyer comes, I'm going to leave this place.

But you will all rot here forever!

- Hey! - I said be quiet!

She really lost her mind.

Open up.

Call my lawyer!

I want him right now!

Once my lawyer comes, it will be the end for you all!

Call my lawyer!

I want him right now. Now!

Mrs Gong! Mrs Gong!

Are you waking up?

Should I get some medicine for you?

You caused all these problems!

Don't do this.

This doesn't help Hee-soo at all.

What horrible twist of fate binds us.

No fate could be more horrible.

You were always set on getting Hee-soo.

Now this happened.

You ruined my daughter!

You ruined her! You ruined her!

- You did this! - What are you doing?


Calm down.

You two have ruined my daughter.

You ruined my poor child!

Get out right now!

Right now!

Let's see what kind of life you live after ruining my daughter.

I'm going to be watching to see what kind of life you lead!

Are you okay?

How did you know I was here?

My poor child.

I'm going to get out soon.

I'm fine.

I'm fine too.

Now that it has come to this, just take care of your health.

Eat everything they give you.

And sleep well.


Why do you talk as if it's all over?

I'm going to get out soon.

Attorney Jang is looking for a way.

He will find a way out so don't worry.


Mrs Gong.

I didn't unlock the doors.

All the doors were just totally wide open.

I came here because...

What's wrong with Hee-soo?

Who is she pushing for this wedding when we're against it?

I'm talking about Pil-sub.

He's been dating that stupid Eun-chae or something.

Hee-soo is so set on getting them married and is pushing for it.

You know, she's overstepping her boundaries!

She's in deeper trouble.

I really want to tell Ji-sub to divorce her right away.

Say something!

My goodness! What's wrong with you?

I didn't say anything mean.

Goodness! I don't know what's wrong with you.

Goodness. What's wrong with you?

Consider my effort and just take a bite.

What's the point of eating when Hee-soo is on the verge of dying?

What are you talking about? I don't understand!

What about Hee-soo?

Is she in trouble again?

How can she always be in trouble?


What's going on?



Mrs Gong is not well.

I think something happened but she won't talk.

What's going on?


Then she's in prison?

Keep it to yourself and just don't say anything to mother.

You knew all this and stayed here?

You mindless idiot!

You must be out of your mind!

What can I do?

She's in such deep trouble.

Do you want me to turn my back on her?

Then will you take care of her in prison?

It's really my fault that this happened to her.

I can't turn my back on her.

Not right now.


Who do you think I am?

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

She's at it again.

Just watch.

Everyone will get down on their knees on that day.

Just watch.

Min Kyung-chae, Jin Soo-hyuk, and everyone in the world.


Why don't you stop and eat something?

Are you not going to eat again?

Shut up!

I don't want to talk to you!

What did you just do? You touched my food?

I don't think this will work.

We will have to teach her a lesson.

Come here.

- Come here! - Let me go! Let me go!

- Get off me! - How dare you ruin my food!

No one touches my food!

Do you take me lightly?

- What did you just do? - Who do you think you are?

Hey, do you think I'm some pushover?

Did you visit your wife?

Not yet.

You must blame us.

A saying has it that we should hate the crime but not the person.

I understand.

She needs to take responsibility.

Thank you for saying that.

She did wrong and this is the natural result.

I'm just glad it ended now.

I know she's special to you.

You must be heartbroken for her.

But there was nothing we could do.

We won't stop punishing her even in the future.

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

I'm the vice president of the Mona Lisa Hotel.

I'm going to soon become the CEO and own that hotel.

Why did you call for me?

Take this with you.

Ji-sub won't listen to me so I called for you.

What are they?

They're Ji-sub's belongings.

We can't let him stay here.

Leave him alone.

I'm sure they will make the decision to either divorce or live together.

That's not the situation here!

Do you know where our daughter-in-law...

no, where that girl is?

Isn't she home?

Has she gone somewhere?

Hee-soo is a bad person.

She needs to be punished.

I saw her in the house when it was on fire.

Can you really say that?

There will be a lot of people. It will be in a court.

Trials are not a friendly atmosphere.

Let's get some practise.

Min Eun-chae.

What was the situation when the house was on fire?

My mum pushed me out.

"Eun-chae. Run!"

"Don't look back and walk to the front door."

"Just look ahead and walk. Do you get it, Eun-chae?"

"Min Eun-chae. Listen to me carefully."

"Stay focused and stop crying!"

"Hurry out! Hurry!"

"Mummy is fine as long as you can get out!"

"Leave right now. Hurry out!"

Stop it, Eun-chae.

Because I'm stupid...

Because mummy became handicapped while giving birth to me.

I thought mummy hated me.

But mummy loved me.

Hee-soo is bad.

She made my mum die.

She's a bad person!

I didn't know how deep your pain was.

I'm sorry, Mrs Yeo.

It's not my doing.

Why would I do that?

I just did as I was told.

Mrs Na...

Mrs Na made me do it.

No, Director Oh...

No, Jin Soo-hyuk made me do it!

I'm being falsely accused.

What is she up to now?

I said I didn't do it, Mrs Yeo.

Why would I do that?

It's a misunderstanding on your part.

You got it wrong!

I didn't do anything wrong!

She's something else.

Mrs Yeo...

Shut up and go to sleep.

If you make noise again, I'm going to kill you.

This is all because of you.

Min Kyung-chae!

It's all because of you!

Die! Die! Die!

- She's crazy! - Die!

- Die! - She's crazy!

- Get off her! - Wake up!

- Die! - Call the guard!

- Let me go! - She's crazy!

- Get a hold of yourself! - What's wrong with her?

- She's crazy! - Let go! Let go of me!

I spoke to the reporters about the situation.

Then I guess they will publish corrections.

But the board won't let this go.

I can see how they will react.

Yes, Detective. What is it?

Eun Hee-soo?

I will be right there.

Eun Hee-soo is being taken to a hospital.

Why all of a sudden?

I'm not sure.

I have to go now.


I want water...

Why are you here?

I'm not here because I want to be.

I'm also disgusted to see you.

Come back to your senses and go back to prison.

You don't belong here.

Get out!

Get out right now!

Don't think about running away.

We have guards outside the door.


But she was fine just a few days ago.

But how can this be?

We checked at the request of the police.

But she has a record of being hospitalised for insanity.

How can that be?

That's my diagnosis.

You will get the same diagnosis wherever you go.

Then could she avoid serving her term?

That's not for me to decide but what I am sure of is that...

it's hard for her to stay in prison in her condition.

That can't be!

That just can't be!

I have a way out!

I have a way!

For more infomation >> Two.Womens.Room E.105 - Engsub - Duration: 36:05.


[TN] German bus drivers (satire) - Duration: 3:03.

Good morning and welcome to another episode of: OMG! We're more German than Germans!

Today I wanna talk about one thing... let's forget about German nurses, which are something like... you know the stereotype

of the German nurse coming like... *animal verses*

well, that's not astereotype

however I don't have anything against nurses today, but against bus drivers, who are even worse

I mean, I had to go to the town nest to mine

I had issues last time, bacause the bus driver couldn't get what I wanted

well, my German isn't perfect

so I thought: since I have to get an identical ticket, I'll just show the old one

"Look. This is what I want. This"

And he was lik...

Why? What's wrong with this one?

Well... it would seem it's outdated, I'd like the new one...

How do you want it? Monthly?

on it was written week... Wochenkarte

Weekly. Like this. Identical!

See? Week!

He writes something on the little computer he has in the bus

he tells me the price

but it was a little too much

and I said: I should get a discount

How? Where? You don't!

So I showed him my ticket: look, it's written over here...

last time I was entitled to it, I'd like to get it on the new one as well!

I want it like this!


Where do you have to go?!


It's written here! Like this!

like half an hour for a ticket...

The other day there was this lady who had to take the bus

She stopped it. On the bus is usually written where is heading to

but on this there wasn't any label, so the lady asked the driver and he...

You should read! U_u

The lady: but there's no lable on the bus...

What about the sign at the bus stop?!

Thank you! The other day

I had to take the bus, I'm basically in front of it

it's impossible he didn't see me. I was wearing my white glasses

it's impossible he didn't notice me wearing the white glasses!

I could believe anything but he did't see me!

I wave like this, because I had to stop at the traffic light

I wasn't feeling all that suicidal, you know

the man sees me, waits for me to get to the stop... and leaves!

He was late. Germans!

Sometimes I feel like it's just above them.

That they have their scheme to follow and they either follow the plan or get confused.

Yeah... not much more to say...

hope you won't have troubles regarding a bus or tickets, because...

they're not gonna help ya. They can't. Maybe they even try

but it's just above them. See you next week with another video! ;)

For more infomation >> [TN] German bus drivers (satire) - Duration: 3:03.


US prioritise Russia, China ties over NATO allies - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> US prioritise Russia, China ties over NATO allies - Duration: 5:54.



Hello You are on the channel Well ka Davayka.

Yes they know they know Valere and why are you so not fun.

And what am I to be cheerful?

Do you at the apartment and take really nothing.

Not that there is nothing you tell me He showed his entertainment

and I'll show you his.

And they are dangerous?

Well this is which way you look.

What we shall do?

We will make your copy.

It is not interested, we will make them jelly chocolate

with caramel and even some of something.

Oh here it is more interesting, and what is it something what?

And here's a surprise!

Guys what do you think of which we still do

copies of Valery younger.

Write your options comments.

And we will start cooking jelly bears.

Take gelatin and just such a mold.

In a saucepan pour vodichku and fall asleep all the gelatin

All mix thoroughly and leave to swell.


You can also try?

Something is not sweet!

Because nothing else is not ready, turn on the stove and

We warm up our mix.

Now, ready?

No nuzhem jam!

About jam is delicious cherry.

Add jam to taste and you can add sugar!

Now we shall filter that would It left gelatin.

We divide our jelly on three parts and each add

different food coloring.

Green yellow and blue.

To add white yellow to make it possible to lighten

I will swim there?

Look, I have to smear!

Then you still wash, Now fill the container

and make white and dark jelly.

Smazhem molds plant oil to Bears

well battered.

We will fill the molds and foot.

The latter made transparent Jelly's see what happens.

Already all?

A Th they are slices?

We have not put all of them in fridge.

On the fridge, I love you!

It can be with them?

No you need me here.

Here are our parts and froze!

We will fill the rest volume.

I know them again in the refrigerator.


So try to get op and what's that?

So transparent turned , But you can see it only from the side!

Oh what they raznotsetnenkie!

I like this one and this one and this one.

No, these two!

And you?

I love them all!

You guys and a teddy bear jelly like best?

Write in the comments!

And then what do we do?

More chocolate!

I love chocolate, melt white chocolate in a water


Oh I liked the room, Can I, too?

Take the brush and draw white chocolate muzzle

and second tabs bear one will do the same parts in yellow


A third pink. Only instead decorate muzzles ears.


Melt the dark chocolate and fill the third mold

and perhaps decorate tummy and the eyes first. for the second

molds are mixed green chocolate.

And for the first gray!

Let's see what we've got.

Wow, that's pretty boy straight strawberry under the chocolate.

That we have with the following?

About kiwi and banana!

Wow a no ordinary honey!

And I?

Look what happened to jelly bear!

What they are wonderful What did you like from

chocolate bears write in comments.

And this is for me?

It looks like a snowy hill!

Valery what are you doing?

Sugar ass!

Heat the sugar and add Three tablespoons of water, neatly

fill the mold.

What's that for brown bear?

Hot guy!

Someone is missing!


Oh so it's Barney!

We have caramel chocolate jelly and biscuit

. Ur everything in Zborov.

How do biscuit?

Sugar Flour loosen spruce salt mix a bit of everything

Give a try!

I do not see anything right now!

Wipe come.

Then take the egg milk all mix.

add the melted frozen oil, mix

dry and wet part and it You can also try?

OK, try.

MM tasty, add one of the cocoa and chocolate treatment.

Now fill a muzzle paws and ears dark dough.

pour a little light Add two pieces of chocolate

and fill the rest of the light test, and then in the oven!

Oh and I can be with them?

No, I sit here with the edge of her!

it is impossible. lucky you, hey Valera you that the oven is very hot

tum has been framed.

Gat mm as the smells!

Let's try?

Oh what pechenyushki, come on try.

Inside all propeklos mmm some yummy yummy

I recommend!

These are copies of Valery Jr. can be prepared

home, all the recipes can be found in the description below the video!

Do not forget to put the Huskies and subscribing to the channel

but about the video with the flight on we have not forgotten the rocket!

In the next issue you all you see!



BH4U | These Are The Recommended Sleep Times According To The National Sleep Foundation - Duration: 3:19.

These Are The Recommended Sleep Times According To The National Sleep Foundation.

Our overall health, and development are significantly affected by the rest we get daily, so experts

advise that we should all follow certain recommendations when it comes to sleep duration.

The National Sleep Foundation recommended sleep time according to age, and the number

of hours you should sleep determines whether you will have enough energy during the day,

optimal health, and mental clarity.

Sleep problems can be a result of various factors, one of the main being stress and

modern technology.

Stress stimulates the production of cortisol, the "stress hormone".

In high levels, this hormone causes restful sleep, sickness, and discomfort.

On the other hand, the light emitted by technological devices impedes the ability of the brain to

release melatonin, since the body produces this hormone in the dark.

Sleep difficulties lead to physical tiredness, difficulties to think clearly, make decisions,

and concentrate, and lead to appetite loss.

It has been found that sleep problems are directly linked to various health issues.

Sleeping less than 5 hours affects heart health, while less than 7 hours leads to weight gain,

diabetes, and obesity.

Always make sure you sleep enough hours in order to prevent health problems.

New Guidelines for sleep hours

Charles Czeisler, a professor at Harvard University, together with a team of experts, conducted

a research, including of many studies from 2004 to 2014, in order to find out the needed

sleep hours, and the effects of sleep on the health.

According to the different development stages, they made the following conclusions:

Newborn (0 to 3 months): 14 to 17 hours.

Babies (4 to 11 months): 12 to 15 hours.

Children (1-2 years): 11 to 14 hours.

Preschool (3-5 years): 10 to 13 hours.

School Age (6-13 years): 9 to 11 hours.

Teens (14 to 17): 8 to 10 hours.

Youth (18-25 years): 7 to 9 hours.

Adults (26-64 years): 7 to 9 hours.

Seniors (over 65 years): 7 to 8 hours.

Yet, bear in mind that each individual needs different hours of rest, so these guidelines

are approximate.

However, it is a fact that the lack of sleep poses serious health risks for all people.

For more infomation >> BH4U | These Are The Recommended Sleep Times According To The National Sleep Foundation - Duration: 3:19.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


a banging stereo - Duration: 0:15.



music increasing in volume

loud music

I'm sure that won't become annoying at all...

For more infomation >> a banging stereo - Duration: 0:15.


SPREAD THIS List of 32 Senators Demanding Foreign Workers Take Over American Jobs - Duration: 12:52.

SPREAD THIS List of 32 Senators Demanding Foreign Workers Take Over American Jobs

Because we know all too well how much contempt the very politicians who we elect into office

and who's salaries we pay have for us American Peons we have now acquired a list of the latest

shenanigan drawn up by 32 Senators.

"Bipartisan Effort" usually means the American people will get shafted, by senators

who have taken upon themselves to urge the new Department of Homeland Security Secretary

John Kelly to conduct an audit to make sure every single available H-2B "blue-collar"

visa be awarded to an eligible business in need of cheaper unskilled labor.

The request came following the return of a cap on the program that limited H-2B visas

to only 66,000 annually under the new Trump Budget, a huge drop from the 264,000 under

the 2016 Obama budget.

These are the Senator traitors to the American Working Middle Class:

John Barrasso (R-WY), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Maria

Cantwell (D-WA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tom Carper (D-DE), Bob Casey (D-PA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA),

Thad Cochran (R-MS), Chris Coons (D-DE), Susan Collins (R-ME), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike Enzi

(R-WY), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Johnny Isakson

(R-GA), Angus King (I-ME), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), James Lankford (R-OK), Jerry Moran (R-KS),

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Patty Murray (D-WA), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Tim

Scott (R-SC), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-SC), Mark Warner (D-VA), Roger Wicker (R-MS),

and Ron Wyden (D-OR).

Notice how good ole Lindsey "Goober" Graham, the Dinosaur Pat Roberts and now sad to see

even Tim Scott are always willing and ready to step on us American peons.

South Carolina and Kentucky take note.

Yes charlatans we know, we know, Americans are too fat and lazy to take on these jobs…

right Goober?

Ask yourselves, with so many of our fellow Americans still suffering the Obama economy,

and almost 100 million of us out of the work force, do we really need more low skilled

workers in this great nation of ours?

Do these politicians really think so little of us that they believe we won't take on

those jobs?

Or are they just paid off by the few Anti-American greedy corporations who will do anything,

even ruin the best nation known to man, just to save a buck?

Let's try to remember this come November 2018.BREAKING Look What Was Just Discovered

Outside Trump Tower — Secret Service is FRANTIC!

The nation's largest St. Patrick's Day parade is about to be underway in New York

City today as thousands of revelers wearing green fill the streets.

However, floats and fanfare aren't all that's going to be going down, which has the Secret

Service frantic to protect the First Family who lives in the center of where the festivities

will be this morning.

No celebratory event would be complete without terroristic debauchery derailing the day — or

at least attempting it.

The New York Police Department and Secret Service have just been made aware of the disgusting

sideshow that's in the works and the plan for when the parade route passes by Trump


As parades go, the line of floats moves slowly down the street making occasional stops for

those in the show to catch up.

However, when the route passes in front of the Trump Tower, where First Lady Melania

Trump is staying with Frist Son Barron Trump, law enforcement has been instructed to not

allow the parade to stop in hopes of preventing protesting from becoming part of the parade.

TMZ reported that spectators will not be allowed to watch the show from the sidewalk directly

in front of the Trump Tower, for obvious safety reasons, which has some liberals fuming.

Officers and the presidential family's security detail are aware that there is a high probability

that protesters are stationed aboard the floats who plan to terrorize the otherwise fun day

and turn it into a political statement — as Democrats routinely do.

Adding to this concern is that demonstrations against our president are inevitable here

and law enforcement is worried about it getting out of control at the flash point.

Considering all the tormenting of Melania and Barron who are in the building right now,

patrol of the area is beefed up an extra 20 officers just for Trump Tower which liberals

feel is a waste of city funds since it was Melania's choice to remain in the city.

Rather than realizing than realizing that their antics create the need for this, these

idiots blame their victims and that's about as disgusting as it gets.

It's time to lock everyone up who attempts anything and send a clear message to these

violent protesters.CNN Reports 'Crazy Hannity' Pulled Gun On

Their Reporter At FOX News Studio But Look What Really Happened!

CNN has gotten quite the reputation for pushing some crazy fake stuff lately.

If you thought their story about Trump hiring Russian hookers to pee on Obama's bed was

extreme, just wait…because this next story takes the freaking cake.

Now CNN is concocting a story about one of FOX News' main anchors that's so extreme,

it will no doubt destroy what was left of their reputation forever.

Liberals love painting conservatives as gun-toting nut-jobs.

The latest target of their propaganda is Sean Hannity, who they are now blasting as a gun-toting

lunatic who pulls guns on liberals up at the FOX News studio.

In bold headlines all over CNN, their latest hit piece reads, 'Sean Hannity once pulled

a gun on Juan Williams.'

According to CNN, who cited three unnamed sources, Hannity turned on his weapon's

laser sight "causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body."

The sources said that the off-camera incident "clearly disturbed" Williams and others

present, adding that Hannity "was showing off."

Of course anyone reading the CNN story immediately thinks Hannity is about to be arrested and

carted off to jail for pulling a gun on Williams.

There's just one small detail that they're leaving out about the story however: It never

even freaking happened!

Even Juan Williams, the supposed "victim" of the story, came out saying that CNN's

story was a complete fabrication.

"This incident is being sensationalized – everything was under total control throughout

and I never felt like I was put in harm's way," Williams said.

"It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to

be great friends."

Because of CNN's asinine news report, FOX News was forced to respond to the incident,

saying it is now being "investigated."

"Sean Hannity has been trained in firearm safety since he was 11 years old and has a

license to carry a gun in five states, including New York," Fox News told CNN in a statement.

"The situation was thoroughly investigated and it was found that no one was put in any

danger," the Fox News spokesperson added, saying the incident was referred to the network's

legal and human resources departments.

The Fox News spokesperson also provided a statement from Hannity:

"While discussing the issue of firearms, I showed my good friend Juan Williams my unloaded

firearm in a professional and safe manner for educational purposes only," the statement


"Every precautionary procedure that I have been trained in since the age of 11 was followed.

I've had a conceal carry permit in five states for all of my adult life.

Any other interpretation of this is outright false reporting."

Hannity took to Twitter late Thursday night to deny CNN's story saying, "Never pointed

at anybody.

Let's be clear.


Never pointed.

I have been a gun safety advocate for years," Hannity said on Twitter.

You've got to hand it to CNN…they are getting pretty damn creative with their stories.

It's truly unreal that they think Americans are going to fall for their fake propaganda!

H/T [USA Today]The Liberal Media Didn't Listen And Now Trump Just Shut One BIG Network


Just today the President released his budgetary blueprint.

Despite the fact that Congress is the one who does the appropriating, liberals are going

crazy with all the potential changes that have yet to occur.

One of the new budget changes is the funding for the Public Broadcasting Corporation.

The new administration is looking to end federal payments towards the Corporation for Public


This was announced by Mick Mulvaney of the Office of Management and Budget in the House

of Representatives.

The hypocrisy of the CPB is the same the Democratic Party struggles with.

They feel they are owed taxpayer dollars yet they only show the liberal sides of issues.

Despite conservative taxpayer dollars paying their bills.

They don't even feel a responsibility to showcase another viewpoint.

Mulvaney said the following during a press conference on the new budget,

"We proposed ending funding, but technically what you'll see—it's an elimination—but

you'll see an amount of money in the budget, and it is some amount of money that's necessary

for us to unwind our involvement with CPB.

So you won't see a zero next to it, but the policy is that we're ending federal

involvement with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Next year it might be zero, it may take a while to unwind that relationship, it's

just the nature of contracts."

The CPB receives approximately $450 million each year from the federal budget.

$99.1 million of that goes to public radio.

That is a substantial amount of money.

However, the Washington Free Beacon noted that CPB funding is done every two years so

defunding would take longer than anticipated.

The left has used this public organization to perpetuate their liberal ideology all under

the guise of being impartial and bipartisan when they are anything but.

Which is the worst offense of all, hypocrisy.

They will function perfectly fine without federal funding.Look Who Trump's Team Just

Found Still On WH Payroll Who Should Have NEVER Been There In The First Place — This


Since we're very aware the DNC enjoys employing questionable characters and has a deep dislike

of background checks especially when it comes to voters and immigrants, it should be of

no surprise to anyone with an IQ over 80, meaning you aren't a Democrat, the fact

that it seems they also had questionable characters employed in their IT department.

The case remains under investigation but it appears that three Muslims brothers Abid,

Imran, and Jamal Awan who worked on sensitive personal's computers, tablets and phones

may have been the reason or the ones who actually leaked all the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

It's currently being reported the three brothers who managed office IT for government

officials have been relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed specific computer

networks without permission, also known as hacking.

Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign

Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis.

The two committees deal with many of the nation's most sensitive issues, including those related

to the war on terrorism.

The full extent of the crime seems to be unclear since there is still an ongoing investigation

but apparently these brothers, one of which has an undisclosed criminal record, had a

scheme where they would take hardware from the state department and sell it back to them

and they would funnel information from the House of Representative computers to an outside


Now it is coming out that several family members of the brothers may have been involved, also.


And to think from 2009 to 2011 the people who employed these three characters who with

their family members had complete run of our great nation.

It truly is a miracle from God that we lived to tell about it.

I wonder if they worked on Hillary's server?

For more infomation >> SPREAD THIS List of 32 Senators Demanding Foreign Workers Take Over American Jobs - Duration: 12:52.


CNN Reports 'Crazy Hannity' Pulled Gun On Their Reporter At FOX News Studio But Look What Really Hap - Duration: 12:52.

CNN Reports 'Crazy Hannity' Pulled Gun On Their Reporter At FOX News Studio But Look

What Really Happened!

CNN has gotten quite the reputation for pushing some crazy fake stuff lately.

If you thought their story about Trump hiring Russian hookers to pee on Obama's bed was

extreme, just wait…because this next story takes the freaking cake.

Now CNN is concocting a story about one of FOX News' main anchors that's so extreme,

it will no doubt destroy what was left of their reputation forever.

Liberals love painting conservatives as gun-toting nut-jobs.

The latest target of their propaganda is Sean Hannity, who they are now blasting as a gun-toting

lunatic who pulls guns on liberals up at the FOX News studio.

In bold headlines all over CNN, their latest hit piece reads, 'Sean Hannity once pulled

a gun on Juan Williams.'

According to CNN, who cited three unnamed sources, Hannity turned on his weapon's

laser sight "causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body."

The sources said that the off-camera incident "clearly disturbed" Williams and others

present, adding that Hannity "was showing off."

Of course anyone reading the CNN story immediately thinks Hannity is about to be arrested and

carted off to jail for pulling a gun on Williams.

There's just one small detail that they're leaving out about the story however: It never

even freaking happened!

Even Juan Williams, the supposed "victim" of the story, came out saying that CNN's

story was a complete fabrication.

"This incident is being sensationalized – everything was under total control throughout

and I never felt like I was put in harm's way," Williams said.

"It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to

be great friends."

Because of CNN's asinine news report, FOX News was forced to respond to the incident,

saying it is now being "investigated."

"Sean Hannity has been trained in firearm safety since he was 11 years old and has a

license to carry a gun in five states, including New York," Fox News told CNN in a statement.

"The situation was thoroughly investigated and it was found that no one was put in any

danger," the Fox News spokesperson added, saying the incident was referred to the network's

legal and human resources departments.

The Fox News spokesperson also provided a statement from Hannity:

"While discussing the issue of firearms, I showed my good friend Juan Williams my unloaded

firearm in a professional and safe manner for educational purposes only," the statement


"Every precautionary procedure that I have been trained in since the age of 11 was followed.

I've had a conceal carry permit in five states for all of my adult life.

Any other interpretation of this is outright false reporting."

Hannity took to Twitter late Thursday night to deny CNN's story saying, "Never pointed

at anybody.

Let's be clear.


Never pointed.

I have been a gun safety advocate for years," Hannity said on Twitter.

You've got to hand it to CNN…they are getting pretty damn creative with their stories.

It's truly unreal that they think Americans are going to fall for their fake propaganda!

H/T [USA Today]The Liberal Media Didn't Listen And Now Trump Just Shut One BIG Network


Just today the President released his budgetary blueprint.

Despite the fact that Congress is the one who does the appropriating, liberals are going

crazy with all the potential changes that have yet to occur.

One of the new budget changes is the funding for the Public Broadcasting Corporation.

The new administration is looking to end federal payments towards the Corporation for Public


This was announced by Mick Mulvaney of the Office of Management and Budget in the House

of Representatives.

The hypocrisy of the CPB is the same the Democratic Party struggles with.

They feel they are owed taxpayer dollars yet they only show the liberal sides of issues.

Despite conservative taxpayer dollars paying their bills.

They don't even feel a responsibility to showcase another viewpoint.

Mulvaney said the following during a press conference on the new budget,

"We proposed ending funding, but technically what you'll see—it's an elimination—but

you'll see an amount of money in the budget, and it is some amount of money that's necessary

for us to unwind our involvement with CPB.

So you won't see a zero next to it, but the policy is that we're ending federal

involvement with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Next year it might be zero, it may take a while to unwind that relationship, it's

just the nature of contracts."

The CPB receives approximately $450 million each year from the federal budget.

$99.1 million of that goes to public radio.

That is a substantial amount of money.

However, the Washington Free Beacon noted that CPB funding is done every two years so

defunding would take longer than anticipated.

The left has used this public organization to perpetuate their liberal ideology all under

the guise of being impartial and bipartisan when they are anything but.

Which is the worst offense of all, hypocrisy.

They will function perfectly fine without federal funding.Look Who Trump's Team Just

Found Still On WH Payroll Who Should Have NEVER Been There In The First Place — This


Since we're very aware the DNC enjoys employing questionable characters and has a deep dislike

of background checks especially when it comes to voters and immigrants, it should be of

no surprise to anyone with an IQ over 80, meaning you aren't a Democrat, the fact

that it seems they also had questionable characters employed in their IT department.

The case remains under investigation but it appears that three Muslims brothers Abid,

Imran, and Jamal Awan who worked on sensitive personal's computers, tablets and phones

may have been the reason or the ones who actually leaked all the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

It's currently being reported the three brothers who managed office IT for government

officials have been relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed specific computer

networks without permission, also known as hacking.

Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign

Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis.

The two committees deal with many of the nation's most sensitive issues, including those related

to the war on terrorism.

The full extent of the crime seems to be unclear since there is still an ongoing investigation

but apparently these brothers, one of which has an undisclosed criminal record, had a

scheme where they would take hardware from the state department and sell it back to them

and they would funnel information from the House of Representative computers to an outside


Now it is coming out that several family members of the brothers may have been involved, also.


And to think from 2009 to 2011 the people who employed these three characters who with

their family members had complete run of our great nation.

It truly is a miracle from God that we lived to tell about it.

I wonder if they worked on Hillary's server?SPREAD THIS List of 32 Senators Demanding Foreign

Workers Take Over American Jobs

Because we know all too well how much contempt the very politicians who we elect into office

and who's salaries we pay have for us American Peons we have now acquired a list of the latest

shenanigan drawn up by 32 Senators.

"Bipartisan Effort" usually means the American people will get shafted, by senators

who have taken upon themselves to urge the new Department of Homeland Security Secretary

John Kelly to conduct an audit to make sure every single available H-2B "blue-collar"

visa be awarded to an eligible business in need of cheaper unskilled labor.

The request came following the return of a cap on the program that limited H-2B visas

to only 66,000 annually under the new Trump Budget, a huge drop from the 264,000 under

the 2016 Obama budget.

These are the Senator traitors to the American Working Middle Class:

John Barrasso (R-WY), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Maria

Cantwell (D-WA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Tom Carper (D-DE), Bob Casey (D-PA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA),

Thad Cochran (R-MS), Chris Coons (D-DE), Susan Collins (R-ME), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike Enzi

(R-WY), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Johnny Isakson

(R-GA), Angus King (I-ME), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), James Lankford (R-OK), Jerry Moran (R-KS),

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Patty Murray (D-WA), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Tim

Scott (R-SC), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-SC), Mark Warner (D-VA), Roger Wicker (R-MS),

and Ron Wyden (D-OR).

Notice how good ole Lindsey "Goober" Graham, the Dinosaur Pat Roberts and now sad to see

even Tim Scott are always willing and ready to step on us American peons.

South Carolina and Kentucky take note.

Yes charlatans we know, we know, Americans are too fat and lazy to take on these jobs…

right Goober?

Ask yourselves, with so many of our fellow Americans still suffering the Obama economy,

and almost 100 million of us out of the work force, do we really need more low skilled

workers in this great nation of ours?

Do these politicians really think so little of us that they believe we won't take on

those jobs?

Or are they just paid off by the few Anti-American greedy corporations who will do anything,

even ruin the best nation known to man, just to save a buck?

Let's try to remember this come November 2018.BREAKING Look What Was Just Discovered

Outside Trump Tower — Secret Service is FRANTIC!

The nation's largest St. Patrick's Day parade is about to be underway in New York

City today as thousands of revelers wearing green fill the streets.

However, floats and fanfare aren't all that's going to be going down, which has the Secret

Service frantic to protect the First Family who lives in the center of where the festivities

will be this morning.

No celebratory event would be complete without terroristic debauchery derailing the day — or

at least attempting it.

The New York Police Department and Secret Service have just been made aware of the disgusting

sideshow that's in the works and the plan for when the parade route passes by Trump


As parades go, the line of floats moves slowly down the street making occasional stops for

those in the show to catch up.

However, when the route passes in front of the Trump Tower, where First Lady Melania

Trump is staying with Frist Son Barron Trump, law enforcement has been instructed to not

allow the parade to stop in hopes of preventing protesting from becoming part of the parade.

TMZ reported that spectators will not be allowed to watch the show from the sidewalk directly

in front of the Trump Tower, for obvious safety reasons, which has some liberals fuming.

Officers and the presidential family's security detail are aware that there is a high probability

that protesters are stationed aboard the floats who plan to terrorize the otherwise fun day

and turn it into a political statement — as Democrats routinely do.

Adding to this concern is that demonstrations against our president are inevitable here

and law enforcement is worried about it getting out of control at the flash point.

Considering all the tormenting of Melania and Barron who are in the building right now,

patrol of the area is beefed up an extra 20 officers just for Trump Tower which liberals

feel is a waste of city funds since it was Melania's choice to remain in the city.

Rather than realizing than realizing that their antics create the need for this, these

idiots blame their victims and that's about as disgusting as it gets.

It's time to lock everyone up who attempts anything and send a clear message to these

violent protesters.

For more infomation >> CNN Reports 'Crazy Hannity' Pulled Gun On Their Reporter At FOX News Studio But Look What Really Hap - Duration: 12:52.


Make the Cut with Imagine Dr...

For more infomation >> Make the Cut with Imagine Dr...


Imkpreet : STREET CRICKET IN 90'S - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Imkpreet : STREET CRICKET IN 90'S - Duration: 2:44.


Rencontre/Meeting Little doll Strasbourg 2017 - Duration: 2:19.

Pandora encourage saber for the contest

It's look like Saber love it !

Shaitan is a little sky with all this tall people

But it's also meeting and debates (As Recast debates)

Meeting with suldrun45 and Kehmmy

Saber does not hide that she is happy to meet rin-chan ! <3

A great gathering

And many great meeting with owners.I'm very happy to meet them

Photograph from Darek ! I was very happy to meet her

Libra creation for SABEER

Thanks you everyone ! It's a great experience, I never forget what's it happen/And Special thank you to Kehmmy, darek, and suldrun45 ! I hope to see you to flickr and facebook !

For more infomation >> Rencontre/Meeting Little doll Strasbourg 2017 - Duration: 2:19.


Family Finger (Daddy Finger) Sesame Street Style with Elmo, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Cookie Monster - Duration: 10:08.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Family Finger (Daddy Finger) Sesame Street Style with Elmo, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Cookie Monster - Duration: 10:08.


Pulls HeathTrump IS ALREADY BREAKING THE RULES HEATH CARE Bill With No Vote-WOW! - Duration: 17:02.

Trump IS ALREADY BREAKING THE RULES Pulls Healthcare Bill With No Vote-WOW!

For more infomation >> Pulls HeathTrump IS ALREADY BREAKING THE RULES HEATH CARE Bill With No Vote-WOW! - Duration: 17:02.


Mais qu'est ce qu'elle fait sur Youtube ? - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Mais qu'est ce qu'elle fait sur Youtube ? - Duration: 1:40.


REGGAETON SUMMER MIX 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Ricky Martin & Maluma , J Balvin - Duration: 1:03:10.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> REGGAETON SUMMER MIX 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Ricky Martin & Maluma , J Balvin - Duration: 1:03:10.


★ How to get rid of cellulite quickly at home. Massage, Creams and scrubs, Wraps, Oil and Exercises. - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> ★ How to get rid of cellulite quickly at home. Massage, Creams and scrubs, Wraps, Oil and Exercises. - Duration: 6:02.


Punajbi Seraiki Song Main Mahi Day Khooh Very Hot Dance | Mehfil Mujra - Duration: 6:49.

Mahi Da Khoo

Mahi Da Khoo

Mahi Da Khoo

For more infomation >> Punajbi Seraiki Song Main Mahi Day Khooh Very Hot Dance | Mehfil Mujra - Duration: 6:49.


How to Sing Better

For more infomation >> How to Sing Better


Twice Amigo Tv ep5日本語 - Duration: 4:28.

[The sweet and sour pork is here]

[The food that will bring them back to health is here!]

Everything looks so good!


[Tzuyu] When I ordered Chinese food in Korea,

it was really amusing that I had to return the plates.

- Oh really? - You don't usually return it? - Yeah.

Oh really? You don't return it?

[China doesn't return the plates] There are places where you don't return the plates either.

- We don't return them nowadays? - Yeah, they use these plates now.

Hey. I can eat this in 2 bites.

[Me too...]

- Let's say "We'll eat this well" on the count of 3. - Alright.

- 1, 2, 3! - We will eat this well!

[Eat a lot~] Thank you.

[So excited] We stop talking when we start to eat.

Wow! There is a lot of food.

[A feast that takes up the whole table] - Wow, this looks so good! - This is amazing.

- Thank you for this meal. - The bean paste noodles are really good. - Thank you.

[Jeongyeon] Everyone, what's your favorite food from here?

- Sausage stew! - The sweet and sour pork!

- Sausage stew? - The sweet and sour pork or sausage stew.

[Feeling faint because it tastes so good]

[The members are doing an eating broadcast]

- Oh! It's my first time trying this type of sweet and sour pork. - It's made from sticky rice.

[Tzuyu's first time trying the sticky rice pork] I've only seen it before.

[Jeongyeon] Everyone, can girl groups act this way?

[Disagreeing] - Jeongyeon, eat all the bean paste noodles. - She can really eat it all.

- It looks like strawberry jam. - It tastes delicious!

It's been a long time since all the members ate together.

- It seems like it's been forever. - I agree.


It tastes so good!

We're not talking.

We don't talk while we're eating.

- We don't talk when we eat. - I'm looking at the sausage stew.

I think you're too excited about the sausage stew.

[Almost burned the sausage stew with your glare]

- Is it boiling? - It's not boiling because there's a lot inside.

Jihyo really loves the sausage stew.

- Yeah. - I think I eat it 3 times a week.

[Doing a pizza eating broadcast] 3 times?

[I have to chew well]

- Did we eat everything? - Everyone, do you guys dip or pour the sauce on your pork?

- I dip it! - Yeah, that's the right way to go.

Am I the only person who pours it?

I like eating it both ways.

I like it when it's soggy.

Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung's taste is very unique

because they like to eat the triangle kimbap without microwaving it first.

That's right.

They like Coke when it gets flat.

I think the triangle kimbap tastes better when it's cold.

- You're going to get indigestion! - Yeah.

You'll get indigestion if you eat rice that's bunched up together.

[I live to eat]

It tastes so good~

[Feel bad that they're the only ones eating] Let's share with the director...

[The members want to share with the staff members] Should we give them some pizza? I used this chopstick.

- Shall we? - Yeah.

[TWICE is giving away free pizza] - I didn't use this. - Let's give them each a slice of pizza.

Thank you for filming us.

[Enjoy your meal]

[We will enjoy it!] Enjoy your meal~

- Pizza~ - You're smart. She gave it to them in each hand.

Is it boiling?

- It's boiling! - Jihyo, come over here.

What's the reason you like sausage stew?

- It's delicious. - She used to like sausage stew ever since she was a trainee.

[Jihyo] There are a lot of Korean dishes that the foreign members like.

Momo liked pig's feet the best, but it changed recently.

- What was it? Is it raw beef? - It didn't change!

[Momo, you can talk now] People were asking me if I moved on to liking live octopus now.

[Momo (22) / Two-timing with pig's feet and live octopus] I didn't move on though.

I'll continue to love pig's feet

and the live octopus...

I added that on the list and there's a specific time...

- Recently... - We went to Hong Kong for MAMA,

- and she got pig's feet from a fan. - That's right.

You're the master of pig's feet.

[Momo (22) / The official pig's feet master in TWICE] She can tell whether it's the front or back feet.

- Yeah, she can tell the difference. - The back legs taste good.

- The sweet and sour pork tastes so good! - I agree.

[Amigo TV!]

For more infomation >> Twice Amigo Tv ep5日本語 - Duration: 4:28.


Twice Amigo Tv ep4日本語 - Duration: 6:11.

Today is the New Year healing day.

- Healing day? - What's a healthy meal that TWICE wants to eat?

[A healthy meal for the members] I want to eat chicken stew.

[Dahyun wants to eat chicken stew] Aren't you being too cruel?

[She forgot that she was wearing a chicken outfit] - You're wearing those pajamas and... - You're being too harsh.

[Taking the ingredients to make chicken stew] - Let's eat her! - Do you know that song?

[Huh?] Chicken stew~

[I want to eat young chicken stew]

I want ramen~

Spicy rice cakes~

[Rice cake soup is meant for the New Year] - Rice cake soup! - You'll be a year older if you eat that.

[Tzuyu] You'll be a year older if you eat rice cake soup.

- No? - Yeah, I want to hurry up and eat that.

[The baby unnie wants to be an adult] I'm going to become an adult!

- Are you guys not hungry? - I'm hungry~

[Let's order food, so that we can heal] Should we decide on what to eat?

- Something we always like to eat... - Sushi! - Sashimi!

[Earnestly trying to pick the menu] - What do you want to eat? - To be honest, chicken is a bit...

[A variety of food names are thrown] - Bread. - Bread? There's even a bakery.


- [Everyone can't eat] Let's pick 4 different meals. - [Then I] I want sausage stew.

- Sausage stew? - Only 4 meals?

[The options for the healing food: 1. Sausage stew, 2. Bread, 3. Sweet and sour pork]

[Flour based] Ramen, [Chinese] Sweet and sour pork, [Korean] Sausage stew, [Western] Bread.

Those 4? Okay!

[I like it~]

[Adding toppings for Mina: It seems as though she's tried this before] Let's order extra spam.

Extra spam and extra ramen~

- [Jihyo] I really like sausage stew. - You guys, then...

[The foreign members attempting to order] Does the foreign members want to order it for us?

[Momo is chosen] - Momo. - Momo has a trauma of ordering food.

[Momo's trauma of ordering food?] - I said that my name was Momo... - Why did you say that?

["Ordering with your identity"] Why'd you say that your name was Momo?

[The younger member is looking out for their identity] That's important.

- Don't they ask you for your name? - No, they don't.

[Said her name because she was excited] - You can just order... - They asked.

I said my name and they said, "Don't fool around!".

[The trauma that she can't forget] I wasn't fooling around! My name is Momo...

[Momo is attempting to order over the phone] - Tell them the address first. - I don't know it.

[Momo's order] - One bean noodle and a large sweet and sour pork. - We're not going to eat spicy noodles?

A lot of service~

- There's even a picture that comes out. - I'm nervous.

[Why is she covering her nose] This place...

- We're at Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong... - We don't deliver.

- We don't deliver. - Oh, you don't deliver?

[An addition to Momo's trauma] They don't deliver!

[It's okay Momo] They said they don't deliver!

[Sad] It's okay. You did a good job.

[Second attempt with another restaurant]

[Twice as nervous as before]

[Nervous] Why is she nervous about this?

The number you're trying to reach is busy at the moment.

[Failure] Stop it. Just don't order it~

- [Jihyo] (Chinese restaurant is being difficult) Let's order the sausage stew. - They don't want us to eat.

[Momo's 3rd attempt to order] - What is this? - Order the sausage stew.

[I can do a good job~]

- 2 portions? - 2 portions of the sausage stew, extra spam, and extra noodles.

[They picked up!]

[Speaking clearly] This is is the 2nd basement floor of

Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong.

[I can't look because I'm so nervous]

[Working in harmony, Momo was successful] I'd like order 2 portions of sausage stew, extra noodle...

- We give extra noodles for free. - [Nervous] Okay, thank you.

- Ham, ham, ham! - Extra spam as well.

- 2 portions of sausage stew. - Extra spam. [Her voice is getting quieter]

Give me a lot please.

- You want 2 portions of sausage stew and extra spam? - Yeah.

Thank you.

- Are you going to pay with a card? - Yeah.

- Say it loudly! - Yah.

[Oh my gosh] - Alright. - Thank you.

[Succeeded on the 3rd try] Do you think she'll assume that this was a prank call?

[I did it!] - No way~ - You did a good job.

[Momo did a great job]

- The Chinese restaurant... - Tzuyu? Sana? [Tzuyu is going to order] [

- Tzuyu should try it. - [Cool] Since it's a Chinese restaurant, let's order in Chinese.

[99,9% sure that they won't understand] They won't understand~

[Tzuyu is nervous]

[Being poise and confirming the order] - One sweet and sour pork? - Yeah, the large one.

[The Chinese restaurant answered] Hello~

[Calmly] - This is Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong... - Nonhyeon-dong~

Yeah, it's the 2nd basement floor.

[Envious] [Tzuyu is doing a good job]

[You're doing a good job!] I'd like to order one bean paste noodle,

[Focusing] - sweet and sour pork. - The large one.

[Tzuyu is looking for a "Dae-jjang" out of all "Jjangs"] I'd like the dae-jjang for the sweet and sour pork.

- The large size for the sweet and sour pork? - Yeah.

[Thankfully, he understood] - Thank you. - Thank you.

- Thank you. - [Quietly] Thank you.

[Tzuyu is finished ordering from the Chinese restaurant]

[Tzuyu's ordering skills] You did a good job. Everyone did a great job~

[Satisfied] You're great~ You've done this a lot of times before.

[Needed to order sausage stew, sweet and sour pork, spicy rice cake, and bread] - We ordered sausage stew.

- Rice cake? - We need to order the flour based food.

[The mom of the house is very serious about what the members need to eat] - Order anything. - Alright~

[3 broadcasts in 1 place] [Talk VS. Ordering VS. Dancing]


[Sana's mysterious wrestling. 1 loss] - What's wrong with her? - Are you okay?

- My back hurts because of the microphone. - Are you okay?

Hey, hurry up and order.

[Peacefully ordering during this chaos] Yeah, this is Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong~

- It takes about 50 minutes. - No!

[Frustrated] It takes over 50 minutes?

[Producer] 50 minutes is okay.

[I'm hungry] It's not okay for us...

It's not okay for us.

[Amigo TV]

For more infomation >> Twice Amigo Tv ep4日本語 - Duration: 6:11.


Free Migos X Young Thug Type Beat / Instrumental (2017) - To The Moon Prod By WoodOnTheBeat - Duration: 4:17.

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