Sunday, March 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017

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(Episode 107)

Did you leave something behind?

Did you forget your phone?


Why are you here?

As I suspected, you're sane!

I knew it.

Did you think I would be deceived by you again?

Get out.

Get out right now!

Put that down! Put it down!

Get out!

Get out of my house!

You deceive everyone and concoct something behind us?

You meet with your lawyer to find a way out of being punished.

Now that I've seen that you are sane,

I'm going to get you checked out.

And I'm going to request that you are imprisoned.

You'll see.

Do you think I'll let you do that?

You don't scare me a bit.

Eun-chae thinks lightly of you now.

Your threats are not working anymore.

So get a hold of yourself!

What are you doing in my house without permission?

Your house?

Have you forgotten whose house this is?

Min Kyung-chae!

Let me go!

I can call for the detectives right now to come here.

Do you want me to do that?

Do you want to be dragged out and never return home?

What do you want?

Don't you know what I want?

Confess everything and be punished.

Confess what you did to my mum before everyone!

So you'll take this to the end?

You can't confess?

That's too bad.

Then I can call the detectives right now...

Stop that right now!

There are only three of us now.

No one will ever know whatever happens here.

No mother will just watch her child be killed.

If you keep this up, then I'll have to get you myself!

Mrs Gong!

Just as you want to reveal everything about your mum's death,

I want to bury what happened with Hee-soo.

No, I will bury whatever happened.

Get out before you get hurt.

Didn't you hear me?

Get out right now.

I understand what you want.

So just leave.

I see that you're really set on this since you've come in here.

I'll let you get what you want.

But just leave for now.

If anything happens, you'll regret it too.

Can you promise me?

Yes. I promise you.

I'll take care of this, so just leave.

Don't even think about running away.

You know that won't do.

Where are you going?

Stop this, Hee-soo. Hee-soo!

How can you let her go like that?

She's going to report me.

Then I'll be taken back to prison!

That won't happen!

Everything will be fine!

I'll never let you suffer.


This isn't going to work!

It'll be okay, Hee-soo!

What is it that you're trying to say?

You're not saying anything to me. It's been hours now.

I know you didn't call me to look over these documents.

I asked you here to tell you something about Eun Hee-soo.

Your wife is sane.

Someone saw her having a meeting with her lawyer.

Then what about her diagnosis?

They said she's insane.

We're all being deceived.

You and everyone else.

She's trying to avoid punishment.

That can't be.

Then she's pretending to be insane?

I know it's hard to believe but it's true.

I'm sure she had a temporary condition.

But she's only using that right now.

I'm not telling you this to let you in on the truth and...

hope you'll divorce her.

I think it's only right that you stay by your wife's side.

Then why are you telling me this?

She can't avoid her punishment.

Not just for the fire at the resort but for everything else as well.

I just want you to prepare yourself.

Calm down.

Drink this.

How can I calm down?

You want me to calm down when I know what Min Kyung-chae will do?

Why did you let her go?

What should we have done?

Kill her?

If I didn't let her go, you'd have done something again.

Hee-soo. Let's stop doing things we'll regret.


You want me to take this sitting down?

No way.

I won't do it.

If I just overcome this, I've got a great life ahead of me.

I can't give up now.

Yes, we must live.

I don't want you to end this way either.

But there's no way out.

Kyung-chae will get you no matter what.

Don't you see it?

How can you avoid this when she's set on this?

So you want me to return to that horrible place?

Do you know what prisons are like?

I'd rather die than go back. I cannot go back!

What happened? Did you see her?

It's as I assumed.

We need to find a way to imprison her soon.

That's not difficult.

But you going there by yourself was quite dangerous.

What if she hurt you?

No. It's that fear that kept this going.

I always feared that she could hurt me.

If I had faced her head on, things wouldn't have come to this.

It's fine to be brave but don't rush this.

Someone should've gone with you.

I know you want this to end.

But if you ever get hurt...

That won't happen.

I know how to protect myself now.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will work out.

I've worked so hard to get here.

All will be fine. It'll be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Calm down.

Calm down, Eun Hee-soo. Calm down.

My medicine.

Where is my medicine?

How dare she!

She tried to get out of this by pretending to be insane.

She will never confess to her crime.

She has other problems too.

She transferred one of the hotel's estates to her name.

She needs to pay for that too.

She'll give whatever excuses she can come up with.

She may even say that she was lending him the land.

But we can't let her get away with it.

I know.

Soo-hyuk will take care of it.


Hee-soo! Where is she?


Hee-soo! Why are you sleeping here?

Oh my!

What's wrong with her?

Hee-soo! Hee-soo! Hee-soo!

What's going on?

Hee-soo is... Hee-soo...

Honey! Hee-soo! Hee-soo!

Aren't these sleeping pills?

She must've taken these.

She was nervous and couldn't go to sleep!

What are you doing? Take her to the hospital!



Yes, Detective.

I'll stop by the station later on today.

I'll see you later.

Have you seen Ji-sub?


I wonder what's going on.

Didn't he report to work today?

What was that call about?

The detective was talking about Hee-soo's imprisonment...

Where are you, Ji-sub? The CEO is looking for you.


I'll be right there.

Eun Hee-soo is at a hospital.

Hee-soo. You're okay, right? Right?

What am I going to do with you?

What if you didn't make it?

You couldn't handle Kyung-chae pestering you!

Kyung-chae came by?

She didn't only come by!

She was threatening and scaring her...

when Hee-soo is not in her right mind!

She even frightened me!

How dare you come here?

Are you here to see if Hee-soo is still living?

You almost killed her!

If you hadn't come to torment her,

she wouldn't have tried to commit suicide!

You almost killed her!

She's got such a strong will for life!

You almost killed her!

It's all your doing! You tried to kill her!

Mrs Gong!

Why don't you come out?

That wench!

Let me go!

What happened?

She could've died if I'd been a little late.

It's not your fault.

You're not getting weak, right?

It's nothing to get weak about.

If she had been punished from the start,

none of this would've happened.

I'm not sure if Hee-soo was really trying to die...

or trying to buy more time.

She's trying to buy time.

I know her well.

She won't give up so easily.

We must take her to the police soon. No more delays.

Let's do that.



Your mum went to see the doctor.

I know you're sane.

Don't put on an act before me.

No matter what the reason is,

how could you try to commit suicide?

This is not the way!


I tried to commit suicide?

I did?

This is only making things worse.

You know you can't avoid this.

No, I'm going to try to avoid this.

I even tried to kill myself.

It'll make my life meaningless if it ends here.

You know very well how I tried to make it.



I can't let Min Kyung-chae have her way.

What if things get worse?

How can it get worse than this?

I was fired from the hotel.

I even went to prison.

How can it get worse?


Stop and think about this logically.

How can you say that?

If you've ever taken pity on me...

If you've ever truly loved me...

Please stop Min Kyung-chae.

Shouldn't you try to protect me?

I would have done that for you.

If you were in this situation, I'd have protected you with my life.

Why are you just watching?

How could you do this to me?

How could you?

How could you do this to me?

How could you?

Try to stop her.

Shouldn't you try to stop her?

So, did you look into the Yongin estate?

The hotel purchased it many years ago.

Eun Hee-soo transferred the title to her name.

That's why Attorney Jang was pressed by Eun Hee-soo.

She promised him that estate.

I think he has the land registry certificate.

Take legal steps at the right time...

to transfer the title back to the hotel.

Then let Attorney Jang know.

That will naturally cause a rift between them.

I agree with you.

Once Attorney Jang turns against her, things will be easier.

He knows all of Eun Hee-soo's secrets and lies.

Could you leave us alone for a minute?

Did you think your death will end this?

Don't ever do this!

I'm not sorry if you die.

But if your death can bring back my mum,

I'd have let that happen long ago.

Live no matter what!

Live and repent for what you've done.

That's the reason why you must live.

I know you didn't try to commit suicide.

I know how you are deep down to your bones.

Live even if you don't want to.

A day may come when you'll die even if you want to live.

If you feel any guilt over my mum's death,

live to atone for your sins!

You make me sick.

Didn't I tell you?

Your mum was a bad person.

Don't you get it?

If she wasn't handicapped, she'd have survived the fire...

just like your sister.

She became handicapped and lived her life in a wheelchair...

like a corpse because of her sins!

Don't blame me for her sins!

That disgusts me!

If the law can't punish you, my mum won't leave you alone!

Just watch!

What can a dead person do?

I'll take action as soon as Hee-soo recovers.

I'll try to persuade her somehow.

You will?

If that's how this will end, I'll have to.

She made it this time but she can really hurt herself next time.

You won't be able to persuade her.

She'll try to stick this out and look for a way out.

But the same goes for me.

I will make sure she is punished.

That's why I'll take action.

I'll take her to the station.

Or she'll throw a fit.

She may do something crazy without understanding her situation.

So I'll take care of this.

It's me, Eun Hee-soo.

I can't talk to you for long.

I have a favour to ask you.

Please get me an airplane ticket and a place I can stay for a while.

And you must find a way out for me in the meantime.

Then I'll transfer the Yongin estate.

Okay. I'll see you at the airport.


Can you live without me?


How can I live without you?

Don't even say that!

What parent can bear their child's death?

Then I must live in order for you to live.

Of course you should.

If you die, I'll kill myself.

How can I go on without you?

Then let's both live. That's the solution.

I have to go somewhere far.

How can you go anywhere in your condition?

You're not having bad thoughts, right?

I'm trying to live. To live.

So take care of yourself even if I'm not here. Okay?

Where are you going?

Can't I go with you?

You must stay behind to keep in contact with Attorney Jang...

and to also see what is going on.

I won't be gone for long.

I'll be back shortly after I refresh myself.

So don't worry.

Go home and pack some clothes for me.

Don't tell anyone about this.

Not even Ji-sub.

Call Min Kyung-chae for me.

I have something to say to her.

What will you say to her?

Just call her for me!

Yes, Mrs Gong.

I got it.

I'll be right there.

She's looking for me?

What is this about?


I've been waiting for you.

We'll see each other tomorrow at the station.

Why did you ask to see me today?

I have to tell you this.

Just between you and me.

I'll do as you say.

What is your motive for doing this?

You said I have no way out.

You said this is the end for me.

I agree with you.

I'll have to accept it if this is the end.

If you have something up your sleeve...

Would I have asked for you if I did?

But I have a favour to ask of you.

Let me go to the station or to court on my own.

Can you do that for me?

What if you run away again?

Don't you trust me?

Then I'll come with Ji-sub.

It's the end for him and me too.

I want to go with him.

I have something to tell him too.

I can't do anything in my condition.

As you guessed, I didn't try to commit suicide.

I'd have killed myself long ago if that's what I wanted.

I won't do anything.

I just don't want to be taken in by you or the police.

It's not you I trust. I trust Ji-sub.

(Happy Birthday Mummy)

This is for my mum.

It's a birthday card.

Tomorrow is my mum's birthday.

I'm going to send it to heaven after I'm done.

You must really miss your mum.

Of course you do.

If she was alive, you'd have thrown her a big party...

with a lot of food and gifts!

I want to buy her a cake and sing her a song!

Let's do it.

That's easy enough.

Let's go get a cake and sing her a song!

I'm sure Mrs Yeo is here with us.


Do you think she's really here?

Mothers can't leave their children even after they die.

They protect their children.

Where is she planning to go?

She said it's somewhere far.

She must be going to the countryside.

Goodness. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

What must I do as her mum?


I'll go to the station with Hee-soo.

If you have other thoughts...

I told you I don't.

I think her mind is set too.

Don't worry.

I know what's best for Hee-soo now.

Then make sure you bring her.

I'll try to calm her down by explaining things to her.

Nothing will go wrong.

Isn't it wrong to just show up suddenly like this?

What's wrong with this?

We should've done something before!

We shouldn't have let him handle this.

What if he wastes his youth taking care of Hee-soo in prison?

Who is Ji-sub?

He's our eldest and the hope for our family.

But how can you ask him to get a divorce...

if he doesn't want to end his ties with us?

Come on. You are too laid back.

How can you let him be married to Hee-soo who's in prison!

I'll end this once and for all today no matter what.

If he's going down the wrong path, we need to stop him.

Ji-sub! Ji-sub!

We're here to see you.

I'm glad I bumped into you.

Let's talk.

I have an urgent matter. Let's talk later.

I won't let you go today!

Hee-soo. Where are you going?

Can't you tell me?

I know you'll be worried about me.

Don't worry about me.

Eat well and sleep well, okay?

How can I when you're leaving like this?

I'm not going away to die.

I'll be back soon.

Where are you going?

You're not going back to prison, right?

Are you crazy?

Why would I go back there?

You just wait for me at our house.

I'll be back soon.

Our house? The Pyeongchang-dong house?

Yes, our home in Pyeongchang-dong.

I exchanged my life for that house.

You take care of that house, okay?

Are you really coming back soon?

Of course.

I'll be back soon.

So what I'm trying to say is...

I'll hear you out later.

I have an urgent matter to take care of.

Your life depends on this. Nothing is more important than this!

I don't know who it is but meet them next time.

If you won't divorce Hee-soo, you'll have to end ties with us.

Do you understand?

You know that no child has a good life...

after cutting ties with their parents, right?

About Hee-soo...

I really think this is a fraudulent marriage.

So I was thinking...

I'll talk to you later.

Hey! Ji-sub! Ji-sub!

Stop this.

I'm sure he got it.

You're repeating yourself! It's nothing pleasant!

I needed to put an end to this today!

He can't just drag this on.


Where is she?

I'm here.

I was just out.

I'm glad.

Why? Did you think I'd run away?

It's been a while since we drove somewhere together.

Stay strong and bear this out.

Don't blame other people.

I wanted to avoid this if I could.

I know what I did better than anyone else.

But anyone would've done the same in this situation.

I really wanted to die after I was fired.

You don't have to tell me.

No, this is the end.

I'm going to tell you everything.

You need to hear this.

I wanted to return to the hotel.

So I had to do that.

Jin Soo-hyuk and Min Kyung-chae won't take me back.

But I really wanted to go back.

Stop the car.

I want to take a rest.

I can't go to the station like this.

I know how this will end.

How can I go when I know the end?

Would you be able to do this?

There's another road after this.

Why do you think this is the end?

I told you I'd wait.

We can get a fresh start when you return.

How can we get everything we want...

if we start from the beginning again?

How can I get what I want and the position I want...

if we start from the bottom again?

We started off with nothing.

So do you want to return to those times?

When we were stepped on because we had nothing?

Just the thought of it abhors me!

This is the last thing you can do for me.

Please let me go.

I'm doing this for you.

Letting you go will ruin you!

I'm begging you.

I'll be back in a short while and do everything Min Kyung-chae wants.

I'll do anything you ask of me!

It'll only take a short time.

I need time.

How can I just accept this reality?


Just this once, Ji-sub!

I beg you.

It won't take long.

I know I can't be on the run forever.

I'll be back once I get my thoughts straight.

Just until then.


Mrs Yeo!

It can't be her.

Come to your senses!

Mrs Yeo!

Don't come any closer!

What's wrong with you?

Mrs Yeo!

She's here to take me!

She's not letting me go!

She's here to take me!


No! Get away from me!

No! Don't come near me! Go away!

Let's go to the station.

I'm sure they're there by now.

Isn't today your mum's birthday?

That's why mum has been on my mind all day today.

If she were here, I wonder what she'd have said.

Today is a meaningful day!

We're celebrating Mrs Yeo's birthday and Eun Hee-soo's imprisonment.

I'm sure she's helping you.

She understands you better than anyone.

Do you think my mum is watching?

Of course!

Everything will work out from now on.

You know we have a lot to do starting with the trial, right?


Hee-soo! Hee-soo! Hee-soo!

Call an ambulance for me!


What are you doing! Hurry!

Hurry! Call the ambulance!


- Hello? - Hee-soo!

You can go home straight from the station.

You need to spend time with father and Eun-chae.

It's your mum's birthday.

I will.

Yes, Ji-sub.

What? An accident?

I know that hospital.

I'll be right there.

Was it Han Ji-sub?

Eun Hee-soo didn't get into an accident, did she?

Let's go to the hospital.

What happened? An accident?

It happened so suddenly.

I don't know what happened.

Is her condition serious?

No, I don't think so.

We'll have to wait for a proper diagnosis.

Nothing is wrong with her.

But her legs could be paralysed.


Then she can't walk?

She can't walk for now.

But we'll have to see what happens.

Then she may never be able to walk again?

We'll have to wait and see.

She didn't hurt her spine.

But this can be caused by something else.

It can be psychological.

Psychological reasons?

It feels strange that she got into an accident at that time.

If we'd lost her, things could have gone wrong again.

Now that we have some time, let's look for other ways too.

About that Yongin estate...

I think we can get her lawyer to work...

with us using the Yongin estate.

Are you saying he can stand as our witness if he turns against her?

That's right.

Let's meet him tomorrow.

- You can't move. - Ji-sub!

What's wrong with my legs?

I can't move my legs.

What's wrong with me?

Calm down.

What's wrong with my legs?

That is...

It's like a side effect from the accident.

This is not permanent, right?

No, it's not.

Are you sure?

Nothing is wrong, right?

Yes, so don't worry.



Why did you make seaweed soup? I don't like seaweed soup.

We missed mum's birthday.

Although it's late, I wanted to remember her birthday.

If your mum was alive, we wouldn't have come to this.

I'm sure you miss her a lot too.

Of course.

Will you go to the hospital again?

Now that she can't walk, she can't run away.

I can't forgive the fact that she tried to run till the end.

She'll be punished.

She really will be.

Perhaps she's already being punished.

What's wrong with you?

Why won't you move?

Move, I say!

What's wrong with you?

Why won't you move?

That won't help.

The day you got into the accident was my mum's birthday.

Do you think this is a coincidence?

If it's not a coincidence, are you saying I'm being punished?

I know you tried to flee the country.

If that had worked out, then you could've gained time.

If you got lucky, perhaps you could've even found a way out.

You can go home if you don't want to stay in the hospital.

Come in.


What is that?

Take that away.

Take it away!

Leave it here.

See if you're lucky or not. Think hard.

You may have avoided going to prison.

But you can't walk.


I guess they didn't tell you yet.

You'll have to sit there and live just like my mum.

My mum that you hated and resented!

The one who died because of you!

If you still won't repent, then try to live like my mum.

Experience how my mum lived her life by sitting in that thing!

The wheelchair will always remind you of my mum.

You won't escape from my mum's spirit!

That will be the biggest punishment for you.

Don't you think so?

For more infomation >> Two.Womens.Room E.107 - Duration: 37:21.


Watch the length of your fingers know if you have cancer or not for 1 minute - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Watch the length of your fingers know if you have cancer or not for 1 minute - Duration: 10:09.


My Mother Has Applied This 1 Week Without Painful Bone Pain - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> My Mother Has Applied This 1 Week Without Painful Bone Pain - Duration: 9:27.


TỚI TẤP đau đớn khi thấy chồng MÂY MƯA PHÊ TÊ TÁI với bồ nhí trong KHÁCH SẠN - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> TỚI TẤP đau đớn khi thấy chồng MÂY MƯA PHÊ TÊ TÁI với bồ nhí trong KHÁCH SẠN - Duration: 3:08.


SƯỚNG PHÊ LÒI muốn CHỊCH NÁT BƯƠM khi thấy vợ UỐN ẸO muốn LÊN ĐỈNH - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> SƯỚNG PHÊ LÒI muốn CHỊCH NÁT BƯƠM khi thấy vợ UỐN ẸO muốn LÊN ĐỈNH - Duration: 2:56.


Vợ ngày nào cũng LÉN LÚT VỤNG TRỘM MÂN MÊ nhân tình - Duration: 3:02.

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RÊN SUNG SƯỚNG MÃNH LIỆT khi làm chuyện ấy miên man với bồ suốt buổi sáng - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> RÊN SUNG SƯỚNG MÃNH LIỆT khi làm chuyện ấy miên man với bồ suốt buổi sáng - Duration: 3:51.


LÀM CHUYỆN ẤY SƯỚNG MIÊN MAN với vợ để thỏa mãn vợ đang KHÁT TÌNH dữ dội - Duration: 3:37.

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Chồng ngang nhiên HÚ HÍ PHƠI HÀNG với NHÂN TÌNH với NHÂN TÌNH ngay trên đường - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Chồng ngang nhiên HÚ HÍ PHƠI HÀNG với NHÂN TÌNH với NHÂN TÌNH ngay trên đường - Duration: 3:38.


Con gái PHÊ TÊ TÁI nhất là những lúc như này đây ! - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Con gái PHÊ TÊ TÁI nhất là những lúc như này đây ! - Duration: 2:58.


Đàn ông ý mà, nếu đã trót đi VỤNG TRỘM SỌC NHANH thì cũng nên biết điểm dừng - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Đàn ông ý mà, nếu đã trót đi VỤNG TRỘM SỌC NHANH thì cũng nên biết điểm dừng - Duration: 3:22.


SƯỚNG PHÊ PHA với cách QUYẾN RŨ khiến chồng SƯỚNG KHÔNG CHỊU ĐƯỢC - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> SƯỚNG PHÊ PHA với cách QUYẾN RŨ khiến chồng SƯỚNG KHÔNG CHỊU ĐƯỢC - Duration: 3:33.


TỚI TẤP lý do để các nàng NỮ SINH không QUAN HỆ trước hôn nhân - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> TỚI TẤP lý do để các nàng NỮ SINH không QUAN HỆ trước hôn nhân - Duration: 5:49.


PHÊ TÊ TÁI với những lời nói dối đầy SUNG SƯỚNG của đàn ông - Duration: 5:43.

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CHỊCH TẢ TƠI rồi chồng ÂN ÁI ôm vào lòng SUNG SƯỚNG - Duration: 7:18.

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Bạn đã xem bộ phim nào mà về CÁI NGÀN VÀNG nóng bỏng như vậy chưa ? - Duration: 4:38.

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Giữ chồng quen thói HÚ HÍ KHIÊU KHÍCH LÀM CHUYỆN ẤY với các BÉ GÁI là quá khó - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Giữ chồng quen thói HÚ HÍ KHIÊU KHÍCH LÀM CHUYỆN ẤY với các BÉ GÁI là quá khó - Duration: 3:48.


5 bước chiếm trọn CÁI ĐÓ RÊN SUNG SƯỚNG mà không phải ai cũng làm được - Duration: 3:12.

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Không ít lần sống không nổi với thái độ HOÀI NGHI của anh - Duration: 3:52.

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Bộ phim có thu nhập khủng về đề tài TRINH TIẾT của các nàng bây giờ - Duration: 4:37.

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Hot Wheels® Ride-Ons™

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Lời tuyên chiến của kẻ NHIỆT TÌNH GẠ MÂY MƯA có gì khiến vợ tôi RÊN ÂM Ỉ LIÊN TIẾP - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Lời tuyên chiến của kẻ NHIỆT TÌNH GẠ MÂY MƯA có gì khiến vợ tôi RÊN ÂM Ỉ LIÊN TIẾP - Duration: 3:58.


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Drake x Big Sean Type Beat 2017 - "NITECAP" | Rap Type Beat | Prod. By DigitalBeatz - Duration: 4:25.

Drake x Big Sean Type Beat



Rap Type Beat

Produced By

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For more infomation >> Drake x Big Sean Type Beat 2017 - "NITECAP" | Rap Type Beat | Prod. By DigitalBeatz - Duration: 4:25.


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dance - Duration: 0:04.



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