Sunday, March 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2017














pallets or boxes that they don't

have rights to actually

businesses to work together with



okay to be on their

property rather than just

kicking them out just ask them

hey maybe would you like to work

with ihs they are right

next door and we are willing to

help and respond

Carvalho says he's hoping the

rail line through iwilei will


KIMO CARVALHO/IHS: we hope that

transit oriented

development adds a lot of

affordable housing because

really housing is a solution to

not just homelessness but

really having value to our


I'm told healthy communities

include everybody from all


PLANNING UH: healthy communities

normally have

full range of services that

people need from all age

groups from kids to elderly so

this can include everything






For more infomation >> IHS offers to help new business neighbors deal with homeless - Duration: 2:08.


[ Eng Sub ] Love is More than a Word [ Trailer] BL Web Series - Duration: 4:02.

Based on the same fiction by Su You Bing

[A Chinese Poem]

I don't wan to become an ingrinity politician

I just want to be a good one

The dead are already dead

Life still goes on

A great man

must be determined, indifferent and straight

Her action at this moment may have another intention

So you know something else?

Inform the archers to wait for my order

This is the perfect time

Pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger? (Chinese Idiom)

Such an unpredictable scheme!

A wizard....

is that his identity after coming to Dan Yang?

This guy, we can use later

Their young lady suicides in their house!

You are the the governor of Dan Yang

How can you ignore this case?


Dandy Gu

My young master was imprisoned by the state governor


Why I always make you agonize????

It's all my fault

I shouldn't have brought you here with me

I shouldn't have became the politician.

The one who has this archer

Apart from the General...

can only be Lian Shen

You mean...

Go find them

then kill them all

Our young master has his way to revenge him

He has power in his hand.

Half of the generals are on his side

What is important to the nation... must be discerned clearly

From those words, we can see...

it's clearly a treason

A movie by Chen Peng

For more infomation >> [ Eng Sub ] Love is More than a Word [ Trailer] BL Web Series - Duration: 4:02.


3 Dead Man's Beliefs When Eating Bananas Turn this kind of fruit into poisonous - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> 3 Dead Man's Beliefs When Eating Bananas Turn this kind of fruit into poisonous - Duration: 11:37.



For more infomation >> 10 ALIMENTOS QUE DAÑAN TUS DIENTES - Duration: 2:52.


Learn Colors For Children Body Paint With giraffe | Learn Colors with Body Paint for Kids - Duration: 3:12.

Learn Colors For Children Body Paint With giraffe | Learn Colors with Body Paint for Kids

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Children Body Paint With giraffe | Learn Colors with Body Paint for Kids - Duration: 3:12.


Lynn - Rise High [Official Mus...

For more infomation >> Lynn - Rise High [Official Mus...


Ewangeliarz OP - 27 marca 2017 - (J 4, 43-54) - Duration: 2:00.


I love preaching retreats

to nuns and monks, and I always try

to show them the forming moment of their orders and congregations.

How incredibly fresh this moment was.

How one man open to God

caused that a huge garden

started to grow around him.

The garden of a specific congregation.

It works in a similar way with every charismatic figure,

who lets God and His inspirations

use their own sensitivity.

Suddenly a lot of good things start to happen around this man.

This is what the Gospel shows us today.

This man believed in Christ

and his whole family followed him .

This is how it works.

If I make only aone little step

in my obedience and love to the Lord,

others will surely follow me.

There is no point in forever complaining

about many barren places in the Church, or about the world full of evil,

where that evil seems to intensify.

Ask yourself what kind of good you can do.

Your good will thrive and

bring about even more good.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 27 marca 2017 - (J 4, 43-54) - Duration: 2:00.


MontagsWitz — Kommt ein Mann mit Waffe in eine Bank | Witz #110 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> MontagsWitz — Kommt ein Mann mit Waffe in eine Bank | Witz #110 - Duration: 0:52.


Venture off the beaten path

For more infomation >> Venture off the beaten path


Taapsee Unblushed | #HitBack - Duration: 3:21.

Forgive me for the night I went for a late night movie with my boyfriend.

Forgive me that a man touched my waist in a crowded bus.

I'm sorry for the day I wore a mini skirt to college.

I apologize for close dancing in the office party.

Forgive me for everyday that I went home alone from school.

Forgive me for screaming when my husband hit me.

I apologize I got drunk.

I am sorry.

I am sorry that it took me so long to apologize.

Because I seek this apology not from the world but from myself.

For not knowing how to twist his hand in a crowded bus, I am sorry.

You can still break his nose in the dark of the night.


I am sorry that I don't know how.

Mini skirt or a long skirt, you can still kick.

For not knowing how to kick, I am sorry.

Sorry, not for drinking, but for not arming myself with the strength to live a life of freedom.

Sorry I didn't know how to break his face with my water bottle.

Sorry, not for that close dance, but for not slapping him in front of everyone.

Forgive me, because screaming is not the solution.

For more infomation >> Taapsee Unblushed | #HitBack - Duration: 3:21.


Brave girl So-eul bursts into tears??! [The Return of Superman / 2017.03.26] - Duration: 10:05.

It's morning at Soeul and Daeul's.

(Daeul comes out.)


(Daeul is wrestling with the sofa.)

Daeul starts his morning by wrestling with the sofa.

(This is how Daeul's morning exercise looks.)

(His rival is no easy opponent.)

(If you get in my way, I'll climb over you.)

Daeul is climbing up the sofa.


Dad, help me.

- At the door? / - Yes.

At the door?

(Dad just passed me by.)

(Daeul struggles alone.)

Here we go.

I climbed the sofa. Uncle.

(The camera shoots Daeul up close.)

It's fun.

It's fun.

(After conquering the sofa, he shouts, "It's fun.")

Dad, I want some cookies.

- What? / - I want cookies.

Do you know you're seeing a doctor for atopy today?


Soeul has been having red spots lately.

So I booked an appointment with a doctor.

I heard she needs a blood test.

I'm going to get her prepared by playing hospitals.

We're at a hospital now.

(He moves the table.)

When a patient arrives...

(The bell rings.)

You should ring the bell, okay?

It's like saying, "Hello."

Ring the bell.


(The first patient is Daeul.)

(The patient enters noisily.)

Come in.

Do we have a patient?

I'm drowsy because it's spring.

Please take a number.

Use the tissue.

(The tissue becomes a number ticket.)

Please wait here.

All right.

Are you Mr. Lee Daeul?


How old are you?


Are you four?

What seems to be the problem?


- Your hand? / - Your finger?


Okay. Please relax and wait here.

Let's see. Mr. Lee Daeul, four years old.

Please tell him to come in.

Come in, puppy.

Come in.

- Come in. / - He's a puppy.

Is this an animal hospital?

No, it isn't.

Are you a baby?

Baby patient, please sit down.

(The puppy is very active.)

Baby patient.

- Baby patient. / - Babies are noisy.

I see.

He's sitting down. Dad, I'll do it.

Should I listen to your stomach, too?

I'm listening to your stomach.

(His stomach seems fine.)

He needs a nutritional shot.

He needs a nutritional shot, right?

- No. / - A nutritional shot.

I should be lying down.

Is that so?

You'll get a shot on your bottom.

I'll rub your bottom first.

To lessen the pain...

(He slaps Daeul's bottom.)

Here we go.

(The shot is given.)

- There you go. / - It hurt.


- Did it hurt? / - What's wrong?

(Daeul is immersed in his role.)

Dad, you hurt him.

Sit down.

I was just trying to make it feel real.

I'll do it, then.

- Fine. / - I'll do it like this.

Will you slap my bottom?


I'm not going to slap you. Lie down.

All right.

- Dr. Lee, please do a good job. / - Okay.

I'll rub you first.

I'm giving you a shot. Does it hurt?

There you go. It's already over.

You'll be moved to a patient room now.

All right.

Please lie down.

(The bed looks peculiar.)

There you go. Relax.

Soeul, hold here.

- Is this really how you do it? / - Of course.

(Bumsoo has moved patients before.)

What happened?

(In emergency...)

After 10 years,

Bumsoo is a surgeon again.

(I've moved beds before.)

(They circle around the kitchen.)

Here comes a rocket.

Let's go to the operating room.

I'll be getting ready in the operating room.

I think we need to use a defibrillator.

Charge to 200 joules.

(This is a defibrillator.)


(Bumsoo saved many patients with it.)

(The defibrillator is ready.)

Didn't Daeul say his finger is the problem?

One, two, three.

(With all his heart,)

(Bumsoo tries to save Daeul.)

It hurts.

Does it hurt? Should I do it?

- It hurts. / - Should I do it?

Did it hurt?

The wheels must have pressed him too hard.

- Should I do it? / - I'll bring something else.

Dad will bring something else.

Why do I keep hurting you?

Don't hurt him.

- Do it softly. / - He's a patient and a customer.

(Bumsoo gets the defibrillator ready again.)

One, two, three.

(Will Daeul smile this time?)

(Daeul likes it.)

I think he's feeling better.

I think I need to do it one more time just to be sure.

One, two, three.

(It was hard to make him smile.)

- Hello. / - Hello.

- Daeul, say hello. / - Hello.

Hi. Who should I treat first?


Soeul first? Okay.

I wonder if she has atopy.

She got red and pink spots

on her legs and her body.

I'm wondering if it's just caused by her habit

or if it's a disease.

There are many possible causes.

I'll examine her skin first.

I'll check your skin.

Dad, you shouldn't look.

Dad shouldn't look?

Can I take a quick look?

- Turn around. / - Me?

I'll count to 10.


Let me see for a second.

Dad, go away.

That's strange. I wash you every day.


Who was I washing?

(Who was that girl?)

(The doctor checks her skin.)

Her skin seems very dry.

She's experiencing dryness.

- She has nummular eczema, too. / - Nummular eczema?

Yes. She has many rough round spots on her legs.

That's nummular eczema.

It's caused more often when the air is dry.

We need a test

to find out what is causing the symptoms.

Are you ready?

- Yes? / - Yes?

Dad and Daeul will hold your hand.

Soeul, this is nothing.

There are many hardships in life.

Give me the syringe.

(The syringe is here.)

(Soeul's eyes are fixed on the syringe.)

Hold my hand.

When we were playing hospitals, it wasn't real.

It's okay.

(Daeul tries to calm Soeul down.)

It's going to hurt.

- No, it won't. / - Look at me.

- The needle is very thin. / - Look at me.

- Look at me. / - Don't look at it.

- Look at Dad. / - Look at me.

- It won't hurt. It won't hurt. / - Right?

- That's right. / - It won't hurt.

Daeul, hold her hand tightly.

- Give her courage. / - It'll sting a little.

- It'll sting. / - It's okay.

There you go.

Look at me.

It's okay.

(She bursts into tears.)

Soeul, don't cry.

We're done, Soeul.

Cheer her up.

(Soeul was patient.)

Soeul, we're done.

Exactly. Look at me.

- It's okay. / - It's really over now.

We're done now.

Let's give her a big hand.

Good job.

- Soeul, good job. / - It hurt.

- It's okay. / - You did a good job.

You can have some vitamin candies.

(Daeul checks how they taste.)

Daeul, say something to Soeul.

- Thank you. / - This is yours.

(Soeul puts the candy in her mouth.)

Soeul, well done.

It stung for a second, but it was okay, right?

Even when you're scared,

don't give up or run away.

Just accept it bravely, okay?

Next week, episode 175 of The Return of Superman,

"Love Comes Back" will air.

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