Nightcore - Zombie (subtitles in video)
任侠山口組に家宅捜索、指定暴力団後初 - ニュース24x7 - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
GTX 1060 6GB | FishGL Benchmark - Duration: 5:13.GTX 1060 6GB | FishGL Benchmark
GTX 1060 6GB | FishGL Benchmark
탁현민 프로필 여성비하 내용|K-News - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
이주노 아내 박미리 이혼|K-News - Duration: 11:27.-------------------------------------------
Trực Tiếp ĐT Jordan vs ĐT Việt Nam, Họp báo trước trận Thầy trò HLV Park Hang Seo tự tin giành điểm - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
쌍용차, 해고자·희망 퇴직자 등 26명 추가 복직..노사 '의기투합' [Bike 24h] - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
닛산의 인텔리전트 모빌리티 세이프티..안전 기술이란 이런 것 [Bike 24h] - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
아우디⋅폭스바겐 EA189 엔진 리콜 승인..골프 등 12만5515대 [Bike 24h] - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
[TV 데일리카] 자동차 전문가들이 진단한...미세먼지 해법은? [Bike 24h] - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
메르켈 獨 총리, 디젤차 전면 운행금지 도입 거부..그 속 사정은? [Bike 24h] - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Bias in our K-12 school syste...-------------------------------------------
How to Save the Battlestar Pegasus - Battle Plan - Duration: 6:41.-------------------------------------------
ダイムラーと中国BYD、航続500kmの新型EV発表…最新コネクト採用 - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
【日産 セレナe-POWER 試乗】大いに迷って選んでいただきたい…岩貞るみこ - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
Are some of the failed cladding materials used on high rise buildings banned in other countries? - Duration: 1:20.From my review of the exterior facade materials used throughout the world I
would say that, I'm of the understanding that the materials used at
Grenfell are limited in their application in the States and some other
countries, meaning that they'd be more apt to be allowed on shorter buildings.
I'm thinking in our code they would be maybe building under 40 feet, I could
probably translate that, what's that about 12 or 15 meters. Now I am under the
impression that what happened in Grenfell may also have been part of
the contributing factors in the United Arab Emirates, so to say they're banned is
certainly not correct. To say that they should be limited in application would
be correct.
メルセデスベンツ Cクラスクーペ と カブリオレ 改良新型にフルデジタルコクピット…ニューヨークモーターショー2018で発表予定 - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
キャデラック CT6 改良新型、ハンズフリー走行も可能…ニューヨークモーターショー2018で発表予定 - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
超小型EV、FOMM『ONE』を正式発表。キャンペーン価格は約60万バーツ…バンコクモーターショー2018 - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Khelani Type Beat "Come Ba...-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Zombie (Lyrics / Cover) - Duration: 4:44.Nightcore - Zombie (subtitles in video)
Hot Rod or Not Ep. 3: Rat Rod Rabbit - Duration: 3:47.Good morning
afternoon or evening YouTube welcome to another episode of hot rod or Not
Take through Need For Speed cars, make one into hot rod and one into something else
When I found out the alternative name of the VW Golf was the VW Rabbit
I knew exactly what I was gonna make for this video
We're gonna lower it a bit
The car bra is an interesting hood option
Got some really good choices of front bumpers and some more interesting choices for diffusers (Australian accent intensifies)
A diffuser that turns it into a bulldozer? Nice.
And some shotgun exhaust tips
I Kept the hotrod version fairly simple this time
Gave it some new shoes in the form of Fifteen52 multi spokes
Tried a couple different paint schemes and decals
Silver and red, red on silver, flames, two tone, you name it
I did it, but I eventually settled on the two tone black and yellow. I did briefly attempt
to put a vinyl down the swage line of the car and
Failed miserably as at zero degrees it didn't match up and at one degree it didn't match up either
Now the car is mainly stock but I really liked the stock fenders and I wanted to continue that black accentuating line from the fenders
So I just coloured the door sills black
After all it's the little things that count
Couple more finishing touches of some window decals and the change of wheel colour, and it was good to go
(Actually forgot to record first half of build, came up with a pretty good excuse) This is actually one of our older customers cars, but he never really came back for it
So we're gonna be using it as a base for today's rat rod build.
Rat rod paint is usually patinad and worn-out so I started off with a dark green matte base paint
And we just build from there
Adding layers of different coloured paint and rust until I got the desired effect.
In my research for this build, I came across a couple car images that had rusted hoods and checkered roofs
I really liked that look, so I re-created it. All the way from the hood to the trunk lid.
(Yes, I noticed that trunk checks don't match roof checks, I'm sorry)
Put a couple new panels on there just to give it a break from the rusted patinad areas
Added a couple of window stickers for good measure
Slapped on some Toyo tires and five spoked Fifteen52's
I think the five spokes really suit this car
And I think that's just about done.
And there you have it, two more builds, another episode
Done and dusted but what did you like, the hot rod or the rat rod?
Interview d'Anaïs Allais : auteure, comédienne et metteure en scène - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Comment Laura Smet et David Hallyday veulent pousser Laeticia à négocier - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Rohff validé par Amel Bent : il lui répond, et l'invite à faire un nouveau featuring - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Laeticia Hallyday « amaigrie » et incapable de faire son deuil - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
이주노 아내 박미리 이혼|K-News - Duration: 11:27.-------------------------------------------
탁현민 프로필 여성비하 내용|K-News - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
N. Koreans in Beijing to repair China ties ahead of summit talks: Experts - Duration: 2:15.While the focus of media around the world is on finding out WHO the high profile North
Korean figure is, the more important question might be.... why and how this visit came to
Oh Jung-hee delves deeper into the trip shrouded in secrecy, to bring us some answers.
So far, nothing's been confirmed about who the secret visitor is... or why they came
so suddenly.
On Tuesday, Tokyo-based Sankei Shimbun quoted an unnamed Chinese Communist party official...
who reported that indeed... it is Kim Jong-un.
Sankei reported... he was visiting for two days to meet with various officials in China's
Communist party... and that North Korea and China started organizing the visit early in
the year.
Some South Korean experts agree it could be Kim Jong-un,... since, they say, no other
North Korean high-level figure would use the special train used by the regime's former
leader Kim Jong-il.
If true, then this would be Kim Jong-un's first known trip overseas since he took power
in 2011.
But others suggest... it could be Kim Yo-jong, the leader's sister.
Kim Jong-un has been trying to build an image of North Korea as China's "diplomatic equal,"...
so they say he wouldn't want to sneak into Beijing for his first face-to-face meetings
with the Chinese leadership.
Kim Yo-jong is one of her brother's trusted political aides; she was also sent to South
Korea as a special envoy during the Olympics.
But regardless of who it is,... it's noteworthy that this visit comes ahead of Pyongyang's
summits with Seoul and Washington in April and May.
Experts think the relatively strained relations between North Korea and China have done nothing
to help either side ahead of those historic talks.
"China is North Korea's most reliable supporter.
So it would not benefit North Korea to hold summit talks with South Korea and the U.S.
while its relations with China are cold.
So North Korea's preparing a base to lean on."
For North Korea, it's crucial to consider what happens if its talks with Seoul and Washington
end in failure,... in which case it could potentially seek a Chinese commitment to future
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Unidentified high-ranking N. Korean official wraps up secret visit to Beijing - Duration: 2:08.A high-ranking North Korean official reportedly arrived in Beijing late Monday,... onboard
a special train used by the regime's former leader.
Extra tight security... has raised speculation that the visitor could be Kim Jong-un.
Whoever it is, the latest from Reuters is that the train has already left the Chinese
Lee Jeong-yeon has the full story.
Reports suggest a high-ranking North Korean official has paid a visit to Beijing,... and
that person may have been the regime's leader Kim Jong-un.
Citing unidentified sources, Bloomberg reported Monday... that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un
made a surprise trip to Beijing,... but said it had no further details.
A motorcade was seen in the Chinese capital after ten o'clock Monday night,... heading
from The Great Hall of the People towards Diaoyutai State Guest House,... where North
Korean leaders have previously stayed.
Japanese media reported... a special train was spotted... similar to the one used by
former North Korean leader Kim Jong-il for his China visit.
Security around the city was extra tight,... with several trains delayed and tourists cleared
from the area near Tiananmen Square.
On Tuesday morning, the motorcade was spotted leaving the guest house and heading north...
possibly to Chinese government offices.
At this point, the visit may already be over.
The latest report by Reuters cites a witness saying the North Korean train left Beijing
Tuesday afternoon.
A Chinese military source told Reuters that the possibility of the visitor being Kim Jong-un
cannot be ruled out.
But South Korean media also suggest... it could have been Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim
Yo-jong,... or North Korea's de facto second-in-command, Choe Ryong-hae.
South Korea's presidential office says it's been aware of a trip of this kind since a
few days ago... but does not know exactly who the visitor or visitors were.
But it also says an improvement in North Korea-China relations ahead of the relay summits... would
be a positive sign.
China's foreign ministry says it knows nothing about the supposed visit,... while Washington
says it cannot verify those reports.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News.
USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group enters 7th Fleet area of operations: U.S. Navy - Duration: 2:11.The Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group has entered the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations...
which includes the Korean Peninsula.
Though it's part of the nuclear-powered behemoth's regularly scheduled deployment... some observers
view it as a move to amp up military pressure on North Korea ahead of summit talks
Park Ji-won tells us more.
According to the official U.S. Navy website and the official website for the U.S. 7th
Fleet,... the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and
its Carrier Strike Group has entered the 7th Fleet area of operation,... which encompasses
the two Koreas, Japan, China and Russia.
The USS Theodore Roosevelt left its home port of San Diego, California last October,...
and successfully completed about four months of operations in the Arabian Gulf and Red
The Carrier Strike Group will conduct a range of maritime operations with the navies of
U.S. partners and allies in the region,... to enhance security cooperation and interoperability.
With the USS Theodore Roosevelt entering the 7th Fleet's area of responsibility,... a total
of three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers,... the Roosevelt, the USS Ronald Reagan,... which
is permanently forward-deployed to the area,... and the USS Carl Vinson,... are currently
deployed in the area.
The U.S. has reportedly decided not to include drills involving aircraft carriers during
this year's annual joint military exercises with Seoul,... starting next month,.. yet
some watchers say deploying three aircraft carriers in the region could be seen as an
attempt to put pressure on Pyongyang, ahead of possible talks between the U.S. and North
The U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest forward-deployed U.S. fleet,... made up of over sixty ships
and submarines,... some 140 aircraft and some 20-thousand navy personnel,... covering more
than 120 million square kilometers in the western Pacific and Indian oceans.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
Seoul announces 3-member team for high-level talks with North Korea - Duration: 0:34.South Korea has named its three-person team for the high-level talks with the North scheduled
for Thursday.
Seoul had revealed previously that Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon would lead the delegation.
It's now confirmed that he'll be accompanied by the vice unification minister, Chun Hae-sung,...
and Cheong Wa Dae's top press secretary, Yoon Young-chan.
The North Korean delegation will be led by Ri Son-gwon, the head of Pyongyang's reunification
No word yet on the rest of the team.
Thursday's talks are expected to help fine-tune details such as the date of the historic meeting,
as well as the agenda.
The dusty air expected to clear tomorrow afternoon _ 032718 - Duration: 2:01.Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, conditions were quite suffocating in terms of air quality.
Any chances of mother nature stepping up to provide us with some relief from the pesky
particulate matter.
Daniel, the central region was put under fine dust emergency measures for the second day
in a row.
Both fine dust and ultra fine dust particles have blanketed the region today,... and as
we speak, ultra fine dust levels are still high in the upper parts of the country.
These conditions are expected to continue until tomorrow, but fortunately, there will
be some wind that will help clear the air.
Meanwhile, the mercury continues to rise, with Seoul starting out the morning at 9 degrees
Chuncheon and Daegu start at lower temperatures at 6 and 7 degrees respectively, while Busan
rises to 11 degrees.
Under a cloudless and bright sky, Seoul tops out at 18 degrees during the day, while Gwangju
and Busan peak at 22 and 19 degrees.
For the central region, the clear sunny sky is expected to shine throughout the week until
Sunday morning.
Meanwhile, readings are expected to stay above seasonal average for the time being.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
President Moon pledges to boost bilateral cooperation with Dubai and encourages local ... - Duration: 0:45.The leaders of South Korea and Dubai have pledged to boost their bilateral cooperation
in areas including information technology, space development, and preparing for the fourth
industrial revolution.
The agreement was reached in a meeting today between President Moon Jae-in and the Dubai's
ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,... who's also the Prime Minister of the UAE.
President Moon also attended the South Korea-UAE Business Forum, where he noted the similarities
of the two countries' economic development and stressed the importance of the friendship
the two countries share.
He also offered some encouragement to local Korean business leaders in the role they play
in cultivating a strategic partership between South Korea and the UAE, and pledged that
their businesses will continue to have the support of the Korean government.
와이지뉴스21 싼헤란이 전해드림 YG NEWS21 ft. ANCHOR SSAN - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
Environment ministry changes ultra-fine dust classification method in S. Korea - Duration: 1:41.Fine dust blanketed over the nation for the past few days.
Amid continuing efforts to tackle the health threat, the government announced plans to
change the environmental standards.
Kim Mok-yeon outlines for us, the possible impact of the new measure.
Korea is under another emergency ultra-fine dust reduction measure on Tuesday.
To raise awareness of the problem, the nation's environment ministry said Monday that it would
lower the current threshold for ultra-fine dust levels to be classified as "bad"... from
the current 50, to 35 micrograms per cubic meter per day,... to raise its standards to
that of the U.S. and Japan.
And there's growing public anxiety over the worsening fine dust levels.
As of 3 p.m., more than 130 thousand people have signed a petition on the Cheong Wa Dae
website demanding the presidential office to come up with a diplomatic solution to the
problem, claiming the cause of the pollution is the dust coming from China.
Recently several reports have shown that one of the major causes of the deteriorating air
quality in Korea is fine dust coming from China.
A report released by the National Institute of Environmental Research showed that external
factors had a large effect on the air quality in Seoul, with fine dust coming from China
causing up to 57 percent of the air pollution.
The ministry says that in the short term, the severe conditions are likely to clear
up by Wednesday evening.
But a meteorological expert says that in the long term, there is the possibility that high
levels of fine dust could continue over the next couple of months.
"We are expecting to see less wind and rain in May.
With the yellow dust expected to blow across the peninsula, the fine dust problem could
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
Rare type of foot-and-mouth disease confirmed in hog farm near Seoul - Duration: 1:42.A case of foot-and-mouth disease at a pig farm near the nation's capital was confirmed
by Korea's agriculture ministry.
There have been reports of the virus before, but the country is on a high alert as this
is the first time the rare A-type variant has been discovered.
For details we turn to our Park Hee-jun.
A rare type of the foot-and-mouth disease has been detected at a pig farm near Seoul
on Tuesday.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,... a farm in Gimpo,...
40 kilometers northwest of Seoul tested positive for the A-type virus.
Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly infectious viral disease.
Livestock with the disease show symptoms of fever, followed by sores in the mouth and
blisters on the hands and feet.
It can spread rapidly without proper measures,... and can have a significant economic impact.
The case is the first outbreak of the disease since February last year.
Among the seven distinct types of foot-and-mouth disease, most cases in Korea involve the O-type
And although the A-type was found in cattle farms a few years back-- this is the first
time it's been detected at a pig farm.
After confirmation of the A-type virus, which is rare not only in Korea, but worldwide,...
the country has been on an emergency alert, especially as most animals haven't been vaccinated
for the highly contagious strain.
Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon gave the order for all available resources to focus on quarantine
More than 900 pigs in the farm have already been slaughtered after the initial test.
And more will be culled within 3-kilometers of the farm to prevent the disease from spreading.
The ministry has also issued a 48-hour 'stand still' on the movement of livestock and breeders
in the nearby region.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
Korea's consumer sentiment index falls for fourth consecutive month in March - Duration: 1:41.Korea's consumer sentiment index hit a seven-year high back in November.
Unfortunately, steady declines have been recorded ever since... mainly due to fears of brewing
trade protectionism policies.
Kim Hyesung breaks down the digits for us.
South Korea's consumer sentiment fell for a fourth consecutive month in March.
According to the Bank of Korea, the composite consumer sentiment index edged down zero-point-one
points from the previous month to 108-point-one-- the lowest level since October.
The reading is well above 100, meaning there are still more optimists than pessimists.
But a sub-index on households' perception of the current domestic economic conditions
dropped to a six-month-low of 87 index points in March, while the sub-index for future prospects
inched down one point from February's 98.
The Central Bank attributed the fall to growing worries over trade protectionism and the U.S.-China
trade spat that could hurt Korean exports to the world's first and second-largest
"Domestically, the restructuring of local shipbuilding companies and the GM Korea crisis
have dampened consumer confidence.
A fall in oil prices and rental housing prices, however, helped limit the drop in the consumer
sentiment index to zero-point-one points on-month in March."
The survey respondents were less pessimistic about future job searches, which climbed one
index point from February to record 94.
The expected inflation rate over the next 12 months was 2-point-6 percent in March,
holding steady since January.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
S. Korean president and UAE Crown Prince say Akh Unit key to bilateral cooperation - Duration: 2:26.President Moon Jae-in wraps up his four-day visit to the United ArabEmirates.
During a rare visit to South Korea's special forces operating in the Gulf nation... the
liberal leader highlighted the Akh Unit is the key link in Seoul-AbuDhabi cooperation.
Here's Moon Connyoung, traveling with the president with our top story.
"The United Arab Emirates.
Although its ties with South Korea stretch back nearly 40 years, it's only in the last
decade or so that their relations got stronger.
Well, that partnership got bumped up to a whole new level."
Roughly an hour's drive from the center of Abu Dhabi is a small town of Sweihan.
It's where a South Korean special forces team operates under the name Akh, which means "brother"
in Arabic.
The 140 special forces received a rare special guest Tuesday; their Commander-in-Chief, South
Korean President Moon Jae-in.
Mr. Moon, a former special forces soldier himself, could not hide his sense of pride
in his elite unit... touting them as a key link in South Korea, UAE relations.
He added...
Crown Prince Mohammed had spoken in high regard of the Akh Unit... saying it has served as
a cornerstone in raising their bilateral cooperation to a whole new level.
South Korea's Commander-in-Chief said it was the presence of the Akh Unit that elevated
the south Korea, UAE relations to be elevated to a special strategic partnership.
Meanwhile, Senior Blue House officials traveling with the president unveiled that the powerful
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, following his one-on-one with South Korean President Moon, ordered
his aides to grant 25-billion U.S. dollars worth of projects to South Korean firms.
Sources familiar with the issue say these are contracts that had been put on hold by
the UAE over its objection regarding a possible change to a secret defense cooperation deal
made between Seoul and Abu Dhabi under the Lee administration in 2009.
If true, the 25 billion dollar greenlight from Crown Prince may be a signal that any
kind of issues there may have had been - whether military or not - President Moon has managed
to smooth out during this four-day trip to the Gulf nation.
"From mending the fences to rebuilding trust and friendship between the two countries,
the two leaders... it looks like President Moon leaves under his belt what he came for.
"Al rafiq qabl al tarriq" - choosing a companion for a long journey ahead.
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Abu Dhabi."
Funny Animals Kids Cartoon - Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Lyrics - Duration: 13:50.Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Rustic Beautiful Grand Park 1371D Manufactured Home from Athens Park Model RVs - Duration: 1:45.Rustic Beautiful Grand Park 1371D Manufactured Home from Athens Park Model RVs
最新劲爆!40億身價「趙薇」不管砸多少錢都買不回的「10張不堪照」....第4張讓我嚇傻了! - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
180327 (ENG SUB) BTS RUN! EP.46 from VLIVE - Duration: 26:14.[Run BTS] [BTS Workshop]
Run BTS!
Where are we?
[Where are the BTS members today?] BTS has come to a special place.
It's a pottery studio.
[Excited] Are we making something today? Pottery?
I used to play the piano a lot when I was young
and I also did Taekwondo,
and pottery as well.
[Wow] Really?
[But he doesn't remember at all] But I don't remember a thing.
How was it back then?
There was a ostrich in front of the pottery studio I used to go to
- so all I remember is the ostrich... - There was an ostrich?
[Unbelievable] - There was an ostrich? - Yes.
[Still can't believe it] - It was in the country. - They grew ostriches in the countryside?
- Was it really an ostrich? - Cool. - That's hard to believe.
[All of a sudden, they start discussing about ostriches] - Raising ostriches... - That's so peculiar.
[Is my memory wrong?] I can't remember. It was a really unusual animal like an ostrich.
And that's all I remember.
[Moving on] [Curious] What do we do today?
Today's theme is "BTS Workshop".
BTS's workshop.
[Run BTS] [BTS Workshop Studio]
[BTS will try making pottery!]
[They will each make their own pottery and give it to each other as a gift]
- And selecting the member to give your pottery to... - Is it a secret?
No, you will choose by drawing straws.
Can I give it to myself?
[J-Hope sings the background music]
Shall we show each other on the count of 3?
1, 2, 3!
[No one picked their own name] - J-Hope. - JK.
[Very satisfied with the results] - Great! - Wow! My favorite friend.
[Happy with the results] We settled that quickly.
- Usually we have to draw like 2 or 3 times. - Yeah.
[Sad] I don't think mine will last long.
Who did you pick?
[An icon of destruction] - Because it will break soon? - Won't he break it as soon as he gets it?
[Promises] - I'll keep in on the cabinet. - All right.
[He doesn't think Suga will use his] I don't think mine will be properly used.
[He thinks his pottery piece won't make it home] I don't think Jungkook will take his home.
He always leaves things behind.
[Jungkook left a gift behind in another country] I gave him a present when we were abroad
and he left it there.
- He has done that before. - I'm not sure I'll be getting one at all.
[He may not even make one at all]
[Members to give their pottery pieces to]
[RM->J-Hope, Suga->Jimin, Jin->Jungkook]
[J-Hope->Jin, Jimin->V, V->Suga, Jungkook->RM]
[Just the two of them] We can't make them by ourselves,
shouldn't we have a teacher?
Let's introduce the teach for today.
[Nice to meet you] - Let's give him a round of applause. - Welcome!
[Come over here] Hello.
Please introduce yourself briefly...
- Hello, I've been doing pottery for 23 years... - Wow, 23 years.
[Today's teacher, potter Ha Taehoon, 23 years of experience] My name is Ha Taehoon.
[Wow] Thank you.
- Our youngest member is 22 years old. - I see
[Jungkook 22 years old < 23 years of experience] He's been doing pottery for 23 years.
- Before you were even born. - Before you were born.
[Let's give it a try] [Great] Let's try! Let's make it in our own styles!
[Excited] - Let's go!. - We'll give it a try. - Let's get it! - Let's go!
- Please teach us. - Let's go!
[Let's go learn pottery!] - Thank you. - Run BTS!
[The members are sitting down for the basics]
[All he did was take out some clay and they are already amazed] - This is... - Oh my god. - Clay.
Clay for pottery.
[So amused] It looks like a snack bag.
[Throws it down] [Wow]
[Cool] - Everyone! - That was so cool.
[They're so excited at one motion] That's how he starts.
- We're all going to do that. Plop! - Like this.
- We have to do that. - He makes that look so special.
[BTS members will use white clay] This is the clay we'll use today.
[Focused] After forming it,
we have to dry it for 3 t 5 days and this is how it turns out.
So we won't be able to take what we make today.
[There is a process of baking it] No you can't. Then is has to be baked at 1250 degrees.
[And that's not it] And after one more bake, it's finished.
- 1250 degrees. - Yes.
[Already worried] What happens if it breaks?
[Cool] - Then it's broken... - Then my heart is broken too?
[My question was useless] - What are you going to do about it? Eat it? - Yeah, too bad.
I think like 5 of ours will break.
After 5 days, all of ours might be broken.
[So bright] Our pieces are all broken.
[Things to keep in mind!] When you make your piece with the clay
you can't put the clay in many layers.
[The air in between the layers might expand and explode] The air expands...
- And it breaks. - It's OK if only one break on its own,
[All of them will break together] but if one breaks all of them breaks.
If there's a layer in a piece of clay, just throw it away.
- If there is a layer? - Yes.
Then I'll just play with this piece.
[Youngest member]
[He's having fun with it] [Excited] - Please show us! - Yes.
Will you touch this side?
[Everyone touches the side] Will you touch this part?
[Me too] The textures are...
[Reaches far] His arm is so short.
[The teacher pats the clay hard]
Wow! Great!
[Rhythmical] Rhythm! Rhythm!
[Everyone gathers around and touches the clay] Try touching this now.
[Pretends he feels the clay in the air] - It's soft now. - You have to hit it.
- Bad clay! - Bad! There!
My hand hurts.
[The clay is now softer] Touch right here. You can tell the difference.
- It's hard here. - It's hard.
Just by patting the clay, it will turn soft.
Now after that you have to center the clay.
- Keep your right hand in. - In.
[Such a hard working student] - And keep your left hand out. - Outward.
[Bring it up]
If we're able to do just that, today's lesson is a success.
That looks like it's already a piece of art.
[Can't believe him] What would you use that for?
As a decorative piece.
[Well centered clay] This is well centered.
If you get this far, you can start making something.
Wow, so cool.
J-Hope, I drink a lot of water in my room so a big cup!
- A big cup. - I want a big cup.
[OK, got you] OK, a big cup.
[A cup this big] A cup this big.
[Big dreams] - I'll make you a tumbler. - That would be great.
[It looks like he wants a huge dish, not a cup] - I want something like this. - A big one.
OK, I got you.
[Finally the members are getting ready to start]
[Doing what the teacher showed them] You have to throw the clay!
[He is surprised at the big sound] [You scared me] What are you doing?
[Making excuses] Mine was too light.
[I'll start now] Put the clay down like this.
[What's wrong with this?] It's turning so fast.
[RM's patting] This feels nice.
Jimin, clean up after yourself. Jimin clean up, Jimin, Jimin.
[Touch touch]
[Hitting his clay]
[Please tell us we're doing well] - How am I doing? - You're doing fine.
[Calls himself the ace] See? I'm the best student.
[Do you need help from the best student?] Namjoon, do you need help?
[Why does this look familiar...?]
[He's not much of a help] This feels weird.
[Look at me] - What? - This feels weird.
[It looks weird to us too] Something's not right.
[Jungkook is doing well]
[Jimin likes the warm water] It's warm.
[His clay looks like it might slip...] I'm a mess right now.
[No, he's a bigger mess]
[He's in a mess too]
Why does he keep trying to be a comedian
[Huh? It's not bad?] - It looks pretty cool. - How does this look?
[Curious] Can you see what I made?
[Smoothly takes half of his clay off]
[Look at mine] - Hey. - Whoa!
There you go.
[His clay fell off too] [Even he thinks it's funny] Like that.
- Lower the inside of your hand. - Wow! There we go! It's tall!
[What's this?]
[About to fall off] Great!
[First time to see anything like that in 23 years...] - Is this all right? - Yes.
[The teacher comes to help] What do I do next?
- You have to lower it. - Oh yeah.
Is that the Eiffel Tower?
[Floppy floppy]
[It has a mind of its own]
[What is he doing?]
[It's so funny he has tears in his eyes] - It's hilarious. - What's that?
[Playing by the book] [This is how it's done]
[He's so focused his lips are sticking out]
[Extremely focused] [Right now... It's between me and the clay...]
Hey! Come over here!
How is everyone doing this? You guys are doing so well.
[He made a donut] I made a donut.
[Avant-garde pieces all over the place]
[I have to get out of here] Why is this spinning like this?
[Whew] - Namjoon! - Why do you think mine is sticking to the wheel so much?
I my opinion,
I don't think we understand the speed of the pedal.
[I love you] This is how I feel about you.
[Sweet] Heart.
Namjoon, heart.
[Not sincere at all] Thank you so much J-Hope.
[V is the best student, and Jimin is close by] It's a little crooked, what can I do about this?
[Bewildered] Wait, wait... Oh no. Hold on.
[So sad] I was doing all right but just when I try to do something...
[Whew] [Huh? This isn't half bad...]
V! This is for you!
[A surreal piece of art]
[Someone is yelling out]
[Flop] [Bewildered] Why did you fall off again?
[Can't believe this] I'm going nuts here.
Namjoon, you're pretty good.
Namjoon is doing well. Hey, you're done.
[Everyone is complimenting RM] - There! - Namjoon! - He did really well.
Who gets Namjoon's?
[It's you] [Wow] - It's you. - Really?
[Jungkook needs the teacher's attention] Teacher please come look.
[He came this far without the teacher's help] Now smoothly go down using your middle finger.
[He's even good at pottery. Is there anything he can't do?] Yes! You did really well.
[Like a pottery student] V is so solemn and focused
[But Jimin doesn't understand what V is making] - but I don't know what he's doing. - V!
- It looks like V has done pottery for like 10 years. - Yeah, he looks like he's a potter.
[I'm done] My piece is done.
[He takes his off the wheel with the teacher's help]
[RM is finished too] Wow! Look at Namjoon's.
Namjoon is good at making things.
[Embarrassed] Thanks.
[Embarrassed about being recognized]
I finally understand how to do this.
[Jungkook(22 years old)/ Understands pottery] Now I get it! Now I get it
[Jungkook is so excited] I get it now!
[His is all over the place]
What is this?
[He gives up and takes it off the wheel] I should just give up on that. Bye!
[A big pile]
How much clay have
we used up already?
[Yeah] - How much clay do you use for one class? - You've surpassed that amount.
We've surpassed the limit.
[That's understandable] Please give me some more clay.
I'm so sorry but can I have more clay?
[A few minutes ago... Everyone asked for more] - I'm sorry but can I have some more? - Yes.
- Can I use more clay? - Can I get some more please?
Can I have more clay please?
[Worries after using up the clay] Is it OK for us to use all this clay?
[Breaks] Yeah! Great! Like the Olympic Torch!
[His torch breaks it half]
Jungkook, this is a lamp for your room.
[He can't hear anything because he's so focused]
[Wow] - Great job. - Can I make it deeper?
- What are you making? - I'm not sure.
I want it to be deeper.
- It's not a question of what we are making, it's about what we can make. - That's right.
[Solemn] It's a time to choose and concentrate.
I can say for sure that I don't have any talents for pottery.
[Whew] [Thankful for his job] Yeah, me neither.
[Working hard] I should stop here. Who was I making this for? Jin.
[Jin]s gift] - How's this? - What is it?
[What do you mean? It's a cup...] It's your cup.
[Jimin is cutting off the top part]
What am I doing?
[1 man play] Come on, pull yourself together man.
[No way...] Is it the first time for everyone to fail on Run BTS?
[Everyone is focused on their pieces] Namjoon did well.
Did you not make anything?
[He doesn't have anything] I was almost done
but they all broke.
[What are you doing Jin?] This makes me feel better.
[He's touching the soft clay for fun]
[One more happy fellow] I'm just playing around because it feels nice.
[Jungkook's piece] - Jungkook did well. - Jungkook's is nice.
[Wow~!] - There. - OK, I made a plate.
[OK! OK!] That looks cool.
J-Hope is doing well.
[He's happy with his pottery] [Excited] There we go!
[Almost like a professional potter] [There X 3] There, there, there.
[Expresses happiness with his whole body] [Then I'll try it too!]
[He made a cannon] It's a cannon.
Isn't that a bazooka?
[RM talks to himself a lot] [I'm going great] - OK, OK Namjoon. - I want to make just one.
[Cheering himself on] [Muttering] Yeah, you can do it.
[Who are you asking?] What's this?
[Working hard] I made something.
I'm not sure what it is, but I'm done.
How much time do we have left?
- About 10 minutes. - 10 minutes?
[Now he can pat the clay and talk at the same time] 10 minutes is plenty of time.
I'm a professional now!
[They're immersed in their pieces] [Molding and squishing]
There! Title, "World Cup".
[A great piece that makes people laugh] [Bursts out laughing]
[World Cup(?)]
[A great heart plate(?)] It's a heart.
[What's wrong with him...] He did a good job.
[Barely holding in his anger] This is what happens when you sit next to Suga.
[From sitting next to Suga] Sorry, but I didn't mean to do that.
[They're still focused on their own pieces] This won't do.
[Urgently] Oh! No.
[Sounds urgent] The teacher said there shouldn't be air bubbles.
[Softly] Save me.
[Sad] - I'll save you. - It's dying.
[It's easier if you give up] [So cool] Just cut it off.
[No way!] No.
Jin, how is this?
- Is that a pot? - Great.
[Comforting him after teasing him] J-Hope, the bigger the better.
[Jimin is fighting the clay] This piece of clay will win.
[V is a professional potter] [How long are you going to do that for?]
[Dialect] It won't listen to me
[Struggling with the clay by himself] [All over the place] What's wrong with this?
Look at my pants.
They look cool. Like vintage pants.
[* Got a new pair of washed out jeans] They're vintage pants.
[Putting some more on]
[Washing off his jeans too] Isn't this kind of cool?
[They're standing up to show off their pants] It really does look cool.
I should take these home.
[What is he saying?] - Stop then take it off. - After I stop?
[V already has 3 in his collection] What is the name of the third piece?
["Nerumi"] - It's "Nerumi". - What does that mean?
Camera lense.
[Everyone is almost done] Really?
[RM's juggling time] [Whoa, whoa]
- Come on... - Sorry.
[Feels bad]
[It's OK~ He's nice about it] I'm sorry.
I was bored.
[Who are you talking about?] I will never forgive you.
[Just watching the tops of their heads] [Still juggling]
[Happy] Wow Jin~
[Careful] [Makes a mistake] Hold on.
[He messed up as soon as he started working by himself] Wait.
[Looking at Jin's piece] - It's messed up. - No, maybe I can save it.
OK~ I'm done.
[You can tell it's well made] There we go!
[The members are happy for him as well] [So proud] I made a lot of mistakes..
Go away, you too.
[J-Hope's cup and dish!] OK, I'm all done.
[Seokjin (27 years old) He wants the attention from younger members] Namjoon! Look!
[Careful] - Great. - Time's over.
Now, Jin you can keep trying.
[He's done and now teasing other members] Did you make a pretzel?
- Great! - Jin! It looks like pasta.
[He's not sure what it is, but he begins to like it] - Great. - It's like spaghetti.
[V the potter] That was tough.
You made a lot.
[He made 7 pieces] He made a lot.
[The members cheer him on] Jungkook, that looks nice.
[Jungkook did a good job] Jungkook~ That looks like a honey pot.
[Everyone finished with the teacher's help!] [Careful careful]
[Isn't it cool?] [Gentle touch]
[Everyone cleaned up after finishing] We're finished.
- Shouldn't we decorate? - Yes.
[Time to decorate] Now, you'll decorate your pieces.
[Can't finish his sentence] Will I be able to do this?
[They know themselves so well] Is it even possible?
I think leaving it as it is will be best.
[The teacher explains one step at a time] This is called a hand spinning wheel.
[What are you making?] The bottom of the wheel is the base level.
[Their eyes are watching the teacher but their hands are busy] And you can draw like this.
[He's done with his rose!] You did so well.
[So focused] There's a special paint for pottery.
[Wow~ cool] You can use that to decorate.
[Jimin wants to show off his rose] I attached a rose here.
- Please look. - What is that? What is the flower for?
[No usage, it's just for decoration] It's for V. Just a decoration.
[All focused] But this is actually mine and this is for V.
[This slide-looking things is V's]
[What's up with everyone's reaction? [Leader speaks up] Is that blob thing V's?
[Come on] What do you mean a blob? It's supposed to be a heart!
[Great job Jimin] It's like a tornado. It's an artistic piece.
[He's going to keep this] V is all about volume.
[Potter] [Confident] - I have 6. - 6 pieces.
[Curious] Which one do I get?
[Firm] - Do I get all of those? - Yes.
[The members start to decorate] - J-Hope! I'm just going to do as I please. - Sure.
[V came to look] Jimin, I'll engrave "Jimin heart" here.
[Suga's hope] I hope Jimin drinks water with this cup.
[Already finished?]
I should engrave "RM".
[Everyone talks about what they're doing] It should scream out Jin.
[Looking for material] [Talking] [Finished] J-Hope, look.
Friendship cup.
[Friendship cup] - Not bad, huh? - It isn't bad at all.
[Looks like a student of the arts] V, don't be too surprised when this turns out amazing.
[Bewildered] What are you doing?
[Worried] "Don't worry love".
- How long will it take to finish? - It's so pretty.
About 2 weeks.
It might not make it back here. They might break before arriving.
[Big smile]
Wow, really!
[RM is so satisfied] This is really nice.
Wrap up please.
- I'm almost done. - Time's up everyone.
[Jimin look happy while V looks nervous] Let's be artistic.
It's cool.
[Firm] - No it's not. - It isn't?
[Who is preaching who?] Time's over, stop everyone!
[Everyone is still working on their pottery] - Stop it. - Stop! - Time to stop~
[V (24 years old) teacher] Time to put down your brushes.
- Jimin, put it down. - Put down your brushes.
[BTS Kindergarten] [Teachers V and Suga] - Stop it~ - Huh?
- Stop~ - No more~ - Jimin, no more~
- Put down your brush Jimin. - No more~
- OK. - No more.
Jimin, stop!
[He can't help himself] [All done!] OK! I'm done. Finished!
[All gathered around] You must have been one of those students
[I can tell] that never did what he was told to do, huh?
[Couldn't hear him] [Still busy] - What? - In 1st and 2nd grade.
[Bewildered] [He can't speak well] I was class president for 9 years.
[First time ever to hear this] - Wow~ - You never told us that.
[Mad] Stop what you're doing!
[Please stop...!] Let's stop.
Oh~ J-Hope! I should add "V".
- Stop! - Stop!
[Cute] OK~
Starting with Suga, please explain your pieces.
[Solemn] It's a "Kanghwado cup".
[What is he saying?] The title is...
[This is his Kanghwado Cup] The signature sign that you can tell it was made by me!
There's a sign? Where?
[Just kidding] It's the worst.
[Jimin's name is on it too!] And there's "Jimin, heart" on the other side.
[Eager to explain his] Since Jimin will get this, I added "Jimin, heart".
- Where? - "Jimin, heart".
[Pretend that you care guys] - Wow~ - Wow~ - It's really cool.
- J-Hope. - Thanks Suga.
[Next is J-Hope] - J-Hope. - Mine is cool!
[Cleaning up his area] Mine is a classic style.
- Classic. - I'm going to spin it.
[Self turning and sound effects] [Person getting it is satisfied] Wow J-Hope~
[Jimin is still coloring] Since I'm giving this to Jin as a present,
I decided to make a classic style
[looking at Jin as he speaks] plate for snacks
[A snack plate and big cup] - and a 500 ml cup. - A cup. - Great.
[Please listen to J-Hope] I'm not sure what he'll put in these, but
[I'm sure you'll use this a lot] I hope he pours something nice to drink in this.
[Sincere] Thank you. That's great.
[Next is RM] - Namjoon. - Namjoon.
The concept of my piece is the harmony of the East and West.
J-Hope and RM.
[Everyone shouts out]
[Colors that J-Hope likes] Green, which is J-Hope's favorite color,
and red which is a symbolic color of him.
[And of course, what he likes too] And I chose navy and brown to decorate my side.
[Thought about what to use it for] I'm going to use it as a cereal bowl.
- Cereal! - Good idea.
[Embarrassed] - That's it. - Jungkook.
[Next it Jungkook] - Who are you giving that to? - RM.
[Looks great!] - It looks really nice. - Doesn't it? It's amazing.
For tea.
[Jungkook could be a potter] I wanted to make a lid but I didn't have enough time.
[That's...] - So there's... - You can use your fist to cover the top.
[Skips that comment and continues talking] You can use this for green tea.
A teapot and tea cup!
[Both the potter and receiver are satisfied] - Thank you. - It's really cool.
It's really cool.
[Next is Jin] Jin.
[Explaining] - What is it? - Think about when you order food. - A plate for noodles.
And when the food comes. The styrofoam plate is bad for your body.
[The intro is so long] This plate is for when you
[This is for take-out food] need a big plate
to move your take-out food on.
[Such a smooth talker] I watched an American drama the other day...
[A smooth talker that has the attention of everyone] And I saw a huge plate like this.
[They use plates like this] - I know. - They use plates like this. - For rum.
- Like ship mates. - Yes, so in that concept...
[What happened?] [A big thump]
[A disaster]
[V's pottery has passed...]
[Shocked] [Happened so fast] That's what happens when you don't turn the machine off...
[His sadness is everyone else's happiness] I was waiting for an accident like that.
[Really bewildered]
[He's almost in tears]
[V's work look a lot different from before] Oh my stomach.
[Bursts out laughing]
[Still beautiful] It's squished.
[V sacrificed to give the others a big laugh] My stomach.
- I'm done. - So hilarious.
[It's Jimin's turn] Mine is...
[Clearly] - I wanted to focus on the purity of the clay. - Yes.
[One of the few that wasn't messed up] I didn't want to mess up its original quality
[In conclusion: He didn't do anything] so I didn't pain over it.
I wanted to keep it as it is.
- That kind of looks like something Greek gods drank out of. - Yes, wine glasses.
[All the members are complimenting Jimin's water glass] - Like nectar glasses. - You get me.
[The rose he was working hard on] And the 2nd piece is a rose.
[The rose is Jimin's] - But I thought the rose was yours. - Yes, this is mine.
What if it explodes?
[The teacher said it won't explode in the kiln] He said it won't explode.
[Not very confident] He said it will be OK,
but now that I look at the look on the teacher's face, it could explode.
[He looks forward to how it will turn out] - It will look nice once it's done. - All right.
[Next it V] V is up.
Please tell us about your works.
I think that last bit falling off was part of his performance.
[Was that all part of V's big plan?] He planned all that out.
[Confident they're right] - So that's the final outcome. - Yeah.
[He can't begin to explain] - What are they? - This is...
[Finishes V's sentence] A squished pot.
The water is supposed to come out of here.
How do you put in the water?
[Here's a question! How do you put water in the pot?] How do you put in water?
[The potter is looking for a hole] How do you put in water.
[V's pieces makes everyone laugh so hard] If you want to pour water with that,
you'd have to pour for like an hour.
[For 1 hour] Drip, drip, drip.
I wasn't able to find a hole.
[If anyone sees a hole to put water in please contact us] I'll look for one.
[He might have to find it himself...] I hope you find a hole today.
[So sad] [It was Suga's pot] He should keep looking.
[V's pieces keep making them laugh] He's still looking.
[Not half done] I'm not done looking...
[I still have a lot to talk about] And moving on...
- This is... - That's well made.
The title is, "Gear".
[RM misunderstood] Giyeok! Why is that the title?
[In V's head...?] - A gear, like this. - The handle...
- You use it like this. - But that's not
[Can't understand] like a moving handle.
[A questionable handle] - Won't that be baked still? - Like this...
[Is that how it will end up?] - V. - You can pour like this.
V, isn't that like...
- What if you burn yourself? - Yeah.
[He made the handle high so the user won't burn his hands] That's why I made it like this.
[All right] - It's really artistic. - Good.
[Suga says, "Art is difficult"] Art is difficult.
[It looks like those two were in a fight] - This is... - Did those two fight?
[He plays along] Those two don't get along.
[Jin, stop crying and speak up] It looks like those two fought.
[We get along great] All of those pieces work into one piece of art.
[They weren't separate pieces] Those 4 are part of one big piece.
- He thought of the overall relationship of all the pieces. - It's a piece of art.
[V surprised everyone with his work] It's like "DNA". Isn't that the choreography?
[Keeping his calm] This is for sake...
[A bottle for sake] A sake bottle.
[I'm serious] - This is... - How does it open?
[Suga is so surprised] You're supposed to pour sake with that?
[You don't have to drink sake] Or raspberry wine.
- Why... - Raspberry wine?
[V's artwork sounds even more charming] Which one is made out of white clay?
This last one.
[The last piece] This is...
[You know what this is, right?]
[A seashell from Hawaii] [Agrees] Like what we did in Hawaii.
[An unknown hole] - It's a seashell. - There's a hole here too.
[He's almost crying] [Explains happily] There should be a hole.
- What do you put in that? - You'd need a funnel.
[But he answers everyone's questions] You use this one like this.
When you go to a fancy Korean restaurant,
[His hands look frantic] they use fancy pots like this.
[All the members are in their own worlds] - The hole is kind of small. - You pour like this.
Can't you blow into it?
[V is done explaining] Amazing.
[These two members are still laughing] - That one was the funniest. - Now we're
[Great work] all done with our pottery pieces.
- I'm curious to see how these turn out. - Yeah, me too.
[Everyone's still amazed at V's performance] It's so funny how they fell off the wheel.
[He bursts out laughing just thinking about it] [Out of it]
[V's sacrifice helped make a great scene!] So funny.
[Gave up] - A great picture. - It's so funny I can't stop laughing.
[BTS members thank the teacher] Now let's thank our teacher...
- Thank you. - Thank you.
You must have had a hard time teaching us.
Thank you.
- It was so much fun. - Thank you.
[The members keep thanking the teacher] Thank you so much.
- More and more people will be interested in pottery after this. - It was an honor.
Please PR about pottery to the public.
[Humble members] You probably had a hard time trying to teach us.
Shall we do the closing?
[The leader wraps up] When we yell "Run", please say "BTS".
[Jimin tells him again] If you say "Run",
- We'll all yell "BTS". - Great.
[All ready] - Please say it slowly. - Yes.
- Run! - BTS!
[Bye] [See you next time] - Pottery is so much fun. - Thank you.
- Please show your interest in pottery. - Please show your interest in pottery.
That was really funny.
[2 weeks later, their pieces are done]
[We heard the BTS members' pieces are done]
They are finished after 2 weeks.
[The pieces they worked so hard on] Even though it was their first time on the wheel,
[Their pieces turned out like this] they did really well.
And as you can see, they're all unique.
They all look nice.
[Which one turned out the best?]
[Thinking hard] It's hard to say, but the white clay pieces...
The 2 pieces really catch my eye. They turned out great.
[The teacher chooses one] [Jimin's] This one has a great shapre.
[And he picks RM's piece too] And this one is good too.
The coloring is nice as well.
[All so unique]
[Finally their pieces are done!]
[Aren't they beautiful?]
[They will be passed on to the members]
[At a place that was once peaceful...]
[An uneasy tension can be felt...]
[An outsider plans to steal the ARMY stone that protects the town] You must
find out the outsider.
What happens when BTS members come to the scene?
[They gather the hints]
[to find the outsider!] I saw him! There's no use!
No one looked for hints more diligently than me.
That was the most important hint of all!
It's not me.
[RM, the smartest mechanic in town]
What will you do when I open this?
Jin laughed.
[Falsely accused? Bank manager Jin]
I found this underneath.
He threw all the evidence away. Come on, we're all in this together.
[Sensitive and feisty, flower shop owner, Suga]
Someone said they were moving to the blue town.
I'm a delivery guy.
[The delivery guy in this town, Jimin]
There's nothing here.
I guess this is how police officers feel.
[Full of confidence? Jungkook, the young police officer who protects the town]
- Who is in the bakery? - It's you. - OK.
Did you say it was me?
[I still don't get the game, baker V]
What's this? Isn't this too difficult?
[I still don't get it! Supermarket owner J-Hope]
[A thriller turned into a comedy] The staff didn't expect us to do this bad, did they?
[All the members are confused] It's not mine.
We're so bad at deducting.
[Run BTS! Mystery suspense] Jin! Don't come here!
- Let's talk at night. - At night. - Let's talk at night.
[Run BTS! Protect the town!]
This is such a peaceful town, what's there to protect?
[April 3rd, 9PM] [Coming soon]
[Run BTS] [BTS Workshop Studio]
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