Thursday, September 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 27 2018

all right so let's talk about the big debate between caloric restriction and

intamin fasting so there are many different types of intamin flossing

which you can do like not eating for 16 hours per day not eating for 20 hours

per day not eating for 22 hours per day you get the point

some people do alternative day fasting where they eat frequent meals one day

and fast the next there are many different ways to do it but what intamin

fasting is is basically intermittently not eating for at least 812 hours the

big debates between caloric restriction and intamin fasting is simple the people

on the instrument fasting side you could say claim that because intamin fasting

decreases your insulin levels this is going to increase fat loss more so than

eating the same amount of food and protein and eating more frequent meals

their logic is that eating more frequent meals causes more frequent spikes in the

hormone insulin and when insulin has increased fat lipolysis the release of

fat isn't able to occur so therefore eating less frequently even

if you're consuming the same amount of food is thus going to be better for fat

loss before I get into that debate specifically let's talk about how in

term the fasting does actually affect your hormones because not eating food

does have direct impacts on your hormones so the first thing that's going

to happen as I just mentioned is a decrease in insulin insulin is a hormone

released by beta cells in your pancreas and its role is basically to shuttle

glucose and amino acids into cells after you consume food so let's say you eat a

meal of rice chicken and broccoli insulin is going to increase in order to

shuffle the glucose from the rice and the chicken and the amino acids into

your cells so if you don't eat insulin isn't going to spike and your bodies are

going to be burning fat right you're going to be releasing fat from your

cells another hormonal change which has been shown to happen when you do

intimate fasting is an increase in human growth hormone which is responsible for

growth right and in the human body so this doesn't necessarily mean that

you're going to experience massive muscle growth because of the increase in

growth hormone when you fast but it's more like your response

mechanism to the lack of food to give you energy by mobilizing fat and

increasing glucose availability another thing you're going to see when you fast

as an increase in catecholamines there are certain catecholamines like norpro

nephron which are going to be released when the body is under the stress of

fasting and this can help to break down fat cells when you think about fasting

it and it makes sense the argument where people say it's better for fat loss

because if you have no energy coming in from food it makes sense that your body

would then turn to its own fat stores to increase fat loss this is what happens

when liver glycogen runs out your body is going to begin producing ketone

bodies like beta hydroxy butyrate and this happens because your body is

breaking down its own fat when it enters that state of ketosis after a certain

period of time of fasting how long this takes depends on a number of factors for

example if you exercise you're gonna deplete a liver glycogen quicker and

enter that same ketosis quicker but generally it's gonna happen from between

8 to 12 hours for most people that's why most of us are actually producing more

ketone bodies upon waking up because we've been fasting throughout the night

before we eat breakfast and break our fast breakfast another claim into how

intamin fasting may be better for fat loss is because of the effect that has

on our metabolism so for a long time there was a dogma that said that

frequent meals is going to boost your metabolism by sort of feeding the fire

right keeping your metabolism going however the research has shown this

isn't true at all and in fact some research but keep in mind it's very

preliminary shows that intimate fasting may slightly increase your metabolism by

between 3.6 to 14% short-term and then as you fast much longer right for

several days there's a down regulation in your metabolism to conserve energy

and increase your chances of survival but short-term fasting may slightly

increase your metabolism however it may not be significant enough to make any

sort of drastic increase in fat loss compared to someone eating the same

amount of food now when we actually turn to the evidence which compares total

caloric intake total protein intake and you have one group that's eating

frequently and one group that's doing insulin

fasting the research actually shows that it doesn't matter whether you're eating

two meals or six meals or eight meals if you're eating the same amount of

calories and protein then your fat loss is actually going to be the same over

time it doesn't matter whether you do one meal per day or ten mils per day if

calories and protein are the same you're going to get the same results

I mentioned protein because protein is important to control for because protein

is the most thermogenic food group all foods you know that have carbs fat and

protein are going to require energy to digest

however protein is the most thermogenic and it requires the most calories to

burn so you know if you have one person eating the same amount of calories but

really really high protein another person eating the same amount of

calories but really low protein the person eating more protein is going to

lose more fat because of that thermic effect of food so that's important to

keep in mind but basically meal timing is irrelevant or near irrelevant for

body composition as long as protein and calories are controlled form we've seen

this with controlled metabolic world studies of low carb diets just as a

comparison because carbohydrates out of all foods spike insulin the most of the

most insulin or genic so the hypothesis here is the same for a ketogenic diet if

you lower carbs low enough you're not gonna be sparking insulin and therefore

you're going to increase fat loss but we saw in the study when every factor was

controlled for as well as possible both the ketogenic group and the standard

American diet group lost 1.1 pounds of fat the exact same amount of a fat over

one month even though one group had much higher insulin level so this in itself

makes it very clear that you know insulin is important right when insulin

is increased lipolysis is inhibited however if you're eating the same amount

of calories in protein it doesn't really matter you know you eat a big meal you

have a big insulin spike you eat smaller meals you have small insulin spikes but

as long as the total amount of calories are the same then that loss isn't going

to be different between one person or the other now I'm a big fan of intimate

fasting so I don't want this video to seem like I'm ripping into it but the

truth is that intimate or fasting works because of how it can help you decrease

your appetite and better manage your calories puts

simply it's much harder to overeat calories if you're only consuming two

meals per day in comparison to six you just have a lower chance of over

consuming food another reason is because in termina fasting and may decrease your

appetite when the liver glycogen is depleted and you begin to produce ketone

bodies and you enter that safe ketosis there is some preliminary research which

shows that your appetite may be reduced so this may be another reason why in

some enforcing helps to reduce your appetite and help you consume less it's

just harder to eat more food when you're doing intermittent fasting so that's why

people get such quick and amazing results when they only eat once per day

it has nothing to do with insulin the other cool thing is that intimate

fasting does have some potential health benefits even when calories in protein a

control for like decreased inflammation increased brain derived neurotrophic

factor BDNF increased mitochondrial biogenesis there's a lot of animal and

human research looking into the potential you know anti-aging benefits

of intamin fasting so it's definitely worth doing if you enjoy it and it helps

you get results but it's definitely not required to get to where you want to be

in terms of your body composition so that's it to conclude for the video

doing summon fasting if you want don't do intamin fasting if you don't want but

if you do it don't expect magical results if you overeat when you fast

you're still not going to lose weight regardless of what anybody says about

the scary insulin okay so stop overthinking about insulin and think

more about the total amount of you do you're consuming and the type of food

that you're consuming because that's what matters if you want to check out

another video I've made on whether training in a fasted state is better

than I urge you to click in the link in the description to watch that video and

learn more about where the fasted cardio that's gonna help you lose fat faster so

until next time guys I'll see you in the next video have a great day and leave

your thoughts in the comment section down below

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting vs Calorie Restriction (The No BS Truth) - Duration: 8:38.


Adorable Tiny House with Land and Lake Views in Shelton, Washington - Duration: 2:21.

Adorable Tiny House with Land and Lake Views in Shelton, Washington

For more infomation >> Adorable Tiny House with Land and Lake Views in Shelton, Washington - Duration: 2:21.


The Friendship Song With Bob The Train | Songs For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 22:10.

The Friendship Song

For more infomation >> The Friendship Song With Bob The Train | Songs For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 22:10.


How Squarespace Went From a Dorm Room to a $200 Million Company | Inc. - Duration: 9:40.

Hi, I'm James Ledbetter the editor in chief at Inc. magazine and and I'm

thrilled today to be talking to Anthony Casalena the founder of Squarespace

Anthony thanks for having us here thank you for coming down

let's start at the beginning how was Squarespace born it started about we're

a little over 15 years old right now and it started back in my dorm room at the

University of Maryland I wanted to make a website for myself and I was really

unhappy with a lot of the a lot of the a lot of the tools out there on the market

you to get a website together that had a couple pages and you know a blog or a

photo gallery that was hosted you needed to combine all these different pieces of

software really yeah I mean we're talking 2003 yeah look you buy the

domain in one place and you have to like have to download this software and you

mush em all together the blogging software is different than the

page building software different than the statistics out like so you had up

put all these things together I thought that was really clunky but it was also

that you know I'm somebody who really cares about design and I care about the

way things look and I care about the way things are presented and how they work

and even if I could smash all the software together which I could do

because I'm admit it was an engineer it still wouldn't be cohesive and so really

those were the two reasons for starting Squarespace how did you raise money so

the first money to start it came from my parents they gave me 30 grand and as

they remember the story it's something that sounds like we've always supported

you we've always believed it cetera et cetera until I asked for 30 grand

yeah and then that's a couple hours did they see it or were they just kind of

humoring you or they knew I put a lot like I've been making I've been

programming so I was a kids making things putting it out there this is not

a completely crazy thing for me to do and you know I really put the entire

thing together except for the part that cost money right I mean I I needed the

money for servers like register back back at the time we were done in set of

servers initial hosting costs and actually a logo I couldn't draw the logo

but I could do you know the software I can make the website I pretended to do

the marketing you know it's I did all that I was just like I need this last

thing to to go presume you're out of the dorm at

this point I am out of the dorm at this point where is the office so I left

University from University of Maryland in 2005 I moved to New York in 2006 and

so before I added some people I was literally in my like ridiculous

apartment that I moved into here post college with complete strangers and

there was no office I would just run it from my from my like random five bedroom

apartment in Chelsea Wow yeah it's kind of crazy and then

eventually you know after doing that for a while it gets it gets tiring I mean it

gets it gets- makes it kind of crazy I mean you can wake up go to work

work is ten feet away from you go to sleep like that that's the rough so I

eventually got him and he's like before we were kids if I remember renting a

desk from architect who I met on Craigslist and moving into an office

downtown just to mix things up and then you know we when we started actually

adding people here in New York got a small small office to fit maybe seven or

seven or ten people on a Center Street yeah how long were you a one-man show

about three years I had some contractors at the time but you know it was it was

just me doing the majority the work for a while what was the moment where you'd

said it I've really got to hire somebody now I was very comfortable doing a lot

of the aspects of the business kind of myself it it just started to get

overwhelming I mean like at some point you start to set a goal for yourself you

you know spend three months working on something and you realize like well I

just spent the month doing accounting and them customer support and then you

know XY and Z and like I missed I'm not I'm not moving this thing forward and so

it was very clear I needed to I needed to grow the team out a little bit it

sounds a little bit like it's a it starts off like a kind of passion

project slash hobby slash mmm maybe there's a business here yeah but at some

point it becomes a genuine big thing and I'm curious what that felt like when

that period was for you by about 2010 I realized that the the software that I

had made that you know was primarily a blog centric piece of software

created an era that was you know five years in the internets forever you know

was probably not going to power the future of websites you know browsers

have gotten more sophisticated people you know this opportunity to use

JavaScript and hardware accelerated CSS on websites you know you could put big

fullscreen imagery on sites and a lot of the people here were really excited

about making sites like that and so what we did is we started rewriting the

entire platform around 2010 in our case rewriting was a really really positive

move for us really big deal we took the lessons of the past you know six or

seven years and built a system that really could create any kind of website

and really push the web forward we look at with Squarespace six we launched that

in 2012 and so with that platform we could go beyond just you know blog

centric websites and into portfolios and we had a focus around small business we

had you know we really were like hey like what are the categories to care

about and how can we do this and do you see demand for all these kinds of sites

so we evolved from just being a blogging platform to being a site building

platform in China tell me about the decision to advertise in the Superbowl

now what who made that decision presumably is you and what what was the

discussion like leading up to it so I think the idea of it had always kind of

floated around in in kind of culture here right they people joke it could be

a joke it's like well we should just do the Superbowl ad or whatever I mean so

I've done advertising we've done advertising from the moment I launched

it right I spent you know 200 bucks on AdWords and made a hundred bucks and

then spent 300 bucks on AdWords and made a couple more hundred bucks and like so

that was very natural and then you know when pot when AdWords sort of started to

top out it was like okay we reward we go next what ended up happening is we just

kept growing channels right and so you would go from AdWords to podcast to

radio to internet radio to Internet video to out of home to subways to and

you just you kind of to television you just kind of kept going and at some

point while it was a really big leap for us to do such a concentrated buy it was

like well how do we how do we how do we take a really big

step forward but I'm in there is a film about me being me is it a movie about

other people being inside you sure why not

what's really cool is it's 30 seconds that you're spending an immense amount

of money for and it really makes you think about what is your message and how

do you get that across in 37 yes and I'm not saying we've always nailed it with

every single spot and we've had different strategies year after year but

it became this kind of like rallying moment where it was like okay can we

really articulate what we're about in a way that resonates with people really

really really quickly are we confident enough with that message

also John you went from this long period of being kind of a one-man band yeah to

being the maestro of a very large order and and how how has that changed how has

it changed your day-to-day and how does it change you as a leader so it's

changed me as a person I think immensely and it's changed my day-to-day

substantially I mean you know 15 years ago I would have been doing programming

most of the day and then doing copywriting and running the AdWords and

installing servers and doing the uptime monitoring and network stuff I mean like

I did all that stuff answering the customer support which I

did for years and now you know my job is much more about communication hiring

having strategic conversations with people accountability you know just just

those sorts of things you're very different management which is different

it's a completely different skill set than everything I was doing before it's

literally you know going from an individual contributor right doing all

these different things to somebody whose main job is frankly dealing with people

yeah and how is that been I mean have you have you found what what what's the

biggest challenge that you found in that scaling up of duties people I mean like

you know it's it's a joke around about it but like I think just having I'm not

saying I've fully solved any of this but I think the moments of self-awareness

when things start to go wrong and you've realized you've made a huge structural

mistake or you've hired the wrong person you you know it neglected to do

something I think that I think that that stuff for me has been really you know

it's helped me grow a lot right because I mean things go wrong and really don't

have anyone to blame but myself and so when things go wrong I try to ask myself

why and what could I do in the future to not get myself in that kind of position

For more infomation >> How Squarespace Went From a Dorm Room to a $200 Million Company | Inc. - Duration: 9:40.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Aspiration - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Full Hybrid Aspiration - Duration: 0:48.


Absolutely Beautiful Family of Three Living and Traveling in their School Bus Conversion - Duration: 2:18.

Absolutely Beautiful Family of Three Living and Traveling in their School Bus Conversion

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Family of Three Living and Traveling in their School Bus Conversion - Duration: 2:18.


Raffaella Mennoia si scaglia contro Sara Affi Fella: 'In cerca di follower e calciatori' - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Raffaella Mennoia si scaglia contro Sara Affi Fella: 'In cerca di follower e calciatori' - Duration: 3:29.


*FREE* 2018 pierre bourne type beat - "Klaxon" (PROD. BMTJ) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> *FREE* 2018 pierre bourne type beat - "Klaxon" (PROD. BMTJ) - Duration: 3:37.


BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.


Bi Tê Ford Transit - Ranger - Bt50 | Cách Nhận Biết Phụ Tùng Ô Tô Chính Hãng T37 | Phạm Văn auto - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Bi Tê Ford Transit - Ranger - Bt50 | Cách Nhận Biết Phụ Tùng Ô Tô Chính Hãng T37 | Phạm Văn auto - Duration: 4:23.


Bestrafung: Lego und schleimige Überraschung: Der Laufband-PRANK || Das schaffst du nie! - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Bestrafung: Lego und schleimige Überraschung: Der Laufband-PRANK || Das schaffst du nie! - Duration: 6:12.


How to track Net Worth [FREE tracking tool] - Duration: 10:11.

all right if you are looking to calculate your net worth and track your

net worth you were in for a treat because in this video I'm gonna show you

a little-known tool that I've been using the last couple years to calculate and

track my net worth and it's really been awesome because it gives me a really

great kind of overview snapshot of my financial health and everything that's

going on and so if you're looking to take control of your finances and really

want to improve your financial situation tracking your net worth is one of the

best things that you can do and in this video we're going to talk about a couple

of different ways you can do this but there's one tool in particular I

absolutely love it's fantastic and on top of all that it is 100% free so if

if you're looking for some great ways to track your net worth hang tight we're just about to start

and if you're new here my name is Bob Lotich welcome to our

channel and what we do here is we talk about all kinds of ways to put more

money in your pocket practical stuff but then we also talk about some of the

timeless biblical principles on how to manage our money wisely so if that's

something that resonates with you you can definitely hit that subscribe button

so you can hear from us as you create new content along these lines now as

we're going through the video any links that I mentioned I'll have them linked

up down below so you can check them out and also be sure to take advantage of

the comment section down below any questions you might have or anything

comes up leave them down in the comment section and I will get back to you as

soon as I can okay and I think that's about all the

housekeeping for today so let's get started all right so let's start with

how to actually calculate your net worth lucky for us all this is about as simple

of a math problem as it can be so all you need to do to actually calculate

your net worth is to take your assets minus your liabilities and that is your

net worth so your assets being everything that you own that has some

sort of value so any money in your checking account and your savings

account the equity in your house how much your cars would be worth really

anything that you could sell that has any sort of value that would fall into

the assets category and then over on the liability side this is any debts the owe

so this would be credit cards this would be student loans this would be your

mortgage car loans anything along those lines and so the simplest way to do this

is really just take out a sheet of paper and you can just write down all your

assets on one side total them up write down all your liabilities on the other

side total that up and then subtract those two and

that gives you your net worth now while doing this on a sheet of paper can be

incredibly simple it actually can be kind of time-consuming especially if you

want to update this somewhat regularly and that's one of the things I'm so

excited about with this free net worth tracking tool that I've been using the

last few years that I can go in one time and kind of put all this information in

and then it will continuously monitor and track my net worth going forward

all right so why should we track our net worth in the first place and I think

what it comes down to is this idea that if you want to improve something you

need to measure it you need to know where you are and whether you're making

progress Peter Drucker has this great quote where

he says whatever gets measured gets managed and scary truth is is that if

we're not actually measuring what's going on in our finances we don't know

if we're going forwards or backwards at all and so the bottom line is if you're

really serious about your finances and improving your financial picture you

need to be tracking your net worth now I have been tracking my net worth for the

last 14 years and the first time I did this my net worth was negative $13,000

so I was well below zero and which you might be in a similar situation it's not

that uncommon to have a negative net worth but regardless of where you are

let's view this as a starting point let's view this as a baseline from which

we can continue to move forward and what's great about your net worth is

that any good financial decision that you make adds to that equation so if

you're paying off debt that adds to your net worth if you're increasing your

investments that adds to your net worth and for more on this check out this

other video I did about the seesaw principle and how you can use this one

principle to your advantage to really help you build wealth all right so now I

want to take you over to the computer so I can show you this free net worth

tracking tool that I've been using for years and then I really love so you can

see how it works and how I use it and you can decide if it's something you

want to try out alright so what we are looking at here is my Personal Capital

dashboard and Personal Capital is the tool that I love to use because they

have a built in net worth tracker which is just fantastic and essentially what

personal capital is is a modern version of Quicken and I don't know if you ever

used Quicken in the past but I used it for years and was always so frustrated

with that software and it drove me crazy and I felt like you spent

so much time well anyway personal capital I feel like it's finally

personal finance software done right it's easy to use it's easy to understand

it's quick it doesn't take much time it's very intuitive and on top of all

that it's free so just like Quicken or any other personal finance software you

need to connect your accounts and once you have your accounts connected it will

automatically adjust your net worth every time that you log in and so in our

case here we just have a handful of accounts linked up and this is just kind

of a sample account but if we click on the net worth tab we can see our net

worth and we can see how it adjusts over time which is just really really fun

because like I mentioned before every good financial decision that you make

contributes to this and so you can watch your net worth grow and improve as you

continue to make good financial decisions so now to get an accurate view

of your actual net worth you do need to link up all your different accounts and

there'll be a couple other things you will want to do so like you can come

over here link account and so you can add your home value and so you can go

get this information from Zillow you know you can go to to get like

your car value and how much your car is actually worth so you can add that into

the equation as well and you'll want to add all those things in to actually get

a accurate picture of what your net worth is but the great thing about this

that I love so much more than a spreadsheet or doing this on paper is

this is a one-time thing so for all these different accounts that you're

linking it's gonna automatically update for you every time you log in and you

won't have to add them back in you know for years I used a spreadsheet to

calculate my net worth and every single time I wanted to get that up-to-date

number I had to go back through and check all my accounts and check all my

investments and and just manually do all this to get it added up and that's why I

love Personal Capital for Network trackers because it does it for you

continuously and you just get to do the work one time so like I said start an

account Personal Capital is completely free it's really simple to open an

account it's a quick signup process and so with all the great features that they

have built in it still kind of blows my mind that they they offer this software

for free because Quicken still charge is to use their software and in my

opinion it's not nearly as good and so you're probably wondering just like I

was when I first signed up like how do they provide this great software for

free like how do they make money and the answer is this wealth management area

and basically they have a really smart business model where they created this

fantastic software and provided it for free and got millions and millions of

users to use it and to all these millions and millions of users they

offer their wealth management services and so if you happen to need help

managing your investments they are right there ready to help if you need help

with it and I love that they've made this tool available to us all for free

regardless of whether we're using their wealth management services and I've

never used their services myself and honestly I don't plan to

but clearly the business model is working for them because they've been

doing this for years and you know and only continue to improve the software

and so once you have your free account set up you can just come over here to

make sure that you link up all your different accounts that you have and you

can also add in all the other items like we were talking about before so if you

have off some art that might be worth something or some jewelry or you know

your home value your car value anything else you can add in all these things

that might need to be added in manually so you can get a true picture of your

actual net worth and I am someone who really values security and privacy and

so I did a good amount of research into this whole thing with them I wanted to

find out how secure it is and make sure that they're really locking things down

and it turns out that they're actually probably more secure than your bank and

the reason being is first off the data is only read-only so they can't actually

make any changes to anything additionally they use two-factor

authentication which not all banks use surprisingly and then on top of that

they use 256 bit encryption and from what I understand to try to hack into

that would take like over a billion years of computer power to do that so

all that said they have done a phenomenal job making this site

incredibly secure to protect our information and that makes me feel

really good and like I mentioned personal capital actually has a bunch of

other really cool features and tools built in and I won't go into them in

this video we'll probably make a separate video kind of talking about

some of that but if you're serious about tracking your finances and if you've

ever been annoyed by Quicken or some of the other personal finance software out

there that has you know been less than stellar at least in my opinion I think

it's worth checking out Personal Capital

all right well I hope you found that

helpful and if you did I'd love it if you could leave us a thumbs up that

would be a major blessing and one last thing before we wrap up I just want to

make this super clear that your Worth and value as a human being is not tied

to the number that you get when you calculate your net worth and your smart

person I know you know this but I just want to remind you that you are created

in God's image for a purpose and for a reason and no matter where you are on

the spectrum if you're negative ten thousand dollars or negative a hundred

thousand dollars or ten million dollars it just doesn't matter because at the

end of the day it's just a number that we're using to track our financial

progress and whether it's high or low doesn't make you worse or better than anyone else

so anyway like I said before I hope you enjoyed this video that's all

we have for today so have a great rest your day and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to track Net Worth [FREE tracking tool] - Duration: 10:11.


Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.34) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.34) - Duration: 1:02.


Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.37) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.37) - Duration: 0:44.


Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.36) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 27.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 17. (video č.36) - Duration: 1:00.


Lexus RX 450h Luxury Line AWD Trekhaak, Navigatie, Elektrische achterklep - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Lexus RX 450h Luxury Line AWD Trekhaak, Navigatie, Elektrische achterklep - Duration: 1:09.


Trump is the ACTUAL Laughing Stock of World Leaders - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Trump is the ACTUAL Laughing Stock of World Leaders - Duration: 3:35.


Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.

what's up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ and I've had kind of

little craving for some chicken wings so I'm figuring you know what let's go ahead

and knock out some honey garlic chicken wings I'm gonna be doing this recipe in

my Magic Chef air fryer all the information for that air fryer is going

to be in the description below ingredients are going to be broke down

into two different sections so first of all we have what we're going to be using

on our chicken wings which is I have some corn starch some salt garlic and pepper and

as far as our sauce goes boom we're gonna have some chicken stock some honey

sesame seeds garlic a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of white wine vinegar

and we have some green onions now I don't have a particular recipe for this

but what I will try to do is leave an approximation of what my ingredients are

in the description so our first step what we're going to want to do is we're

going to want to go ahead and season up our chicken and get a coating of this

corn starch on it so let me kind of move this back around here and the first

thing I'm going to do is go ahead and season it let's just go ahead and dump

that on and I have about 15 chicken wings right here and these chicken wings

are still a little bit moist from when I rinsed them off all right so that looks

good to me now we're gonna it's gonna go ahead and throw in some of this

cornstarch and I'm just gonna throw a little bit at a time just to make sure

that we're not adding too much and it's not kind of clumping up on it and what

this cornstarch is gonna do is help the wings become really crispy once we get it in

our air fryer today so we got that now what I'm gonna do is I have

a sheet pan with a raised wire rack and we're just gonna go ahead and put our

extra crispy chicken wings on this and it's gonna go in the refrigerator for about another

hour hour and a half just to kind of dry out a little bit in the meantime we are

gonna start on the sauce now to make the sauce we're pretty much it's gonna add

everything to a pan and you're gonna be able to cook this on low while your

chicken wings goes ahead and dries out I'm gonna go ahead and set aside our sesame

seeds and our green onions that's gonna be primarily for garnish we're just

gonna start adding the remainder of our ingredients we have our garlic in our

white wine vinegar or our rice wine vinegar whew

my chicken stock our soy sauce and then our honey now I'm gonna let this kind of

cook for a while and I will add you know other seasonings as I see fit

to kind of balance it out if it's necessary but this is gonna give us a

good base right here had a chance to reduce down for about 35 minutes and I'm

gonna go ahead and let this keep going but I'm gonna bring out my airfryer and

start cooking the wings as well we put our chicken wings in our air fryer I

like to go ahead and get my air fryer preheated just so the bottom grate is

hot when you put the chicken wings in so we're just going to go ahead and run that at

375 degrees for about five minutes should be enough

now that we got this basket heated up we're just going to go ahead and throw

these wings in like I said they do have a nice little coating on that from that

cornstarch make sure we had earlier so I let these go about ten minutes here's

kind of what we're looking like I don't think they're really gonna need any oil

or anything like that so I'm just gonna let them go probably another ten minutes

should be a wrap so here's kind of what we're looking like after another ten

minutes so that's 20 minutes in total and I prefer to have my fat rendered a

little bit more than this so I'm gonna go about another five minutes and that

should be it and we should be ready to get this all sauced up so these wings

are a done deal I'm gonna just go ahead and throw them in our honey garlic sauce which is

thickened up nicely yeah we're just gonna give them a good little tossing in

here and make sure that they're fully coated all right those look coated

enough to me I'm just saying go ahead and sprinkle some sesame seeds on here

give them one more quick toss and then it'll be time to plate up


so that's what honey garlic chicken wings look like I'm telling you they look beautiful to me

let's go ahead and get in see we think


that honey garlic sauce is killer the wings have a nice crisp exterior you could tell if that

cornstarch that's kind of putting in a little bit of work on this honey garlic chicken the

seasoning on the chicken wings is kind of separating itself from the from the

flavor on the wings so there's a nice depth flavor I met in the Sun well

this is a home run probably my favorite wings I've done on the airfare anyway

give it a shot I'd like to thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I

And Watching how to make honey garlic chicken wings. Air Fried Chicken

For more infomation >> Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.


DOES THE CHILD! AUTUMN TOPIARY FOR KINDERGARTEN: master-class #20. Crafts with children - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> DOES THE CHILD! AUTUMN TOPIARY FOR KINDERGARTEN: master-class #20. Crafts with children - Duration: 11:18.


<男子ゴルフ:トップ杯東海クラシック> 片山がボギーなし首位、池田7位、石川遼25位 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> <男子ゴルフ:トップ杯東海クラシック> 片山がボギーなし首位、池田7位、石川遼25位 - Duration: 1:36.


FORTNITE saison 6, DÉCOUVREZ les nouveautés ! 👍 ( Battlepass, Map ) - Duration: 1:34.

Hi it's SAI, today we go for a ride into the world of video games because it's a very important day for the millions of Fortnite players,

it marks the launch of season 6, which brings a lot of new stuff to keep the interest of the players.

Big surprise on the map, the island in the center is torn from his location by the thrust of the purple cube that had sunk into the lake,

he had appeared on August 24th as can be seen on this teaser and it symbolized the end of season 5.

We talk about new locations like the floating island, the corrupt eras, the cornfields, the haunted castle and some other locations that you have to discover by yourself.

The changelog informs us of a change of duration to the different stages of the storm cycle that reduces the map,

shadow stones ( consumables ) are added in corrupt places, they make you invisible

but you do not have the opportunity to use your weapons under this shape and move reveals your presence.

The battlepass will make you literally crack because pets can go with you in your journey to place number 1,

always 100 steps to overcome, weekly challenges, skins, in short the hype is not ready to stop, all at your constructions !

For more infomation >> FORTNITE saison 6, DÉCOUVREZ les nouveautés ! 👍 ( Battlepass, Map ) - Duration: 1:34.


The MoxCar Minute – Pilot Pumpers, Pat Summitt and more - Duration: 1:29.

Want a celebrity to pump your gas?

How about Phillip Fulmer, Madeline Rogero, Holly Warlick or NASCAR driver Michael Annett?

From Oct. 1-3, local media, elected officials and celebrities will pump gas at

Pilot Convenience Stores in Knoxville.

And Pilot will donate 5 cents of every gallon of gasoline sold and 10 cents of every dollar

spent in-store to the United Way of Greater Knoxville.

Visit for the full list of celebrity pumpers.

Tellico Plains High School Coach John Mullinax needs your votes to win the title of

U.S. Cellular's Most Valuable Coach.

A football coach in East Tennessee for 48 years, Mullinax has stayed on the field while

fighting Stage 3 lung cancer, inspiring athletes and students.

Vote every day at until Oct. 8.

From rock 'n' roll to legendary jazz performances to classical composition, dance and more,

Big Ears is the most adventurous and ambitious music festival in the United States –

and it takes place right here in Knoxville.

The lineup for the March 21-24, 2019, festival features more than 100 concerts and events

and is available now at

THE TENNESSEAN Personal Luxury Hotel in downtown Knoxville has dedicated its new

Pat Summitt Suite, decorated with images and memorabilia reflecting the life and

legacy of the iconic Lady Vols coach.

A portion of proceeds from every reservation of the suite will be donated to

The Pat Summitt Foundation to continue the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

The MoxCar Minute – news for you.

For more infomation >> The MoxCar Minute – Pilot Pumpers, Pat Summitt and more - Duration: 1:29.


김경호 무반주 모음 -4 (Don't treat me bad, 금지된 사랑, 나를 슬프게 하는 사람들 ) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> 김경호 무반주 모음 -4 (Don't treat me bad, 금지된 사랑, 나를 슬프게 하는 사람들 ) - Duration: 1:10.


片山がボギーなし首位、池田7位、石川遼25位。 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 片山がボギーなし首位、池田7位、石川遼25位。 - Duration: 1:55.


"클리토리스 Le clitoris" - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> "클리토리스 Le clitoris" - Duration: 3:18.


BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 K. - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 K. - Duration: 1:13.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 K Avantgarde PANORAMADAK !! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 K Avantgarde PANORAMADAK !! - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz CLC-Klasse 180 K. Prestige - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLC-Klasse 180 K. Prestige - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Amice - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Amice - Duration: 0:51.


25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet - Duration: 8:38.

There are a ton of objects in your home that can attract germs, dirt, bacteria, and dust,

and you may not believe what they are!

The bathroom is one of the first places that come to mind when you think of dirty spots,

but there are actually several less obvious places that are even dirtier.

I'm Mike with List25 and These are 25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet!


Ice A study of fast food restaurants in the US

found that 70% of the ice served had more bacteria than the toilet water.

This is because their ice machines aren't cleaned, creating a breeding ground for E.


Not to mention, some servers just scoop up the ice with your cup instead of using the

actual ice scoop.

This just adds to the bacteria.


Restroom floors No real surprise here.

Public restrooms have about 2 million bacteria per square inch.

The average toilet seat has only 50 per square inch.


Office desks The average desk has 400 times more bacteria

than a toilet.

That's because it contains several of the materials highlighted on this list: your phone

and keyboard along with your mouse, drinking mug, printer, etc.


Keyboards Keyboards can have up to 200 times more bacteria

than a toilet seat, especially those being used by more than one person in a day.

The bacteria can linger for hours or even days after contact.


Cellphones Our mobile devices can have 10 times more

bacteria than toilet seats...and they're always touching our faces and fingertips.

Would you wipe the inside of your toilet bowl with your cheek?


Restaurant menus There are on average 100 times more bacteria

on restaurant menus than on restroom toilet seat.

What's worse is that they are touched by multiple people in a day between wait staff and customers

who carry bacteria and viruses on their hands.


Chopping boards These babies actually have a lot more poop

smeared on them than your toilet does.

Raw meat apparently carries a very high level of fecal bacteria, and that meat usually ends

up on a cutting board at some point.


Toothbrushes When you flush your toilet, the germs can

travel up to 6 feet and linger for up to 2 hours.

A lot of them end up on toothbrushes.

So how is your toilet cleaner than your brush if that's where the germs come from?

Stick around to find out!


Carpets With 200,000 bacteria per square inch, carpets

are 4,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat.

Humans shed 1.5 million skin cells every hour which helps feed the bacteria living in carpets.


Refrigerator Ironically, the reason why we refrigerate

food is to keep them from going bad, but in doing so, we can also be contaminating them

with E. coli and other bacteria.

Sometimes they are set too warm.

Sometimes they are the victims of leaks from raw meats.

Sometimes it's because they just haven't been cleaned regularly.

Whatever the reason, fridges should be kept cold and clean to avoid contamination.


Reusable shopping bags When you pack your groceries in a reusable

shopping bag, you don't realize that the bacteria from the meats and other raw food products

are being left behind, including E. coli.

They also tend to sit in cars, and when it's warm out, the bacteria can multiply.

Worst of all, they aren't usually cleaned after use, so the germs just linger.


TV remote control The remote control is known as the dirtiest

item in hotel rooms, and it's not much better at home.

When a number of people are handling the buttons, sometimes while eating, sometimes while sick,

all of the dirt and germs from that person's hand ends up on the remote, which is rarely


You might want to think about taking a Clorox wipe to your remotes the next time you clean.


Door knobs There's a reason why germophobes won't touch

door knobs and handles with their bare hands.

Viruses love to linger on them, making them responsible for the spread of illness throughout

homes and offices.


Light switch Light switches can have up to 217 bacteria

per square inch.

They are flipped on and off by hands that have touched a ton of dirty things before


It's a great way to catch germs from others using the same switch as they are hardly ever



Kitchen sink The kitchen sink holds raw meat, dirty dishes,

and germs from hands being cleaned in it.

As a result, it holds more fecal bacteria than a flushed toilet.

Experts recommend flushing it out after handling raw meat and wiping it down daily with disinfectant



Bathtub The area around the drain alone can have up

to 19,468 bacteria per square inch.

It seems counterproductive when you use the area to get clean.


Pillow Dead skins cells, dust mites, fungal spores,

pollen, and other body secretions are all floating around in the place you stick your

head on at night.

(Sweet dreams!)


Mattress Mattresses are a huge dust collector. Did

you know that after 10 years, your mattress will nearly double in weight thanks to the

number of dust mites and dust mite poop that it has collected?


Pet food bowl The inside rim alone contains 2,110 bacteria

per square inch.

You clean your plates after eating.

Why not clean out your pet's?


Money Bank notes can contain up to 200,000 bacteria.

It's a good idea to wash your hands directly after handling cash.


Draperies Magnets for pet fur, mold, dander, debris,

and dust mites, drapes just sit there unsuspectingly soaking it all up.

If you have allergies especially, be sure to wash your drapes every once in awhile.


Shower Heads You'd think the water coming out of the spigot

designed to clean your body would actually be clean, right?

Apparently, the warm, dark, moist insides of shower heads are perfect breeding grounds

for bacteria.


Purses and Handbags Purses usually contain a multitude of dirty

items that you will find on this list, such as your phone, cash, and coins.

It's a good idea to clean out your bag regularly to keep the germs from accumulating.


Kitchen sponges Sponges are notoriously the dirtiest thing

in the house.

With 10 million bacteria per square inch, your kitchen sponge is nearly a quarter of

a million times dirtier than your toilet seat.

Having absorbed the fecal matter of everything from humans to cows as well as a multitude

of other much more terrifying bacteria, we would highly recommend that you change your right now.


So how is the toilet so clean?

It's pretty simple really...we actually clean the toilet.

Because we generally think of the toilet as being dirty, we clean it with all sorts of


Things that we touch with other parts of our body, though, are cleaned rarely, if at all.

Enjoying our lists?

Be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and the notification bell

so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday.

Share them with friends and help us consistantly conciliate curiosity.

And if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our website


For more infomation >> 25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet - Duration: 8:38.


Everyone Needs To Hear This Speech About Loving Yourself - Duration: 5:02.

In an intro to one of our early albums,

there is a line that says

'My heart stopped when I was maybe nine or 10'.

Looking back,

I think that's when I began to worry about

what other people thought of me

and started seeing myself through their eyes.

I stopped looking up at the night skies, the stars.

I stopped daydreaming.

Instead I just tried to jam myself

into the molds that other people made.

Soon I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen

to the voices of others.

No one called out my name and neither did I.

My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut.

So, like this I, we, all lost our names.

We became like ghosts.

But I had one sanctuary and that was music.

There was a small voice inside of me that said

'Wake up, man, and listen to yourself.'

But it's took me quite a long time to hear

music calling my real name.

Even after making the decision to join BTS,

there were a lot of hurdles.

Some people might not believe, but

most people thought we were hopeless,

and sometimes I just wanted to quit.

But I think I was very lucky

that I didn't give it all up.

and I'm sure that I and we will keep stumbling and falling like this.

BTS has become artists performing in those huge stadiums

and selling millions of albums right now.

But I am still an ordinary 24-year-old guy.

If there's anything that I've achieved, it was only possible that I have my

other BTS members right by my side and because of the love and support that our

army fans all over the world made for us.

Today, I am who I am

with all of my faults and my mistakes.

Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser,

and that'd be me too.

These faults and mistakes are what I am,

making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life.

I have come to love myself for who I am,

for who I was

and for who I hope to become.

I'd like to say one last thing,

after releasing our 'Love Yourself' albums

and launching the 'Love Myself' campaign,

we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans

all over the world,

how our message helped them overcome the hardships in life

and start loving themselves.

Those stories constantly remind us of our responsibility.

So let's take all one more step.

We have learned to love ourselves.

So now I urge you to speak yourself.

I'd like to ask all of you:

What is your name?

What excites you and makes your heart beat?

Tell me your story.

I want to hear your voice.

I want to hear your conviction.

No matter who you are, where you're from,

your skin color, your gender identity,

to speak yourself.

Find your name and find your voice

by speaking yourself.

I'm Kim Nam-joon

and also RM of BTS.

I am an idol and I am an artist

from a small town in Korea.

Like most people,

I've made many and plenty of mistakes in my life.

I have many faults, and I have many more fears,

but I'm going to embrace myself as hard as I can,

and I'm starting to love myself

gradually just little by little.

What is your name?

Speak yourself.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Everyone Needs To Hear This Speech About Loving Yourself - Duration: 5:02.


Korean population categorized as 'aged society' according to UN standards - Duration: 1:44.

Latest data shows people aged 65 and above, made up one tenth of South Korea's population.

Many of them are still working in order to cover various expenses, with the heaviest

burden coming from medical costs which are steadily rising.

Kim Ji-yeon breaks down the concerning numbers for us.

South Korea's population is transitioning from an "aging society" to an "aged society"

according to the standards set by the World Health Organization and the United Nations.

Data released by Statistics Korea on Thursday shows... around 7-point-4-million out of the

51-point-6-million people living in Korea including foreigners... are classified as

being in the elderly population.

This means people aged 65 or older make up 14-point-3-percent of the country's total

population in 2018.

It's an increase from last year's 13-point-9-percent... and the figure is expected to rise gradually

to 41-percent by 2060.

The UN defines an "aging society" as one in which more than seven-percent of the population

are 65 or older, a country with "an aged society" means the figure is more than 14-percent,

and for a "super-aged society" it's 21-percent.

The same data shows six out of ten elderly people have to work to earn a living, with

only about a quarter of them being financially supported by their offspring or relatives.

This comes amid rising medical expenses among the elderly population... which amounted to

an estimated 36-hundred U.S. dollars per person a month on average in 2017... a near five-percent

increase from the previous year.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean population categorized as 'aged society' according to UN standards - Duration: 1:44.


Cloudy with big temperature gaps _ 092718 - Duration: 2:01.

Now we turn to Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.

Michelle, the weather is very comfortable these days,...

Yes Daniel, during the day the sky looks beautiful these days, and it's warm, but we also have

that autumn breeze in the air.

Make sure to be aware of the big temperature drop as soon as the sun sets.

The mercury will be down into the teens by the morning.

Currently, Typhoon Trami, named in Vietnamese for a type of rose tree, is projected to make

landfall on the southern end of the Japanese island of Kyushu on Sunday,... making its

way through Japan and back out to sea by Tuesday.

The storm will have no direct impact on Korea, but there will be high waves in the southern


Friday afternoon is going to be cloudier than today,... so it will be somewhat cooler and

less sunny.

With the storm still some distance away, Tokyo will have sunshine tomorrow.

Morning in Seoul will begin at 14 degrees Celsius.

Gwangju, Daegu and Busan begin at 14, 12 and 17 degrees respectively.

Even with cloudy skies,... the temperature reaches up to around 21 and 25 degrees across

the nation.

It looks like the weather will stay favorable all throughout the weekend.

And the readings will turn cooler by the day.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Cloudy with big temperature gaps _ 092718 - Duration: 2:01.


High death rates from pneumonia and suicide in South Korea - Duration: 2:01.

A record number of South Koreans died from cancer last year.

However, the figures were the second lowest among OECD member nations... while deaths

from pneumonia, suicide, and traffic accidents were noticeably high.

Hong Yoo help us look beyond the digits.

At least one out of every four deaths in South Korea last year was caused by cancer.

According to Statistics Korea, cancer killed more than seventy-eight thousand Koreans in

2017, the highest number since records began in 1983.

However, South Korea had the second lowest rate of deaths from cancer in the OECD.

According to OECD data, 160-point-1 Koreans out of every 100-thousand died from cancer

last year.

The only OECD member with a lower rate of deaths from cancer than South Korea was Mexico.

On the other hand, Hungary had the highest rate of deaths from cancer -- over 1-point-7

times higher than South Korea.

Experts say this is due to the expansion of government policies providing free medical


In South Korea, people older than 50 can have a free check-up for colorectal cancer.

And starting from next year, for those who have a high possibility of getting lung cancer

can also get a free checkup.

However, when it comes to deaths from pneumonia and suicide, South Korea is on the upper end

of the scale, with the second highest number of deaths from pneumonia in the OECD.

Experts say that pneumonia mainly affects the elderly.

As life expectancy has increased in South Korea, the number of elderly people that die

from pneumonia is also increasing.

Last year, about 23 Koreans out of every 100 thousand committed suicide.

The number is the second highest in the OECD.

There were also 9.6 deaths per 100-thousand from traffic accidents.

Both suicide and traffic accident death rates are falling but they remain among the highest

in the OECD.

Hong Yoo, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> High death rates from pneumonia and suicide in South Korea - Duration: 2:01.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to travel to North Korea in October - Duration: 2:14.

America's top diplomat will fly to North Korea next month.

Mike Pompeo's expected to make some progress on talks to dismantle the regime's nuclear


AND help prepare a second summit between the leaders of Pyeongyang and Washington.

For details let's turn to our Lee Ji-won.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be traveling to North Korea in October in a fresh

bid to breathe life into the stalled talks between Pyeongyang and Washington.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert confirmed the trip on Wednesday shortly after

Secretary Pompeo's meeting with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho on the sidelines

of the UN General Assembly.

She said Pompeo accepted the North Korean leader's invitation to travel to Pyeongyang

next month to make further progress on the implementation of the Singapore declaration,

including the final, fully verified denuclearization of the North, as well as to prepare for a

second summit between the two leaders.

The trip would be Pompeo's fourth to North Korea, which was initially planned for August

until it got canceled by President Trump as he thought there hadn't been enough progress

made on denuclearization.

Pompeo also tweeted about his "very positive" meeting with his North Korean counterpart.

He uploaded two pictures of them, shaking hands and talking,... and said they discussed

the upcoming summit and the next steps towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Pompeo added that much work remains, but they will continue to move forward.

This comes just hours after Pompeo gave an interview to CBS, where he said the U.S. is

working to get the conditions right so it can accomplish as much as possible during

the second summit.

He added that the summit may happen in October, but it's more likely to happen sometime after


President Trump has also been repeatedly saying during his trip to the UN that he will be

meeting with Kim Jong-un soon.

He said their second meeting will take place much like their first, except for the location.

The two leaders had their historic first-ever North Korea-U.S. summit in Singapore in June.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to travel to North Korea in October - Duration: 2:14.


Inspections for nuclear, missile site dismantlement and declaring end to Korean War at core.. - Duration: 2:12.

After months of deadlock, nuclear negotiations between North Korea and the U.S. are back

on track.

Mike Pompeo's expected to visit the regime next month... and another Pyeongyang-Washington

summit is officialized.

Oh Jung-hee sheds light on the expected discussion topics by the two sides.

Last week's inter-Korean summit declaration stipulates... that North Korea will allow

experts to oversee the dismantlement of its Dongchang-ri missile engine test site and

launch pad.

It also says, if Washington takes "corresponding measures," Pyeongyang is also willing to dismantle

for good its Yeongbyeon nuclear complex -- the regime's key nuclear site that's home to plutonium

production facilities and a uranium enrichment plant.

With U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo soon visiting North Korea for the fourth time to

lay the groundwork for the second Kim-Trump summit,... it's believed North Korea-U.S.

nuclear negotiations will now revolve around how the dismantlement of Dongchang-ri and

Yeongbyeon will take place... and what Washington can offer in exchange.

"If Secretary Pompeo visits North Korea, or Pyeongyang and Washington start communicating

through their channel in Vienna, then the key focus will be on how certain nuclear facilities

and weapons systems can be dismantled... and how that dismantlement can be verified.

Also tied in with this will be when the two sides could declare an end to the Korean War."

The 'corresponding measure' North Korea wants the most from the U.S. is a declaration of

an end to the Korean War.

That, despite being only a political declaration -- not a treaty -- helps end hostilities between

the two sides, while opening the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations.

The two Koreas aim to declare an end to the Korean War within this year and Washington

is not so opposed to it.

But that still remains to be seen... as the U.S. has not made any official mention of

it after the inter-Korean summit last week... and for now, wants to first see North Korea

take concrete steps towards denuclearization.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Inspections for nuclear, missile site dismantlement and declaring end to Korean War at core.. - Duration: 2:12.


How to track Net Worth [FREE tracking tool] - Duration: 10:11.

all right if you are looking to calculate your net worth and track your

net worth you were in for a treat because in this video I'm gonna show you

a little-known tool that I've been using the last couple years to calculate and

track my net worth and it's really been awesome because it gives me a really

great kind of overview snapshot of my financial health and everything that's

going on and so if you're looking to take control of your finances and really

want to improve your financial situation tracking your net worth is one of the

best things that you can do and in this video we're going to talk about a couple

of different ways you can do this but there's one tool in particular I

absolutely love it's fantastic and on top of all that it is 100% free so if

if you're looking for some great ways to track your net worth hang tight we're just about to start

and if you're new here my name is Bob Lotich welcome to our

channel and what we do here is we talk about all kinds of ways to put more

money in your pocket practical stuff but then we also talk about some of the

timeless biblical principles on how to manage our money wisely so if that's

something that resonates with you you can definitely hit that subscribe button

so you can hear from us as you create new content along these lines now as

we're going through the video any links that I mentioned I'll have them linked

up down below so you can check them out and also be sure to take advantage of

the comment section down below any questions you might have or anything

comes up leave them down in the comment section and I will get back to you as

soon as I can okay and I think that's about all the

housekeeping for today so let's get started all right so let's start with

how to actually calculate your net worth lucky for us all this is about as simple

of a math problem as it can be so all you need to do to actually calculate

your net worth is to take your assets minus your liabilities and that is your

net worth so your assets being everything that you own that has some

sort of value so any money in your checking account and your savings

account the equity in your house how much your cars would be worth really

anything that you could sell that has any sort of value that would fall into

the assets category and then over on the liability side this is any debts the owe

so this would be credit cards this would be student loans this would be your

mortgage car loans anything along those lines and so the simplest way to do this

is really just take out a sheet of paper and you can just write down all your

assets on one side total them up write down all your liabilities on the other

side total that up and then subtract those two and

that gives you your net worth now while doing this on a sheet of paper can be

incredibly simple it actually can be kind of time-consuming especially if you

want to update this somewhat regularly and that's one of the things I'm so

excited about with this free net worth tracking tool that I've been using the

last few years that I can go in one time and kind of put all this information in

and then it will continuously monitor and track my net worth going forward

all right so why should we track our net worth in the first place and I think

what it comes down to is this idea that if you want to improve something you

need to measure it you need to know where you are and whether you're making

progress Peter Drucker has this great quote where

he says whatever gets measured gets managed and scary truth is is that if

we're not actually measuring what's going on in our finances we don't know

if we're going forwards or backwards at all and so the bottom line is if you're

really serious about your finances and improving your financial picture you

need to be tracking your net worth now I have been tracking my net worth for the

last 14 years and the first time I did this my net worth was negative $13,000

so I was well below zero and which you might be in a similar situation it's not

that uncommon to have a negative net worth but regardless of where you are

let's view this as a starting point let's view this as a baseline from which

we can continue to move forward and what's great about your net worth is

that any good financial decision that you make adds to that equation so if

you're paying off debt that adds to your net worth if you're increasing your

investments that adds to your net worth and for more on this check out this

other video I did about the seesaw principle and how you can use this one

principle to your advantage to really help you build wealth all right so now I

want to take you over to the computer so I can show you this free net worth

tracking tool that I've been using for years and then I really love so you can

see how it works and how I use it and you can decide if it's something you

want to try out alright so what we are looking at here is my Personal Capital

dashboard and Personal Capital is the tool that I love to use because they

have a built in net worth tracker which is just fantastic and essentially what

personal capital is is a modern version of Quicken and I don't know if you ever

used Quicken in the past but I used it for years and was always so frustrated

with that software and it drove me crazy and I felt like you spent

so much time well anyway personal capital I feel like it's finally

personal finance software done right it's easy to use it's easy to understand

it's quick it doesn't take much time it's very intuitive and on top of all

that it's free so just like Quicken or any other personal finance software you

need to connect your accounts and once you have your accounts connected it will

automatically adjust your net worth every time that you log in and so in our

case here we just have a handful of accounts linked up and this is just kind

of a sample account but if we click on the net worth tab we can see our net

worth and we can see how it adjusts over time which is just really really fun

because like I mentioned before every good financial decision that you make

contributes to this and so you can watch your net worth grow and improve as you

continue to make good financial decisions so now to get an accurate view

of your actual net worth you do need to link up all your different accounts and

there'll be a couple other things you will want to do so like you can come

over here link account and so you can add your home value and so you can go

get this information from Zillow you know you can go to to get like

your car value and how much your car is actually worth so you can add that into

the equation as well and you'll want to add all those things in to actually get

a accurate picture of what your net worth is but the great thing about this

that I love so much more than a spreadsheet or doing this on paper is

this is a one-time thing so for all these different accounts that you're

linking it's gonna automatically update for you every time you log in and you

won't have to add them back in you know for years I used a spreadsheet to

calculate my net worth and every single time I wanted to get that up-to-date

number I had to go back through and check all my accounts and check all my

investments and and just manually do all this to get it added up and that's why I

love Personal Capital for Network trackers because it does it for you

continuously and you just get to do the work one time so like I said start an

account Personal Capital is completely free it's really simple to open an

account it's a quick signup process and so with all the great features that they

have built in it still kind of blows my mind that they they offer this software

for free because Quicken still charge is to use their software and in my

opinion it's not nearly as good and so you're probably wondering just like I

was when I first signed up like how do they provide this great software for

free like how do they make money and the answer is this wealth management area

and basically they have a really smart business model where they created this

fantastic software and provided it for free and got millions and millions of

users to use it and to all these millions and millions of users they

offer their wealth management services and so if you happen to need help

managing your investments they are right there ready to help if you need help

with it and I love that they've made this tool available to us all for free

regardless of whether we're using their wealth management services and I've

never used their services myself and honestly I don't plan to

but clearly the business model is working for them because they've been

doing this for years and you know and only continue to improve the software

and so once you have your free account set up you can just come over here to

make sure that you link up all your different accounts that you have and you

can also add in all the other items like we were talking about before so if you

have off some art that might be worth something or some jewelry or you know

your home value your car value anything else you can add in all these things

that might need to be added in manually so you can get a true picture of your

actual net worth and I am someone who really values security and privacy and

so I did a good amount of research into this whole thing with them I wanted to

find out how secure it is and make sure that they're really locking things down

and it turns out that they're actually probably more secure than your bank and

the reason being is first off the data is only read-only so they can't actually

make any changes to anything additionally they use two-factor

authentication which not all banks use surprisingly and then on top of that

they use 256 bit encryption and from what I understand to try to hack into

that would take like over a billion years of computer power to do that so

all that said they have done a phenomenal job making this site

incredibly secure to protect our information and that makes me feel

really good and like I mentioned personal capital actually has a bunch of

other really cool features and tools built in and I won't go into them in

this video we'll probably make a separate video kind of talking about

some of that but if you're serious about tracking your finances and if you've

ever been annoyed by Quicken or some of the other personal finance software out

there that has you know been less than stellar at least in my opinion I think

it's worth checking out Personal Capital

all right well I hope you found that

helpful and if you did I'd love it if you could leave us a thumbs up that

would be a major blessing and one last thing before we wrap up I just want to

make this super clear that your Worth and value as a human being is not tied

to the number that you get when you calculate your net worth and your smart

person I know you know this but I just want to remind you that you are created

in God's image for a purpose and for a reason and no matter where you are on

the spectrum if you're negative ten thousand dollars or negative a hundred

thousand dollars or ten million dollars it just doesn't matter because at the

end of the day it's just a number that we're using to track our financial

progress and whether it's high or low doesn't make you worse or better than anyone else

so anyway like I said before I hope you enjoyed this video that's all

we have for today so have a great rest your day and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to track Net Worth [FREE tracking tool] - Duration: 10:11.


U.S. Fed raises benchmark interest rate on strong economy - Duration: 2:15.

Policymakers at the U.S. Fed decided to hike interest rates for the third time this year.

Now there's added pressure on Korea's central bank to lift its own key rates... as the rate

gap between the two countries has widened to the highest level since 2007.

Kim Hyesung explains further.

In a unanimous move Wednesday, the U.S. Federal Reserve raised its benchmark federal funds

rate by a quarter percentage point to a range of two to two-and-a quarter percent... in

the Fed's eighth rate hike since 2015.

"This action reflects the strength we see in the economy and is one more step in the

process that we began almost three years ago of gradually returning interest rates to more

normal levels."

The Fed forecasts the U.S. economy will grow three-point-one percent this year,... faster

than the two-point-eight percent projection back in June,... adding it will continue to

expand moderately for at least three more years.

With the latest increase, the rate gap between Korea and the U.S. has widened to 75 basis


Finance Minsiter Kim Dong-yeon and Bank of Korea governor Lee Ju-yeol said Thursday that

the Fed's rate hike will likely have a limited impact on Korea's capital markets,...saying

the pace of rate normalization is in line with expectations.

Korea's capital market has stayed relatively stable even after the Fed's rate hike in March

that made the U.S. rate higher than Korea's for the first time in a decade, but the capital

market risk is growing.

"Korea has strong economic fundamentals, like its current account surplus and record high

FX reserves.

But with the rate gap continuing to widen as the U.S. tightens its monetary policy,

it could result in volatilty in emerging markets, and cause capital flight from Korea... as

investors look for safer assets like U.S. bonds with higher yields."

Since November 2017, the BOK has kept its key rate at one-point-five percent, citing

sluggish job figures and concerns over the U.S.-China trade spat.

But with the Fed signaling another rate hike in December, the pressure is growing on the

BOK to lift its key rate in one of its last two meetings this year, in October and November.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Fed raises benchmark interest rate on strong economy - Duration: 2:15.


BTS Blood sweat & tears' MV easy interpretation & message - Duration: 4:23.

I'm trying to interpret blood, sweat and tears of the BTS.

Before that, I am a fan of BTS.

I really like them.

There are two big reasons.

The first one is cool.

The second reason is because there are many philosophical words and deep thoughts.

This time, I will interpret the blood sweat and tears' lyrics and music videos as well.

yrics and images of this song are masterpieces of Hermann Hesse

A lot of elements of the novel Damian are included

Novel Damian can be considered the most important theme of a boy's growing season.

Next, if BTS blood sweat & tear film also sees growth as the most important,

It will be able to understand this basic large framework

So what is the most important thing when we grow up?

There may be many things, but one of the most important is

It is awakening. If we were in a relatively safe multi-line space in a society that protects us in childhood

, we need arousal when we break the space

Therefore, I can not think that the concept of evil itself is unconditionally bad for growth.

Rather, the worst thing is that you can not think for yourself

what is good and what is evil is the worst condition for growth.

In this context, this picture is so famous.

Pieter Bruegel's e Fall of the Rebel Angels

So I understand what is good and what is evil in this scene

I'm worried about myself.

It is really necessary to distinguish what good is and what evil is to find one's self.

And the next scene to interpret is the scene that covers the eyes.

Shielding your eyes is a dirty thing, a way to keep you from seeing something ugly.

I can see that it means to protect me.

In fact, at the stage of growth

I have to overcome it for my growth. You can see the altitude

Because if there are things that protect me,

I will think of something that protects me rather than I think of myself

I do not think of myself but think of it.

In fact, I have been researching various materials to interpret this MV.

What I'm talking about here is that

I thought that this director, the artist's message, and my detailed interpretation could conflict with each other.

I mean, the director and the artists want you to think a lot on your own.

They created this work in the sense that you have a lot of thoughts on your own so that you can develop empathy for your growth

and that you want to help yourself to grow up by thinking of yourself.

I think that if I'm interpreting it, I will be able to put a lot more thought into my thinking than I think.

I'm going to interpret it so far.

And I'm going to ask you a sculptural question. Are you thinking on your own?

The process of self-reflection, the realization of self, is as painful and painful as breaking eggs

What experiences have made you aware of yourself?

It was a sculpture question of the day. Let's finish this video by interpreting the phrase on this scene.

The genius philosopher Joe Friedrich Nietzsche say

You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> BTS Blood sweat & tears' MV easy interpretation & message - Duration: 4:23.


New regulations prohibiting riding bicycle when drunk, enforcing mandatory use of seatbelts.. - Duration: 1:30.

New regulations designed to help make the nation's roads safer, will come into effect


Car passengers in the rear will have to strap on their seatbelts and penalties await those

who cycle under the influence of alcohol.

Seo Bo-bin fills us in.

Starting Friday, people will be penalized if caught riding a bicycle while drunk.

According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, under the revised Road Traffic

Act, people riding bicycles while intoxicated will have to pay a fine of 30 US dollars.

There was previously a clause prohibiting cycling while drunk, but it wasn't enforced.

The new regulations will be effective not only on public roads but also on bicycle paths

such as those alongside the Han River.

It is also mandatory to wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle, although no punishment

will be imposed when a helmet is not used.

Another regulation being enforced is the mandatory use of seatbelts for all seats in vehicles

on the road and on highways.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if people involved in traffic

accidents aren't wearing a seatbelt, the chances of death are 2-point-8 times higher for those

in the front seat and 3-point-7 times higher for those in the back seat.

The new regulations aim to reduce the number of deaths from traffic accidents by half by


Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New regulations prohibiting riding bicycle when drunk, enforcing mandatory use of seatbelts.. - Duration: 1:30.


S. Korean PM urges Cabinet to act promptly on outcomes of recent summits - Duration: 0:40.

South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon called on the Cabinet to promptly follow through

on the outcomes of the Pyeongyang Declaration and the recent Seoul-Washington summit in

New York.

Leading today's Cabinet meeting in place of President Moon, he urged related ministries

to respond to any misunderstandings or distortion regarding the summits with accurate and easy-to-understand


Lee also called for bipartisan support in the National Assembly for the peace process

on the Peninsula, including the implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration, as well as the

revised FTA with the U.S.

The PM added that it's thanks to President Moon that the world knows that Kim Jong-un

is willing to denuclearize.

For more infomation >> S. Korean PM urges Cabinet to act promptly on outcomes of recent summits - Duration: 0:40.


เคลมเปิดใจคุยกับไวโอเล็ต ซับไทย ตอน 3 The Walking Dead Final Season EP.2 PART 3 Violet Cleme - Duration: 34:03.

For more infomation >> เคลมเปิดใจคุยกับไวโอเล็ต ซับไทย ตอน 3 The Walking Dead Final Season EP.2 PART 3 Violet Cleme - Duration: 34:03.


President Moon presses UN members on need to officially end Korean War - Duration: 2:42.

President Moon Jae-in was kept busier than ever during the long holidays.

Over in New York, he has been updating UN members on the progress Seoul has made with


On Wednesday, during his UN General Assembly speech, he stated... the "shadow of war" has

been removed from the Korean Peninsula.

Shin Se-min starts us off.

President Moon Jae-in has brought the international community up to speed on North Korea.

Addressing UN member nations on the last leg of his trip to New York,... the president,

spoke of the progress made with Pyeongyang from getting the regime to put down its nuclear

weapons to disclosing its will for peace and prosperity in front of the world.

The South Korean president, for the first time on the UN stage, also referred to bringing

an official end to the Korean War.

"Ending the Korean War is a pressing issue, and something that must be achieved in order

to reach our ultimate goal of peace.

I hope related nations take bold steps on denuclearization so we can declare an official

end to the war."

Adding to his case for a peaceful Korean Peninsula,...

President Moon revealed his administration's plans to utilize the joint economic potential

of the two Koreas.

He mentioned his previous proposal of setting up a rail network including the North and

the U.S.,.... which would -- in theory -- connect the two Koreas to other Northeast Asian nations,

just like the coal and steel community that paved the way for the creation of the European


"The East Asian Railroad Community could become a starting point for a community of East Asian

nations on energy and economy, or even perhaps a multilateral peace and security system.

He added through such plans,... the Koreas will help to reinvigorate the stalled economic

potential of East Asia, a part of the world that accounts for a quarter of the world's


The South Korean leader also touched upon humanitarian issues,... saying Korea, which

suffered under Japan's wartime system of sexual enslavement,... will be front and center of

stamping out sexual violence in the region.

"The President is closing out his 4-day trip to New York,... much of which he spent briefing

South Korea's allies and international dignitaries on his latest summit with North Korea's Kim


What's next-- is to see those seeds of diplomacy bear fruit, perhaps starting with international

backing for the new economic map on the Korean Peninsula,.. while waiting on the next meeting

of the two key actors-- round two of a Kim-Trump summit .

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, New York."

For more infomation >> President Moon presses UN members on need to officially end Korean War - Duration: 2:42.


TEKKEN GAMEPLAY - ANDROID / iOS # 1 - Duration: 2:03.

Welcome To Channel Yt Gaming

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For more infomation >> TEKKEN GAMEPLAY - ANDROID / iOS # 1 - Duration: 2:03.


S. Korea's new trade minister stresses innovation-led growth at inauguration - Duration: 0:40.

The new chief of South Korea's Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy announced he will

pursue policies related to innovative growth and job creation.

Speaking at his inauguration ceremony, Sung Yun-mo.... stressed that innovation-led growth

is not only necessary in key industries but also in emerging sectors such as the bio and

health sectors.

He added the ministry will connect the government, companies, universities and research institutes

to maximize their capacities.

As for the revised FTA signed by South Korea and the U.S. earlier this week, the minister

said the government will prepare follow up measures for ratification.

Sung had previously served as the chief of the Korean Intellectual Property Office.

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