Scholarship Bureau 2019
Department of Higher Education
Govt Scholarship For Inter Students
【いーあるふぁんくらぶ】歌ってみた Covered by シシ/Shishi - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
2019年仮想通貨リップルナスダック取引所で上場!?膨大な数のユーザーがXRPを取引して...今後のXRP高騰予想とは?新たな好材料で爆上げ?リップルコイン最新ニュース2018年最前線暗号通貨情報 - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
日経225のアービトラージとは?メリットと種類!NT裁定取引!日経225先物ミニで稼ぐ必勝法自動売買ツールの前に!チャート分析におすすめ!初心者にも分かり易いお金を大損しないための必勝トレードノウハウ - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
アプリでできる副業!?おすすめアプリとは?サラリーマン主婦ジャニヲタにもおすすめ!スマホでも出来るばれない副業で稼ぐ方法!初心者女性も簡単安全無料で稼げるオススメ副業のやり方!副業最新情報 - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Ducati SuperSport S, para viajar ou para acelerar - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
[VE:HIND] 베리베리 'Super Speical' 뮤직비디오 촬영 현장 ep.1 - Duration: 3:50.It's awesome.
We're here.
You're alright?
Don't push! Hey.
Don't look down.
I think it's higher than Mt. Bukhansan.
Don't shake.
Just run like this without looking down.
Hey, you know what's funny though? They're the same.
They're not. It's different!
I'll take a break here.
Hey, MINCHAN's hands are sweaty.
You gotta run anyway.
No, no, come here right now.
But it shakes when you run.
Stand, as we did at the beginning.
Don't look down.
Now keep your eyes at the front.
Stand here, here.
Ford S-Max 2.0-16V / 2007 / AIRCO / LMV !! - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
MINI Countryman 1.6 Cooper S Pepper ECC/ Half leder/ PDC/ Xenon/ Cruise/ Stoelverwarming/ NL auto - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Casiraghi se « repose » et elle est entre de bonnes mains - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Youtuberka Týnuš: Turecký kuchař ji sežehl plamenem v luxusní restauraci. Má popáleniny po celém těl - Duration: 2:58.Fanoušci Týnuš Třešničkové trnou hrůzou. Jejich oblíbená fashion a beauty youtuberka totiž po tragické nehodě v jedné z vyhlášených istanbulských restaurací skončila v péči lékařů
Ze všech zraněných je na tom mladá influencerka údajně nejhůř. Co se stalo? K úrazu mělo dojít během vyhlášené ohnivé show v tamější steakové restauraci, kdy neznámá hořlavina při flambování doslova vybuchla hostům do obličeje
Podle očitých svědků se plameny kuchařům vymkly kontrole asi v půl desáté večer. Někteří hosté údajně situaci ještě zhoršili tím, že se hořlavou látku snažili uhasit vodou
Třešničková byla podle tureckých médií převezena do nemocnice s vážnými popáleninami na několika částech těla
Nejspíš jí začaly hořet šaty. Její partner, který ji na dovolené doprovázel, měl utrpět poranění hlavy a těla
Ačkoliv byli všichni poranění převezeni do místní nemocnice, Týnuš musela prý podstoupit náročný zákrok v Americké nemocnici v Istanbulu
Luxusní restaurace patří celosvětové kuchařské hvězdě, která si říká Salt Bae. Vlastním jménem Nusret Gökce má kurdské kořeny a proslavil se videem, v němž solí maso stylově tak, že mu sůl padá na předloktí a z něj teprve na maso
Díky videu se stal známý jako Salt Bae neboli solný miláček. Jeho restaurace jsou po celém světě, nedávno otevřel steakhouse v New Yorku
Rád se fotí se slavnými lidmi a na jeho pokrmech si tak pochutnával Leonardo DiCaprio, David Beckham či Antonio Banderas
Ti všichni jeho ohnivou show přežili ve zdraví, na rozdíl od české youtuberky Třešničkové, která skončila s popáleninami
Mladé krásce přejeme brzké uzdravení.
4 choses que vous pouvez faire pour que vous manquiez terriblement à votre homme - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
welcome to my channel "BUDGET TRAVEL GURU". This is the 7TH and final part
of 'Andaman Tour Series'I would strongly
recommend seeing all the previous 6 videos on
'Andaman Tour Series' before seeing this video
For that, you have to visit my channel homepage.
Then click the TAB named playlists. There you will get the playlist
named as 'ANDAMAN TOUR'
As you all know that in my 6TH part of 'ANDAMAN TOUR'
I said that I will clear all the queries like
what will be the best time to visit Andaman,
where to stay other than TEAL HOUSE, DOLPHIN RESORT
or HAWABILL NEST,which will be the reasonable restaurant with
good taste,what will be the expense for Andaman Tour
- all these questions will be answered in this video.
But while making
a list of questions and their answers I found that the list was going
very long.
So I decided to write an eBook on Andaman
Tour and I wrote it only
for you.So let us have a
look at what I have written in this book.
After a small preface, introduction and contents I started with Port Blair
which is chapter number 1.Firstly
I explained a process to buy cheap air tickets.
Next, I discussed how to reach
Andaman by cruise.There are 3 ports
in mainland India and 5 ships
which will carry you to Port Blair.
I have given the addresses of the ticket booking counter
of the cruise and also mentioned the documents you require while booking.
This is a chart where I mentioned the 5 vehicle names, their departure point,
arrival point, the total time required to reach Port Blair,
class of accommodation like 1ST class cabin, deluxe,
bunk and their corresponding fares for islanders and
non-islanders separately.So if you love to experience the sea route it will be of immense help to
the sea route it will be of immense help to you.
Next comes Government Hotel Booking in Port Blair.In my 'Andaman Tour' Part 1
I have described the booking procedure of TEAL HOUSE and CIRCUIT HOUSE.
But there is a new update for booking TEAL HOUSE online.
As some are not familiar with the online booking
I have shown 12 steps with screenshots like
where to click and which TAB to click and
how to check the availability
of the room according to your
preferred date.This method is very easy rather
than sending an email.To book CIRCUIT HOUSE you have
to send a fax.For your convenience, I have written the fax format
that you have to send.Just change
the red marked inputs by your personal
information.But as
there is a huge demand for these Government properties
you may not get the room on your preferred
date.In that case, you have to stay
in private hotels.So I divided the private hotels into three
categories – NO. -1
Low Budget Hotels,NO. -2 Medium Budget Hotels,
NO. -3 High Budget Hotels.There are hundreds
of hotels in Port Blair but I have listed the top 10 hotels
in each category by reading the reviews of
each and every hotel.So you may rely on
my selected hotels.
I have made charts of each category
like you see on the screen.This is the chart of
Low Budget Hotel where I mentioned the hotel name,
the rate per night and gave a
small description of each hotel.
This is the chart of Medium Budget Hotel and
this one for High Budget Hotel.
Now comes the Top Restaurants of Port Blair.
As you can see in the chart I have mentioned the restaurant name
with its location and also the speciality of each restaurant like who
offers the best Seafood, best
South Indian food, best pure-veg food,
best bar and the list goes
on and on.
I have made a list of Top 20 restaurants
in Port Blair only which you will find in my eBook
and choose according to your tastes.
Next comes sightseeing in Port Blair.
About CELLULAR JAIL I have made 3 charts showing time slots,
entry fee and camera charges.
Then described CELLULAR JAIL LIGHT AND SOUND SHOW booking processes
and provided a chart mentioning language, timing, the fare for adult and
children and show days.
The fare changes with time.
You can see the complete chart
in my eBook.
After that I discussed ROSS ISLAND, like
how to reach there,the boat fare, some important do's and don'ts.
Also described ROSS ISLAND LIGHT AND SOUND SHOW booking process,
the time required and provided a summarizing chart.
After that, you will get the full details about NORTH BAY ISLAND, CORBYN'S COVE BEACH, JOLLY BUOY ISLAND,
trip covers 4 places of interest -
I have elaborately described when to start the journey,
what will be the cab fare,
ferry fare, total time of the tour, documents required and
many more things.Don't miss
this trip if you are travelling
to Andaman.
Also, don't forget to visit DIGLIPUR about which
you will get the complete guide in my eBook.
I have also covered the Port Blair City Tour places.
One of the many places I described in the book is SAMUDRIKA MARINE MUSEUM.
It's really
worth watching.Also provided the
charts of each place mentioning timing, days allowed,
the entry fee for adult and children.
Next comes shopping in Port Blair.
also many excellent shopping places
which you can check in my eBook. I have also
given a short description
of each shopping place along with their speciality.
Last comes ferry transfer from Port Blair to Havelock.
The booking procedure of Government ferry has been described
in full details.
If you opt private ferry then the chart I have provided
will be of great help to you as I mentioned the different cruise name,
departure time, arrival time, total duration, class,
the cost for adult and children.
By seeing
this chart you can plan your
journey to Havelock accordingly.So this is the end of chapter 1
Now starts chapter 2 - Havelock Island.
A new update for booking DOLPHIN RESORT which is the same
as booking TEAL HOUSE.Like Port Blair,
you will get 3 lists of hotels in Havelock each
having Top 10 hotels in each category.
After that chart is given for
Top 15 restaurants in Havelock Island with name, location
and their
individual speciality.
After that, I have discussed sightseeing and shopping place of Havelock Island.
Next comes a very interesting point.If you really
want to be a professional "SCUBA DIVER" then Havelock
Island is the right place. I have
mentioned the name and address of the place
in my eBook where you can learn scuba diving in Havelock Island.
The price starts from Rs. 4500 to
Rs. 36,500 per person for half
day training to 6-day training. Then I have
elaborately discussed how to reach
Neil Island from Havelock by Government or private ferry.
Also provided a chart mentioning cruise name, departure name, arrival time, total duration, class
and cost for
adult and children.
Chapter 2 ends here.
Chapter 3 is all about Neil Island.
A new update for booking HAWABILL NEST is same as booking TEAL house.
Again I have provided 3 charts of hotels
in Neil Island
according to the category Low Budget, Medium Budget and High Budget.
Then a chart showing Top restaurant in Neil Island
is given with name, location and
speciality of each restaurant.
After that, I have discussed the sightseeing and shopping place of Neil Island.
Then I have discussed everything about the transfer
from Neil Island to Port Blair through ferry explaining the booking
procedure, timing and fare and
also provided a chart for it.
Chapter 3 ends here. Now chapter 4 is all about
packing tips for Andaman.Here I have made 4 charts-
one for clothes and attire, another one for toiletries, another one for toiletries, another
one for other essential items and the last one
for travel documents you should carry while travelling
These charts may help you as a checklist while packing.
Next comes chapter 5.
This is the most important chapter.
I have designed 25 tour packages starting from 3 nights 4 days
to 10 nights 11 days on Andaman and for your convenience,
I have also calculated
the total expenditure for per
person on each package.
The expenses what I have calculated will be
more or less the actual cost that occurs
and you will easily find that the package tour available from different
renowned tour operators are
2 to 3 times more than my calculated price.
So this is the best part of my book.
Now chapter 6 is all about the average airfare per head
during "SALE" and also during "NO OFFER" from
a different departure city. This will also help to
calculate the expense for your trip.
Next is chapter 7. In this chapter, I have shown
all the calculations based on which I have calculated
the expenditure of each person in each package tour
in chapter 5.So here.
you will get the faith that the projected price I
have given in chapter 5 can
be relied upon.
After that, there is a small conclusion and on the last page, a few lines
are written about me.
So that's all about my eBook.
I think you have already understood how helpful the book is.
This is a complete guide to
travel Andaman In Budget.Perhaps no one ever
wrote such a detailed book on Andaman travelling.
So if you are interested
to get this valuable book you
have to click the link I have given in my description.After clicking the link you will
be directed to a payment gateway where
you have to pay a very nominal
price for this book.I am now giving a huge
discount on this book.So grab the
offer as soon as possible.The price will increase
after a few days.New videos are
coming on Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia Tour within budget.
So stay tuned and follow
my secret tips and tricks while travelling.
That's all for today.
Manuel Valls à Barcelone : Charline Vanhœnacker parodie sa nouvelle compagne Susana Gallardo - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls demande l'asile politique à Barcelone - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
张雨绮家暴互殴 前男友汪小菲发七字文 - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls «un homme nerveux » selon François Hollande - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls Premier ministre : Carrière, phrases chocs, études, patrimoine... tout savoir - Duration: 7:40.-------------------------------------------
Alan Walker, Marshmello, Martin Garrix, Avicii - Best Of EDM 2018 - Duration: 36:42.Thanks for watching my video! Please share my chanel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more person could hear and have fun! Thanks for reading and have a great day.
Audi Q3 2.0 TDi 150 Pk S-Tronic Quattro ECC/Navi/Full LED/17" LMV/Panoramadak/Trekhaak/76.931 Km!! - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo S&S 90pk 3d Color Edition - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Audi TT 2.0 T TTS Pro Line Quattro 272PK S-Tronic Automaat Leder Navi Zeer Dik - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Ford Grand C-Max 1.6 TREND 7P. (7 Persoons) - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 350 D 4MATIC 350 D, Rijasssitentiepakket, Comand, Trekhaak, Airmatic, Alarm - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
London travel & eating episode 1_Nado's London✨Paris series ep.1 :D - Duration: 12:28.Ep.1 'London' travel and eating♥
Total 2 episodes of London travel and eating. This is the 1st episode! *0*///
I'll finally reveal that....Dearyou has recently been editor*-*/ Total 2 episodes of London travel and eating. This is the 1st episode! *0*///
Arrived *-*♥
Our first.. restaurant
Let's go.
Isn't is so delicious?
Nado: delicious smoked chicken. Spicy+Salty Nandos chicken which is everywhere in London★
Nado: So good. Spicy+Salty Nandos chicken which is everywhere in London★
Not salty but sweet.
No no, not salty and not sweet.
No no, not sweet but salty!!
My face is terrible.
The next day! *-*
What will we eat?
We are going to eat egg benedict and pancake.
Earl grey
It's awesome.
It's very very normal.
Breakfast was normal but not bad! We went famous borough market in London *-*
People look at you..!
We ran to eat hotdog 8ㅁ8
Hot dog.
Tap, tap, tap.
Ah, it's hot.
It's good.
Sausage is very salty.
It's so salty.
Too salty.
Scotch egg
It looks so delicious.
I'll try this.
I want vanilla.
It looks good.
It tastes good. I like this donut with lashings of cream ♪
It's not falling off.
It looks tasty.
Looks delicious.
It's crunchy on the outside and inside is moist *-*♥
It's the most delicious one among what we've eaten.
It's not fishy but great.
It is really not fishy.
We walked around, ate so much~ and looked around~ *-*
There's lots of novel things in Borough market ♪♬♩♬
▶▶▶ Go to 'Primrose Hill' to see the sunset and night view▶▶▶
We was thirsty while going to Primrose Hill so went any pub!
It is tasty.
So pretty.
Look over here.
So pretty.
(Adaptor is) not working..
Bulgogi with rice.
Salmon rolls.
Chocolate pudding.
Can I eat it?
It's almost cream.
Try some. It's salty.
How can it taste like this?
How can it taste like this?
I know this is chocolate favor.
Does is include salt?
Salty caramel. salty chocolate.
You're right.
One two three.
Moved by Jamie Oliver.
▶▶▶Go to 'Jamie Oliver's restaurant' with excitement▶▶▶
It had a different feeling from the previous day*-*b
Finally we arrived Jamie Oliver's restaurant! *0*////♥♥♥
I love it~
Lemonade & lime-ginger ade
Ravioli pasta & Fried sweet potatoes
It's great.
Crispy Sweet
Ravioli pasta is so good.
It's like gorgonzola cheese.
We fulfilled our wish and went to look around London..!!
Ep.2 _ Teaser 'London' travel and eating♥
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-ecutive - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Casiraghi se « repose » et elle est entre de bonnes mains - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Hilux Dubbele Cabine 2.4 D-4D 4WD Executive Automaat 5-persoons grijs kenteken UNIEK en NIEUW - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls «un homme nerveux » selon François Hollande - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls demande l'asile politique à Barcelone - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls à Barcelone : Charline Vanhœnacker parodie sa nouvelle compagne Susana Gallardo - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Hot Cross Buns | Luke and Lily Rhymes | Cartoons For Kids by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 42:17.Hot cross buns,
Get your Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Hot cross buns,
Get your Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
MFKZ (2018) | Trailer Sub Ita del Film Anime tratto dal fumetto di Guillaume Renard - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
4 choses que vous pouvez faire pour que vous manquiez terriblement à votre homme - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Manuel Valls Premier ministre : Carrière, phrases chocs, études, patrimoine... tout savoir - Duration: 7:40.-------------------------------------------
U&D, Gemma sogna le nozze: Rocco le regala un anello per chiederle scusa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
welcome to my channel "BUDGET TRAVEL GURU". This is the 7TH and final part
of 'Andaman Tour Series'I would strongly
recommend seeing all the previous 6 videos on
'Andaman Tour Series' before seeing this video
For that, you have to visit my channel homepage.
Then click the TAB named playlists. There you will get the playlist
named as 'ANDAMAN TOUR'
As you all know that in my 6TH part of 'ANDAMAN TOUR'
I said that I will clear all the queries like
what will be the best time to visit Andaman,
where to stay other than TEAL HOUSE, DOLPHIN RESORT
or HAWABILL NEST,which will be the reasonable restaurant with
good taste,what will be the expense for Andaman Tour
- all these questions will be answered in this video.
But while making
a list of questions and their answers I found that the list was going
very long.
So I decided to write an eBook on Andaman
Tour and I wrote it only
for you.So let us have a
look at what I have written in this book.
After a small preface, introduction and contents I started with Port Blair
which is chapter number 1.Firstly
I explained a process to buy cheap air tickets.
Next, I discussed how to reach
Andaman by cruise.There are 3 ports
in mainland India and 5 ships
which will carry you to Port Blair.
I have given the addresses of the ticket booking counter
of the cruise and also mentioned the documents you require while booking.
This is a chart where I mentioned the 5 vehicle names, their departure point,
arrival point, the total time required to reach Port Blair,
class of accommodation like 1ST class cabin, deluxe,
bunk and their corresponding fares for islanders and
non-islanders separately.So if you love to experience the sea route it will be of immense help to
the sea route it will be of immense help to you.
Next comes Government Hotel Booking in Port Blair.In my 'Andaman Tour' Part 1
I have described the booking procedure of TEAL HOUSE and CIRCUIT HOUSE.
But there is a new update for booking TEAL HOUSE online.
As some are not familiar with the online booking
I have shown 12 steps with screenshots like
where to click and which TAB to click and
how to check the availability
of the room according to your
preferred date.This method is very easy rather
than sending an email.To book CIRCUIT HOUSE you have
to send a fax.For your convenience, I have written the fax format
that you have to send.Just change
the red marked inputs by your personal
information.But as
there is a huge demand for these Government properties
you may not get the room on your preferred
date.In that case, you have to stay
in private hotels.So I divided the private hotels into three
categories – NO. -1
Low Budget Hotels,NO. -2 Medium Budget Hotels,
NO. -3 High Budget Hotels.There are hundreds
of hotels in Port Blair but I have listed the top 10 hotels
in each category by reading the reviews of
each and every hotel.So you may rely on
my selected hotels.
I have made charts of each category
like you see on the screen.This is the chart of
Low Budget Hotel where I mentioned the hotel name,
the rate per night and gave a
small description of each hotel.
This is the chart of Medium Budget Hotel and
this one for High Budget Hotel.
Now comes the Top Restaurants of Port Blair.
As you can see in the chart I have mentioned the restaurant name
with its location and also the speciality of each restaurant like who
offers the best Seafood, best
South Indian food, best pure-veg food,
best bar and the list goes
on and on.
I have made a list of Top 20 restaurants
in Port Blair only which you will find in my eBook
and choose according to your tastes.
Next comes sightseeing in Port Blair.
About CELLULAR JAIL I have made 3 charts showing time slots,
entry fee and camera charges.
Then described CELLULAR JAIL LIGHT AND SOUND SHOW booking processes
and provided a chart mentioning language, timing, the fare for adult and
children and show days.
The fare changes with time.
You can see the complete chart
in my eBook.
After that I discussed ROSS ISLAND, like
how to reach there,the boat fare, some important do's and don'ts.
Also described ROSS ISLAND LIGHT AND SOUND SHOW booking process,
the time required and provided a summarizing chart.
After that, you will get the full details about NORTH BAY ISLAND, CORBYN'S COVE BEACH, JOLLY BUOY ISLAND,
trip covers 4 places of interest -
I have elaborately described when to start the journey,
what will be the cab fare,
ferry fare, total time of the tour, documents required and
many more things.Don't miss
this trip if you are travelling
to Andaman.
Also, don't forget to visit DIGLIPUR about which
you will get the complete guide in my eBook.
I have also covered the Port Blair City Tour places.
One of the many places I described in the book is SAMUDRIKA MARINE MUSEUM.
It's really
worth watching.Also provided the
charts of each place mentioning timing, days allowed,
the entry fee for adult and children.
Next comes shopping in Port Blair.
also many excellent shopping places
which you can check in my eBook. I have also
given a short description
of each shopping place along with their speciality.
Last comes ferry transfer from Port Blair to Havelock.
The booking procedure of Government ferry has been described
in full details.
If you opt private ferry then the chart I have provided
will be of great help to you as I mentioned the different cruise name,
departure time, arrival time, total duration, class,
the cost for adult and children.
By seeing
this chart you can plan your
journey to Havelock accordingly.So this is the end of chapter 1
Now starts chapter 2 - Havelock Island.
A new update for booking DOLPHIN RESORT which is the same
as booking TEAL HOUSE.Like Port Blair,
you will get 3 lists of hotels in Havelock each
having Top 10 hotels in each category.
After that chart is given for
Top 15 restaurants in Havelock Island with name, location
and their
individual speciality.
After that, I have discussed sightseeing and shopping place of Havelock Island.
Next comes a very interesting point.If you really
want to be a professional "SCUBA DIVER" then Havelock
Island is the right place. I have
mentioned the name and address of the place
in my eBook where you can learn scuba diving in Havelock Island.
The price starts from Rs. 4500 to
Rs. 36,500 per person for half
day training to 6-day training. Then I have
elaborately discussed how to reach
Neil Island from Havelock by Government or private ferry.
Also provided a chart mentioning cruise name, departure name, arrival time, total duration, class
and cost for
adult and children.
Chapter 2 ends here.
Chapter 3 is all about Neil Island.
A new update for booking HAWABILL NEST is same as booking TEAL house.
Again I have provided 3 charts of hotels
in Neil Island
according to the category Low Budget, Medium Budget and High Budget.
Then a chart showing Top restaurant in Neil Island
is given with name, location and
speciality of each restaurant.
After that, I have discussed the sightseeing and shopping place of Neil Island.
Then I have discussed everything about the transfer
from Neil Island to Port Blair through ferry explaining the booking
procedure, timing and fare and
also provided a chart for it.
Chapter 3 ends here. Now chapter 4 is all about
packing tips for Andaman.Here I have made 4 charts-
one for clothes and attire, another one for toiletries, another one for toiletries, another
one for other essential items and the last one
for travel documents you should carry while travelling
These charts may help you as a checklist while packing.
Next comes chapter 5.
This is the most important chapter.
I have designed 25 tour packages starting from 3 nights 4 days
to 10 nights 11 days on Andaman and for your convenience,
I have also calculated
the total expenditure for per
person on each package.
The expenses what I have calculated will be
more or less the actual cost that occurs
and you will easily find that the package tour available from different
renowned tour operators are
2 to 3 times more than my calculated price.
So this is the best part of my book.
Now chapter 6 is all about the average airfare per head
during "SALE" and also during "NO OFFER" from
a different departure city. This will also help to
calculate the expense for your trip.
Next is chapter 7. In this chapter, I have shown
all the calculations based on which I have calculated
the expenditure of each person in each package tour
in chapter 5.So here.
you will get the faith that the projected price I
have given in chapter 5 can
be relied upon.
After that, there is a small conclusion and on the last page, a few lines
are written about me.
So that's all about my eBook.
I think you have already understood how helpful the book is.
This is a complete guide to
travel Andaman In Budget.Perhaps no one ever
wrote such a detailed book on Andaman travelling.
So if you are interested
to get this valuable book you
have to click the link I have given in my description.After clicking the link you will
be directed to a payment gateway where
you have to pay a very nominal
price for this book.I am now giving a huge
discount on this book.So grab the
offer as soon as possible.The price will increase
after a few days.New videos are
coming on Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia Tour within budget.
So stay tuned and follow
my secret tips and tricks while travelling.
That's all for today.
Renaud, encore trois semaines de postcure pour en finir avec l'alcool - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Innovation - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
[Petit-Déjeuner] Croque-monsieur avec un jus de fruit ~윰 - Duration: 2:57.Hello and welcome to this new video
where I'll present you a simple and fast breakfast to do
It will be composed of a croque-monsieur and a banana juice
But before to begin the video,
I'd like to talk to you about my Instagram account @youmicorn
where I post some pictures about what I eat every day
I hope you'll enjoy this video
So good viewing, let's start the recipe !
For this recipe, you will need :
2 slice of wholemeal bread,
2 slice of wholemeal bread, 1 slice of chicken ham,
1 egg,
1 egg, a little bit of fresh cream,
1 egg, a little bit of fresh cream, 1 banana
A little bit of gruyere
A little bit of gruyere and whole milk
Attention ! You can change the ingredients,
or adapt the dose
For exemple, you can change the ham
You can take an other king of bread
You can change the fruit
Do according to you, accoding to your taste and your hunger
Anyway... be free ! :)
On a first time, I add the banana in the blender
with the whole milk
I mixed all
As banana is a little bit bitter,
You can add agave sirup (or another king of sugar)
to have a sweet taste
I put all of this in a glass
Then you will toast the bread during 2 minutes
Then you will mix the fresh cream with the gruyere
On one of the slice of bread, you will add the ham
And you spread out a part of the cream
On the other slice of bread, spread out the rest of the cream
Bake each slice with the grill mode during 1 minute
Pile up the slice and add a fried egg on the top
The recipe is now done
I hope you have enjoyed this video
I'll try to make more salted recipe
So see you a next time for a new video
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