Sunday, September 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 30 2018

Hi! Welcome to the Energy Update for October 2018.

I'm Lee, and every month in these Energy Update videos I take the pulse of what's going on

energetically, collectively, and see if I can be of use to you as we go through these interesting times on earth

that we're all being affected by. And

for those of you who've watched my videos regularly, you will have heard me say at the beginning of September

that we're in this new period, September to December,

there is a lot of new energy and a real shift and seat change from the intensity and the

challenges and the lessons that many people found themselves being pummeled through

between the kind of April to August period.

And one thing that came to me very strongly as I was tuning in today,

and this is something that some of you might be feeling the residue of right now,

is that during the May to August period this year,

many people at high speed went through a lot of contract changes.

So, for some of you that might literally have meant contracts.

Contracts falling through on houses, businesses, those kinds of things, but

actually for most of us at a soul level, you know

we have contracts with each other, so

I might have a contract with a business partner to be in business with them for

a few years and to create something good together,

but then at a certain point we just go off in slightly different directions or we're no longer

colliding, so it's important to end the business or the partnership.

So this can happen in business partnerships. It can happen with family members, loved ones,

it can also happen with places that we live and houses that we've perhaps been in for a long time.

So the message that came this morning was,

this extraordinary speed at which so many people had dissolved

contracts for themselves in this May to August time frame.

And then in September there was this burst of new energy and for many people

either a resolution or a period of calm,

don't be surprised if in October, even as you're interacting with new

experiences or new contracts, for one of a better term,

there is a feeling of residue coming up for some of you.

That doesn't necessarily mean grief,

although, it may show up as that

but perhaps, a little more reflection on how many changes have happened for you this year, and

at the core of all of that is this enormous identity shift that so many of us are very,

viscerally feeling in ourselves and experiencing, but that we also as a collective are going through.

You only need to look at what's playing out in

the everyday reality outside us at the moment or watch the news stories to kind of see the

absurdity of,

so many things going on that people have never really seen before in this way or that don't make sense or that seem

weirdly explosive, and that's this transformational time that we're in so equally,

for sensitives, for empaths, for seekers, for people who are spiritually aligned or conscious,

there can be this very clear awareness of feeling very different inside yourself and

looking back and going, "wow, I've come so far," but I

always feel it's good for us to remember, it's not always that apparent to other people in our life.

So sometimes, we might have gone through an internal shift, which will manifest in outer reality at a later date, but

until we make a change in our behavior, other people won't necessarily

notice, and the reason I bring that up is

sensitives, empaths, intuitive's can often make the mistake of believing that they are transparent to other people just because they have a sense of

others, so it's important to remember that even if you're going through a lot of inner change right now, and

perhaps a part of you is wishing it was showing up more in the outside world.

So, you're working on your business, for example,

and you're frustrated because things aren't going the way that they're supposed to, they will,

you're just doing the inner work before the outer work manifests for you outside in your life.

And it's the same with wanting new relationships. All of these

desires and new dreams and visions that you are looking to bring into your life are really going to be worked hard

between September and December,

whether you are,

consciously focusing on that manifestation or

just because life in the universe is conspiring to get all of us to go through this

upgrade cycle and this identity shift.

So this is why some of you might be finding it harder than ever to hook into

drama that's outside you, or perhaps that you're seeing play out in the outside world and

some of you I sense are probably questioning that, "oh, am I being a disengaged citizen

because I am NOT leaning into this? And I think there are many arguments at the moment for us to be engaged

citizens with what's going on, on the planet,

but ultimately you have to trust yourself, and there might be a period where for a month or two

you hooking out of all of it is what's best for you and is what actually is going to give you the core stability and

the sense of peace that you need while you are going through what is quite a major rebirth.

So, is

rebirth happening for everybody?


and no. Some people will be

experiencing it very strongly and it will be playing out in big ways in their life and others will be

having aspects of their life tapped on. So for example,

you might be getting a little more irritated

if you're one of those people with a certain person in your life or a certain situation in your life.

And the question is what are you gonna do about it? That's really what's on the table for all of us right now.

I say that with no judgment. Trust me, I've been there, but there is an opportunity on the planet right now for us to

faster than ever shift out of our old behaviors, old patterns, and old identities and

this is really important,

it's not that there aren't wonderful qualities in all of us or that we aren't all already

perfect as we are at a universe level. But

the growth that we're going through as a world right now is affecting the individual and the collective for good reason.

There is a transformation energy on the planet that we are being asked to rise into so,

as your human ego or identity rises up, I'll give you an example, it's that part of you that goes,

"oh wow, I really want to have a great relationship and I'm gonna manifest it," and then the next day because you are manifesting for that,

part of your human egos going, "oh my god

I was treated really badly and I feel really upset about it, and I've got to get it out of my system,"

that's just the human ego response to the visionary soul desire, that tends to be how the process works.

Notice when you're in that state

that you are moving toward this, and that going into that contracted state is part of it, so I bring that up because

many of you will be feeling a greater sense of peace than you were

across the summer months and the spring months of the year in terms of the intensity of the energy,

but that outer peace or that greater sense of peace may have now moved into you a little bit and

be showing up for you as a

little bit of friction and that friction often moves us into new realities. So, new realities are beckoning and that leads me to

probably my last point for this Energy Update which is the energy of life force rising.

Every month I create a new recording for my members club the Portal, and it also is available from my website, and

this month it was a channeled message called Lifeforce Rising: The Era of Kundalini 2018 to 2025, and

the channel was speaking about this is a period of time where Kundalini energy is on the rise,

so our life force is coming up. And what was explained was that when Kundalini rises identity gets destroyed,

so it can be a little uncomfortable because

you start to get flooded with all of this energy and what that energy wants to do is create,

it wants to create something new in your life. It wants to birth something new. It wants to take you in a new direction.

But as human beings we have been so trained and conditioned into staying where we are,

so that moment when we have fear about making a change, which, anybody ever had that?

Is that moment when we are hesitant to move forward. So,

Kundalini energy is the energy of the soul,

so a question to ask yourself with all of that in mind is

am I feeling my way through things or am I thinking my way through things whenever I'm

hesitant about what to do next?

There is a big difference, and for example

multiple thoughts about a scenario you want, let's say, "okay

I want to manifest some more money and okay, I'm gonna start overthinking it and I'm gonna start thinking okay

well if I want to do that,

how do I," or

do you trust that there is a part of you that has put that intention out there, and now you're going to navigate through feeling,

what feels best for me to walk towards. It's a really tricky

challenge for us to do this,

but it's one that comes through time and time again in messages that I've received and I see this from others,

can you follow what feels good and what feels right more than what thinks is right or good?

Because the mind is always tracking the past.

So, Kundalini is the great destroyer of the past.

The beauty of it is, the past is the experience that you have walked through to become who you are today.

So, there's nothing wrong with anything that happened in your past,

it's just that your future is calling you forward to something greater or bigger than you have yet

experienced. And the gift of that is that when you give yourself to that and allow yourself to walk into it,

not only do you create transformation for yourself in your own life, you create transformation for others.

And I know that for those of you who like my work or follow me,

that's really what you're here for, you're transformers for yourself and for everyone else, and that's part of your purpose. So,

that is what I will share with you about what's coming to and through me around the October energies and what to look out for.

It's a pretty complex month as you may have guessed by the complexities and the Energy Updates. So the energies are going to be complex.

So as ever look after yourself, be good to yourself, be good to others, and

find moments every day to

give yourself a sense of peace, a sense of stillness, a sense of joy.

Attend to those things, and your soul will feel invited in. And then your soul will help you create on the planet rather than,

your mind, your old human identity running the show based on patterns and behaviors that it knows from the past.

Those patterns and behaviors are being shaken up at the moment. Are you willing to let them shake and move forward?

So I mentioned the new recording for the Portal members. The Portal is my monthly members club,

you can check that out of my website if you want to have a look and

this month's MP3 recording is

Llifeforce Rising: The Era of Kundalini.

It's a channeled message with sound healing, and I'll play a clip of that at the end of this video.

This month we are also

walking live through my Own Your Value course, which is helping

healers, creatives, and entrepreneurs,

value their gifts and increase their income, because it's such a self-worth issue.

So at the moment the course is running live and it will be running live through the end of October

with live calls, live engagement, so it will always be available,

but if you wanted to join this month

this is a great time to join and we have 400 great people in there right now, going through the steps together and learning

from the course and with each other. And the last but not least there is still time to join us in

Costa Rica for my Soul Magic retreat at the end of October.

So all details are on the website.

Thank you for tuning in today and big love everybody!

See you next month!

For more infomation >> October Energy Update 2018 - Lee Harris - Duration: 16:34.


DLC / Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch I Xbox - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> DLC / Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch I Xbox - Duration: 7:34.


'집사부일체' 신애라, 눈물바다 속에 성장한 멤버들 (with 특별한 가족) [종합] - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> '집사부일체' 신애라, 눈물바다 속에 성장한 멤버들 (with 특별한 가족) [종합] - Duration: 5:30.


LEGO® Friends - Zoom Zoom Zoom Music Video

For more infomation >> LEGO® Friends - Zoom Zoom Zoom Music Video


Kavanaugh Accuser About To Be Hit With Criminal Investigation For Damaging False Allegation - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh Accuser About To Be Hit With Criminal Investigation For Damaging False Allegation - Duration: 6:14.


Huckabee Calls Out Shameless 'Sgt. Stolen Valor' Senator in Midst of Kavanaugh Hearing - Duration: 3:45.

Former Arkansa Gov. Mike Huckabee slammed Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal on Friday

for lying about his military service but still having the gall to question Judge Brett Kavanaugh's


"Hearing Blumenthal (Sgt.

"Stolen Valor" who lied about being in Vietnam) talk about 'truth' is like having

Jeffrey Dahmer talk about table manners," Huckabee wrote.

"Blumenthal is beyond shameless."

Hearing Blumenthal (Sgt.

"Stolen Valor" who lied about being in Vietnam) talk about "truth" is like having Jeffrey

Dahmer talk about table manners.

Blumenthal is beyond shameless.

Huckabee referred to Blumenthal's history of lying about his military service.

Blumenthal has said numerous times, often at veterans' ceremonies, that he served

time overseas in Vietnam.

In reality, he never served in Vietnam.

In fact, he obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and went out

of his way to take steps that would allow him to avoid going to w*ar, according to The

New York Times.

We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam," Blumenthal

remarked to a gathering in Norwalk, California, as recently as March, 2008.

In 1970, with his last deferment at risk, he signed up for the Marine Reserve, a coveted

assignment that essentially guaranteed members would stay in the states.

His unit conducted drills and worked on local projects, like organizing a Toys for Tots


Blumenthal, a shrewd lawyer, also used ambiguous language to misrepresent his time in the service.

He championed better treatment for those returning from w*arring countries, but also implied

that he was one of them.

In 2003 at a rally for American troops overseas held in his home state of Connecticut, Blumenthal

told the crowd: "When we returned, we saw nothing like this.

Let us do better by this generation of men and women."

His frequent fabrications led to his history being misreported in news outlets, with many

describing him as having served in Vietnam.

During his 2010 run for Senate, when he came under fire for his deception, Blumenthal said

that he might have misspoken about his service, according to The Times.

Now, Blumenthal has shown himself to be loud vocal opposition to Kavanaugh's confirmation

as a Supreme Court justice, rallying for truth and facts.

Blumenthal told CNN Tuesday that Republicans showed disrespect and disregard for s*xual

assault survivors.

"The message is very clear: They are less interested in the truth, in the facts and

evidence, than in putting ideological extremists on the court."

He often lectured during the hearing about truth and integrity, at one point asking Kavanaugh

if he knew the legal principle "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus," which dictates

that a witness who testifies falsely about one thing can be ruled to be speaking falsely

on everything, the National Review reported.

You can almost taste the irony.

During the hearings, Blumenthal also accused Trump of being part of a cover up of Christine

Blasey Ford's allegations, CNN reported.

He called Ford's claims "powerfully credible" and said that the Senate Judiciary Committee's

decision to go forw*ard with voting a "betrayal of the Senate's constitutional duty to advise

and consent," according to a separate CNN report.

But Huckabee's not the only one who saw outright hypocrisy in Blumenthal's virtue


Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, a fellow Arkansan, tweeted Thursday that Blumenthal "lied for

years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage & honesty."

"Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh's credibility," Cotton


lied for years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage

& honesty.

Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh's credibility.

At the very least, it's ludicrous that Blumenthal feels qualified to instruct the Senate Judiciary

Committee about truth.

For more infomation >> Huckabee Calls Out Shameless 'Sgt. Stolen Valor' Senator in Midst of Kavanaugh Hearing - Duration: 3:45.


✅ Hair Growth Inspiration - Reacting to People Shaving Their Long Hair Off - Duration: 13:31.

For more infomation >> ✅ Hair Growth Inspiration - Reacting to People Shaving Their Long Hair Off - Duration: 13:31.


6 znamení, že je vaše přítelkyně pěkná nevěrnice. Sedí to na ni? - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 6 znamení, že je vaše přítelkyně pěkná nevěrnice. Sedí to na ni? - Duration: 2:35.


中國又一利器即將服役,專家:有了它,沒人敢在中國面前耍威風了 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 中國又一利器即將服役,專家:有了它,沒人敢在中國面前耍威風了 - Duration: 2:50.


DLC / Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch I Xbox - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> DLC / Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch I Xbox - Duration: 7:34.


Comment chuter dans la rue - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Comment chuter dans la rue - Duration: 5:50.



For more infomation >> Bboy Silehm - CHAMPION DU MONDE EN PLANCHE LESTÉ & HEADSPINER - Duration: 7:52.


5 Bizarre Aircraft That Pushed the Boundaries of Engineering - Duration: 11:58.

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[ ♪ Intro ]

A lot of us probably share a pretty common idea of what planes look like.

But there have been some strange aircraft over the last century, too.

For example, the fastest piloted plane ever was so loosely constructed that fuel leaked out of it before takeoff.

And a crucial member of the Apollo program was so bulky that people doubted it could even fly.

Sometimes, for extraordinary missions, researchers have to get creative and push the boundaries of engineering.

And while doing so, they've built some weirdos.

Here are five of the most bizarre, impressive aircraft throughout history,

ones that, despite what you might think, still managed to fly.

In the early 1960s, a couple of American U-2 spy planes were shot down by missiles.

To keep that from happening again, the U.S. government wanted a new spy plane

that could outrun any missile fired at it from the ground.

So they reached out to the company Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin)

who had already begun work on an extra fast aircraft.

And ultimately, Lockheed delivered the fastest piloted plane ever:

the SR-71 Blackbird, one of the most famous aircraft out there.

This thing could cruise at more than three times the speed of sound, some 3900 kilometers per hour.

So fast that many pilots got to see the sun rise in the west.

But like you might guess, building this thing wasn't easy.

During flight, air friction heated the Blackbird to over 350°C,

and there aren't many metals that can withstand that much heat for hours without losing strength.

To overcome that, the plane had to be made out of a special titanium alloy that was both

lightweight and especially strong.

But that still only solved one side of the heating problem.

See, hot metals aren't just weaker; they also expand.

And if the pieces of the Blackbird expanded too much mid-flight,

they could grow into each other and break.

To prevent that catastrophe, the plane's engineers came up with an extreme solution:

They built the SR-71 so that, when it was on the ground, its pieces didn't fit together snugly.

And there were some gaps that parts expanded into as the plane flew and heated up.

But on the ground, those gaps were big enough that fuel could actually leak out of the aircraft's tanks.

Thankfully, that wasn't actually very dangerous.

On the runway, Blackbirds only held enough fuel to take off and fly for a little bit.

Later, they had to link up with another plane that filled them up in the air.

And even if a lot of fuel did leak before flight, it could only ignite at a super-high temperature.

So it wasn't like a bunch of Blackbirds were explosions waiting to happen.

The Air Force retired the SR-71 back in 1990,

as satellites and improved defense systems slowly made it outdated.

But it did retire in style: Its last flight was a record-setting 64-minute streak from LA to Washington, DC,

so that it could become part of the collection at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.

Now, at least the Blackbird looked like a plane.

The Grumman X-29 looks like someone building a model airplane got distracted and put the wings on backwards.

Except the X-29 was no model.

It was almost 15 meters long, nearly 8000 kilograms at takeoff,

and could fly at more than 1.7 times the speed of sound.

Its wings were just on the wrong way.

But there was good reason for that.

Years before this plane was built,

engineers had wondered what the benefits and drawbacks of different wing designs were.

They could get all kinds of data about standard wings,

but backward ones were a lot harder to test at supersonic speeds.

That's because, while standard wings sweep air away from a plane's body,

backwards wings do the opposite: They move air toward the body.

And that leads to all kinds of new, large forces.

We didn't have materials strong enough to withstand those forces on a supersonic plane until the 1970s.

But once we did, the X-29 wasn't far behind.

NASA and the U.S. Air Force used the plane to study the advantages and disadvantages of the new air path

and the results were mixed.

The plane's big advantage was maneuverability,

especially at steep angles where most planes would have stalled or started losing the lift that keeps them in the air.

Conventional planes stall when the front of their wings blocks too much air from moving over the wings and providing lift.

But since the X-29 had backwards wings, any air they blocked got moved toward the plane's body,

so it had to go over the aircraft in one way or another.

That meant it didn't stall as easily.

But those extra-steep climbs came with a pretty big disadvantage:

Air constantly twisted the wings as it went by,

and the slightest wrong move or unexpected bump could send the plane completely out of control.

It could go from perfectly stable to torn apart in less than two-tenths of a second,

far faster than any pilot could respond.

To counter that, the X-29 was designed with three redundant computer systems,

which looked for hints of disaster and corrected course before the pilot noticed.

And thanks to them, the X-29 was able to fly 422 times between 1984 and 1992.

Ultimately, though, the backward-wing design didn't have enough benefits to make it worth using for many more aircraft.

But the X-29's odd shape lives on in aviation history as a very successful experiment.

In the 1960s, the Space Race was just shifting into high gear.

NASA kept building bigger and bigger rockets,

but they had to ship large pieces of them from where they were made in California to the assembly building in Florida.

That's a long sea voyage, and parts could crack or break along the way.

So two men, Jack Conroy and aircraft salesman Lee Mansdorf, came up with a solution:

Why not build a gigantic cargo plane and fly the pieces to Florida?

The two helped start the company Aero Spacelines,

and eventually, they produced the Aero Spacelines 377PG,

more fondly known as the Pregnant Guppy.

It's a larger version of another plane, called the Boeing Stratocruiser,

which Mansdorf just happened to own a couple of.

As you do.

At the time, the Guppy was the largest plane in the world.

Its cabin was almost 6 meters across and 12 meters long,

big enough to hold an entire rocket stage inside of it.

Some people were skeptical that such a bulbous, 45,000-kilogram plane could really fly,

especially hauling 24,000 extra kilograms of cargo.

But the Pregnant Guppy worked,

and a series of dramatic demonstrations convinced NASA it was worth using.


I said convinced NASA.

Because they didn't actually ask Aero Spacelines to build the Guppy.

Instead, Conroy and Mansdorf just thought it was a great idea and went ahead building it.

But boy, was NASA glad they did.

The Guppy cut down NASA's trip time from 18 days to 18 hours,

and it performed a crucial role throughout the heart of the Space Race until it was taken apart in 1979.

But even once it was gone, its legacy lived on.

After it came the Super Guppy: 7 meters wide and a full 28 meters long.

And today, we have the Airbus Beluga.

It's also pretty weird-looking, but its job is similar to the original Guppy's:

It carries parts of other planes around the world in a gargantuan cargo area.

But no matter how sophisticated and shiny they look,

the Beluga and other modern cargo planes are all, in one way or another,

children of the original Pregnant Guppy.

Because it didn't fly due to how air moved past its wings,

the North American X-15 isn'ttechnically an airplane.

Instead, it's an air-craft, which includes planes and everything else that flies through the sky.

But it's not just any aircraft.

The X-15 was the fastest piloted aircraft in history,

with a rocket engine that blasted it to over six times the speed of sound,

twice that of the SR-71 Blackbird.

What might be even more interesting, though,

is that this aircraft was never built to touch a runway.

It didn't land on one, and it didn't take off from one.

In fact, it never really took off at all.

The X-15 was built in the 1950s to help us research conditions at high speeds and high altitudes,

but it only carried about 80 to 120 seconds' worth of fuel.

Using fuel to speed up, take off, and get high in the air would have been a waste,

so the X-15 was carried up on a much larger plane:

The B-52, also known as the "Mothership".

The B-52 would fly way into the air with the X-15 under its wing,

then drop its rocket-powered cargo.

The X-15's rocket would fire, and it would speed out of the Mothership's sight.

Then, the engine would go until the aircraft ran out of fuel,

and the X-15 would glide down to a dry lakebed,

skidding to a stop 10 minutes or so after leaving the B-52.

The aircraft flew from 1959 to 1968,

repeatedly getting so high above the ground up that its pilots officially count as astronauts.

And in that decade of research, we learned a lot.

The X-15 showed NASA the kinds of conditions rockets experience during launches into space,

and it taught engineers how to make reliable, pressurized spacesuits.

It also taught physicists about fluid dynamics at supersonic speeds,

and it gave doctors valuable data about how humans respond to extreme flight conditions.

All while setting unofficial records for the fastest aircraft in history.

So it might not be a true plane, and it might not have ever actually taken off,

but the rocket-powered North American X-15 is still pretty impressive.

You know, sometimes you just don't know where to put your plane once you're done with it.

Planes are just so big and wide; they don't stack together very neatly.

If only there were an aircraft whose huge, rigid wings folded up for storage.

#PlaneOwnerProblems, am I right?

Well, never fear.

The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is here. And it folds.

The U.S. Military uses the V-22 for transporting troops and cargo,

up to 24 troops or about 10,000 kilograms of cargo in one trip.

But the Osprey has another special talent, too: It's a shapeshifter.

And it takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter, with propellers facing up toward the sky.

Then, once it's in the air, the engines and propellers start to turn.

In as little as twelve seconds, they're completely horizontal, just like on an airplane.

These two modes give the Osprey the advantages of both helicopters and planes in the same machine.

They don't need the long runways of a conventional airplane because they can land and take off completely vertically,

making them good in forests or other dense environments where planes would be helpless.

But in the air, they can fly about twice as fast as an average helicopter could.

Then there's possibly the best part: The Osprey has one more contortionist trick up its sleeve.

When it lands at a safe base and won't be flying for a while,

the Osprey's rotor blades fold completely flat against each other.

Like some kind of weird, mechanical dragonfly.

Then, the entire wing turns until it's flat along the top of the Osprey's body.

The whole process takes about a minute,

and it allows the aircraft to take up far less space between flights.

It's awesome.

Once, people said it was impossible to fly in something heavier than air.

A century and a half later, a plane lands somewhere in the world every couple of seconds.

We also have enormous Guppies and folding half-helicopter/half-planes performing special tasks

and helping researchers throughout the world.

Which is pretty amazing progress, if you ask me.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

There have been plenty of cool planes in the past,

but engineers also have a few surprises up their sleeve for the future.

Maybe you do, too.

If you think you might be a future engineer, or just like learning new things and testing your knowledge,

check out

This course on classical mechanics is particularly cool if you liked this episode.

The whole course is fun, but the sections on energy and momentum are an awesome way to learn more about flight.

All this week, we're partnering with

to share science quizzes and lessons we think you'll like.

And right now, Brilliant is offering the SciShow community 20% off of an annual Premium subscription.

Claim this offer and check out dozens of awesome, interactive courses at

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> 5 Bizarre Aircraft That Pushed the Boundaries of Engineering - Duration: 11:58.


[ASMR?] I tried to (secretly) do asmr in an airport and a plane but it didn't work out too well - Duration: 28:19.

Hello and welcome to this "asmr" video (I really don't know wether this counts as asmr lol)

I've never really translated a youtube video but I'm trying my best

Okay maybe not my best, but I'm trying

Also english isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes

*Very creepily scratching my mothers bag*

Me: "Super lazy, taking the escalator."

Now we're on the viewing platform. This is my favourite thing about the Hamburg Airport! I love observing the planes from here.

This airport is over 100 years old! It opened in 1911. That makes it the oldest airport in Germany.

At first it was mostly used for airships, especially by the military during the First World War.

Dad: "Look at this. Alpacas! ...Cute!

"It looks so funny."

"Those knock knees."

Me: "Looks a bit stupid."

Those are some very dark clouds!

Dad: "This hall is big."

Me: "Yes. And also very high. Why?"

"Unused space."

*shopping for sunglasses* Me: "But you already have one like this."

Dad: "I have 20 of them. That's not what it's about."

"I think it's quite cool actually."

"Are you going to buy it?"

Mom: "Oh, Lisa! Here, this magazin *reads title*. This is exactly your-"

Me: *annoyed* "Mom..."

Dad: "Why are you looking through that football magazin??"

Me: "Maybe I'm interested in this?!"

Mom: "She wants to distract from [unintelligible]" Dad: "Haha yes!"

I noticed the two police officers in front of me and walked away because I didn't want to get caught weirdly touching objects behind them....

Me: "Did you find... oh, the 'Brigitte' "?

Mom: "Yes, for the flight you know..." Me: "Yeah yeah"

Dad: " 'Men's Health: Goodbye vacation weight' "

Me: "Ohhh... yeah so you... do you wanna... try?"

Dad: "Kinda cool."

Me: ""Trains"... Woah! With... with...

Look, it come's with a DVD? What is this?"

Dad: "Look how many railroad magazins there are, everything's full with it."

Me: "Never underestimate train enthusiasts. It's really...

But look at the cool comics over there!"

*abruptly turning around and quickly walking away after noticing the police officers again because that's a very unsupicious thing to do*

Dad: " 'Mom' " (name of the book) Me: "Aww"

Dad: " 'When mom and dad are fighting' " Me: "Oh no!" Dad: *wheezing*

Dad: "What is this?!"

Dad: "Here: 'Doctors to fall in love with' "

Me: "What is that?" Dad: "It's hardcore, it's...

Actually... something like this should be locked away and you're only allowed to look at it if you're at least 18."

(My dad really hates those books in case you didn't notice :D)

*reading weird book titles*

" 'America - Adventures in the new world' "

Mom: "I already payed we have to go now."

*my dad still being upset about those books*

Me: "Oh there's money."

* tap tap tap* "There are many different currencies."

Literally sitting on the toilet here

This is very hygienic I'm sure

(It's boarding time!)


(Goodbye Hamburg!)

Speaker: "Please turn off all electronic devices [blah blah blah...]

Always read the safety instructions! Because once you need them it'll be too late to read them!


The river you can see down there is called 'Elbe' in german. It's around 1.000 km long and flows all the way from the Czech Republic through Germany into the North Sea (Atlantic Ocean)!

(It's very cloudy)

Time for a snack!

*putting it away for later*

I'm having trouble finding the hole...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I took the tiniest bite ever wtf


For more infomation >> [ASMR?] I tried to (secretly) do asmr in an airport and a plane but it didn't work out too well - Duration: 28:19.


Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie2) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.

For more infomation >> Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie2) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.


✅ Hair Growth Inspiration - Reacting to People Shaving Their Long Hair Off - Duration: 13:31.

For more infomation >> ✅ Hair Growth Inspiration - Reacting to People Shaving Their Long Hair Off - Duration: 13:31.


Mod Cat Eye Makeup - Duration: 3:38.

Hey guys! Today would be a quick one. I'm jumping straight to my eyes

I'm wearing contact lenses from Iris Beauty in the color Emerald Green.

I chose this color because I thought it would suit this makeup since it looks quite feline.

It's my first time wearing such a vivid green and I'm pleasantly surprised at how nice they look.

I have a 15% discount code below if you're interested. They got a whole bunch of other colors as well.

First I'm applying the sleeping lip mask to moisturize my lips while I do my face.

I'm working backwards today and starting with liner first.

You can use the brush as a guide for the wing.

Just face it from the inner corner into the outer corner. And that's the direction we're going for.

And I just extend it about this much.

Then I'm going to draw a line starting from the center here, joining it to the end.

And I try to keep the top line as straight as possible.

I don't have a desk to lean on when I film so both my arms were just hovering in the air.

We'll clean up the edge with a concealer later.

I'm extending the line into the inner corner of my eye as well. Keeping it thin so that it tapers.

Now I fill up the gaps in between my lashes.

It's easier to see when you lift up your eyelid (with your finger) like this.

I'm taking Chromatic from the Morphe Dare To Create palette with a wet brush

and instead of the usual dome shape, I'm going to create a low skinny one instead.

And I'm using a patting motion to lay the wet shadow down first.

Then I'm slowly shaping it to the shape I want. Keeping it low and long to create a feline look.

Taking Granite, I'm going to apply it at the outer corner to deepen the shape.

I'm using Chica Y Chico's concealer to clean up the edge of my liner.

It's very pigmented. So it's great for things like this

I'm using it with my Sigma E46 brush.

Then using Iris Beauty's Ultra Defining Eyeliner in black

I'm going to thinly line the underside of the wing.

And also my waterline.

This will help blend in the band of the false lashes later.

I'm curling my lashes with the Shu Uemura curler

and applying these half lashes onto the outer half of my eye.

Then I'm filling up the gaps between my lash line and false lashes with a black eyeliner.

I forgot to apply mascara so... remember to do yours (laughs)

This is Skinfood's Fresh Fruit Mellow Blush in BR02.

I really like this blush. It's kind of a mysterious color.

And wiping off the lip mask before I go on to lipstick.

I chose the MLB B color and just dabbing it on for a soft wash of color.

Smudging it with my finger.

Applying a little bit more at a center for a slight gradient.

That's the completed look.

This graphic mod cat eye.

I've been seeing this kind of blockish eyeshadow in editorials lately

so I thought I would give it a go, put my own twist to it

and I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for watching!

And I will see you next time.


For more infomation >> Mod Cat Eye Makeup - Duration: 3:38.


O MAPA COMPLETO DA SÉRIE (Jurassic ParK Teorias) - Duration: 6:03.

Jurassic Clips - Presents

Hi friends, how are you? I'm here today. special episode for show some

sectors of the park everything that comes now and according to the jurassic park series

theories the carnotaurus lies in the of the island is its cage and made of

steel and its food and carnivorous ox buffaloes

already the old chickens the animal is currently in the part of the most

old and another was placed to substitute him

the sauro muse is situated well at the end of the island cloud its size and 27

meters its weight and 80 tons its

food and carnivorous and its price and 9 billion dollars

the machine that raises weights and crates as food packages for the

park animals this giant machine from time to time

takes dinosaurs to the ship to transports you to other places airport

to bring and carry loads of food weapons and supplies equipment

some important passengers this place also serves to take some

dinosaurs to the mainland or to nearest island to treat the animal

pizzi the targets are animals that have escaped of cable and pipe systems that connect

the cooling system park in the which food was to be placed

for the aquatic animals of the park not to mention that they present risks to

transport them so they around the island this animal was

seen in the first theory of the channel help clerks he would be the

helicopter of emergency loads of the park it can carry puppies of

dinosaurs for medical units not to mention helping when needed

load pieces of trees that are in the the middle of the road

visitors of jurassic park megalodon ti seen for the first time in the video as

would be if we were to help each other to a megalodon this animal is 700

meters from the coast of the cloudy island usually attack and terrorize the

browsers coming to the island to cloud bring animal supplies not

indentified usually fly over the island and attack the officials and took them

the mountains to devour the this species of pterosaur escaped from

its cage and is terrorizing visitors and staff there are seven

weeks win domingos rex was placed in the sector

northwest of the park this animal was created to bring more

public to the park more unfortunately he has become a threat and is being

guarded and locked 24 hours a day and Your food and goat carnivore

calves boars lions this animal appeared in channel theory

juraci ca clips jurassic harbor park and a place where you can

agricultural food material medical equipment etc. and

also this ship used to carry dinosaurs from one island to another

as was used in episode number 10 to save the dinosaurs from being

destroyed by the government in the actor and a animal created just like windows - rex

to attract more public attention This terrible animal has killed several

and it must be destroyed in the theory number 11 we know that who

this animal its food and carnivorous and looked like juraci hole

not to mention that the main channel logo currently tyrannosaurus rex and the attraction

most important of the park being classified as five stars yours

feeding and 100% carnivorous its size in the park and 15 meters long

its weight and 11 tons and has already competed various fights against the spiny ones

Spinosaurus known as the largest tyrannosaurus rival

class its rating and five and has already defeated the

Tyrannosaurus rex and its food and living flesh

to its size on the island and 19 meters he was taken to the island only on

The validity of spinosaurus was surpassing and not to mention that he was

too aggressive anp rabbits and the largest animal park and the world

its size on the island exceeds 74 meters in real life

The maximum he reached was 64 meters he may soon appear here in the

channel it is classified as oo category

that the class a simple ultra or invulnerable he herbivore but boot

very afraid of many carnivores on the island clark triceratops pretend to this animal and

category b he herbivorous and strong this animal is situated in the

of the island and practically docile and is also strong enough to

to engage in combat with a Tyrannosaurus extreme security system and

finally this part is located in the end of the island 24 kilometers from

distance from the visitors' center and is always at the service of the company jim

to rescue injured animals and kill dinosaurs that are threatening the park

and are slaughtered when necessary

For more infomation >> O MAPA COMPLETO DA SÉRIE (Jurassic ParK Teorias) - Duration: 6:03.


Cette recette soulage la douleur aux genoux, aux os et aux articulations | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Cette recette soulage la douleur aux genoux, aux os et aux articulations | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:28.


Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie1) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.

For more infomation >> Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie1) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.


Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie3) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.

For more infomation >> Que mangera-t-on demain (Partie3) «Docu 2018» - Duration: 44:48.


CRYSIS 3 - 19.BÖLÜM NASIL OYNANIR? - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> CRYSIS 3 - 19.BÖLÜM NASIL OYNANIR? - Duration: 10:34.


Clash Royal #11 - Już Niedaleko 11 Areny :D :P ! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Clash Royal #11 - Już Niedaleko 11 Areny :D :P ! - Duration: 4:28.


Oh the Blood of Jesus - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 2:07.

Oh, the blood of Jesus, oh, the blood of Jesus

Oh, the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow.

Oh, the cross of Jesus, oh, the cross of Jesus

Oh, the cross of Jesus, His death brings life to me.

Oh, the love of Jesus, oh, the love of Jesus

Oh, the love of Jesus, He freely gives to me.

Oh, the blood of Jesus, oh, the blood of Jesus

Oh, the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow.

For more infomation >> Oh the Blood of Jesus - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 2:07.


5 Bizarre Aircraft That Pushed the Boundaries of Engineering - Duration: 11:58.

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[ ♪ Intro ]

A lot of us probably share a pretty common idea of what planes look like.

But there have been some strange aircraft over the last century, too.

For example, the fastest piloted plane ever was so loosely constructed that fuel leaked out of it before takeoff.

And a crucial member of the Apollo program was so bulky that people doubted it could even fly.

Sometimes, for extraordinary missions, researchers have to get creative and push the boundaries of engineering.

And while doing so, they've built some weirdos.

Here are five of the most bizarre, impressive aircraft throughout history,

ones that, despite what you might think, still managed to fly.

In the early 1960s, a couple of American U-2 spy planes were shot down by missiles.

To keep that from happening again, the U.S. government wanted a new spy plane

that could outrun any missile fired at it from the ground.

So they reached out to the company Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin)

who had already begun work on an extra fast aircraft.

And ultimately, Lockheed delivered the fastest piloted plane ever:

the SR-71 Blackbird, one of the most famous aircraft out there.

This thing could cruise at more than three times the speed of sound, some 3900 kilometers per hour.

So fast that many pilots got to see the sun rise in the west.

But like you might guess, building this thing wasn't easy.

During flight, air friction heated the Blackbird to over 350°C,

and there aren't many metals that can withstand that much heat for hours without losing strength.

To overcome that, the plane had to be made out of a special titanium alloy that was both

lightweight and especially strong.

But that still only solved one side of the heating problem.

See, hot metals aren't just weaker; they also expand.

And if the pieces of the Blackbird expanded too much mid-flight,

they could grow into each other and break.

To prevent that catastrophe, the plane's engineers came up with an extreme solution:

They built the SR-71 so that, when it was on the ground, its pieces didn't fit together snugly.

And there were some gaps that parts expanded into as the plane flew and heated up.

But on the ground, those gaps were big enough that fuel could actually leak out of the aircraft's tanks.

Thankfully, that wasn't actually very dangerous.

On the runway, Blackbirds only held enough fuel to take off and fly for a little bit.

Later, they had to link up with another plane that filled them up in the air.

And even if a lot of fuel did leak before flight, it could only ignite at a super-high temperature.

So it wasn't like a bunch of Blackbirds were explosions waiting to happen.

The Air Force retired the SR-71 back in 1990,

as satellites and improved defense systems slowly made it outdated.

But it did retire in style: Its last flight was a record-setting 64-minute streak from LA to Washington, DC,

so that it could become part of the collection at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.

Now, at least the Blackbird looked like a plane.

The Grumman X-29 looks like someone building a model airplane got distracted and put the wings on backwards.

Except the X-29 was no model.

It was almost 15 meters long, nearly 8000 kilograms at takeoff,

and could fly at more than 1.7 times the speed of sound.

Its wings were just on the wrong way.

But there was good reason for that.

Years before this plane was built,

engineers had wondered what the benefits and drawbacks of different wing designs were.

They could get all kinds of data about standard wings,

but backward ones were a lot harder to test at supersonic speeds.

That's because, while standard wings sweep air away from a plane's body,

backwards wings do the opposite: They move air toward the body.

And that leads to all kinds of new, large forces.

We didn't have materials strong enough to withstand those forces on a supersonic plane until the 1970s.

But once we did, the X-29 wasn't far behind.

NASA and the U.S. Air Force used the plane to study the advantages and disadvantages of the new air path

and the results were mixed.

The plane's big advantage was maneuverability,

especially at steep angles where most planes would have stalled or started losing the lift that keeps them in the air.

Conventional planes stall when the front of their wings blocks too much air from moving over the wings and providing lift.

But since the X-29 had backwards wings, any air they blocked got moved toward the plane's body,

so it had to go over the aircraft in one way or another.

That meant it didn't stall as easily.

But those extra-steep climbs came with a pretty big disadvantage:

Air constantly twisted the wings as it went by,

and the slightest wrong move or unexpected bump could send the plane completely out of control.

It could go from perfectly stable to torn apart in less than two-tenths of a second,

far faster than any pilot could respond.

To counter that, the X-29 was designed with three redundant computer systems,

which looked for hints of disaster and corrected course before the pilot noticed.

And thanks to them, the X-29 was able to fly 422 times between 1984 and 1992.

Ultimately, though, the backward-wing design didn't have enough benefits to make it worth using for many more aircraft.

But the X-29's odd shape lives on in aviation history as a very successful experiment.

In the 1960s, the Space Race was just shifting into high gear.

NASA kept building bigger and bigger rockets,

but they had to ship large pieces of them from where they were made in California to the assembly building in Florida.

That's a long sea voyage, and parts could crack or break along the way.

So two men, Jack Conroy and aircraft salesman Lee Mansdorf, came up with a solution:

Why not build a gigantic cargo plane and fly the pieces to Florida?

The two helped start the company Aero Spacelines,

and eventually, they produced the Aero Spacelines 377PG,

more fondly known as the Pregnant Guppy.

It's a larger version of another plane, called the Boeing Stratocruiser,

which Mansdorf just happened to own a couple of.

As you do.

At the time, the Guppy was the largest plane in the world.

Its cabin was almost 6 meters across and 12 meters long,

big enough to hold an entire rocket stage inside of it.

Some people were skeptical that such a bulbous, 45,000-kilogram plane could really fly,

especially hauling 24,000 extra kilograms of cargo.

But the Pregnant Guppy worked,

and a series of dramatic demonstrations convinced NASA it was worth using.


I said convinced NASA.

Because they didn't actually ask Aero Spacelines to build the Guppy.

Instead, Conroy and Mansdorf just thought it was a great idea and went ahead building it.

But boy, was NASA glad they did.

The Guppy cut down NASA's trip time from 18 days to 18 hours,

and it performed a crucial role throughout the heart of the Space Race until it was taken apart in 1979.

But even once it was gone, its legacy lived on.

After it came the Super Guppy: 7 meters wide and a full 28 meters long.

And today, we have the Airbus Beluga.

It's also pretty weird-looking, but its job is similar to the original Guppy's:

It carries parts of other planes around the world in a gargantuan cargo area.

But no matter how sophisticated and shiny they look,

the Beluga and other modern cargo planes are all, in one way or another,

children of the original Pregnant Guppy.

Because it didn't fly due to how air moved past its wings,

the North American X-15 isn'ttechnically an airplane.

Instead, it's an air-craft, which includes planes and everything else that flies through the sky.

But it's not just any aircraft.

The X-15 was the fastest piloted aircraft in history,

with a rocket engine that blasted it to over six times the speed of sound,

twice that of the SR-71 Blackbird.

What might be even more interesting, though,

is that this aircraft was never built to touch a runway.

It didn't land on one, and it didn't take off from one.

In fact, it never really took off at all.

The X-15 was built in the 1950s to help us research conditions at high speeds and high altitudes,

but it only carried about 80 to 120 seconds' worth of fuel.

Using fuel to speed up, take off, and get high in the air would have been a waste,

so the X-15 was carried up on a much larger plane:

The B-52, also known as the "Mothership".

The B-52 would fly way into the air with the X-15 under its wing,

then drop its rocket-powered cargo.

The X-15's rocket would fire, and it would speed out of the Mothership's sight.

Then, the engine would go until the aircraft ran out of fuel,

and the X-15 would glide down to a dry lakebed,

skidding to a stop 10 minutes or so after leaving the B-52.

The aircraft flew from 1959 to 1968,

repeatedly getting so high above the ground up that its pilots officially count as astronauts.

And in that decade of research, we learned a lot.

The X-15 showed NASA the kinds of conditions rockets experience during launches into space,

and it taught engineers how to make reliable, pressurized spacesuits.

It also taught physicists about fluid dynamics at supersonic speeds,

and it gave doctors valuable data about how humans respond to extreme flight conditions.

All while setting unofficial records for the fastest aircraft in history.

So it might not be a true plane, and it might not have ever actually taken off,

but the rocket-powered North American X-15 is still pretty impressive.

You know, sometimes you just don't know where to put your plane once you're done with it.

Planes are just so big and wide; they don't stack together very neatly.

If only there were an aircraft whose huge, rigid wings folded up for storage.

#PlaneOwnerProblems, am I right?

Well, never fear.

The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is here. And it folds.

The U.S. Military uses the V-22 for transporting troops and cargo,

up to 24 troops or about 10,000 kilograms of cargo in one trip.

But the Osprey has another special talent, too: It's a shapeshifter.

And it takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter, with propellers facing up toward the sky.

Then, once it's in the air, the engines and propellers start to turn.

In as little as twelve seconds, they're completely horizontal, just like on an airplane.

These two modes give the Osprey the advantages of both helicopters and planes in the same machine.

They don't need the long runways of a conventional airplane because they can land and take off completely vertically,

making them good in forests or other dense environments where planes would be helpless.

But in the air, they can fly about twice as fast as an average helicopter could.

Then there's possibly the best part: The Osprey has one more contortionist trick up its sleeve.

When it lands at a safe base and won't be flying for a while,

the Osprey's rotor blades fold completely flat against each other.

Like some kind of weird, mechanical dragonfly.

Then, the entire wing turns until it's flat along the top of the Osprey's body.

The whole process takes about a minute,

and it allows the aircraft to take up far less space between flights.

It's awesome.

Once, people said it was impossible to fly in something heavier than air.

A century and a half later, a plane lands somewhere in the world every couple of seconds.

We also have enormous Guppies and folding half-helicopter/half-planes performing special tasks

and helping researchers throughout the world.

Which is pretty amazing progress, if you ask me.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

There have been plenty of cool planes in the past,

but engineers also have a few surprises up their sleeve for the future.

Maybe you do, too.

If you think you might be a future engineer, or just like learning new things and testing your knowledge,

check out

This course on classical mechanics is particularly cool if you liked this episode.

The whole course is fun, but the sections on energy and momentum are an awesome way to learn more about flight.

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[ ♪ Outro ]

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