[Bad time]
First Service | Bishop. Dr. S. Vijayaraj | Sunday 30th Sep. 2018 - Duration: 2:23:33.-------------------------------------------
✅ Россия и Запад: как нужно с ними разговаривать. - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
パナソニックがGH5とGH5Sのファームウェアアップデートと10-25mm F1.7 MFTレンズを発表 - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
The Legend of Heroes : Sen no Kiseki 1 Kai - EP 04 - บทนำ - เริ่มการสอบภาคปฎิบัติ ( ช่วงต้น ) - Duration: 21:01.-------------------------------------------
La Spirale Confiance - Compétence - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
Prednosti I Nedostaci Suhe Hrane Za Pse – Kucni Ljubimci TV - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Toyota GT86 2.0 D-4S || 290 pk stage 1 tuning || Uniek || Lage kmstand || Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Kotonoha | Overwatch Edit (1440p) [CC] - Duration: 0:39.who killed dez..?
I can't get rid of you~
dechu ehditschu
I cannot get rid of you
Even if I tried or you want me to
you're the reason for my [dread?] as I think of you
*Ryujin no ken wo kurae!*
Do not let this go, do not let this go~
You would give me hope in this sad world
Keep me warm in cold, baby I will
Show you what it's like, to be fucking dead inside
When you're [not right?] by my side
As I hold this fucking knife
And you know it isn't right :(
And you know it isn't right :( :(
And you know it isn't right :( :( :(
Brigitte Macron, une « intervention chirurgicale » à un demi-million ? - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
1rd Shift 30 September Science Railway Group D Exam,RRB Group D Exam 30 September,Railway Paper,Exam - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
La Spirale Confiance - Compétence - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
1rd Shift 30 September Railway Group D Exam,RRB Group D Exam 30 September,Railway Paper,Railway Exam - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
海贼王919情报:大蛇将军妹妹登场,罗宾艺伎了得,索隆玩失踪! - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
TRESILLO on DIMINISHED ARPEGGIO - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 7:00.Hi, Clément here
in this video I will show you a small lick on the diminished arpeggio
it's a tresillo
with a repeating pattern, it's rather nice
when played on a seventh chord
if you don't know what a diminished chord is
you can read the article by clicking on the 'i' for info in the top right corner
I wrote an entire article in which I talk about diminished chords
and I explain the link between diminished chords
and seventh chords
in this video I will show you a lick built on a diminished chord
that you can play on a diminished chord
and on a seventh chord
and in this case, you will be able to play it on an E7
First, I will play the lick
and then I'll explain how it's built
and how to place it rhythmically
so, here is the lick
I'm playing the lick on an E7
and at this end I resolve on an A
if you have a chord chart going like E7, Am or E7, A
you will be able to play this lick and it will resolve on the next chord
with this lick we have a diagram on the diminished arpeggio
8th fret, A string
11th fret A string
9th fret, D string
7th fret, G string
10th fret G string
so here we have a diminished arpeggio, then from this note
9th fret, D string, 12th fret, D string 12 fret, G string
9th fret, B string, 12th fret, B string
and then we go back from there
it's the exact same diagram shifted by 4 frets
and then we arrive here
13th fret, G string
16th fret, G string
15th fret, B string, 13th fret, E string
16th fret E string, and 17th fret, E string
and the lick is done
rhythmically it sounds like that
if I do with the metronome so you can hear it better
I'll put it on 75bpm
if you have an E7 like this
you can do this lick
I will do it more slowly
at 60bpm
so that's a tresillo
based on the diminished chord
and once you've mastered it
we are on a diminished F
but it would work on a diminished D
a diminished B
or a diminished Ab or a G#
to understand that you can take a look on the article on diminished chords
in this case
it's on a diminished F, so it'd work on a E7
but you could transpose this lick on a D7
by starting on this Eb
and you can reuse this pattern
to do it differently
I start here
I play a diminished arpeggio
it's always the same pattern shifting by 4 frets
3rd fret, D string
6th fret D string
4th fret G string
3rd fret, B string
6th fret, B string
that's a small lick that you can use in many contexts on diminished chords
you just have to understand the rhythmic pattern and the fingering
and then you can move it around
it's a lick that you can do at different spots on the neck
in different keys
work on it however you want, and try to find how you can adapt it to the way you play
and try to use it in improvisation
that's it for this video
you can download the tablature of this lick
on the PDF, so if you are on YouTube, click on the description
there is a link that will lead you on the website
and you will be able to download the PDF at the end of the page
if you questions, ask away in the comments on YouTube
think about liking the video on YouTube
that's it for today, see you soon in an upcoming video
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So think about liking it, it's always appreciated
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And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar
with videos, PDF and many really amazing things
In the right corner there, it's free
See you soon for an upcoming video
海贼王:路飞的新任船长出现了,掌舵实力超越娜美,是第十位船员 - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
海贼王:卡塔库栗新武器土龙般的进攻,愤怒的觉醒与路飞完全相同 - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
Britney Spears mariée en secret avec avec Sam Asghari, la preuve en - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
The scary robot kid who screams and simulates pain (Pediatric Hal) - Duration: 2:37.Hi, I'm Hal.
I am the most advanced pediatric patient simulator in the world.
I help health students and professionals
to improve their skills in pediatric care.
through immersive simulation experiences and learning.
Check out my cool resources!
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印尼7.5強震最新畫面曝光「居民高處大喊海嘯來了快離開海邊!」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
醉打金枝後續:再造大唐的郭子儀生出個禍害江山的後代 - Duration: 8:03.-------------------------------------------
パナソニックがGH5とGH5Sのファームウェアアップデートと10-25mm F1.7 MFTレンズを発表 - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
Ζακ Κωστόπουλος: Το σπαρακτικό μήνυμα του συντρόφου του για τον θάνατό του | Top News | fthis.gr - Duration: 2:42.Πλήθος φίλων και γνωστών έχουν κατακλύσει με μηνύματα τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα με αφορμή τον θάνατο του 33χρονου ακτιβιστή, Ζακ Κωστόπουλου
Σπαρακτικό είναι το μήνυμα του συντρόφου του, ο οποίος τον αποχαιρέτησε μέσω του Facebook
Αναλυτικά η ανάρτησή του: Ήτανε 2012. Είχε βγάλει η αγαπημένη σου Madonna νέο άλμπουμ τότε
Μια ολόκληρη βδομάδα ακούγαμε στο repeat το "Girl gone wild". Τα νεύρα μου είχες σπάσει
Θυμάμαι ξημέρωσε Κυριακή και αποφάσισα να σε εκδικηθώ: έκλεισα τα ηχεία και σου διάβασα το "Η δημοκρατία στο απόσμπασμα" του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου
Μετά άκουγες Madonna κρυφά. Το μόνο πράγμα, νομίζω, που έκανες ποτέ κρυφά στη ζωή σου
Όχι τόσο γιατί σεβάστηκες ότι δε μου άρεσε η Madonna, αλλά γιατί δεν άντεχες να με ξανακούσεις να απαγγέλνω Παπανδρέου
Σε αφήνω τώρα καλέ μου. Έχω να πάω στο τμήμα να "κυνηγήσω" κάτι δολοφόνους, μη και τυχόν καταφέρουν να γλυτώσουν και μείνουν ατιμώρητοι που σε σκότωσαν
Και σου υπόσχομαι να μη τους αφήσω. ΥΓ: Κοιμήσου ήσυχος. Το παιδί, ο Σνούπις μας, είναι καλά
Έφαγε το πρωινό του. Του λείπει λέει η μάνα του, αλλά τουλάχιστον έφαγε.
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