Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018


Congress just gave White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller the worst news of his life

when they voted to hold him accountable for one very important thing.

Mad World News reported that since the beginning of his investigation, Mueller has been able

to operate with impunity and zero accountability to any higher power.

Republicans have had enough of this, so they took action on Friday by passing a measure

that will now require financial oversight of Mueller's sham of an investigation.

The measure passed in a close 207 – 201 vote, meaning a horrifying number of congressmen

do not want Mueller to be held accountable for spending millions of taxpayer dollars.

Introduced by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), the amendment requires the Government Accountability

Office to perform a semi-annual audit of Mueller's office.

"I've introduced an amendment to require a semi-annual financial audit of special counsels

by the GAO," Meadows tweeted today.

"A special counsel's work is important, but they should not be able to spend taxpayer

dollars without accountability.

Americans need to know where their money is going."

This comes after Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani spoke out to claim that Mueller will conclude

his investigation into Trump by September 1.

""The office of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, shared its timeline about

two weeks ago amid negotiations over whether Mr. Trump will be questioned by investigators,"

Giuliani said.

He went on to welcome Mueller's decision to bring the special counsel's obstruction

probe to a close.

"You don't want another repeat of the 2016 election where you get contrary reports

at the end and you don't know how it affected the election," Giuliani said.

The walls certainly seem to be closing in on Mueller!

SHARE this story if you think his investigation should be disbanded!



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free v bucks | how to get free v bucks | fortnite free v bucks | how to get free vbucks skins - Duration: 5:42.

free v bucks | how to get free v bucks | fortnite free v bucks | how to get free vbucks skins

For more infomation >> free v bucks | how to get free v bucks | fortnite free v bucks | how to get free vbucks skins - Duration: 5:42.


It's been so long COVER ESPAÑOL "Fue hace tiempo" (AUDIO) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> It's been so long COVER ESPAÑOL "Fue hace tiempo" (AUDIO) - Duration: 2:55.


KTTV 35th Anniversary Segment: News Coverage (1984) - Duration: 15:23.

For more infomation >> KTTV 35th Anniversary Segment: News Coverage (1984) - Duration: 15:23.


Watermelon Drawing and Coloring | Coloring Pages | Glitter | Learn Colors | Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 6:52.

liitle preview))

hello kids!

today we will draw and paint the watermelon

and a piece of watermelon aslo

first lets draw the out line

now the stripes

lets make it bold

lets draw the seeds

time for coloring!!

we take the light green watercolor paint

dark green watercolor paint

the best part of the watermelon

will be red color

glitter time

we use


green glitters above the glue

now light green glitter stars

again glue

red gliiiter

wow! so bright and shinny

For more infomation >> Watermelon Drawing and Coloring | Coloring Pages | Glitter | Learn Colors | Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 6:52.


レキシ新作「S & G」特設ページで鬼太郎ED曲含む試聴スタート - 音楽ナタリー - Duration: 1:09.

 が7月18日に両A面シングル「S & G」をリリース。オフィシャルサイト内に 作の特設ページがオープンした。  特設ページでは、フジテレビ系テレビアニメ「ゲ ゲの鬼太郎」の本日7月1日(日)放送回より新エンディングテーマに採用された「GE A NOTE」、がストーリーテラーになって1人4役をこなす"的昔話"の「BAN SHI」、NHK大河ドラマ「西郷どん」のパワープッシュソング「SEGODON」の 部が試聴可能

さらにエディターの渡辺祐によるオフィシャルインタビューが掲載されており、Q&A形 で「GET A NOTE」にまつわる意外なエピソードなどを読むことができる。 ま 特設ページでは「S & G」の予約および購入特典の詳細も発表

遊び心が詰まった内容となっているので、気になる人は早速チェックしておこう。なおシ グルの初回限定盤に「 TOUR 2018」のチケットの先行抽選予約を受け付けるシ アルコードが封入されることが決定


For more infomation >> レキシ新作「S & G」特設ページで鬼太郎ED曲含む試聴スタート - 音楽ナタリー - Duration: 1:09.


Simona Babčáková: Jsem děvče z hor, nenávidím zbabělost - Duration: 12:21.

 Co vám na aktuální roli ředitelky hote u přijde nejzajímavější? Je tam takový d tail, že po 25 letech v manželství si s chánem stále vykají

Když si představím, že by mi otec mého uže, u kterého pracuji a u kterého bydlí , dával každý den najevo, že jsem pro je o syna nedostačující, tak chápu, že by v nikl velký strach, že mohu kdykoliv o vš chno přijít

Z toho po letech může vzejít velká zášť a zloba. Takže rozumím tomu, proč se Ren ta chová, jak se chová, ačkoli já bych s touhle cestou rozhodně nevydala

 Působíte jako hodně empatický člověk. ouvisí s tím i vaše angažmá v projektech různých neziskovek? Spousta věcí ve svět a ve společnosti mě trápí a bolí

Jako většinu citlivých lidí. Například ě ničí plýtvání, což je celoplanetární p oblém

A když už je směrem k umělcům upřená po ornost, tak mám potřebu tuto pozornost v užívat a odklánět tam, kde si myslím, že to pomůže

Jsem ráda, že většina populárních osobn stí je navázána na nějaké společensky pr spěšné projekty

Přeci jen lidé se na nás dívají a můžem je v něčem inspirovat. Já bych je ráda nspirovala v tom, že je tady i něco zají avějšího než chodit do práce, jíst, spát a koukat se na televizi

Že existence by mohla mít nějaký hlubší smysl a náplň.  Tvrdíte, že lidé podléha í dojmu, že jim jako umělci patříte

Stává se vám často, že vás na ulici něk o osloví způsobem, který je vám až nepří emný? Že se ke mně lidé hlásí, to se stá á velmi často

Ale v okamžiku, kdy dotyčný člověk nepo draví, neomluví se, že obtěžuje, nepožád o chvilku času a místo toho přijde s au omatickým vypálením požadavku na focení, tak to považuji za velmi hrubé a atakují í

Je mi to krajně nepříjemné. Neustále je dím městskou hromadnou dopravou, do auta se zahnat nenechám, ale už dochází k tom , že vědomě nekontaktuju lidi očima, aby h nepřitáhla nežádoucí pozornost

Tuto daň platím a je to pro mě určitý s res. Panuje tady takový úzus, že já jako herečka mám být vděčná divákům za to, že se na mě dívají a že to je nějaká součás mé služby jim

Ale já přitom vnímám, že má služba je p ávě moje umění. To, že je pobavím. Pokud ke mně někdo přistoupí s respektem a chc mi vyjádřit své pocity z mé tvorby, vžd cky mě to potěší a komunikuji ráda

 Daleko větší prostor pro kontakt fanou ků se známými osobnostmi poskytují sociá ní sítě

Lidé tam ale často sklouzávají k hrubos em. Máte nějakou takovou zkušenost?Na zá ladě toho, že jsem podpořila sociálně ko unitní projekt Klinika, mi jakýsi nácek apsal na Facebook velice vulgární zprávu končící přáním, aby mi uřízli hlavu

Chtěla bych opravdu apelovat na lidi, a y neignorovali tyhle násilnické postoje, aby to okamžitě nahlásili facebookové sl žbě nebo policii

V současné protiimigrantské vlně se v m oha lidech začíná probouzet ošklivá prim tivní agresivita, která mi přijde skuteč ě nebezpečná

Tomu, co se děje celoplanetárně, nerozu ím a nechci se k tomu vyjadřovat. Ale to co se děje v české společnosti, mě děsí

 Nenapadlo vás, že se na čas odmlčíte a nebudete veřejně podporovat věci, které yvolávají takové vášně?Jsem děvče z hor, jsem tvrdohlavá

Nenávidím zbabělost. Spousta Čechů jsou zbabělci. Představa, že ohnu hřbet strac em před nějakým zakomplexovaným nešťastn kem, je nemyslitelná

Nemohla bych si vážit sama sebe. Naopak ve mně takoví lidé aktivují bojovníka, k erý se jen tak zastavit nenechá

 Simona Babčáková v divadelní hře Podivn případ se psem V souvislosti s nedávným otřesným případem učitelky z pražské prů yslovky, k jejíž smrti přispěla šikana z strany žáků, se hodně diskutuje o tom, de se takové chování v dětech bere

Myslíte si, že jsou to čistě jen rodiče kdo je za chování svých potomků zodpově ný?Rodinné zázemí je určitě základ

Je to hodnotové pole, ze kterého dítě v chází. Zároveň si myslím, že i vzhledem vyvíjejícím se technologiím je celkem j sné, že způsob výuky se musí změnit

V okamžiku, kdy si děcka jakoukoli info maci dohledají jedním kliknutím, je potř ba s nimi komunikovat jinak

Mně vlastně pokaždé všechny tyhle otázk vedou k jedné velké filozofické otázce: Kam jako lidstvo směřujeme? Protože odpo ěď na tuto otázku potom určí, co chceme ěti učit a jak

 To se ale dostáváte trochu do slepé uli ky. Tahle otázka se totiž jeví jako věčn

Ale odpověď na základní otázku smyslu ž vota určuje, jaké budeme mít potřeby a j ká budeme nastavovat pravidla

Pokud bychom vyhodnotili, že smysl lids ého života je prožívání radosti a spokoj nosti, museli bychom se ptát, co činí li skou bytost šťastnou

A dle mého názoru ke štěstí potřebujeme bezpečí, sdílení, komunikaci a to, co na ýváme kulturou

Lidem chybí možnost společného zpěvu a ance a hraní si. Je to nutná psychohygie a

Naštěstí je stále spousta lidí, kteří s to uvědomují a snaží se svůj život napl it smysluplně

Média o nich ale neinformují v takovém nožství. Je potom smutné, že tyto snahy zvýšení kvality života dehonestuje sám rezident a zesměšňuje je jako ,,pražskou kavárnu", ke které se hrdě hlásím

A vůbec se mi nelíbí směr, jakým nás ve e náš prezident, ani to, jak rozeštvává idi proti sobě

 Jak moc se zajímáte o českou společnost a politiku? Sledujete aktuální dění?Sled ji, protože se mě to týká

Protože to, co oni nařídí, já potom bud muset plnit. Zároveň si ale v rámci psy hohygieny dávám takové pauzičky nebo spí informační embarga, protože mě ty zpráv tak bolí a štvou, že to zasahuje do méh osobního života

Takže si dávám cílené přestávky a pak m m zase období, kdy se zajímám víc. Napří lad okolo voleb je to jasné

Je potřeba mít představu, co se děje a ikoli volit náhodně. Také mě neskutečně tvou neustálé volby menšího zla

Co konkrétně vás štve? Inteligence a ušl chtilost je tady ještě z dob komunismu p anýřována takovým způsobem, že kultivova í lidé do politiky jít nechtějí

Takže strategické pozice často obsadí l dé, kteří nemají, řekněme, etické rozměr

A často si lidé nedají s volbami práci. Pokud ženy budou volit ženy, tak nepotře ujeme kvóty

Musím přece volit někoho, o kom předpok ádám, že bude hájit mé zájmy. Média v té o oblasti nefungují dobře

Upozorňují jenom na negativní kauzy, al o těch lidech, kteří pracují poctivě a obře, se vůbec nedozvíme

A mezi námi, někdo v politice dobře pra ovat musí, protože si žijeme dobře. My s o nich ale nedozvíme, takže u voleb poř d volíme jenom nějaké menší zlo

Zkrátka mi chybí kladné vzory, hrdinové a hrdinky.

For more infomation >> Simona Babčáková: Jsem děvče z hor, nenávidím zbabělost - Duration: 12:21.


Al cumplir con el cierre en tiempo y forma, ninguno recibió sanción. Plano Informativo, único per - Duration: 1:09.

Rioverde, SLP.- En punto  de las 12 de la noche de este 30 de junio, bares y cantinas del municipio de Rioverde cerraron sus puertas al entrar en vigor la ley seca, la cual fue respetada en la cabecera municipal

En el operativo de vigilancia implementado por parte del departamento de comercio del ayuntamiento de Rioverde, ninguna sanción fue aplicada debido a que los lugares se encontraban cerrados en tiempo y forma

Los recorridos de vigilancia continúan para asegurar que no haya venta de bebidas con contenido alcohólico, como parte de las disposiciones para la jornada electoral 2018


For more infomation >> Al cumplir con el cierre en tiempo y forma, ninguno recibió sanción. Plano Informativo, único per - Duration: 1:09.


Áo Bảo Hiểm VTE, Giới Thiệu Áo Bảo Hiểm VTE Chính Hãng - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Áo Bảo Hiểm VTE, Giới Thiệu Áo Bảo Hiểm VTE Chính Hãng - Duration: 1:52.


NASCAR Driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jimmy Fallon Had a Very Tight Scooter Race - Duration: 2:13.

 Dale Earnhardt Jr. may have retired from NASCAR, but he still knows how to race. The former driver stopped by The Tonight Show on Wednesday night and accepted host Jimmy Fallon's challenge to race around the studio on coolers that had been transformed into riding scooters

 Earnhardt Jr. hit the race track prepared to win, wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with his late father Dale Earnhardt Sr

's No. 3 Chevrolet car on it, along with a beer helmet on his head. Fallon in his suit-and-tie combo looked hopelessly out of place and under-prepared for taking on the racing champ, even though it was his team that came up with the ridiculous race

Earnhardt Jr. quickly proved his racing chops, making his way through the studio's halls and neatly avoiding obstacles like beach balls, kids with water guns, and a barbecue set-up

Fallon never stood a chance as Earnhardt Jr. who easily crossed the finish line ahead of Fallon

 Of course, Earnhardt Jr. had a lot more to lose than Fallon. It would have been pretty embarrassing if the 26-time NASCAR winner had lost a race to a late night talk show host

If he had lost it would have given his co-workers a lot to tease him about when he takes over as an official NASCAR race day analyst on NBC

For more infomation >> NASCAR Driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jimmy Fallon Had a Very Tight Scooter Race - Duration: 2:13.


Lia Quartapelle D'accordo con la Russa sulle Ong-Klaus Davi la Boschi in una Beauty Farm miliardaria - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Lia Quartapelle D'accordo con la Russa sulle Ong-Klaus Davi la Boschi in una Beauty Farm miliardaria - Duration: 4:25.


Cristiano Ronaldo vs Uruguay HD 1080i (30/06/2018) - Duration: 10:20.

Ronaldo has 4 this tournament, but has never scored in the knockout stages of the world cup.

Ronaldo, couldn't resist.

Heres the shot earlier, you see Ronaldo drift out wide.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo vs Uruguay HD 1080i (30/06/2018) - Duration: 10:20.



If we talk about english rap songs with our friends, then the first name that pops up

into our head is no one but all of us favourite Marshall Bruce Mathers III or whom we know

as Eminem.

In 17th October, 1972 he was born in a poor middle class family in Saint Joseph Missouri

city of America.

His father left him in his childhood and his mother was a drug addict.

In search for jobs, they have to travel to different cities.

As there was no contact with his father, many often Eminem used to ask his mom about his

dad, also he wrote many letters addressing his dad.

But his father always sent those letters back to him without even reading it.

After few years they settled in Detroit Michigan city, where mostly the black African and black

American people used to live.

Eminem also got admitted to a school there.

But as in his school he was the only white guy, so he had to face many torture from his

school mates.

Once a senior girl in his school named D Engelo Belly beated eminem so badly, that he was

in coma for a week.

Later eminem composed a song based on this incident, and he named the song "Brain Damage",

D Engello claimed to be defamed by the song and filed a case in the court against Eminem

demanding 1 million dollar.

Although she couldn't won the case.

In 1999, even Eminem's own mother filed a case in the court against Eminem because of

defaming his mother and demanded 10 million dollar.

In his childhood Eminem's uncle Roni gifted him a music cd, after listening to that music

cd his interest in hip hop music and rap song started to grow.

As he had no friend in his school, most of the time he used to discuss about the song

and music with his uncle.

But this happiness also did not stay in his life for long.

Few years later due to some personal problem his uncle Roni committed suicide.

He could never accept his uncle's suicide.

He used to lock him in a room whole day and he was completely mentally depressed.

Eminem's education career was also not good at all.

After failing 3 times in 9th standard, he dropped out from his school.

After that he started doing various kinds of works, starting from cooking in a restaurant

to washing dishes.

Also he used to work as a driver to bear his expenses.

While doing all these works, whenever he got chance, he loved to entertain people with

his rap song.

After few years he got married, and in 25th December, 1995 his baby girl was born.

After the birth of his baby girl, he started to work very hard.

So that the struggle he had to face in his childhood, should never be faced by his child.

After that he launched his first album "infinite" by spending all of his savings.

But the album became flop.

So he lost all his savings.

Just before 5 days of christmas, he came to know that he had been fired from his workplace.

At that time he had not even enough money to buy a birthday gift to his baby girl.

All he had at that time was a 40 dollar check.

After that his wife asked him for divorce and decided to take his child away from him.

Even she stopped allowing Eminem to see and talk to his child.

As he was completely broken down, Eminem tried to committee suicide by getting overdosed

by drugs.

But here also he failed.

After escaping from a near death, Eminem realised that what would happen to his child if he

had died.

How would she survive.

Right after that he understood the importance of his living and he completely focused on

his rap.

In 1997 he participated in a rap competition in Los Angeles, which had become the biggest

turning point in his life.

He stood 2nd in that rap competition.

Listening to his rap, one of the famous rap artist at that time Dr. Dre was so impressed

that he decided to work with Eminem.

In 1999 they released The slim shady album together and within a few days the album became

very much popular.

People started to love Eminem's rap songs.

Within few years his song Rap God Marshall Mather became so much popular.

The song entered in the guinness book of world record because in that song Eminem said 4.28


His loose yourself song won the academy award and in total he had won 15 grammy awards.

Today Eminem is known as the no 1 rapper in the world.

And today his net worth is 190 million dollar which is equal to 1291 crore rupees.

So at last let's sum up what we can learn from our favorite rapper Eminem's life story,

1) No matter how difficult the situation is, we should never give up.

Life is just like a coin, where success is exactly the opposite side of struggle.

2) When a person clearly understands the reason for living, only then one's life becomes meaningful.

Aimless life is similar to death.

As always I would like to finish this video with one of my favorite quote said by him.

He said, "The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow.

Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed."

At last a little request to you.

If you find this video inspirational, then please share it with your friends.

Specially with those who are big fans of Eminem.

Because by sharing you can also help to inspire someone else.

Next video is on the next Sunday.

Thanks for watching.

More wisdom, more solution, better life.

For more infomation >> EMINEM BIOGRAPHY | THE BEST RAP ARTIST IN THE WORLD - Duration: 5:18.



Water Mukbang, Best Tasting Water, Best Tasting Water Bottles

I've never spent so much money on water in my life people do mock banks with

food yeah new order yeah but we didn't drink so

we're gonna do mukbang with water if we finish all this water I think we should

start off with our by the way I brought my red water ball I don't cheat on them

okay that's it I'm hungry does that make me uh yeah what this does taste bad when

we're chuggy you guys have to be screech ahh

the camel has one these guys to experience with water room that was a

good warm-up I like it how can we not finish all this don't let any ounces

this is twenty forty two hundred twenty three point 32 ounces of water this

looks like a cool oh this is my first taste of this one this is the second

most expensive one the most expensive of the glass

by the end of July

it's amazing the same thing is the living one is water am i right no

different I'll be back expensive water broke that

was not the best is the best this this army I've never tried in my heart this

is just like that is the next segment for their chicks it looks so suitable

next segments water puns aqua puns for every putt I say you take a drink I

viewed upon my life at some times I know nothing good one good no wait for your

turn mr. the gangster parks this garden goes to get some lunch and it comes back

and sees a parking ticket on his car like a man I'm supposed to pay this PG

can you not spit in the water bottom

we're just gonna be peeing all day today that's what I'm doing it all I do I went

to the Mego sponsor yeah yeah hey this water is interesting but I don't prefer

it this long I wouldn't buy ever again I'll never buying these every day no

it's true it's private it's true this Brian's name is lost I went to

McDonald's I was like I'm kind of in a hurry can you hurry up with my order and

the lady goes yeah this is boss the next segment is called aqua war there's a

card game called war but you just put cards down and whoever has the highest

card takes those cards if you lose the battle you take a sip of this bad boy

okay how's the water it's not better than the bullet if you don't know the

history of our games I always lose for some reason it's weird

how's that that was the best one so far I'm just so people I'm not even close to

what yeah I am accomplice yes from summits one from water and one for food

mine is one nope - he knows me so well I

it's so when you put the same card down you go like this one two three no

problem portage this Eric's favorite video by far the sale of water we're

still trying to determine the piece of water animal or heroin mammal - fancy

bro but he did win the last game trip beer pong but the opposite can you

switch the segment I better music can we switch card back but as soon as we

switch switch convict I don't think I should I guess for the video what are

you saying we invented this game a while ago and we're gonna bring it back he's

toffee he's saying a word okay these are chanting this fellow the


the moment we've all been waiting for we're gonna take the most expensive

water we have here the receipt says three dollars and sixty nine and

fashions what is this artesian water from normal no

okay good it was not me close use every time more water on the buns big class

thank you buy some water way definitely you know what I should do I should

compare I have my house I don't know even the best is they all taste the same

to me except the toilet back that beats know you're not used to this boss waters

I'm gonna enjoy it that's just good stuff it's good because

there is no stupid taste to it it's good because it's pure buzz better this one

does this look better now this tastes bad I know boss knows what they're doing

bro props to boss this is the second miss on

please back to psychic dude bottom of the viewing we just beat the bottom

insane so this is actually good sponsors we're just as pure as your walk

we're on a mission to moon mission everything gave me a pancake yes by the

end of July we're gonna get to thinking no matter what how you might ask if you

have our videos share them to friends sharing on Facebook and around keep

supporting us like you guys always do be very mark to get that hope so if you

want to be one of our first six doctors before we hit a million because I was

happening very soon subscribe and join the squad gangbang swamps

sometimes again


For more infomation >> WATER MUKBANG!! (BEST TASTING WATER) - Duration: 11:27.


Coupe du monde : les supporters français célèbrent la victoire face à l'Argentine - Duration: 1:57.

 Les supporters français étaient cinq fois moins nombreux que les argentins samedi soir à Kazan (Russie), dans le stade qui accueillait le huitième de finale entre la France et l'Argentine

"Avec près de 25 000 argentins dans le stade, Kazan avait des airs de Buenos Aires

Mais il y a avait tout de même 5 000 supporters français qui ont réussi à se faire entendre", a expliqué le journaliste de France 3 Josselin Debraux

En route pour les quarts de finale Munis de maillot des Bleus, les supporters ont entonné des chants à la gloire du milieu de terrain N'Golo Kanté et de Kylian Mbappé, auteur d'un doublé lors de la victoire face aux Argentins (4-3)

"La fête a déjà commencé ce soir, elle va être belle. Il y a aura également une très grosse ambiance en quarts de finale, les supporters français l'ont promis

", ajoute le journaliste. Prochain objectif pour les supporters : trouver des places pour le quart de finale de l'équipe de France, qui affrontera le Portugal ou l'Uruguay vendredi prochain à Nijni Novgorod

Le JT JT de 19/20 du samedi 30 juin 2018 L'intégraleLes autres sujets du JT1 Coupe du monde : la France a vibré avec les Bleus face à l'Argentine 2 Les Républicains : Laurent Wauquiez joue le rassemblement 3 Méditerranée : un canot pneumatique qui transportait des migrants à coulé 4 Paris : une marche des fiertés très engagée 5 Météo : les Parisiens en quête de fraîcheur 6 Série : Meurtre à Omaha Beach Sujets associésCoupe du monde 201819/20SportsFootA lire sur Ligue de diamant/800 m dames: 4e chrono de l'histoire pour SemenyaCoupe du monde 2018 : L'Espagne est allergique aux pays hôtesCoupe du monde 2018 : Le programme du dimanche 1er juillet

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde : les supporters français célèbrent la victoire face à l'Argentine - Duration: 1:57.


Yoga for Focus and Balance | 25 min -FitNCalm - Duration: 25:03.

Hi Guys in today's practice we will do more asanas

to improve our focus and balance. So let's wear something comfortable and hop

onto the mat.

Namaste! Welcome to FitNCalm! This is Tejaswi!

so let's begin today's practice. Keep your eyes closed.

Take a breath in and breathe out

one more breath in and exhale with a smile. Become aware of your body

become aware of your breath. Let's chant om three times. Breathe In. OMMM.

breathe in. OMMMMM.

breathe in. OMMMMM.

Take a breath in and breathe out. Another breath in and exhale. And slowly open your eyes take

your hands up interlace your fingers stretch it

towards the sky and stretch yourself. stretch and then twist to the right-center

and left , center and relax. Again twist look over your right shoulder. Center

look over your left shoulder and Center. Relax now with the help of your hands pull

your earlobes. Massage your ears

so the nerves in the ear lobes are directly connected to our brain and it

is said that pulling your ears increases your awareness so let's pull and relax. Now

slowly get on to your palms and knees. Palms directly under your shoulders

shoulder width apart. Knees directly under your hips, hip width apart.

Now breathe in look up. Breathe out chin to the chest breathe in breathe out breathe

in and breathe out now slowly lift your right leg up stay there stretch it out

keep stretching. Focus on a point. Now shifting the weight onto your right hand,

lift your left hand up. Keep the focus constant on a point observe your breath

Stay there. Keep breathing. Stretching the leg out and the hand out in the opposite

directions. Stretch

Stretch . Relax your hand relax your leg . Now lift your left leg up

stretch it out look straight

and then lift up your right hand

so it is like we are all set to fly. Keep your focus on your breath. Observe your

mind try to bring it back to the present moment. Keep focusing on the breath. If

you lose your balance its completely fine

just come back to this posture and relax

Go back sit on your heels and bend forward touch your forehead on the floor


now slowly lift up. Pressing the palms onto the floor gently lift up your knees

and come back into the downward dog. Try to place your heels on to the floor you

may walk a step forward for that. Stay there

gently move your legs front and back if that feels good for you. Lift your right

leg up, stretch it out. Relax. lift your left leg up and stretch it out and relax

and come back to the standing position. Take your hands up above your head

interlace your fingers and face it towards the sky. Stretch yourself up make sure

the weight is equally distributed between the legs. Stretch yourself up and

then slowly come onto your toes stretching yourself up over here also

the key is to focus at a point. Find your balance

keep breathing so if you're not able to balance you come down , gently come up

again. Stay there, keep breathing and relax.

once again interlace your fingers above your head stretch up and then stretch.

I'll show you from the other direction too. stretch up. Keep focusing at a point

stretch up

and relax relax your hands and slowly lift your right leg up and then hug it

to your chest with the help of your hands, hug it close to your chest if

you're not able to stand on one leg you can use the support of a wall. Keep

focusing at a point, release the left hand and then gently take the right leg

towards the right side, stay there. Keep breathing

and then come back to the center press it again towards the chest, place the

right foot beside the left thigh, close to the perineum. Once you gain the balance

release your hands join them in front of your heart center and then slowly now

take it up and stretch up. Stretch up stay there keep focusing at a point

Just like a tree. Keep breathing. Observe your mind. Slowly get your hands back to

the heart center. Relax your hands and relax your leg

Relax. Just shake off the left leg.

and now again just bring the same leg up the right leg and place it over the left

thigh. Keep breathing. Join your palms in front of the heart center

and now if it is completely fine, bending your left knee a little bit just bend

forward and come down keep breathing and slowly as you inhale again we'll bend

the left knee a little bit, finding your balance gently come up straighten the

left knee and relax. Now we'll do it with the other leg, now gently lift your left

leg up hug it close to your chest with the help

of the hands

keep breathing focus on your breath

and now slowly with the help of the left hand just take it to let's the left

side relax your right hand. Stay there and then come back to the center , hug it

close to your chest and then place the left sole towards the right thigh. Once you

gain the balance join your palms in front of your heart

and then slowly take it up. Keep your attention on a point, you can take the

help of your wall if you wish to. Keep breathing. The past is gone

and the future is uncertain all that remains is the present and the breath. Just

focus on the breath

keep breathing, stretching up and then slowly get your hands back to the heart

center. Relax your hands and then slowly relax your leg. Now again bend your left

leg and place the left foot on the right thigh. Now breathing in take your hands up

breathing out if possible bending your right knee a little bit bend forward and

stay there. Now straighten the right knee straighten a little bit try to walk your

hands towards the leg

stay there. Keep breathing. Now breathing in slowly come up. Finding your balance

slowly come up. Breathing out gently relax your leg. Now we'll take our hands up above

the head push your hips back and gently go down a little bit. Down. Down. Make sure

your knees are not crossing the toes. Go down sit comfortably on a chair, look in

between your hands. Down.

Twist towards the right side, get the left elbow on the outer side of the

right knee. Join the palms together, look up towards the right. stay there.

come back to the center and then towards the left side. Right elbow goes towards the

left knee looking up towards the left elbow. Pressing the palms towards each

other and then slowly come up. Come back to the center and relax. Slowly just widen

your legs a little bit turn your right foot 90 degrees out, left foot a little inwards

take your hands up move towards the right side and gently bend down, look up

towards the left hand ,the right hand goes towards the right ankle. Look up

and then come back to the center. Then the other side. Shift towards the left

side and then just drag your hand towards the left knee. Look up towards the

right hand and to the triangle pose

Now slowly breathing in, come up. Breathing out , relax. Come back to the

centre. Join your palms. Breathing in take your hands up. Breathing out

slowly pushing your hips back. gently come down down and then place the hands on the floor.

Take the right leg back.

Keep looking forward and now finding the balance gently lift up your body and

then join your palms above your head. Keep your focus at a point. Stay there

Keep Breathing

and relax. Take the other leg back, stay there and then slowly shift your legs

towards the left side, lift up your right hand. Look up towards the right hand, if

this is very difficult you can place the left knee on the floor and look up

towards the right hand. Relax, come back to the center keep the knees on the floor go

back and come forward into the Ashtanga Namaskar.

Breathe in, lift your chest up lift up yourself into the Bhujangasana , the

Cobra. Shoulders away from the ears elbows close to the body and then come into

the downward dog

from here just come into the plank, drop your feet towards the right side lift up

your left hand, if this is difficult place the right knee on to the floor

let's just straighten. Look up and then come back. And then come back into the

downward dog. Take the right leg in between your two hands look forward

finding the balance gently raise up, join your palms.

And then slowly come back and then come back to the centre. Breathe in go up

breathe out , relax. Take normal breaths in and out. Keep breathing

and slowly open your eyes. We'll do our last asana for today. Lift up your

right leg from above the left knee curl it around the left foot might be little

shaky that's okay. Join your palms in front of your heart if the balance is

easy then take your hands forward take the right hand over the left and then

bring the left hand up join the right palm towards the left. Press the palms

towards each other. Bring it up. Stay there. Keep focusing on a point . Relax your

hands. Relax. Straighten your legs and come back.

Now with the left leg. Bring your left

leg up curl it around the right and then join your palms in front of your heart

or you can again straighten the hands. Take the left over the right. Right hand

up and then join the palms. Keep breathing, then relax. Relax your

hands and come back to the center. Relax and then slowly sit down.

Take a breath in and breathe out relax yourself. Now we'll do it the Bramari

pranayama. The Bhramar breathing technique which will help in improving the

concentration and focus , okay. So curl your fingers, three fingers in and the index

finger is out, the thumb is on the three fingers. Now take the index finger on the

earlobes. Now we will press the earlobes inwards and we'll make a humming

bee sound. Now breathe in. Mmmmmmmm

Relax. Now what we'll do is we'll move the index finger in and out okay and

making the humming bee noise. So once you're clear you can close your eyes.

breathe in. Mmmmmmmmmm

Once again breathe In. Mmmmmmmm

Relax your hands keep your eyes closed. Take a breath in and breathe out. One

more joyful breathe in and exhale.

Become aware of your body. Become aware of your mind

Observe the mind is got a little calmer. The thoughts have decreased. Take a

breathe in and breathe out. Thank yourself for giving the time for today's

practice. One more breath in and breathe out.

Take your hands, place the palms on your eyes. Now slowly looking at your palms

gently open your eyes. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. So the best part of

today's practices is if you don't have a mat, in that case you can avoid the 2 3

lying down asanas that we did. Otherwise you can just do the standing asanas

wherever you are and I hope you like this practice. Do share like and

subscribe. See you soon! Namaste!

For more infomation >> Yoga for Focus and Balance | 25 min -FitNCalm - Duration: 25:03.


[Update] Grandmas House Obby! - ADD SUBTITLES! - - Duration: 9:31.

Hey guys! Welcome to a brand new video! Today I'm playing [Update] Grandmas House Obby! I hope you enjoy!

Guy: Grandma has gone crazy! Let's get out of here!!!!!

Level 1: Grandma's Cats.

Level 2: Lollipop Room.. ?

Guy: Can't go through this door! Find another way out.

Level 3: Dentures.

Level 4: What a knitting mess..

Guy: Grandma knitted me to the wall! Find a way out before she knits you too!

Level 5: Really?

Level 6: Chambers of death.

Guy: Since when did grandma have these in her house?

Level 7: Burning belongings...

Guy: Grandma is burning her possessions!

Level 8: What a hot mess..

Level 9: Cooking fever.

HEY! That's my friend Jerry!! I got to get out of here before I become what he became!

Level 10: ???

Level 11: Steady fall.

Guy: One of these planks are stable!

Level 12: Knitting is getting heavy..

Guy: Looks like grandma has knitted a " bit " too much!

Stage 13: Continued...

Stage 14: Continued...

Level 15: Eww..

Level 16: People? Hello!?

Level 17: Uh oh..

Level 18: Blood cells.

Level 19: Lazer guts.

Level 20: Bones.

Level 21: Rib cage climb.


Level 22: Here it comes!

Level 23: Pathway to winners!

Level 24: Winners!

Alright guys!

That's all for todays video!

I hope you liked it!

If you haven't already subscribes, click that subscribe button!

And if you HAVE already done it, make sure you click the bell, so that you get notified every time I upload a new video!

Let's see...

Let's get this video to 20 likes!

If you do, I'll make another obby video!

I'm Luxyva, and I'm OUT!


For more infomation >> [Update] Grandmas House Obby! - ADD SUBTITLES! - - Duration: 9:31.


Stasera Italia - Irene Pivetti : Fico non è membro del governo l' Italia non è lo zerbino d' Europa - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Stasera Italia - Irene Pivetti : Fico non è membro del governo l' Italia non è lo zerbino d' Europa - Duration: 3:40.


Erwin Schrott. Dulcamara (мой русский перевод) - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Erwin Schrott. Dulcamara (мой русский перевод) - Duration: 7:41.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


F 18C BFM instant actions VS Su-30 and MiG-29 - Duration: 9:54.

Hop #1, Hornet VS Su-30


There he is in the back...

Vector on the bandit and pull....

Lost him again...

Tally.....9 high

Splash one....

Hop #2, Hornet VS MiG-29

This thing's much more nimble then the Flanker!

Had to over-G the plane just to keep up with it

Splash 2..

Initial impressions.... in the hands of the AI, the 29 seams to be a much harder adversary for the Hornet

Smaller size makes it easier to lose sight of

And it appears it can regain and retain energy much better then the larger Su-30

For more infomation >> F 18C BFM instant actions VS Su-30 and MiG-29 - Duration: 9:54.




New developments in the divorce of Donald Trump Jr. and his estranged wife Vanessa have

just been announced to the public.

Daily Mail reported that Don Jr. and Vanessa will meet in court for the first time next

month as they begin the process of settling their divorce.

Newly-released court documents show that Don Jr responded to his wife's filing some time

last month, and on May 17 their case was assigned to Judge Michael Katz, who will meet with

the couple and their lawyers for a preliminary accounting conference towards the end of July.

Don Jr. is being represented by Blank Rome while Vanessa is being represented by Hennessey

& Bienstock, whose past clients include the Robert F. Kennedy Jr's late ex-wife Mary


Don Jr. and Vanessa's divorce has been amicable so far, and last week, she spoke out to defend

him and his new girlfriend, Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle.

"The lengths people will go to attack a woman simply because she's dating Don,"

Vanessa tweeted.

"We've been separated for over 9 months and respect each other's decisions & privacy.

We'll focus on raising our great kids.

Would be nice if the press did the same rather than obsess over our pvt lives!"

Vanessa is rumored to have had difficulty dealing with the pressure of being the daughter-in-law

to the president, which led to her decision to file for divorce from her husband.

While we're sad their marriage is ending, we're glad to see that she is still trying

to get along with him and defend his new relationship for the sake of their children!

What do you think about this?

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