Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 27 2018

Redmi 6 Pro Features And Specifications

Redmi 6 Pro

Redmi 6 Pro Cost

Latest Mobiles In 2018

For more infomation >> Redmi 6 Pro Features And Specifications | Redmi 6 Pro | Redmi 6 Pro Cost | Latest Mobiles In 2018 - Duration: 2:57.


蔡英文籲全球團結抗中國 柯P:國力不強跟人家大小聲會被笑 - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 蔡英文籲全球團結抗中國 柯P:國力不強跟人家大小聲會被笑 - Duration: 8:40.


八仙塵爆將滿三年 朱立倫:「傷痕可以平復,但不能忘記!」 - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 八仙塵爆將滿三年 朱立倫:「傷痕可以平復,但不能忘記!」 - Duration: 1:37.


黨產會盯上大孝大樓 徐世榮幫腔批國民黨不顧居住正義 - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> 黨產會盯上大孝大樓 徐世榮幫腔批國民黨不顧居住正義 - Duration: 5:43.


衝冠一怒陳志遠吃到火了為證清白,他賣光T7股票;直言炮轟:他們太邪惡了 - - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 衝冠一怒陳志遠吃到火了為證清白,他賣光T7股票;直言炮轟:他們太邪惡了 - - Duration: 4:42.


羅絲瑪告訴納吉:這是上天對他們的考驗,她會盡力阻止國內的調查行動 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 羅絲瑪告訴納吉:這是上天對他們的考驗,她會盡力阻止國內的調查行動 - Duration: 2:32.


Pd, Zingaretti pronto a correre per la segreteria. Orlando sta con lui. Calenda: "Fronte Repubblican - Duration: 4:53.

 Nicola Zingaretti da una parte, Carlo Calenda dall'altra. E Matteo Renzi nel mezzo, al momento senza una posizione precisa

Il Partito Democratico inizia il percorso che lo porterà a eleggere un nuovo segretario (Matteo Orfini ha convocato l'assemblea il 7 luglio) e si delineano le candidature

Il governatore della Regione Lazio chiede il "congresso subito" e si dice pronto a correre, appoggiato da Paolo Gentiloni, che viene però indicato dall'ex ministro del Mise come un "punto di riferimento", Walter Veltroni, Marco Minniti e in maniera chiara da Andrea Orlando

Il leader della minoranza dem lo dice chiaramente a Repubblica: "Il candidato segretario più forte per ripartire è lui"

 Zingaretti, forte del successo del suo "modello" sia alle Regionali nel Lazio che nelle recenti amministrative non solo nella sua regione, guarda a sinistra, ai sindaci e alla rete dei Comuni messa in piedi da Federico Pizzarotti

 Sull'altro fronte per superare l'era renziana, con un manifesto pubblicato su Il Foglio, l'ex ministro Calenda lancia il Fronte Repubblicano, "un'alleanza repubblicana che vada oltre gli attuali partiti e aggreghi i mondi della rappresentanza economica, sociale, della cultura, del terzo settore, delle professioni, dell'impegno civile"

Serve, spiega, "riorganizzare il campo dei progressisti per far fronte alla minaccia mortale" da Lega e M5s, quello che Calenda chiama "l'incrocio tra sovranismo e fuga dalla realtà"

Per farlo, aggiunge, "è necessario definire un manifesto di valori e di proposte e rafforzare la rappresentanza di parti della società che non possono essere riassunti in una singola base di classe"

Un campo largo, oltre il Pd.  Il tutto, spiega Calenda in cinque punti, per "tenere in sicurezza l'Italia", "proteggere gli sconfitti" rafforzando "gli strumenti come il reddito di inclusione, nuovi ammortizzatori sociali, le politiche attive e l'apparato di gestione delle crisi aziendali in particolare quanto causate dalla concorrenza sleale di Paesi che usano fondi europei e i vantaggi derivanti da un diverso grado di sviluppo per sottrarci posti di lavoro", scrive l'ex ministro

"Investire nelle trasformazioni, per allargare la base dei vincenti, su infrastrutture materiali e immateriali (università, scuola e ricerca); promuovere l'interesse nazionale in UE e nel mondo – aggiunge Calenda – Riconoscendo che non esistono le condizioni storiche oggi per superare l'idea di nazione e un piano shock contro analfabetismo funzionale"

 Un piano, quello dell'ex ministro, criticato lunedì da Orlando che lo aveva bollato come "una cosa che c'è già stata, Scelta civica", il partito dell'ex premier Monti con cui Calenda si era candidato nel 2013

Ora, intervistato dal quotidiano romano, l'ex Guardasigilli dice "l'ansia di creare altri contenitori è la spia di una difficoltà di trovare altri contenuti

Non è escluso che questo possa essere l'esito, ovvero ridiscutere il Pd, ma prima ci vuole una costituente"

A suo avviso, "nessuno da solo può portare il Pd fuori dalle secche" perché "non è una crisi di leadership, ma della funzione e del ruolo del Pd

E quindi c'è il problema di ridefinirsi e di riposizionarsi".  La drammaticità della condizione del centrosinistra, afferma, "ce l'ho chiara dall'indomani delle elezioni del 4 marzo e dal referendum costituzionale

Già quella sconfitta ci segnalava che avevamo perso definitivamente il popolo. Questa tornata dei ballottaggi aggiunge fatti nuovi

Quando il no al referendum ha vinto nelle periferie con il 90%, non puoi pensare né che sia tutta colpa di Renzi, né che fossero tutti fan del bicameralismo

C'era una rottura che si è continuato a rimuovere".

For more infomation >> Pd, Zingaretti pronto a correre per la segreteria. Orlando sta con lui. Calenda: "Fronte Repubblican - Duration: 4:53.


沒把國民黨放在眼底 港媒曝蔡英文兩個心頭大患 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 沒把國民黨放在眼底 港媒曝蔡英文兩個心頭大患 - Duration: 2:16.


世大運狂奪金呂秀蓮神解「因中國放水」 館長轟道歉 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 世大運狂奪金呂秀蓮神解「因中國放水」 館長轟道歉 - Duration: 5:06.


踐踏台灣尊嚴 呂秀蓮一番真心話 民進黨年底難看了 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 踐踏台灣尊嚴 呂秀蓮一番真心話 民進黨年底難看了 - Duration: 4:28.


5 takeaways from Maryland's 2018 primary election | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 5 takeaways from Maryland's 2018 primary election | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 4:10.


仮想通貨取引所コインベースにXRP上場!?リップルcoinbaseに上場公式依頼!リップルコイン価格の影響予想とは?暴落中XRP復活か?日本進出の次は上場 アマゾン提携の噂に続く最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨取引所コインベースにXRP上場!?リップルcoinbaseに上場公式依頼!リップルコイン価格の影響予想とは?暴落中XRP復活か?日本進出の次は上場 アマゾン提携の噂に続く最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 4:12.


"097.903.2713" Đây chính là PG ĐẸP Roashow mà mọi người thèm muốn - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> "097.903.2713" Đây chính là PG ĐẸP Roashow mà mọi người thèm muốn - Duration: 0:54.


Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes

For more infomation >> Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes


大S深夜为老公庆生,撒娇表白好甜,两人合影里S脸好小! - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 大S深夜为老公庆生,撒娇表白好甜,两人合影里S脸好小! - Duration: 1:20.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI PRO LINE S [S-Line] S-Tronic, Panoramadak, Vol Leer, Navi, ECC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI PRO LINE S [S-Line] S-Tronic, Panoramadak, Vol Leer, Navi, ECC - Duration: 0:55.


不用醋只放鹽水就能變泡菜? 第一次做四川泡菜就上手? [小高試試看] - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 不用醋只放鹽水就能變泡菜? 第一次做四川泡菜就上手? [小高試試看] - Duration: 3:37.


【ポルシェ 718ボクスターGTS 試乗】扱いやすさと底知れぬパワーが共存…九島辰也 - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> 【ポルシェ 718ボクスターGTS 試乗】扱いやすさと底知れぬパワーが共存…九島辰也 - Duration: 9:45.


Optimer dit content med enkel søgeordsanalyse - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Optimer dit content med enkel søgeordsanalyse - Duration: 2:51.


AHMAD SAEEDİ - DELE DIVOONE | احمد سعیدی - دله دیوونه - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> AHMAD SAEEDİ - DELE DIVOONE | احمد سعیدی - دله دیوونه - Duration: 3:03.


BTS Participates In 2018 Ice Bucket Challenge - Duration: 1:53.

BTS Participates In 2018 Ice Bucket Challenge

The challenge was launched again last month in Korea by Sean. The 2018 Ice Bucket Challenge is to support the Seungil Hope Foundation's construction of Korea's first hospital for ALS patients.

On June 26, Sean tagged BTS to take on the challenge within 24 hours and added,. "Chinese fans of BTS already sent 10 million won (approximately $) to the Seungil Hope Foundation under the names of BTS's V and Jungkook.

BTS decided to participate in the challenge by donating and posted their Certificate of Donation. The caption reads, "We have come to participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge after being tagged by Sean.

We are very happy to join in on a great cause. We hope that more people will show interest through our participation.

For more infomation >> BTS Participates In 2018 Ice Bucket Challenge - Duration: 1:53.


Les Noms des Animaux de la Ferme | Les Animaux en Français pour bébé | Funny Alien dance - Duration: 18:38.

For more infomation >> Les Noms des Animaux de la Ferme | Les Animaux en Français pour bébé | Funny Alien dance - Duration: 18:38.


Test og optimer hastigheden på dit website - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Test og optimer hastigheden på dit website - Duration: 2:02.


Fragrant slime from lipstick - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Fragrant slime from lipstick - Duration: 7:49.


Samsung patent reveals radical new Galaxy design without bezels or a notch ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:16.

While Apple's iPhone X gave a glimpse into the future of 'all screen' phones, Samsung

may beat the Cupertino giant to the punch, a new patent has revealed.

While Apple's handset still relies on a 'notch' to house its sensors, the Samsung patent shows

off a button-free, bezel-free, headphone jack-free phone that is all screen.

The concept also appears to have a second screen on the rear of the phone.

The patent was applied for last year in September, and was published this week after Samsung

asked it to remain private.

'This is the design that Galaxy smartphones have been waiting for,' said Dutch site Mobielkopen.

The patent appears to show Samsung is following Apple and paring back its physical hardware

in favour of hidden features and wireless connectivity.

It also shows no fingerprint sensor, although one could be embedded under the screen, and

no headphone jack.

Samsung is also developing a revolutionary folding handset, expected to be called the

Galaxy X, is expected to go on sale later this year - and could cost $1800.

The eagerly anticipated phone, which is codenamed 'winner', is expected to go on sale later

this year.

Kim Jang-yeol, head of research at Golden Bridge Investment, told the Korea Times the

suggested retail price tag of the Samsung foldable phone, could about 2 million won

without subsidies from carriers.

In a recent earnings conference, Samsung confirmed that it was in the process of developing a

smartphone that could be folded.

The foldable smartphone will have a 7.3-inch OLED screen, and when the device is folded,

the display size is estimated to be 4.5-inches.

Samsung Electronics showed the prototype to major U.S. and European mobile carriers in

separate private meetings during CES in Las Vegas earlier this year.

Late last year patent drawings revealed more details of Samsung's first foldable phone.

For more infomation >> Samsung patent reveals radical new Galaxy design without bezels or a notch ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:16.


✅ Rayane Bensetti retrouve le sourire avec une belle inconnue, Paris Hilton exhibe son immense bague - Duration: 2:38.

Ce mardi soir, à partir de 19h, le gratin parisien s'est réuni à l'Hôtel Le Marois pour assister à un show d'exception

Pour présenter la collection qu'elle lance en collaboration avec Boohoo, Paris Hilton s'est rendue dans la capitale qui porte son nom – et non l'inverse – pour délivrer un DJ Set tout en bonnes vibes accompagnée de son chéri

Mais avant qu'elle ne grimpe sur l'estrade, la légende des années 2000 a laissé le micro au chanteur Ja Rule qui a revisité ses inoubliables classiques

Bien sûr, parmi la foule, votre équipe préférée était là pour observer les moindres faits et gestes des invités

Le huitième arrondissement de Paris a eu droit à un véritable défilé de télé-réalité ce 26 juin

Entre Alban (Les Anges), Morgan (Secret Story 5), Sanaya (Les Vacances des Anges), Fanny Salvat et sa compagne Mélanie (La Villa des cœurs brisés), Rania et Rawell (dernièrement aperçues dans une publicité de Rihanna), la magnifique Maddy Burciaga accepte de prendre la pose pour nous – sans trace toutefois de Vincent Queijo aux alentours, mais que se passe-t-il ? -

Et si la foule était venue pour se déhancher sur la piste, une grande partie du casting de Danse avec les stars, justement, avait aussi fait le déplacement

Ils se sont succédé dans le luxueux établissement en attendant que la belle héritière ne s'installe aux platines : Denitsa Ikonomova, Christian Millette, Katrina Patchett

Mais s'ils ont vite disparu des parages, le grand gagnant de la cinquième saison 5, Rayane Bensetti, est resté célébrer l'événement jusqu'au bout de la nuit, particulièrement énergique dans les bras – non pas de Denitsa – mais d'une mystérieuse brune

Quant à Paris Hilton, elle est arrivée à l'heure, a mixé durant son temps imparti, a exhibé son immense bagouze et embrassé son fiancé Chris Zylka en plein set

Bref, the simple life…

For more infomation >> ✅ Rayane Bensetti retrouve le sourire avec une belle inconnue, Paris Hilton exhibe son immense bague - Duration: 2:38.


✅ Reddingsschip Lifeline mag naar wateren Malta vanwege slecht weer - Duration: 1:28.

  Het schip ligt al vijf dagen in de Middellandse Zee in de hoop een Italiaanse of Maltese haven te mogen binnenvaren

Aan boord zijn circa 230 voor de kust van Libië opgepikte migranten die voor een groot deel zeeziek zijn geworden door het slechte weer

 The Times of Malta berichtte dat onder de opvarenden zeventig minderjarigen zijn die zonder familieleden op weg naar Europa zijn

Dinsdag was er sprake van dat Malta de boot zou toelaten en de migranten onder meer naar Frankrijk, Spanje en Italië zouden kunnen

Maar kennelijk is er geen akkoord bereikt waar de migranten in Europa heen moeten en weigert Malta daarom nog het schip aan te laten leggen

 Wil jij elke ochtend direct weten wat je 's nachts gemist hebt en wat er die dag gaat gebeuren? 

For more infomation >> ✅ Reddingsschip Lifeline mag naar wateren Malta vanwege slecht weer - Duration: 1:28.


Julie Gayet libérée depuis que François Hollande a quitté l'Elysée retrouve l'ex d'Alexandra Lamy - - Duration: 1:57.

 Julie Gayet fera bientôt une nouvelle apparition à la télévision. La compagne de François Hollande sera la vedette d'une mini-série baptisée Soupçons et diffusée prochainement sur France 3

Le tournage doit débuter ce mercredi 27 juin aux alentours de Marseille. Une nouvelle fiction composée de six épisodes, dans lesquelles la comédienne de 46 ans incarnera une institutrice prénommée Victoire Delorme, qui vient s'installer avec son mari dans le sud de la France, avec ses deux enfants

L'histoire bascule lorsqu'elle retombe sur son premier amour : leurs sentiments s'intensifient et ils décident de quitter leur conjoint respectif, mais l'un de ces derniers disparaît

 Un thriller qui affiche un joli casting. En effet, Julie Gayet partage l'affiche avec Thomas Jouannet, l'ancien compagnon d'Alexandra Lamy mais également Bruno Debrandt, bien connu des téléspectateurs pour son rôle dans la série Caïn

Ce n'est pas la première fois que Julie Gayet apparaît dans une série télévisée. Présente dans la série Juste un regard aux côtés de Virginie Ledoyen en 2017, elle avait également participé au téléfilm Marion, 13 ans pour toujours sur le harcèlement scolaire

Beaucoup plus libre depuis le départ de son compagnon François Hollande de l'Elysée, la comédienne fourmille de projets et n'hésite plus à afficher son amour au grand jour pour l'ancien chef de l'Etat

 Crédits photos : Bestimage

For more infomation >> Julie Gayet libérée depuis que François Hollande a quitté l'Elysée retrouve l'ex d'Alexandra Lamy - - Duration: 1:57.


Clem : Après Victoria Abril, une autre star quitte la série... - Duration: 2:29.

 Il y a du mouvement dans le casting de la série Clem (TF1) !  Après que Victoria Abril a annoncé sur Instagram qu'elle quittait la série à succès dans laquelle elle incarnait le rôle de Caroline Ferran depuis le tout début, voilà qu'un autre comédien de renom est sur le départ : Philippe Lellouche, alias Xavier Ferran, le compagnon de Caroline depuis la saison 5

De son côté, c'est sur le réseau social Twitter qu'il a décidé de faire son annonce ce 27 juin 2018 au petit matin

"Bonjour à tous. Puisque beaucoup d'entre vous me posent la question, alors voilà, tout comme ma chère et tendre Victoria Abril, j'arrête de tourner dans Clem

Je vous embrasse", a tweeté l'animateur de Top Gear France.   Pour rappel, la veille, Victoria Abril avait écrit : "C'est officiel, il n'y aura pas de nouvelle saison pour Caroline dans Clem

Malheureusement, mon personnage disparaît de la série. Quelle tristesse de quitter ma Caro, ma Clem, et cette bande d'adorables fous qu'est la famille Boissier ! Vous allez me manquer graaaave ! C'est la vie, il faut accepter le changement pour pouvoir aller de l'avant

Merci à toutes et à tous de m'avoir comprise et soutenue tout au long de ces huit inoubliables saisons

Vraiment, merci !"   Également interrogée après cette annonce inattendue, la productrice de Clem Rose Brandford-Griffith en avait dit plus à nos confrères de Télé Loisirs : "On s'est rendu compte qu'on avait fait vivre tellement de choses au personnage de Caroline dans la série qu'on n'arrivait plus à alimenter les histoires à la hauteur du talent de la comédienne

On na va pas demander à Victoria Abril de faire de la figuration. Les auteurs ont essayé de développer plein d'histoires qui ne donnaient pas autant de place à Caroline mais ils n'arrivaient pas à trouver

"  Sans doute en saurons-nous aussi bientôt davantage sur le départ de Philippe Lelouche !

For more infomation >> Clem : Après Victoria Abril, une autre star quitte la série... - Duration: 2:29.


촬영할때 사용하는 💋틴트💄 _ 엄청난 비결은 없어요...... :D - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 촬영할때 사용하는 💋틴트💄 _ 엄청난 비결은 없어요...... :D - Duration: 4:00.


Gaza: face à la menace, les résidents du sud d'Israël réfléchissent à une résolution du conflit - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Gaza: face à la menace, les résidents du sud d'Israël réfléchissent à une résolution du conflit - Duration: 2:46.


Dans la peau d'une autre Episode 14 en francais - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> Dans la peau d'une autre Episode 14 en francais - Duration: 38:46.


Volvo S40 1.6D KINETIC - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.6D KINETIC - Duration: 0:53.


Ford Fusion 1.4 80pk Futura nieuwe d-riem! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Ford Fusion 1.4 80pk Futura nieuwe d-riem! - Duration: 1:06.


'임신' 안소미, ♥남편이 찍어준 D라인 화보 "연예인 같네" - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> '임신' 안소미, ♥남편이 찍어준 D라인 화보 "연예인 같네" - Duration: 1:37.


Les Noms des Animaux de la Ferme | Les Animaux en Français pour bébé | Funny Alien dance - Duration: 18:38.

For more infomation >> Les Noms des Animaux de la Ferme | Les Animaux en Français pour bébé | Funny Alien dance - Duration: 18:38.


【世界盃D組】美斯開齋 阿根廷驚險出線 16強鬥法國(附評分) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 【世界盃D組】美斯開齋 阿根廷驚險出線 16強鬥法國(附評分) - Duration: 3:00.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 8 | Arte Séries - Duration: 22:43.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 8 | Arte Séries - Duration: 22:43.


Building Walt Disney World | The B1M - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Building Walt Disney World | The B1M - Duration: 10:22.


3 maschere al lievito di birra per la salute dei capelli - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 3 maschere al lievito di birra per la salute dei capelli - Duration: 6:35.


Découvrez pourquoi il est bon de cultiver de l'aloe vera chez soi - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Découvrez pourquoi il est bon de cultiver de l'aloe vera chez soi - Duration: 8:09.


[ENG SUB] Celuv TV PENTAGON: What happened in their dorm? - Duration: 1:49.

MC: Is there any shocking episode about the dorm?

Kino: I have one.

We have two divided dorm based on the old-line and young-line.

But one of the old-line member was supposed to be in young-line's dorm to manage them.

So we exchanged the member of the oldest and youngest, who was Jinho and I.

So I started to live with old-line and Jinho has lived with young-line.

Our dorm's members are Shinwon, Hui, Edawn, Kino and Hongseok, who are the old-line.

Our hyungs are really playful, but I really don't like being teased,

When we first entered the dorm, it wasn't cleaned up yet. All the closets were empty and messed up.

And these grown-up man suggest to play hide-and-seek game in the dorm.

members: It was really fun!

Hui: I want to do it again!

Edawn: I just thought about doing it again these days.

But we're like 24~25 years old!

members: we had so much fun tho!

Edawn: We're doing this seriously.

We played it in adult version.

Kino: They kept asking me to do it for 30 minutes.

Shinwon: when the plastic bags rolling over the floor, I just hide right under them.

Edawn: And the floors were covered with the blankets, we made our body flat and hide.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Celuv TV PENTAGON: What happened in their dorm? - Duration: 1:49.



Wymagają cierpliwości, systematyczności i czasu. Wysiłek jednak się opłaca.Zmiany łuszczycowe swędzą, bolą i pieką. Nawet jak się zagoją, za jakiś czas znów dają o sobie znać.

Dobrym lekiem są promienie słoneczne. Działają przeciwzapalnie i zwiększają w organizmie poziom witaminy D, dzięki której skóra się regeneruje. Unikaj jednak nadmiernego opalania: może zaostrzyć objawy.

Części ciała bez zmian łuszczycowych chroń kremem z filtrem.W łagodzeniu objawów choroby pomogą domowe sposoby.

Owsiana kąpiel.Szklankę mąki owsianej (100 g) rozpuść w 5 l zimnej wody, doprowadź do wrzenia i gotuj na wolnym ogniu od 5 do 7 minut. Zawiesinę wlej do wanny z ciepłą wodą.

Poleż w niej do 20 minut. Mąka owsiana zmiękcza złuszczający się martwy naskórek, zmniejsza stany zapalne, zaczerwienienia i opuchliznę.

Maseczka z rumianku i awokado.Łyżkę ziela zalej pół szklanki wrzątku, zaparzaj pod przykryciem 15 minut, ostudź. Napar zmiksuj z awokado. Nałóż na twarz na 20 minut. Zmyj ciepłą wodą.

Rób to dwa razy w tygodniu. Kwasy tłuszczowe zawarte w awokado działają nawilżająco, a rumianek zmniejsza stan zapalny i łagodzi ból.

Maska z oliwy.Szczególnie zalecana przy łuszczycy owłosionej skóry głowy. 3 łyżki oliwy wlej do słoiczka i wstaw go do garnka z gorącą wodą. Gdy oliwa będzie gorąca, ale możliwa do zniesienia, wetrzyj ją w skórę.

Po 20 minutach zmyj szamponem. Zabieg powtarzaj 2 lub 3 razy w tygodniu. Oliwa zmniejsza suchość skóry, ułatwia usuniecie martwych komórek, uśmierza świąd.

Zmień dietę.Stan skóry pogarsza nabiał, masło, drób ze skórką, czerwone mięso, soja, orzeszki ziemne, słodycze, gotowe pizze, zapiekanki, chipsy, alkohol. Do diety wprowadź oliwę z oliwek, olej lniany, tłuste ryby morskie, pestki dyni, orzechy włoskie.

Jedz dużo świeżych warzyw, zwłaszcza zielonych, marchew, dynię. A także czarne jagody, borówkę amerykańską, mango, truskawki, figi. Używaj kurkumy - codziennie 1/4 łyżeczki. Działa przeciwzapalnie.

Żel z aloesu.Kawałek mięsistego liścia aloesu przetnij na pół. Wydobyty z niego żel umieść w pojemniku do robienia kostek lodu i włóż do zamrażalnika. Zamarzniętymi kostkami smaruj zmiany rano i wieczorem. To koi świąd, ogranicza łuszczenie się skóry.

Choroba ta przysparza kompleksów, bo wywoływane przez nią zmiany na skórze wyglądają nieestetycznie. Najbardziej nieprzyjemne są te, które powstają w miejscach na co dzień odsłoniętych - na twarzy, głowie i dłoniach.

For more infomation >> SPOSOBY NA ŁAGODZENIE ŁUSZCZYCY - Duration: 2:19.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 7 | Arte Séries - Duration: 24:42.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 7 | Arte Séries - Duration: 24:42.


Sylvie Vartan et son fils David Hallyday : révèlent un amour intense pour Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan et son fils David Hallyday : révèlent un amour intense pour Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:42.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 6 | Arte Séries - Duration: 21:56.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 6 | Arte Séries - Duration: 21:56.


Comment raffermir la peau à l'aide de remèdes maison ? - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> Comment raffermir la peau à l'aide de remèdes maison ? - Duration: 8:33.


海贼王:香克斯的真实身份是初代海贼王的儿子? - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:香克斯的真实身份是初代海贼王的儿子? - Duration: 3:08.


阿末扎希放狠话,无需等到下届大选巫统就可重新执政! - Duration: 1:32.

 阿末扎希扬言无需等到下届大选 巫统将可重新入主布城  将 周末竞选党主席的阿末扎希今天在一项闭门会议上向联邦直辖区巫统 表说,刚成立的希盟政府仍不稳定,他预期这个新政府将会在近期内 垮

(图:透视大马)  尽管在本届史上首次失去政权,不过,巫统代 席阿末扎希扬言,他有信心巫统无需等到下一届大选,就可以重新成 布城的主人。  这名将在周末竞选党主席的前副首相,今天在一 闭门会议上向联邦直辖区巫统代表说,刚成立的希盟政府仍不稳定, 预期这个新政府将会在近期内崩垮

 "我们知道他们(希盟)仍不稳定,我们掌握大部分的国会议员 推选我(担任党主席)的话,我知道该怎么做!"  随着峇眼色 国会议员退党之后,巫统的国会议员人数,已从54个减少至53个 但仍然是国内最大的单一政党

   在全国大选之前,阿末扎希是巫统署理主席。全国大选后 原任主席纳吉退位,他暂代党主席职务。  在本周末举行的巫统党 中,阿末扎希在党主席的五角战中,面对党元老东姑拉沙里与原任巫 团长凯里激烈的竞争

 超过10万名代表将在当天遴选出巫统党领袖及最高理事。   末扎希也声称,他本身与所有人关系良好,包括沙巴民族复兴党主席 菲益阿达。  他还意有所指暗示"我与刚出来的那位关系良好" 虽然没有明言所谓的"那位"是谁,但一般相信,阿末扎希所指的, 于上个月出狱的人民公正党实权领袖安华

 阿末扎希还说:"我与那些在沙巴、砂拉越以及一个之前来自槟 的都是友好,只是与来自国家诚信党的人关系生疏。"  阿末扎 之前曾透露,国阵砂拉越成员党是在获得他的祝福下退出国阵,并相 彼此会有合作的一天

 针对希盟在过去6周执政中央的表现,阿末扎希也评价说,自5 9日以来,希盟无法良好的掌政,并批评希盟政府禁止外劳掌厨的建 ,显示他们依然处于反对党的思维。

For more infomation >> 阿末扎希放狠话,无需等到下届大选巫统就可重新执政! - Duration: 1:32.


🔴Trực Tiếp: Nhận Định Mexico Vs Thụy Điển - Bảng F - 21h 27/06/2018 World Cup - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> 🔴Trực Tiếp: Nhận Định Mexico Vs Thụy Điển - Bảng F - 21h 27/06/2018 World Cup - Duration: 11:20.


공중지원기 전력은 일본이 우세합니다 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 공중지원기 전력은 일본이 우세합니다 - Duration: 4:18.


한국형 F-35에 장착 가능한 특별한 무기 - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> 한국형 F-35에 장착 가능한 특별한 무기 - Duration: 9:07.


Đức vs Hàn Quốc, 21h00 ngày 27/06: Bảng F VTV 6 - VTV6 HD trực tiếp World Cup 2018 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Đức vs Hàn Quốc, 21h00 ngày 27/06: Bảng F VTV 6 - VTV6 HD trực tiếp World Cup 2018 - Duration: 3:37.


How to Watch Germany vs South Korea Live Online in USA | - Duration: 6:42.

How to Watch Germany vs South Korea Live Online in USA |

Needing a win to stay alive in the 2018 World Cup, defending champions Germany take on South Korea in the final match of Group F play Wednesday in Kazan.

In the United States, the game is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.

ET and will be broadcast on both Fox Sports 1 (English broadcast) and NBC Universo (Spanish broadcast).

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch the game–and every other World Cup game–live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.


Fox Sports 1 and NBC Universo are both included in the "Fubo Premier" bundle, which has a channel package that is largely tailored towards international soccer fans and also has World Cup live streams available in 4K.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch any World Cup game live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch the game live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch any World Cup game up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.

Hulu With Live TV.

In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including both Fox Sports 1 and NBC Universo.

You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch every World Cup game live on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

If you can't watch the game live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials), allowing you to watch any game after it airs.

Sling TV.

Fox Sports 1 is included in the "Sling Blue" package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of both, and you can then watch any World Cup game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

If you can't watch a game live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.


For Germany, the task is simple: Just win.

If the Germans win and if Sweden does anything other than win against Mexico, then Die Mannschaft will advance as the runner-up in Group F.

If Germany wins and Sweden also wins, then we're headed for a bit of a messy situation, as Mexico, Germany and Sweden would then all be tied at six points and tiebreakers would come into play.

In that scenario, winning by two goals would be enough for Germany, as they would pass Mexico (who would have lost in this particular hypothetical) in goal differential.

Put more simply: For Germany, a win would put them in very good shape, while a win by two or more goals will assure a spot in the Round of 16 no matter what happens in the Mexico-Sweden game.

As for South Korea, they are surprisingly still mathematically alive despite losses against Sweden (0-1) and Mexico (1-2) to star the tournament.

If they can somehow beat Germany, and if Sweden loses to Mexico, then Germany, Sweden and South Korea will be tied at three points for the runner-up spot in the group.

It would then be decided by tiebreakers, which could get very interesting, as South Korea would have at the very least a goal differential as good as both Germany and Sweden.

All of this makes for what should be a highly entertaining game.

Both teams know they need to win to advance (Germany could advance with a draw plus Sweden loss, but they'll want to win to feel safe), and the game should be a bit more wide open as a result.

South Korea will still likely spend time bunkered down in defense as Mexico and Sweden did against the Germans, but they'll eventually need to push forward at some point.

Germany are favored at -550, while South Korea are a +1200 underdog.

A draw is going off at +625 odds.

For more infomation >> How to Watch Germany vs South Korea Live Online in USA | - Duration: 6:42.


How to Watch Mexico-Sweden Online in Spanish or English | - Duration: 6:02.

How to Watch Mexico-Sweden Online in Spanish or English |

A still wide-open Group F will get settled on Wednesday, as group leaders Mexico take on Sweden in a crucial match inside Central Stadium in Ekaterinburg.

In the United States, the game is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.

ET and will be broadcast on both Fox (English broadcast) and Telemundo (Spanish broadcast).

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch the game–and every other World Cup game–live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.


Fox (live in most markets) and Telemundo are both included in the "Fubo Premier" bundle, which has a channel package that is largely tailored towards international soccer fans and also has World Cup live streams available in 4K.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch any World Cup game live on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch the game live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch any World Cup game up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.

Hulu With Live TV.

In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including both Fox (live in most markets) and Telemundo.

You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch every World Cup game live on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

If you can't watch the game live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials), allowing you to watch any game after it airs.

Sling TV.

Fox (but not Telemundo) is included in the "Sling Blue" package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of both, and you can then watch any World Cup game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

If you can't watch a game live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.


Believe it or not, but Mexico still isn't safe.

Even after taking down both Germany (1-0) and South Korea (2-1), El Tri still aren't completely safe heading into the final match of group play.

Any kind of positive result–whether it be a win or a draw–will win the group for Juan Carlos Osorio's team, but if they lose, then things get somewhat precarious.

If that happens, and if Germany beats South Korea as they are favored big-time to do, then we're looking at a situation where all three teams–Mexico, Germany and Sweden–are tied at six points.

There are a vast amount of different tiebreakers and scenarios if that happens, but one thing is clear: It's not a situation Mexico want to find themselves in.

According to FiveThirtyEight's prediction model, if El Tri don't win the group (which they are favorites to do), they have just a nine percent chance of finishing runner-up.

Of course, that's all hypothetical at this point.

For Mexico, they only need to worry about getting at least a draw.

For Sweden, they need to win–and do it by as many goals as possible.

Put it all together, and you have the recipe for a potential thriller with plenty of wide-open play.

This is one you don't want to miss.

For more infomation >> How to Watch Mexico-Sweden Online in Spanish or English | - Duration: 6:02.



For more infomation >> TOYUQLAR VE CUCELER UCUN AVTOMAT SU QABI...BAYTARLIQ APTEKI (050)777-33-30 - Duration: 2:02.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 7 | Arte Séries - Duration: 24:42.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 7 | Arte Séries - Duration: 24:42.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 8 | Arte Séries - Duration: 22:43.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 8 | Arte Séries - Duration: 22:43.


Sydney Travel Vlog - Opera House │Harbour Bridge // EP 1 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Sydney Travel Vlog - Opera House │Harbour Bridge // EP 1 - Duration: 3:31.


【ポルシェ 718ボクスターGTS 試乗】扱いやすさと底知れぬパワーが共存…九島辰也 - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> 【ポルシェ 718ボクスターGTS 試乗】扱いやすさと底知れぬパワーが共存…九島辰也 - Duration: 9:45.





기체 커지고 중량 늘어나고..KF-X, 2년 반만에 최종모델 눈앞 - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> 기체 커지고 중량 늘어나고..KF-X, 2년 반만에 최종모델 눈앞 - Duration: 7:41.


'마지막 90분' 신태용 감독과 장현수는 무엇을 보여줄까 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> '마지막 90분' 신태용 감독과 장현수는 무엇을 보여줄까 - Duration: 4:52.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 5 | Arte Séries - Duration: 26:07.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 5 | Arte Séries - Duration: 26:07.


Samsung patent reveals radical new Galaxy design without bezels or a notch ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:16.

While Apple's iPhone X gave a glimpse into the future of 'all screen' phones, Samsung

may beat the Cupertino giant to the punch, a new patent has revealed.

While Apple's handset still relies on a 'notch' to house its sensors, the Samsung patent shows

off a button-free, bezel-free, headphone jack-free phone that is all screen.

The concept also appears to have a second screen on the rear of the phone.

The patent was applied for last year in September, and was published this week after Samsung

asked it to remain private.

'This is the design that Galaxy smartphones have been waiting for,' said Dutch site Mobielkopen.

The patent appears to show Samsung is following Apple and paring back its physical hardware

in favour of hidden features and wireless connectivity.

It also shows no fingerprint sensor, although one could be embedded under the screen, and

no headphone jack.

Samsung is also developing a revolutionary folding handset, expected to be called the

Galaxy X, is expected to go on sale later this year - and could cost $1800.

The eagerly anticipated phone, which is codenamed 'winner', is expected to go on sale later

this year.

Kim Jang-yeol, head of research at Golden Bridge Investment, told the Korea Times the

suggested retail price tag of the Samsung foldable phone, could about 2 million won

without subsidies from carriers.

In a recent earnings conference, Samsung confirmed that it was in the process of developing a

smartphone that could be folded.

The foldable smartphone will have a 7.3-inch OLED screen, and when the device is folded,

the display size is estimated to be 4.5-inches.

Samsung Electronics showed the prototype to major U.S. and European mobile carriers in

separate private meetings during CES in Las Vegas earlier this year.

Late last year patent drawings revealed more details of Samsung's first foldable phone.

For more infomation >> Samsung patent reveals radical new Galaxy design without bezels or a notch ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:16.


Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 6 | Arte Séries - Duration: 21:56.

For more infomation >> Au service de la France | Saison 1 Episode 6 | Arte Séries - Duration: 21:56.


스텔스기vs日스텔스기, 결과는? '한국 참패 - 핫이슈Korea - Duration: 18:14.

For more infomation >> 스텔스기vs日스텔스기, 결과는? '한국 참패 - 핫이슈Korea - Duration: 18:14.


央视证实空军再添一利剑,魔改版歼10D隐形战机外形曝光 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 央视证实空军再添一利剑,魔改版歼10D隐形战机外形曝光 - Duration: 3:48.


'The Simpsons' Predicted Mexico And Portugal In The World Cup Final - Duration: 2:13.

 At this point, I think it's widely accepted that The Simpsons is either predicting the future or somehow influencing it, because it has far too many spot-on predictions

 Everything from Trump's presidency to Fox being bought out by Disney has been correctly predicted by the show

When it comes to sporting events, The Simpsons was able to accurately predict the outcome of the men's curling final in the Winter Olympics, where Team US narrowly beat Sweden to scoop the win

 So, it could be very good news for fans of Mexico and Portugal, as The Simpsons pegged a World Cup final between the two teams back in 1997 in an episode titled The Cartridge Family and although the episode doesn't mention which years, fans in both countries reckon there's clues to indicate it's this year

Looks like it might not be coming home after all then. Perhaps slightly reaching for proof that the final is supposed to 2018, the Portugese newspaper Eco wrote that in the episode, which is from over 10 years ago, "There seems to be a reference to the scandal that recently plagued the Mexican team who allegedly partied with several women before the beginning of the tournament

" It's not gone unnoticed on Twitter, either:    Then this was this hopeful fella, I hear you, mate: And it could still happen, with Portugal through to the final 16 and Mexico currently top of Group F with six points

 The Simpsons' uncanny knack for guessing world news doesn't stop there, either, it also had story lines featuring the horse-meat scandal and the Ebola outbreak

Featured Image Credit: The Simpsons/Fox

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