Thursday, June 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 28 2018

My name's Nikki Ver Voort.

I'm a Nurse Practitioner and I work in family medicine.

I've always like helping people.

Ever since I was little, I always wanted to help people.

I didn't know how I wanted to go about it.

I started college and still really wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

I went into nursing at, actually, my mom's recommendation.

Turned out I loved it and it was exactly what I was looking for my entire life.

Graduated from nursing school and knew I wanted to do more.

I wanted to help patients more.

So I went into school for a Nurse Practitioner and here I am.

I love family medicine because I get to take care of everyone; birth through the end of

life and I get to meet everyone.

I get to meet the babies, I get to meet the parents, I get to meet the cousins, I get

to meet the grandparents.

It is really that sense of family that I love.

That's something that I got to experience necessarily in my nursing career.

Working peri op, I really only cared for the patient in that moment, which is really important

but in the end, I love that sense of community.

I think what I'd like them to know is that I'm just like them, and I know how scary it

is to sit in that chair and tell some stranger everything that you don't want to explain

to somebody.

I'm an excellent listener and I'm here to go through this experience with you, and help

you lead a healthier life.

I think listening.

I think so often in health care, patients feel like they're not listened to.

That their feelings aren't heard, their feelings aren't felt.

I think going through the experienced with the customer, crying with them, laughing with

them, the joy that cones with life, and also the sadness and the grief that we have to

go through, makes me a real person and not just some entity that barks orders and tells

you to do something you don't necessarily want to do.

I love to spend time with my family and my friends.

I have a three year old son, who is the, my entire world.

He is just a doll.

We bike, we hike, and we started teaching how to ski.

Actually, he started skiing when he was 14 months, so we just took him out this year

again, and he is wonderful.

It's, he's finally found his little niche, so he's doing wonderful with it.

For more infomation >> Meet Nichole Ver Voort, APNP, Family Medicine | Ascension Wisconsin - Duration: 2:50.


How to deliver Effective Customer Service - Duration: 5:55.

hi and welcome to another one of our how-to videos in this video I'll share

with you the top 4 considerations on how to deliver effective customer service

hello Lee here from TOOJAYS training. In this short how-to video I would like to share

with you our experience and expertise on how to provide exceptional customer service

So customer service is arguably one of the last areas that organizations

compete over.With price or even products no longer having a monopoly on the

market more and more organizations are finding that customer service is the key differentiate-or.

Now we've been in business for over 15 years and during

those 15 years we've never had a single complaint that's right

not one single complaint in 15 years. How do we do that well we apply our four

principles of effective customer service to ensure that that is the case.

So let me tell you about the four p's to effective customer service. So first of all

the first P your product making sure your product is delivering or producing

what the customer expects it to now if it's a service it's about understanding

what the customers expectations are of your service to ensure that you're able

to deliver against that's if it's a product then again it's the Ronseal moment

it's making sure that it does what it says on the tin

failure to get that basic concept in place not having your product deliver

what the customer is expecting is gonna cause problems later so making sure your

product is right is essential

so the second P in our four Ps of customer service is making sure that

when you interact with the client you've got a friendly person doing that now

making sure they have an empathetic approach they listen effectively they

take note of what the customer's inquiry is is key to making sure they're then

able to respond appropriately so the key skills that that person needs is a good

telephone manner a good facial expression a good approach to listening

and questioning appropriately as well never aggressive never too assertive

always empathetic making sure that they make the customer feel that they're on

their side and they are adding value to the customer at all times

now the third P is prompt or doing things in a promptly fashion what we

mean by that is making sure that if the customer has an inquiry with you or a

question or even a complaint it's making sure that you respond in a prompt and

timely manner. Not necessarily straight away but making sure you've agreed with the

customer when they can expect to hear from you and then it's sticking to that

so if you promise I'll get back to you later today make sure you do if you

promise I'll get back to you tomorrow make sure you do and if you're not able

to deliver the precise outcome that was previously agreed you still contact the

customer and keep them informed of the situation but promptly making sure that

you're doing things in a timely fashion meeting the customers expectation on

that time scale is crucial again to making sure you're delivering exceptional

customer service

now the fourth P is Problems and how you subsequently deal with them if you have

something that goes wrong and most organizations do or products fail

sometimes it's how you're seen to be dealing with that problem in the eyes of

the customer. Jan Carlson talks about moments of truth it's basically meaning

that every time a customer comes into contact with you

you have the opportunity for them to go away with a positive impression of you

or a negative impression of you. Now that even applies when you're dealing with

complaints it's how you handle the problem how you handle the complaint

that makes the customer feel that they've been listened to or its been resolved

to their satisfaction. So make sure you have an appropriate mechanism or process

for dealing with problems when they occur. Empower your people appropriately

so that they can respond there and then and they're not having to refer and

ensure that the customer ultimately is delighted with the outcome whatever that may be.

so they have it there's four very quick tips on effective customer service for

more information on how to deliver exceptional customer service then

contact us at to find out about our webinars, our masterclasses, or our workshops or even our workbook materials

that go into more detail on how you and your teams can ensure you deliver exceptional customer service

If you like this video then please click on like subscribe to

our youtube channel and we hope to see you again on future how-to videos


For more infomation >> How to deliver Effective Customer Service - Duration: 5:55.


How To Browse Without Internet | Web Search Without Internet | Latest Updated 2018 - Duration: 3:51.

How To Browse Without Internet

Web Search Without Internet

Latest Updated 2018

For more infomation >> How To Browse Without Internet | Web Search Without Internet | Latest Updated 2018 - Duration: 3:51.


台獨對柯P丟鞋 蔡正元:看到台獨謊言已經破滅 - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> 台獨對柯P丟鞋 蔡正元:看到台獨謊言已經破滅 - Duration: 15:00.


批柯文哲奸險狡詐 楊蕙如警告挺柯者別來拉票討罵 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 批柯文哲奸險狡詐 楊蕙如警告挺柯者別來拉票討罵 - Duration: 3:34.


反登陸作戰操演震撼 軍事迷搶拍 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 反登陸作戰操演震撼 軍事迷搶拍 - Duration: 3:18.


反登陸作戰操演震撼 軍事迷搶拍 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 反登陸作戰操演震撼 軍事迷搶拍 - Duration: 3:18.


新聞透視-棄車保帥 北投警分局吃悶棍 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 新聞透視-棄車保帥 北投警分局吃悶棍 - Duration: 5:26.


誰也掩飾不了的!許忠信2字揭台南最大問題 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 誰也掩飾不了的!許忠信2字揭台南最大問題 - Duration: 2:29.


Ist der Rifter nur ein Handwerker-Auto oder lohnt er sich auch für Familien? In unserem Test erfahre - Duration: 8:37.

Ist der Rifter nur ein Handwerker-Auto oder lohnt er sich auch für Familien? In unserem Test erfahren Sie, wie sich das Auto fährt und was es Ihnen bietet

Der Partner ist tot – es lebe der Rifter. Und wer glaubt, dass der Nachfolger, des über 1,25 Millionen Mal verkauften Peugeots ein reines Nutzfahrzeug und Handwerker-Auto ist, der täuscht sich gewaltig

Der Rifter (Kunstwort aus dem englischen Wort "rift" = Riss) ist Bus, Pkw und Van in einem

Wir haben den Rifter auf seine Alltagstauglichkeit überprüft. Peugeot Rifter: Für Handwerker und FamilienDas Platzangebot: Zum ersten Mal gibt es den neuen Rifter, der baugleich mit Opel Combo und Citroen Berlingo ist, in zwei Größen

Entweder mit 4,40 Metern Länge oder gegen einen Aufpreis von 1.200 Euro 4,75 Meter lang (Breite: 1,85 Meter)

In beiden Versionen passen sieben Sitze hinein, das Ladevolumen bis zur Kofferraum-Abdeckung reicht von 571 bis 775 Liter, bei umgeklappten Sitzen sogar von 2

700 bis 4.000 Liter.Und dann gibt es ja noch die vielen Ablagen, dazu ein kühlbares Handschuhfach mit dem rekordverdächtigen Zusatzplatz von 186 Litern

Da freut sich der Handwerker und auch das Familien-Oberhaupt, denn für Kind und Kegel ist endlich genug Raum, der auch noch dank der niedrigen Ladekante einfach zu nützen ist

Erfahren Sie hier, ob verschmutzte Verkehrsschilder ihre Gültigkeit verlieren.Peugeot Rifter: Gute Übersicht und viel PlatzDer Rifter ist ein Bequemlichkeitswunder

Das fängt beim Einsteigen an, das Fahrzeug hat zum einen SUV-Höhe, andererseits sind Fahrer- und Beifahrertür fast so breit wie ein Scheunentor

Die Passagiere hinten haben Schiebetüren auf beiden Seiten und sogar die Heckklappenscheibe lässt sich separat öffnen, wenn der Materialtransport Überlänge hat

Dazu lässt sich dann auch noch der Beifahrersitz umklappen, so dass fast die ganze Fahrzeuglänge genutzt werden kann

Ein Schmankerl für Familien sind die drei eigenständigen Rücksitze statt einer durchgehenden Bank

Denn somit lassen sich hier drei Kindersitze nebeneinander montieren. Aber auch der Fahrer hat es bequem

Was vor allem am extrem übersichtlichen ICockpit liegt, das mit einem zusätzlichen 8-Zoll-Touchscreen ausgestattet ist und wie die Instrumententafel eines Raumschiffs konsequent auf den Fahrzeuglenker ausgerichtet ist

Gute Übersichtlichkeit garantiert auch das abgeflachte Lenkrad, nichts stört den Blick auf die Armaturen

Peugeot Rifter: Mirror Link, Apple Car Play und Android AutoMit Mirror Link, Apple Car Play und Android Auto sind alle wichtigen Technologien an Bord, um das Handy einzubinden, dazu gibt es die Möglichkeit der induktiven Akku-Ladung (bei der Ausstattungslinie Allure) und in der Mittelkonsole zwei USB-Anschlüsse, eine AUX-Buchse und natürlich die Bluetooth-Funktion

Leider muss man sagen, ist der Rifter mit dem TomTom-Navi ausgerüstet, das zwar den Verkehrsfluss sehr gut in Echtzeit darstellt, aber aufgrund der dann doch eher grobmotorischen Navigationsgrafik nicht besonders übersichtlich ist

Peugeot Rifter: ImpressionenDer Peugeot Rifter macht auch abseits der Straße keine allzu schlechte FigurDer neue Rifter fährt sich fast wie ein Pkw

Wer die Neigung zu übermäßiger Seitenneigung bei dem Hochdachkombi erwartet, wird positiv überrascht

Der Rifter saust nur so durch die Kurven, reagiert agil und exakt auf die Lenkung

Wer will kann zwar einen Handschalter bestellen, die Automatik jedoch tut es genauso, im Gegenteil sie vermittelt einem noch deutlicher das Limousinen-Gefühl

Ach ja: Ins Gelände kann man mit dem Rifter auch, sofern das Gelände ausgeleierte Wald- und Schotterstraßen bedeutet

Was nicht an der für SUVs typischen Beplankung liegt, die fast nur rein optischen Nutzen hat, sondern an der höheren Bodenfreiheit und am Allradantrieb, der von den Franzosen in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Partner angeboten wird

Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie sich bei einem Wildunfall richtig verhalten.Peugeot Rifter: Vollgepackt mit AssistentenAlles was es bei Peugeot gibt, gibt es auch im Rifter

Vom adaptiven Geschwindigkeitsregler bis hin zur Verkehrszeichenerkennung (der man allerdings nicht immer vertrauen kann), vom Spurhalteassistenten bis hin zum Anhänger-Stabilisierungssystem

Peugeot Rifter: Motoren und PreiseZum Marktstart ab Mitte September gibt es einen Dreizylinder Basisbenziner mit 110 PS (5,5 Liter Super, ab 20

740 Euro) und zwei Vierzylinder-Diesel mit 100 PS (4,1 Liter, ab 23 290 Euro) und 130 PS (4,3 Lier, ab 25

290 Euro). Alle Motoren erfüllen die neue strenge 6d-TEMUP-Zertifizierung, die Dieselmotoren sind mit einem Partikelfilter und mit SCR-Technologie (Selective Catalytic Reduction) ausgestattet, die Abgasreinigung erfolgt mit AdBlue

Peugeot Rifter: FazitWer wirklich alles bestellt, was es gibt (zum Beispiel das Panorama-Dach mit einer Licht-Brücke, 8-Gang-Automatik und Allrad), kommt auf maximal 33

000 Euro. Wir meinen: ziemlich viel Auto für einen vernünftigen Preis.Auch interessant: Dieses seltene Auto gab es nur 21 Mal und ist jetzt Millionen wert

Rudolf BögelWM 2018: Diese heißen Schlitten fahren Messi, Ronaldo und Co.

For more infomation >> Ist der Rifter nur ein Handwerker-Auto oder lohnt er sich auch für Familien? In unserem Test erfahre - Duration: 8:37.


Kinax | Kinax Funciona ? Kinax Emagrecedor Remédio Para Emagrecer Liberado Pela Anvisa - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Kinax | Kinax Funciona ? Kinax Emagrecedor Remédio Para Emagrecer Liberado Pela Anvisa - Duration: 3:28.


Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes

For more infomation >> Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes


FROM DISASTER TO BEAUTY | S.03 Ep.54 - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> FROM DISASTER TO BEAUTY | S.03 Ep.54 - Duration: 8:08.


Weed at Work: How VT' s new law impacts employers and their employees - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Weed at Work: How VT' s new law impacts employers and their employees - Duration: 1:42.


Nightcore - Bad Intentions - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Bad Intentions - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.


大S深夜為老公慶生,撒嬌表白好甜,兩人合影里S臉好小! - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 大S深夜為老公慶生,撒嬌表白好甜,兩人合影里S臉好小! - Duration: 1:57.


Le compagnon de Marie Drucker recadre un chroniqueur de C à Vous - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Le compagnon de Marie Drucker recadre un chroniqueur de C à Vous - Duration: 1:27.


What is Linearity Property? - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> What is Linearity Property? - Duration: 2:40.


Let's Speak Some Georgian Today! - Duration: 2:16.

Hello! გამარჯობა!

Good morning დილა მშვიდობისა

It's morning here აქ ეხლა დილაა

and I just woke up და ესესაა გავიღვიძე

and I want to practice Georgian და მინდა წავივარჯიშო ქართულში ამ დილას.

Today will be a good day დღეს კარგი დღე იქნება

because I will practice language with my friends რადგან, ჩემ მეგობრებთან გავივარჯიშებ

Georgian, Bosnian, Yoruba, Norwegian and what ქართულში ბოსნიურში იორუბულში ნორვეგიულში და რა....

Hebrew ებრაულში

yes ჰო

So.. ამიტომ

what languages are you guys learning now? რა ენებს სწავლობთ ეხლა?

Thanks a lot and goodbye დიდი მადლობა და ნახვამდის

For more infomation >> Let's Speak Some Georgian Today! - Duration: 2:16.


Vanessa Paradis refuse de parler de son mariage avec Samuel Benchetrit - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis refuse de parler de son mariage avec Samuel Benchetrit - Duration: 1:41.


✅ Ve věku babičky popáté matkou: Rudá Sonja Brigitte Nielsen (54) se pochlubila prvním snímkem s nov - Duration: 1:38.

 Herečka Brigitte Nielsen, známá jako představitelka Rudé Sonji, se ve svých čtyřiapadesáti letech stala popáté matkou, přičemž se poprvé dočkala dcery

S o 15 let mladším manželem Mattiou Dessim jí dali jméno Frida.  Herečka se nyní na sociální síti pochlubila první fotkou se svou holčičkou

Na snímku ji drží na prsou a obklopená dárky odpočívá na nemocničním lůžku. „Naše křehká malá Frida, naše skutečná láska", napsala k fotce, již zveřejnila na sociální síti

 Zprávou, že bude opět matkou, Nielsen způsobila mnoha fanouškům šok a rozvířila debaty o tom, zda by ženy měly rodit i v tak pozdním věku

Lidé jsou, jako ostatně ve všem, rozděleni na dva tábory. Jedni jsou proti s tím, že je to „nepřirozené", jiní zastávají liberální stanovisko, že když se na to žena cítí, tak proč ne

 Připomeňme zde další slavné ženy. Janet Jackson se jako padesátiletá prvorodička dočkala zdravého syna, první dítě ve svých 46 letech čeká také topmodelka Adriana Sklenaříková

Také herečka Rachel Weisz rozšiřuje řady, druhé dítě čeká ve svých 48 letech. ■

For more infomation >> ✅ Ve věku babičky popáté matkou: Rudá Sonja Brigitte Nielsen (54) se pochlubila prvním snímkem s nov - Duration: 1:38.


PROSI EXOTIC FESTIVAL IN VIENNA 2018 Malayalam vlog with English subtitles - Duration: 6:12.

Today European Diary invites you to the Prosi exotic festival, which is organized by a Malayali.

Malayali are the inhabitants of Kerala, a state in Southern India.

The founder of Prosi Exotic World, Mr Augustinn Pallikunnel - also known as „Prince" -

is the global chairman of the world's largest Malayali association (WMF) and an active social worker.

More than 8000 products from over 60 countries are available.

The exclusive range of products has been developed and extended over the years

Prosi succeeded in making available specialty items from the home country of many customers

Prosi is the largest and finest Asian, African and Latin American goods store in Austria and was founded in 1999.

Austrian customers love the wide range of exotic foods as well

The Prosi exotic street festival is held as a thank you to the customers and is an intercontinental cultural event.

In the Prosi restaurant, Austrians and foreigners can enjoy South and North Indian cuisine.

When coming to Vienna, don't miss out on visiting Prosi Exotic World.

There are different traditional cultural programs and food from many countries to enjoy

The event - attended by a big crowd - was a special attraction to an audience from different parts of the world

More than 5.000 Malayalis live in Vienna

The celebration lasts full of happiness till until late at night

Like every year the Prosi Exotic Festival was a big success!

For more infomation >> PROSI EXOTIC FESTIVAL IN VIENNA 2018 Malayalam vlog with English subtitles - Duration: 6:12.


360 video, Victoria Falls, The Pearl of Africa. 5K aerial video in English - Duration: 4:14.

Victoria Falls is situated on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia,

somewhere in the middle of the Zambezi River flow –

it is one of the biggest rivers in Africa.

On the right bank of Victoria the height of the waterfall is 80 meters.

In the center it is 108 meters.

That is why it is the only waterfall in the world that is more than 100 meters high and

over one kilometer wide at the same time.

The noise from the waterfall is heard 40 km away.

Its splashes and fog rise 400 meters above as a cloud that looks like smoke from afar.

In 1989 the Waterfall was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All other tribes that settled in these places bowed to the power and greatness of the Waterfall:

in the language of several African ethnic groups it is called "The Smoke that Thunders".

The present name of the Waterfall was given by a Scottish doctor and missionary David

Livingstone: he is believed to be the first to have discovered it in 1855.

They say that this true citizen of Britain was overwhelmed by its beauty and said:

"This is the dust from the wings of angels. God save the Queen".

Thus the Waterfall was named after the Queen of Britain of those days – Victoria.

After the waterfall the river flows through narrow sharp rifts with many turns and falls

into a big lake called "The Boiling Pot": many vortexes make it look like boiling.

Below the Boiling Pot there is a 200-meter long bridge in the form of an arc.

It was built in the beginning of the XX century

and still remains the only railway between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The territory around the Waterfall has been inhabited 3 million years ago

by representatives of the Homo genus – Homo habilis Australopithecus ("Handy man").

There is a natural mountain basin with still water in the top point of Victoria.

From September to December, when the water level is low, you can swim here.

It is very scary to stand on the edge of the abyss, but the name "Devils Pool" was

given to it for another reason: according to the legends, in ancient times human sacrifices

took place here.

In rainy season the flow in the Waterfall amounts to 9100 m3/s.

During the drought it shortens to a couple of small streams.

Small drops of water that fly in the air bend sunrays and create rainbows.

At the same time Victoria is famous for its unusual rainbows: when the Moon is full the

sunrays, reflected from the Moon, fall on these drops of water.

For more infomation >> 360 video, Victoria Falls, The Pearl of Africa. 5K aerial video in English - Duration: 4:14.


23 infos sur la nourriture qui changeront radicalement vos avis sur la bonne manière de se nourrir - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> 23 infos sur la nourriture qui changeront radicalement vos avis sur la bonne manière de se nourrir - Duration: 11:54.


Plus belle la vie en avance : Samia et Jean-Paul s'embrassent ! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie en avance : Samia et Jean-Paul s'embrassent ! - Duration: 0:59.


Musique La Plus Relaxante Pour Dormir - Relaxation Pour Se Détendre - Duration: 1:07:46.

Most Relaxing Music For Sleeping - Relaxation To Relax

For more infomation >> Musique La Plus Relaxante Pour Dormir - Relaxation Pour Se Détendre - Duration: 1:07:46.


Le cirque social - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Le cirque social - Duration: 3:01.


Galaxy S10 set to be best Samsung phone EVER but it may come at a cost ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:09.

SAMSUNG appears to be working on its first triple camera phone with a price that reflects

the top tech that's crammed into the all-screen handset.

Samsung is rumoured to release its flagship Galaxy S10 in January 2019 and now leaks suggest

we'll get not one but three versions.

New features include a triple lens rear camera, in-screen fingerprint reader, enhanced 3D

facial recognition and near total screen front.

Samsung is referring to the S10 as its "Beyond" handset, since it aims to push the limits

of what current phones can do.

New leaks suggest there will be a total of three Beyond handsets.

Samsung's Beyond 0 should be a Galaxy S10 with 5.8-inch flat display and single lens

camera – this is thought to be the entry level model.

Beyond 1 should have a 5.8-inch screen also but with curved edges like the current Galaxy


This could have a dual camera setup on the rear.

The Beyond 2 handset will be the flagship Galaxy S10 with a 6.2-inch curved screen that

runs right to the edges and on the rear a triple lens camera.

This will be the first time Samsung has offer three variants of its flagship handset.

The addition of triple lens camera in the Galaxy S10 and new 2018 iPhone X are likely

Apple and Samsung's response to Huawei's P20 Pro smartphone that already offers this feature.

The third camera sensor, in the P20 Pro, is a 20 megapixel monochrome sensor which is

able to offer far sharper focus and better low light photography.

The other two sensors are 40 megapixel and 8 megapixel which help to offer greater depth

sensing for that blurred background Bokeh effect.

The result, reports suggest, could be a hefty $1,000 price for the top end Samsung Galaxy


For more infomation >> Galaxy S10 set to be best Samsung phone EVER but it may come at a cost ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:09.


Banday Neetan Day Khotay Ni | Azhar Abbas Khushabi | Best Punjabi Saraiki Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Banday Neetan Day Khotay Ni | Azhar Abbas Khushabi | Best Punjabi Saraiki Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 2:51.


林丹抵制食狗肉被怼羽毛球是人造毛?赵薇孙俪大S也曾被批伪善 - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 林丹抵制食狗肉被怼羽毛球是人造毛?赵薇孙俪大S也曾被批伪善 - Duration: 4:19.


Mario Tennis Aces - Before You Buy - Duration: 10:17.

Mario Tennis Aces - Before You Buy

For more infomation >> Mario Tennis Aces - Before You Buy - Duration: 10:17.


Meghan Markle et Harry dépensent 1,4 million : les travaux qui font grincer des dents - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle et Harry dépensent 1,4 million : les travaux qui font grincer des dents - Duration: 1:49.


Master Python with Udemy

For more infomation >> Master Python with Udemy


Doble D - "Andan Diciendo" 👄 Oficial (Audio con Letra) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Doble D - "Andan Diciendo" 👄 Oficial (Audio con Letra) - Duration: 3:35.


Live in the D: An exhilarating ride in the D - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: An exhilarating ride in the D - Duration: 3:03.


Live in the D: Plan your weekend in the D - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Plan your weekend in the D - Duration: 3:06.


Live in the D: Sunday Markets @ Eastern Market - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Sunday Markets @ Eastern Market - Duration: 4:05.


Live in the D: Have questions about your pet? Ask a vet! - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Have questions about your pet? Ask a vet! - Duration: 6:01.


Vanessa Paradis inquiète pour son fils. Le Daily Mail publie les photos - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis inquiète pour son fils. Le Daily Mail publie les photos - Duration: 1:28.


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How to Resolve Dropskill Problem Claw Machine - Duration: 10:24.

so.. we waiting others people when playing claw machine

dropskill victim

and today I will share new Tips when playing claw machine

I will share Trick for smart when palying claw machine, not wasteful

so I will tell you, every claw machine already setting with rotary system

many comment in my video from my subscriber to inform me about rotary sistem in claw machine

example when you playing 8 times in claw machine, in the last try you can get only one doll or the claw will be strong

so today I will prove the truth and share my trick

after others people playing this machine we quickly playing

choose compact size doll

look from side to side to be accurate

I think this machine dropskill already, so let's move and let others people playing this machine

after others people playing this machine we quickly playing

and today I will share my new trick when playing claw machine, and if you like please SUBSCRIBE me

and turn on bell notification

what happen?


what are you doing?

please teach me how to playing claw machine

who she is?

from Bantul (part of Indonesia)

shy shy cat

what is your name?


you is my subscriber?

so she is my subscriber and ask for teach playing claw machine

do you get doll from claw machine before?



and today I will challange with my subcriber

Nurlitha from Bantul

she dreaming win many doll from claw machine

you come here with your mama or fahter?


in here alone cause their father go to shopping

and I will challenge with Nurlitha

who is the winner, check this out!

let's buy coins, and we buy $1,5 for this challenge

$1,5 challenge for two

finally we already buy coins

$1,5 and we get like this


before playing we survey claw machine

inside of the machine, many dolls so I think this machine is rigged

I think this machine is quite strong cause many doll leave

this is type of dropskill machine cause many dolls near hole

and this machine is the best

many dolls leave

we playing in this machine

only few dolls in this machine, I think this claw is strong

let's try this machine

Nurlitha in action

not good position

fatty doll

so I think this machine still weak the claw, so we must left and let others people try this machine

waiting others people

chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken

let's try

try again

Nurlita in action

waiting again

tru again after others people playing

Nurlitha lose again

for Nurlitha

thanks you will play together with me and learn playing calw machine

this TRICK is only waiting others people playing after that we playing again, cause to spend rotary system from claw machine

waiting again

not good position

waiting others people again

around 10 - 12 times we will get one doll from this machine

Nurlitha suddenly lost

I get again

for my subscriber this doll

what are you doing

get 2 dolls only spend $1,5

I gived this doll

don't forget to comment and like

For more infomation >> How to Resolve Dropskill Problem Claw Machine - Duration: 10:24.


스웨덴, 멕시코 3-0 완파…F조 1위로 16강 진출 | 서울 KR - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 스웨덴, 멕시코 3-0 완파…F조 1위로 16강 진출 | 서울 KR - Duration: 4:02.


National Security Crisis Law Simulation 2018 - Duration: 2:47.

I graduated from West Point, the U.S. Military Academy in 2009, commissioned as

an army intelligence officer. In choosing law schools, I knew I wanted to

go somewhere with a strong national security program and the program here and

the faculty here at Georgetown were better than anywhere else. And once I

got here and started telling people that that was what I want to do, was be in

national security, resounding emphasis on "do the SIM." Everyone told me it is the

best thing you'll do at Georgetown, the best class you'll take at Georgetown but it will be

the most challenging, the most time-consuming, the most emotionally

draining. What I don't think you can understand until you do it, is what that

weekend actually feels like. There's an old Army phrase that

"everybody has a plan for the fight, until they get punched in the face" and our

plan was really good, and then we got punched really early. "I don't want to

interrupt but the USMC involved the hostages in Pakistan have been killed."

"The cyberattack is large-scale, that's deeply concerning."

With a volcano potentially about to erupt, and the EBOLA, is now a good time to travel to Seattle?

So going into the "SIM", I thought that the FISA application

process was going to be my biggest tool to use to push the story line, what I

underestimated in the process was how dependent I'd be on other people for the information to

drive that. "We have information from the Canadians that they're tracking a Canadian national who has suspected ties to ISIS."

"Thats the guy from this morning."

"We need more information."

"Some facts and circumstances supporting their involvement with that group would be helpful."

"Can I just forward this to you?" "Sure."

"Are we doing anything with the New York guy?"

"I think you can make an arrest based on what you know."

The high point was probably when we got the arrests of the truck bomb that was

leaving New York City. We worked with the FBI. We got up to speed really fast and

we made it happen. That was pretty gratifying. And it was

cool to see so many women and so much diversity in the "SIM". Like, it was

just super refreshing. Our team alone was four women and a guy. As a woman who's

been in national security for a while now, it's empowering. It gives you a

feeling like you belong at the table, and you're welcome at the table and I think

that's something I've loved about the National Security Center at Georgetown.

You've got Professor DeRosa, you've got Professor Cordero, Professor Donohue,

Professor McCord. All these people who are just huge players in the field, and

they're all women. We've got so many strong female students in the national

security realm. That feels great. I keep telling people that I highly recommend

doing it, but you gotta go in with your eyes wide open because it's

extraordinarily challenging. That feeling has not changed.

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