Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 30 2017

Butter by itself is kind of "meh."

But everything it touches becomes orgasmic.

There is such a thing as bad butter.

Even growing up, I loved butter.

Then my mom came home one day with this thing called margarine and said it was better for us!

Margarine has its place,

which is in the garbage.

In the garbage!

What were we thinking?

Butter is so much better for you!

And it's natural, it tastes like silk on your tongue.

We use butter in everything, everyone loves butter, butter makes everything taste better.

I love butter

Not only do you have to understand how butter works with flavor,

and how that changes everything that you're making.

You also have to understand and work with butter.


You have to use butter in the right way you have to pair it with the right things.

Butter works especially well with things that are strong or things that are really subtle

And butter can take center stage.

Butter is so hot right now.

Even hip-hop mogul Lil' Jon can't get enough. "Churn down for what?"

One of the things people look most about visiting us at Culinary Crafts

is when they walk in the front door the first thing you smell is the bread baking.

I think my favorite thing with butter is when I make beer bread.

You take our homemade ciabatta right out of the oven,

and we'll get out this beautiful butter and slather it over it.

I mean they are salivating.

They just stand there, they can't wait!

Like, "Oh my gosh, Mary, please are we ready to eat it?!"

It's like what my mom was talking about the orgasmic...

Butter on steak can be a lot of fun.

So we make a delicious herb Gorgonzola butter.

When that steak comes off the grill and it's you know 600 degrees on the outside,

you put a pad of that right on top and let it melt into that

they just go perfectly with that really rich beef flavor.

But now you've enriched that even more with the flavor of Gorgonzola herbs and the glorious butter.

Sauteing food in butter is great.

Nobody ever dreams about cooking and vegetable oil.

If you're like me and you really don't like to eat vegetables,

put butter on them.

Spoonful of butter makes the vegetables go down.

I don't think there's anything that we make in our kitchen that has more

butter in it than our buttermilk syrup.

Everyone loves the buttermilk syrup.

You start with pounds and pounds of the butter.

Well, I can't tell you how good it is.

We do it on waffles a lot at work, super popular.

So when we put them into the waffle press they get beautifully crispy and buttery on the outside,

top it with our buttermilk syrup. Oh!

The unfortunate things you won't be able to go back to just like that mix out of a bag.

Bless you cow!

I remember the first time I had a kouign-amann.

I had never heard of it, I thought it was like some made-up thing.

Trust me. You can't spell it. Google it?

You can't google it because it's completely weird.

It's a rather labor-intensive process to make it

because you have to roll it and fold it and layer it over and over and over.

Honestly, when you look at them they look fancy, but they don't look,

I don't know,

they're not like super exciting as a pastry. You have this caramelized sugar and bits of the

crystal sugar inside it with all the butter and the layers.

And when the kouign-amann is in that sweet spot....Whoo!

There it goes again!

A lot of clients requests fruit tarts. The only way that they're good is if they start with a delicious pastry.

Made with, oh I think you already know the answer to this,

buttuh! Then we make a pastry cream made with once again, buttuh.

And then we sprinkle it with edible gold!

These are memories. These are things life is made of.

Anything you add butter to is going to be magical.

Who would like to have a little butter?

Getting the right butter for your application in the highest quality of every iteration is the most important thing.

The fun's just beginning!

Hmm. I love nut butter.

For more infomation >> The Craft(s) Episode 6: Buttah - Duration: 5:07.


KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/30/17 - Duration: 6:49.

This is an update in my continuing coverage of the mysterious, very mysterious, star KIC

8462852 or Boyajian's star for August 30, 2017.

The two rumored papers did indeed come out, and there are some interesting developments

in them, but as I said in my last update we would either end up moving towards solving

this, or we would head back off into mystery land.

Well, we have soundly wandered back off into mystery land.

There are now serious problems for every explanation on the table.

Everything advanced continues to have one flaw or another, including the alien megastructure

hypothesis, which is still on the table but not a good fit either.

Particularly, the question of the long-term dimming trend is most definitely deepening.

The first paper is by Josh Simon and colleagues, links to all papers mentioned in the description

below, and what they did was they took data collected by the All Sky Automated Survey

for Supernovae and the All Sky Automated Survey and were able to reconstruct what KIC 8462852

has been doing from 2006 to the present.

They found further evidence of the long-term trend and have found that the star is now

1.5 percent fainter now than it was in February of 2015.

But there's something new here, they found that the star also went through periods of

significant brightening meaning that the long-term trend goes both ways and is now better described

as long-term variability, though it's really not all that long-term since activity seems

to happen very rapidly on human timescales with this star.

Essentially, both surveys showed that over the last two years the star dimmed.

But in 2014, the star brightened.

During 2009 through 2013 it faded, but they found evidence that in 2006 it brightened.


This is a problem for many of the explanations, but specifically the hypothesis that it recently

ate a planet.

It would essentially need to be actively consuming the displaced moons of that planet causing

brightening periods all while calming down over all after eating the planet itself.

That's possible, but the odds are bad for just happening to catch that in progress,

especially with an apparently mature star system like KIC 8462852.

But, then again, lottery odds are bad, but nevertheless people do win the lottery and

it's becoming increasingly clear that whatever is responsible for the behavior of this star

doesn't happen every day.

The authors move on to stellar activity, sun spots, etc.

The problem there is how deep the dips were.

Remember, this star's brightness during the Kepler run dropped as much as 22 percent.

That's some serious sunspot activity, but possible.

The other problem there is that okay, huge sunspots, but you also have to account for

how fast these dips occur.

The recent skara brae dip seems to have had a deep dip happen and recover on the order

of several hours.

In short, sun spots are not impossible, but not a good explanation, much like all the

other explanations.

The next explanation to take a hit is material in the interstellar medium, essentially cold

dust floating past within our line of sight to the star.

This was a convenient explanation that accounted for the lack of infrared emissions at this

star, usually dust clouds in orbit of a star warm up and radiate brightly in infrared.

Tabby's star does not, so logically the dust has to be cold.

Well, deep space is cold.

Further, clumpy dust, on its face, can potentially explain both the short-term and long-term

dips and general behavior of the star.

But only on its face.

The second paper by F. Meng and colleagues throws a wrench here, so much so that the

idea of dust in the interstellar medium didn't just take a beating, it's probably dead.

In their paper, they continue the study of the long-term dimming as well.

They saw it too, so any explanation put forth from now on is going to have to account for

it too, or will appear contrived.

They found that the dimming is less in infrared than it is in visible and ultraviolet light.

This is the first I've heard of any infrared at this star, but it does pin down that whatever

is obscuring the star is very small, as in tiny grains of dust.

They took a look at how that dust reddens the light from the star and they found that

dust in the interstellar medium doesn't fit the bill and go on to conclude that the

dust is not of normal interstellar origin.

They also mention the possibility of the dust being in our own Oort cloud, but note that

this suffers from an observational problem.

If the dust is close to us, then you'd see evidence of earth's motion as it orbits

the sun in the data.

We don't and adding that to a lack of dimming in any other stars that appear near KIC 8462852

and that makes Oort cloud material unlikely.

So the team concludes in the paper that whatever is causing the dimming at this star, is local

to that star, probably circumstellar material of some sort that's made up of very small

particulate matter, in other words dust but where's all the infrared?

And that brings us back full circle to 2016 and the possibility of cold comets entering

the system, perhaps perturbed by a red dwarf near KIC 8462852.

The paper mentions the cold comet hypothesis again from the original Boyajian and colleagues


The problem here is that we have two other existing papers that already deal blows to

this hypothesis.

The first is Bradley Schaeffer's discovery of the long-term dimming trend in which he

calculated that you'd need a whole lot of very huge comets for this effect, on order

of 640,000.

Given the two new confirmations of the long-term trend, or long term variability, this view

seems vindicated.

The second is the new paper by S. Rappaport that I covered in my last update which points

out that exocomets seem to have very unique and recognizable shark tooth-like signatures

in the Kepler light curves, and really do not resemble what's happening at KIC 8462852.

In short, we still have no real clue what's going on with this star though it probably

involves very small grains of something one way or another that cause a lot of long-term

variability in the star's brightness, but also can dip the stars light very rapidly.

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier currently wondering if the

Tabby's Star extraterrestrials are just messing with us and sitting in their megastructures

snickering as they dump out dust to confuse everyone.

I wish they'd stop it and be sure to check out my books at your favorite online book

retailer and subscribe to my channel for regular, in-depth explorations into the interesting,

weird and unknown aspects of this amazing universe in which we live.

For more infomation >> KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/30/17 - Duration: 6:49.


Gothic Photomanipulation TUTORIAL - Duration: 14:34.

This is the end result of this Gothic Manip Tutorial.

I have cut all the stocks already, so just try cut the photos as I have and place them similar way. Document size is: 3000x1500 300DPI

Add Curves layer and use clipping mask on each background photo.

I use these settings: Output: 199 and Input: 122

Now add new curves layer with these settings: Output 19 Input: 51

Now we add Hue and saturation layer and put the saturation to +94

Then you put the Layer mode to lumisiouty and opacity 66%. It gives this cool noise effect.

Now we add this rock stock.

Then add new layer behind the rock stock and use Radient map with these colors: F1F1F1 and 3B3B3B and put the layer mode to soft light

Now we add Curves layer and put it on Clipping mask on the rock stock. Output 99 and Input 130

Then we duplicate the rockstock with clipping mask and merge them together and put it on clipping mask to the rock stock.

Now you change the layer mode to linear light and go to Filter-Other-Highpass. Put it on 0,9

Now we add the lake. Place it the way you want and mask parts off you don't want in there.

Now duplicate the lake stock and do the same as with the rock stock. (Clipping mask and go to Filter-Other-Highpass. And put it on 0,9

I'm just positioning the scene better here.

Now add Brightness and Contrast layer and settings: -65 and +4

Then lower the opacity to 38%

Now add hue/saturation and put the hue - 85

Now we add the model here.

Add hue/saturation layer and put it on clipping mask to the model. Hue -43

Now add Curves and put it on clipping mask to the model aswell. Output 42 and input 61

Then add Brightness and contrast and put it on clipping mask and settings -18 and -23

Now we remove that green grass from her dress. I use soft brush and I simply draw it off. I use eyedropper tool to pick the right colors.

It doesn't have to be that well painted, haha.

Now add new layer and we give her a little make up.

I use black color and soft brush to paint on her eyes. Then I put the layer mode to multiply and opacity 75%

Then we paint her lips. I use color: 962121 and put the layer to soft light.

Now add new layer and use the same color to give her little color to her cheeks. Put the layer then to Soft light and opacity 28%

Again add new layer and use this color on her face: 3D2F2C then put it on multiply layer mode and opacity 18% and Fill 50%

Now we add new layer and use white color on her eyes and put the layer mode to soft light and opacity 74%

Now again, new layer and with this color: FFD8C8 we add just little bit light to her cheek. Then put the layer mode to soft light.

Now we add the ''helmet'' behind her. Double click on the helmet to give it bevel and emboss if you want. ( Depth 100, size 5, Angle 120 and 30

Now take the petal stock. Position it to your scene how you like it and mask some petals off that you don't want in the scene.

Double click on the petal stock and go to the layer style and Drop Shadow. Use this color CD0000 and put the mode on multiply 74%

Then make sure Distance is: 9 and size 5

Now add new layer and with this color 2C2C2C paint around the photo and put the layer mode to multiply and opacity 32% and fill 65%

Again new layer and paint with white around the model and put the layer mode to soft light and opacity 32%

Now add Gradient map with Black and white and put it on soft light mode and opacity 18% and fill 67%

Watch Part 2

For more infomation >> Gothic Photomanipulation TUTORIAL - Duration: 14:34.


Spider-Man Opening Swinging | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:20.

What do you got for me today, New York?

Reporting live from New York 1 chopper.

An Oscorp truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked.

A police chase is in progress.

All right. Let's get to work.

Say hello to Aleksei Sytsevich!


Hello, pedestrians.

Knock, knock.

Mr. Criminal?

Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing,

just don't call me late for dinner. You get it? Whoa!

Not a shaker? Are you a hugger?

- I am killer! - Whoa, okay.

Warning. Plutonium-238 is a radioactive material

and is highly explosive.

Excuse me. There's more room on the sidewalk, folks, please.

- Watch it, man. - I got blueprints here.

A little help?

A little help, please.

You having a problem with your gun? Let me help you out with that.

Whoa. Coming through.

Too much work...

Oh, this is bad.

- I'm gonna be right back. - Aah!

Heads up. Watch out.

Whoo... Okay. Okay. There you go.

- You okay? You all right? - You're Spider-Man.

Costume gives it away? These look pretty important, Max.

How do you know my name?

It's written on your badge.

I'm a nobody.

Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody.

Lick that.

All right. Listen to me.

- Now I need you. - Really?

- You're my eyes and ears out here. - Okay.

- All right? - All right.

I'll see you out there.

For more infomation >> Spider-Man Opening Swinging | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:20.


Gothic photo manipulation Tutorial part 2 - Duration: 7:16.

Now we add Brightness and Contrast with these settings -9 and -45

Now add curves layer and do it like I do in the video . Then turn the opacity to 60% and fill 66%

Add new layer and use this color to color the corset : 9A0000

Then turn the layer mode to soft light and opacity 60% and fill 75%

Take new layer and use the same color to paint shadow on the corset and put the layer mode to linear burn and opacity 38% and fill 43%

Now add again new layer and use black to shadow the dress. Put the layer mode to soft light and opacity 34%

Now I color with black the dress and use layer mode color.

Now we add more shadow to the rocks with black color and soft light mode. Turn the opacity to 41%

Now we add a little color to her face with color balance. Use these settings.

Shadows 0, 0, -5

Highlights +37 , 0 , -22

Now mask everything else off , expect the face. Opacity 34%

Now go to Image- Apply image and turn it on linear light.

Then go to filter and other- highpass and put it 0,9

Now you can lower this spotlight color in the background if its too dark.

I added a bit more brightness and contrast layer to the rocks. Watch the setting from the video.

I hold the layers that are above the model and use clipping mask on the model.

Then I add another Brightness and Contrast layer and darken the model. Watch the settings.

Now create a layer behind the model and use White soft brush to add light behind her. Soft Light layer mode.

Ok the tutorial is done. I hope you enjoy.

For more infomation >> Gothic photo manipulation Tutorial part 2 - Duration: 7:16.


Cancer de l'estomac : tout ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Cancer de l'estomac : tout ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 7:46.


William y Harry le rindieron tributo a Lady D | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> William y Harry le rindieron tributo a Lady D | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:26.


Cancer de l'estomac : tout ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Cancer de l'estomac : tout ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 7:46.


The Bear Went Over the Mountain | Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | 3D Baby Song by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:45.

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

The bear went over the mountain,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

The other side of the mountain,

Was all that he could see!

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

The bear went over the river,

To see what he could see.

And all that he could see,

And all that he could see,

Was the other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

The other side of the river,

Was all that he could see!

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