Jeff Bezos's space tourism company just had a massively successful launch and landing
of both its reusable rocket and its passenger-carrying capsule.
Despite a delayed start due to thunderstorms, Blue Origin successfully launched its reusable
rocket, New Shepard.
Not only did the rocket lift off and launch, but the passenger carrying capsule also landed
safely on the ground.
Blue Origin, owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, launched the New Shepard suborbital capsule
from its launch pad in Texas.
This particular launch marked the eighth of its kind for the New Shepard rocket.
The ultimate goal for Blue Origin was to bring tourists close to space and become the leader
of the private space industry as it grows and evolves.
In this video, Engineering Today will discuss about Blue Origin First Reusable Space Tourism
What is it?
How does it work?
Should the passenger-carrying capsule compete with United Launch Alliance's upcoming Vulcan
rocket and with SpaceX boosters in the U.S. launch market?
Lets get started.
Blue Origin, boosting a suite of microgravity experiments and an instrumented dummy astronaut
known as Mannequin Skywalker to the edge of space in the company's eighth test flight.
Designed to carry up to six "space tourists" to altitudes above 62 miles, the widely recognized
threshold of space, the unmanned New Shepard capsule separated from its booster, as planned,
at an altitude of about 47 miles, before soaring on its own to a height of 351,000 feet, or
66.5 miles.
That's nearly 20,000 feet higher than the normally targeted altitude in a bid to "expand
the envelope" and gather additional flight data.
As it arced over to begin the long fall back to Earth, the capsule experienced four to
five minutes of weightlessness before plunging back into the dense lower atmosphere, subjecting
the spacecraft to heavy deceleration and about four times the normal force of gravity.
Perched atop a reusable booster powered by a single hydrogen-fueled BE-3 engine, the
New Shepard spacecraft blasted off from the company's Van Horn, Texas, test facility and
smoothly climbed away, generating 110,000 pounds of thrust and trailing a brilliant
jet of flame.
The booster, making its second flight, dropped back toward the launch site tail first, re-igniting
the BE-3 engine and deploying four landing legs before settling to a landing on a concrete
pad near the launch site about eight minutes after takeoff.
The New Shepard capsule, also making its second flight, completed a more leisurely descent,
slowly falling under three large parachutes before settling to a rocket-assisted touchdown
near the launch pad about 11 minutes after launch.
It was Blue Origin's eighth New Shepard flight overall and it's seventh successful booster
flight in a row.
It was the company's first test flight since Dec. 12.
The spacecraft features a powerful, already-tested abort system that can quickly push the capsule
away from a malfunctioning booster and six large windows, each measuring nearly four
feet tall and two-and-a-half feet wide that Blue Origin says will provide customers with
spectacular panoramic views.
For last flight, the New Shepard capsule was loaded with a variety of experiments, including
instrumentation provided by NASA to measure pressure, acoustics, acceleration and other
factors, along with components that will be used aboard the agency's Orion deep space
Other research focused on microgravity gene expression, basic physics and tests of technology
designed to demonstrate the feasibility of wi-fi delivery to spacecraft.
These experiments included tests regarding life-support technologies that would be used
in space missions.
It was the second flight for Mannequin Skywalker, a dummy astronaut equipped with instrumentation
to measure the effects of the flight on an actual crew member.
"He is a little sensitive about being called a 'dummy,' as he conducts astronaut telemetry
and science studies.
Blue Origin is developing the reusable New Shepard rocket and spacecraft to carry up
to six space tourists, researchers and experiments on brief suborbital flights, with piloted
test flights presumably starting later this year.
Along with the suborbital New Shepard rockets and spacecraft, Blue Origin also is developing
a powerful new engine, the BE-4, to help boost satellites into orbit using much larger New
Glenn rockets.
Blue Origin has built a sprawling rocket factory near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to
manufacture New Glenn boosters and is developing a launch pad at the nearby Cape Canaveral
Air Force Station.
The New Glenn will compete with United Launch Alliance's upcoming Vulcan rocket and with
SpaceX boosters in the U.S. launch market.
In the suborbital space tourism arena, Blue Origin will be competing with Virgin Galactic,
a company owned by Virgin-founder Richard Bransom that is developing a rocket-powered
spaceplane to carry tourists on suborbital flights to the edge of space.
Though, neither company has announced when they plan to launch the first private citizens.
let's hope for the best.
For more infomation >> Blue Origin highest test flight - Selfies from space? How is it different to SpaceX? - Duration: 7:08.-------------------------------------------
7 种坏习惯让你缺钙,再怎么补也白搭|天天健康 - Duration: 8:24.
韩网所说的天才爱豆只有有一个,就是他…… - Duration: 4:50.
The Family of Ford Trucks
Why Didn't They Teach This In School? - Duration: 2:29.
So chances are, if you look behind me, you'll know that is the Colosseum
in Rome, Italy. Right? Now, why do you know that?
Because you've probably gone to school, a public education system, private,
whatever, and you learned in history class about the Colosseum.
You learned about the World Wars. You learned about a bunch of things.
You learned about human civilization. You learned about human history.
But something they don't teach you in school, that is crazy because it's even
more important in some aspects, is self-history.
Okay? That's introspection of you. That's learning about yourself and looking
back at the ways that you did things and things that had happened to you
and saying, "You know, what am I going to do to change it
in the future? What am I going to do to change the future and the outcome?"
Self-history. Now, I'm going to give you an example. If you were talking
to somebody on the street here, and you said, "Do you know what that is?"
And they were like, "I don't know. It looks pretty cool.
Like, looks good for a Snapchat picture." Right? You would think,
"How do they not know the history of the Colosseum?" Right? "Where so many people
died as a spectator sport." Right? "How do they not know this?
This is so iconic. Look at it. It's the Colosseum." But at the same time,
you know, how many of us are really versed in self-history? How many of us are going
in and looking back at our lives? How many of us are saying, "You know what?
Okay. I did something like this, and it didn't work out,
and I'm going to go ahead and change it for the future." It's like if
as a civilization, as a people, we didn't learn about what we found
out from World Wars, World War II, so many different things that have
happened in history, and we kept repeating them, repeating
them, repeating them, which kind of does happen in some ways.
But at the self-history level, so many of us fail to understand why we
keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over again.
It's because we didn't learn these basics of our self-history. We haven't gone in
and examined it in the way that we'd been taught in the classroom to examine
human history. And guess what? You're just as important.
You are the most important thing to you. Okay? So self-history is very,
very important. And just as you would know the Colosseum, you know,
it's important to know yourself. It's important to learn about who you are
and go deep because it's going to change your future drastically.
♪ [music] ♪
KOREA(SEOUL) FAMOUS CAFE(성수동 맛집)리도 엘리펀트 #2 - Duration: 2:40.
FORTNITE SEASON 4 NEW SKIN LEAKED - Fortnite: Battle Royale SEASON 4 TOMMOROW - Duration: 4:07.
you know what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge you here welcome back to a
brand new fortnite video so guys today they actually released the actual
release day for that season for battle pads which is gonna be tomorrow's you
gonna say right now and also we got a hint of one or possibly two new
characters and a new picture that four-night has tweeted so guys our agent
I stay to put it over first we gotta roll that intro
alright guys so basically for night the game the duster Twitter that's our app
by the way if you guys want to go fall I'm gonna check out what they basically
they basically tell us everything that I show you guys but anyways what they
tweeted was impact is imminent downtime for the season for update is scheduled
for tomorrow May 1st at 4 o'clock a.m. Eastern Time which is 8 o'clock GMT I
have no clue what that is I never know what that is
we're basically that's what they said and they also tweeted this picture right
here for night season 4 and yeah obviously I'm just gonna say right now
the dude in the middle is a character we've never seen before on the right of
him is the steal side on the left of him is the tactical fighter and on the far
left I'm at first I thought that was the twitch skin but now I'm not sure I
really don't know what that is I'm pretty sure that's a twitch skin but I'm
not sure also he's holding a weird-looking pickaxe he kind of looks
like Thor's hammer I was gonna say right now but yeah it possibly could be that
because they're doing a superhero theme but I don't know that I said witness
season for tomorrow so it's coming out tomorrow on Tuesday honestly I did not
expect this I thought I was coming out Wednesday at Thursday that's usually
when they do updates but it is coming out tomorrow now guys before we talk
about anything else let's talk about the interesting thing so that guy in the
middle now I'm just gonna show you guys this picture right now basically some
people were comparing this to the Paragon character basically Paragon if
you guys do not know what it is is one of the first games that epic actually
put out before 4/9 they have this and a couple of other free games as well and
yeah none of them blew up like for and I did but when they put up for now
obviously y'all seen what happened so yeah this is basically a character
resembling a paragon character and I haven't never played that game but
apparently on the right is what he's supposed to look like in that game and
on the left it's supposed to be how it's gonna be resemble than fortnight or it
could be an Ironman type of character that's what I was hoping because it is
superhero themed but I don't know they do look really really similar hey guys I
just want to talk about that real quick because he is very that character is
very very like he stands out out of everybody that's what I really wanted to
talk about it's a another that's out of the way there's also been rumors that
the the meteor is actually gonna hit dusty
d-pod now people are saying in this new image on the right you can see power
lines and obviously you see everything is destroyed so people are making like
the assumption that is gonna be somewhere near dusty if you guys know
the paralyze only run through like a little bit of the middle through the
maybe I don't want time I was like around like the the kraits area and by a
by the factories and stuff like that near retail run dusty I should know what
I'm talking about it runs through the middle of the map a little bit and
people are saying it's gonna hit dusty there's been you know rumors and you
know it's paralyzed in the background so that's why a lot of people are thinking
and on the right I have no clue what that is I don't know I that looks like a
spaceship but I really have no clue what that is right there but yeah I have no
clue guys some of what you guys thinking about this in the comments down below
but yeah season fours coming out tomorrow for sure
4 a.m. Eastern Time you guys can go on google put in your time if you want to
do that but yeah guys I guess I'll be for the video hopefully you guys enjoy
it if you guys eventually like to be learning still too you know subscribe it
uh notification bubble I will be going live today so so much running on a like
to watch thanks big and green I call my pocket the new hope we don't pay
attention to no loose talk should that jump on honey tongue I had to let it
cool I came wearing my ap I had to let it cool from the money ahead to take my
shoes off you know argue with these niggas we just
let them toast
How to: Be a Runaway | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 0:48.
- Are cartoons for two?
- [Host] Osman? - What is King of the Hill?
- [Host] Right. Osman?
- Who is Bojack Horseman?
- [Host] Yes. Osman? Osman? Osman?
- What is American Dad?
- [Host] You have spent a lot of time
watching cartoons, young man. By golly.
- Characters for 600.
- [Host] Answer. Daily double.
- What is Paradise Lost?
- [Host] You got it.
(audience applauds)
- What is Sumo? - [Host] Sumo. Yes.
(audience applauds) Makes them big.
- What is the Rjiksmuseum?
- [Host] That's it. Yes.
(audience applauds)
Did he risk a bundle? I hope he did.
59 33. That's nice.
$33,333 for our new Jeopardy champion,
what a way to start the week.
Kazma je vysmátý od ucha k uchu baví se na účet Leoše Mareše: „Navaluž to ferrari" - Duration: 3:09.
Series of small earthquakes rattle near San Francisco Bay area - Duration: 0:41.
A series of small earthquakes have struck along the U.S. west coast, sparking fears
a bigger tremor might be on the way.
A three-point-three magnitude quake was recorded in Alamo, some 48 kilometers from San Francisco,
on Monday.
It followed three small tremors that were recorded in Danville the day before and the
U.S. Geological Survey continued to record smaller tremors.
There have been no reports of injuries or damages yet, though rail services were slowed
as a precaution.
Residents in California are worried the swarm of small tremors may signal that a bigger
quake is coming, but the USGS says that is unlikely to happen.
Korean Air heiress Cho Hyun-min facing questioning over 'water rage' incident - Duration: 0:43.
Police are questioning the Korean Air heiress involved in the 'water rage' scandal this
morning over allegations she threw water at an ad agency employee.
Cho Hyun-min ,... who's the younger daughter of the airline's chairman Cho Yang-ho ,... is
being questioned on charges of assault and obstruction of business,... after being booked
and banned from overseas travel last month.
Police are expected to question Cho on whether she threw water or a glass of water at the
ad firm manager during a meeting.
Officials say Lee Myung-hee the wife of the chairman, who is at the center of a different
scandal regarding the verbal and physical abuse of employees, may face questioning as
Brazen Clermont car burglary caught on video - Duration: 1:09.
North Korea's senior officials discuss economic, scientific development - Duration: 0:47.
North Korea's senior party, state and military officials met on Monday to discuss the regime's
new strategic policy of building a socialist economy and upgrading science and education.
According to the state-run Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday,... Choe Ryong-hae
, Vice Chairman of Workers' Party's Central Committee... and Cabinet Premier Park Pong-ju
presided over the meeting.
Noting that 2018 marks the third year of the North's five-year economic development plan,...
the meeting focused on ways to achieve self-realization and modernization of the North Korean economy.
Pyongyang announced a new strategic policy of building a socialist economy last month,...
declaring an end to its nuclear weapons development.
Decline of export rates in April - Duration: 0:45.
Korea's exports had been on an upward trajectory for seventeen consecutive months,... but now
the export rate is on the decline.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced the estimated total value of exports
in April was 50 billion U.S. dollars.
The export rate has decreased by 1.5 percent compared to April last year.
Meanwhile, the import rate increased by 14.5 percent compared to the previous year.
But Korea has still maintained its trade surplus for the 75th consecutive month.
Despite the falling export rates in April, the cumulative exports for January-to-April
were the highest on record,... increasing by 6.9 percent compared to the previous year.
Israeli PM Netanyahu says he has proof Iran lied about nuclear program - Duration: 3:07.
Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world and we start the ongoing
controversy over the Iran nuclear deal.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has evidence that Iran was lying when
it said it had given up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
For more on this and other international news we turn to our Ro Aram….
Aram… there's just under two weeks left until President Trump has to decide on what
to do with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal… but Netanyahu is nudging his U.S. counterpart
to scrap the agreement….
That's right Semin…
Netanyahu went on national television on Monday to present what he called evidence of a secret
Iranian nuclear weapons program.
He said Iranian officials had deceived the world by denying it had ever sought nuclear
weapons, adding they moved relevant documents to a secret location in Tehran.
"Iran lied, big time.
After signing the nuclear deal in 2015, Iran intensified its efforts to hide its secret
nuclear files.
In 2017 Iran moved its nuclear weapons files to a highly secret location in Tehran....A
few weeks ago in a great intelligence achievement, Israel obtained half a tonne of the material
inside these vaults and here is what we got, 55,000 pages another 55,000 files and 183
President Trump, who has long been critical of the Iran nuclear deal, said his Israeli
counterpart's presentation showed he was right about Iran.
"What Israel has done today with the news conference and Prime Minister Netanyahu just
gave a very, I don't know if everybody's seen it but I got to see a little bit of it, and
that is just not an acceptable situation.
And I've been saying that's happening.
They're not sitting back idly.
They're setting off missiles which they say are for television purposes.
I don't think so.
So we'll see what happens.
I'm not telling you what I'm doing but a lot of people think they know and on or before
the 12th we'll make a decision.
Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif pushed back against Netanyahu's claims, dismissing
his presentation as propaganda.
In a tweet he said the evidence was a "rehash of old allegations" which had already been
dealt with by the UN nuclear watchdog.
The 2015 deal has been a hot topic since Trump came to office, who has long threatened to
pull out of the agreement.
European nations have acknowledged that the deal had its shortcomings, but have urged
Trump to keep it for now as it still provides the best deterrent for Iran not to obtain
nuclear weapons.
Letícia Colin viverá a prostituta Rosa, em 'Segundo Sol' - Duration: 4:16.
Kate a William slavili 7. výročí svatby: Vévodkyně dál oslňuje, princnám plešatí - Duration: 2:13.
Třetí manželství v troskách: Zpěvačka Bára Basiková se tajněrozvádí! - Duration: 1:31.
Ana Clara posa com seios de fora e Whindersson Nunes nota detalhe que só ele viu - Duration: 4:05.
[Black Desert Online] Socceress LV.50 - Part1 (คลิปเก่า) - Duration: 2:14.
Why Didn't They Teach This In School? - Duration: 2:29.
So chances are, if you look behind me, you'll know that is the Colosseum
in Rome, Italy. Right? Now, why do you know that?
Because you've probably gone to school, a public education system, private,
whatever, and you learned in history class about the Colosseum.
You learned about the World Wars. You learned about a bunch of things.
You learned about human civilization. You learned about human history.
But something they don't teach you in school, that is crazy because it's even
more important in some aspects, is self-history.
Okay? That's introspection of you. That's learning about yourself and looking
back at the ways that you did things and things that had happened to you
and saying, "You know, what am I going to do to change it
in the future? What am I going to do to change the future and the outcome?"
Self-history. Now, I'm going to give you an example. If you were talking
to somebody on the street here, and you said, "Do you know what that is?"
And they were like, "I don't know. It looks pretty cool.
Like, looks good for a Snapchat picture." Right? You would think,
"How do they not know the history of the Colosseum?" Right? "Where so many people
died as a spectator sport." Right? "How do they not know this?
This is so iconic. Look at it. It's the Colosseum." But at the same time,
you know, how many of us are really versed in self-history? How many of us are going
in and looking back at our lives? How many of us are saying, "You know what?
Okay. I did something like this, and it didn't work out,
and I'm going to go ahead and change it for the future." It's like if
as a civilization, as a people, we didn't learn about what we found
out from World Wars, World War II, so many different things that have
happened in history, and we kept repeating them, repeating
them, repeating them, which kind of does happen in some ways.
But at the self-history level, so many of us fail to understand why we
keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over again.
It's because we didn't learn these basics of our self-history. We haven't gone in
and examined it in the way that we'd been taught in the classroom to examine
human history. And guess what? You're just as important.
You are the most important thing to you. Okay? So self-history is very,
very important. And just as you would know the Colosseum, you know,
it's important to know yourself. It's important to learn about who you are
and go deep because it's going to change your future drastically.
♪ [music] ♪
✔✔ 살림남2 김승현 가족 로또맞았다 조부가 남긴 고려청자 감정가에 깜짝 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 4:01.
*Siri doesn't know how to pronounce our group's name*
Cai Xuan:"Hello, we are....
Both:"Geng Senyap!!"
Mathilda:"I'm turning Cai Xuan into a Kpop fan"
Cai Xuan:"I want her nose"
Cai Xuan:"Feel like watching boy groups"
Mathilda:"Have you seen Got7's?"
Cai Xuan:"Got7 I know there's Jackson"
*Cai Xuan has hearing problem*
Cai Xuan:"Eh? This is so.."
Cai Xuan:"Oh it's an advertisement."
Cai Xuan:"Look!"
Cai Xuan:"I thought it's a boy group?"
Cai Xuan:" I heard a voice of a girl."
*AGAIN Cai Xuan has hearing problem*
Mathilda:"Do u want English or Chinese CC?"
Cai Xuan:"English."
Cai Xuan:"I don't look at the words, I only look at the people."
Cai Xuan:"Oversized shirts are popular nowadays"
Cai Xuan:"Oh wow"
Cai Xuan:"He got posture problem"
Mathilda:"Hey don't say that!"
Mathilda:"Later all the haters will be coming"
Mathilda:"Its so cool"
Cai Xuan:"Yeah"
Cai Xuan:"I'm pretty sure they took this with green screen at the back haha"
Cai Xuan:"So handsome"
Cai Xuan:"Waa his hair"
Cai Xuan:"It got that ancient style"
Cai Xuan:"Why they keep filming like this"
Mathilda:"Slow motion"
Cai Xuan:"The same thing again"
Mathilda:"Slow motion"
*Mathilda watched this twice but she look like she never watched it before..*😂
*Mathilda has bad memory*
Cai Xuan:"He's hot! He's hot right? Not bad!"
Cai Xuan:"On point!"
Mathilda:"Eh it's an eye"
Cai Xuan:"Where got eyes? There's a small bird"
Mathilda:"IKON! I'm sure you've watched theirs before"
Mathilda:"You've watched it right?"
Mathilda:"You've watched it before for sure"
Mathilda:"Because Genevieve likes iKON so all of us have watched their MVs"
Cai Xuan:"One of our member, Gudevieve!"
Cai Xuan:"She really likes iKON"
Mathilda:"I really like Love Scenario"
Cai Xuan:"Let me play Love Scenario on the piano!"
Cai Xuan:"Mcd..Mcd nals"
Cai Xuan:"Did you guys saw that?"
Cai Xuan:"This is the..
Cai Xuan:"Harmonica"
Cai Xuan:"What is that at the back?"
Cai Xuan:"Blackpink's member?"
Cai Xuan:"Oh Gene?!
Cai Xuan:"Eh? Genevieve"
Cai Xuan:"I thought Jennie was the one with the orange hair?"
Mathilda:"They change their hairstyles frequently"
*Jennie never had orange hair*
Cai Xuan:"Wow look at her swing"
Mathilda:"Don't you think you've over-nodded your head?"
Cai Xuan:"Wow her disk floats, did you saw that?"
Cai Xuan:"Oh so Blackpink know how to dance ballet?"
Mathilda:"Her hair is so cool"
Cai Xuan:"You like it? Cut your hair then!"
Cai Xuan:"Wow she's a good rapper"
Cai Xuan:"Its so sad"
Cai Xuan:"I thought all of their songs are like very energetic and vibrant"
Cai Xuan:"This one is very soft and relaxing"
Cai Xuan:"Everybody can listen to this song while sleeping"
Mathilda:"That's why there's another side of Blackpink"
Cai Xuan:"Yea right"
Mathilda:"So it's called Blackpink"
Mathilda:"There's black and pink"
Cai Xuan:"Interesting"
Cai Xuan:"I didn't know there's such a deep meaning behind their names"
Mathilda:"Dance with me"
Mathilda:"Dance with me!"
Cai Xuan:"Wow why are there so many people at the back... it's so scary"
Cai Xuan:"Was it me who saw it wrongly?"
Cai Xuan:"Or are those just lampposts?"
Cai Xuan:"Eh! It disappeared" 👻
Cai Xuan:"Those people disappeared!"
Cai Xuan:"See! It came back again"
Cai Xuan:"Or is it because those people are tired from shooting so they went back home first"
Cai Xuan:"You see it disappeared again!"
Mathilda:"Oh KARD!"
Mathilda:"Do you know KARD?"
Cai Xuan:"I don't know"
Mathilda:"Ok, KARD is a very special kpop group."
Mathilda:"Its a co-ed group."
Cai Xuan:"Is a co-ed group special?"
Mathilda:"Don't u think so?"
Cai Xuan:"Oh yea right" Mathilda:"Yea it's special"
Cai Xuan:"I thought it was DARK"
Cai Xuan:"Oh there's boys and girls"
Cai Xuan:"Wow, I can feel the Indian vibe"
Cai Xuan:"ㅋㅂㅈㄷㄴㄱㅁㅂㄹ"
Cai Xuan:"You need to let it go go"
Cai Xuan:"No no!"
Cai Xuan:"Do you like boys or girls?"
Mathilda:"You asked if I like boys or girls?"
Mathilda:"That's BM!"
Cai Xuan:"You look like you're gonna take off you're shirt"
Cai Xuan:"Isn't this the dance from Nobody?"
Cai Xuan:"The dance from Wonder Girls' Nobody"
Cai Xuan:There's two boys?
Mathilda:"There's four members!"
Cai Xuan:"One Two Three, I saw three"
Cai Xuan:"Wow they're so hot omg!"
Mathilda:"The next group has a boy and a girl, you know Akmu?"
Cai Xuan:"I don't know, I only know Aku"
Mathilda:"Akmu is actually the abbreviation of Akdong(Mischievous child)Musician"
Cai Xuan:"They only have 1.1M subscribers"
Cai Xuan:"Better than me la,
Cai Xuan:"Better than us😂"
*we only had 3subscribers and 3 of them r us* 😂
Cai Xuan:"Uhooze Uhooze"
Mathilda:"They're sisters"
Mathilda:"Eh! sisters😂😂"
Cai Xuan:"Is it my eyes that saw wrongly? Or is it your eyes?"
Cai Xuan:"Waa.. his biking skills...
Cai Xuan:"Need improvement!"
Cai Xuan:"His lips are peeling"
Cai Xuan:"He'll need to apply some lip balm"
Cai Xuan:"This is a very special group"
Cai Xuan:"Dee-no-saur"
Mathilda:"You forgot how to read English already"
Mathilda:"You've watched too many Korean MVs"
Cai Xuan:"I think I know how to talk in Korean already"
Cai Xuan:"Woo so cute!"
Cai Xuan:"Waa this looks like... what is that?"
*lets nod our head with Cai Xuan*
*nod your head*
Cai Xuan:"Waa what's that ball thingy, it look so yummy"
Mathilda:"Its a dinosaur"
Cai Xuan:"Ohhh"
*nod your head*
Cai Xuan:"Dinosaur~~"
Cai Xuan:"Di...Dinosaur"
Cai Xuan:"Where's this forest at? I wanna go there too. Is it in Africa?"
Mathilda:"I think it's in Jeju"
Cai Xuan:"Oh I thought it's in Zimbabwe"
*It's in New Zealand 🇳🇿*
Mathilda:"They're wearing pajamas"
Cai Xuan:"Oh they're dreaming" Mathilda:"Oh ohhh they're dreaming..."
Mathilda:"Why did they change their pajamas?"
Cai Xuan:"Because...."
Mathilda:"Its different"
Mathilda:"They change pajamas in their dreams"
Cai Xuan:"Ehhh she got drag down"
Cai Xuan:"She changed her pajamas again"
Cai Xuan:"She's so fast"
Cai Xuan:"You need to use falsetto to sing like this"
Cai Xuan:*🦉Owl hooting*
Mathilda:"She's so good, she even sang this Live "
Cai Xuan:"Really?"
Cai Xuan:"His glasses doesn't have lenses on"
Mathilda:"They're going to find the Dinosaur"
Cai XuN:"Ohh wow!"
Cai Xuan:*yawns*
Cai Xuan:"Oh is she gonna fall down?"
Cai Xuan:*nods her head 10000000000000x*
*nods her head again*
Cai Xuan:"Why is he shouting?"😩
Cai Xuan:"Her voice👌🏻"
Mathilda:"I wish I can sing like that too"
Cai Xuan:"Yes you can, you just need to..."
*owl hooting*
Mathilda:"I'm having a sore throat"
Cai Xuan:"Oh... i'm sorry"
*continues nodding her head*
Cai Xuan:"Isn't this the same part as just now? Did they just cut the same part and use it again?😂"
Cai Xuan:"Dinosaur!"
Cai Xuan:"Wow! This is a really nice song"
Mathilda:"Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and LIKE this video!"
Mathilda:"Finally Done"
*Thanks for watching* *Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!* *More exciting videos coming soon*