Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 26 2018

Logan Paul vs Cristaino Ronaldo | Transformation From 1 To 33 Years Old - 2018 | Top Celebrities TV

Logan Paul vs Cristaino Ronaldo | Transformation From 1 To 33 Years Old - 2018 | Top Celebrities TV

Logan Paul vs Cristaino Ronaldo | Transformation From 1 To 33 Years Old - 2018 | Top Celebrities TV

For more infomation >> Logan Paul vs Cristaino Ronaldo | Transformation From 1 To 33 Years Old - 2018 | Top Celebrities TV - Duration: 5:12.


Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo del Domingo 29 Abril 2018 Loteria Nacional Panama Dominical Numeros - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo del Domingo 29 Abril 2018 Loteria Nacional Panama Dominical Numeros - Duration: 1:16.


Breaking News Today⚠️Taiwan to conduct LIVE FIRE drills in response to China threat as WW3 fears - Duration: 3:18.

Breaking News Today⚠️Taiwan to conduct LIVE FIRE drills in response to China threat as WW3 fears

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️Taiwan to conduct LIVE FIRE drills in response to China threat as WW3 fears - Duration: 3:18.


CNN 10 - April 26, 2018 | A Speech By France`s President to the U.S. Congress | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.

Thanks for watching CNN 10.

We are your down- the-middle explanation of world events and I`m your anchor, Carl Azuz.

Great to see you this April 26th.

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday on what could be the most significant case

of its current term.

It concerns the restrictions that

the Trump administration put in place last year on people coming to the U.S. from seven


There have been three versions of what`s been called the travel ban.

They`ve been changed as conditions have changed, and as legal challenges to

the bans have played out.

Most of the countries in the ban have Muslim majority populations and while he was on the

campaign trail, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump had

called for a shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.

So, critics have argued the ban is discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Most of the Muslim world is not restricted in the travel ban and the Trump administration

says the restrictions that are in place are necessary for

national security.

So, supporters have argued that the president has the constitutional authority to keep certain

non-citizens out of the country.

The Supreme Court`s decision on this is being closely watched across the country.

It could be looked at future presidents when they shape their

immigration policies, as well as lower courts if a case involves what a candidate says on

the campaign trail.

Experts say a president does have power over immigration and national security.

This case could more clearly define that.

The high court`s

decision is expected this June.

AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

What country has more time zones than any other nation?

Russia, China, Brazil, or France?

France is the smallest country here in terms of land area, but its overseas territories

help stretch across 12 time zones, the most in the world.

AZUZ: Yesterday, France`s leader addressed a joint session of U.S. Congress, 58 years

to the day after one of his predecessors, former French

President Charles de Gaulle, did the same thing.

Current French President Emmanuel Macron was wrapping a three-day state visit to the U.S.


He was the formal guest of President Trump.

The two leaders have a close relationship, but that doesn`t mean they always see eye

to eye on world issues.

By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions, and destroying our biodiversity,

we are killing

our planet.

Let us face it.

There is no planet B.

As for Iran, our objective is clear.

Iran shall never possess any nuclear weapons.

Closing the door to the world will not stop the evolution of the world.

It will not douse but enflame the fears of our citizens.

We have to keep our

eyes wide open to the new risks right in front of us.


AZUZ: Next, has the recent data scandal had a financial impact on Facebook?

Its stock`s been on a rollercoaster ride since last month when

news came out that the company named Cambridge Analytica might have inappropriately gotten

the information of 87 million Facebook users without

them knowing about it.


Facebook`s January earnings push its stock price to record highs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It really is an absolutely bumpful week for Facebook.

BURKE: But it`s been a flood of bad news ever since.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Facebook under mounting pressure to answer questions about how a data

firm with ties to President Trump`s 2016 campaign

collected private information from more than 50 million Facebook users without their permission.

BURKE: It was revelation that rocked the social media giant.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Over the last five days, Facebook stocks fell over 3 percent.

BURKE: And shook public trust.

The backlash forced founder Mark Zuckerberg on an apology tour.

First in the media --

This was a major breach of trust and I`m really sorry that this happened.

BURKE: And then in front of a Congress now seeking to regulate Facebook.

ZUCKERBERG: I started Facebook, I run it, and I`m responsible for what happens here.

BURKE: But that wasn`t the end of Facebook`s troubles this quarter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Facebook`s CEO was supposed to publicly defend his platform for the second

time in as many weeks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been forced to disavow an internal memo

that called for growth at any costs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Facebook is having to deal with yet another controversy.

MATT LEWIS, FOUNDER, MONEYSAVINGEXPERT.COM: What I want is for Facebook to stop being

complicit in scamming vulnerable people.

Facebook needs to

police itself.

Not asking me to police it.

BURKE: The company was called out for collecting the call logs and text messages of its Android

users, scanning the photos and links users sent

over messenger and even accused in spreading hate speech on the platform that sparked violence

in Sri Lanka.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every time Facebook comes forward to try to put out one fire, another

fire pops up.

BURKE: Amid the firestorm, Facebook has hired more staff to police it s platform.

It`s promised to make easier for users to retain control over

their data and it said it would adhere globally to tough new European Union data protections

coming into effect next month.

CHRIS HUGHES, CO-FOUNDER, FACEBOOK: Facebook is at a turning point.

The question is how much -- how many resources can they invest to solve these



AZUZ: The company issued a report yesterday that indicated it is weathering the storm.

Despite the backlash from the scandal, which

included a "delete Facebook" campaign, the number of people using Facebook actually grew.

It now has 2.2 billion monthly users.

At the end of last

year, it had 2.13 billion.

As far as revenue goes, Facebook hauled in almost $12 billion for the first three months

of this year.

That`s close to 50 percent more money than it

got the first three months of last year.

But some analysts say it`s early yet, that the scandal could still impact the company`s

earnings in the

months ahead.

You probably know someone who fits the description of a positive athlete.

It could be because he keeps fighting through struggles.

Maybe she helps

others when she`s not I the game.

You can nominate that person for our new series at

Today`s report is on Trevor Melehan who set up a toy drive for the hospital where he was

once a patient.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trevor was a very active toddler.

In 2003, Trevor was climbing up into his car seat in our van and he was complaining of


pain in his back.

As soon as (INAUDIBLE) MRI could be done was the next day here at Egleston.

The MRI showed that there is a mass along his spine,

between his fourth and fifth lumbar.

Their first concern was that it was cancer.

TREVOR MELEHAN, POSITIVE ATHLETE: I realized how lucky I was.

I think it was a serious deal and I didn`t know anything about it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The mass that was found was pressing along the nerves that are responsible

for your lower body.

Trevor was on the brink of being

a paraplegic.

MELEHAN: They took part of my spine out and moved the mass.

I`ve recovered since then.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, once Trevor was on the move again, basically, there was no stopping


And ultimately ended up being a runner.

MELEHAN: I decided that I wanted to give back to Children`s Healthcare of Atlanta.

I wasn`t sure how I do it, so I contacted the volunteer

coordinator, Catherine (ph).

He knew me after I talked to Lauren, letting me know that he was a past patient here and

the impact that this hospital had on

his life and they went to give back for his senior project here.

MELEHAN: We`re hoping we could make kind of like an Easter arrangement for the kids.

We decided that a toy job would be the best option.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donations are huge part of the hospital.

They are used in many capacities and our nurses and child specialist here use them

for incentives, help kids get out of their rooms and out of their beds in the hospital.

They`re used for birthdays or different celebrations.

MELEHAN: It was slightly surprising because I wasn`t sure like how many toys I get.

I didn`t think it could be the 300-plus that I ended up

bringing in.

I was really excited though because it was, it exceeded my expectations and I know that

these toys would go to the children and cheer

them up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s amazing how the community comes together.

It really was this rally of wanting to support Trevor and support the


It`s just that many more smiles that are being delivered to these kids.

MELEHAN: It makes me feel great.

(INAUDIBLE) one of those kids at some point.

I knew that I would love to see all these toys are out of my room.

I know that 16 boxes of toys aren`t going to one kid`s room, but still, they`ve got

to be so happy.


AZUZ: If you visit a Smithsonian Museum this summer, the person who greets you may not

be a person at all.

This is Pepper and it attempts to answer

visitors` frequently asked questions like, where`s the bathroom, Pepper?

At least it does when it`s not dancing, telling stories or posing for


A robotics company donated 25 Peppers to the Smithsonian.

Each one is valued at $25,000.

Museum officials say Peppers won`t replace human

volunteers, but we don`t know how it will handle stress.

If it`s peppered with a battery of questions for instance, will that short- circuit the


Oh, sure, people get a charged out of it now, but will the novelty power down because its

answers are all robotic?


artificial intelligence eventually replaces actual intelligence, it`s tough to replace

the human touch with plastic.

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 - April 26, 2018 | A Speech By France`s President to the U.S. Congress | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.


Spotted Dove in the urban jungle . 3FW~3F5W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.

Spotted Dove in the urban jungle

Living in the urban jungle

our common wish is

to live in harmony and happy with humans

雨農工作坊 Farmer Working In The Rain Workshop


For more infomation >> Spotted Dove in the urban jungle . 3FW~3F5W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.


The dog likes simple life. 4-1W~4-3W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.

The dog likes simple life

We are keeping a pure heart and mind

We do believe that content is better than riches

雨農工作坊 Farmer Working In The Rain Workshop


For more infomation >> The dog likes simple life. 4-1W~4-3W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.


Fighting fish is longing for peace. 1W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.

Fighting fish is longing for peace.

Peace is the most distant dream, pursue it,

no matter what anyone else thinks,

make our dream come true step by step.

雨農工作坊 Farmer Working In The Rain Workshop


For more infomation >> Fighting fish is longing for peace. 1W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.


Xiati is travelling in Earth. 1-1W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.

Xiati is travelling in Earth

I come from the No.9293 Star

my name is PaliDai,Xiati

My father is an earth man

I have many good friends in Earth

雨農工作坊 Farmer Working In The Rain Workshop


For more infomation >> Xiati is travelling in Earth. 1-1W(Line Sticker) - Duration: 1:16.


Atlanta Botanical Garden - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Atlanta Botanical Garden - Duration: 1:52.


画像 中国車「コピー」の歴史 後編 - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> 画像 中国車「コピー」の歴史 後編 - Duration: 9:01.


Żel aloesowy – 8 fantastycznych korzyści dla zdrowia - Duration: 4:25.

8 mało znanych właściwości leczniczych aloesu.Jak już powiedzieliśmy, aloes jest rośliną o bardzo silnych właściwościach leczniczych, które doskonale usprawniają pracę naszego organizmu oraz pomagają uniknąć wielu nieprzyjemnych chorób i dolegliwości zdrowotnych.

Poznaj z nami osiem najcenniejszych korzyści, jakich żel aloesowy przynosi naszemu ciału. Nie wahaj się i już dziś zaopatrz się w tę niezwykłą roślinę i poczuj jej niesamowicie uzdrawiającą energię!

Aloes kontra cukrzyca.Regularnie spożywany żel aloesowy pomaga naturalnie regulować poziom cholesterolu we krwi oraz skutecznie usprawnia krążenie krwi w naszych żyłach i tętnicach.

Liczne badania naukowe wykazały, że roślina ta posiada również moc utrzymywania prawidłowego poziomu glukozy we krwi, dzięki czemu została okrzyknięta naturalnym środkiem zapobiegającym cukrzycy oraz wspomagającym leczenie tej przewlekłej choroby.

Co więcej, aloesowy miąższ pomaga utrzymać w ryzach trójglicerydy oraz w naturalny sposób obniża poziom glukozy we krwi w niektórych przypadkach cukrzycy typu 2.

Aloes łagodzi dolegliwości trawienne.Aloes jest wielkim sprzymierzeńcem prawidłowego funkcjonowania całego układu trawiennego. Wspomaga jego pracę oraz przyspiesza leczenie wszelkich nieprawidłowości i zaburzeń w jego funkcjonowaniu.

Liczne testy i badania potwierdziły tezę, że żel aloesowy ułatwia przyswajanie cennych substancji odżywczych przez jelita.

A także pomaga usunąć z dróg pokarmowych szkodliwe substancje przemiany materii, szybko i skutecznie odbudowuje osłabioną florę bakteryjną jelit, działa niczym tarcza ochronna przed atakami bakterii i wirusów, zapobiega powstawaniu wrzodów żołądka itp.

Zwalcz astmę żelem aloesowym!Żel wydobyty z aloesowych liści charakteryzuje się silnymi właściwościami antyhistaminowymi, dzięki czemu naturalnie rozluźnia oskrzela.

Jest zatem idealnym domowym środkiem leczniczym w przypadku zaburzeń pracy układu oddechowego, także astmy.Wykorzystaj lecznicze działanie aloesu i złagodź za pomocą tej rośliny wywołujący uciążliwą astmę obrzęk oskrzeli.

Piękna skóra dzięki aloesowej kuracji pielęgnacyjnej.Aloes stanowi bazę wielu naturalnych i komercyjnych preparatów kosmetycznych do pielęgnacji skóry.

Naukowcy i kosmetolodzy chętnie sięgają po wartościowy żel tej rośliny głównie dzięki jej silnym właściwościom nawilżającym, regeneracyjnym i przyspieszającym proces gojenia się ran.

Stąd też żel aloesowy stał się niemalże niezastąpionym elementem codziennej troski o zdrowie i urodę naszej skóry. Nie tylko odmładza i rozpromienia cerę, ale również pomaga naturalnie zwalczyć pojawiające się na niej niedoskonałości i uszkodzenia naskórka.

Zawarte w aloesie składniki o działaniu antyseptycznym doskonale odkażają skórę oraz sprzyjają naturalnemu usuwaniu martwych komórek skóry. Krótko mówiąc, miąższ aloesu działa niczym zdrowotny peeling, dzięki któremu skóra odzyskuje młodzieńczy blask i promienieje zdrowiem.

Żel aloesowy ma również właściwości lecznicze – przyspiesza proces gojenia się ran, łagodzi ból w przypadku oparzeń, redukuje wszelkiego rodzaju podrażnienia, jest stosowany do leczenia trądziku, usprawnia krążenia krwi itp.

Aloesowy sposób na odporność organizmu.Aloes stanowi bogate źródło witamin i składników mineralnych, które są niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania naszego organizmu i zachowania życiowych funkcji wszystkich narządów.

Jednocześnie wspomaga leczenie wielu rozmaitych chorób i dolegliwości zdrowotnych.

Spożywanie żelu aloesowego w okresach osłabionej odporności lub choroby skutecznie wzmacnia układ immunologiczny, który łatwiej radzi sobie wówczas z odpieraniem ataków bakterii i wirusów oraz „uodparnia" nas na działanie stresu.

Aloes idealnym narzędziem do walki z tkanką tłuszczową.Ukryty w liściach aloesu żel zawiera aż 22 różnych aminokwasów, z których osiem okazuje się absolutnie niezbędnych dla zdrowia naszego organizmu.

Charakteryzują się one silnymi właściwościami oczyszczającymi, które dosłownie „wymiatają" z naszego organizmu wszystkie szkodliwe i niepotrzebne mu substancje. Co więcej, żel aloesowy skutecznie pomaga usunąć nadmiar gromadzącego się w różnych częściach naszego ciała tłuszczu.

Roślina ta zawiera trzy roślinne sterole, które oczyszczają krew z niebezpiecznych tłuszczów, pomagając tym samym złagodzić objawy rozmaitych alergii i ułatwiając procesy trawienne.Naturalne wzmocnienie układu immunologicznego

Regularne spożywanie żelu aloesowego stanowi zdrowy sposób na naturalne wzmocnienie układu odpornościowego.

Pamiętajmy, że silny i zdrowy organizm jest w stanie skutecznie przeciwstawić się atakom wirusów i bakterii oraz potrafi obronić się przed rozwojem poważnych i niebezpiecznych chorób.

Roślina ta jest niezwykle bogata w substancje o nazwie polisacharydy, które z kolei stymulują działanie makrofagów – białych komórek krwi – odpowiedzialnych za zwalczanie wirusów.

Naturalny środek przeciwzapalny.Jedną z cennych cech aloesowych liści jest to, że ograniczają one proces utleniania kwasu arachidonowego, dzięki czemu łagodzą one rozwijające się w organizmie stany zapalne.

W celu usunięcia stanu zapalnego można stosować żel aloesowy doustnie lub smarować nim bezpośrednio obolałą część ciała.

Warto uświadomić sobie, że miąższ aloesu jest świetnym domowym sposobem na szybkie leczenie uderzeń, siniaków i innych urazów. Szybko i skutecznie pomaga złagodzić ból oraz zredukować stan zapalny.

Żel aloesowy jest powszechnie stosowany przez najlepszych specjalistów do leczenia zwichnięć, naciągniętych ścięgien, artretyzmu czy reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów.

For more infomation >> Żel aloesowy – 8 fantastycznych korzyści dla zdrowia - Duration: 4:25.


不只是印度 面對「世界百年未有之大變局」,中國外交正在連續「發力」 - Duration: 20:20.

For more infomation >> 不只是印度 面對「世界百年未有之大變局」,中國外交正在連續「發力」 - Duration: 20:20.


สารคดี ตอน สุดยอดนักสร้างรถยนต์ซุปเปอร์คาร์ Aston Martin รถแข่ง GT สุดแรง - Duration: 41:32.

For more infomation >> สารคดี ตอน สุดยอดนักสร้างรถยนต์ซุปเปอร์คาร์ Aston Martin รถแข่ง GT สุดแรง - Duration: 41:32.


Reduce Email Unsubscribe R...

For more infomation >> Reduce Email Unsubscribe R...


Ange­lina Jolie fait un don de plus d'un million de dollars à sa fonda­tion pour les femmes - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Ange­lina Jolie fait un don de plus d'un million de dollars à sa fonda­tion pour les femmes - Duration: 2:27.


Who does have the biggest head? The Big Head Contest for cats! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 8:33.

The National Big Head Contest!

Lulu: Hi, I'm Lulu. Got some treats?

Lulu: I was told that I can have some..

Look over here, kitties!


Like this...

Momo: What are you doing?

I'm making something awesome, president Momo.

Momo: Again...Good luck anyway.

What's the matter?

Such a funny cat...

Did you come to watch me, DD?

Oh you just wanted to come in this room, did't you?

Let's see...

Lulu: Hi!

Hey, what's up?

Lulu: I heard that you are making something.

It's not done yet.

I'll call you when it's done.

Lulu: Well...

Lulu: I thought I might be able to get some treats here.

Not yet. You can have it if you win the contest.

Lulu: Oh, really?

Lulu: Look at my glittering eyes!

Lala: Myah!

The contest will take place in a few minutes.

Come when it's ready.

Lulu: Hello!

Wait, please~

Lulu: What are you drawing?

Check this out. Huh?

President Momo...

The eye has got dented!

You surprised me.

I think I need to fill in here with...

Momo: The word "National" is kinda old-fashioned.

Momo: "Universal" is more trendy.

Oh, is it? I didn't know that...

Should've gone with 'Imperial"...

Lulu: Could you be hurry? I'd like to get in!

I need...

Momo: Do quickly. When does it start?

It's almost done, president Momo!

I got 2 more left to be filled in.

Are they 2...?


The National Big Head Contest!

Let's meet the first candidate!

He put his head in the hole!

It's a round head with a squirrel pattern.

And there is a nose that moving so fast!

Okay! Pass through the hole!

Lulu: Thank you so much!

Lulu: Hi! I passed! Can I have treats now?

You passed so you can 'smell' the treats!

A qualifier can smell the treats.

Smell it!

Lulu: Oh... Cat treats...

You win the contest, you can eat them!


Oh a white kitty just passed through the hole with ease.

What a long body! Wow...

I thought you're small but you got a long long tail!

You passed! Congratulation!

The 3rd candidate seems to be very shy.

He's just hesitating..

I'm sure that he is smart based on his face.

I can see that he got lots of knowledge.

He must have at least 5 ph. Ds.

Ans has a long and slim body!

What's your name?

Coco: Coco.


Good day!

I'm MC Butler of The National Big Head Contest.

What are you doing there?

Momo: I'm watching whether the contest is going well.

Well, I'm just waiting for the 5th candidate.

But I don't see anyone gets in.

So I'm concerning what to do.

Momo: Well, in that case...

You better give him an award to have him attended the contest.

Momo: Treats always talks.



Momo: Now we're talking!

Momo: Give me some more.

Like this?

Momo: One more!


Momo: It's good...

Momo: I enjoyed it.

Could you be the MC from now on, president Momo?

Momo: Why not?

Momo: Next candidate! come in!

Come in~

The front paws just passed the hole with ease.


The wall has got bent but he made it anyway!


Momo: It's gonna be harder.

Momo: Let's kick off the 2nd round.

Shall we? Let me get ready, president!

The National Big Head Contest!

All candidates passed the 1st round, president Momo.

And now we're on the 2nd round!

Ta-da! The National Big Head Contest!

The 2nd round!

Momo: Hope you do well.

Momo: You have my word, president Momo.

So, for the 2nd round,

let's call out the first candidate.

The National Big Head Contest!

Lulu: Hi, I'm Lulu! Got some treats?

Lulu: I was told that I can have some...

Coco: Ha! It's a piece of cake for the slim cat like me!

Coco: It's a bit...tight...

Coco: Pok!

Coco: The hole is too small.

Momo: You are too big.

Then let's call out the next candidate, president Momo!

The next Candidate! The National Big Head Contest!

...The National Big Head Contest!

Here we have the last candidate.

He's got stuck!

...The National Big Head Contest!


He's passing through the hole!

He made it!

The last candidate just passed, president Momo.

What do you think?

Momo: I think I need

Momo: the smaller hole for the final round.

Yes sir! Wait for a minute, sir!

Now we have only the final round ,president Momo!

Please tell us your thoughts!

Momo: Hey,

Momo: check this out.

My head is small enough to pass through this hole.


Then show me what you've got!

I got an 'award' that you like, president Momo.

We only need to see whether you can put your head in the hole.

So show your head!

Not your paw.

Your head!

Momo: My paw is faster than your eyes.

You're using a paw!

Come here.

Momo: Give me that.

Momo: Don't use your paw..

Oh my...

At the moment,

the next candidate got ready!

Oh, it looks so hard to pass through the hole.

The final round!

Can she make it?!

It seems like she can make it!

Go for it!

Lulu: Hi, I'm Lulu.

Lulu: I can pass through like this.

Lulu: Pok!


Lulu: What the hell?!

I'm sorry Lulu. You failed.

Lulu: Why??

Lulu: I passed through the hole.

In the final round, you pass the hole, you fail.

You have such a small head!

I'm so sorry, Lulu.

Let's meet the next candidate!

Finally we have the last candidate!

He's one of the most promising winners of the contest!

Oh, he's trying.

What would happen?

The National Big Head Contest!

The last candidate!


The National Big Head Contest!

Let us announce the final ranking!

What a mess...

Momo: When are we having food by the way? I'm hungry.

What did you say, president Momo...?

The treats is coming on your way, sir!

Momo: I feel dizzy...

Let's have some food, kitties!

(Cat calling sound)

For more infomation >> Who does have the biggest head? The Big Head Contest for cats! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 8:33.


Harry Reid tells Democrats to stop talking about impeachment - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Harry Reid tells Democrats to stop talking about impeachment - Duration: 1:28.


Les jeunes et le théâtre « à la Robert Lepage » - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Les jeunes et le théâtre « à la Robert Lepage » - Duration: 6:11.


Vote Sang Yi on May 1st! - Duration: 0:14.

Hi, I'm Sang Yi. I'm running to be your city council member. (beep)

Election Day is on May 1st. I'd be honored to earn your vote. (beep)

Please don't forget to vote on May 1st!

Daughter: DADDY!

For more infomation >> Vote Sang Yi on May 1st! - Duration: 0:14.


Comment peut-on nettoyer son organisme avec du maté ? - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Comment peut-on nettoyer son organisme avec du maté ? - Duration: 8:43.


Combattre la dépression avec des produits naturels - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Combattre la dépression avec des produits naturels - Duration: 6:17.


海贼王:青雉可能是真心拜入黑胡子门下了! - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:青雉可能是真心拜入黑胡子门下了! - Duration: 3:54.


Totally Unbelievable Variations on the Turducken Recipe - Duration: 5:25.

10 totally unbelievable variations on that turned up in

the eye now we're assuming you've heard of that her Doc and a thanksgiving dish consisting

of a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a Turkey because this is America

and what good is your meat if it's not stuffed with other types of meat that you may not have encountered these 10 wild and crazy iterations

of the traditional turned up in some kinda healthy and others 100% horrifying

either way prepare to be amazed

the obvious first step in making an already indulgent dish even more indulgent

bacon of course

that's precisely what the folks at bacon today did when they made the stirred up in wrapped up in five actual pounds of bacon

you can see every step of the process right here

the original veggie duck and thanks to one creative chef

the vegetarians of the world have an answer to all the stirred up in mayhem meet the veggie

duck and first developed in 2012 Biden passion for cooking channel web series

it's got sweet potatoes stuffed inside leaks stuffed inside a banana squash with vegetarian stuffing between each layer

and Boyd is it a beauty

check out the step by step into actions here turned up in with cornbread sausage stuffing

what makes this turned up in from the food in my beard so unique

mostly the inner layers of stuffing separating each bird

the combo of sweet corn bread tart cranberries and hot Italian sausage is a trifecta of

thanksgiving delicious miss check out the Glory that fascinating

bird I section tutorial right here

turned up in for your dog

don't deprive your pet of the multi meet thanksgiving fun merit pet care has a full line of natural

grain free dog and cat foods inspired by the turned up can have there are just five ingredients Turkey chicken broth

Doc chicken and sweet potato

not too shabby Turkey with cupcakes stuffing

OK so it's not technically it heard a pin that we'd never seen a cupcake stuffed Turkey until

we saw this one from food blood cupcake project and maybe it's not so crazy

isn't a nice homemade cranberry cupcake a better companion to your Turkey than the

boring cubes of white bread you normally use in stuffing

where intuit get the whole recipe right here

turn Duncan we simply cannot tear our eyes away from this nightmarish masterpiece from unwholesome foods

it's a Turkey brained in dunkin' donuts cutlet is stuffed with roasted have munchkins and

doused in coffee gravy and a healthy coating of sprinkles

more the case for eating whatever the heck you want on thanksgiving chair compal winter

dock and just isn't enough to satisfy your craving for food stuffed inside other foods

you're ready for the chair pump all a cherry pie baked inside a white cake a pumpkin pie baked inside the yellow cake and an apple pie

baked inside a spice cake all stacked one on top of the other and coated in frosting

original credit for this hybrid desert goes to humorists Charles phoenix who demonstrates the proper assembly on his you too but channel

turn the canepa centipede have you ever seen the movie the human scent of aid

if you haven't don't but if you have you'll recognize the concept behind epic mealtimes 802, 420 Cal Kirby canepa centipede

the basic structure a pig's stuffed with a Turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken

stuffed with a cornish game hen stuffed with a quail stuffed with bacon

still with us then repeat 10 times

connect all pigs into one long chain

and garnish with the actual wendy's bake a nadir sandwiches and bacon salt can't forget that

watch the process in its entirety white here 12 bird tool of roast this might be the most

elaborate turned up in a vault time it's got Turkey goose chicken

pheasant three types of Doc POWs in Guinea fowl

partridge pigeons squad and quayle each paired with a distinctly flavored stuffing

the UK Company that manufactures this be struck amends 10 hours of cooking time plus two people to lifted into the oven

of course the payoff feeding about 125 people with a single dish is pretty good

too and it's all yours for only 670 British pounds or dollar Ast one, 010

check it out right here tough luck and we wouldn't be surprised if this mock meat version of that erred up and was developed more for

the joke value of its name that was to provide a tasty thanksgiving meal

bonus points if you sculpture tougher key into the shape of a Turkey head as this recipe developer did in 2012 for food site table matters

For more infomation >> Totally Unbelievable Variations on the Turducken Recipe - Duration: 5:25.


Du café contre la démence et d'autres maladies - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Du café contre la démence et d'autres maladies - Duration: 3:16.


Pop Corn Geometry Dash [Yurentus] - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Pop Corn Geometry Dash [Yurentus] - Duration: 1:52.


[廣東話] MS Word 2016 實用技巧(8) : 電子表格 - Duration: 19:47.

For more infomation >> [廣東話] MS Word 2016 實用技巧(8) : 電子表格 - Duration: 19:47.


Comment traiter le diabète de type 2 naturellement - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Comment traiter le diabète de type 2 naturellement - Duration: 4:10.


New Medical Office Gadget

For more infomation >> New Medical Office Gadget


How to Make a Lego Robot Quickly / Lego Channel - Duration: 1:40.

Lego Robot with 54 pieces

See you next video!

Jenny - 8 years old

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