- [Child] Kiddyzuzaa.
(playful music)
- So all I'm saying is,
I ran a marathon in my dream last night,
and this morning I'm feeling exhausted.
- It doesn't work like that, Esme.
Oh no, Malice.
(upbeat music)
- Well that was weird.
- Yeah.
What's up with Malice?
- Oh, I was talking about that dog
riding a hot air balloon.
(playful music)
But yeah, Malice didn't seem herself.
Normally she'd at least manage an insult.
Prince Sissy, goody no shoes.
- Esme, what are you looking at?
- Sorry, just remembering Malice's insults.
- Hey, guys.
What's up with Malice?
- Hey, Liliana.
We were just wondering the same thing.
- Yeah, I thought she was gonna knock my ice cream
out of my hand, but it's still here.
- She's being so un-Malicey.
Normally she'd never miss an opportunity to prank us,
but recently it's like she doesn't care.
- I noticed that too.
(playful music)
- Seriously, guys, what are you looking at?
- Nothing, it just helps when you're remembering things.
- Scientifically proven.
Try it.
- Phew.
(playful music)
(door slamming)
- Whew.
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with Malice.
- Amazing.
Maybe I'll finally be able to do,
well, anything without her ruining it.
- We can't just ignore it if something's wrong with her.
- Yeah, I suppose you're right.
- Someone should go speak to her to find out what's wrong.
- Great idea.
Not me though.
- Yeah, me neither.
- Well, I'm definitely not doing it.
So, what's wrong then Malice?
- Right, now what's wrong is that you're in my tower.
- Come on, Malice, what's up?
You're not being yourself?
- I know, I've retired.
- Retired, why?
- Because I suck at being evil, Esme, that's why.
- Malice, you're not bad at being evil,
you're brilliant at it.
- I'm not.
- You are.
Look at all the evil stuff in this room.
A witch's broomstick.
Only a truly evil witch could fly one of these bad boys.
- I use that to sweep up.
- Hmm.
A cauldron.
There's even something terrible brewing in there now.
What's this then?
A potion to give whomever drinks it feathers?
Or dooms them to eternally smell like a foot?
- That's my dinner.
- Ah, then I take it back.
You are bad at being evil.
- See, now get out.
I'm going to do whatever it is people do
once they've retired.
Knit or play golf or do some gardening.
- Gardening eh?
I hear the palace is looking for a new gardener.
I'll put in a good word for you.
Okay, so Malice should be here any moment.
We all know the plan, right?
- Yes, she thinks she's coming round to do some gardening.
Then we're going to loudly laugh
about how bad she is at being evil.
But you never told us what happens next.
- Yeah, Esme.
- No time for that, here she comes.
Just follow my lead.
Yeah, Malice is so bad at being evil.
Would you believe she's got a broomstick,
but she can't ride it.
- Ha, what kind of witch can't ride a broomstick?
- Yeah, and I heard she still sleeps with her teddy.
- I suck at being evil, eh?
Well, how's this for evil?
Malice is back, princesses!
- Well, at least she's feeling herself again,
she's got better at magic as well.
- Actually, her spell missed.
- But the fountain.
- That was me, I put my foot on the hose
so it would explode with a giant whoosh
of chocolate when I let go.
- So what happened to Malice's spell then?
- I have no idea.
- And then there were all giant chocolate eggs filled with,
you'll never guess what they were filled with.
- Oh, those princesses are just so happy with themselves.
Well I have a plan to make sure this
so-called picnic is a complete washout.
- And at another point,
I actually did turn into a chocolate egg.
It was so funny.
- There, finished.
Now, let's see what you can do.
Come on!
Oh, well, that's not right.
Hmmm, I wonder if.
Oh dear.
Right, let's try that again.
(upbeat music)
That should do it.
- Which is why I am absolutely certain
that the correct number of dinners
is actually two, maybe even three.
It just makes perfect sense in every way,
you have one dinner to warm up with,
a second dinner for mains,
and then a third dinner for dessert.
- Hang on, is it me or did it just get a little chilly?
- Right, time to fix this useless machine
once and for all.
- Ah, this is the life.
- You said it Olivia.
- Who would have thought you could sunbathe
in the middle of a storm, eh Malice?
- (giggles) Cheers princesses!
- [Together] Cheers!
(upbeat music)
- Ah, are either of you are actually gonna make a move?
- Oh Esme, dear Esme, chess isn't about making moves.
- I'm pretty sure it is.
- Olivia's right, it's about the space between the moves.
I once saw Mr. Snuggles playing chess,
he didn't make a single move the entire game,
one within 15 minutes.
- It's all about focus.
If you really focus on each piece,
become one with the chess board,
breathe in the aroma of,
- Olivia, I told you I didn't want to play slime chess.
- That wasn't me.
- Guys, it's not about the slime,
it's about the space between the slime. (laughs)
- Oh ha ha Esme, where did this slime come from?
- I think I have an idea.
- Malice, of course it was you.
- Huh?
- You pelted us with slime!
- Me, I wish.
I've been trying to perfect my slime cannon for weeks.
I can't get it to work.
- Hmmm, oh!
- See?
Oh, are you playing chess?
A word of advice, don't play against Mr. Snuggles,
that bear really knows his way around
the chess board, or rather the spaces--
- Oh enough about chess already,
we've got to find out where this slime is coming from.
- Hmm, where's Lilliana?
- You're right, I haven't seen her all day.
- Boo.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- The name's Lilliana, Princess Lilliana.
- Lilliana, you completely ruined our game of chess.
- Oh chess is boring.
- Thank you.
- I've got a much better game.
- As long as it doesn't involve a slime gun.
- It doesn't.
It involves four slime guns.
The rules of the game are simple.
Get hit and you're out.
The last princess standing wins.
- Awesome!
- That does actually sound pretty fun.
- I just have one question.
I don't wanna play.
- Three, two, one.
- Oh, let's just get this over with.
- Right, if you want to capture a princess,
you have to think like a princess.
Given I am a princess, I just have
to think like myself.
On second thought, maybe that wasn't the best idea.
- Hee hee, one down!
- Ah, tastes quite nice actually.
- I bet Lilliana thinks she's got this in the bag.
Well I'll show her.
Speak of the devil.
(upbeat music)
Reach for the sky Lilliana.
Very good Lilliana, very good.
Fool me once, shame on me,
but fool me twice, a ha!
Very good again Lilliana.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
A ha, again.
Okay, no more, I'm not falling for it again.
- Wise choice Olivia. - Thanks cut out.
- Ew.
Stupid, muddy, forest.
Right, time for a sit down I think.
A ha!
This should do the trick.
- (laughs) This is far too easy.
Just Isabella to catch now.
- [Malic] Ahem, I think you're forgetting someone.
- Malice, you're playing now are you?
- I sure am, and guess what I just finished?
- Whoa.
- Prepare dear Lilliana to feel the wrath of my
Slime Cannon Ultra Mega Super Great Awesome Mega Ultra 3000!
- Ha, good name.
- Oh quiet.
- (laughs) Better luck next time Malice.
- Uh oh.
- Time to finish this game off once and for--
(explosion booms)
- Oh, I guess that makes me the winner.
Anyone for a game of chess?
(upbeat music)
- They should be here any second.
- Olivia! - Huh?
Oh Esme, you're late.
- Sorry.
I was just adding
the finishing touches to our midnight feast.
- You mean you were eating our midnight feast?
- A good chef always tastes what they cook, Oivia.
- (sighs) Well where are the others?
- Sorry I'm late Olivia, my jet pack broke down
and I had to wait for cloud-side assistance,
you know how it is.
- Since when did you have a jet pack?
- Oh, I just whipped it up this morning!
Still needs a bit of work.
- Well, at least you're here now.
That just leaves Isabella.
She's not very good at travelling by herself.
I hope she's all right.
- Ah, ah, ah.
Come on Isabella, you can do this.
Three, two, one.
- Ahem.
- What, these are brand new shoes.
- Right, now we're all here,
the sleepover can finally commence.
- Yay! - All right!
- Item number one on the agenda: Pillow fight.
- Okay, but first, let's lay down the ground rules.
- Game on princesses.
Ah! (laughs)
Ha ha, this palace aint' big enough for the four of us.
- Right.
Item number two:
Midnight feast.
Wow, you really didn't eat all the midnight feast Esme.
- Oh no, this pile was at least twice the size
before I had my, snack.
- Well, I can't wait to dig in.
- Oops, still hungry I guess.
- Right, item number three: Ghost stories.
- Ooh!
- [Oliva] Ahem.
- Sorry.
- Right Isabella, you go first.
- Me?
Ummm, okay, um.
This is the story of the um?
- Muffin?
- Muffin.
- Monster.
Yes, that's right, the muffin monster.
Once upon a time, there was a muffin monster.
And it ate everyone.
The end.
- Well that wasn't very good.
- Let's just go to bed.
- Muffin monster, eh?
This gives me an idea.
- [Monster] Muffin.
- Huh?
- Muffin!
- Ha ha ha, now this is a ghost story!
- Help, someone help, help!
- Muffin monster!
- Huh?
- Now that's what I call a midnight feast.
- Spoil sports.
(happy music)
For more infomation >> MALICE STOPS BEING BAD!? Chocolate Fountains, Pranks & More - Kiddyzuzaa Land | WildBrain Kiddyzuzaa - Duration: 17:39.-------------------------------------------
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Flyathlon - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 8:09.
Previously on Global Games, our Olympians
and social influencers battled it out in a challenge
that combined the beach and the Far East - sumo volleyball.
Olympian Mikaël and influencer Luis
served up the ultimate win, getting them each the gold.
Mikaël has won two challenges in a row,
and is in the lead in the overall medal count.
Can he continue his hot streak?
Let's find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it out
with social influencers
in games that we invented.
These challenges will test their strength, skill
and stamina on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold and the bragging rights
as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or social influencer?
This is Global Games Flyathlon.
- I'm Mike. - And I'm Spice.
And together, we're Mike and Spice.
Today we've got the Flyathlon competition.
Now for those of you at home, this might be your first time.
Who am I kidding?
You've never seen a flyathlon.
Mike, drop some knowledge on them.
Let them know what we're dealing with.
A flyboard is a jet ski-powered hoverboard.
Our competitors will balance on this flyboard
and hurl three different objects -
a javelin,
a discus,
and a shot.
Whichever team throws their items the furthest
takes home the gold.
OK, first up, we've got Alexia and Mikaël.
Now Mikaël is a skier, so his balance should be pretty tight.
And Alexia is a fitness expert.
So let's see if she can use her rock-hard abs,
kind of something like I have, as an advantage for her.
Up first from the team, Mikaël, our current medal leader.
- He doesn't need practice. - Yeah.
He's making it look easy.
I am Mikaël Kingsbury.
I'm a freestyle mogul skier, Olympic silver medallist,
and a record holder
for the most World Cup wins of all time.
I'm a winner.
I'm very competitive, so I expect
to do well in every event.
I think it's going to be epic, and I can't wait.
Oh, it's windy.
- He got one? - Three?
- One. - He got three, he got three.
We've won.
And Mikaël comes away
with 11 points.
That's one point less than
the maximum score you can get.
I guess his balancing skills served him well.
Can't wait to get another gold medal.
- Woohoo! - He's not going to get it.
He's not going to get gold medal.
Now let's see what Linlin can do.
She makes the activity more fun.
And plus, she plays to win. I have a blast with her.
Come on, Lin. Let's win.
Linlin has won silver in the first two competitions.
Can she finally push herself over the top to win a gold?
I am very, very happy with my team-mate.
She's doing a good job.
She did awesome.
It's pretty hard.
And she gets nine points.
Not bad.
And now Lolo is up.
We have to go farther.
Tactics, man, you shouldn't be filming this.
This is private, secret stuff.
Hey, come on, come on. We've got secrets here.
Lolo will make a great team-mate today
because she's...
Especially on the flyboard, I think she's fearless.
She's also got those long arms,
so she's just going to launch the ball miles.
That's the hardest one as well, the javelin, the hardest one.
And it was her first throw.
We've got this in the bag, packed away for Christmas,
with a gold medal inside.
Three points.
That's Olympic material right there, Olympic-calibre.
Lolo gets ten, the second-best
score of the day.
Asafa's turn to show us what he can do on the flyboard.
He could launch a ball further than anybody.
Yeah, Asafa!
That was really awesome.
He looked like Superman out there.
We got four. He got four.
Oh, and he goes down hard,
but not before getting four points.
- Fist pump, fist pump. - Perfect score!
How you doing?
Team work makes the dream work.
And just like that,
we've got a new leader, Asafa,
with a whopping 12 points.
Let's see if Alexia
can follow suit.
Her team-mate Mikaël is hoping she can add to his 11 points
and retake the lead.
I think it's going to be a lot of, like, concentration
and thinking more about, like, keeping your core tight.
She got this. I'm not very worried.
She needs to get closer to the line.
And she picks up seven
for the team, so, combined with
Mikaël's 11, they now have 18 points.
And now for Luis.
Now remember, his team-mate Linlin
scored an impressive nine points,
so he'll need to score at least a ten to take the lead.
Let's go!
I think I'll be good going up on the flyboard,
because I'm small, I'm light.
So I look at that as an advantage.
He said he didn't need any practice,
so I guess it's, like, his karma's coming back to him.
He said he needed no practice.
You got this, go to it.
So Luis is up. He's got his last roll of the dice here,
or should I say Frisbee.
He's confident. He's giving it all that.
He needs at least a three on this throw to take the lead.
And he's got it.
Lu Man got 11.
That puts them ahead of Alexia and Mikaël by two points.
Now, it's Hendo's turn.
Last round, Lolo scored a ten.
Hendo will now have to score even higher
if he's going to get his second gold.
You can have no fear, cos you're going up really high.
And, you know, you're only on a tiny little platform.
So it's going to be tough, but I think I can do it.
- Good job! - There you go!
We want it, Hendo.
Two perfect throws.
Let's finish this!
He does.
A perfect 12 points for the lead.
He wasn't nervous at all.
He was just like... He's like taking a nap on here.
Hendo maxes out
and gets 12 points - I mean,
that was a great effort.
If you add that to
his team-mate Lolo's ten points,
that's a total of 22.
This secures their place in first for now,
beating out Linlin and Luis.
Last up is Derek.
Let's see how his trick shots translate to flyboarding.
He needs 11 if he and Asafa want to take
the lead from Hendo and Lolo.
Asafa gave me the perfect round,
so all I've got to get is a ten
for the tie, 11 for the gold.
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Team work makes the dream work.
Balance first!
- Don't throw it... - The balance's messing him up.
- I like that. - He'll catch his second wind.
Oh, with only five, they have lost the gold,
and will need at least a three to stand on the podium.
While the score wasn't enough
to get gold, they were able to
push all the other competitors to snag the silver,
while Lolo and Hendo get the gold
and Luis and Linlin take home the bronze.
And with that, Lolo gets
herself back in the race
with her first gold,
while Hendo launches himself
into the lead.
On the next Global Games, we're wrestling,
all slippery like -
olive oil wrestling.
Oh, my.
El día en que Letizia echó de casa al perro favorito de Felipe para que lo devoraran las alimañas - Duration: 3:43.
Destiny 2 – DLC Warmind | SK Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 2:03.
MALICE STOPS BEING BAD!? Chocolate Fountains, Pranks & More - Kiddyzuzaa Land | WildBrain Kiddyzuzaa - Duration: 17:39.
- [Child] Kiddyzuzaa.
(playful music)
- So all I'm saying is,
I ran a marathon in my dream last night,
and this morning I'm feeling exhausted.
- It doesn't work like that, Esme.
Oh no, Malice.
(upbeat music)
- Well that was weird.
- Yeah.
What's up with Malice?
- Oh, I was talking about that dog
riding a hot air balloon.
(playful music)
But yeah, Malice didn't seem herself.
Normally she'd at least manage an insult.
Prince Sissy, goody no shoes.
- Esme, what are you looking at?
- Sorry, just remembering Malice's insults.
- Hey, guys.
What's up with Malice?
- Hey, Liliana.
We were just wondering the same thing.
- Yeah, I thought she was gonna knock my ice cream
out of my hand, but it's still here.
- She's being so un-Malicey.
Normally she'd never miss an opportunity to prank us,
but recently it's like she doesn't care.
- I noticed that too.
(playful music)
- Seriously, guys, what are you looking at?
- Nothing, it just helps when you're remembering things.
- Scientifically proven.
Try it.
- Phew.
(playful music)
(door slamming)
- Whew.
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with Malice.
- Amazing.
Maybe I'll finally be able to do,
well, anything without her ruining it.
- We can't just ignore it if something's wrong with her.
- Yeah, I suppose you're right.
- Someone should go speak to her to find out what's wrong.
- Great idea.
Not me though.
- Yeah, me neither.
- Well, I'm definitely not doing it.
So, what's wrong then Malice?
- Right, now what's wrong is that you're in my tower.
- Come on, Malice, what's up?
You're not being yourself?
- I know, I've retired.
- Retired, why?
- Because I suck at being evil, Esme, that's why.
- Malice, you're not bad at being evil,
you're brilliant at it.
- I'm not.
- You are.
Look at all the evil stuff in this room.
A witch's broomstick.
Only a truly evil witch could fly one of these bad boys.
- I use that to sweep up.
- Hmm.
A cauldron.
There's even something terrible brewing in there now.
What's this then?
A potion to give whomever drinks it feathers?
Or dooms them to eternally smell like a foot?
- That's my dinner.
- Ah, then I take it back.
You are bad at being evil.
- See, now get out.
I'm going to do whatever it is people do
once they've retired.
Knit or play golf or do some gardening.
- Gardening eh?
I hear the palace is looking for a new gardener.
I'll put in a good word for you.
Okay, so Malice should be here any moment.
We all know the plan, right?
- Yes, she thinks she's coming round to do some gardening.
Then we're going to loudly laugh
about how bad she is at being evil.
But you never told us what happens next.
- Yeah, Esme.
- No time for that, here she comes.
Just follow my lead.
Yeah, Malice is so bad at being evil.
Would you believe she's got a broomstick,
but she can't ride it.
- Ha, what kind of witch can't ride a broomstick?
- Yeah, and I heard she still sleeps with her teddy.
- I suck at being evil, eh?
Well, how's this for evil?
Malice is back, princesses!
- Well, at least she's feeling herself again,
she's got better at magic as well.
- Actually, her spell missed.
- But the fountain.
- That was me, I put my foot on the hose
so it would explode with a giant whoosh
of chocolate when I let go.
- So what happened to Malice's spell then?
- I have no idea.
- And then there were all giant chocolate eggs filled with,
you'll never guess what they were filled with.
- Oh, those princesses are just so happy with themselves.
Well I have a plan to make sure this
so-called picnic is a complete washout.
- And at another point,
I actually did turn into a chocolate egg.
It was so funny.
- There, finished.
Now, let's see what you can do.
Come on!
Oh, well, that's not right.
Hmmm, I wonder if.
Oh dear.
Right, let's try that again.
(upbeat music)
That should do it.
- Which is why I am absolutely certain
that the correct number of dinners
is actually two, maybe even three.
It just makes perfect sense in every way,
you have one dinner to warm up with,
a second dinner for mains,
and then a third dinner for dessert.
- Hang on, is it me or did it just get a little chilly?
- Right, time to fix this useless machine
once and for all.
- Ah, this is the life.
- You said it Olivia.
- Who would have thought you could sunbathe
in the middle of a storm, eh Malice?
- (giggles) Cheers princesses!
- [Together] Cheers!
(upbeat music)
- Ah, are either of you are actually gonna make a move?
- Oh Esme, dear Esme, chess isn't about making moves.
- I'm pretty sure it is.
- Olivia's right, it's about the space between the moves.
I once saw Mr. Snuggles playing chess,
he didn't make a single move the entire game,
one within 15 minutes.
- It's all about focus.
If you really focus on each piece,
become one with the chess board,
breathe in the aroma of,
- Olivia, I told you I didn't want to play slime chess.
- That wasn't me.
- Guys, it's not about the slime,
it's about the space between the slime. (laughs)
- Oh ha ha Esme, where did this slime come from?
- I think I have an idea.
- Malice, of course it was you.
- Huh?
- You pelted us with slime!
- Me, I wish.
I've been trying to perfect my slime cannon for weeks.
I can't get it to work.
- Hmmm, oh!
- See?
Oh, are you playing chess?
A word of advice, don't play against Mr. Snuggles,
that bear really knows his way around
the chess board, or rather the spaces--
- Oh enough about chess already,
we've got to find out where this slime is coming from.
- Hmm, where's Lilliana?
- You're right, I haven't seen her all day.
- Boo.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- The name's Lilliana, Princess Lilliana.
- Lilliana, you completely ruined our game of chess.
- Oh chess is boring.
- Thank you.
- I've got a much better game.
- As long as it doesn't involve a slime gun.
- It doesn't.
It involves four slime guns.
The rules of the game are simple.
Get hit and you're out.
The last princess standing wins.
- Awesome!
- That does actually sound pretty fun.
- I just have one question.
I don't wanna play.
- Three, two, one.
- Oh, let's just get this over with.
- Right, if you want to capture a princess,
you have to think like a princess.
Given I am a princess, I just have
to think like myself.
On second thought, maybe that wasn't the best idea.
- Hee hee, one down!
- Ah, tastes quite nice actually.
- I bet Lilliana thinks she's got this in the bag.
Well I'll show her.
Speak of the devil.
(upbeat music)
Reach for the sky Lilliana.
Very good Lilliana, very good.
Fool me once, shame on me,
but fool me twice, a ha!
Very good again Lilliana.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
A ha, again.
Okay, no more, I'm not falling for it again.
- Wise choice Olivia. - Thanks cut out.
- Ew.
Stupid, muddy, forest.
Right, time for a sit down I think.
A ha!
This should do the trick.
- (laughs) This is far too easy.
Just Isabella to catch now.
- [Malic] Ahem, I think you're forgetting someone.
- Malice, you're playing now are you?
- I sure am, and guess what I just finished?
- Whoa.
- Prepare dear Lilliana to feel the wrath of my
Slime Cannon Ultra Mega Super Great Awesome Mega Ultra 3000!
- Ha, good name.
- Oh quiet.
- (laughs) Better luck next time Malice.
- Uh oh.
- Time to finish this game off once and for--
(explosion booms)
- Oh, I guess that makes me the winner.
Anyone for a game of chess?
(upbeat music)
- They should be here any second.
- Olivia! - Huh?
Oh Esme, you're late.
- Sorry.
I was just adding
the finishing touches to our midnight feast.
- You mean you were eating our midnight feast?
- A good chef always tastes what they cook, Oivia.
- (sighs) Well where are the others?
- Sorry I'm late Olivia, my jet pack broke down
and I had to wait for cloud-side assistance,
you know how it is.
- Since when did you have a jet pack?
- Oh, I just whipped it up this morning!
Still needs a bit of work.
- Well, at least you're here now.
That just leaves Isabella.
She's not very good at travelling by herself.
I hope she's all right.
- Ah, ah, ah.
Come on Isabella, you can do this.
Three, two, one.
- Ahem.
- What, these are brand new shoes.
- Right, now we're all here,
the sleepover can finally commence.
- Yay! - All right!
- Item number one on the agenda: Pillow fight.
- Okay, but first, let's lay down the ground rules.
- Game on princesses.
Ah! (laughs)
Ha ha, this palace aint' big enough for the four of us.
- Right.
Item number two:
Midnight feast.
Wow, you really didn't eat all the midnight feast Esme.
- Oh no, this pile was at least twice the size
before I had my, snack.
- Well, I can't wait to dig in.
- Oops, still hungry I guess.
- Right, item number three: Ghost stories.
- Ooh!
- [Oliva] Ahem.
- Sorry.
- Right Isabella, you go first.
- Me?
Ummm, okay, um.
This is the story of the um?
- Muffin?
- Muffin.
- Monster.
Yes, that's right, the muffin monster.
Once upon a time, there was a muffin monster.
And it ate everyone.
The end.
- Well that wasn't very good.
- Let's just go to bed.
- Muffin monster, eh?
This gives me an idea.
- [Monster] Muffin.
- Huh?
- Muffin!
- Ha ha ha, now this is a ghost story!
- Help, someone help, help!
- Muffin monster!
- Huh?
- Now that's what I call a midnight feast.
- Spoil sports.
(happy music)
Audi A5 Cabrio Cabriolet 2.0TFSI 190pk Launch Edition S tronic Virtual Cockpit - Duration: 1:07.
Football: Les obsèques d'Henri Michel auront lieu vendredi à Aix-en-Provence - Duration: 1:10.
👉VLOG IMMO - Faut il faire des études pour devenir riche ? 🇨🇭 - Duration: 7:21.
Lina Nordquist (L) i SVT:s Politikerdebatt om Sjukvårdens Ekonomi - Duration: 2:51.
Le piment fort contre le cancer : le miracle de la capsaïcine - Duration: 8:13.
Distroller Neonate Babies
On manque pas d'air E03 : L'immersion libre - la flexibilité des poumons & idée reçue - Duration: 4:47.
On manque pas d'air E03 - Free immersion : Lungs flexibility and preconception on freediving
3rd key : the flexibility
The half moon
I will present 2 exercises that you may be already know
The first one to include in a daily routine
This one is called the half moon
We come in this position to stretch the intercostal muscles
At the beginning you can take support with your hand
Then with practice you will be able to put the elbow down
You just need to keep the buttocks on the floor
You really need to stay straight and feel the stretching all around this area and you can breathe slowly in the position
I think I did it to much forward
Yes, a little bit
You really need to stay straight because in free immersion when we pull the rope we pull very high and parallel to the body line
Ok ? Of course, we need to do the other side
Key points : Stretch at least 30sec. Do your routine 3 or 4 times a week. To push a bit a posture, always exhale during stretch
Uddiyana Bandha
2nd position that lot of people know and come from the yoga practice
The stretching empty lungs
We exhale all the air in our lungs and then pull up the diaphragm
Here the principle : we exhale fully
We can also bend forward to force the exhale process
You take you air in two times (belly down) and no contractions
No ! No contractions !
Ok, let's do it
Yes !
Take your time to go in the posture first
Then when you start feeling uncomfortable you put the diaphragm in the normal place
Before inhaling
Super !
To reduce your residual volume, be more comfortable with equalization
And adaptation to the pressure. It was an essential exercise for my personal development as a freediver
Key points : go slowly with the amount of air exhaled. This posture has to be done in relaxation. Stay straight and relax the shoulders during the empty lungs phase.
Before inhaling, remember to get down your diaphragm to protect your lungs. This posture is done in breath hold so remember to recover between each stretch
Preconception on freediving
Do you have a subject you like to awake the freedivers that come to you
about a preconception on freediving in general
For me there is one preconception on freediving : "You need to pack to go deep"
I often see some freedivers coming here for training and to pass to 30m, 40m or 50m pack a lot
I think....I don't know where is the limit and if there is a depth where you need to pack
I think we can go really deep without packing just with relaxation and without injuries
On the contrary there is some scientific studies that show us packing can be dangerous when we are coming back to the surface
For me it's a preconception moreover it's an habit
We can utterly go deep without packing. I hope I am a proof of that.
So you don't use packing at all ?
I don't use packing at all
Sometimes I use it in dry training. I use it gradually with mastering
In contrast, in deep training, I don't use packing at all
So Thibault, this is the end of this show. Thank you very much for this lesson and this instructive exchange
And thanks again to welcome me in your dive center here in Freedive HQ !
Do you have a last word ?
Thank you for this interesting exchange. I think we will go in the water now ?
Let's go freediving !!
Summer Love 2018 - L'été De L'amour Une Belle Journée - D'été Melodic Deep House - Duration: 1:04:25.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
Belen Rodriguez parla delle sue delusioni d'amore e di Andrea Iannone - Duration: 3:48.
Toyota Corolla Wagon 2.0 D4-D LINEA TERRA - Duration: 0:52.
Football: Les obsèques d'Henri Michel auront lieu vendredi à Aix-en-Provence - Duration: 1:10.
Iveco Daily 35 C 11 D 375 AIRCO MEUBELBAK ZIJKANT OPEN - Duration: 1:07.
Olive Oil Wrestling - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 9:13.
Previously, on Global Games, we took the action to the sky.
Our Olympians and social Influencers
competed in the fly-athon challenge,
and soaring away with the gold, was Olympian Lolo
and Influencer Hendo.
This win finally got a gold on the board for Lolo,
and let Hendo take the overall medal count lead away
from Olympian Mikael, giving him total two golds and one silver.
Can he keep the momentum up?
Or will he be in for a crash landing?
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it
out with social Influencers in games that we invented.
These challenges will test their strength, skill, and stamina,
on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold and the bragging
rights as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or a social Influencer?
This is Global Games, Olive Oil Wrestling.
I'm Spice.
And I'm Mike.
And together we are Mike and Spice.
We're working on it.
We're getting there.
Here we are in beautiful Greece, combining
the two Greek traditions of wrestling and olive oil.
It's olive oil wrestling.
Yes, Greco-Roman wrestling.
Contested in the first modern Olympics in 1896,
and one of the six main wrestling types
still practiced internationally today.
We're talking arm drags, headlocks, and of course, bear
And I love me a good bear hug.
Each team gets three rounds on the raft,
with a 250 pound maniac.
Holy cow.
See the big man oiling himself down.
It's baby oil.
He's a big baby.
Walking like that.
He's peacocking.
He's peacocking, yeah.
I think he's using the oil to make himself look big.
No, he's not about to do that.
Oh, my gosh.
He looks like the Hulk.
He's all glittery.
I'm big too.
Asafa might be a little bit intimidated, because--
I'm big too.
--there's a big guy here.
Here's how the scoring works.
Each take down is worth one point.
If they knock the maniac off the raft, that's three points.
But if a player gets knocked off the raft,
that's minus two points.
What was that?
I want the points.
I want the gold.
The maniac's got me worried.
And he probably has Asafa and Hendo pretty concerned too,
because they're first on the raft.
What's he doing over there?
He's just chilling.
Just chilling.
He's trying to--
He don't know what's about to him.
A gold in this event would give Hendo
a commanding lead over the field and keep Asafa's final podium
chances very much alive.
Asafa and Hendo get the maniac off the raft,
but Hendo in as well.
So they only get one point.
Asafa just drills him.
Asafa is my partner today.
He's an absolute animal, and he's
going to get straight off that starting block, nail
the guy into the sea, and I'm just
going to stand there and look like the handsome British
gentleman that I am.
Hendo charges, but they both go.
So they only get one point.
You've got to stay on your feet.
So now, we're in trouble.
Now we're in trouble.
Because he's kind of figured it out a little.
With that last splash, they get three points.
Took himself out.
Took himself out.
And with that, they get three points for round three.
We had a good strategy.
We were doing fakes, set each other up.
One guy was bouncing high.
I would bounce high, make him spring up.
Asafa would come in, take him out.
That guy is a beast.
But guess what?
We were beasting.
Asafa and Hendo scored 11 points.
They looked good out there.
Asafa's got the size, Hendo's got the quickness.
And boom, they made the maniac look like a fool.
That should probably put him in running for gold, no doubt.
Let's see what Mikael and Derek can do.
Well, we'll go with the flow and see.
He's a big dude.
And we'll take him on, have a bit of fun with it.
I'm Derek Herron from How Ridiculous.
I come from Australia.
I'm a trick shot artist.
I work with two of my best mates making awesome trick shots
on YouTube.
So go follow us at How Ridiculous.
Who wants to lose?
Like nobody does.
We're all wanting that gold.
Oh, they're trying to get them off balance with the bouncing.
Oh, that's a take down.
Oh they're going--
Whoa, whoa!
He's staying on.
Look at that!
And they get him off.
They push the maniac into the water.
Great teamwork.
We don't know what to expect.
At the end of round two, they have a total of seven points.
They need to get five points in this round to take the lead.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
They're wrestling for real!
Oh my god!
I was trying to push.
Like the last one, I was trying to push both of them.
It's something you don't get to do it every day.
Mikael and Derek only come away with six points.
Overall, a disappointing outcome for those two.
Next up, let's see what Luis and Lolo can do.
As you know, Lolo is a runner, and not a fighter.
But she does have a height advantage.
And Luis has got a low center of gravity,
not to mention, look at that beard.
Let's see how they do.
Whatever weakness you have, you want a partner
that has a strength in that.
When he's got two competitors like Lolo and I,
he might have a problem.
Luis and Lolo are in the top four.
A gold here could bring them right to the top.
They start with a take down, getting one point.
We get that much practice.
Was that Lolo?
No, to Luis.
We caught him off guard.
Yeah, to Luis.
Lolo is taking the maniac on mano y mano right now,
and showing no fear.
Come on Lolo!
Come on Lolo!
Get him Lolo!
At the end of round two, they have a total of seven points.
They need to get five points or more to secure the lead.
Luis was like--
These challenges have been harder
than like so many of my hardest workouts for training.
Like 10 take downs.
The majority of them, you.
Because I was trying to with the feet.
I'm not a fighter, guys.
I'm a runner.
Folks at home, she's a--
That is the reason why I run, because I'm not a fighter.
If I wasn't a runner, I'd probably be a fighter.
Lolo and Luis crushed the maniac, getting 20 take downs,
and taking the lead with 18 points total.
Wow, what a match.
Remind me not to pick a fight with Lolo.
So Lolo and Luis are officially in the lead.
Asafa and Hendo are in second place.
And Mikael and Derek are in last.
But let's see what Linlin and Alexia can do.
We may look little, we may look sweet,
but inside, we're just killers.
I do have like a visual, like in my mind,
of him just like picking each of us up in one arm
and twirling us around and launching us.
OK, they start off strong with a take down,
and then the maniac gets a penalty and Linlin ends up
in the water.
Influencer, Alexia, has yet to get a medal in the games.
Her team has to score at least 7 points to do that.
They're going for the legs, which is a smart move.
At the end of round 2, Alexia and Linlin have four points.
They need to come from behind and make up
a 15 point difference right now to take the lead.
God, it was a lot harder than what--
--than I saw.
It was a lot smaller up there.
Like it looks from shore like you have a lot of room to move,
and you really don't.
That makes it impossible for us, to like standing up
to fight with (INAUDIBLE).
Look at that muscle.
It is impossible.
His arm is bigger than our lives.
Linlin and Alexia hold their own.
They come away with seven points.
They got a huge break when the maniac just went crazy
and nullified his knock offs, because he
went on the offensive, which of course is against the rules.
Which means Alexia finally gets on the board,
with her first bronze medal.
So that means Lolo and Luis get gold,
Asafa and Hendo get silver, and Linlin and Alexia
come away with the bronze.
Got to say, it was a great day for the ladies
out there on the raft.
Girl power.
Let's take a look at the medal board.
Influencer Hendo maintains his lead in the overall medal
count, but hot on his heels now, after his gold medal win,
is Influencer Luis.
On the next Global Games, curling with humans.
I can do that.
Curl a human?
Somebody like you?
Stay tuned.
Shark Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 42:44.
We are the Finger Family!
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
The Truth About Danica Patrick And Aaron Rodgers' Relationship - Duration: 4:12.
Danica Patrick is the most famous female driver in the history of both NASCAR and IndyCar
Aaron Rodgers is a Super Bowl winning superstar NFL quarterback for the Green Bay Packers.
So the news that the two of them have come together to form the ultimate power couple
sent shockwaves through the sports world.
How did it happen?
Here's a look at the truth about Danica Patrick and Aaron Rodgers' relationship.
Chance encounter
Though the worlds of NASCAR and professional football don't often intersect, as two of
the biggest celebrities in the sports world, it was almost inevitable that Patrick and
Rodgers would eventually meet.
But it wasn't exactly love at first sight when the two first met at the ESPY's, ESPN's
annual awards show, in 2012.
That's because Patrick was actually happily married at the time.
It wouldn't be until much later - and after many turns in life's winding road - before
Patrick and Rodgers would reconnect romantically.
Life in the fast lane
Patrick married Paul Hospenthal, a personal trainer and physical therapist some 17 years
her senior, back in 2005.
The couple met in Hospenthal's physical therapy office where Patrick sought treatment for
a hip injury, and according to People, the couple enjoyed spending time with their miniature
schnauzer Billy.
That came to a surprising end just four months after the 2012 ESPY's, with Patrick releasing
a statement on her Facebook page that read in part,
"I am sad to inform my fans that after 7 years, Paul and I have decided to amicably end our
This isn't easy for either of us, but mutually it has come to this.
[…] He has been an important person and friend in my life and that's how we will remain
moving forward."
Three weeks after her divorce was finalized in 2013, Patrick revealed that she had a new
But it wasn't Aaron Rodgers - it was fellow NASCAR driver Richard Stenhouse, Jr.
Competing against your significant other would seem to have its challenges, but Patrick insisted
it wouldn't be a problem.
"I always say I'll race people how they race me until they do something to make me change
my mind.
I don't anticipate that changing at all, or us having any issues on the track."
After nearly five years of dating, though, the couple officially called it quits at the
end of 2017.
Calling an audible
Though Rodgers has mostly kept his personal life private, his relationship with actress
Olivia Munn proved to be a major exception to the rule, as Munn spoke publicly about
their romance on numerous occasions.
"When I met him, I um, I said, 'So what do you do?' and he's like, 'Oh I play football.'
And I go 'Cool, what college?'
And he's like, 'Oh no, I play professional.'"
"Now, are you and Aaron Rodgers engaged?"
"No, we are not engaged at all."
"What is he waiting for?
He must think he's pretty special if he's gonna do better than this!"
All the media attention took its toll on their relationship, as fans found Munn to be an
easy scapegoat every time Rodgers struggled on the field.
Finally, after nearly three years of dating, the pair broke up in 2017.
Rodgers told ESPN the media spotlight was a factor.
"When you are living out a relationship in the public eye, it's definitely… it's difficult.
It has some extra constraints, because you have other opinions about your relationship,
how it affects your work and, you know, just some inappropriate connections."
Together at last!
In January, 2018, just one month after ending her relationship with Stenhouse, TMZ posted
a photo of Patrick dining al fresco with Rodgers, along with a few other people, at Mission
Mexican restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona.
She didn't drag it out, quickly confirming to the Associated Press that she and Rodgers
are indeed dating.
There's just one major problem: Patrick is a lifelong fan of the Packers' biggest rival,
the Chicago Bears!
Though she was born in Wisconsin, she grew up in Illinois.
But she told the Associated Press it wouldn't be a problem.
"I told him a long time ago I'd always root for him as a player.
Now I am probably going to cheer for the whole team.
[…] Take out the word 'probably.'
Now I'm going to cheer for the whole team."
What could be next for Patrick and Rodgers?
After the competition of the 2018 Indy 500, Patrick plans to retire at 35 years old to
focus on her wine and clothing brands, ESPN Women reported.
"Retirement looks bright.
I think many people retire and don't know what they're going to do next and have to
figure it out, but I know what I'm going to do."
Rodgers, meanwhile, has claimed he's "on the back nine" of his career.
So could the two be planning to settle down?
For her part, Patrick told E! news,
"I do [want to start a family], I don't know if it's in my future but it'd be something
I think I'd really like to have."
Whatever the future holds, we wish the happy couple the best of luck!
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
This Old Man | Kindergarten Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:40.
This old man he played one
He played nick nack on my drum
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played two
He played nick nack on my shoe
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played three
He played nick nack on my tree
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played four
He played nick nack on my door
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played five
He played nick nack on my hive
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played six
He played nick nack on my stick
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played seven
He played nick nack on my deven
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played eight
He played nick nack on my gate
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played nine
He played nick nack on my vine
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
This old man he played ten
He played nick nack on my hen
With a nick nack paddy whack
Give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
Tube Curling - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 9:02.
Previously on Global Games, the competitors tackled
the Ultimate Maniac in olive oil wrestling. They all made it
out alive, but only two walked away
with the gold, Olympian Lolo and influencer Luis.
This is the Lolo's second gold in a row.
But influencer Hendo still remains
the overall medal count leader.
How long can he keep this up with Luis hot on his heels?
Let's find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it
out with social influencers in games that we invented.
These challenges will test
their strength, skill, and stamina
on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold
and the bragging rights as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or a social influencer?
This is Global Games, Tube Curling.
- I'm Mike. - And I'm Spice.
And together we are Mike and Spice.
Today's competition is tube curling.
Curling has been around since the 16th century.
But since 1998, it's been considered an official
Winter Olympic sport with Canada sweeping the last three
Winter Olympic Games.
Sweeping, get it?
Eh, sweeping, eh?
Curling is a game of precision.
In curling, teams are tasked to slide a rock on a sheet of ice
toward their target.
In other words, it's like shuffleboard with a bull's-eye.
So you're saying closest to the centre
- is where you want to be. - Exactly.
But be wary, because your opponents can knock you out.
Our version of curling at Global Games
is a bit different.
Instead of ice, we'll be using a slicked-up slip and slide.
And instead of rocks, we'll be using humans on inner tubes.
We'll do 10 innings.
And the points will double, starting in the eighth.
Let's get this competition started.
Yes, let's do this.
I'm Lolo Jones, Summer and Winter Olympian track and field
and bobsled.
And I compete for USA.
The Olympic athletes have the experience of competing.
But the influencers, what experience do they have?
I mean, obviously, we all know how competitive athletes are.
Whatever weakness you have, you want a partner
that has a strength in that.
We have, like, 10 take downs.
The majority of them, you.
I've got Lolo on my team today for tube curling.
And she's the all-round athlete.
She's just got that sliding element to her bobsled.
So I reckon she's got the advantage.
And I've done some slip and slide stuff before,
so I'm pretty confident.
Asafa with a solid push out of the gate.
Last time Mikael and Luis were teamed up, they took gold.
Will they be able to make that magic happen again?
Oh, and Luis gets the bull's-eye right there.
That's good for one point.
Felt like you have better control,
so you can push me, right?
She knows exactly what she's talking about.
We'll take that.
Oh, ouch!
Collision on the course.
So Mikael and Luis get a point in the first inning.
And Lolo and Derek get a point in the second.
Let's see if some of the others can score some points
in the next two innings.
That's just a bit of Asafa.
He likes his mind games.
He likes to push the line on the rules.
I love that Linlin went out there
and, like, physically turned his body - was like, no.
Linlin, she will stand up for the whole group
and put Asafa in his place.
Honestly, she's the driving force behind our team.
She knows all the strategies.
Lolo cruises past Asafa, but doesn't
manage to make it on target.
No, you push me.
We had a beautiful strategy there, back in the game.
And Linlin and Hendo take innings three and four,
scoring a point in both.
They are now the team to beat going into round five.
Asafa and Alexia have yet to score, but that could change.
Just wait! Just wait! Just wait!
I win!
I win!
Lolo used all her bobsled pushing power
to slide Derek into the target and bump Alexia out,
getting them a point.
We're going to win tube curling,
because I might look small, but I'm heavy.
I'm heavy. And he's got good size.
So that's one of our main advantages
over other competitors, and that's one.
And Mikael, splitting the competition,
slinks into a bull's-eye.
After taking the point in two of the last three innings,
Luis and Mikael take the lead.
Well, here we are into round eight
where the points are doubled, so anything can happen.
Yeah. We're having fun, so much fun.
So much fun.
I thought it was so much fun, but it's pretty intense.
Push harder. No water. No water now. No water.
Push hard!
Good job!
I think Linlin's going to be great at tube curling,
just because it relates so well to what she does.
Yeah, baby.
Linlin breezes right into the bull's-eye,
getting double points and taking the lead.
I think Asafa and I are going to do
great at tube curling, because I think
he's going to be able to push me really well down
the slip and slide.
Asafa and Alexia finally hit the bull's-eye with this run.
This gives them two points.
If they can repeat that feat, they
can be tied for first place.
Maybe they saved some magic for the end.
Here comes the tenth and final inning.
Third, fourth, we are coming.
Let's go for gold.
Just go between them.
If we bump, we bump Alexia.
Last spin for the day!
Yeah! Let's do this.
Harder, harder!
Yes! Coming!
You lay down!
Tension is high right now.
But I smell gold.
Smell that?
Go, go, go, go, go!
Asafa and Alexia make a stunning play from behind
to get another two points in the tenth inning.
We're now all tied up for first, which
means we have a tie-breaker for the gold.
We got to go an extra innings.
Oh, my gosh.
Whichever team makes it closer to the centre target wins.
That's how you do it.
We're tied for first place.
Wait, wait, wait.
You go first.
Shut up, I'll go first.
But, but...
That's it.
Asafa needs to make it on the target
and closer to the centre than Linlin to take home the gold.
It's all resting on his shoulders now.
No. Doesn't count!
Your shoulder was like this!
No! How can that count?
Because I was sliding down!
No, no way!
Oh, disqualified.
You can't do that.
Hey, hey, Aristotle, can you do that?
He said, no. You can't do that.
You're done, son.
You're done.
We won!
Linlin and Hendo get gold.
Asafa and Alexia get silver.
And Luis and Mikael bring home the bronze.
- Boom! - Whoo!
So once again, here's the medal board with the results.
Influencer Hendo doesn't slip from the top spot
in the overall medal count for the third week in a row
and remains top dog with three gold and two silver.
How long can he keep this up for?
We're going to find out with the next challenge.
On the next Global Games, fencing with bubble wrap,
does it make sense?
Is it awesome?
En garde!
Mike, Mike, chill.
May the best team win, guys.
All-Around Relay - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 7:34.
Previously on Global Games, the competitors hit the waves
and tried to hit the bull's-eye
in the aquatic biathlon challenge.
The team that had the surest shot
was influencer Derek and Olympian Asafa,
who took the gold.
It's influencer Hendo that remains the overall medal count
winner but silver and bronze are completely up for grabs.
It all comes down to this moment.
Who will win our last challenge and be the ultimate winner
of Global Games?
Let's find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it
out with social influencers in games that we invented.
These challenges will test
their strength, skill, and stamina
on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold and the bragging
rights as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win - an Olympian or a social influencer?
This is Global Games, All-Around Relay.
- I'm Spice. - And I'm Mike.
And together we are Mike and Spice.
Today we're doing the All-Around Relay.
Each team of two will run through
an Olympic-inspired obstacle course, relay style,
with team-mates alternating between stages.
And these stages ain't easy, folks.
They have to Tarzan-style over some nasty liquid using
hanging rings, walk a balance beam,
walk over even nastier liquid, conquer uneven bars,
and then clear a pommel horse across the finish line.
Sheesh! I'm tired just talking about all of that.
Let's hope our athletes don't get that tired.
Up first, we got Lolo and Luis.
He's got the quick feet, she's got the speed.
Let's see if they crush it.
(3, 2, 1, GO!)
Luis on the rings, looking like an Olympian himself.
She might go, you know, she might get one, but that's it.
Great balance. Great core strength.
Look at Luis go.
Tag! Tag! Tag!
No tag, no tag.
I don't know about that.
Can she do two more?
Yeah, it's fine.
And with that, Lolo and Luis set the tone for the challenge
with a 44.62 time.
You wasted no time on it.
You had the momentum. You didn't break.
Damn! My man can run in the sand.
Like, I'm speed but not on sand.
So I'm glad we switched it up and had him do long jump.
I thought he was going to beat me to the other side.
Up next, we've got Alexia and Linlin set
to take on the course.
Let's see how they do.
Linlin has a shot at third overall with a gold here
today, while Alexia has yet to see gold at these games.
There you go! Keep that up!
They get a five-second penalty.
Let's go, Alexia!
Alexia crushes the pull-ups.
And Linlin sticks the landing.
Linlin clocks in with a time of 61.97.
I was so surprised I did the first one.
I saw that I was going to drop the pole.
So I was so surprised. We did good.
Everyone else was able to jump, and right when they jumped
they're at, like, chest level.
So they can just flip over.
When I jump, it goes to, like, my neck level.
Not a bad run, although Linlin did
get penalised for landing in that nasty blue liquid.
And now we have Hendo and Asafa.
I think these two make a good team,
as we saw against the maniac.
Probably the team to beat today.
(3, 2, 1, GO!)
Hendo looking to take first place overall with a gold
here, putting Asafa into a tie for second.
Oh, my goodness!
You see the slap?
With a time of 41.87, Asafa and Hendo are now the time to beat.
You got this.
They looked hard on the rings.
Looked hard in the...
That beam, as well, is wobbly.
You think it's stable. It's not stable.
We did well.
I think we got this in the bag.
- In the bag. - In the bag.
In the bag.
And now our final competitors -
Mikaël and Derek.
Will the trickshotter make it past the rings?
That's a five-second penalty, already.
How about that?
Oh. Trying to make up for it right here.
Good job, guys!
And the win slips through Mikaël and Derek's hands.
That five-second penalty cost them the gold.
Good job, guys!
That was good. That was really good.
I think the five-second penalty cost us.
Yeah. The rings are so tough.
We tried to push as hard as we could.
- It's an epic course. - This close to the victory.
You have to get to the rings.
And then just let it slip through your fingers,
straight into the pool.
You've got to have respect for that. I was very respectful.
What a nail biter of a finish, man!
Hendo and Asafa get the gold, Lolo and Luis get the silver,
and Derek and Mikaël have to settle for the bronze.
So our overall medal champion is...
..Hendo, with five gold and two silvers.
Hey! BIG up the Hendo!
Now we say goodbye to this wonderful mix
of social influencers and Olympians.
They came, they saw, they did their thing!
From all of us here in Greece,
The competitions were great, you know.
I had a lot of fun.
I'm thinking about getting a fly board for myself.
I think my favourite one was the fly board.
I had so much fun flying in the air.
The curling - that's the only one I said,
I'm going to win this.
Actually I had more fun shooting the paintball,
because it was the easiest one and everybody kind of, like,
had fun and let their guard down on that one.
These guys are - they're now my new friends.
I love you guys!
I love you guys!
I love you guys! I love you guys!
Flyathlon - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 8:09.
Previously on Global Games, our Olympians
and social influencers battled it out in a challenge
that combined the beach and the Far East - sumo volleyball.
Olympian Mikaël and influencer Luis
served up the ultimate win, getting them each the gold.
Mikaël has won two challenges in a row,
and is in the lead in the overall medal count.
Can he continue his hot streak?
Let's find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it out
with social influencers
in games that we invented.
These challenges will test their strength, skill
and stamina on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold and the bragging rights
as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or social influencer?
This is Global Games Flyathlon.
- I'm Mike. - And I'm Spice.
And together, we're Mike and Spice.
Today we've got the Flyathlon competition.
Now for those of you at home, this might be your first time.
Who am I kidding?
You've never seen a flyathlon.
Mike, drop some knowledge on them.
Let them know what we're dealing with.
A flyboard is a jet ski-powered hoverboard.
Our competitors will balance on this flyboard
and hurl three different objects -
a javelin,
a discus,
and a shot.
Whichever team throws their items the furthest
takes home the gold.
OK, first up, we've got Alexia and Mikaël.
Now Mikaël is a skier, so his balance should be pretty tight.
And Alexia is a fitness expert.
So let's see if she can use her rock-hard abs,
kind of something like I have, as an advantage for her.
Up first from the team, Mikaël, our current medal leader.
- He doesn't need practice. - Yeah.
He's making it look easy.
I am Mikaël Kingsbury.
I'm a freestyle mogul skier, Olympic silver medallist,
and a record holder
for the most World Cup wins of all time.
I'm a winner.
I'm very competitive, so I expect
to do well in every event.
I think it's going to be epic, and I can't wait.
Oh, it's windy.
- He got one? - Three?
- One. - He got three, he got three.
We've won.
And Mikaël comes away
with 11 points.
That's one point less than
the maximum score you can get.
I guess his balancing skills served him well.
Can't wait to get another gold medal.
- Woohoo! - He's not going to get it.
He's not going to get gold medal.
Now let's see what Linlin can do.
She makes the activity more fun.
And plus, she plays to win. I have a blast with her.
Come on, Lin. Let's win.
Linlin has won silver in the first two competitions.
Can she finally push herself over the top to win a gold?
I am very, very happy with my team-mate.
She's doing a good job.
She did awesome.
It's pretty hard.
And she gets nine points.
Not bad.
And now Lolo is up.
We have to go farther.
Tactics, man, you shouldn't be filming this.
This is private, secret stuff.
Hey, come on, come on. We've got secrets here.
Lolo will make a great team-mate today
because she's...
Especially on the flyboard, I think she's fearless.
She's also got those long arms,
so she's just going to launch the ball miles.
That's the hardest one as well, the javelin, the hardest one.
And it was her first throw.
We've got this in the bag, packed away for Christmas,
with a gold medal inside.
Three points.
That's Olympic material right there, Olympic-calibre.
Lolo gets ten, the second-best
score of the day.
Asafa's turn to show us what he can do on the flyboard.
He could launch a ball further than anybody.
Yeah, Asafa!
That was really awesome.
He looked like Superman out there.
We got four. He got four.
Oh, and he goes down hard,
but not before getting four points.
- Fist pump, fist pump. - Perfect score!
How you doing?
Team work makes the dream work.
And just like that,
we've got a new leader, Asafa,
with a whopping 12 points.
Let's see if Alexia
can follow suit.
Her team-mate Mikaël is hoping she can add to his 11 points
and retake the lead.
I think it's going to be a lot of, like, concentration
and thinking more about, like, keeping your core tight.
She got this. I'm not very worried.
She needs to get closer to the line.
And she picks up seven
for the team, so, combined with
Mikaël's 11, they now have 18 points.
And now for Luis.
Now remember, his team-mate Linlin
scored an impressive nine points,
so he'll need to score at least a ten to take the lead.
Let's go!
I think I'll be good going up on the flyboard,
because I'm small, I'm light.
So I look at that as an advantage.
He said he didn't need any practice,
so I guess it's, like, his karma's coming back to him.
He said he needed no practice.
You got this, go to it.
So Luis is up. He's got his last roll of the dice here,
or should I say Frisbee.
He's confident. He's giving it all that.
He needs at least a three on this throw to take the lead.
And he's got it.
Lu Man got 11.
That puts them ahead of Alexia and Mikaël by two points.
Now, it's Hendo's turn.
Last round, Lolo scored a ten.
Hendo will now have to score even higher
if he's going to get his second gold.
You can have no fear, cos you're going up really high.
And, you know, you're only on a tiny little platform.
So it's going to be tough, but I think I can do it.
- Good job! - There you go!
We want it, Hendo.
Two perfect throws.
Let's finish this!
He does.
A perfect 12 points for the lead.
He wasn't nervous at all.
He was just like... He's like taking a nap on here.
Hendo maxes out
and gets 12 points - I mean,
that was a great effort.
If you add that to
his team-mate Lolo's ten points,
that's a total of 22.
This secures their place in first for now,
beating out Linlin and Luis.
Last up is Derek.
Let's see how his trick shots translate to flyboarding.
He needs 11 if he and Asafa want to take
the lead from Hendo and Lolo.
Asafa gave me the perfect round,
so all I've got to get is a ten
for the tie, 11 for the gold.
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Team work makes the dream work.
Balance first!
- Don't throw it... - The balance's messing him up.
- I like that. - He'll catch his second wind.
Oh, with only five, they have lost the gold,
and will need at least a three to stand on the podium.
While the score wasn't enough
to get gold, they were able to
push all the other competitors to snag the silver,
while Lolo and Hendo get the gold
and Luis and Linlin take home the bronze.
And with that, Lolo gets
herself back in the race
with her first gold,
while Hendo launches himself
into the lead.
On the next Global Games, we're wrestling,
all slippery like -
olive oil wrestling.
Oh, my.
海贼王:天龙人目前已出现6大家族,3族被揍惨,1族现身世界会议 - Duration: 5:57.
더 좋고 더 긴 밴더를위한 10 가지 음식[coin] - Duration: 14:01.
Bubble Wrap Fencing - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 8:32.
Previously on Global Games, the competitors took to the tubes
to take the gold.
Then, coming out on top was Olympian Linlin
and influencer Hendo.
This win keeps Hendo in the lead
for the overall medal count
for the third week in a row.
Can he make it a fourth?
Let's find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it out
with social influencers in games that we invented.
These challenges will test their strength, skill
and stamina on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold and the bragging rights
as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or a social influencer?
This is Global Games bubble wrap fencing.
I'm Spice.
And I'm Mike.
And together,
we are Mike and Spice!
En garde!
- Ha! Ha! - Hoo-ah!
Dude, I'm so hyped for today's topic competition -
bubble fencing.
Fencing has been contested in every Summer Olympics
since 1896, and Italy has won the most medals globally,
but I bet no Italian has seen fencing quite like this.
Bubble fencing is a lot like balancing on a raft
while whacking somebody with a stick.
The idea is to knock your opponent off the mat.
One knock off, one point.
But if you get knocked off, your team-mate hops on.
First up, Asafa and Luis versus Mikael and Hendo.
May the best team win, guys.
Our strategy is balance and footwork.
They're duking it out!
Asafa goes down to one knee, stays in the game.
They're both cheating with their hands.
Advance! Turn, cos you've got the turning!
He took himself out.
Look out!
Luis knocks the sabre out of Mikael's hand
and it goes flying.
Mikael, in a Superman-like feat, flies over Luis's sabre
and remains on the raft.
With Luis knocked down, his team-mate
replaces his on the raft.
Asafa knocks Mikael off for the point,
but takes himself down in the process.
- They both came off. - OK.
So it's one point each.
Super slippery, but that was fun.
They're strong guys. Tough.
They've got a lot of balance as well.
Hendo and Mikael get the victory.
Asafa was off to a rough start
when he took himself out of the first match.
Now let's see what Linlin and Derek
can do against Lolo and Alexia.
Go! Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Lolo charges at Derek out the gate.
Alexia goes in for Lolo.
Looks like Alexia was timid at first,
but then goes for the sabre in the back when
Derek loses his balance, getting a point for the team.
Let's go, Lin!
Balance is key.
Someone fall off...
Oh, it's Lin!
Linlin amps up the action, giving a whack
to Alexia's back, securing a point for her team
and putting them in the lead.
Lolo gets redemption for her team,
knocking Linlin into the water, tying up the score at 2-2.
Let's go, tie-breaker!
Tie-breaker, pressure's on.
Pressure's on.
First down and out.
Lin wins, Team Lin.
Yeah, I think.
We got the win.
He just pushed me off.
I was aboard. That was so easy.
To the gold medal game.
It's so much fun.
And Team Linlin-Derek proved to be too much to handle.
And now Asafa and Luis will go against Lolo and Alexia
for the bronze.
I don't want to fight with Lolo.
Lolo is too aggressive.
I don't want to fight her.
Somebody let me off!
My team-mate.
It's the bronze match.
If they want that third spot on the podium,
they've got to take it.
Asafa and Lolo, what a match.
Two world-class athletes.
Oh, she's, honestly, an absolute warrior.
Keep hitting him!
She's chopping a tree down, man.
They're staying on their knees too long.
Yeah, you got to get straight back up.
You've got to stay up, man.
Time runs out, so the match is declared a draw,
and it goes to a sudden death round.
Going head-to-head, sudden-death match.
They're both going at it.
He's on wobbly legs. He's doing the chicken dance.
What's a chicken dance?
Chicken dance, dancing like a chicken.
Oh, but Alexia takes a spill.
I'll let you get up.
Let's go. Get up.
Luis, with the sportsmanship,
allows her to get back up on her feet.
That was a bronze-level move.
Oh, man.
I sting like a butterfly.
I've got the moves like Ali.
Bring home the bronze, baby, bring home the bronze.
Asafa and Luis take home the bronze,
after Luis was able to knock off Alexia
in the battle of the short people.
So it all comes down to this, folks.
For the gold, it's Mikael and Hendo versus Linlin and Derek.
Lin, I'm rooting for you, Lin.
I'm rooting for you.
I'll go first, now.
You want to go first again?
His trick was to splash me.
Take my advice, thrust!
Rush attack!
No pushing, no pushing!
Mikael's precision hits to Derek's legs
knock him into the water, getting them one point.
Come on, Lin.
Mikael is unleashing on Linlin, but she's
holding on like a champ.
Does that count?
- You like her, right? - Yeah.
Both competitors are taking big hits on this,
but both are standing their ground.
You are getting an ass-whupping!
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
We have a winner!
All right, guys, that's a wrap.
Cannonball! Woohoo!
So, Mikael and Hendo take the gold,
and Linlin and Derek have to settle for silver.
And Asafa and Luis bring home the bronze.
In the overall medals, influencer Hendo
is crushing it again, remaining in the number one
spot for the fourth event in a row,
with four gold and two silver,
and Olympian Mikael regains his number two spot
with this win as well.
On the next episode of Global Games, an aquatic biathlon.
What's that, you ask? I have no idea.
- Spice? - Are you serious?
It's paintball and jet skis, everybody knows that.
- Oh, I'm sorry. - Do your research, man.
I don't know where I put that.
Le monde a besoin de savoir, que l'eau alcaline empêche le cancer , Voici comment la préparer ! - Duration: 9:17.
Contrats de transition écologique : contrats "sur mesure" pour engager la transition des territoires - Duration: 2:13.
[ENSMARVEL - Une liste héroïque] ( Sous-titres disponibles) - Duration: 8:05.
Sumo Volleyball - Olympians vs Influencers | The Global Games - Duration: 9:17.
Previously on Global Games,
our Olympians and social influencers went head-to-head
in the chicken-fight boxing challenge,
and Olympian Mikael and influencer Hendo
came out the ultimate victors,
garnering them each a gold medal,
and the lead in the overall medal count.
Will they keep their streak going?
We'll find out.
Welcome to Global Games, where real Olympians battle it out
with social influencers in games that we invented.
These challenges will test their strength,
skill, and stamina on a level never seen before.
The participants will be competing in pairs,
but ultimately fighting to win the most individual medals.
The competitor with the highest medal count
at the end of the eight challenges
will take home the gold,
and the bragging rights as the ultimate athlete.
Who will win, an Olympian or a social influencer?
This is Global Games Sumo Volleyball.
- I'm Mike. - And I'm Spice.
And together we are... Mike and Spice.
- Oh. - Yes!
Come on.
We're here in a country named for how I like my food -
No, I'm pretty sure it's just Greece, not Greec-ee.
I'm pretty sure it's Greasy.
Today we are playing sumo beach volleyball.
What the hell is that, you ask?
Well, beach volleyball officially joined
the Olympic programme in the 1996 Games.
And in great anticipation for the Olympic Games
in Tokyo, 2020, we'll be playing volleyball
with a Japanese twist -
sumo style.
Sumo beach volleyball has the same rules
as regular beach volleyball, only they'll be wearing
the creative sumo suits.
The first team to seven wins the match.
First up, we have gold medal-leader Mikael and Luis,
versus Asafa and Alexia.
I like Asafa and Alexia in this match.
Alexia's fitness training should serve her well,
but Asafa's an Olympic sprinter, so he's got speed.
We're talking two-time 100-metre, world-record speed.
Yeah, yeah, but keep in mind
he has to do all of that wearing a sumo suit.
Now, the opposing team is just as intense, athletically.
Let's find out more about one of them - Luis.
My name is Luis Badillo, Jr.
I'm a speed and footwork trainer.
I work with all athletes.
If you want to see more about what I do,
check out my Instagram, @luisbadillojr.
Nobody, at the end of the day, wants to lose.
We all come here to win.
I'm excited. I'm confident.
Mikael and Luis up, 4-2.
We're just getting a feel for everything.
- A feel for the suits. - We're trying to feel
the suits. It's not easy to move around in this.
And they get another one.
It is currently all Mikael and Luis.
That's one.
Luis hits it too far.
Alexia and Asafa are still alive.
That was out.
We have a winner!
Good job!
Mikael and Luis come away with a victory,
conquering Asafa and Alexia 7-3.
- We did great. - Yeah.
- We did great together. - Yeah.
I think we're looking good for gold today.
Yeah. She was the smart one, he was the physical one.
He'd fall for my tricks. I set him up.
Up next, we have Linlin and Hendo versus Lolo and Derek.
Our strategy is basically hit the ball over the net,
and then, bow, we win the points!
Let's learn a bit more about Hendo,
who's trying to keep his Global Games gold medal streak alive.
I'm Andrew Henderson. I'm from England.
I'm the world champion at Freestyle Football
four times in a row.
Current world champion, seven-times UK champion.
And you can find me @iamandrewhenderson.
Put your mind to something, you can really achieve it,
if you just work hard.
Do I look strong?
Yeah, you do. You look badass.
I think Linlin's speed is going to help her cover the court.
She's really agile and she's got the balance, as well.
That's going to play a factor for her.
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Let's do this.
Oh, Lolo.
Hey, what just happened there? You threw it backwards.
It's the other way, Lolo.
Good serve.
Yeah, that's a turnaround.
Game's on.
- It's so on. - It's not on.
So far, a super sloppy game of sumo.
Got it?
Ooh! Just in bounds.
Hendo gets the point.
They lead 3-1.
Hendo knocks it out, and we're tied.
Now Lolo's getting the hang of it.
Lin, you look like a cute little baby.
Oh! Lolo dives and misses!
This is anyone's game.
Quick feet, quick feet, quick feet!
That was awesome.
You're both going to leave dirty.
He's dirty.
That one hurt.
Game point.
If they pull it off, we'll have gold versus gold in the final.
Oh, my goodness! Lolo diving to the net.
Oh, man! Right into the net. Whoa.
I will see you guys in the final.
See you then.
So, Linlin and Andrew will be taking on
Mikael and Luis for the gold.
But first, Asafa and Alexia will be taking on
Lolo and Derek for the bronze.
It's warm in here.
Good job!
Watch out!
- Let's go, let's go, guys. - Go on, guys.
Let's go. Communicate with each other out there.
I have, like, a really good server.
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- That's awesome! - Whoa!
- Good! - Whoa!
Asafa lays out, but it's Derek who comes through
to take the lead.
That's awesome!
- Too cool, dude. - That's how it's done.
And here she is again, but it's out.
Point goes to Asafa and Alexia.
Asafa serves it up - and scores!
Ace every time.
We're going to go all out to beat Asafa.
He's already a big man.
And then you make a fat, big man and he looks hilarious.
Derek on the return to Alexia.
He can't come up with it.
- Oh, Asafa - Oh!
Match point.
Good, that was smart. That was smart.
Derek serves it to Alexia -
and she hits it out.
- Good game, guys. - Good game, good game.
I think we were a little bit disappointed
after our first-round match, so we came out with a vengeance,
and just went hard.
Lolo and Derek shut it down, winning 7-4.
They made it look easy.
Mikael and Luis play against Linlin and Hendo
for all the marbles.
Let's do this.
We're first.
Mikael and Hendo are the only two players
with a gold right now.
They're going head to head to get another gold,
and secure the lead in the overall medal count
here at Global Games.
I've got to be competitive.
I mean, these are the best athletes in the world.
You know, I can't take it easy on them.
I can't take it easy on them.
Here we go, here we go!
Mikael serves it.
Hendo knocks it out.
Mikael and Luis are starting to pull away.
Mikael does it again.
And that's three in a row!
Hendo... Mikael volleys to Luis.
And he hits it out! This is not over, folks.
Hendo with the serve to Luis -
and Linlin can't get there.
Mikael and Luis take home the gold.
And with this win, Mikael has locked up
his second gold at Global Games.
- We did well. - Yeah, we did good.
I guess they were... I'm so proud of us.
So proud of us.
I've got you.
Phew, heat coming out of there, man.
Yeah, it's too much.
You are my favourite. - You stole my medal!
Oh, no! Wait, you're my favourite. What are you doing?
You're my favourite. Come here. Yeah, there you go.
Come here, come here. She's my favourite.
Mikael and Luis win the gold, 7-3.
Linlin and Hendo take home the silver,
and Lolo and Derek take home the bronze.
Let's take a look at our updated medal board.
Next show, watch me beat him.
On the next episode of Global Games, it's the Flyathlon.
And get this - it's going to be fly.
Ha-ha! You see what I did there?
- See, it's going to be fly. - Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like an airplane.
- Yeah, like an airplane. - Like that.
- Flying through the sky. - It's fly. Fly-athlon.
- Yeah, I get, I get it, Spice. - Fly.
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