Nightcore - Radioactive X Dollhouse X Gasoline X Light Em Up (Switching Vocals)
Emma Marrone commenta il flop di Essere qui ad Amici | M.C.G.S - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Luigi Favoloso e Patrizia Bonetti sono stati beccati a letto insieme | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
황찬호 배우 사망 나이. 진실은 무엇입니까? - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello 15, il Telefono Rosa interviene sulla lite tra Aida e Baye | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Giorgio Manetti, la verità sul bacio con Gemma Galgani: "Sarebbe stato scortese non farlo" - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello 2018? La clamorosa scelta Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Turtle Drawing and Coloring Book for Kids | Learn Colors for Toddlers - Duration: 4:33.
VIVIMOS PARA LOS BANCOS: EL SISTEMA MUNDIAL DE DEUDA con Héctor Giuliano - Duration: 56:12.-------------------------------------------
[Nightcore] Quan Trọng Là Thần Thái Remix - [Share Sóng Nhạc] - Duration: 6:34.-------------------------------------------
Perché i dinosauri erano così grandi e gli animali poi sono andati riducendosi? - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Come si forma il guscio delle chiocciole? - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Pikmi Pops PushMi Ups - Out...-------------------------------------------
2pack Amplify Harmony Wireless Flexible SweatResistant H... - Duration: 14:46.-------------------------------------------
Dissecting RoboCop Movie & Games | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 12:04.I'd like to talk about Robocop, briefly about the film, and then about the games which followed.
Because, Robocop had a huge influence on my adolescent youth.
Now, being an 18 certified film, that may sound a little crazy, but this was the 80s,
and therefore to not watch a film underage would have been a betrayal of the time.
Besides, look at all the toys which followed.
They expected kids to be knee deep in this sh*t.
Observed from a high level, Robocop is simply a raw action film.
Many people still write it off as that, but it has so many layers of complexity, that
it's really like watching several films in one, and for me one of the best feature films
ever made.
Whoever thought it a good idea to create a 12 certified re-boot was a complete buffoon.
Because under that veneer of action, is a truly visceral and deep film, with a incredibly
clever and tense story line.
It's also littered with satire, parodies and quips on real life, which adds yet another
dimension to this complex cocktail of emotional excitement.
At it's heart we have a young cop, new to the police department, who wants to kick some
Obviously he decides to kick the wrong ass, and suffers the ultimate consequence.
Except, he's brought back from the brink of death, only to merge with machine and become
neither one or the other - what we'd call a cyborg.
A concept I was already quite fascinated with, thanks to this poster of the Spectrum game
Cyborg, which sadly never materialised in finished form.
This is the concept which fascinated me.
Not only do we have moral implications here, where death migrates to a different kind of
permanence, but we get down to a dark visceral dimension of merging something we consider
to have a soul; a living breathing emotional human, with something cold, mechanical and
I used to lay awake at night thinking about that these very notions.
How would it feel?
What does it mean to the concept of being alive.
Is this cyborg the same person, or has the programming seeping into his mind made him
something new entirely?
The concept and those questions bugged me all through the film, and lay at the core
of the action as you witness this new creation slowly come to terms with what he is, before
finally connecting to what he was before.
Remembering that, although he's Robocop, he was, and indeed still is, Alex Murphy.
On top of this concept is a very clear view of right and wrong, of justice and injustice..
your typical cops and robbers affair, and Murphy's view of that, although sculpted through
the film, remains unwavering.
Watching the film was intense and emotional, and I was left needing something more to appease
my thoughts.
I wanted to get an idea of what it felt like to be Robocop, and so the subsequent video
games of the time came to my rescue.
Robocop, the arcade game.
I'll start with the arcade experience.
The foreign setting of the arcade cabinet, deep in the arcade and away from the safety
of home, combined with it's impressive visuals, felt more connected to the film than anything
else at the time.
The attract mode, depicting key elements of the story, combined with the cold harsh serving
of the title screen, managed to instigate those visceral feelings of the film perfectly.
Of course, without the robotic, surreal music, adapted from the movie then this experience
would have been far less intense.
But as we'll discover, the music of the games, much like the film, is an essential part of
re-creating that almost operatic feeling of Robocop.
Of course, for the casual player, the arcade game is a tough cookie, and the levels don't
seem to bear a strong connection to the film-plot.
We get to wander through the streets, smashing thugs and motorcycles, before having a brief
confrontation with a huge ED-209.. and this is largely how play continues.
You might think that the lack of cohesion to the original story would be a negative,
but it worked well.
It was giving me something extra, on top of the movie experience, and after all, that's
exactly what I had hoped for.
Of course, I wanted to bring this experience into my home, and thankfully Ocean Software
had served up the goods, with their own take for the 8 bit home micros.
Seeing that mesmerising iconic art on loading was something special, but even more special
was the title screen music.
I would load this game up, simply to listen to that music.
In fact, I probably spent more time listening to that music than playing the actual game.
It just seemed to fit so well.
Composed by Jonathan Dunn, it aligned with the story of the film; the transformation
from man to machine back to man again.
It almost brought a tear to my eye.
Now the game itself, was incredibly well written as well.
Because, believe it or not, not all film tie-ins were pieces of unrelenting crud back then.
The Ocean games stuck to the film much more faithfully than Dataeast's arcade cabinet,
and followed the well loved Ocean format of a platformer, sprinkled with mini-games capturing
key points of the movie.
It's a really well thought out package, and although it fairs better on some formats than
others, it mostly still manages to bring the film atmosphere directly into
the living room.
Now, as the early 90s panned out, this desire to play Robocop games didn't go away, and
playing Robocop on my mate's Atari ST was another moment of epiphany.
But this time, having had a year or so to get over the trauma of the film, I was more
concerned with the graphics.
To my 10 or 11 year old eye, they looked almost identical to the arcade machine.
Now clearly a side by side comparison now-days shows us otherwise.
But having come from a Spectrum to the ST, the difference was staggering.
Gameplay wise, it still doesn't hold a candle to the Ocean versions, but it gave me that
Robocop hit, at home and for free.
Of course, during those years, the second movie came and went, and although it was a
reasonable attempt, it was half the film of the original.
Still, it managed to conjure the same feelings of disconnected dred from the first, with
Kane now taking the place of the Robot, in a suit which resembled even less of a man.
Here we had simply a brain, trapped inside a metal can, with a screen seemingly it's
only human like contact outside of the cold, steel structure.
The second movie, despite its flaws, re-ignited my need to engage in the Robocop universe,
and just like before, I went to the arcades.
Now, Robocop 2's arcade experience is a very different kettle of fish from the first.
It's another outing by Data-East, but this time the experience is much more action orientated,
like beat'em ups emerging at the time.
Being a big fan of Final Fight, this was actually exactly what I was hoping for, especially
being able to share the action with a friend.
My brother and I, would often try and battle through these levels, each one controlling
a differently coloured Robocop, blasting whatever was in sight.
Again, connection to the film script is tenuous, but enjoyable... and just like the first,
home ports would follow.
I remember that my only experience at home this time around was from a cover tape of
Your Sinclair magazine, and for a demo it was hard.
I was also a bit older and potentially short on cash, so my the enthusiasm for the game
petered out and I neglected to play the full version until recently.
Of course back in the movies, Robocop 3 came and thankfully went again, and although the
game for the likes of the Amiga and ST is incredible, it's one which completely passed
me by.
Maybe I was still in denial about how atrocious the film was.
It would take a new and exciting title to re-invigorate my senses, and that title would
come in the form of Robocop vs. Terminator on the Sega Mega Drive.
But these are titles I'll be exploring another time, because despite my interest in Robocop
not diminishing, at the time, these latter games didn't connect with the original films,
and are thus unnecessary to this monologue.
I'm not sure if the interest I hold stems from watching the film when I was young, or
whether it would occur watching it afresh today...
I mean, at it's core the original film is asking what it is to be alive, and this concept
indulges to a very deep thirst, or maybe fear in my psyche, which I'm sure others share,
and I think that's why the original film and the moody, atmospheric games which followed,
were so captivating.
It's a similar story with the Alien films and even to a certain extent, the Matrix.
I often hear the question, is the game better than the movie, but it's a question I've always
found a strange one.
A game is a very different medium to a movie, and although you can enjoy one more than the
other, they trigger different feelings, and pander to different areas of your psyche.
What the Robocop games brought to the film franchise, especially with the original was
a sense of completion.
I don't think I would have felt satisfied watching the movie without a decent and engrossing
interactive experience to follow it up with.
Something to really trigger the imagination.
These games allowed me to explore a universe which I found captivating and scratch an itch
which needed scratching.
This is why it saddens me deeply when game adaptations of other great films are just
flushed down the pan, because it not only leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but it
also takes something away from the film experience.
Any imagination or suspension of disbelief you may have held to enjoy the film is snapped
back to gritty reality, when a crappy film tie in slaps it's cash grabbing hands around
your face.
Presented devoid of love or passion for the cause.
But Robocop was a movie and game experience which felt complete, and where-ever that beautiful
combination occurs, it's bloody amazing.
Although there are exceptions to this rule.
Stay tuned for more memories from youth, more Robocop and indeed, added Terminator, and
I'll be back.
What Is The Government Hiding At Pine Gap? - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
10 Current WWE Wrestlers Who Would Have Been Perfect For The Attitude Era - Duration: 11:17."Mah gawd almighty he is broken in half!"
- "Tyson and Austin, Tyson and Austin!"
We get it.
The Attitude Era was the greatest period in wrestling history.
Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker and Mick Foley, in their
prime, under the same roof.
It's the sort of line-up that we can all agree featured the greatest main event scene in
wrestling history, and some of the whackiest stories.
Whether it be classic moments like Austin's beer bath, the Montreal Screwjob and Foley's
Hell in a Cell crash or the sexist and sometimes even racially insensitive undercard stories,
WWF Raw is War featured the sort of non-stop Action and Controvery approach that the company
has tried to replicate in the near 2-decades since.
Comparatively, the current WWE roster could be argued as having the deepest pool of talent
the company has ever seen, with a higher potential for top quality matches than at any point
in history, only with less potential for the same degree of controversy and a (some would
argue) criminally low amount of d*ck jokes.
So what would happen if some of the current crop were able to express themselves in the
same way as those in the attitude era did?
Which wrestlers would flourish opposite the likes of Steve Austin in the main event, Billy
Gunn and Road Dogg in the tag division or Steve Blackman in the mid-card?
To help make up your mind, we've compiled this list with our picks for the 10 Current
WWE Wrestlers Who Would've Been Perfect for the Attitude Era.
I'm xxx from
Join us!
-------------- 10.
Dean Ambrose When first establishing the criteria for the
perfect Attitude Era star, the most obvious characteristic you can look for in a contemporary
talent is... well... attitude - and nobody personifies the same no-f*cks-given attitude
of the Attitude Era better than Dean Ambrose.
There's a reason he's been dubbed the modern-era's Brian Pillman.
In his current persona, the former Shield brethren is a grand slam champion in his own
right, but given his history as a hardcore wrestler by the name of Jon Moxley, there
seem to be many more elements to this current day superstar than may first meet the eye.
Sure, his current "whacky Dean" persona would likely be pushed WAY over the top in an attitude
era setting and his seemingly hard to work with attitude - see the Steve Austin podcast
- may have been more of an issue back in the day, but the potential for him to be an unhinged,
hardcore maniac of the Pillman or Mick Foley ilk would have been way higher, and his (at
times) lacklustre in-ring style disguised by gimmicks, personality and those oh-so-impressive
facial expressions.
Just imagine Ambrose and Foley in their prime.
Truly worth salivating over.
Braun Strowman Besides attitude, there is one thing the WWE
had a lot of back in the attitude era, and that was "big, sweaty men" - it truly was
the land of giants!
And there are no bigger, sweatier, or more "gianter" in the current era than Braun Strowman.
This near 7 foot tall bohemoth is the sort of wrestler who could've made it in any era
given his stature and athletic capabilities, but the former strong-man competitor has also
proven to have the comedic timing and believable bad-assery necessary to have existed at the
peak of the attitude era.
Can you imagine Braun Strowman coming face to face with attitude era Kane?
Squashing Kai En Tai?
Being a member of the Ministry of Darkness?
The possibilities are endless, and given how his on-screen antics have become more and
more reminiscent of the attitude era over the course of his career - think smashing
a double bass over Elias, emerging from a garbage truck, yanking down some conveniently
placed scaffolding - Strowman has already proven himself worthy of earning his spot
in those forever beloved attitude era highlight reels.
EC3 Another vitally important aspect of the typical
attitude era WWE wrestler was their body image.
At the top of the card, the solid builds of Steve Austin, The Rock and Triple H reigned
supreme, with the impressive muscle definition on the likes of Ken Shamrock and Val Venis
impressing lower down the card.
While there was always space for the less body-builder-image physiques of The Hardys,
The Dudleyz, Big Boss Man and, of course, Rikishi, the unspoken rule at the time was
to look and be larger than life - the type of man a man would want to be, and a woman
would want to be with.
Nobody in current day WWE personifies this unspoken rule better than newly re-signed
NXT star EC3.
Not only is he attractive, well tanned and well oiled, but he most importantly has the
Is there anyone in current day WWE with more muscles popping out of more places than this
He's somewhat of a poster boy for the era to look at, but his on-the-mic comedic sensibilities
and smarmy, one-percenter persona would also prove to be an excellent foil for the rough
and ready hard men of the time, making him a potential friend of the McMahons and an
unmissable part of the action each and every Monday night.
Gallows & Anderson When thinking back to the attitude era, it's
tough to look beyond the tag division.
Whether it was Edge & Christian, the Hardys, the New Age Outlaws, the Dudleyz or even the
short-lived return of The Road Warriors, it seemed there was always something interesting
and potentially show-stealing on offer.
People even look back on Too Cool with fond memories, and they were a couple of guys dressed
in baggy pants and sunglasses dancing to white-people-hip-hop...
Looking at the current WWE roster, there are a few standout teams that spring to mind as
great fits for such a division: The Usos, The Authors of Pain, The Bludgeon Brothers,
even The New Day could all provide exciting matches with any number of attitude era teams,
but none of them would reap the out-of-the-ring benefits of more adult content and the ability
to provide off-the-cuff moments of inspiration than Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.
The 2 former Bullet Club members have proven inside and outside of the WWE that their comedic
timing and ability to cut a believable, realistic promo is second to none, and this is only
reinforced when they're given the opportunity to run with more adult content - see Gallows'
Sex Ferguson persona on the independents (changed to Tex Ferguson on WWE's Southpaw Regional
Wrestling), for a prime example.
Importantly for the era, the team is also made up of two pretty big dudes, making a
tag team feud with any number of teams - including the likes of the Brothers of Destruction - a
believable route for them to take; a fact that only reinforces how perfect they would
have been for the attitude era.
Lana If there was one element of the attitude era
that has undeniably been improved in the years following, it's the women's division.
We've come a long way from the bra and panties matches between Sable and Jacqueline, the
public strip teases and the man-on-woman violence.
Happily, the WWE have also moved beyond their preferred look of big breasted blonde bombshells
and into a realm more representative of women of all body types.
But, if there was to be one current WWE women's wrestler who could've fit into the mould of
the attitude era's greatest women's wrestlers, it would be Lana.
The supremely attractive Mrs. Rusev would not only have the blonde bombshell thing going
for her, but she'd also have the gimmick.
In an era where "foreign heels" were often Canadian, a pro-Russia gimmick in the women's
division could've done wonders as regards getting Lana over as a top female character
on WWE programming and would've likely resulted in a prominent managerial role or a run or
two with the women's gold.
It would have been money.
Chad Gable Thinking back to the later years of the attitude
era brings memories of a solid mid-card of hard-working, incredibly talented grapplers
like Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero, and if there
was to be one contemporary WWE talent that would be able to mix it in the ring with the
same technical prowess it would be Chad Gable.
Gable has moulded himself after technical wrestling legend Kurt Angle, adapting his
comparatively as legitimate competitive background to a grappler's style in the squared circle,
creating a somewhat timeless aura to his offense that would be well suited to matches with
any of the attitude era's greatest.
While there are arguably better in-ring workers around in WWE at the moment, few possess the
unique style and ability to pull it off as Chad Gable does, making him the ideal candidate
for a work-horse role in an attitude era roster.
Big E There are some wrestlers who come along at
the right time and in the right place, and one such a wrestler who would've been just
those things during the attitude era is Big E. The New Day's powerhouse front-man would've
fit the look of the day, has a sense of humour unlike anyone else in the WWE right now that
would have felt right at home during the era, and has proven throughout his time with the
New Day that he isn't afraid to tackle sexual innuendo from time to time; a key aspect of
any attitude era mid-carder, I'm sure you'll agree.
He would have, of course, been a great fit for The Nation of Domination given his tag
team credentials and how almost every black WWE star of the time was associated with the
group, but it's in his in-ring work - which doesn't rely upon just his frightening strength,
but goes above and beyond that into something altogether more entertaining - that the former
Big E Langston could have become a real player in an attitude era roster; enhancing the slower,
methodical matches of those with super-strength into faster and more entertaining match-ups
that would have separated him from the rest and made him into a memorable attitude era
Fandango If there's a current WWE wrestler who could
benefit the most from a more adult-orientated product, it would be Fandango.
As one half of the fashion police, Fandango has been packaged in a family friendly manner
unbecoming of his more adult sense of humour and terrific comedic timing, though glimmers
of his more edgy side do remain.
The man with the dancer gimmick wouldn't need to change much, just go all-in on his slightly
creepy, live-the-gimmick persona, and really push home those circular thrusts.
He wouldn't ever be a main event player, but he'd be a good foil for the likes of The Godfather,
and may have even been the sort of character considered as a potential member of Right
To Censor, and who doesn't want to see that?!
Elias The attitude era was all about celebrating
personas as close to the real person behind them as has ever been the case in the history
of wrestling, but that doesn't mean there wasn't room for gimmicks.
Most wrestlers had their personas born out of such gimmicks, and many others created
gimmicks out of such personas, but just as is the case now, there was always room for
a musician, especially one with the self-worshipping delusion and cheap heat capabilities of this
generation's Elias.
Who wants to walk with him?
Of course, some small elements to the character would have to be altered to fit in with the
For example, Walk With Elias wouldn't quite work in an era branded as WWF and not WWE,
while his hipster-inspired get-up would not quite hit home in the same way as it does
in the contemporary landscape.
His grunge-inspired look and style of song would, however, be just as provocative, if
not more so, to a WWE fan of the time, and if ever there was a stereotypical audience
to draw legitimate hatred out of through home-town insults, it was the incredibly vocal attitude
era crowds.
In the ring, Elias could cover for his lack of speed by instead focussing on drawing heat,
and he could always cover up a loss by smashing someone over the head with his guitar.
He'd be a solid fit for a hardcore match, especially with so many clamouring for his
comeuppance, and if they ever did turn him babyface, they'd have a chart-topping music
artist on their hands.
It'd be a win for the WWE and a win for Elias.
John Cena If you look at modern era WWE stars who can
talk the talk, walk the walk, look the look and backstage politic like a backstage politician,
then there are none more iconic than John Cena.
The 16-time world champion could out-talk almost anyone - as proven in his 2-year-long
programme with The Rock - and his never-budging good-guy persona would be one hell of a feather
ruffler for someone as anti-everything as Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Cena's even proven in recent years that he's capable of some great matches!
Imagine the promos between Cena and Austin or Cena and McMahon, the ways they could switch
his wholesome persona into something to be hated by an audience begging for blood and
It'd be fantastic!
Feuds with The Ministry, The McMahons, Austin, Triple H, Mick Foley and The Undertaker would
be blockbuster events, and could you imagine him as the leader of an undercard stable with
Too Cool and Rikishi?
It would be priceless!
Cena is the sort of performer who has it all, and seeing him be able to mix it with the
very best of the best on a regular occurrence is a simply mouth-watering prospect.
Cathy Hummels' Yoga-Kniff: So bleibt sie auch im Urlaub fit! - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Steven Tyler Mania - Duration: 11:31.Guess who's in town baby!
Steve Tyler!
Steven Tyler!
Of Aerosmith!
Oh my God!
Grab the cat quick we gotta go meet him!
Alright guys what's up?
I'm here in beautiful Muscle Shoals Alabama.
Right next door to the FAME Recording Studios.
If you don't know lot's of famous musicians have recorded lots of uh, well famous songs
right there.
All kinds of people from The Rolling Stones, Hank Williams Jr., Cher, I don't know, the
list is endless, but, yeah, a lot of amazing music has been recorded right here in this
little town, right there at those unassuming studios right there.
Well, this past week, we've uh, we've had a visitor, uh, Steven Tyler has been in town,
Steven Tyler from Aerosmith in case you don't know.
I'm not sure what he was... he was doing some recording here, and he was at FAME Studios
here, and uh, well, people went a little stupid.
Ok, I'm going to put a video in right here and, just let you watch it for a second and
then we'll discuss it.
I wanna hear you say Roll TIde. yeah, give us a roll tide.
Yeah, give us a Roll Tide!
Can you sign my shirt?
Yeah, sing us a song.
Please say Roll Tide.
Please say Roll Tide
Roll Tide
Gotta sign Jacob's shirt.
Roll Tide
Roll TIde.
Roll TIde.
Roll TIde. crowd shouts Roll TIde.
So as you can see in the video the people are getting autographs normal stuff, I mean,
like, I wouldn't do it, I never really have understood the fascination with famous people.
I really just don't get it.
They're people just like we are.
Their shit stinks just like mine does.
So I really just don't get it.
So, what really gets me about this video, is the cat.
What the hell is the thought process going on in your head that you bring a freaking
cat for Steven Tyler to hold?
What kind of crazy, lunatic, cat lady are you that you bring your cat for Steven Tyler
to hold?
So uh, Like I got to thinking ok, maybe Steven Tyler really likes cats, and this lady knows
this, and so she brought him a cat.
So, I'm googling.
I can't find anything that says Steven Tyler loves cats, he does rescue dogs.
But I didn't see anything about him loving cats, so, I just, I don't know man, the whole
thought process behind bringing Steven Tyler your freaking cat to hold just blows me away.
What is wrong with people?
And I know, I mean you know hey man, whatever cranks your tractor, I don't care, whatever,
if it doesn't hurt me I don't care but, doesn't mean I can't make fun of it, because that's...
is that not weird?
Guess who's in town baby!
Steven Tyler!
Steven Tyler!
Of Aerosmith!
Oh My God!
Grab the cat quick, we gotta go meet him!
Like, I don't...I. laughing.
I just don't get it.
I just don't get it.
That's really weird.
People were seriously loosing their minds though.
And I mean, like, it's Steven Tyler...It's not like it's Nick Saban.
Lot's of bikes out today, weather's been pretty, it's been crappy the last couple of days.
Hey how ya doin buddy.
so uh...yeah anyway...I just don't understand people loosing their minds man, people, I
mean...people were lined up outside that studio just stalking, and waiting for him to come
Like, I don't...I don't know, I don't get that, whatever, more power to you, but I think
you're weird.
Maybe he likes that sort of thing, I don't know, but it just seemed really, really really
weird to me. and another thing, not only do you bring him your cat, and these crazy people
start hollering say Roll Tide.
Make him say Roll Tide.
Steven say Roll Tide.
Ok...I'm an Alabama Fan.
I'm a pretty big Alabama fan...but this is insane.
Why are you trying to get this man to say Roll Tide?
He don't know what Roll Tide means, he can't even understand your ignorant ass.
Make him say Roll Tide.
He ask them like three times, say what?
Roll What?
He don't even know what he's saying.
Why are you trying to get him to say Roll Tide?
Do you think that you just made another Nick Saban disciple?
Like, Oh Steven Tyler said Roll Tide now, what?
I don't know is that like...what?
I don't know.
Six more years of championships?
I don't know.
God, crazy birds.
Like, what are you accomplishing by getting Steven Tyler to say Roll Tide?
Make him say Roll Tide!
And then they just go crazy when he says Roll Tide.
I mean, he doesn't know what he said.
He has no idea what he just said, so why are you excited about it?
It wasn't like he said, wasn't like they said hey say Roll TIde...or even better,
it wasn't like they said, hey what do you think about Alabama football? and he went,
Hey yeah, Roll Tide!
He doesn't give two shits about Alabama football, he doesn't even know Alabama football exists.
I mean I could see if you had asked him, hey Steven what do you think about Alabama football?
and he had said Roll Tide.
Hey that's pretty cool, Steven Tyler likes Alabama Football.
I mean...has no bearing on my life whatsoever, but hey, cool, rock on brother.
No, make him say Roll Tide!
Say Roll Tide!
Say Roll Tide!
Freaking morons man.
People hate Alabama enough, and Alabama fans enough we gotta give em ammo like that?
Make him say Roll Tide!
Yeah, if you don't mind can I get through here first?
Yeah, I just, I don't understand people man, I really don't.
It's...people are the worst.
Make him say Roll Tide!
And it was like, it was like a's like blood in the water and they were a bunch
of sharks, the first one said something about Roll TIde, and then the rest of them, were
like, yeah, make him, make him say Roll Tide!
Roll TIde!
Say Roll Tide!
Say Roll TIde! everybody say Roll TIde!
ROll TIDE ROLL TIDe ROll TIde, Good lord it made me freaking hate the saying Roll Tide.
What is wrong with you people.
Just be cool man.
Just be cool.
Is that Do It With Dan behind me?
I think it's Do It With Dan!
It's Do It With Dan!!!
He's got a mohawk on his helmet it's Do It With Dan!!
Just be cool.
Yeah, just, just play it cool man.
If you meet somebody famous just be cool.
Just be cool.
Don't come up and say, hey say Roll Tide!!!
Just be cool.
Be chill man, just be chiiiilll.
Supermoto bro.
Put yourself in that situation.
What would you want?
How would you want people to act.
Anyway, that's gonna be it for this video.
Just a little I don't know, I don't even know what you call this.
Is it a rant?
I guess it'll be a rant.
A rant on stupid people.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, you may notice the scenery is completely different, uh, I
forgot to talk about the Roll Tide part, I kinda forgot about the Roll Tide part.
Until I added in the video and was editing, and so I just went back out for a quick ride
just to add this in, cause the Roll Tide part, really is just as bad as the cat part.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it.
Stay safe out there, Spay and neuter, and have a nice day.
Make him say Roll Tide!
29.04.18 2:17 ПП (M6,) - Duration: 10:00.-------------------------------------------
러시아가 한국 전투기 사업 입찰을 포기한 진짜 이유 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 8:07.-------------------------------------------
Antes Rajoy que Puigdemont - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
Steven Tyler Mania - Duration: 11:31.Guess who's in town baby!
Steve Tyler!
Steven Tyler!
Of Aerosmith!
Oh my God!
Grab the cat quick we gotta go meet him!
Alright guys what's up?
I'm here in beautiful Muscle Shoals Alabama.
Right next door to the FAME Recording Studios.
If you don't know lot's of famous musicians have recorded lots of uh, well famous songs
right there.
All kinds of people from The Rolling Stones, Hank Williams Jr., Cher, I don't know, the
list is endless, but, yeah, a lot of amazing music has been recorded right here in this
little town, right there at those unassuming studios right there.
Well, this past week, we've uh, we've had a visitor, uh, Steven Tyler has been in town,
Steven Tyler from Aerosmith in case you don't know.
I'm not sure what he was... he was doing some recording here, and he was at FAME Studios
here, and uh, well, people went a little stupid.
Ok, I'm going to put a video in right here and, just let you watch it for a second and
then we'll discuss it.
I wanna hear you say Roll TIde. yeah, give us a roll tide.
Yeah, give us a Roll Tide!
Can you sign my shirt?
Yeah, sing us a song.
Please say Roll Tide.
Please say Roll Tide
Roll Tide
Gotta sign Jacob's shirt.
Roll Tide
Roll TIde.
Roll TIde.
Roll TIde. crowd shouts Roll TIde.
So as you can see in the video the people are getting autographs normal stuff, I mean,
like, I wouldn't do it, I never really have understood the fascination with famous people.
I really just don't get it.
They're people just like we are.
Their shit stinks just like mine does.
So I really just don't get it.
So, what really gets me about this video, is the cat.
What the hell is the thought process going on in your head that you bring a freaking
cat for Steven Tyler to hold?
What kind of crazy, lunatic, cat lady are you that you bring your cat for Steven Tyler
to hold?
So uh, Like I got to thinking ok, maybe Steven Tyler really likes cats, and this lady knows
this, and so she brought him a cat.
So, I'm googling.
I can't find anything that says Steven Tyler loves cats, he does rescue dogs.
But I didn't see anything about him loving cats, so, I just, I don't know man, the whole
thought process behind bringing Steven Tyler your freaking cat to hold just blows me away.
What is wrong with people?
And I know, I mean you know hey man, whatever cranks your tractor, I don't care, whatever,
if it doesn't hurt me I don't care but, doesn't mean I can't make fun of it, because that's...
is that not weird?
Guess who's in town baby!
Steven Tyler!
Steven Tyler!
Of Aerosmith!
Oh My God!
Grab the cat quick, we gotta go meet him!
Like, I don't...I. laughing.
I just don't get it.
I just don't get it.
That's really weird.
People were seriously loosing their minds though.
And I mean, like, it's Steven Tyler...It's not like it's Nick Saban.
Lot's of bikes out today, weather's been pretty, it's been crappy the last couple of days.
Hey how ya doin buddy.
so uh...yeah anyway...I just don't understand people loosing their minds man, people, I
mean...people were lined up outside that studio just stalking, and waiting for him to come
Like, I don't...I don't know, I don't get that, whatever, more power to you, but I think
you're weird.
Maybe he likes that sort of thing, I don't know, but it just seemed really, really really
weird to me. and another thing, not only do you bring him your cat, and these crazy people
start hollering say Roll Tide.
Make him say Roll Tide.
Steven say Roll Tide.
Ok...I'm an Alabama Fan.
I'm a pretty big Alabama fan...but this is insane.
Why are you trying to get this man to say Roll Tide?
He don't know what Roll Tide means, he can't even understand your ignorant ass.
Make him say Roll Tide.
He ask them like three times, say what?
Roll What?
He don't even know what he's saying.
Why are you trying to get him to say Roll Tide?
Do you think that you just made another Nick Saban disciple?
Like, Oh Steven Tyler said Roll Tide now, what?
I don't know is that like...what?
I don't know.
Six more years of championships?
I don't know.
God, crazy birds.
Like, what are you accomplishing by getting Steven Tyler to say Roll Tide?
Make him say Roll Tide!
And then they just go crazy when he says Roll Tide.
I mean, he doesn't know what he said.
He has no idea what he just said, so why are you excited about it?
It wasn't like he said, wasn't like they said hey say Roll TIde...or even better,
it wasn't like they said, hey what do you think about Alabama football? and he went,
Hey yeah, Roll Tide!
He doesn't give two shits about Alabama football, he doesn't even know Alabama football exists.
I mean I could see if you had asked him, hey Steven what do you think about Alabama football?
and he had said Roll Tide.
Hey that's pretty cool, Steven Tyler likes Alabama Football.
I mean...has no bearing on my life whatsoever, but hey, cool, rock on brother.
No, make him say Roll Tide!
Say Roll Tide!
Say Roll Tide!
Freaking morons man.
People hate Alabama enough, and Alabama fans enough we gotta give em ammo like that?
Make him say Roll Tide!
Yeah, if you don't mind can I get through here first?
Yeah, I just, I don't understand people man, I really don't.
It's...people are the worst.
Make him say Roll Tide!
And it was like, it was like a's like blood in the water and they were a bunch
of sharks, the first one said something about Roll TIde, and then the rest of them, were
like, yeah, make him, make him say Roll Tide!
Roll TIde!
Say Roll Tide!
Say Roll TIde! everybody say Roll TIde!
ROll TIDE ROLL TIDe ROll TIde, Good lord it made me freaking hate the saying Roll Tide.
What is wrong with you people.
Just be cool man.
Just be cool.
Is that Do It With Dan behind me?
I think it's Do It With Dan!
It's Do It With Dan!!!
He's got a mohawk on his helmet it's Do It With Dan!!
Just be cool.
Yeah, just, just play it cool man.
If you meet somebody famous just be cool.
Just be cool.
Don't come up and say, hey say Roll Tide!!!
Just be cool.
Be chill man, just be chiiiilll.
Supermoto bro.
Put yourself in that situation.
What would you want?
How would you want people to act.
Anyway, that's gonna be it for this video.
Just a little I don't know, I don't even know what you call this.
Is it a rant?
I guess it'll be a rant.
A rant on stupid people.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, you may notice the scenery is completely different, uh, I
forgot to talk about the Roll Tide part, I kinda forgot about the Roll Tide part.
Until I added in the video and was editing, and so I just went back out for a quick ride
just to add this in, cause the Roll Tide part, really is just as bad as the cat part.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it.
Stay safe out there, Spay and neuter, and have a nice day.
Make him say Roll Tide!
Suits | Season 7, Episode 16: Rachel Asks Donna For Help With The Wedding - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Radioactive ✗ Dollhouse ✗ Gasoline ✗ Light Em Up (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:14.Nightcore - Radioactive X Dollhouse X Gasoline X Light Em Up (Switching Vocals)
Turtle Drawing and Coloring Book for Kids | Learn Colors for Toddlers - Duration: 4:33.
Youtube 101: COMMENT RÉUSSIR SUR YOUTUBE? Difficultés sur Youtube + Dédicaces - Duration: 15:13.-------------------------------------------
Klod | K FREESTYLE - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
New Amazing Nail Art Designs 2018 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation - Duration: 10:02.
Kindle Publishing - Shady Tactics - Duration: 8:08.Kindle publishing shady tactics we're gonna talk about that come on hey guys
it's K-Ninja here and before we get into it make sure you smash that
subscribe button and hit the little bell so you get notifications because self
publishing is all this channel talks about so Kindle publishing shady tactics
now there's a whole array of shady tactics that your competitors will use
in order to surpass you in order to outdo you in order to beat
you in order to take you down because there's so many of these shady tactics
this video is going to be the first of many videos that cover these shady
tactics tactics that you probably wouldn't have expected to see tactics
that threw you off tactics that took money out of your pocket and put that
money into your competitors pocket underhanded tactics dirty tactics
hardball type stuff tactics that you never even saw coming now I wouldn't
recommend that you implement any of these tactics yourself though you could
however the risks associated should you get caught or on you I'm not endorsing
any of these tactics I'm just trying to raise awareness about these tactics and
give you some defensive strategy so when it happens to you you know what to do
although for some of these there are no defensive strategies and you're just
going to have to accept that some of your competitors are going to do these
things because it goes with the territory of being a kindle publisher
and you just have to remain calm and cool and accept it as one of the costs
of doing business if you want to try any of these tactics out yourself I'm not
endorsing it it's at your own risk and I say don't do it because if you get
caught once you could lose your publishing account it's not worth it
okay let's get into our first shady tactic and you can see what I'm talking
about so I call this shade tactic the torpedo that's right the
torpedo you'll see this tactic get implemented in a smaller niche the type
of niche that when you type in whatever the keyword is only the books at the
very top are making any money that means only the first or second or third or
fourth book in fact the smaller the niche is the more having this type of
tactic can read so let's imagine that the niche is so small that when you type
in the main keyword only the top book is the book making the
money the second book is perhaps making a little money but nothing compared to
the top book and the third book from the top is making zero and let's say you've
worked hard and gathered a lot of reviews placing your book at the top so
when someone types in the main keyword for that niche your book is number one
and you're making the vast majority of the money for whatever that niche is
worth and let's say your competitor is in spot number two and you see him
gathering reviews every week maybe ten more five-star reviews pop up on his
book you see that he's working hard to gather reviews to try to beat you and
even though he gets to the point where he has more reviews than you
he can't surpass you you managed to stick to the top spot probably because
you took my course and you know how to tickle the algorithm the right way and
after getting perhaps double the reviews on his book that you have on your book
he still can't pass you and get that number one spot so what does he do he
wants that number one spot so he's gonna implement the torpedo which means he's
basically going to pay a third-party to start hitting your book with one-star
reviews until your book starts to sink so that he can take the top spot in many
cases only one one-star review will be enough to do it meaning to cause your
book to sink but yeah sometimes it takes more than one to pull it off well
once he's in that top spot then he's number one he seems to have more
authority and it's a lot harder to take him down so what's your defensive
maneuver when this type of thing happens well some would say you could torpedo
back but I don't advocate doing that just because it's basically illegal
though it is hard to prove which is why he can get away with doing it to you but
I don't condone anything that's illegal so I'm gonna tell you don't do that or
if you do it's at your own risk but I told you not to so it's your call but I
told you not to okay but let's say you did that and you torpedoed back and then
he torpedoed back and then you torpedoed back you both lose it's a lose-lose
situation all the money that you and your competitor have put into your books
gone you've basically nuked each other though I'm gonna tell you do not torpedo
back you don't have to heed my warnings do whatever you want to do but Kay ninja
says don't do it one legit defensive strategy you can do is to have your
people down vote his one star review and if enough people down vote a one star
review it will get removed however if you're gonna do that you have to act
fast because if you move too slowly the damage could already be done you
definitely don't want to get into a torpedo war though because it's not just
that one book that could be at stake because if your competitor is really the
persistent type he can check under your pen name and torpedo all the books under
your pen name basically trying to show you that he is not someone that you want
to mess with and so in many cases the best strategy sometimes is just to take
the hit after all it is a small niche and focus your energies on your other
books sometimes you've just got to take a hit and look at it is one of the costs
of doing business you can't win every battle but yeah if someone resorts to
torpedo in your book there's frankly not so much you can do about it because
there's no way to prove that he's doing it you've just kind of got a trust and
half that Amazon will put two and two
together and remove the negative review and they do do that sometimes but
sometimes it's too late after the damage has already been done so even though
there's not much you can do about it it is a shady tactic worth noting and as
you gain more experience as a publisher you're going to encounter it eventually
so yeah it's something to be aware of and if you wanted to know a little bit
about another shady tactic I call review swapping then click the little card
right there yeah click the card come on and if you want some really advanced
strategies that will help you to make publishing a full time income and give
you financial freedom then check out my course the link is in the description
publishing is kind of all I do I do this full time so I definitely know what I'm
talking about with this stuff and other than that make sure you subscribe to
this channel because we'll be covering more shady tactics in the future we've
also got tutorials and we bring you industry news on this channel all
related to self publishing covering both fiction and nonfiction and if you do
subscribe make sure you click the little bell so you get notifications why would
you not click the little bell is something wrong with you
click the little bell so you get notifications just do it that's about
all we've got time for today see you in the next one
K-Ninja out
新型フォレスターも搭載! スバルが中国で投入するモーターアシスト仕様とは【北京モーターショー2018】 - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
[MONSTA X]170518 ENGSUB - 몬베베 600일~ 알러빗💗(MONSTA X being Extra dancing to PSY - I LUV IT & NEW FACE) - Duration: 3:21.-Knock knock? -Knock knock? [송현인]
Knock on my heart and open it up~
-They have a concept again don't they?
[Peeking peeking]
-Wow, a sleeping concept [The celphone fell]
[Kkukkungie who calmly picks up (the phone)]
[This time voice only]
-Oh! (The live) became voice only -What is this--
[Lost their minds as soon as they came into the room]
[~Sleeping (Concept)~] -Look here, they're sleeping.
No, pretending to be asleep.
[Playing a song in Jooheon's ear, who's pretending to be asleep]
-Yah, yah, yah, yah, that's too close!
You can't it's too dangerous! Ok, I will give you 5 seconds!
[~Heonie who has woken up~] -Please wake up!
[~Playing a song as soon as he wakes up~]
[No, didn't he already prepare it]
[A dancing singer]
[Flap flap]
[Ah, Mon X is really cute]
[While only nodding his head
~choreography that is true to the lyrics~]
[Really...Chae Hyungwon is cute and (suddenly]
-Monbebe 600 days!
[Excited Monaegis] -600 days!
[Kyun Director passionately filming]
[Even doing New Face in high spirits]
[Seriously Lee Minhyuk]
~Following choreography well~
[This doesn't make sense to anyone who doesn't know Mon X]
[Kyun Director still filming passionately]
[Chaebugi facing them and dancing together]
~Dance party that continues in Shownu's room~
[Lee Minyeokie..again...!]
~Filming a one-take music video~
[Thought you were doing a pre-rehearsal]
[Extremely proud Kyun Director] -Oho, that was good!
[Anyone who loves Im Changkyun's wiggling]
[In the meantime Kyun Directors reflection in the mirror is really cute]
[Doesn't Yoo Kihyun's camera work feel like a music broadcast...]
[The ones over here are laughing too]
[Saving this vapp broadcast to laugh later]
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