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ぺブルビーチにて登場したBMW「Z4ファーストエディション」。改めて見るとこれカッコいいんじゃね? - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
ブガッティが「ディーヴォ」の追加画像を公開。シロンの倍の価値はあるのか、画像や動画で比較してみよう - Duration: 6:52.-------------------------------------------
Super Summer Giveaway at Stuffed Safari | Win Free Stuffed Animals-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 63 S AMG 4MATIC PREMIUM PLUS Panoramaschuifdak, AMG Drivers Package, A - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-08-27 18:43:22 450 S Weber Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446, USA - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-08-27 18:37:37 450 S Weber Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446, USA - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-08-27 18:36:14 450 S Weber Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446, USA - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
剛剛,美國發出警告:誰採購S-400就制裁誰 - Duration: 4:30.美國是當今 世界的霸 主,其擁 有美元霸 權、軍事 霸權、石 油霸權, 並且有很 多跟隨的 小弟。
利用霸權發 號施令也 是美國的 一貫做法 ,並且對 不願意聽 令者,美 國總是習 慣性的拿 出制裁大 棒。
美國不顧全 世界反對 悍然退出 伊核協議 ,並且不 顧世界大 局發起針 對伊朗制 裁。
美國利用霸 主地位讓 全世界發 號施令, 要求世界 上所有的 國家必須 在11月 份之前 停 止伊朗石 油進口,誓言要讓 伊朗石油一滴也賣不出去。
在美國的制 裁大棒威 脅下,部 分國家和 地區妥協 了,可是 還是有俄 羅斯等國 力挺伊 朗 ,不服美 國的命令。
在遭遇俄羅 斯抵制之 後,美國 又將發號 施令的對 象瞄準了 俄羅斯。
美國再次動 用了霸權 地位,開 始針對俄 羅斯的明 星武器, 向世界發 號施令。
據環球網8 月24日 報道,美 國國務院 發言人諾 爾特直言 不諱的表 示,不排 除對全 世 界購買S -400系統的國 家實施制裁的可能性,堅決反對全球的夥伴或盟友購買S-400。
諾爾特的意 圖很明確 ,那就是 讓俄羅斯 的這款明 星武器一 套也賣不 出去,全 面打壓俄 羅斯武器 銷售。
另外諾爾特 還專門點 名了土耳 其、印度 兩個盟友 在購買俄 羅斯S- 400問 題上的錯 誤做法。
軍事專家指 出,美國 的目的很 明確,就 是要讓俄 羅斯軍火 銷售遇阻 ,在打擊 俄羅斯 重 要創匯途 徑的同時,為美國 軍火銷售提供更多機會。
購買S-4 00的國 家很多, 美國現在 釋放強硬 信號,想 憑藉老大 地位發號 施令, 不 過在現實 中很難達到其既定 目的的。
公開資料可 知,土耳 其、卡達 、沙特、 印度等都 從俄羅斯 購買了該 套防空飛 彈系統 , 美國想要 阻止所有的國家購 買俄羅斯S-400系統是不現實的。
諾爾特發布 聲明之後 ,土耳其 第一個站 出了提出 了反對, 指出土耳 其是主權 國家有 權 根據自己 的需要購買武器, 美國無權說三道四。
印度斯坦日 報網站透 露,印度 軍方指出 ,購買S -400 是按照既 定計劃進 行的, 不 會聽從美 國所謂的發號施令 。
雖然沙特、 卡達沒有 對美國的 要求公開 提出反對 ,但很顯 然兩國對 於美國的 要求也是 非常不滿 的。
俄羅斯衛星 網指出, 美國總是 為了自己 的私利, 動用霸權 武器,要 求其他國 家屈從 自 己的意志 ,可是這種霸權做 法顯然是不得人心的。
俄媒指出, 美國為了 自己的軍 火銷售, 將俄羅斯 軍火當成 了最大競 爭對手, 總是採 取 手段進行 阻滯,可是美國的 圖謀是不得逞的。
俄媒指出, 俄羅斯軍 火銷售依 然在每年 超過15 0億美元 的高位, 並且保持 著年均 4 50億美 元訂單的平穩數據 。
軍事專家認 為,霸權 已經被美 國濫用了 ,早晚毀 了自己的 霸主寶座 。
Porsche 911 Turbo S PDK - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
ACTIVE HOLIDAYS IN THAILAND ROCK SCALING IN RABY 🧗 ROCK CLIMBING ON RAILAY KRABI THAILAND - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
Routine matinale - 7 SECRETS pour garder la MOTIVATION - Duration: 13:45.-------------------------------------------
How to make realistic and easy paper roses 🌼 Beautiful Origami Flower - Duration: 4:25.Thank you for watching! Like, share & subscribe
Un chef dans ma cuisine - L'entrée avec Noëmie Honiat - Tempura crevettes et légumes du marché - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
504A - Duration: 1:24:44.-------------------------------------------
✔ Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses ► Zustellung per Boten ? | Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber - Duration: 20:49.-------------------------------------------
100 DEGREES HOT SWEATY FEET FOOT FETISH FLIP FLOPS POV - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Apothekerin verrät, was Sie schon immer über Sonnenschutz wissen sollten! - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
BlueSnap - ALTERNATIVE à STRIPE - Avis d'un CLIENT - Processeur de PAIEMENT pour CARTE BANCAIRE - Duration: 11:05.-------------------------------------------
A 61 ans, Caroline de Monaco « un look d'enfer » grâce à Karl Lagerfeld (photo) - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Renforcez vos os avec du calcium d'origine végétale ! - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
Toyota ProAce Dubbele Cabine 2.0 D-4D 177pk Professional Achterdeuren met ruit - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Estelle Lefébure impressionne par ses conseils de Qi gong (photo) - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Comment configurer une imprimante HP sans fil à l'aide de HP Smart sous Windows 10 - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
Jérémy Frérot, « son violent » coup de gueule contre la SNCF (photo) - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Alice Taglioni partage une rare photo de famille (photo) - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Junior Squad | If You're Happy and You Know It | Nursery Songs | Children Rhymes | Kids Tv Songs - Duration: 1:00:22.Are we are feeling happy today..
So let's sing a happy song
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...
If you're happy and you know It, "snap your fingers
If you're happy and you know It, "snap your fingers
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, "snap your fingers
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..
If you're happy and you know It, and you really want to show it.....
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..
Row Row Row Your Boat | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children | Kids Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:15.Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently to the shore ,
If you see a Lion there listen to it roar!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently to the shore ,
If you see a Lion there listen to it roar!
It's Raining And It's Pouring | Songs For Kids | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:00:45."It's raining and pouring, but the entire
Farm is sleeping and snoring!"
It's raining; it's pouring. The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head And he couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring.The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The cow and sheep are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The cow and sheep are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The chicken and ducks are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The chicken and ducks are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The kitten and the dog are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
It's raining; it's pouring. The kitten and the dog are snoring.
They went to bed and bumped their heads, And they couldn't get up in the morning.
CRUDELIA DE MON karaoke Playback instrumental edit by © Graziana '18 - Duration: 1:28.Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians
Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil
If she doesn't scare you No evil thing will
To see her is to
Take a sudden chill
Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The curl of her lips
The ice in her stare
All innocent children
Had better beware
She's like a spider waiting
For the kill
Look out for Cruella De Vil
At first you think
Cruella is the devil
But after time has worn
Away the shock
You come to realize
You've seen her kind of eyes
Watching you from underneath
A rock!
This vampire bat
This inhuman beast
She ought to be locked up
And never released
The world was such
A wholesome place until
Cruella, Cruella De Vil
My Experience at the Splash of Color Fun Run 2018! | Deaf - Trisha Belle ♡ - Duration: 10:52.
Un chef dans ma cuisine - L'entrée avec Noëmie Honiat - Tempura crevettes et légumes du marché - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
ACTIVE HOLIDAYS IN THAILAND ROCK SCALING IN RABY 🧗 ROCK CLIMBING ON RAILAY KRABI THAILAND - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
#9 - A day on the desert with Adam (Tehachapi to Lake Isabella 2) - Duration: 42:39.I hope it's my last day on the desert...
When you have no motivation to go out...
doing "seppuku" helps
...which is opening your mattress's valve
Going back to bed is no longer an option then :D
First you have to get out of your sleeping bag... never want to do that cause it's cold out there...
By "out there" I mean out of your bed...
I'm putting on my shirt,
It's gross, dirty, smells bad...
And also kind of humid, and cold of course...
So we start with hardcore experiences in the morning...
Shorts are next,
I don't wear underwear so shorts only,
They're also gross and cold.
Tho most common problem in the morning is cold, your legs are cold,
Either you wear long johns (leggings),
or if you don't want to stop to change later,
you just don't wear anything at all,
and you just freeze :P
Next I'm putting on my socks, stiff from sweat and dirty,
Liners first,
Of course you have to play with them first, it's not so easy...
I forgot to say that your socks stink so much,
...that you don't know what's going on...
Or you wonder if it's possible that it's socks' smell...
Next pair of socks, mine have patches already,
And gaiters of course,
(explaining "gaiter" in polish)
Not a very popular word.
The most gross part of clothing, because they are all covered in dirt,
If you forget to put them on now,
you will find them somewhere later, when you are almost ready to go,
and then you have to take off your shoes to put them on...
And it happens a lot, unfortunately...
Shoes. You look inside if there's no snakes, spiders, black widows,
other scorpions...
Every-day reality...
Deep bend...
My zipper got broken :(
It's still dark outside...
... like in ass (polish saying)
Ehhh, ok...
First pleasant thing in the morning,
...putting on your down jacket,
that's something you really want to do in the morning...
It's warmer instantly...
beanie on the head...
And ready for pissing...
In the end: pillow.
Taking out my backpack...
Why I have to take off all my clothes first in the morning?
Because clothes are going first in my backpack when I'm packing my stuff...
Vitamins, for joints, B-complex, and I will have magnesium as well soon,
from my friend...
You have to sleep with your water filter,
There is always some water left in your filter,
So when the temperature is low enough, it can freeze and destroy your filter...
And then you have no water... heh
Meanwhile, it's getting bright
I have a trash bag, heavy duty one
which protects my stuff from getting wet
My backpack is not waterproof...
Mattress first,
...and sleeping bag.
At this moment I stop packing
And I'm getting my food bag
I'm also getting out some bars for later,
Zipbag #1 with breakfast...
Normally I would eat my breakfast now,
Oatmeal with hot water, trailmix (nuts and chocolate, dried fruit)
and with hot chocolate, so it has some taste...
But today I want to be fast, so I can use morning time the most...
because it will be very hot today... only hot chocolate today and I'm setting off.
I just realized that I f*cked up,
I should have boiled water first, and then add hot chocolate...
And now I have to stir all the time so it doesn't get burnt...
Of course you have to be careful, think what you are doing...
If it was windy, I would have to rearrange this setup,
Wind could move the fly onto the stove, and it could get burnt
and I wouldn't have a fly, or I would have one with a burnt hole...
Those more observant of you might have noticed that I changed my mug to 650 ml
I found it in a hiker box,
I had to boil water twice before...
For my supper and so on...
And now I can do it all at once...
We say "hello" to our neighbors...
Ok it's enough...
Of course I won't drink 650 ml of hot chocolate...
...but in fact... why not.
But the assumption was to share,
This is my food bag,
I'm packing everything here now, including my stove and spork...
and I close it.
Normally it's not taking so much time,
But I'm recording so it's taking more time today...
And it's almost bright already...
On a normal, typical day, I do exercises first,
and AFTER that I'm eating breakfast...
As I said, I woke up very early today so I can skip the heat...
So today I will only stretch a little bit...
...legs only...
...and we should go because the sun is inexorable...
After electronics, my food bag...
Sleeping bag around the food bag...
I mean tent... tent!
Those are not going to be in the trash bag, that wouldn't make sense...
And other stuff...
We say "gas"...
when I say "gas" here, people think I'm talking about farts...
It's called "fuel" in English...
And again...
not the best moment, when you have to take off your down jacket...
It's a little bit chilly,
but it's not so cold as yesterday, when my hand were freezing...
I had to wear double gloves...
Compared to that it's really warm this morning...
All is f*cking dirty...
Last thing: trash...
Ah, I have to brush my teeth...
Usually I eat bars later, but today I'm not eating breakfast...
so only hot chocolate and this bar for breakfast today...
movement should be SWEEPING.
Gloves from Decathlon... very good.
Something like that happens every day!
I can't find second glove... it's buried somewhere in my backpack probably...
F*cking shit...
I have to take everything out again or put hand inside and look for it blindly...
F*ck me...
Ok it's all good, I found it on the backpack...
Morning brain... as always...
Last thing I do is opening the app for the trail...
...what is in fact a pure negation of being offline and far away from civilization...
Actually I use it only for...
...water situation, where I can find water.
If I remember correctly, water is 6,5 mi ahead of me...
so... 2,5 hours of walking...
And I'm also checking...
...if I will be walking uphill today.
We will have some uphills and downhills...
Water is in a valley, which is quite normal actually,
and after water, mega uphill
Here's water, and there it's...
1500 feet of elevation.
So it will be interesting today...
I was joking, the last thing I do actually is turning on my tracking...
... in my GPS device...
And you can look where I'm walking...
But rather nobody does that... xD
Ok so this is how my backpack looks like...
It's super light today...
cause I have almost no water at all...
Maybe I have...
Maybe 3/4 cup of water....
For 2,5h of walking.
And later there's a water catche...
I'm using a rubber band for my sunglasses so I don't loose them...
Here comes my camera... in this pocket.
Camera has a tripod, and this tripod comes inside the pocket...
then the body is here and I secure it with another elastic band...
This is on my shoulder,
My bidon...
Money and my phone...
Earplugs and snacks...
Water bottles equally on both sides,
so the backpack is well balanced...
Bandana and camera cover...
My camping mat, inside I keep asspad...
Asspad is something you sit on...
But today I folded my mat too tight so I have to keep it here...
My hat, easy to access when the sun is up already....
Emergency poncho... for rain...
And water filtration system (pouch and filter)
That would be all...
It's time to go...
Not too tight and not to loose,
it will untie otherwise...
Hiking poles...
Very well...
Off we go!
6:00 am
American authorities are trying to stop people
from driving cross bikes and ATVs on trails.
As you can see here...
That's why they made this obstacle...
But it's not stopping them at all...
You can just go on the side very often...
so the trail is demolished by quads often.
What the f*ck is going on here...
Who is grazing in a place like that...
Ladies and gentleman...
1000 kilometers!
On feet!
Two months ago I would not believe that...
We should use the time to hike fast, that's why we got up so early...
But we stop often to record cows
I don't know who is grazing here, it's nothing here...
But somebody does and cows are very stressed,
because coyotes are here around somewhere...
Maybe I will be able to capture them, my friend managed to record a coyote.
I will probably show just running cows, we will see...
But that shows perfectly how much,
we are looking for sensations on the trail.
Every-day reality is just boring...
Just walking and walking...
The view is not changing much, at least not here...
We are very happy that we are leaving desert...
It's probably last day on the desert.
And we found a sensation! Coyotes are chasing cows! Unbelievable!
It probably happens every day here, but for us it's something exciting...
...and something new.
After several dozens of minutes it's getting warm, the Sun is rising...
You start to sweat.
It's time to take off your jacket.
I'm changing my beanie to a hat.
The sun starts to glare.
But no sunscreen yet,
Sunscreen works only for some time and the Sun is not so high yet.
When the uphill is killing me...
So I can focus on something else.
Not on the fact that it's hard.
And after some time, magically you are on the hill already...
I just have used sunscreen,
everything what is not covered with clothes.
Hands, face, neck. That's all.
Of course... oh, I have 30.
I though I bought 50.
But it works anyway...
We reached the water catche...
Which is supplied by another good person...
We sit somewhere...
so we can rest, it's 6,5 miles already today.
Which is at least ~10 km.
Break time.
Like Joey (from Friends TV show), I have my spork here...
(describing spork)
15 minutes ago I stopped and added water to my oatmeal
I added some trailmix, you can see nuts...
Consumption time.
If I focus really hard, I can almost...
...almost taste milk instead of water xD
But only when I focus really hard...
The strategy is to drink 1L of water at every water source, so you don't have to carry so much water.
Next water in 13 mi,
but we have done 6,5 mi already so we probably won't reach that place.
Sally's leg won't let us.
So... we have to take water for today, today's evening (for dinner)
and for the morning.
I think we will do 8-9-10 miles more today.
So tomorrow we will have 3-5 miles to water.
So it will be almost the same like today.
And if you want to be a hero at your house... (known motto from advertisement in Poland)
You have to help the injured.
Sally in injured, so she is carrying only
1L to drink while walking,
...and I'm gonna take 5,5 liters of water.
But at least I have almost no food left, so it's ok...
I was carrying same amount yesterday.
And here in a bag to filter later.
In this place we have also hand sanitizer,
how is it called in polish...?
(hand sanitizer)
So... I will use that fact and...
I will poo.
I hid a little bit already.
Time to crouch down xD
I always though that I will a bigger problem for me,
I know it's hard to imagine but when you are already here,
and you walk so much and have so much other inconveniences,
it's really not a problem at all.
It's just one of many activities you have to do here.
I will comment on the official PCT organisation rules of pooing now.
They require that,
you "should", officially leave no trace at all
on the trail
So you should collect your used toilet paper,
Can you imagine some people do that?
They have a zipbag where they collect,
their used toilet paper,
with POO... can you imagine that?
Leaving water catche...
as they call it here...
I didn't eat enough so I'm gonna eat a Cliff bar now,
It's an energy bar,
It's good, I like them.
Some words about water situation now,
imagine that yesterday was a very similar day,
we had to walk about
6-8 miles in the morning to reach water catche,
It was also a place supplied by some good people,
that happens a lot xD
nothing can make me angry, for sure not wind blowing off my hat,
because this wind is saving my ass right now,
I would be burning now if it wasn't for the wind.
And it's just 9 am in the morning...
So imagine that,
the water catche we took water from yesterday,
which is 11,5 miles from THIS water catche,
we took water from there for one day,
and if there was no water,
we would have had to take water even earlier,
and if there was no water THERE and HERE,
we would have to carry water for 3 days,
which is about...
minimum, absolute minimum is 3L per person per day,
It's very good that somebody is taking care of those water catches,
this catche is actually getting low on water,
so next hikers might be not so lucky,
but I heard that 6 miles from here there's a swamp or something,
and you can collect some water there,
but it's hard to get there so we just took water here,
it's good and clear,
Although it's clean, bottled water,
some people said we better filter it anyways, because
some people had problems later...
they were sick...
they had diarrhea...
Continuing to walk...
I will have to climb all the way to the top on this one...
Look how someone shot the sign...
Can you see that?
But that's good.
Some would say the harder the better,
Until recently, I was struggling with
bad thoughts, my fears,
that a snake will jump on me and bite me,
or a puma, because they have pumas here
But recently... I chilled.
And I can focus more on...
I don't really know on what,
on the surroundings I guess,
Also, I have seen some snakes already,
Yesterday I saw a big one,
and I wasn't afraid so much anymore,
in fact, they are more afraid,
Actually, to fight my fears even more,
I would like to catch it with my hand,
but that would be just stupid...
Meanwhile, I managed to gain
pretty much of elevation.
Can you see that path down there?
I was there!
It's unbelievable, how far you can walk with your legs...
and before that,
somewhere there, on that mountain...
I walked...
and now I'm here xD
Now I don't feel pain every step like before, when I had those low shoes,
but still I feel soreness,
me feet didn't get used to walking so much yet, I had too long break
in Tehachapi
beside that, the liner my shorts started to chafe me
it's irritating skin in my crotch
some people use vaseline in crotch when that happens,
I didn't see that coming,
I had no vaseline,
But one day before it started to happen,
about 3 days ago,
I found vaseline, laying on the trail...
It helps a little bit but...
it still hurts.
Up Mariusz, up! (Mariusz is a polish Strongmen)
It's funny that thoughts like this come to my mind
I don't say it on purpose, I mean I do now,
But a while ago I realized that thoughts like that are coming to my mind.
Up, up!
Some kind of automatic motivation turned on in my brain.
We were just about to reach the top,
when Sally got unbearable pains in her leg.
So we had to make a break 40 minutes before schedule.
Injuries are very often, I heard several times already
that people had to go home, for 2 weeks, to rest
One man said that it's his 3rd week
3rd zero-week, 3rd week of no-walking, when he has to stay off the trail in some town
to heal his injuries.
I am quite lucky so far, I hope Sally will heal soon
and we will be able to continue walking together
cause it's good, walking together.
Look what's happening...
It appears that ants like sweat,
or something else...
something else in the sock xD
We are back on the trail after almost 3 hours.
Sally has a hard time walking.
It looks bad.
It's time for every-day portion of views.
Those small flies were here again,
I don't know why whey are flying straight into your nose,
It's very frustrating, but they are not here anymore,
so I can show my real face!
and take off my sunglasses
after 14, no - 13,3 miles
we are camping here.
Sally couldn't walk anymore.
So we have 15 miles to walk tomorrow,
I hope we can handle that.
So now what, I choosing a place for the tent,
I think we can fit here...
I'm cleaning from debris, cones, stones and other sh*t, trying to make it plain
more or less
and I'm putting up my tent
I just wanted to make a time-lapse but
something didn't work :P
Anyways, the tent is standing already, I'm putting my gear inside,
And that's all. Food time.
You can never know about water situation.
Today it was supposed to be very hot, and it was hot but it was windy
we also used the most of the early morning time,
so we didn't drink so much water as I planned,
nearest water source is about
5-6 miles from here
That means...
2-2,5 hours in the morning tops
And we drank only 1 bottle each,
that means I have still almost
5L of water.
At least I can wash my legs now xD
So we were hiking this big mountain all day, I was carrying all this water...
And that's the point, that you can never predict how much water to carry
It's always better to take more.
We wanted to take even more, because it could be not enough,
yesterday it would be just enough.
Never know.
So now it's time to cook.
My friend Sally will boil water now.
I have no idea what that is.
Water is boiling...
I'm gonna show you what I'm about to eat.
In a jar like this, after ice-cream
you can do cold-soaking,
which means rehydrating food with cold water
I do that sometimes, with ramen noodles it works pretty well
but now I'm gonna eat something better
Knorr, last thing I have,
it's a prepared meal, 310 calories,
I don't know why in US they say calories instead of kilocalories,
it's for sure more here.
Parmesan, so we have spinach, Parmesan and pasta
In addition I will have
Usually I buy jalapeno, if it's available,
This is how it looks like.
Just tuna in chunks with some seasonings.
It has...
90 kcal.
Water is boiling.
I have last piece of cheese, so I'm adding cheese as well
and that would be all.
I have also a ramen noodle,
Normally I would eat this meal and a ramen noodle, in second mug.
So this is how I eat my dinner.
Or supper, whatever you call it.
Hot water added,
...and to the sleeping bag.
So it doesn't loose temperature.
Mattress already inflated.
I don't blow with my lungs, I just use this bag.
It has a hole here where you put the valve in,
you close it with your hands, I'm using one hand now so it's not so much air inside now,
and that's how it works
It's easy with two hands.
Here in my sleeping bag,
my food is cooking
So that's how my house looks like now.
While waiting for food I can wash my legs.
Eating time!
The best part of the day.
You can relax all your muscles.
I have mayonnaise from a hikerbox,
so sometimes I'm just adding stuff like that just to increase calories.
Trash bag.
And this is how life looks like on the desert,
on the Pacific Crest Trail.
In dirt, stink,
you have no idea how good it tastes
it's unbelievable how good it is.
That's all for now.
I'm putting...
I'm brushing my teeth, I'm putting ear plugs,
so I don't have to worry about anything xD
and I'm going to sleep.
I don't like walking all day at all...
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