welcome to physics academy mahishadal
today we will discuss about madhyamik 2019 geography suggestion
today we will discuss the 4th chapter of madhyamik geography
もはやマツダデザインと化したMGが、コンパクトモデル「MG3」に7年間保証を追加。価格はリーズナブルな約133万円から - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
LEGO Friends - Meet Olivia From Heartlake City-------------------------------------------
[ Max Park ] Rubik's cube single : 4.407 s | Slow Motion | - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
S-Rank Performs to Kendrick Lamar's "DNA." - World of Dance 2018 (Full Performance) - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
How Feasible Is Elon Musk's Proposed 'Dugout Loop' To Dodger Stadium? The Experts Weigh In - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Dental Veneers Makeover - That NO Cosmetic Dentist will tell you about! - Duration: 1:29.you don't have to sit and suffer you can
be smiley and happy just like everybody else
you can just click these in and it works perfectly
I think that even if you have just a slight embarrassment with
your smile this is the way to go
it's just so much better than spending
thousands of dollars and having to ruin
your teeth
you deserve a good smile too
I think everyone deserves a smile and
everyone deserves to be happy
the only thing that we can do to spread
happiness is to smile at each other so
that's what I'm going to be doing for a long time
Learn More at Brighter Image Lab.com
Streets of Los Angeles, the good and the bad - Duration: 10:07.Activate subtitles for your language
How are you friends? again here Raul.
Once again, we will go through the streets of Los Angeles.
The Downtown Los Angeles.
What can I tell you about that?
And what about this?
A combination of the good and the bad of the city of Los Angeles.
Or rather, the county of Los Angeles.
Although, in this case.
As I was saying.
Here is the Downtown Los Angeles, what we are talking about.
What is this street? This is Hope Street.
I can not see the name of the other street.
It's the 7th street.
As you can see.
This is another one of those simple videos without editions.
This is the simple reality.
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
What do you want to look at?
Look at the good or the bad, that's your decision.
Within the bad that there is here.
What to say?
Here there are many homeless people.
You can see them in the streets.
What is inside good things?
Among the good things, this city is multicultural.
I'm going to cut the video, I'm going to continue recording from the other side of the street.
As I was saying.
It is a multicultural city where you can see people of all races.
Sometimes when you see blond people.
Suddenly you hear them speaking Russian or French.
And when you look at an Asian person, they are not always Chinese.
I said that they are not always Chinese, because that is what many people always say.
The reality is that they are often Japanese or sometimes Korean.
While we walk, you can see people around.
Maybe we're lucky and you can listen when they talk.
Today is a normal day like any other day on the streets of Los Angeles.
You can see the reality of the streets.
Wow friend, the bus ran away.
Inside the good things and the bad things.
Within what is good and what is bad, you will see what you want to see.
Here are some buildings.
At this moment it is late.
You can no longer see the sunlight, you only look at it above the small buildings.
Earlier there are many people around here.
What to say of the night?
In the night here it is dark and lonely.
But that's how all cities are.
We have to tell the truth.
All cities are dark and lonely at night.
Although some cities are more special.
For many people this video will look like very simple and without reason.
Especially for those people who live here in Los Angeles.
But you must understand.
There are people in other states or in another country.
They would like to know what the streets of downtown Los Angeles really are like.
Most people who make a video of this city only show you the beautiful and tourist places.
Maybe that's his style, on his YouTube channel.
I do not look for likes.
I just wanted to show you the reality.
These videos are simple and without much editing.
Sometimes I cut the video.
This is because I see someone who turns around or gets upset because he watches me recording with the camera.
I prefer to cut out that part of the video.
I do not like to show you a bad face in the video.
The noise of an ambulance is heard.
I think it's the firefigthers;
What can we do?
This is how the streets are always, here in Downtown Los Angeles.
The fire truck has already passed.
It's like some people say.
Here the siren of some vehicle always listening.
What do you want to see, the bad or the beautiful?
That is what I want to see.
Another pinch that my girlfriend is going to give me.
Or do you want to see that?
{Man shouting alone on the other sidewalk}
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
Again that noise comes.
Welcome to the streets of Los Angeles.
This is how the streets of Downtown Los Angeles always be.
The street where I am walking is the 7th.
If I keep walking straight, I'll enter Skid Row.
I really do not want to go into that place.
I'm just going to walk the limits of Skid Row.
I do not want to go where it is very ugly.
Let me continue here.
Here is a dark alley.
That smells really bad.
As I had told you before.
I know many people do not find the purpose of this video.
It's okay, everyone looks at what they want to see.
Nobody forces you to look at it.
But, you also have to understand.
There are people in other parts of the world.
They want to know what the streets of Los Angeles really are like.
Here is a simple video without edits.
This is 7th street and Los Angeles street.
Over there is Skid Row.
But, I do not want to enter that place.
I'd better go straight down this street.
Hello man.
Would you like a cold water?
Let me give you something.
I do not have money
I do not have cigarettes
This is for you.
God bless you.
Not cigars, not money.
Poor people.
See you in the next video friend.
Here, at the limits of Skid Row.
I invite you to watch the following video.
I took a wrong turn in the streets of Los Angeles.
I took a turn in the wrong street.
{Get back}
Thanks for watching the video.
First person videos, around Los Angeles.
Exploring Los Angeles, with subtitles in Many languages.
Madhyamik geography suggestion 2019| Madhyamik 2019 geography suggestion| Physics Academy Mahishadal - Duration: 10:23.
welcome to physics academy mahishadal
today we will discuss about madhyamik 2019 geography suggestion
today we will discuss the 4th chapter of madhyamik geography
'RHONY': Carole Slams Bethenny As A 'Bully' As They Go To War Over Past Insults - Daily News - Duration: 2:43.The long-standing feud between Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill continued during Part 2 of the 'RHONY' reunion special on Aug
29. Get all the details, here! Andy Cohen drew more attention to Carole Radziwill and Bethenny Frankel's fallen friendship during the Aug
29 episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, when he called attention to the Carole's latest blog posts, in which she seemed to hint that their feud has gotten "worse"
He actually read an excerpt from one of her blogs that appeared on Bravo's website, where she called Bethenny a "narcissist" and a "bully" who "lies about" everything
This led Bethenny to ask Carole where she got her medical degree. "No one needs a medical degree [to know these things about you], you just need two eyes," Carole shot back
Carole then went after Bethenny for "saying on television" that she "didn't have a career" — a statement that Bethenny still stands behind because she shot back by saying, "you don't have a career" while shrugging her shoulders
"Is this what you call female empowerment, Bethenny?" Carole asked. In turn, Bethenny started screaming at Carole, saying her remark came after she read what Carole had to say about her in her blogs
But Carole said she wasn't insulting Bethenny. Instead, she claims she was just trying to hold Bethenny "accountable" for all the mean things she said about her
So basically, the two ladies couldn't agree on who threw more insults throughout the season
Carole didn't feel she ever insulted Bethenny this season, but Andy rolled back some footage that showed otherwise
Bethenny insisted Carole "bashed" her many, many times, but Carole still denied doing such a thing
It seemed as though they weren't shown the old footage, and it was just later inserted after filming of the reunion completed
But even so, after it was disputed between Bethenny and Carole, Andy then took an opportunity to question Carole's denial
When he said, "You bashed each other on the show," Carole shot back, saying, "You're so full of s***, Andy
I didn't bash her on the show. I didn't bash her on the show. Are you kidding me?" Then, she thew some shade his way, asking, "Are you afraid of her, too?" As for Bethenny, she laughed as she watched the Carole and Andy start their own feud
(Ep-2) Lets Play #Deadly Premonition The Director's Cut Ft #Trixz2007 - Duration: 2:16:17.-------------------------------------------
STAI SERENA! - PARIGI METTE AL BANDO LA TUTINA DA BLACK PANTHER INDOSSATA DALLA WILLIAMS, POLEMICHE - Duration: 5:54.In difesa della tutina da catwoman sfoggiata da Serena Williams all' ultimo Roland Garros, e poi censurata dall' organizzazione, si è scomodato pure l' ex presidente dell' Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, uno che nel suo Paese aveva riformato ma non abolito l' hijab, l' abbigliamento islamico
Due giorni fa, ha fatto un tweet chiedendo: «Perché #FrenchOpen non rispetta @serenawilliams? Sfortunatamente alcune persone in tutti i Paesi, incluso il mio, non hanno mai capito il vero significato della libertà»
La tutina che fa discutere è una specie di costume da supereroe nero e aderente
L' ex numero uno del tennis l' ha indossata, facendo storcere il naso al presidente della Federtennis transalpina Bernard Giudicelli, che poi, in un' intervista a Tennis Magazine, ha detto: «Dobbiamo rispettare il luogo e il gioco
Credo che si sia andati troppo oltre: certe tenute come l' ultima della Williams non saranno più consentite»
Parigi non è Wimbledon, dove ancora si è ammessi in campo solo in completino bianco, ma nessuno ha capito cosa avesse di inappropriato la tuta stile Black Panther in cui si è infilata Serena
La quale, da parte sua, non è stata neanche a polemizzare. Alla conferenza degli Us Open iniziati il 21 agosto, si è anzi giustificata, adducendo motivi di salute: la tutina servirebbe a favorire la circolazione e ridurre il rischio di embolie aumentato dopo la gravidanza e la nascita di Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr
un anno fa. Di più, l' atleta ha fatto sapere che la prossima volta userà la gonna con sotto le calze elastiche
L' occasione, però, era troppo ghiotta per non essere cavalcata dallo sponsor dell' atleta
Quattro giorni fa, la Nike ha postato un bianco e nero di Serena in campo con la tutina incriminata, la racchetta alzata, dopo uno dei suoi colpi
La tuta scolpisce ogni muscolo e la potenza di Serena guizza anche nella fissità della fotografia
La scritta recita: «You can take the superhero out of her costume, but you can never take away her superpowers» (puoi togliere a un supereroe la sua tuta, ma non puoi portargli via i superpoteri)
È stato sufficiente a riaprire il caso, fin lì passato quasi in sordina. Mentre Serena scendeva in campo agli Us Open in tutù nero con gonna di tulle, i social si sono scatenati
C' è chi ha lanciato l' hasthag #BoycottFrenchOpen, con tanto di elenco dei corporate partners, così, tanto per invitarli a tagliare le sponsorizzazioni
C' è chi ha pubblicato l' indirizzo email di Giudicelli auspicando un' operazione mondiale di mail bombing
C' è chi ha accusato il censore di prendersela con Serena perché è nera (lei, non la tutina) e chi lo ha accusato di sessismo, perché vietare quella mise significa favorire gonne che scoprono le gambe e il Lato B
C' è chi si è ricordato di Anne White sul campo di Wimbledon, anno 1985, inguainata in una tutina assai simile, ma bianca
Allora, però, almeno s' era lamentata l' avversaria, Pam Shriver, che perse il match, accusò White d' averla distratta con l' abbigliamento eccentrico e chiese ai responsabili del torneo di vietare la tenuta
Al Roland Garros, invece, s' è lamentato solo Giudicelli. Insomma, molto rumore per poco
E, in fondo, forse, la vera notizia è che Ahmadinejad ha ufficialmente avviato un' operazione simpatia, magari in vista delle elezioni del 2020
Al momento in cui scriviamo, il suo ultimo tweet contro Donald Trump ha collezionato 229 like: niente al confronto dei 6
318 cuoricini tributati a quello pro Serena Williams.
Vaadin Designer for web-------------------------------------------
Deck Thunder Dragon (Agosto/August 2018) + Analisis - Duration: 15:05.Type of deck: Control
Main Attributes: Light - Dark
Main Type: Thunder
Difficulty(Control): ★★★✰✰
•Style of Play•
The style of the deck is of control type. This is achieved thanks to the effects of the "Thunder Dragon" by activating them in the hand , as well, when they are banned
•Strengths• 1.-Excellent control by not allowing to add cards to the opponent thanks to Superbolt Thunder Dragon.
2.-Recovery of banished cards
3.- Summon easily the monsters "Thunder Dragon" of the Extra Deck.
•Weaknesses• 1.-One of the weaknesses of the deck is the dependence of special summons
2.-Unable to ban cards or activate effects from the hand.
•Imperial Iron Will• By not being able to banish cards, we will be limited to only the effect of discard from the "Thunder" monsters, but we can get out of these situations thanks to "Thunder Dragon Lord" or "Infinite Impermanence"
•Mind Drain• We would complicate in case we start with a hand full of "Thunder" monsters, since we use many effects from the hand of the "Thunder Dragon" monsters.
Dental Veneers Makeover - That NO Cosmetic Dentist will tell you about! - Duration: 1:29.you don't have to sit and suffer you can
be smiley and happy just like everybody else
you can just click these in and it works perfectly
I think that even if you have just a slight embarrassment with
your smile this is the way to go
it's just so much better than spending
thousands of dollars and having to ruin
your teeth
you deserve a good smile too
I think everyone deserves a smile and
everyone deserves to be happy
the only thing that we can do to spread
happiness is to smile at each other so
that's what I'm going to be doing for a long time
Learn More at Brighter Image Lab.com
L'astuce mode de Kate Middleton -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Streets of Los Angeles, the good and the bad - Duration: 10:07.Activate subtitles for your language
How are you friends? again here Raul.
Once again, we will go through the streets of Los Angeles.
The Downtown Los Angeles.
What can I tell you about that?
And what about this?
A combination of the good and the bad of the city of Los Angeles.
Or rather, the county of Los Angeles.
Although, in this case.
As I was saying.
Here is the Downtown Los Angeles, what we are talking about.
What is this street? This is Hope Street.
I can not see the name of the other street.
It's the 7th street.
As you can see.
This is another one of those simple videos without editions.
This is the simple reality.
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
What do you want to look at?
Look at the good or the bad, that's your decision.
Within the bad that there is here.
What to say?
Here there are many homeless people.
You can see them in the streets.
What is inside good things?
Among the good things, this city is multicultural.
I'm going to cut the video, I'm going to continue recording from the other side of the street.
As I was saying.
It is a multicultural city where you can see people of all races.
Sometimes when you see blond people.
Suddenly you hear them speaking Russian or French.
And when you look at an Asian person, they are not always Chinese.
I said that they are not always Chinese, because that is what many people always say.
The reality is that they are often Japanese or sometimes Korean.
While we walk, you can see people around.
Maybe we're lucky and you can listen when they talk.
Today is a normal day like any other day on the streets of Los Angeles.
You can see the reality of the streets.
Wow friend, the bus ran away.
Inside the good things and the bad things.
Within what is good and what is bad, you will see what you want to see.
Here are some buildings.
At this moment it is late.
You can no longer see the sunlight, you only look at it above the small buildings.
Earlier there are many people around here.
What to say of the night?
In the night here it is dark and lonely.
But that's how all cities are.
We have to tell the truth.
All cities are dark and lonely at night.
Although some cities are more special.
For many people this video will look like very simple and without reason.
Especially for those people who live here in Los Angeles.
But you must understand.
There are people in other states or in another country.
They would like to know what the streets of downtown Los Angeles really are like.
Most people who make a video of this city only show you the beautiful and tourist places.
Maybe that's his style, on his YouTube channel.
I do not look for likes.
I just wanted to show you the reality.
These videos are simple and without much editing.
Sometimes I cut the video.
This is because I see someone who turns around or gets upset because he watches me recording with the camera.
I prefer to cut out that part of the video.
I do not like to show you a bad face in the video.
The noise of an ambulance is heard.
I think it's the firefigthers;
What can we do?
This is how the streets are always, here in Downtown Los Angeles.
The fire truck has already passed.
It's like some people say.
Here the siren of some vehicle always listening.
What do you want to see, the bad or the beautiful?
That is what I want to see.
Another pinch that my girlfriend is going to give me.
Or do you want to see that?
{Man shouting alone on the other sidewalk}
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
Again that noise comes.
Welcome to the streets of Los Angeles.
This is how the streets of Downtown Los Angeles always be.
The street where I am walking is the 7th.
If I keep walking straight, I'll enter Skid Row.
I really do not want to go into that place.
I'm just going to walk the limits of Skid Row.
I do not want to go where it is very ugly.
Let me continue here.
Here is a dark alley.
That smells really bad.
As I had told you before.
I know many people do not find the purpose of this video.
It's okay, everyone looks at what they want to see.
Nobody forces you to look at it.
But, you also have to understand.
There are people in other parts of the world.
They want to know what the streets of Los Angeles really are like.
Here is a simple video without edits.
This is 7th street and Los Angeles street.
Over there is Skid Row.
But, I do not want to enter that place.
I'd better go straight down this street.
Hello man.
Would you like a cold water?
Let me give you something.
I do not have money
I do not have cigarettes
This is for you.
God bless you.
Not cigars, not money.
Poor people.
See you in the next video friend.
Here, at the limits of Skid Row.
I invite you to watch the following video.
I took a wrong turn in the streets of Los Angeles.
I took a turn in the wrong street.
{Get back}
Thanks for watching the video.
First person videos, around Los Angeles.
Exploring Los Angeles, with subtitles in Many languages.
The Journey of Choice between Birth and Death | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 1:51.Life is a journey from B to D - from birth to death.
This is the time you have for your spiritual growth.
But there is something between B and D.
There is C – choice,
That's important.
You make the right choice, And life is worthwhile.
You go according to your moods,
And you are ruined, it leads to your downfall.
So, birth is in your control?
Okay, death must be in your control.
And life's incidents also are not in your control.
Only one thing is in your control
Whether to get scared or enjoy yourself during takeoff,
Whether to get scared or enjoy yourself during landing,
During turbulence – Wow! Free roller coaster ride!
Or do you want to get frightened?
That is in your control.
Dead Poets Society | HelloTalk Movies - Duration: 0:40.I think my favorite foreign language movie should be 'Dead Poet Society.'
This movie is all about a teacher, how a teacher inspired his students and as an English teacher...
...I think it's very important for me to think of ways to inspire students...
...and then encourage them to think outside the box.
Comment savoir si un ami nous manipule ? - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
STAI SERENA! - PARIGI METTE AL BANDO LA TUTINA DA BLACK PANTHER INDOSSATA DALLA WILLIAMS, POLEMICHE - Duration: 5:54.In difesa della tutina da catwoman sfoggiata da Serena Williams all' ultimo Roland Garros, e poi censurata dall' organizzazione, si è scomodato pure l' ex presidente dell' Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, uno che nel suo Paese aveva riformato ma non abolito l' hijab, l' abbigliamento islamico
Due giorni fa, ha fatto un tweet chiedendo: «Perché #FrenchOpen non rispetta @serenawilliams? Sfortunatamente alcune persone in tutti i Paesi, incluso il mio, non hanno mai capito il vero significato della libertà»
La tutina che fa discutere è una specie di costume da supereroe nero e aderente
L' ex numero uno del tennis l' ha indossata, facendo storcere il naso al presidente della Federtennis transalpina Bernard Giudicelli, che poi, in un' intervista a Tennis Magazine, ha detto: «Dobbiamo rispettare il luogo e il gioco
Credo che si sia andati troppo oltre: certe tenute come l' ultima della Williams non saranno più consentite»
Parigi non è Wimbledon, dove ancora si è ammessi in campo solo in completino bianco, ma nessuno ha capito cosa avesse di inappropriato la tuta stile Black Panther in cui si è infilata Serena
La quale, da parte sua, non è stata neanche a polemizzare. Alla conferenza degli Us Open iniziati il 21 agosto, si è anzi giustificata, adducendo motivi di salute: la tutina servirebbe a favorire la circolazione e ridurre il rischio di embolie aumentato dopo la gravidanza e la nascita di Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr
un anno fa. Di più, l' atleta ha fatto sapere che la prossima volta userà la gonna con sotto le calze elastiche
L' occasione, però, era troppo ghiotta per non essere cavalcata dallo sponsor dell' atleta
Quattro giorni fa, la Nike ha postato un bianco e nero di Serena in campo con la tutina incriminata, la racchetta alzata, dopo uno dei suoi colpi
La tuta scolpisce ogni muscolo e la potenza di Serena guizza anche nella fissità della fotografia
La scritta recita: «You can take the superhero out of her costume, but you can never take away her superpowers» (puoi togliere a un supereroe la sua tuta, ma non puoi portargli via i superpoteri)
È stato sufficiente a riaprire il caso, fin lì passato quasi in sordina. Mentre Serena scendeva in campo agli Us Open in tutù nero con gonna di tulle, i social si sono scatenati
C' è chi ha lanciato l' hasthag #BoycottFrenchOpen, con tanto di elenco dei corporate partners, così, tanto per invitarli a tagliare le sponsorizzazioni
C' è chi ha pubblicato l' indirizzo email di Giudicelli auspicando un' operazione mondiale di mail bombing
C' è chi ha accusato il censore di prendersela con Serena perché è nera (lei, non la tutina) e chi lo ha accusato di sessismo, perché vietare quella mise significa favorire gonne che scoprono le gambe e il Lato B
C' è chi si è ricordato di Anne White sul campo di Wimbledon, anno 1985, inguainata in una tutina assai simile, ma bianca
Allora, però, almeno s' era lamentata l' avversaria, Pam Shriver, che perse il match, accusò White d' averla distratta con l' abbigliamento eccentrico e chiese ai responsabili del torneo di vietare la tenuta
Al Roland Garros, invece, s' è lamentato solo Giudicelli. Insomma, molto rumore per poco
E, in fondo, forse, la vera notizia è che Ahmadinejad ha ufficialmente avviato un' operazione simpatia, magari in vista delle elezioni del 2020
Al momento in cui scriviamo, il suo ultimo tweet contro Donald Trump ha collezionato 229 like: niente al confronto dei 6
318 cuoricini tributati a quello pro Serena Williams.
Jets Trade Teddy Bridgewater to Saints for Third-Rounder | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:50.Jets Trade Teddy Bridgewater to Saints for Third-Rounder | Heavy.com
The New Orleans Saints are hopeful they've just found their quarterback of the future in Teddy Bridgewater.
Just ahead of the team's final preseason game and the start of 53-man roster cuts, the Saints struck a deal with the New York Jets to bring Bridgewater to town.
ESPN's Adam Schefter was first to report the news, and the deal seemingly makes sense for both sides.
In terms of the actual terms of the trade, NFL.com's Michael Silver revealed the Saints gave up a third-round pick for Bridgewater.
For the New York Jets, it seemed Bridgewater may lose out on the starting job to rookie Sam Darnold, who has impressed for the most part during preseason play.
Along with that, veteran Josh McCown makes for an ideal backup.
On the other side, the Saints have been searching for a future replacement for Drew Brees, who's currently 39 years old.
Prior to the trade, the Saints backup quarterback was former Houston Texans signal caller Tom Savage.
Brees threw for 4,334 yards and 23 touchdowns last season, his lowest touchdown total since playing just 11 games with the Chargers in 2003.
The veteran quarterback is under contract in New Orleans through 2019, and potentially parting ways with him would cost the Saints $21 million in dead cap next offseason, per Spotrac.
This likely means the Saints will need to re-sign Bridgewater after the season if they envision him as a future starter, as he signed just a one-year deal with the Jets.
Bridgewater, who's only 26 years old, has looked good during the 2018 preseason, completing 28-of-38 passes for 316 yards and two touchdowns.
If he's able to continue his strong play, it's hard to envision Saints head coach Sean Payton not pushing to keep him in town beyond this season.
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