David Hallyday s'affiche avec un drôle de look pour sa tournée -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Pakistan V/s India Asia Cup 2018 | Mauka Mauka - Duration: 1:16.
Asia Cup 2018
Pakistan Vs India
【Honkai Impact 3rd】 Story Chapter 7 CN PART.2【Sub ENG/JP/PT】 - Duration: 1:47.Himeko: Ugh…
… Stronger than l expected
However, you won't beat me if you keep fighting like this
Fu Hua: This won't, Helios can't keep fighting with this Honkai Beast
Hmph…. l´ll lure it away
Tesla: My troops are in position
Are you sure you want to do this?
We have mobilized over 70% of mechas for this battle
l´m worried what Kakaria might do if she's left alone at Headquarters…
Einstein: Tesla, We can't let Otto's plan succeed
We must prevent the Honkai from invading us, no matter the cost
This is also for ´´That person´´and Anti-Entropy
l have high hopes for you and your troops. Don't disappoint me, Ms Theresa
…Now that l think about it, how long has it been since we last returned to headquarters?
Just by looking at this place, a can´t help but think about old friends
Edison… Planck…
However, now is not the time to be nostalgic
We all have an important mission
That's right…
File.xxx Timeline - 113 Minutes before the Honkai
´´Sleeping Beauty´´is waiting for us
Se remarier? «Peut-être un jour», dit Vladimir Poutine - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Tasty Street Food in Taiwan - Duration: 7:55.You can eat really well in Taiwan without ever darkening a doorway.
In fact, some of the best food is out in the streets.
Street food is everywhere in Taiwan and it's delicious and affordable so you can try lots of it.
There's nothing better than strolling along, like a moveable menu,
and letting your eyes and nose do the choosing for you.
It's more than likely you'll spot a food or two you don't recognize,
which is great because it's a chance to try something new.
Marc and I have eaten very well in Taiwan and made lots of other videos about foods,
and desserts.
Holy Kapowgabonza.
So check out the rest of our Taiwan series for more.
Let's start with a very traditional and typical Taiwanese dish:
braised pork on rice.
It's filling and flavourful and we ate a large, which came with fried shallots,
for only 40 Taiwan Dollars, which is around $1.70 CAD.
Ooh it kind of reminds me of something my parents used to make when I was a kid.
It has just like a really nice almost… I don't want to say gravy-like sauce but kinda.
We ate this meal on the sidewalk and shared a table with another man.
If you're eating on a plastic stool, chances are you're going to eat well.
Like these noodles we got for 60 Taiwan dollars or $2.50 CAD.
Super, super peanut-y.
We got 10 very satisfying dumplings for 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD
and this dinner was the day we did a rainy road trip to Taroko Gorge
right before we had peanut butter ice mochi for dessert.
I'll link those videos below as well.
We also visited the night market in Hualien,
which included trying a 'Taiwan hamburger' for the first time.
You choose what sort of meat, filling, and sauce you want and they make it to order.
We got braised pork, black pepper sauce, honey mustard, cucumbers, onions, and noodles
and it all comes in a steamed bun for 65 Taiwan dollars or about $2.75 CAD.
When we walked by a stand selling banana pancakes at the Hualien night market, we could not resist.
Obviously this isn't necessarily Taiwanese,
however, it is one of my favourite street foods in the entire world
and eating them outside a train station in Thailand is one of my top food travel memories.
It's a thin pancake fried on a grill with sweet bananas
and this one was just 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD.
You can get different toppings on it like honey, chocolate, and peanut butter,
but the best is condensed milk.
If you ever get the chance to try this, do it and please have some for me too.
And speaking of top food travel memories, I think I made a new one in Taiwan.
As usual, it was very unexpected.
It was on the beautiful little island of Xiao Liuqiu
where we had an amazing time driving our scooter around
and swimming with sea turtles.
I'll think that video too.
One night we had rushed to a lookout point to watch the sunset
and had some food I will never forget.
I just started eating this and I was like
we need to put this in a video because it's insanely good.
I don't really know how to describe it except it's like a deep fried burrito full of cheese and meat
and this one has corn.
This one is chicken there's also a bacon one.
Look at the packaging, how cute this is.
It's so salty.
Picture a deep fried burrito with cheese and your pick of chicken, bacon, tuna, or beef.
I need a franchise of this where I live.
You missed the first bite but I was like…
'cause it's so, so good.
I'm going to find out the name of this place and link it because if you come here
you need to have this in your hand like this.
I did find out the name of the place: it's called Little Tadpole
and you have to order by 10am
or they will literally be sold out for the rest of the day.
They're 60 to 70 Taiwan dollars, less than $3 CAD.
However, the best value we found for street food in Taiwan
starts at less than half that price.
It's roti.
It all starts by spraying the grill with oil and then adding whatever filling you want in the roti.
I got egg with cheese and Marc got Taiwanese basil and egg.
When it's cooked, it gets folded up and served super, super hot in a takeaway bag.
Xie Xie.
Bye bye.
Bye bye. -Bye bye.
Ooh it's hot!
It's very hot.
Oh my god, I can barely hold it it's so hot.
Let's try this.
Mmm oh that is really good.
The roti is just perfect.
So squidgy, the texture.
Mmm love squidgy.
Smacking my lips.
He's like muhaha.
When the sun goes down in Taiwan the night market is just waking up,
and this is where you want to be.
The smells, smoke, and steam in the air
coupled with the sights and sounds of food being prepared
is a full on sensory experience that culminates of course with you TASTING some of that food.
Our favourite night market in Taipei is Raohe
and the best thing we tasted there were pork, leek, and cabbage dumplings
with your choice of spicy or sweet sauce.
Even the container they came in was cute.
They were so good we went back to get more.
And when it only costs 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD for 10 dumplings,
how could you not get seconds?
All those flavours together and this sauce, it's almost like a Teriyaki sauce,
are blowing my mind.
That might be one of the best dumplings I've ever had.
Strong words.
We also got to try something at Raohe that we had been on the look out for:
a unique fruit called a bell apple.
One look at its shape tells you where that name comes from.
We were surprised at the high cost, relatively speaking of course, of a bell apple –
just one was 100 Taiwan dollars or just over $4 CAD.
The taste wasn't at all what we expect from apples at home in Canada.
The bell apple was less crunchy, more spongey in texture and not very sweet.
We both enjoyed it, though, and if you spot one, I definitely recommend giving it a try.
It's like if a pumpkin and an apple had a baby.
That's how it tastes.
There were other highlights walking through Raohe night market too.
Like coffin sandwiches.
Not the cheeriest of names for what is more or less a bread bowl.
These bitter gourds are a very common vegetable in Taiwan.
They're used in stir fries, salads, soups, or even juice.
These are a traditional snack of skewered strawberries and cherry tomatoes coated in sugar.
You can also find grilled snails,
King oyster mushrooms,
and different meats and organs.
One of my other favourites is a traditional Taiwanese dessert
which is normally stuffed with red bean and other fillings.
The skin is made of sweet potato powder and I just love the chewy texture.
There's lots more to see at the night market and many, many more street foods to try in Taiwan.
This video is just a taste - pun very much intended, by the way.
I'll link our other Taiwan videos below so check the description box for more
on what to eat,
where to go,
and what to do in Taiwan.
No matter what you get up to while visiting, though,
you can fill your stomach with unique flavours and textures you'll dream of long after.
I hope you enjoyed this video.
Remember to give it a like if you did
and subscribe for more travel and food adventures.
Thanks for watching!
Ground Reference Maneuvers - Duration: 6:57.Ok, so we're coming up to the balloon.
Ok. You let me know when you're ready to begin the maneuver.
All right. It's coming up. Just about at the strut.
And -
You can start banking now.
All right. So I'm going to try to keep it -
About right there.
Right about there.
Off that wing right there.
Looks like it's getting behind a little bit.
Increase your bank a little bit.
We're maintaining constant altitude which is good.
Oh, too far forward now.
I can tell...
If you really pay close...
...close attention to the airplane flight track and ground...
you can actually feel it a little bit - how we're -
decreasing/increasing airspeed so -
So bank was a little shallow on this one, eh?
We're on the upwind now.
I'm going to start to level off -
Ah, not level off, but -
Shallow it off? Ok.
I think I got closer to it -
All right. Now I'm -
Now it's further back.
It's... um... All right...
Pull it into a tighter turn here.
Yeah, now that the wind is -
now over -
All right. That's about center again.
I want to see it just like that.
That picture right there -
that's how I want to see it the whole...
the whole time you're turning.
[ ATC chatter ]
It's just bouncing around a lot.
Oh yeah.
Making it a little difficult but -
I like that picture.
I'm seeing that picture staying the same.
I like it.
Then give it a little bit of left rudder.
There you go.
Real pretty.
We're going to cross here in about 30 seconds
and then you'll start turning -
back towards the freeway.
Just remember when you rollout on the freeway the other way...
you're going to be wings level.
And we're still descending.
Oh, we're starting to descend?
Ok, I'll pull up a little bit.
Ok, I'm going to start turning now...
I'd give it another few seconds.
Oh, ok.
Ok, now you can start turning.
Ok. I'm going to turn here.
I'm going to keep it kind of shallow.
Yup. And add some back pressure.
So you don't descend. There you go.
So this is where like you're -
Your bank angle should be the shallowest.
This is where you're going to experience a decrease...
in ground speed, shallowest bank -
Just remember when you cross that freeway, you're going to be level again.
Ok, then I need to start increasing my bank here
as I start the turn and come around.
Oh, I might be too far, but ok...
I think I'm going to... I might make it here.
All right. It's looking good.
I'll start to level off here.
I was a little early, I guess.
Just climb another 300 feet.
We're descending a lot.
Ok. I'll be climbing up a little bit here.
All right. We'll give it another few seconds.
And then you'll do one to the right.
All right.
All right. Go ahead and start turning towards the right.
Coming right.
It might disorientate -
The freeway disorients you.
It kind of curves a little but this way.
But we'll continue doing S-turns.
The bank is little steeper on this one now, eh?
We're maintaining constant altitude ... good.
[ ATC chatter ]
I should be...
keeping the steep bank angle here.
And then we'll start to level off here.
[ ATC chatter ]
About there.
We'll probably do another two or three more.
Increase your back pressure.
A little more power.
I'm going to start the turn here.
[ ATC chatter ]
It kind of turned -
Like you said, it kind of...
curves away.
All right. I'm going to start coming level here.
Cool. From this side, the turns are shallow.
We're flying slower and then -
this side is where...
all steep bank angles are.
So you can really tell now how the wind really messes...
...messes with us.
Yeah, I do feel the difference that last time around.
Ok, so I'm going to...
give it a second here, and I'll start to turn.
All right.
All right. Here I'm going to turn now.
Rodinná tragédie: Rozesmála vévodkyni Kate, teď je holčička (†9) mrtvá! - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Un enfant de 9 ans se suicide quatre jours après son coming-out et après avoir été harcelé à l'école - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Indicadores Económicos | 29 de Agosto - Duration: 1:41.Compartir INDICADORES VALOR VARIACIÓN S&P/ BMV IPC 50,187.48 0.33% FTSE BIVA 1,015
04 0.27% DOW JONES 26,124.57 0.23% NASDAQ 8,109.69 0.99% DÓLAR VENTANILLA 19
22 0.36% TASA OBJETIVO 7.75% = TIIE A 28 DÍAS 8.11% + CETES A 28 DÍAS 7
72% = ORO 1,212.80 + PLATA 14.81 + COBRE 273.20 – MEZCLA MEXICANA 65
62 0.61% WTI 69.51 1.43% BRENT 77.16 1.59% LEG Compartir
Près de 37 ans après sa naissance, Camille Combal apprend qu'il ne possède qu'un seul rein - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Kerala Floods 2018 Funny Video - What The Flood?! - Duration: 5:08."#Kerala is the state where cow was slaughtered publicly
Where "Cow" was?
We're not having one...many cowsu!
"...had I been PM no relief would have granted
from centre..."
Well, for that you need to start selling tea and...
...pretend like you have a degree.
"...let the bastard CM..."
So he spelt 'bastard' as b-a-s-t-r-d because he doesnt know whether its an 'a'
or an 'e'.
This is what happens. Education, kids!
Stay in school.
"...let the bastard CM handle the situation."
And he did!
Our CM did handle the situation.
"When it floods in Bihar yearly, you don't say anything"
We haven't been flooded in 100 years apparently and we question the government as to what
they're doing If you're getting flooded every year, shouldn't
you ask them what they're doing for you?
KJ Alphonse says...
"Don't need food or clothes, need handymen like electricians and plumbers"
Sir, I've already contacted Johnny Sins.
He's on the way.
He can play any role
Sanjay Sahni says...
"Let them die!"
"We should not care for them, after all they think themselves different and unique
from India" "Let them die!"
Ashwini Kumar, you do know that India is a country that prides itself on diversity
and uniqueness, right?
It's not our fault we're so swag!
[Swag intensifies]
@Suresh 7-7-8-2-0-7-7-6
which is probably the number of times he jerks off
"High rates of divorce by womensu..."
Women, apostrophe - 's'
- "...are in Kerala in India it is also cause
for floods in Kerala" This guy doesn't know how to use an apostrophe
It is such a castatrophe, I mean, cat..o.. strophe.. apo...?
"Kerala and whole Islamic state suffered
cause of Islam" "They not believe in live TOGATHER"
"But Hinduism is believe" "We in Gujarat we suffered almost every
year but we never BAG" "We still survive"
This shows that you must stay in school for English
Especially English!
Mohandas says...
"There is some ulterior motive behind everyone talking only about the flooding"
So Mohandas, there is a conspiracy and to hide that, they flooded a whole state?
[Conspiracy intensifies]
So this next person has a very unfortunate name
with regards to the fact that she's actually insulting Malayalis
It's like if a South Indian is insulting North Indians
and his first name was BC So MYRA Gaikwad says...
"Dear Mallus..."
Actually it's more like DEAR MALLUS!
"I request North Indians not to donate a single penny to these beef eaters"
Don't give penny, give rupees no?
"My friends in Kerala tell me they are getting boxes with biscuits"
"slogan on the box is 'Jesus Loves You'" says Madhav
Madhav, I'm pretty sure you don't have friends.
Especially friends in Kerala ok, I don't see what's wrong with that
It's a very nice message no?
'Jesus Loves You'?
Ashok Hooli says...
Dhruva Bhai" comma "we have been to Kerala" fullstop.
Kerala 'k' is not capital "they" - 't' is not capital
"...are refusing to take money" fullstop.
"95% Keralarites are rich" fullstop.
"they" - 't' is not capital "...are ready to pay double for plumber,
'C' capital for some reason "...painter, electrician" fullstop.
"they" - 't' is not capital "...don't need stuff or money" fullstop.
"this" - 't' is not capital "...is the reality"
"95% Keralites are rich" ? I think you are confused
This is Kerala, not Wakanda.
So I know you guys have a lot of issues with us
But it's okay, we still like you guys
In case there's any trouble
Please don't hesitate to call us We will definitely be there for you.
You know what?
Don't even ask us.
All you have to do is beam a light into the sky which has 'BEEF'
written on top of it And we'll find you and we'll help you
For all the help that we have received
Thank you! You guys are wonderful!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Thank you!
All of you!
All the haters, all the lovers You're all invited to eat sadhya with us
It's veg!
No Beef!
Between us or on the plate
So with that I'd like to conclude by saying...
Happy Onam!
Happy Onam everybody!
Happy Onam everybody!
Vaadin Designer for web-------------------------------------------
Serena Williams : sa fille Olympia privée d'anniversaire, pour des raisons religieuses - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Tasty Street Food in Taiwan - Duration: 7:55.You can eat really well in Taiwan without ever darkening a doorway.
In fact, some of the best food is out in the streets.
Street food is everywhere in Taiwan and it's delicious and affordable so you can try lots of it.
There's nothing better than strolling along, like a moveable menu,
and letting your eyes and nose do the choosing for you.
It's more than likely you'll spot a food or two you don't recognize,
which is great because it's a chance to try something new.
Marc and I have eaten very well in Taiwan and made lots of other videos about foods,
and desserts.
Holy Kapowgabonza.
So check out the rest of our Taiwan series for more.
Let's start with a very traditional and typical Taiwanese dish:
braised pork on rice.
It's filling and flavourful and we ate a large, which came with fried shallots,
for only 40 Taiwan Dollars, which is around $1.70 CAD.
Ooh it kind of reminds me of something my parents used to make when I was a kid.
It has just like a really nice almost… I don't want to say gravy-like sauce but kinda.
We ate this meal on the sidewalk and shared a table with another man.
If you're eating on a plastic stool, chances are you're going to eat well.
Like these noodles we got for 60 Taiwan dollars or $2.50 CAD.
Super, super peanut-y.
We got 10 very satisfying dumplings for 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD
and this dinner was the day we did a rainy road trip to Taroko Gorge
right before we had peanut butter ice mochi for dessert.
I'll link those videos below as well.
We also visited the night market in Hualien,
which included trying a 'Taiwan hamburger' for the first time.
You choose what sort of meat, filling, and sauce you want and they make it to order.
We got braised pork, black pepper sauce, honey mustard, cucumbers, onions, and noodles
and it all comes in a steamed bun for 65 Taiwan dollars or about $2.75 CAD.
When we walked by a stand selling banana pancakes at the Hualien night market, we could not resist.
Obviously this isn't necessarily Taiwanese,
however, it is one of my favourite street foods in the entire world
and eating them outside a train station in Thailand is one of my top food travel memories.
It's a thin pancake fried on a grill with sweet bananas
and this one was just 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD.
You can get different toppings on it like honey, chocolate, and peanut butter,
but the best is condensed milk.
If you ever get the chance to try this, do it and please have some for me too.
And speaking of top food travel memories, I think I made a new one in Taiwan.
As usual, it was very unexpected.
It was on the beautiful little island of Xiao Liuqiu
where we had an amazing time driving our scooter around
and swimming with sea turtles.
I'll think that video too.
One night we had rushed to a lookout point to watch the sunset
and had some food I will never forget.
I just started eating this and I was like
we need to put this in a video because it's insanely good.
I don't really know how to describe it except it's like a deep fried burrito full of cheese and meat
and this one has corn.
This one is chicken there's also a bacon one.
Look at the packaging, how cute this is.
It's so salty.
Picture a deep fried burrito with cheese and your pick of chicken, bacon, tuna, or beef.
I need a franchise of this where I live.
You missed the first bite but I was like…
'cause it's so, so good.
I'm going to find out the name of this place and link it because if you come here
you need to have this in your hand like this.
I did find out the name of the place: it's called Little Tadpole
and you have to order by 10am
or they will literally be sold out for the rest of the day.
They're 60 to 70 Taiwan dollars, less than $3 CAD.
However, the best value we found for street food in Taiwan
starts at less than half that price.
It's roti.
It all starts by spraying the grill with oil and then adding whatever filling you want in the roti.
I got egg with cheese and Marc got Taiwanese basil and egg.
When it's cooked, it gets folded up and served super, super hot in a takeaway bag.
Xie Xie.
Bye bye.
Bye bye. -Bye bye.
Ooh it's hot!
It's very hot.
Oh my god, I can barely hold it it's so hot.
Let's try this.
Mmm oh that is really good.
The roti is just perfect.
So squidgy, the texture.
Mmm love squidgy.
Smacking my lips.
He's like muhaha.
When the sun goes down in Taiwan the night market is just waking up,
and this is where you want to be.
The smells, smoke, and steam in the air
coupled with the sights and sounds of food being prepared
is a full on sensory experience that culminates of course with you TASTING some of that food.
Our favourite night market in Taipei is Raohe
and the best thing we tasted there were pork, leek, and cabbage dumplings
with your choice of spicy or sweet sauce.
Even the container they came in was cute.
They were so good we went back to get more.
And when it only costs 50 Taiwan dollars or $2 CAD for 10 dumplings,
how could you not get seconds?
All those flavours together and this sauce, it's almost like a Teriyaki sauce,
are blowing my mind.
That might be one of the best dumplings I've ever had.
Strong words.
We also got to try something at Raohe that we had been on the look out for:
a unique fruit called a bell apple.
One look at its shape tells you where that name comes from.
We were surprised at the high cost, relatively speaking of course, of a bell apple –
just one was 100 Taiwan dollars or just over $4 CAD.
The taste wasn't at all what we expect from apples at home in Canada.
The bell apple was less crunchy, more spongey in texture and not very sweet.
We both enjoyed it, though, and if you spot one, I definitely recommend giving it a try.
It's like if a pumpkin and an apple had a baby.
That's how it tastes.
There were other highlights walking through Raohe night market too.
Like coffin sandwiches.
Not the cheeriest of names for what is more or less a bread bowl.
These bitter gourds are a very common vegetable in Taiwan.
They're used in stir fries, salads, soups, or even juice.
These are a traditional snack of skewered strawberries and cherry tomatoes coated in sugar.
You can also find grilled snails,
King oyster mushrooms,
and different meats and organs.
One of my other favourites is a traditional Taiwanese dessert
which is normally stuffed with red bean and other fillings.
The skin is made of sweet potato powder and I just love the chewy texture.
There's lots more to see at the night market and many, many more street foods to try in Taiwan.
This video is just a taste - pun very much intended, by the way.
I'll link our other Taiwan videos below so check the description box for more
on what to eat,
where to go,
and what to do in Taiwan.
No matter what you get up to while visiting, though,
you can fill your stomach with unique flavours and textures you'll dream of long after.
I hope you enjoyed this video.
Remember to give it a like if you did
and subscribe for more travel and food adventures.
Thanks for watching!
David Hallyday s'affiche avec un drôle de look pour sa tournée -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Kerala Floods 2018 Funny Video - What The Flood?! - Duration: 5:08."#Kerala is the state where cow was slaughtered publicly
Where "Cow" was?
We're not having one...many cowsu!
"...had I been PM no relief would have granted
from centre..."
Well, for that you need to start selling tea and...
...pretend like you have a degree.
"...let the bastard CM..."
So he spelt 'bastard' as b-a-s-t-r-d because he doesnt know whether its an 'a'
or an 'e'.
This is what happens. Education, kids!
Stay in school.
"...let the bastard CM handle the situation."
And he did!
Our CM did handle the situation.
"When it floods in Bihar yearly, you don't say anything"
We haven't been flooded in 100 years apparently and we question the government as to what
they're doing If you're getting flooded every year, shouldn't
you ask them what they're doing for you?
KJ Alphonse says...
"Don't need food or clothes, need handymen like electricians and plumbers"
Sir, I've already contacted Johnny Sins.
He's on the way.
He can play any role
Sanjay Sahni says...
"Let them die!"
"We should not care for them, after all they think themselves different and unique
from India" "Let them die!"
Ashwini Kumar, you do know that India is a country that prides itself on diversity
and uniqueness, right?
It's not our fault we're so swag!
[Swag intensifies]
@Suresh 7-7-8-2-0-7-7-6
which is probably the number of times he jerks off
"High rates of divorce by womensu..."
Women, apostrophe - 's'
- "...are in Kerala in India it is also cause
for floods in Kerala" This guy doesn't know how to use an apostrophe
It is such a castatrophe, I mean, cat..o.. strophe.. apo...?
"Kerala and whole Islamic state suffered
cause of Islam" "They not believe in live TOGATHER"
"But Hinduism is believe" "We in Gujarat we suffered almost every
year but we never BAG" "We still survive"
This shows that you must stay in school for English
Especially English!
Mohandas says...
"There is some ulterior motive behind everyone talking only about the flooding"
So Mohandas, there is a conspiracy and to hide that, they flooded a whole state?
[Conspiracy intensifies]
So this next person has a very unfortunate name
with regards to the fact that she's actually insulting Malayalis
It's like if a South Indian is insulting North Indians
and his first name was BC So MYRA Gaikwad says...
"Dear Mallus..."
Actually it's more like DEAR MALLUS!
"I request North Indians not to donate a single penny to these beef eaters"
Don't give penny, give rupees no?
"My friends in Kerala tell me they are getting boxes with biscuits"
"slogan on the box is 'Jesus Loves You'" says Madhav
Madhav, I'm pretty sure you don't have friends.
Especially friends in Kerala ok, I don't see what's wrong with that
It's a very nice message no?
'Jesus Loves You'?
Ashok Hooli says...
Dhruva Bhai" comma "we have been to Kerala" fullstop.
Kerala 'k' is not capital "they" - 't' is not capital
"...are refusing to take money" fullstop.
"95% Keralarites are rich" fullstop.
"they" - 't' is not capital "...are ready to pay double for plumber,
'C' capital for some reason "...painter, electrician" fullstop.
"they" - 't' is not capital "...don't need stuff or money" fullstop.
"this" - 't' is not capital "...is the reality"
"95% Keralites are rich" ? I think you are confused
This is Kerala, not Wakanda.
So I know you guys have a lot of issues with us
But it's okay, we still like you guys
In case there's any trouble
Please don't hesitate to call us We will definitely be there for you.
You know what?
Don't even ask us.
All you have to do is beam a light into the sky which has 'BEEF'
written on top of it And we'll find you and we'll help you
For all the help that we have received
Thank you! You guys are wonderful!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Thank you!
All of you!
All the haters, all the lovers You're all invited to eat sadhya with us
It's veg!
No Beef!
Between us or on the plate
So with that I'd like to conclude by saying...
Happy Onam!
Happy Onam everybody!
Happy Onam everybody!
국내 출시 앞둔 말리부 페이스리프트(자막 설정 후 보시면 더 좋습니다) - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Asia Argento's model friend speaks out after leaking texts - Duration: 12:05.The non-binary model who received texts from Asia Argento in which she admitted to having sex with an underage actor in 2013 has spoken out for the first time since the incriminating exchange was leaked
Rain Dove, who neither prescribes to being male or female, is the person whose texts with Argento were revealed after the Italian actress denied ever sleeping with Jimmy Bennett, a child actor she met when he was seven
They were introduced to Argento by Rose McGowan, her lover of several months.In the texts, Argento claimed Bennett 'jumped' her in a hotel room in 2013
They were leaked to TMZ last week after Argento issued a strongly worded denial saying she never slept with Bennett but had been extorted by him
Speaking in an interview with Today on Wednesday, Dove insisted it was not them who gave TMZ the texts but admits handing them over to police
NBC Privacy Policy The model said they had 'no choice' after watching Argento deny what they knew to be true
'I was not the person who leaked them to TMZ. I just wanted them to be a part of the legal process going forward
'When it became apparent that they were not going to allow for justice to occur or for truth to be on the table, I knew I had no choice but to go forward otherwise I would be complicit and I would be robbing another individual of their ability to be heard and their story,' Dove said
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Kimberly Guilfoyle and Donald Trump Jr head out for dinner. Share this article Share Dove was gentle in their analysis of how it the scandal has transpired
'I'm not anti-Asia or anti-anything. I just believe that Jimmy Bennett deserves to have justice and I believe that due process deserves to happen,' they said
They went on to say they wished Argento will be able to 'heal' and go back to being an advocate for sexual assault victims
'Hopefully healing can occur and rehabilitation and they can go back to being an advocate for so many people
'I really hope that that's the case for Asia because they were a really powerful advocate at one point in this movement,' they said
The scandal started to unfold in June in the days after Argento's boyfriend, CNN star Anthony Bourdain, killed himself
Argento's texts to Dove Dove: As in what does the public know and not know?Like which things are facts or not facts? It's an annoying question but I need to have a clear vision on what angles we have to send some folks to get good intel for usArgento: The public knows nothing, only what NYT wrote
Which is one sided. The shakedown letter. The horny kid jumped meD: So it was rape? Or an attempted sexual action?A: I had sex with him it felt weird
I didn't know he was a minor until the shakedown letter. D: Either one is good enough to show You actively frowned upon his advancesA: No it was all on snapchat
DisappearedI didn't report because I always felt bad for this Hollywood failed child actor, a casualty of the machine, of his parentsI have 80 pages on him by a PI that Anthony hiredD: Yeah we don't always think of ourselves in those time periodsA: All of Anthony's emails pushing me to accept pay
My emails with Carrie where we disagreed with that D : Yeah still need to prove the money came from AB accountOr affiliate accountBut this is looking rear for YouThis NYT will look like fools
You got thisA: Carrie never wanted to do this, she wanted to go to the press first and show the extortion I was being threatened withD : Well next steps - request bank statements from Bennet that will show the account that deposited the money clearing your name as the briberAnd then find evidence that You rejected this person sexually at any point before A: Yes I am thinking about leaking through a trusted friend to the GuardianIf I lose my job I will move to Africa or the Amazon ForestI want to be among the 90% of the world that doesn't give a f***about this s***Not the connivig, sick 10% of the entitles westernersEntitled*D : Africa is gorgeous and absolutely safer than people give t [sic] credit forA: Ethiopia or SenegalMapia in Brazil D: If there's anytime you've talked to your therapist about inappropriate advances before the whole thing that may be helpfulA: Not before, during that meeting where he jumped meD: What's up with the photo taken in bed?I think that's one that will be harder to cushion
Images are annoyingly assumption nationA: You can see my tits. That's all. It Doesn't mean s*** He is standing up A: It's beyond me
It's unfathomableD: You worked with him previously how did the age thing escape?I mean 16 is the age of consent in most countries around the worldSo I was actually shocked about the 17 thingA: 15 in France and ItalyD: Oh whoaA: When I was 17 I was with a 33 year old man for yearsI had just turned 17 Dove and Rose McGowan, whom Argento had grown close to while leading the #MeToo movement, flew to Berlin to be with her
One night, Argento explained that life without Bourdain would be difficult because of all of the ways he had helped her when he was alive
'Asia had mentioned that one of the things is difficult in their life right now with Anthony passing, there was a huge gap in that this individual had helped them out a lot in life and one of the things they he helped them out with was an extortion case in which an individual was extorting Asia for $10,000 a month,' Dove explained
Neither Dove nor Argento knew who the person was at the time. They only learned it was Bennett when The New York Times published details of Argento and Bourdain paying him on August 19
After Argento denied it, the texts emerged as did photographs of she and Bennett lying naked in bed
McGowan later issued an explosive statement saying Argento complained to her about receiving unsolicited naked pictures from Bennett from when he was 12
She has distanced herself from the Italian actress and is now urging her to be honest about what happened
'Many people believe that because we have been close in each other's lives over the past year that perhaps I am affiliated with this incident or being complicit
I am not. Asia you were my friend. I loved you. You've spent and risked a lot to stand with the MeToo movement
'I really hope you find your way through this process to rehabilitation and betterment
Anyone can be be better- I hope you can be, too. Do the right thing. Be honest. Be fair
Let justice stay its course. Be the person you wish Harvey could have been,' she said
Argento has not commented on the photograph of her with Bennett, the leaked text messages or McGowan's statement
TIMELINE OF THE ASIA ARGENTO UNDERAGE SEX SCANDAL2004: Argento and Jimmy Bennett appear in the film The Heart is Deceitful
She was 28.MAY 2013: Argento and Bennett meet in California. He posts a selfie of them in bed on Instagram
This is the date of the alleged assault. She was 37, he was 17OCTOBER 2017: Argento is among the first women to publicly accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and sexual assault
She goes on to lead the #MeToo movement NOVEMBER 2017: Jimmy Bennett sends a notice of intent to sue Argento for damages of $3
5million claiming the 'sexual assault' hindered his ability to workAPRIL 2018: Argento pays Bennett $200,000
It was a portion of the $380,000 they agreed on to settle his claims. As part of the deal, she got to keep a photograph of them in bed together and he was not allowed to sue her again JUNE 8, 2018: Anthony Bourdain, Argento's boyfriend, hangs himself in FranceJUNE 2018: Argento goes to Berlin with Rose McGowan and Rain Dove and tells them about how Bourdain helped her handle an unnamed 'extortionist'AUGUST 19, 2018: The New York Times publishes details of Bennett and Argento's agreement
Argento denies it. AUGUST 21, 2018: Argento denies ever sleeping with Bennett. 'I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett,' she said
AUGUST 22: TMZ publishes photograph of Bennett and Argento in bed that was taken on the day he alleged she assaulted him
On the same day, they publish her texts with Dove where she admits: 'I had sex with him it felt weird
I didn't know he was a minor until the shakedown letter.' AUGUST 27: Rose McGowan urges Argento to be 'honest' and she names Dove as the person in the textsAUGUST 29: Dove confirms they are the person Argento exchanged texts with
Mảnh ghép số 2: Thái độ - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
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