Friday, August 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 31 2018


Hi, I'm Shauna Sever.

And today, I'm making a chocolate-flecked angel food

cake using my Kenmore Elite Ovation Stand Mixer, which

makes all the steps even simpler.

So we're going to start, actually, with our eggs.

And with the mixer, I have an egg separator.

So I've got 12 eggs here, which I know seems like a lot.

So you just start by cracking your eggs one at a time into the egg separator.

And see how the yolk stays in the separator, the white

just drops right through into the bowl?


And then I'm going to add just a couple extra ingredients

to help stabilize my egg whites.

I've got some cream of tartar, which can go right in the top,

and a little bit of salt. So now that I've got those in,

I can get my egg whites whipping.

You want to let them whip on medium-high speed until they reach a soft peak.

And then we'll start to add the sugar.

OK, so this has been going for about three minutes on medium-high.

We want a nice, soft peak.

Now, I can add in the sugar.

Using the pour-in top design, I can have the egg white

whipping while I'm adding the sugar to it.

You want to let it continue to beat until you

get a nice, stiff, glossy peak.

So let's take a look, and that's what we want.

See how it's holding its shape inside the bowl like that?

That's absolutely perfect.

So now what I'm going to do is put the mixer on low speed.

I'm going to beat in a little bit of vanilla extract,

and then I'm very slowly going to add my cake flour and sugar mixtures.

So we put half of our sugar into the egg whites,

and then we've got half that we've whisked with some cake flour.

And that will get gradually added.

Very gently, we'll let that fold into the batter.

All right, now that all of our cake flour and remaining sugar is added,

this is the secret ingredient that makes this cake really special.

It's actually unsweetened chocolate, which seems kind of surprising.

But when you consider that an angel food cake is actually really sweet,

it's a nice sort of bitter note that really balances the cake out well.

So I've got my unsweetened chocolate right here.

I'm using my grater accessory, so I can actually grate the chocolate right

into the batter.

It makes it so easy.


Now that all of our chocolate has been grated on top of the batter,

we can just start this for just about 30 seconds

or so to let the chocolate mix into the rest of the cake batter.



You don't want to over mix at this stage.

You don't want to knock a whole lot of air out of the batter.

I'm going to take the bowl off.

During this whole process, I've had my oven preheating to 350 degrees.

And now, I have to grab my angel food cake pan.

This is what an angel food cake pan looks like.

It has a removable bottom, which will make unmolding the cake really easy.

And it has these feet on it.

And the reason it has these feet, is because with an angel food

cake, in order to keep its nice height after it comes out of the oven,

you have to invert it while it cools.

You actually cool it upside down.

And also, do not grease your pan.

I know it seems sort of opposite of everything

we've ever learned about cake-making.

But in the case of an angel food cake, you really

want the batter to climb up the sides of the pan.

So if you grease it, it won't do that.

So leave your pan ungreased.

And then with all of this gorgeous batter, of which there is a ton--

isn't this amazing how much 12 egg whites can actually

come to be when you get some great air into them with a great machine?

It looks amazing.

All the batter's in here.

All right, so like I said, 350 degrees.

And this doesn't take that long to bake either.

For such a big cake, you'd think it would be a long bake time.

But it's really just about 30 or 35 minutes, depending on your oven.


OK, so our cake has been baking for about 35 minutes.

Now, the trick with an angel food cake-- remember the feet

that we talked about on the pan?

That's because angel food cake cools upside down.

So we're going to let this cool inverted like this for about an hour,

until the pan is completely cool.

And then we can slice it and serve it.

Our chocolate-flecked angel food cake is completely cooled,

and I'm going to show you how to get it out of the pan.

We're going to start by loosening the cake from the edge of the pan,

and just work all the way around.

We can use that removable bottom to-- ta-da!

Pretty easy, right?

Now, we're going to go back with our offset spatula

again, and get right between the cake.

And just like we did with the sides, except now

we're trying to get it completely underneath the cake.

I can feel the cake is nice and loosened from the core.

And you can either lift it out and serve this as the top

if you like, or you can just invert it onto the cake stand, like so.

So let me show you what this looks like.

Now remember, we have all of those flecks of unsweetened chocolate in here

in the batter.

This is my chocolate-flecked angel food cake.

A perfect dessert for any time of the year.

And it's made really fun and super easy with the Kenmore Elite Ovation Stand Mixer.

For more infomation >> Homemade Angel Food Cake Recipe: Easy Dessert Recipes | Kenmore Elite OVATION Stand Mixer - Duration: 5:03.


English Tutor Nick P Quotes (172) Benjamin Franklin - Either Write Something Worth Reading or ... - Duration: 1:19.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 172. We have another one today by Benjamin Franklin.

Yeah. I've done a number of his in the past. So if you

liked this one you might want to go check out the others. He always has a good quote.

Let's look at today's quote. "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. ' and of course he means do something worth writing about. Or have someone write about it

So let's continue with the note here. This quote first

appeared in Franklin's 'Poor Richard's Almanac' With this quote Ben Franklin

is trying to encourage people not to waste one's life. Get off your butt, and

try to make something of yourself.

Don't just waste your life. Try to make

something of yourself be significant in some way.

Either try to do something significant enough that other people

would want to write about you, or at least learn

about something important or significant

and help spread knowledge to other people. So

that's pretty much it. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> English Tutor Nick P Quotes (172) Benjamin Franklin - Either Write Something Worth Reading or ... - Duration: 1:19.


WhatsApp Latest Tips And Tricks | WhatsApp Latest Updates 2018 - Duration: 1:50.

WhatsApp Latest Tips And Tricks

WhatsApp Latest Updates 2018

For more infomation >> WhatsApp Latest Tips And Tricks | WhatsApp Latest Updates 2018 - Duration: 1:50.


《初心者さん&初見さんもお気軽にどうぞ!》2018/8/31 FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く!今日も皆で情報交換(*^▽^*) - Duration: 9:30:30.

For more infomation >> 《初心者さん&初見さんもお気軽にどうぞ!》2018/8/31 FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く!今日も皆で情報交換(*^▽^*) - Duration: 9:30:30.


LEGO® Ninjago Decoded Episode 1 - Legacy

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago Decoded Episode 1 - Legacy


Ford S-Max 2.5-20V Turbo 7 PERSOONS - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ford S-Max 2.5-20V Turbo 7 PERSOONS - Duration: 1:08.


|VLOG 14| LA CARAVANE OUEST AFRICAINE 🚌 : les citoyen·ne·s se BOUGENT pour le CLIMAT ! 🌍 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> |VLOG 14| LA CARAVANE OUEST AFRICAINE 🚌 : les citoyen·ne·s se BOUGENT pour le CLIMAT ! 🌍 - Duration: 3:09.


Je sais pas si t'as vu cette semaine... Kanye West : le mea culpa - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Je sais pas si t'as vu cette semaine... Kanye West : le mea culpa - Duration: 1:28.


The Great Piano Mystery - Duration: 7:58.

this video is sponsored by Brilliant.

hey, welcome to 12tone! in 1964, legendary minimalist composer LaMonte Young embarked

on what would be his most ambitious project ever: a piece called The Well-Tuned Piano.

it's a massive, sprawling composition, over 5 hours long when Young played it live for

the final time in 1987, and requiring weeks of set-up in order to be performed correctly.

more than that, it's largely improvised: Young defined a certain structure for the piece,

drifting through harmonic spaces with names like the Opening Chord, the Magic Chord, and

the Tamiar Dream Chord, each of which might take upwards of half an hour to complete,

but the specifics changed each time as he experimented relentlessly with the soundscape

he had created.

it contains an innovative playing technique that Young described as "clouds", where incredibly

fast notes would slowly build and combine into a towering sense of harmony, but for

a long time, this piece also contained one of the greatest mysteries in all of modern

classical music: the mystery of which notes he was actually playing.

you see, the name The Well-Tuned Piano is probably a reference to a collection of Bach

pieces known as the Well-Tempered Clavier.

Bach wanted to advocate for a new kind of tuning system, so he wrote a bunch of music

to show off what that system could do, and it appears that Young was doing the same thing.

however, unlike Bach, Young is a notoriously secretive composer who kept his new tuning

system to himself for 27 years, and he only released it after composer Kyle Gann sat down

with a tuner, a calculator, and some very well-trained ears and worked out ten of the

twelve notes by hand.

so what was he doing? well, at its heart Young's system is a version of what theorists call

just intonation, which is when the intervals we hear are mathematically pure.

you see, when you hear a note, what you're really hearing is a sound wave with a specific

frequency, and when you hear multiple notes at once, your ear calculates the ratio between

those frequencies in order to determine the interval. for example, if you double the frequency,

you get a note an octave higher.

if you're playing on a normal piano, a lot of those ratios will be pretty messy because

we've prioritized other factors, like being able to easily change keys.

but just intonation systems instead aim to keep those ratios as clean as possible, using

only whole numbers and often trying to stick with small ones.

the version Young uses here is what's called a 7-limit tuning, which means that it's built

of ratios using numbers no larger than 7. because doubling a frequency just moves it

up an octave, all the even numbers are actually just copies of odd ones, so we're really just

working with 3, 5, and 7, which we can then multiply or divide by 2 to keep everything

within a single octave. these are all pretty simple sounds: the 3/2 ratio, for instance,

is the perfect 5th, while 5/4 is the major 3rd. the 7/4 ratio, though, is a bit different:

it's not that difficult in theory, but it has no real equivalent in the tuning system

most of us are used to.

it's kinda like a minor 7th, but it's almost a third of a half-step flat.

we call it the harmonic 7th, and it adds an interesting flavor that's new to most listeners

while still being fairly pure.

anyway, a 7-limit tuning is built by taking these three intervals and stacking them on

top of each other to find the rest of the notes.

or at least, a normal one is, but this is La Monte Young we're talking about, so of

course it can't be that simple.

for whatever reason, he apparently dislikes the sound of the 5/4 ratio, so he leaves it

out entirely, building everything from perfect 5ths and harmonic 7ths. and with that out

of the way, we can finally talk about the actual notes.

when you're building a just intonation system, the first thing you need to do is pick a root.

this is the note all your other frequencies will be tuned against, and for this piece

Young chose Eb, probably as an homage to his time as a saxophone player.

from there, he begins to stack 5ths, getting Bb as a 3/2 ratio and above that F, at 9/8.

above each of those he goes up two harmonic 7ths, giving us these ratios.

now, the note names here are a bit weird because, again, the harmonic 7th doesn't exist in normal

tuning so it's not super clear which note we're supposed to land on, but for now we'll

just use these.

that gives us 9 of our notes, and from there Young just adds a couple more perfect 5ths

to the end, and voila, we've got the tuning for the Well-Tuned Piano.

or at least we've got one of them: like many other aspects of the piece, Young changed

the tuning over the years.

but this is what he used for the 1981 recording that Gann worked from, and I don't believe

he's changed it since, but he hasn't performed it live in over 30 years at this point, so

who knows.

anyway, from here we can start making observations about the tuning, so let's start with the

most obvious question: what's up with G#?

I mean, first of all, the ratio is ridiculous, to the point where it's very unlikely you'd

even recognize it as pure.

but the biggest issue comes when we compare the G# to our G. did you hear that?

they're pretty close, but it turns out the G# is actually lower.

so why?

well, the short answer is that Young doesn't care about the G#. he never actually plays

it in the piece, which is why Gann couldn't properly identify all 12 notes.

that doesn't mean it doesn't matter, though: having a string tuned to that frequency is

important due to a phenomenon called sympathetic resonance.

basically, when you play a note with a specific frequency, strings tuned to a multiple of

that frequency will also start to vibrate a little, adding to the original sound.

so even though he never uses G#, you can still hear it ringing faintly when he plays an A.

this leads to an important observation: Young's notation is largely artificial.

that is, it tells you which keys he plays, but it doesn't tell you much about what sounds

they make.

if the notation goes up a half step, for instance, we could get anything from this (bang) which

is almost a whole step, to this (bang) which, again, is actually moving down.

an interesting product of this is that the notes of the piano tend to cluster.

in standard tuning, everything is evenly spaced, but in the Well-Tuned Piano, we instead wind

up with a couple pockets of notes with large gaps in between.

for instance, E, F, and F# are all within about three quarters of a half-step of each

other, as are A, Bb, and B. we already saw G and G#, and there's a similar cluster at

C and C#, and finally D sits just barely below Eb. this gives us something that resembles

a pentatonic or 5-note scale, kinda like this: (bang) but with a couple different tuning

options for each note.

it's actually a lot like the major pentatonic scale, a classic device in traditional Western

music, but the 3rd and the 6th are each about a quarter-tone sharp, because, again, Young

left out the 5/4 ratio we'd need in order to make them correctly.

this tuning variety leads to a somewhat paradoxical situation: we've got lots of intervals, but

also not that many.

like, standard tuning only has 12 possible intervals per octave, whereas Young's tuning

has 38.

but many of those are largely similar: for instance, Eb to E, Eb to F, and Eb to F# are

all basically whole steps.

in effect, Young has given himself access to lots of different shades of just a few

kinds of intervals.

however, much like we saw with G#, he doesn't use them all evenly: most of the piece centers

around the perfect 5th, the perfect 4th, the harmonic 7th, and then what are called the

septimal 3rds and 6ths. "septimal" is a fancy word for the number 7, because as we mentioned

before, these are constructed with the 7/4 ratio, rather than the 5/4 one you'd normally


the septimal minor 3rd and 6th are a little bit smaller than their standard versions,

while the major 3rd and 6th are wider.

these septimal intervals play a huge role in giving the Well-Tuned Piano its unique

sound, helping tie all the different versions together into one massive sonic experiment.

of course, there's more to it than just tuning: the structure of the piece is also fascinating,

and if there's enough interest I may make another video about it at some point.

but in the words of Kyle Gann, there is "virtually no way to analyze the piece" without understanding

the tuning system on which it's built.

That, more than anything, is the heart of the Well-Tuned Piano.

heck, it's right there in the name.

so yeah, no analysis would be possible without Gann's dedication to solving Young's riddle,

Which brings me to this video's sponsor, Brilliant!

You see, I have a theory: I believe there's a significant overlap between people who enjoy

music theory and people who enjoy difficult but ultimately rewarding puzzles, and if I'm

right, you're gonna love Brilliant.

Basically, Brilliant is all about learning through problem-solving: They have a bunch

of fun, challenging puzzles to help develop your intuitions on things like math and science,

plus each one comes with a really thorough answer so if you get it wrong, they'll explain

what you missed so it doesn't happen again.

I've been going through their number theory course because I like my concepts to be as

abstract as possible, but they also have lots of other cool math, science, and computer

stuff to try out, and each puzzle is different so you're not just drilling the same boring

question over and over again with slightly different numbers.

If you want to support the channel and learn more about Brilliant, you can go to

or just click the link in the description to try it out for free.

Plus, if you're one of the first 200 people to use that link, they'll even give you 20%

off a premium membership if you sign up for a year!

anyway, thanks for watching, and thanks to our Patreon patrons for supporting us and

making these videos possible.

if you want to help out, and get some sweet perks like sneak peeks of upcoming episodes,

there's a link to our Patreon on screen now.

you can also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment,

subscribe, and above all, keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> The Great Piano Mystery - Duration: 7:58.


AVATAR 2 - First Look Trailer (2020) "Return to Pandora" Zoe Saldana Concept - Duration: 2:05.

I hear them coming from the south.

The birds.

The warring birds with thunderous wings.

I wish to transform myself

into the bodies of these great beasts.

I cast my soul under the strife.

You think your world is safe

it is an illusion.

A comforting lie told to protect you.

Enjoy these final moments of peace

for I have returned

to have



Is there anything you would not do

for your family?

For more infomation >> AVATAR 2 - First Look Trailer (2020) "Return to Pandora" Zoe Saldana Concept - Duration: 2:05.


El "Te Boté (Remix)" de Nio Garcia, Casper Mágico Y Bad Bunny Explicado | Historias De Canción - Duration: 3:14.

LETTY: Spending over 17 weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart, Nio Garcia, Casper Mágico

& Darell's "Te Bote (Remix)" featuring Nicky Jam, Bad Bunny and Ozuna is definitely

one of the songs of the summer.

Written by Nio Garcia and Casper Magico, and produced by Kronix Magical, Shorty Complete and Young Martino

the original was recorded in Puerto Rico amidst the power outage Hurricane Maria caused in 2017.

NIO: Thank you Droni! Droni's mom, we asked her to borrow their electricity generator for 3 hours.

We picked up the generator, gave it gas and recorded the song.

LETTY: The groove is so good that you almost forget the song is about dumping a trash relationship.

First up is Bad Bunny.

LETTY: While Bad Bunny doesn't rehash old relationships, he is down to hook up,

if only as a TBT post.

LETTY: Here Bad Bunny shares his post break-up plans, including hitting up La Placita,

a mall in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Up next is Ozuna.

LETTY: Ozuna shows his ex she not only lost her man but her homegirl isn't really there for her either.

LETTY: Nicky Jam's verse is different—he doesn't want his ex back

but misses their great sex.

LETTY: Now, the video has been viewed over 1 billion times on YouTube

and the song's a Top 40 hit on the Hot 100, without any English bars.

It's even inspired parodies and responses.

LETTY: And, looking ahead, it seems this song is only going to get bigger.

NIO: We have J. Lo and Anuel already confirmed.

Once again.

CASPER: What we're saying is people are still going to be doing "Te Bote."

BOTH: Yes.

I'm Letty for Genius News, bringing you the meaning and the knowledge behind the music.

For more infomation >> El "Te Boté (Remix)" de Nio Garcia, Casper Mágico Y Bad Bunny Explicado | Historias De Canción - Duration: 3:14.


Cristiano Ronaldo - Dieser Kleidschlitz seiner Georgina dürfte keinen Zentimeter länger sein - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo - Dieser Kleidschlitz seiner Georgina dürfte keinen Zentimeter länger sein - Duration: 1:15.


Une fillette de 4 ans porte un élastique depuis tellement longtemps qu'il s'est greffé à sa peau - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Une fillette de 4 ans porte un élastique depuis tellement longtemps qu'il s'est greffé à sa peau - Duration: 2:43.


海贼王916话详细情报:浦岛被路飞轻松打飞,罗照顾已生病的贝波 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> 海贼王916话详细情报:浦岛被路飞轻松打飞,罗照顾已生病的贝波 - Duration: 6:23.


Les Questions Pas Bêtes 6 : UN POISSON CONGELÉ PEUT SURVIVRE ? - Duration: 4:18.

Hello everyone and especially welcome to newones! You are ...

... a lot ... uh ... the video!

We summarize: We have a living fish, which is immersed in a liquid and it seems to come out

frozen. And a few minutes later, it seems to come back to life as if nothing had happened!

Hmm ... let the investigation begin! First of all, you must know that the fish is immersed in a brine. It's a salty and sweet solution

which allows a liquid to remain in the liquid state,

even during extremely low temperatures!

Here -35 degrees. And here we ask ourselves: How does a fish survive such low temperatures?

Maybe by hibernation? First he is Ectotherm. That is, its body temperature

adapts to his environment.

If the water is cold the fish will be cold and vice versa.

For humans, it is not because we are in cold water that our body temperature is too. We stay at about

37 degrees. It's because we're Endothermic, warm-blooded. Second, it is Poïkilotherm.

That is, it can withstand large temperature differences.

We humans, if we exceed the range 35-37 degrees ... EEET beh ... We are not very very good.

So no, we can not say

hibernation for fish because they adapt too well to their environment. These are mostly warm-blooded animals

who, to protect themselves from low temperatures,

prefer to take a nap during the winter.

On the other hand, for fish, we can talk about Brumation. He will, before winter, accumulate fat and during the winter

reduce metabolic activity to use less energy.

Not stupid! But that's not all ! They also have antifreeze protein. Yes yes, as in cars!

They are formed in the liver and wander in the blood.

When the weather is too cold, ice crystals form in the blood and they can go

perforate the cell membranes. And that, it can necessarily lead to the death of the animal. To prevent this, the anti-freeze protein comes

clump around these forming crystals to prevent their growth. So they stay small,

the animal is saved.

Now that we know all that, we're going back to our fish. It's a Tilapia. A species of tropical freshwater. He is not immersed

long enough in the liquid to be totally frozen. In any case, if he were, he would be dead.

He suffers "only" a

"surgélation". That is a surface freezing. The concern is that the fish undergoes a temperature difference that is completely crazy!

It goes from temperate water to -35 degrees water and it falls back into its original tank and that in less than a minute.

And then we will add a

little osmotic shock of families! What is it ? Do you remember when I told you it was a freshwater fish?

And that we dipped in water saturated with salt?

It adapts, but must not exaggerate.

With all this and even if the fish moves at the end of the experiment, it's a safe bet that he will die within days

to come up.

Regarding pain, there are still many differences of opinion. I think the fish

feel the pain. Ice crystals that form in the blood ...

It has never been much appreciated. And we can see that the fish has a violent reaction when it is immersed in the liquid ... it's a boo!

And now, our investigation is over! I hope you had a good time and learned a bit about fish.

Tell me what you thought in comment! If you liked: liked,

share, subscribe, to see the next videos! it helps me a lot!

For all those who want to have news

between two videos and want to participate in the creation of some of them because I need your questions for interviews:

It's happening on facebook and instagram. I will put you the links in the description. And then bah me I tell you: See you next time !!

For more infomation >> Les Questions Pas Bêtes 6 : UN POISSON CONGELÉ PEUT SURVIVRE ? - Duration: 4:18.


Trump Defends Response to John McCain's Death as He Refuses to Pick Between Late Senator & Obama - Duration: 4:56.

 As many of politics most prominent figures prepare to eulogize and honor John McCain this weekend, the president is not backing down on his highly criticized response to the senator and war hero's death

 In an interview with Bloomberg News on Thursday, President Donald Trump said he did not believe he missed an opportunity to unite the country through his actions

 "No, I don't think I did at all," he told the outlet from the Oval Office. "I've done everything that they requested and no, I don't think I have at all

"  Further, he added of the late Republican senator from Arizona, "We had our disagreements and they were very strong disagreements

 I disagreed with many of the things that I assume he believed in."  The president initially addressed McCain's death last Saturday at 81 with a two-sentence tweet, writing, "My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain

Our hearts and prayers are with you!"  According to a report from The Washington Post, the Trump White House prepared a statement to pay tribute, but Trump decided not to release it

 The official statement reportedly went through internal approvals and was supposed to be sent out when the news of McCain's death broke, a source told CNN

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Chief of Staff John Kelly and other officials reportedly wanted a statement to call  McCain a hero for his service in the Vietnam War and time in the Senate, according to the Post

 Later, on Monday, Trump released a full statement announcing that the White House flag would return to half-staff after previously going to full-staff just two days after McCain's death

He also said that Vice President Mike Pence would represent his administration at funeral services

 "Despite our differences on policy and politics, I respect Senator John McCain's service to our country and, in his honor, have signed a proclamation to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff until the day of his interment," Trump said

 Among the many critics' to Trump's response was former President Jimmy Carter

In an interview with Fox Business Network's Cavuto: Coast to Coast, Carter said, "I thought that President Trump made a mistake at first by not recognizing John McCain's unquestioned commitment to our country in the Navy and as a prisoner of war and also in his service in Congress

"  He noted that Trump "adequately corrected" the mistakes with the flag by issuing the later statement

 Also during his interview with Bloomberg, the 72-year-old was asked if McCain would have been a better president than his 2008 opponent, former President Barack Obama

 Trump declined to respond, saying, "I don't want to comment on it. I have a very strong opinion, all right

"  The outlet noted that Sanders was in the room, and stared at him during his response

Trump joked that she was "having a nervous breakdown" over his response. He added, "Maybe I'll give you that answer some day later

"  Despite their rocky history, the longtime politician did not prohibit Trump from attending his funeral, a McCain family source previously told PEOPLE

 "John had a feud with the president, and it got pretty intense, but I never heard anyone in the family say John banned Trump, and he never said that to me," the source told PEOPLE

"John didn't ban Trump. John could be spiteful, and he loved a good fight, but he wouldn't do something like that

"  On Friday morning, McCain's body was transported to the state capitol to lie in repose in the Rotunda for a public viewing

 Among those who eulogized the leader on Friday were Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen

Paul Ryan.

For more infomation >> Trump Defends Response to John McCain's Death as He Refuses to Pick Between Late Senator & Obama - Duration: 4:56.


OKNORMAL Speedrun in 17min 52 50sec WR - Duration: 19:02.

I'm gonna make a Speedrun of the game OK/NORMAL

I calculated the start of my Speedrun at -41.70 seconds

Because it's the moment between the Loading screen and my first possible movement

During this speedrun I'm gonna try to explain How I did it and when I change my split

I play almost always in First person

because it look better (For me)

But when I didn't hear the song of "eating" an object

I can leave the FPS view to see If I miss it or not

I make a Split for each level

I change the Split when I hear the finishing level sound

For winning time, I obviously always run, Everytime the game allow me to run

And also try to jump over corners to win a little amount of time

There's only one way to finish the game. So no "Any%" "100%" etc


I'm not sure there's gonna be an other category than "End Game"

In some level like this one, I can't go on FPS

But there's no problem, because I juste need to go forward

When the screen became totally Dark, I change the Split

And for this level, when the screen became totally White, I change the Split

It's better to turn off FPS for this Platforming section

It's look easier to see where are the pillars

Here, I don't Know

If we can be faster and take the pillar the first time he came

I already try it, but never manage to do it

For this Level

We meet our first ennemy, wich appears to be this Skull

And he kill me if i get too close to him

But as you can see it's really easy to escape from him

Is really slow

And we need to get very close from him to die

For this level we only need to go to the end

so is really slow and annoying

But we can see the skull, the same of the last level

but this time is pretty

Nice with us

When the screen is dark (I change Split)

For this level, we just have to wait

So i lose time by moving (Intense spinning session)

(I jump, because it make the screen shake less)

Another level, we don't have anything to do except climbing (Intense Climbing session)

And again for this level we have to wait until the screen became Dark to change the split and go to another level

Now we are in the first really big level

We can lose time if we don't know where to go

fortunately the path is really easy

To take the last key we have to jump. Our character can't climb by himself

And again we go to the end of this level

Here we are in the MAZE

The biggest level of the game


it's a level when we can easily lose a lot of time


To never forget my path I wrote it on my Split

As you can see

"Left 1" "Right 1" "Left 2" Right 2" etc

There's the Second Bad guy

AS you can see I take the second path to the left, and i will take the second to right

I don't know if

the way I did this level is the faster, but it's the first one I discover

Now we have that, I consider it as a Split but

There's no way to win time

Because it's just

a cutscene

In this level we don't have any much thing to do except go forward (while running) for a while

I consider this at the final level

Even we don't have anything to do except wait until the credit appear

When the screen became totally dark

It's the end of the Speedrun


It was the Speedrun of OK/NORMAL

I'm really sorry for my english

I working to became better

That's it. Good Bye

For more infomation >> OKNORMAL Speedrun in 17min 52 50sec WR - Duration: 19:02.


LEGO The Incredibles - Part 35 All Incredibles gameplay - Duration: 14:58.

LEGO The Incredibles

All Incredibles gameplay

For more infomation >> LEGO The Incredibles - Part 35 All Incredibles gameplay - Duration: 14:58.


The NEW adventures of TOM RUNNING for CANDY #20 Tom and Friends is a skater Angela Game movie. - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> The NEW adventures of TOM RUNNING for CANDY #20 Tom and Friends is a skater Angela Game movie. - Duration: 20:13.


厉害了~亚运冠军黄雅琼看了中餐厅被王俊凯圈粉! - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 厉害了~亚运冠军黄雅琼看了中餐厅被王俊凯圈粉! - Duration: 4:05.


Hollyoaks' Sienna teases future on soap: 'It's very hard to leave' - Duration: 3:23.

Hollyoaks' Sienna teases future on soap: 'It's very hard to leave'

Sienna Blake (Anna Passey) is set to make a dramatic return to Hollyoaks in upcoming scenes.

The feisty character has been off-screens since June, when she was arrested for the murder of her own daughter Nico (Persephone Swales-Dawson).

Soap bosses have said Sienna will come back to the village, and Anna teased her comeback when she showed off a brand new haircut.

Now, actress Anna, 34, has revealed what's in store for the troubled mum, confirming her revival.

Related Articles   Kim Woodburn speaks out after blazing Coleen Nolan row on Loose Women   Hollyoaks' Milo FINALLY killed off in jaw-dropping plot twist   Coronation Street's Shayne Ward looks unrecognisable these days.

"The story I'm coming back to makes me more excited than anything I've ever done," she said.

"It's something completely different – it's very much a new Sienna.

"I feel like I'm almost coming in as a fresh character in a way." She added to Inside Soap: "Prison has changed her, she's going to be a little bit different and I'm returning to work with lots of people I haven't worked with before – it's exciting to have a new challenge." But will Sienna be sticking around for the long term?.

Related Articles   Hollyoaks' Cindy KILLED off as Milo strikes one last time?   EastEnders' Sharon and Keanu murdered in dramatic 'affair of the year' plot?   Coronation Street's Paula Lane set for dramatic soap return?.

"It's very hard to leave" Anna Passey Anna confirmed that she has no plans to leave just yet: "As long as they [bosses] enjoy writing for her, and I want to be here, then that's great.

"Every time I sit down with the writers and hear what they want to do with her next, I really want to stay and play it out! It's very hard to leave." No character is ever safe in the dramatic village of Chester.

  His death came just a few weeks after he electrocuted Dirk Savage (David Kennedy) in a swimming pool.

First Look Hollyoaks airs weekdays at 7pm on E4.

For more infomation >> Hollyoaks' Sienna teases future on soap: 'It's very hard to leave' - Duration: 3:23.


Renault Clio Estate Energy TCe 90pk S&S Limited - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate Energy TCe 90pk S&S Limited - Duration: 1:13.


Audi Q2 1.0 TFSI #LIMITED 116 pk S tronic - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.0 TFSI #LIMITED 116 pk S tronic - Duration: 1:11.


《初心者さん&初見さんもお気軽にどうぞ!》2018/8/31 FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く!今日も皆で情報交換(*^▽^*) - Duration: 9:30:30.

For more infomation >> 《初心者さん&初見さんもお気軽にどうぞ!》2018/8/31 FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く!今日も皆で情報交換(*^▽^*) - Duration: 9:30:30.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 LPG Youngtimer - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 LPG Youngtimer - Duration: 1:05.


"Harry non è figlio di Carlo, ma di quell'altro". La verità del maggiordomo di Lady D - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> "Harry non è figlio di Carlo, ma di quell'altro". La verità del maggiordomo di Lady D - Duration: 4:55.


3 façons d'ACTIVER les POINTS DE PRESSION [Kyusho Jitsu] - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 3 façons d'ACTIVER les POINTS DE PRESSION [Kyusho Jitsu] - Duration: 2:50.


Model Apache Longbow AH-64D - 1/48 Italeri - Painting - Duration: 20:03.


Since the last movie I've masked the canopy and put sponges into the cockpit.

I've also corrected those parts.

This primer for the black basing technique.

Time to paint!

It finally looks clean ;)

I'll make some random spots with those colours.

Time for the base colour. XF-62 Olive Drab.

Highly diluted with this thinner.

Thin layers for slow blending.

Now's the time for post shading.

I'll add some shadows with highly diluted black.

And now some highlights.

Base colour with a drop of white.

And that's the result.

I think black basing combined with post shading looks good.

Even such a simple painting pattern doesn't have to be boring.

In the next episode you'll see decaling and weathering.

Please subscribe to my channel if you haven't done it already.

This way you won't miss the next movie.


For more infomation >> Model Apache Longbow AH-64D - 1/48 Italeri - Painting - Duration: 20:03.


Les Questions Pas Bêtes 6 : UN POISSON CONGELÉ PEUT SURVIVRE ? - Duration: 4:18.

Hello everyone and especially welcome to newones! You are ...

... a lot ... uh ... the video!

We summarize: We have a living fish, which is immersed in a liquid and it seems to come out

frozen. And a few minutes later, it seems to come back to life as if nothing had happened!

Hmm ... let the investigation begin! First of all, you must know that the fish is immersed in a brine. It's a salty and sweet solution

which allows a liquid to remain in the liquid state,

even during extremely low temperatures!

Here -35 degrees. And here we ask ourselves: How does a fish survive such low temperatures?

Maybe by hibernation? First he is Ectotherm. That is, its body temperature

adapts to his environment.

If the water is cold the fish will be cold and vice versa.

For humans, it is not because we are in cold water that our body temperature is too. We stay at about

37 degrees. It's because we're Endothermic, warm-blooded. Second, it is Poïkilotherm.

That is, it can withstand large temperature differences.

We humans, if we exceed the range 35-37 degrees ... EEET beh ... We are not very very good.

So no, we can not say

hibernation for fish because they adapt too well to their environment. These are mostly warm-blooded animals

who, to protect themselves from low temperatures,

prefer to take a nap during the winter.

On the other hand, for fish, we can talk about Brumation. He will, before winter, accumulate fat and during the winter

reduce metabolic activity to use less energy.

Not stupid! But that's not all ! They also have antifreeze protein. Yes yes, as in cars!

They are formed in the liver and wander in the blood.

When the weather is too cold, ice crystals form in the blood and they can go

perforate the cell membranes. And that, it can necessarily lead to the death of the animal. To prevent this, the anti-freeze protein comes

clump around these forming crystals to prevent their growth. So they stay small,

the animal is saved.

Now that we know all that, we're going back to our fish. It's a Tilapia. A species of tropical freshwater. He is not immersed

long enough in the liquid to be totally frozen. In any case, if he were, he would be dead.

He suffers "only" a

"surgélation". That is a surface freezing. The concern is that the fish undergoes a temperature difference that is completely crazy!

It goes from temperate water to -35 degrees water and it falls back into its original tank and that in less than a minute.

And then we will add a

little osmotic shock of families! What is it ? Do you remember when I told you it was a freshwater fish?

And that we dipped in water saturated with salt?

It adapts, but must not exaggerate.

With all this and even if the fish moves at the end of the experiment, it's a safe bet that he will die within days

to come up.

Regarding pain, there are still many differences of opinion. I think the fish

feel the pain. Ice crystals that form in the blood ...

It has never been much appreciated. And we can see that the fish has a violent reaction when it is immersed in the liquid ... it's a boo!

And now, our investigation is over! I hope you had a good time and learned a bit about fish.

Tell me what you thought in comment! If you liked: liked,

share, subscribe, to see the next videos! it helps me a lot!

For all those who want to have news

between two videos and want to participate in the creation of some of them because I need your questions for interviews:

It's happening on facebook and instagram. I will put you the links in the description. And then bah me I tell you: See you next time !!

For more infomation >> Les Questions Pas Bêtes 6 : UN POISSON CONGELÉ PEUT SURVIVRE ? - Duration: 4:18.


Foster Parent Shot, Children Taken From Home - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Foster Parent Shot, Children Taken From Home - Duration: 2:44.


The Great Piano Mystery - Duration: 7:58.

this video is sponsored by Brilliant.

hey, welcome to 12tone! in 1964, legendary minimalist composer LaMonte Young embarked

on what would be his most ambitious project ever: a piece called The Well-Tuned Piano.

it's a massive, sprawling composition, over 5 hours long when Young played it live for

the final time in 1987, and requiring weeks of set-up in order to be performed correctly.

more than that, it's largely improvised: Young defined a certain structure for the piece,

drifting through harmonic spaces with names like the Opening Chord, the Magic Chord, and

the Tamiar Dream Chord, each of which might take upwards of half an hour to complete,

but the specifics changed each time as he experimented relentlessly with the soundscape

he had created.

it contains an innovative playing technique that Young described as "clouds", where incredibly

fast notes would slowly build and combine into a towering sense of harmony, but for

a long time, this piece also contained one of the greatest mysteries in all of modern

classical music: the mystery of which notes he was actually playing.

you see, the name The Well-Tuned Piano is probably a reference to a collection of Bach

pieces known as the Well-Tempered Clavier.

Bach wanted to advocate for a new kind of tuning system, so he wrote a bunch of music

to show off what that system could do, and it appears that Young was doing the same thing.

however, unlike Bach, Young is a notoriously secretive composer who kept his new tuning

system to himself for 27 years, and he only released it after composer Kyle Gann sat down

with a tuner, a calculator, and some very well-trained ears and worked out ten of the

twelve notes by hand.

so what was he doing? well, at its heart Young's system is a version of what theorists call

just intonation, which is when the intervals we hear are mathematically pure.

you see, when you hear a note, what you're really hearing is a sound wave with a specific

frequency, and when you hear multiple notes at once, your ear calculates the ratio between

those frequencies in order to determine the interval. for example, if you double the frequency,

you get a note an octave higher.

if you're playing on a normal piano, a lot of those ratios will be pretty messy because

we've prioritized other factors, like being able to easily change keys.

but just intonation systems instead aim to keep those ratios as clean as possible, using

only whole numbers and often trying to stick with small ones.

the version Young uses here is what's called a 7-limit tuning, which means that it's built

of ratios using numbers no larger than 7. because doubling a frequency just moves it

up an octave, all the even numbers are actually just copies of odd ones, so we're really just

working with 3, 5, and 7, which we can then multiply or divide by 2 to keep everything

within a single octave. these are all pretty simple sounds: the 3/2 ratio, for instance,

is the perfect 5th, while 5/4 is the major 3rd. the 7/4 ratio, though, is a bit different:

it's not that difficult in theory, but it has no real equivalent in the tuning system

most of us are used to.

it's kinda like a minor 7th, but it's almost a third of a half-step flat.

we call it the harmonic 7th, and it adds an interesting flavor that's new to most listeners

while still being fairly pure.

anyway, a 7-limit tuning is built by taking these three intervals and stacking them on

top of each other to find the rest of the notes.

or at least, a normal one is, but this is La Monte Young we're talking about, so of

course it can't be that simple.

for whatever reason, he apparently dislikes the sound of the 5/4 ratio, so he leaves it

out entirely, building everything from perfect 5ths and harmonic 7ths. and with that out

of the way, we can finally talk about the actual notes.

when you're building a just intonation system, the first thing you need to do is pick a root.

this is the note all your other frequencies will be tuned against, and for this piece

Young chose Eb, probably as an homage to his time as a saxophone player.

from there, he begins to stack 5ths, getting Bb as a 3/2 ratio and above that F, at 9/8.

above each of those he goes up two harmonic 7ths, giving us these ratios.

now, the note names here are a bit weird because, again, the harmonic 7th doesn't exist in normal

tuning so it's not super clear which note we're supposed to land on, but for now we'll

just use these.

that gives us 9 of our notes, and from there Young just adds a couple more perfect 5ths

to the end, and voila, we've got the tuning for the Well-Tuned Piano.

or at least we've got one of them: like many other aspects of the piece, Young changed

the tuning over the years.

but this is what he used for the 1981 recording that Gann worked from, and I don't believe

he's changed it since, but he hasn't performed it live in over 30 years at this point, so

who knows.

anyway, from here we can start making observations about the tuning, so let's start with the

most obvious question: what's up with G#?

I mean, first of all, the ratio is ridiculous, to the point where it's very unlikely you'd

even recognize it as pure.

but the biggest issue comes when we compare the G# to our G. did you hear that?

they're pretty close, but it turns out the G# is actually lower.

so why?

well, the short answer is that Young doesn't care about the G#. he never actually plays

it in the piece, which is why Gann couldn't properly identify all 12 notes.

that doesn't mean it doesn't matter, though: having a string tuned to that frequency is

important due to a phenomenon called sympathetic resonance.

basically, when you play a note with a specific frequency, strings tuned to a multiple of

that frequency will also start to vibrate a little, adding to the original sound.

so even though he never uses G#, you can still hear it ringing faintly when he plays an A.

this leads to an important observation: Young's notation is largely artificial.

that is, it tells you which keys he plays, but it doesn't tell you much about what sounds

they make.

if the notation goes up a half step, for instance, we could get anything from this (bang) which

is almost a whole step, to this (bang) which, again, is actually moving down.

an interesting product of this is that the notes of the piano tend to cluster.

in standard tuning, everything is evenly spaced, but in the Well-Tuned Piano, we instead wind

up with a couple pockets of notes with large gaps in between.

for instance, E, F, and F# are all within about three quarters of a half-step of each

other, as are A, Bb, and B. we already saw G and G#, and there's a similar cluster at

C and C#, and finally D sits just barely below Eb. this gives us something that resembles

a pentatonic or 5-note scale, kinda like this: (bang) but with a couple different tuning

options for each note.

it's actually a lot like the major pentatonic scale, a classic device in traditional Western

music, but the 3rd and the 6th are each about a quarter-tone sharp, because, again, Young

left out the 5/4 ratio we'd need in order to make them correctly.

this tuning variety leads to a somewhat paradoxical situation: we've got lots of intervals, but

also not that many.

like, standard tuning only has 12 possible intervals per octave, whereas Young's tuning

has 38.

but many of those are largely similar: for instance, Eb to E, Eb to F, and Eb to F# are

all basically whole steps.

in effect, Young has given himself access to lots of different shades of just a few

kinds of intervals.

however, much like we saw with G#, he doesn't use them all evenly: most of the piece centers

around the perfect 5th, the perfect 4th, the harmonic 7th, and then what are called the

septimal 3rds and 6ths. "septimal" is a fancy word for the number 7, because as we mentioned

before, these are constructed with the 7/4 ratio, rather than the 5/4 one you'd normally


the septimal minor 3rd and 6th are a little bit smaller than their standard versions,

while the major 3rd and 6th are wider.

these septimal intervals play a huge role in giving the Well-Tuned Piano its unique

sound, helping tie all the different versions together into one massive sonic experiment.

of course, there's more to it than just tuning: the structure of the piece is also fascinating,

and if there's enough interest I may make another video about it at some point.

but in the words of Kyle Gann, there is "virtually no way to analyze the piece" without understanding

the tuning system on which it's built.

That, more than anything, is the heart of the Well-Tuned Piano.

heck, it's right there in the name.

so yeah, no analysis would be possible without Gann's dedication to solving Young's riddle,

Which brings me to this video's sponsor, Brilliant!

You see, I have a theory: I believe there's a significant overlap between people who enjoy

music theory and people who enjoy difficult but ultimately rewarding puzzles, and if I'm

right, you're gonna love Brilliant.

Basically, Brilliant is all about learning through problem-solving: They have a bunch

of fun, challenging puzzles to help develop your intuitions on things like math and science,

plus each one comes with a really thorough answer so if you get it wrong, they'll explain

what you missed so it doesn't happen again.

I've been going through their number theory course because I like my concepts to be as

abstract as possible, but they also have lots of other cool math, science, and computer

stuff to try out, and each puzzle is different so you're not just drilling the same boring

question over and over again with slightly different numbers.

If you want to support the channel and learn more about Brilliant, you can go to

or just click the link in the description to try it out for free.

Plus, if you're one of the first 200 people to use that link, they'll even give you 20%

off a premium membership if you sign up for a year!

anyway, thanks for watching, and thanks to our Patreon patrons for supporting us and

making these videos possible.

if you want to help out, and get some sweet perks like sneak peeks of upcoming episodes,

there's a link to our Patreon on screen now.

you can also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment,

subscribe, and above all, keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> The Great Piano Mystery - Duration: 7:58.


19 * Celui qui dessina les atomes sans les voir - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> 19 * Celui qui dessina les atomes sans les voir - Duration: 17:28.


Why do I Teach Penny Stocks (Instead of Just Trading)? - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> Why do I Teach Penny Stocks (Instead of Just Trading)? - Duration: 13:14.


Pretend Play Star Wars Skit | Kids vs Kid Darth Vader and Tiny Stormtrooper REBRANDED - Duration: 2:17.

Pew pew pew pew


[Ominous Music]

Luke I am your father!

I'll stop the rebels

[mom] Alright guys it's time to take a nap


[mom] Eleanor come on, nap time.


[mom] Good girl.

let's go. Come on, let's go. we're coming

gotta take a nap

good night

[Ding dong]

[Ominous Music]

Who is it Tommy?

Darth Vader and a stormtrooper! I'm outta here!!!

[Ominious Music]

What happened Tommy?

They want the crystals

that are hidden in my room

Let's go!

Tommy out

shhhh! Quiet.

[ Ominous Music]

is this what you're looking for?

You'll never get it!

We weren't here for the crystals we're here for you!

What happened Tommy?

I fell out of bed!

[Loud scream]

[Ominous Music]

share your thoughts in the comments

Please like and subscribe

For more infomation >> Pretend Play Star Wars Skit | Kids vs Kid Darth Vader and Tiny Stormtrooper REBRANDED - Duration: 2:17.


海贼王916话详细情报:浦岛被路飞轻松打飞,罗照顾已生病的贝波 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> 海贼王916话详细情报:浦岛被路飞轻松打飞,罗照顾已生病的贝波 - Duration: 6:23.


BTS (방탄소년단) 'Best of BTS' - DJ Kim Mashup - Duration: 4:47.

For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt

Just take 'em take 'em

For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt

Just take 'em take 'em

Best of me


Save me, save me


You got the best of me


Save me, save me

I gotta make it, gotta gotta make it

Hey, I want it this love

The forest just for us

I want it real love

I forgot

Too hot

Where my money yah?


Too high

Where the party yah?



Hey, burn it up

Chocolate cheeks and chocolate

MIC Drop baam

Hey, turn it up


Try babbling into the mirror, who the heck are you?

Say la la la la la

BTS style

Say la la la la la

Hustle life

WOO there's no tomorrow

Who are you?

Do you want some?

In this black darkness you are shining so bright

Just take 'em

I don't wanna say yes


Did you see my bag?

All of this is not a coincidence


How you think 'bout that?

Cuz we're the two who found the destiny

Want it more more more

Friends! All hands up!

More more

If you believe in me hands up!

Worked hard to get my pay

Gonna spend it all on my stomach

How you dare

You got the best of…


Save me, save me


You got the best of me


Save me, save me

Careful of your feet feet

Careful of your mouth mouth

You say I'm unfamiliar, changed into the one you used to like

Mic mic bungee

Bright light forward

You say I'm not myself which you knew well

You thought I was going down but I'm fine sorry

No? What do you mean no?

My bad billboard

Love? What the heck is love?

My bad worldwide

This is inevitable, I love us

We are the only true lovers

I do it, I do it, you're a tasteless ratatouille


Woo I dunno I dunno I dunno why

Together we won't die

Woo I just know I just know I just know why

Today we will survive

Can't resist it anyway

Can't even run away anymore

Cuz it's all Fake Love Fake Love Fake Love

Burning up

Did you see my bag?

All of this is not a coincidence


How you think 'bout that?

Cuz we're the two who found the destiny

Want it more more more

Friends! All hands up!

More more

If you believe in me hands up!

Worked hard to get my pay

Gonna spend it all on my stomach

How you dare

You got the best of me


Save me, save me


You got the best of me


Save me, save me

Burn it all

Bow wow wow

In this black darkness you are shining so bright

Just take 'em take 'em

Everybody say la la la la la

BTS style

Say la la la la la

Hustle life

I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true

You got the best of me


Save me, save me


You got the best of me


Save me, save me

I gotta make it, gotta gotta make it

Want it more more more

Friends! All hands up!

More more


You got the best of me

WOO spending my money even more

How you dare

For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt

Just take 'em take 'em

For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt

I reject rejection

Cuz we're forever


Quite stylish s- s- stylish

You got the best of me

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) 'Best of BTS' - DJ Kim Mashup - Duration: 4:47.


This is Why Insatiable is Hard to Watch - Duration: 5:46.

So let's talk about the Netflix show insatiable now, I know that I'm a really slow editor

so at a time that I post this video the hype over all the show will probably have died down but

With that being said, there's no shortage of problems in this show

And in fact, if you're watching this video, you've probably heard a whole bunch of videos if you're anything like me

It's all over the place the parody of itself. It's based on a reality TV show yada yada yada

None of these are the problems that I have with it, though

My main problem is that none of the characters in this show are likable at all

Debby Ryan's character Patty's mother is literally a bootleg copy of Bonnie, from cbs' Mom.

A recovering addict with an attraction the danger goes through the whole 12 step process which is commendable and then she just leaves her

child daughter to quote unquote and grow up guys best friend Nonnie is so insecure about

everything that

When she made the choice to start to learn about herself

It seems so forced

there were lines that character that had, that a person with this life in real life would never say but

Regardless of that her and Donald Choi were definitely my favorite characters

Even though they both seemed to be very one-track mind with that tract being sex. I mean they even had their own

fling thing which was weird because until that point I just saw their relationship as

Platonic. Brick being the love interest that we're supposed to prefer that

Patty has is so weird because the relationship literally starts off on like the rudest level ever

Imaginable rooting for them is really really weird

I couldn't get over that but you know, he's much better than the guy that literally kidnapped her. And then she killed

And then on top of that the whole relationship seemed like a weird

Vengeance thing. Speaking of father's Patty's some throwaway Baldwin character

Who is there because cameos are cool just happened to rape Patty's mom, Bob Bladell

We hate because the other Bob does I mean even though he seems like a stand-up guy

I don't see what is going on. It seems very stressed

I guess that's whatever this was can go on forever

And ever the worst thing is that we can't even like the two main characters

That were introduced to because we don't even know them. They don't even know themselves

Bob is a character that we learned to know exactly what he wants whatever he wants

He gets it because he knows what he wants and then we learned that he has no idea what he wants to the point

Where he tries to kill himself and then Patty saves him which of course he does

But the most disappointing thing is that we can't even like paddy. I mean, yes, she's the main character

Yes it's her story but my gosh does this girl have problems she starts off with?

Being the parent daughter and absent immature mother-daughter relationship not knowing her dad like what just fine

none of that's not her fault so we can give her slack for being problematic

I would have loved for them to approach the body

Dysmorphia thing in more seriousness or and more death because that's a huge issue

But you know, whatever. That's not the point in the show

It's like a dark comedy. Ha ha ha that's not a funny topic

But you know, it's real it's true. Every single chance a petty has to make a choice or option

She chooses the worst possible

Option she starts eating to lose weight which needs her to punch a guy in the face when she loses her weight

She falls in love with her lawyer finds a homeless man that she assaulted and plots to set him up for statutory rape

Then tries to murder him tells him that he should die then he does

I mean, that's not her fault

You know still she tampered with the witness on

Her own case on film and that's only in the first one to two episodes of the series

This doesn't even count her two murders

Literal possession of herself from consuming her twin or whatever demon

running away outing someone that was close to her and

I'm just gonna stop there because this is getting ridiculous

My point is that we can't root for her and you know from the set up of the show that she is going to win

All the pageants that she needs to win wah

Wah wah to be the best pageant person ever and beep the characters that we are meant to hate blah blah blah

But honestly every single time the patty was in a pageant I couldn't help but hope that somebody else would win now

I don't hate the show. It's definitely not boring to say the least. I just gotta say man

Is it really hard to find one redeeming quality and like any of these characters?

the best ones being the ones who have nothing to do with anything I mean

Magnolia was an interesting character

At least she wasn't like possessed literally and I don't know Donald Choi

Like I said before him and not noni Nani, whatever they were like my favorite

characters in the whole show

But you know, that's what it is. All right guys. Thank you so much for watching this video

I hope you like beyond emotion and subscribe for more videos every Wednesday at noon EST

And check out these new subscribers if they happen to comment and you see them say what's up until next time question everything

Along with me

For more infomation >> This is Why Insatiable is Hard to Watch - Duration: 5:46.


GOP Senate candidate Leah Vukmir says she supports coverage of pre-existing conditions... - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> GOP Senate candidate Leah Vukmir says she supports coverage of pre-existing conditions... - Duration: 4:28.


New animated emojis - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> New animated emojis - Duration: 2:01.


New to Self Publishing? Writing Tips for New Writers - Duration: 5:46.

A lot has changed since I started writing.

If you're a new writer, you can't really look at bestselling indie authors right now

and be assured that what worked for them will work for you now.

In this video, I'm going to talk about how to start a writing career today, what I'd

do differently, and what I would avoid.

What's up, guys?

My name is Michael La Ronn with Author Level Up, helping you write better and faster.

If you're new here, consider subscribing, and click the little bell to get helpful writing

videos every week.

I remember when I was just starting out on my writing journey.

I was determined, but scared.

There was so much to learn.

This was during the end of the Kindle Gold Rush, so it was still the wild west as far

as self-publishing goes.

I started with nothing.

My first month of publishing, I made $5.79, and that doesn't really count because I

sold two books, and my mom bought one copy, and my friend bought the other.

I went for months with zero sales.

And I'm still not a bestseller yet, so maybe my advice will be more helpful for you guys

since I'm closer to some of you newbies.

When it comes to the topic of starting out, so many people are looking for answers to

the KDP Select question.

I answer that elsewhere, but honestly, I think it's irrelevant.

Whether you do KDP Select or not, if you don't get the basics of writing craft and marketing

down, it won't really matter if you're exclusive or wide.

If I were starting out today, the first thing I would do is make a list of all the things

you need to learn: book formatting, story craft, marketing, Photoshop, websites, etc.

I'd break all of those into sub-categories, and I would go learn them, one-by-one.

I'd invest money where it made sense, including courses.

The sooner you can get yourself acquainted with the best practices, the better off you'll


Most people don't take their learning seriously.

They just wander about, not really learning how to format a book or write an opening to

a chapter or create an engaging website.

My problem was that I tried to learn everything at once, which backfired on me.

If I had to do it again, I would be more systematic about it.

For tips on what to learn, check the video description for a video I did a while back

on creating a learning plan for yourself.

Another thing I'd do differently is that I would have jumped into video sooner.

Video is still the number one way to stand out in today's environment, and if I had

done it sooner and had been more serious about growing my channel when I started, it would

have accelerated my growth.

Video is an easy way for people to get to know you, or feel like they know you.

99% of people are so terrified of it that you'll be in the elite 1% if you do it.

Video has a learning curve, to be sure, but I've always considered that curve to be

a barrier to entry for people who aren't serious about it.

Video will teach you about copywriting, marketing and promotion, audience engagement, and production

quality ten times faster than blogging or podcasting.

Video is all about keeping people's attention.

If you can do it with video, you can do it with anything.

When I started off, I had a crappy blog.

I didn't even know what copywriting was.

I wrote about trite things that no one cared about.

I tried a solo podcast back in 2014, and it bombed.

If I had just spent some money on a DSLR and learned how to shoot high-quality video and

showcase my personality that way, it would have worked better for me.

When you do video like me, it makes you appear like an instant expert, even if you're not.

It's still unusual right now for writers to do video.

I would take advantage of that.

A video once or twice a month telling your readers what you're working on, what you're

reading, and some fun items to keep people engaged, like trivia or bad jokes or something.

Let people get to know you, and link to those videos in the back of your books and in your

email newsletters.

Another thing I would have done differently is that I would have studied the works of

mega-bestsellers religiously.

John Grisham, Stephen King, Nora Roberts,—those writers.

I'm learning advanced craft techniques from them right now that are making me look at

my early work and cringe.

But I'm learning craft faster than I ever did when I was reading blogs and listening

to podcasts.

And the final thing I would have done differently is that I would have tried to think longer

term about the craft skills I would need.

For example, I could have learned to write character injuries more convincingly into

my stories by learning the basics of injuries, and what happens when someone gets shot, for


I could have learned more about science and space physics.

I could have learned more about my country's legal system so I could write it accurately.

As I look at my career now, the areas where I'm weakest are the areas where I could

have done more research into basic facts of life.

But I didn't know what I know.

If I could go back, I would learn about: injuries, guns, how to research historical times correctly,

police procedure, legal systems, and military operations.

It's amazing how those things come up in your novels all the time.

Better to learn how to do it right.

In case you're curious, there are some things I'd do the same if I had to start all over


I invested a lot of time in mastering Scrivener and Ulysses.

That paid off for me.

Learning how to format my books on an advanced level paid off for me.

Writing poetry and short stories helped me.

Writing across genre helped me.

I'd do those all over again.

Anyway, that's the advice I'd give you if I were just starting my writing career


If you're a new writer, enjoy it.

Despite all the mistakes I made, I still look back on my early years fondly.

If you're new to writing, I put together a playlist of videos that will help you get

your bearings and get started with confidence.

I've got videos on writing craft, the best podcasts and blogs, and of course, writing

books to help you start your career off on a solid foundation.

You can check it out right here.

That's it for this video.

If this is your first time watching, I'd love to have you subscribe.

Every week I publish videos just like this one with writing advice to help you write

better and grow your influence with readers.

I'll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> New to Self Publishing? Writing Tips for New Writers - Duration: 5:46.


Borderlands 2 - #08: Too Dumb for Puzzles - Duration: 34:57.

Rirse: hi everyone

Rirse: Bazinga, worst word in human history

Bellophon: New session, new face.

drak0nid: fashion is endgame

HistorysGr8estMonster: I like Reach for the Skies.

HistorysGr8estMonster: *skis, of course.

Bellophon: Dahl brand tattoo.

HistorysGr8estMonster: That's brand dedication!

drak0nid: lmao

Rirse: Torque would be proud

drak0nid: now all you need is some checkerboard vans for maximum hot topic garbage child style

Bellophon: "Loot problems"?

Blastoise_M: hello borderbuddies

drak0nid: fastballs are funny

LV5_Papermancer: watSup everyone.

Bellophon: CheatEngine? For shame...

Rirse: nothing wrong with it

Rirse: plus it makes Randy Pitchford cry

drak0nid: its the only way to play

LV5_Papermancer: No shame in cheating to get some awesome weapons.

Blastoise_M: with all those oranges you'll have the pretty pink skin in no time

drak0nid: playing with yall with cheats on vs trying to play without was like night n day

Rirse: considering how I always did the cheat in the Borderlands 1 dlc to enter the vault without the timer...

Blastoise_M: "fabled tortoise" it me

DannyTurtle: Please don't hurt my turtle friends.

LV5_Papermancer: Areas set inside places tend to have the sound set up really high, for some reason.

Lrrose20: So how cringy do you think BL3's inevitable Fury Road quest is going to be?

Edmond_SA: hey clowns

DannyTurtle: Are you going to spawn the rat.

Blastoise_M: there's a puzzle in that room with the chest

Blastoise_M: there's lights on the wall that change as you press the buttons

Lrrose20: I remember this puzzle from every other game in existance

SpookShowJoe: This puzzle sucks

manylots: that kind of puzzle is usually not too hard but somehting about the presentation of that one always fries my brain

lamphiear: next time its tv, tv, switch, lever when u first enter room

Lrrose20: Is there a Gortys Funco pop

manylots: you said Craig and my first thought was "like Craigslist?" instead of "oh Craig" like a normal person

LV5_Papermancer: So how many stacks is Panzer able to store?

eternalotl: Jeff Gerstman is the best character tho

DannyTurtle: GUNS!

LV5_Papermancer: Oh yeah, first season of Walking Dead is super good but it makes me dead on the inside.

Wiseblood_79: It was nice to get funny Telltale again. I miss the Sam & Max games.

Lrrose20: Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy tried to be funny, but all of the jokes were just repeats from the movies. I think all the funny writers left

LV5_Papermancer: I think the max is 450 stacks.

Blastoise_M: according to wiki, with that class mod it goes up to 600

TracyPowell: It goes so high up smgs shoot behind you

LV5_Papermancer: Just having around 200 stacks is already chaotic. 450 is where I have the most fun because it's just getting right up to the enemies and shotgunning them.

LV5_Papermancer: And making mad dashes between enemies and cover.

Wolfcau: I see the physX is working.

Blastoise_M: stacks on stacks on stacks

LV5_Papermancer: More stacks for the stack god!

LV5_Papermancer: I always found that the hyperion black hole grenades the toughest to use effectively.

LV5_Papermancer: Singularity grenades, I mean.

Blastoise_M: man I've been playing a lot of destiny lately and I keep reflexively wondering "why aren't they double jumping"

LV5_Papermancer: Jesus, Panzer just vaporized that guy.

MrTrampoline: Is there a mod/cheat you're using to make so much rare stuff spawn? I haven't played BL2 in years but I don't remember it being this generous at low levels

amwhere: The glory of single/coop games - it ain't cheating, it's increasing your fun!

Blastoise_M: the lyrics to the song the robot plays in the bar are... something

LV5_Papermancer: Talking gun is better than boring shield.

Blastoise_M: the shield is an absorb shield that yells when it absorbs ammo

Lrrose20: I like being a gun too

UriclubTk: Man I haven't seen any Borderlands gameplay in a long time. Brings back memories. Sup

LV5_Papermancer: watSup

MrTrampoline: also weirdly enough I had a friend who messaged me today and was like "I've never played BL2 before, is it fun? is it worth playing?" and I wasn't sure how to answer him lmao

Morathian: watThe

Rirse: how powerful was your Wilheim in Pre-Sequel?

UriclubTk: I feel like you either play through all of borderlands, through one third of it or you never get past tutorial area

Lrrose20: Playing as Athena was fun. Her shield is very useful against bosses

lamphiear: Wilhelm is a beast in the tps

UriclubTk: The shield mechanic was pretty fun on itself tbh

Blastoise_M: hey it's mordecai and his good friend for life bloodwing

Rirse: nothing bad will ever happen to bloodwing

LV5_Papermancer: I played as Misha my first time through TPS.

Lrrose20: I like Moist Craig's hat

UriclubTk: The one thing I don't like about Nisha is that she is pretty bad with a bit of latency

UriclubTk: What with the bullets being host side

Lrrose20: What have I done

Edmond_SA: This is your fault.

LV5_Papermancer: Then I played as... Hammerlock's sister and had a lot of fun.

Edmond_SA: This is on you.

Lrrose20: Oh boy, time to see one of the best voice actresses in the business in a cringy role

Rirse: she pretty good in Life is Strange

UriclubTk: Hammerlock's Sister was ice lady right? Memory is fuzzy

LV5_Papermancer: Ashley is super good as Aloy.

Blastoise_M: video idea: a bunch of scenes of life is strange with tiny tina's dialogue edited in

lamphiear: Mordacai was my favorite character in BL1, his trespass skill destroys

Rirse: that was her intro

Lrrose20: Her psycho mask did a weird physics thing

Blastoise_M: actually I really wanna see chloe say "daaaayum you lookin fine ladies!"

UriclubTk: I remember when I liked Tiny Tina a lot more.

UriclubTk: Sure was a lot younger

llabruf: i'm here to shitpost

llabruf: hi

UriclubTk: Ain't we all.

manylots: brick an tina

LV5_Papermancer: Who cares about the story, give us Brick and Tina.

UriclubTk: I remember Psycho being pretty broken at high levels, yeah?


Edmond_SA: Oh. deathtrap. :V

Rirse: All You Had to Do Was Follow the Damn Train, Moist Craptrap

Blastoise_M: I checked and nobody has dubbed over chloe with tiny tina in a video yet

LV5_Papermancer: This certainly doesn't sound like a trap.

Rirse: remember how the first Borderlands had Gamespy for multiplayer

Lrrose20: Gaige > Torgue

UriclubTk: Why not trust a guy you murdered, yeah.

LV5_Papermancer: Jesus, that grenade just keeps on exploading.

UriclubTk: Oh god Gamespy.

Lrrose20: I keep forgetting the Mordecai was in Tales from the Borderlands for five minutes

llabruf: rip gamespy

Lrrose20: Brick had the same amount of screentime and I remember his appearance, but Mordy is so bland

UriclubTk: Wait Rose remind me when the fuck was that

UriclubTk: I swear I legit dont remember him at all after playing through it

Lrrose20: Brick and Mordecai are the "boss fight" of episode 3

UriclubTk: Oh right

Lrrose20: They attack Fiona and Athena and win, which is how Athena got captured in Presequel's framing device

llabruf: i feel like replaying tales. or maybe just watching all the openings again

UriclubTk: OH YEAH. Man that was a weird appearance

UriclubTk: I'm so glad they're apparently getting a new engine for the next borderlands though.

For more infomation >> Borderlands 2 - #08: Too Dumb for Puzzles - Duration: 34:57.


Le voyage secret de Meghan Markle avec sa meilleure amie au Canada -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Le voyage secret de Meghan Markle avec sa meilleure amie au Canada -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:11.


BREAKING: Donetsk President Zakharchenko Killed in Terrorist Attack By Ukraine! - Duration: 0:37.

Breaking news are coming

on the lines of news agencies.

One man killed a minimum three injured

in the explosion in the center of Donetsk.

Interfax reports with

a reference to a source in the law enforcement agencies of DPR.


among the victims may be the head

of DPR's Alexandr Zakharchenko,.

News agency report that at the moment

on the site of the explosion near the cafe Separ work

operatives and rescue teams

Part of Pushkin Avenue

and Komsomolsky closed for pedestrians and traffic.

We will closely monitor

incoming information. Now about other topics.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Donetsk President Zakharchenko Killed in Terrorist Attack By Ukraine! - Duration: 0:37.


2018 Panthera Dental's Master Cup Winner - Julien Bory - Duration: 4:18.

''Julien you know why I am calling you...''

I said yes, and you said ''I'm sorry...''

Instantly I thought that one of the participant...

had been crazier than me.

I thought that an other participant had done a better job than me, and congratulations to him.

But two seconds later you said ''I'm sorry because you will have to take some holidays...

and visit Panthera to Quebec City because you have won the Master Cup.''

The Panthera Master Cup gave me the opportunity to surpass myself...

as a dental professional, as a dental technician and as a denturist.

To do this case, I did a lot of research.

I even traveled to England to be trained by Lee Mullins...

to learn his composite technic.

It's a competition against ten other participants...

but it's mostly a competition to discover our selves and our personal limits.

How can I say it...

In this kind of competition, I think that the top three-to-five participants deserve first place.

It's just little details that make the difference.

Congratulations to all the other participants, they all deserve it.

I saw their cases and they are all exceptional.

For more infomation >> 2018 Panthera Dental's Master Cup Winner - Julien Bory - Duration: 4:18.


Les sodas sans sucres sont liés au gain de poids, à la démence et aux accidents vasculaires... - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Les sodas sans sucres sont liés au gain de poids, à la démence et aux accidents vasculaires... - Duration: 6:31.


🌹HAYIRLI CUMALAR 🌹YouTube da Canlı Yayın Takipçilerime Özel Bir Saat Elli İki Dakika - Duration: 1:52:46.

For more infomation >> 🌹HAYIRLI CUMALAR 🌹YouTube da Canlı Yayın Takipçilerime Özel Bir Saat Elli İki Dakika - Duration: 1:52:46.


Enduro Germany Tour 2018: Reutlingen Race - full movie (prod. by D7A) - Duration: 4:12.

How is your relationship on the racetrack?

Are you rivals?

We don't have a relationship on the racetrack haha

Hey guys, I am Marco #7 from Enduro Seven

We just arrived in Reutlingen

Stefan #77: Our Goal is to finish within the Top 20

There are around 50 riders in our class

We start tomorrow at 8 o'clock

so we have to get up at 6 o'clock...

Marco #7: We just looked at the racetrack

it's gonna be an exhausting ride, we really have to pay attention to our stamina

Stefan #77: You will hear from us again after the race tomorrow

what problems there were and how we can improve. We look forward to that ;)

Stefan #77: In the big curve somebody drove right into you, yeah?

Marco #7: What should i do when he drives directly into my bike?

Somebody slid right into me

Stefan #77: After a while i had to make a bit slower because of armpump

Marco #7: We just finished the race

actually it went very well

except at the beginning when somebody drove right into my bike

so i had to fight for a lot of places

but in the end i could fight myself back to Stefan #77

everything else we will see in the end result

Stefan #77: I had a great start

unfortunately i hit the barrier a little bit.

I hope it will not be punished.

In general the race went very well

after half an hour, 3/4 hour i got some armpump

so I had to ride a little bit slower

after 10 minutes everything was fine again

and I could ride full power until the end

I am pretty sure we are in the top 10. But we will see - may the better one win ;)

haha super team - the best team

Marco #7: 5th place

Stefan#77: 3rd place

For more infomation >> Enduro Germany Tour 2018: Reutlingen Race - full movie (prod. by D7A) - Duration: 4:12.


대만 공군의 향후 공군전력 전망. - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 대만 공군의 향후 공군전력 전망. - Duration: 3:28.


New Released Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | 2018 Dubbed Action Movies - Duration: 2:23:57.

Statutory Warning

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