Stir Fried Shrimp with Green Curry Paste
Green curry paste 2 tbsp.
Shrimp 10-15
Eggplant 3
Kaffir lime leaves 4-5
Red chili 3-4
Palm sugar
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Basil 50 g
1-2 serve
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What are the best shoes to wear (for health)? - Duration: 30:10.Hi folks, this is dr. John Collins of Springbrook Chiropractic in Newberg, Oregon and
I would like to take a few moments about twenty five minutes to talk to you about
Myself, one chiropractors opinion regarding Footwear. I've been in practice
25 years now. I've had many patients over the years
inquire about footwear, ask me about Footwear. Common questions are what kind of shoes should I get?
What do you think are the best brands of shoes?
Are orthotics a good idea?
So I want to address some of those issues today and
I want to
first say that...
You know, I'm not a podiatrist. I want to just kind of do a disclaimer:
There are foot doctors out there that are foot doctors and foot surgeons. They specialize in the foot.
They're called podiatrist doctors or Podiatric medicine. They are surgeons. They're physicians. They they do a lot of things with the feet.
I'm not a podiatrist.
I'm not a foot doctor.
So my advice it shouldn't be taken as that of a foot doctor.
My advice though, as a chiropractor, is
more about
footwear and its impact overall on your overall health...
and its impact on your your spine in particular because we're very focused on the spine in chiropractic.
I happen to practice in Oregon where we don't have to
limit our scope to the spine. The entire body is actually in in our scope of practice.
So that is why a number of chiropractors like myself... We may investigate the areas outside the spine...
including the foot and
we may sometimes give advice regarding that so
in my
personal practice I do
put a fair amount of attention to the foot.
And the lower what we call the lower extremity the leg the hip the knee the ankle the foot
My second disclaimer that I want to make clear is that
if you could visualize a bell curve, I don't know if all of you know, what a bell curve is, but there's something in
Statistics and it's used in science. It's a it's a curve. That's kind of shaped like a bell and
Many things in nature fall inside a bell curve you you can look at
distributions of things a
variety of things in nature like
the size of a tree for example
Of a particular species and you'll see that most of the trees in that species are within a certain
Size and then there's going to be some that are
smaller, and there's going to be some that are larger and
It's true in biology across the board that you're often going to see these bell curve
distributions with respect to all kinds of
biomechanical and
Biologically-related issues. So, if we think about a bell curve of
humans, of people there are people on the end of the bell curve over here. It's a minority of people...
these are people that
they've always loved being barefoot
They can walk on concrete without shoes. They're always barefoot around the house
They're the first ones to toss their shoes off at the beach or somewhere and go barefoot. They can walk around on sharp
Rocky pebble beaches and they don't have any problem. They love being barefoot
They don't have too many problems with their feet. They don't have any pain. They don't seem to have any issues
That's one end of the bell curve this video really isn't it for you?
So if you're one of those people that just is always want to be barefoot and you've never had any issues with your feet
It's probably really this video is NOT really directed toward you!
On the other end of that bell curve or on the end of the end of the spectrum. There are people
Who just have so many problems with their feet now.
It's it's also it's a bit of an older crowd usually maybe over 40
These are people that just can't be barefoot. They hate being barefoot their feet are very tender
They're they have so called, you know flat feet
They don't have a lot of strength in their feet. Perhaps their feet feel very sensitive
They can't go without a lot of cushioning a lot of you know protection
Maybe they're a little older
Maybe packing on a lot of weight too. So this video is NOT really for that group. Either this video is for
Kind of the middle-of-the-road person that maybe has had issues with feet had issues
With footwear problems, but generally speaking
They they haven't been diagnosed with any severe foot issues
foot deformities
They haven't had foot surgery
for example and
Those folks in the middle here is really who I'm talking to. Okay. All right. So now
What to look for in Footwear I'm gonna just tell you a little bit about my own story because I've been a chiropractor for 20
20-something years at this point. I forget how many years over 20. That's for sure and I
Have also been a runner. I'm still a runner. I still run and I've been a runner for over 40 years
Not that runners are the world's greatest experts on Footwear
But you know, but being a runner your number one piece of equipment and running is your Footwear
so runners have kind of maybe a special insight into
Footwear and it's a impact on your ability to be healthy and fit etc. So I have 40 plus years as a rudder
being myself given good advice bad advice all kinds of advice and
I have almost 25 years as a chiropractor working on all kinds of people athletes and people with diabetes
People all kinds of folks, you know
Farmworkers you people that work in industrial settings contractors?
so I have that experience and
my own personal
Experience with say running was I was given advice way back in the early
90s and
The advice was basically that I had flat feet and I needed to wear a motion control shoe
This might have even been in the late 80s, I think
The advice was given at a very well-respected running shoe store
They so, you know supposedly examined my feet did an analysis of me and said you need
Motion control shoes and the shoes that I wore at the time which was a very popular brand if she was called the Brooks beast
It was kind of a big bulky shoe. Very stiff shoe
It didn't have a lot of flexibility
I wore that shoe for quite a few years and I started having more and more problems with my feet with my calves
It didn't seem to work out very well for me
I got away from that shoe and went in the opposite direction went to a more flexible shoe and started doing better
So it kind of opened my eyes, you know, it's like wait a second, you know advice can be wrong
sometimes we can be given wrong advice and
You have to do some trial and error you have to experiment a little bit on your own
So I've personally been given advice that I don't think was very good at times and I've also been given good advice
Another piece of advice. I was given back in college
This is in the 80s when I was a runner running like 5060 miles a week
I was having a lot of foot and calf problems and
I was I was given very rigid
Orthotics, they were custom made
Orthotics, I believe and they I mean they were very rigid you put him in the shoe. They jacked me way up
the heel and
I I tried to run with the orthotics and
I could barely run
I mean I felt like Frankenstein
You know clanking down the road and I went back to the doctor's office. And I said boy, there must be some mistake
These can't be from me and the doctor was not exactly a guy with a great bedside manner
He said there for you, you know just get used to them and he basically kicked me back out of his office
I was just in college at the time. I wasn't you know, very knowledgeable
I wasn't it was an undergraduates before I was a chiropractor and I tried to run with these things
It was impossible to run with them
It was just absolutely impossible and I gave it a shot and I ended up just throwing them out, you know
And so they were just obviously the wrong thing for me and so I learned a few lessons
You know look not all advice is great
Even if it's coming from professionals, so I tried to find out you know, look, what's what's the story here?
what's what's the best way to go and
Over the years I
Learned more I got more
Experience I went to a lot of seminars about footwear and and and foot health and foot biomechanics
Again, I'm not a surgeon. I'm not a podiatrist, but you know, I do know my way around the foot a little bit and I
Moved in the direction of what is called minimalism minimalism being you know
Shoes are kind of evil, you know minimalism is like hey, you know
Ancient primitive people if they wore shoes they were though of the flimsiest shoes possible
You know so modern people really shouldn't be wearing shoes
Or if they do they should be wearing the most minimal Footwear and I kind of advocated it in that direction
For a few years maybe 2006 through about 2009
It was really trying to push the minimalist approach and was doing it in my own life. I was wearing those five finger shoes
I was going out trying to run barefoot a lot and
You know when in that direction and I ended up having some problems myself
Injured my feet a little bit
Injured my calves a little bit doing that and and I've seen I saw and witnessed many people
maybe go too far in the direction of minimalism and
Pay a small price for that and
Basically what I found out that is look the mainstream of what's being advocated is not really great information
But the extreme other end of you know, get rid of your shoes. Kick them off. Don't worry about it
That's not really great advice either. We've got to find in the middle. Okay, and that's what I want to talk about today. Okay, so
Can summarize my recommendations for most people now, these are the people
the majority of people
these aren't the barefoot lovers I'm talking about and these aren't people that have had foot surgery or serious foot conditions or have you know
Substantial foot issues. I'm not really talking to you guys. I'm talking about most people
There's five points, basically
That I would say one we're gonna I'm gonna talk to you about 1-upgrading the insert that comes with your shoe
2- I'm gonna teach you what is called the taco test
3- I'm gonna emphasize the importance of a wide toe box
4- we're going to talk about heel lift and how much your heel should be lifted and
5- Cushioning, sufficient cushioning. Okay. So let me show you some shoes. These are shoes that I wear
And I'm not going to talk too much about brands because brands I can't keep up with brands. Its
2018 right now and the brands that used to be known as motion control and protective very bulky shoes
You know, they make most brands and make all kinds of shoes, you know
So they're just trying to sell shoes to people but I do want to give you an analogy of the hands and the feet
The hands and the feet aren't that much different
Okay, so my hands right now bare now if I'm gonna go out of my backyard
I'm at home right now. If I'm gonna go out in my backyard and I'm gonna work in the yard. I'm gonna put some
Protection on my hands as I'm pulling on the road the thorns or the blackberries or whatever
I'm not going to do that bare hand. I'm gonna get protection
To stop my hand from being injured, but you'll notice I have mobility
My hand isn't being corrected. It's being protected
The same is true of footwear. The emphasis should be on
Protection rather than correction now, there's a time and a place for correction with some people. Okay, but the emphasis should be on
Protection rather than correction your feet, you know your feet aren't bad
They don't need to be corrected your hands usually don't need to be corrected. Most people's hands are okay
There's all kinds of hands out there and most people's hands are okay. Same is true with the feet
Most people feet are okay with some exceptions. Some people have feet that are so
damaged deformed
Immobile they're they're basically atrophied. They're weak. The bones have problems the ligaments have problems
I mean those are that's for the podiatrist and believe me
We send people off to our neighbor the podiatrist and our good doctor colleagues, but that's not who I'm talking about today
So I'm just gonna show you some shoes. I wear. Okay. So first of all gonna talk about upgrading the insert
Most shoes will come with some kind of an insert
Insert. This has happens to be a Merrill insert, but I'm not knocking on Merrill
I like Merrill in some ways but inserts by and large in shoes are just they're nonsense
They're garbage. They're just for show
They don't do anything. First of all, they hardly cushion at all most of them
Secondly, they have what's called a fake? It's a it's a it's a heel cup, but it's fake. This doesn't do anything
That's a fake heel cup. I'll talk to you what a heel cup is in a second
This is supposed to be the medial arch. That's a fake arch. It's nothing. This doesn't do anything
It's just a little piece of thin rubber. So in most cases with few exceptions get rid of
the inserts and
upgrade your insert
I'm not going to necessarily push a brand but we're in 2018 brands change, but I happen to like
What's called an over-the-counter?
I'm not sure if the word is backward on the video, but it's ortho he or the heel is the brand and
This is called it says tri planar motion control. This is not a custom product, but it is
One of my favorite if not my favorite for the money
Over the counter inserts, you can purchase these in some stores
I think Big Five in Oregon has them you can buy them in our office
We sell them because I like them so much and they're kind of hard to find
But these are probably similar to something called super feet that you may have heard of there's super feet grain. Super feet blue
I just think these are a little better than super feet
they have a real a
Real heel cup
In other words, it's a cup where your heel sits in
You need a heel cup and the reason is your heel has fat under it and the fat is what protects?
your heel when you strike the ground and
When the heel is being cupped
By a heel cup the fat pad is packed together and acts as a better shock absorber
Number two, it has a legitimate
medial longitudinal arch
Medial arch support and I generally like where it's positioned
I think it's positioned properly whereas on some of the I think on the super feet
I just think they're a little too posterior for a lot of people and it has a little bit of extra
cushioning here in the forefoot
under the
Metatarsal heads here and under the calcaneus there. It's a good product.
So you upgrade your insert by buying something, you know, maybe you could find it in a running shoe store. Whatever
But you can also get it at our office now, but this is another level here. This is a custom orthotic
Custom milled this happens to be a company called am fit that makes this this happens to be about an eight year old
Orthotic, it's mine. So it's kind of grody. Sorry about that. But this is a custom orthotic that's made out of
Basically an elastic type material it's flexible
It is custom made to my foot topography
Okay, it has a medial arch in the exact place where my arches it has a heel
Exactly where my heel is it also has a very subtle
Metatarsal arch, which can barely be seen here, but there is another arch in the front here
The foot actually has an arch in
That part of your Anatomy called the metatarsal arch
This thing you know retail is like 180 bucks. This thing here is maybe $36
$40 something like that, and this is what comes with the shoe
This is garbage in my opinion in most shoes get rid of it
And you'll do it's worth the investment to spend the money on that stuff. Okay, so let's get into shoes. So upgrade the insert
Number two. So this is a shoe. I beat around the office in these are called
Olakis I think they're like Hawaiian style shoes you can stand on the heel like a surfer, you know, so I am
Casual in my office and I like a shoe that is
Flexible the shoe it protects me. Obviously, it's made out of leather
But there is a test. It's very important. It's called the taco test
Okay, the taco test is can you ban the shoe like a taco?
Most shoes do not pass the taco test most shoes
Probably 90% of shoes that are sold will not pass the taco test
This is where this gets very frustrating because you can have a difficult time finding a shoe that passes the taco test
At the very least the shoes should pass the taco tests up in the forefoot
But in the mid section, I believe the foot should pass the taco test. In other words be able to be bent in the middle
Because your feet move, your feet need to move. They need to be permitted to move
They need to be allowed to move your feet have dozens of muscles. Just like your hands do inside the feet
They're called intrinsic foot musculature. If you don't allow the foot to move and
You put it in a rigid rigid what we call foot coffin
If you put your foot in a "foot coffin"
It's just like a wooden box your foot just sits there and it it just atrophies over time
Remember I talked about my gardening gloves. Okay, so I have my gardening gloves
they allow my hands to move, but imagine if I put my
hands in a rigid like a boxing glove
all day, for 16 hours
If you ever see a box or take off the boxing gloves, you know
They take off their boxing gloves and they unwrap everything in the gosh
You know, they have to get their hands moving again. Oh
You know because everything stiffens up and if you do that with your feet your feet actually but what can become weaker. Okay, so
That was a casual footwear for the office here's a casual footwear maybe in the wintertime
These are actually Doc Martens Doc Martens. Believe me
They do not make many shoes that pass the taco test
But I went to the doc marten store
And I found a really robust Doc Martens shoe that passes the taco test
It's also waterproof, you know, I could beat around in the Oregon winter with this. It's a great boot and I hate laces
So you're not going to see a lot of laces, but I'm not a big fan of laces when I'm just wearing casual shoes
So it passes the taco test. Okay. So all these shoes are going to pass the taco test and
That I'm going to show you
but also
you want a
To have a nice broad toe box. Doc Martens are an example
You won't see too many Doc Martens that are pointy toed. They have a nice broad toe box
Doc Martens originally were I think law enforcement shoe and
You know, they knew they they couldn't make a narrow shoe for these law enforcement people
So a nice wide toe box. You need to have room up there for the front of the shoe. Nothing plenty wide toe box
Okay, so broad toe box passed the taco test
Now let's talk about heel lifts for a second
heel lift si
How much higher the back side of the shoe is?
versus the forefoot or the front now most footwear
I believe has too much he lift now, of course women that are wearing high heels and they were I mean,
That stuff's insane. We're in the 21st century!
Someday, I hope, women figure it out and they stop wearing that stuff... the men are doing it sometimes too, but
High Heels have no
Biomechanical purpose I was taught the history of heels has to do it's a fashion statement
that has to do with
Way back when in Europe if you had heels on your feet that meant you were wealthy enough to own a horse
Because the only people that wore heels
Were people that had a horse because the heel you put it in a stirrup
It allows you to stay in the stirrup and it allows you to ride the horse better
So a heel was a status symbol and somehow it jumped over and became a thing for women
I just think they're absurd I mean but from a biomechanical
perspective I
Understand the fashion and the social pressure, but they're just they're just no good for you
There's no evidence that they're good for you whatsoever. And there's lots of evidence that they're bad for you
So forget heels, but in normal footwear, I believe they're jacked up too much
I like about the five to twelve millimeter
Elevation this shoe right here. This is a Blundstone
Blundstone and it has zero it has zero
Lift but I wear my orthotic in this shoe and my orthotic has a slight
About a five millimeter lift. So I'm actually wearing about a five millimeter lift when I'm wearing this shoe, but it has a zero
Drop they'll sometimes call it
Blundstone's another company, it's European. They make a lot of boots. This is an unusual Blundstone in that
It's a minimalist Blundstone. And then you can pass the taco test with this. It'll Bend quite well. It's a summertime
Boot, you know basically that I wear. Okay, so
Let's talk about a few other casual shoes that I wear. There's more Olakais. I just like this company, you know, they've been
I've enjoyed them again passes the taco test. It's a casual shoe
It has good cushion though good cushion in there. Okay, and my
Orthotics provide good cushion. Okay, so the five points again
Upgrade the insert. Make sure the shoe passes the taco test make sure it's got a roomy toe box
Try to figure out what the heel lift is
A lot of manufacturers aren't going to tell you what the heel lift is but five to 12 millimeters
Here's here's a pair of like all-purpose running shoes. These are Merrill's they have about a 10 millimeter lift, I believe
They're kind of like a trail shoe so lots of
Cushioning fat toe box. Oh, look at that
Passes the taco test and I pulled out the insert that's in it. I put my own insert in there and
lots of cushioning so I'll wear this on like when I'm walking a rocky trail or a
Some place that's kind of rough or when I go for a jog. I'll wear these these are jogging shoes from me
Let's go to running shoes
Here's the shoes
I probably run the most in these are a Montrail Montrail was originally known as a company that made really
Hardy Trail shoes, but they do make some minimalist
minimalist trail shoes that pass the taco test so
Lots of good cushioning
Flexibility good protection good good tread and nice wide toe box. I put my inserts in there. We're good to go
For a more robust, this is like a hiking shoe that we use a lot in Oregon if we're up in the mountains in
Oregon, you know, we're gonna look for a hiking shoe. It's actually waterproof, too, but
unlike most hiking shoes
This thing passes the taco testin see this is actually a Columbia looks like a Columbia shoe. Yeah, Columbia and
So it's the local company. I love these you know that probably all the shoes
I love they're probably discontinued, but that's a great shoe for now
in the summer time a lot of people wearing sandals
These are just too cheap Tevas that you can get at Fred Meyer or someplace like that. But you know, they're okay
I like them because
We get nice
Flexibility right some of these if I'm going rafting or I'm gonna beat around walking in the river with my dog or something
Going kayaking. I like to wear something like this or at the beach
wear something like this and it's got
Flexibility lots of flexibility. Ok, now I also have another version a more a more minimalist version
I forget what these are called
Xero X-E-R-O
This is like a minimalist Footwear shop in Portland is where I bought these and I happen to really like these too
They feel really good again. None of these shoes is the cheapest shoes here that you're seeing
these are you know, I paid a little more for some of these but I mean, I really
Think Footwear is important. So you should spend a little bit more a
Cold winter rainy winter in Oregon. I'm out in my backyard. What do I wear? This is like my backyard
Be around do yard work when it's wet and cold and nasty?
These are Danner's but even Danner's which are known to be highly protective shoes
Even them I can get I could find some that are you know have a good bend to them, you know?
So these ones have a bend their could choose
sufficient cushion
not too much heel lifts roomy toe box past the taco test upgrade the insert and
You're going to be most of the time most people are going to do well
Now I'm not saying all the time you do this right? I'm not saying you do it all the time if I'm
Up on Mount Hood. Sorry, these are very dirty. These are my
trusty old
25 year old Danner's that have climbed the Mount Hood with
Been to the top of some big mountains and been up in the rocky scree
This thing ain't gonna pass the taco tests
it's just not but if I need a boo that's gonna protect my foot from a lot of jagged things and and kind of
Just keep everything stable. This is a great boot, but this is a stupid boot to wear day in day-out
Unless you're really in a really rough environment out in nature
Okay, so, I mean, I'm not seeing everything I wear
passes the taco test but most of the time most of my footwear is going to do that and I believe
For most of my patients and most people I've seen those rules will serve you well, so upgrade your insert
See if it passes the taco test make sure it has a roommate toe box. Not too much. Heel lift
oh by the way, stay away from
You know shoes where the forefoot is higher than the heel
I won't name brand names, but forget it
I'm not a big fan of the shoe stores that are out there for foot pain, you know
They're to have these very expensive rigid shoes. I think most people
Overpay for something that is just not needed many times. So just "buyer beware", okay
So , roomy toe box, not too much heel lift
and sufficient cushion, hopefully those
Rules or guidelines will serve you well, okay. So with that said thank you for watching. I appreciate it and
If you want more information, you can go to my website or you can feel free to contact us at our office
Thank you very much!
He's eating a lot. Good! [2Days&1Night Season 3/2018.08.26] - Duration: 9:06.(Two Days and One Night versus Shinhwa)
This battle is somewhat sad.
Why on earth are we on a playing field?
We must be getting physical.
You need to hand us a sticker.
(Last week, during a break...)
(A simple suggestion)
(brought about Flying Bottle Cap game.)
(He congratulated Shinhwa's 20th year.)
(A bottle cap that Junho sent flying)
(won Shinhwa a sticker.)
We don't know what the game is,
but Shinhwa is already warming up.
- Look at him! / - Are you kidding me?
Why can't it be a quiz?
(He's walking on his hands.)
How on earth are we supposed to beat that?
(They warm up seriously even at night.)
I'd rather not pay any attention.
The time right now is 8:00 p.m.
- We should eat dinner. / - Yes, dinner.
- I'm hungry. / - Me, too.
We will begin "Dinner Game" now.
- Let's eat! / - Let's eat.
Let's please eat.
The menu is a charcoal barbecue.
(It's a barbecue party!)
The game will be in three rounds.
The prize for each one will be an ingredient.
The choices will make a very different barbecue.
The winning team will get to fully enjoy themselves.
You also win the opponent's sticker for each round.
I wish we could win one.
It'll be so unfair if Shinhwa wins again.
- It'll be like a myth. / - It can't happen.
What is our final destination today?
- A closed school. / - It's where you'll sleep.
(What is it?)
Shinhwa and Two Days and One Night will
both suggest a game for each round.
We'll come up with one for the final round.
A game we're good at.
For the final game, we came up with
Potato Suit Handball.
We'll probably lose that game,
so we must win the first two.
Only the final round will be worth
two of the opposing team's stickers.
The first 2 rounds will be worth 1.5 each.
- So... / - May we discuss it?
You may discuss and come up with a game now.
It can't be a physical challenge.
We must do what we've always been good at.
- We're good at cheating. / - What about
throwing things into a basket?
- What? / - How about riddles?
- Riddles. / - Could we win that?
How about Guess the Capital?
We know a lot of capital cities.
- We don't. / - At least I don't.
We're useless as a six-man team.
If it was three against three, I could do anything.
But when it's the six of us...
- They're more fit too. / - So we...
Minwoo lifts weights three hours a day.
One, two...
(They're already doing a dry run.)
- Five seconds? / - Five should do it.
They're about to challenge us to a handstand.
They're going to challenge us with handstands!
Look at what they're doing.
A handstand?
That's it.
(Are they all trying to do it?)
- Two... / - A handstand?
They won't have a chance if we do this.
Please decide whose game you'll play first.
(He already lost.)
Isn't it Muk-chi-ba?
- Today... / - We'll play what
Two Days and One Night want first.
We came up with an incredibly fair game.
Relay Ice Cream Eating.
(They will take turn eating a tub of ice cream.)
(None must be left even in their mouths.)
(The fastest team to whistle wins.)
They've all worked up an appetite.
(Two Days and One Night had to skip lunch.)
- It looks delicious. / - Of course it is.
I'm so hungry that I could probably eat Shinhwa.
(They must put their lives on the line.)
- Please decide which team will go first. / - You go.
(Taehyun wins.)
- All right. / - We'll go last.
Are we going last?
(The ice cream enters.)
The last one to eat must whistle.
- Eat it all. / - Everyone's mouths must be empty too.
We can win this.
You're not allowed to fiddle with that.
Put it down. You get one warning.
It'll be hard to scoop.
It's already melting.
This should be played on the coldest day.
- That's right. / - Don't you dare!
(Minwoo is still mischievous.)
That's not nice of you.
Are you seriously going to be this way?
I'm sorry.
Whatever you did just now, just know that
- we'll do worse. / - Yes, worse.
Fine, let's do more!
Ready, go.
- No way. / - That was fast.
Eat the ice cream near the edge first.
- Look at him eat. / - That's quite a lot.
- He's good at this. / - Exactly.
It'll give you a brain freeze.
That's the beauty of this game.
- This is one-sixth. / - I didn't imagine this.
(He divides the brain freeze equally.)
- Did you divide the tub? / - Are you eating fast?
We're all actually slow eaters.
- Come on. / - You ate one-fourth.
- He's so fast. / - All right!
- M, let's go. / - Let's go, M!
- Minwoo... / - No, wait!
You should eat that too.
- Okay. / - We're so on edge.
(They can't believe how fast Shinhwa is.)
(The next in line is Andy.)
Gosh, look at Andy.
(He breaks it down so it melts faster.)
That's new. I like that strategy.
He's doing that for us.
He doesn't stop even when he's eating.
- Andy loves ice cream. / - I see.
He even shot an ice cream commercial.
He's the Kiwi Prince.
- Yes, the kiwi ice cream. / - Are you done?
- Looking good. / - You're the best.
Hold on.
(The ice cream has been broken down.)
- Pass it. / - You're good.
Of course.
I'm worried we'll get a stomach ache.
- Thanks, Andy. / - Look!
Brain freeze!
(The aftermath of a passionate love)
Brain freeze!
It always happens.
Take a bite and pass it along.
My gosh.
The brain freeze came early for him.
- Look at Dongwan chew. / - He's fast.
Now he must scrape the tub clean.
(My head hurts!)
He's scraping it clean.
The last one must whistle.
We're done.
- Junjin hasn't swallowed. / - He hasn't yet.
- You must eat it all. / - Are you done?
It must all be gone.
(You're not supposed to use your voice.)
- What was that? / - I'm done now.
You don't have to whistle.
- He doesn't have to. / - Exactly.
Time is ticking.
He's done.
- Done. / - Done!
Your record is 4 minutes and 56 seconds.
They did it under five minutes.
- Unbelievable. / - Less than one minute.
Those before us ate a lot of it.
- Nice. / - We always shine.
- We're Shinhwa. / - Shinhwa!
That was too fast.
And go!
Let's go.
- Hurry. / - It's ready!
Dig in.
- Nice. / - Keep digging.
If you eat that much...
Look at him go!
(Joonyoung must eat a decent amount too.)
Hold on.
Joonyoung, eat your share.
(My teeth!)
Eat your share.
(The youngest has the weakest teeth.)
- Joonyoung. / - Just shove it in!
- He ate a lot. / - Shove it all in.
- He's eating a lot. / - Good.
My gosh.
It'll fall from the spoon.
- You can't spit it out. / - Leave the spoon.
(There's no time to compliment Jongmin.)
- He can't do that. / - That's cheating.
(He spits the ice cream back out.)
You can't spit out what you already ate.
- Hold on. / - You can't do that.
- You can't. / - He looks hilarious.
(All eyes are on Jongmin.)
You can't. You can't!
- Keep it in. / - It can't get out.
He should be disqualified for this.
- It's my turn. / - Just eat that much.
- Are you sure? / - All right.
Don't rush it, Taehyun.
All right. I can eat the rest.
- Get out of the way. / - Move!
My gosh.
(The boss appears.)
(There's still a large amount left.)
- In one bite. / - Move!
(Will Defconn live up to his reputation?)
(I am Defconn, and I am hungry.)
- Goodness. / - We've won for sure.
- No way. / - Look how fast he is.
(Faster and in a different way)
It's like he's eating a main course.
Is that rice?
- It looks like rice. / - Is that really ice cream?
Who gave him rice?
Would you like another bowl of rice?
Don't make him laugh!
He's even licking the lid.
(He must've been really hungry.)
- Taehyun's not done. / - Taehyun, hurry.
Get ready.
- Done. / - What about Taehyun?
(He whistles first.)
(Mission accomplished!)
How did we do?
- We lost. / - Four minutes?
- We lost. / - How did we do?
It's 3 minutes and 16 seconds.
(Two Days and One Night, 3.16 minutes)
(A clean win by Two Days and One Night)
(Take that!)
- See? / - We couldn't win anyway.
I mean...
You guys are great at this.
It's not us. Defconn is great at it.
All I had today are coke and ice cream.
He could've eaten more.
Two Days and One Night win.
And you failed.
What does savanna mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
8/27/18 4:52 PM (Oran K. Gragson Fwy, Las Vegas, NV 89108, USA) - Duration: 15:07.-------------------------------------------
Possum official Trailer (2018) Sean Harris | Horror Movie | Movies Trailers | Pinnacle Media - Duration: 1:17.Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
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