Galantis - Mama Look At Me Now (Galantis & Deniz Koyu VIP) [Lyrics]
Giant lizard terrorizes Florida family after moving into their backyard - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
BMW 2 Serie Coupé 220i High Executive Groot Navi, 18"Velgen, Leer - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Live updates: Aretha Franklin remembered at her funeral - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Roberta McCain, 106, to attend son John McCain's Washington services - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
John McCain's good friend, Chuck Larson, was 'synonymous with what is good at the Naval Academy' - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Former 'ER' actress Vanessa Marquez fatally shot during incident with officers: report - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Trade talks with Canada collapse after off-the-record Trump insults leaked: report - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Los Angeles County Fair opens Friday in Pomona - Story - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M AUT trekhaak 1e eig. - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
GOP Senate candidate Leah Vukmir says she supports coverage of pre-existing conditions... - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Threat at Silverado High School cancels classes at nearby CIMS Friday - Victor Valley News - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
CASTLEVANIA VIỆT HÓA #5 | HIẾP CON GÁI SATAN | LORDS OF SHADOW 2 - Duration: 2:16:17.-------------------------------------------
How Haunting Ground scarred my teenage self - Duration: 17:07.During my years of being a very gullible and impulsive teenager, out of all of the games
that I ended up borrow from kids that were a couple of years older than me, there was
a certain game that hit me harder upside the head than ever I could've imagined it doing;
that game was Haunting Ground.
Poor unsuspecting teenage Sophie didn't know what she was about to experience and although
she should probably have respected the game's mature rating, she was also way too curious
for her own good.
Which lead to many sleepless nights but also one of the most immersive video game experiences.
This video will contain spoilers for the game so heads up if you haven't played it and if
you are planning to do so in the future.
If you've already played the game or if you simply just don't care, feel free to safely
keep on watching.
The one area where Haunting Ground really shines is in its ability to make you feel vulnerable.
Of course making you feel helpless is a huge part of a lot of horror games, so I'm not
exactly praising the game for doing what a horror game is supposed to do; which is make
you feel scared and uncomfortable.
I want to praise it for how well it utilizes the objectification of its main character
to hit all the right, or I guess ''wrong'', notes.
''Bad'' notes?
Uncanny notes?
Yucky notes?
Who knows, I'm sure you catch my drift.
For a bit of backstory - Haunting Ground, also knows as Dementio, is a 2005 survival
horror game published by Capcom.
Fiona Belli, the game's main protagonist, is a wide-eyed 18-year old who one night,
after being involved in a car crash whilst in a car riding together with her parents,
wakes up in a large mansion only to quickly realize that she's been kidnapped following
the events of the crash.
Right off the bat, we're bombarded by unsettling elements.
Fiona wakes up alone in a place that's completely foreign to her.
She has no idea where she is and she has no one to ask for help, which is already an unnerving
Only made worse by the fact that she's also put in nothing but a sheet.
Meaning that her clothes and any valuables she might've had on her were stripped
away from her when she was unconscious.
Which is another scary factor, the idea of someone moving you around and undressing you
while you are unconscious.
And she doesn't exactly wake up on a king sized bed but rather inside a small iron cage
in what looks like a rogue butcher shop.
From here on out, it's up to Fiona to traverse the mansion in order to find her way out as
she escapes from the multiple stalkers inhabiting the mansion.
So the game not only forces her into an unknown location but it also adds the element of being chased.
Fiona is continuously objectified and dehumanized.
Each and every one of the game's villains show a different and very twisted desire and/or
lust towards Fiona.
Although his true intentions are a bit blurred due to his inability to properly communicate,
Debilitas keeps mentioning how he wants to keep Fiona as his doll.
His intent for chasing Fiona could arguably be seen as the least malicious as it's not
made clear whether he understands that he is hurting Fiona whenever he captures her.
If he only sees her as a doll or a toy it could imply that he doesn't understand that
she's a person that can feel pain.
Which could be why he's often seen throwing Fiona's body around like a rag.
So either he doesn't understand or he has the full intention of picking Fiona apart
with joy.
But regardless of whether Debilitas is aware or not, it doesn't make the situation any
less terrifying for Fiona.
All she knows is that a large man that could snap off her spine in a matter of seconds
is chasing her around, calling her his ''doll'', picking her up and throwing her on the ground
like she's a stuffed animal.
The second antagonist that Fiona comes across is Daniella, the resident housekeeper.
Although Daniella certainly isn't normal at any point during any encounter, initially,
her intent does not come across as malicious.
She's unsettling, for sure but she's not chasing you right off the bat.
It isn't until later that the player finds out about Daniella's deep-set jealousy towards
As it turns out, Daniella is unable to feel anything.
She has no sense of joy or sadness, she cannot feel either pain or pleasure and despises
Fiona for being so human - and therefore what is essentially her opposite.
Because Daniella herself is infertile, she hates Fiona for her ability to carry children.
That along with her beauty and how desired she is by Lorenzo, who is Daniella's master, it doesn't
take much to see how Daniella's jealousy came to grow.
She calls Fiona a ''pretty little princess'' and accuses her of ''luring men into her body.''
She calls Fiona filthy and shames her on numerous occasions without remorse.
After taking Daniella down, Fiona soon runs into Riccardo.
A clone created from the same man as Fiona's own father; essentially making him her uncle.
In general, Riccardo has a disregard for both emotion and any life that isn't his own.
He only sees being understanding of others and being compassionate as obstacles on the
track to obtaining knowledge and only wants to use Fiona's for his own gain.
Repeatedly threatening Fiona to give herself up to him and become ''the lady of the castle.''
Claiming he owns her and treating her being like his property.
Lastly, Fiona's final enemy is Lorenzo; a man who sees Fiona as one thing and one thing
only - a vessel for him to become immortal.
Much like Riccardo, Lorenzo only wants to use Fiona for her Azoth in order to become
That is all that Fiona is to him; an offspring of his clone for him to use as he pleases.
Both Lorenzo and Riccardo see Fiona as their own property rather than an independent human
Rather than seeing her as a person, all Fiona is to them is just the Azoth.
She's reduced to being the carrier of the one thing that'd benefit them.
So throughout your Haunting Ground experience you'll not only be dehumanized, objectified
and body shamed but also both physically and mentally abused.
Needless to say, this was a bit much for mid-puberty Sophie to take in.
I remember finding this game exhausting to play when I was younger because I'd always
be so on edge.
Where the game shines is in its ability to make you feel like a rat trapped in a labyrinth
with a group of scientists peeking down on you to observe your every move.
Very few games are as good at emulating this feeling as Haunting Ground is.
Although Haunting Ground is considered a spiritual successor to games like Clock Tower and there
have been many games that have come afterwards that have emulated a similar claustrophobic
setting, to me personally, none have ever made me feel as trapped as Haunting Ground
It's made abundantly clear that although you can hide inside the mansion, you're never
really safe.
You're always in enemy territory with no one to help you get out.
Not to mention that Fiona is, not only just a teenager, but she's also a normal art student.
She's not a bounty hunter or an undercover detective out on a job to investigate the
She's a very gentle girl, who is more than likely suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder.
She's physically weaker than the stalkers, she doesn't have access to their weapons and
she doesn't know the layout of the actual mansion; constantly putting her at a disadvantage
to everyone else.
So why would I still want to talk about this game?
Well, cause I strongly believe that the reason that Haunting Ground not only scared me as
much as it did but also left such a strong impression was because of when I played the
People saying how playing a certain game at a certain point in their life lead to a very
special experience isn't anything groundbreaking.
Although I would probably still have been properly creeped out playing it at my current
age, it wouldn't have hit the same notes for me due to the fact that I'm just more matured.
Not in a sense that I've somehow grown out of being scared by horror games or that you
can suddenly just outgrow being scared of the horror genre but I've been desensitized
in a sense.
Which leads me to my point and why Haunting Ground managed to leave such an impression
on me.
Because I experienced it as a teenager; specifically a teenage girl.
I'm speaking from experience when I say that it was incredibly easy to relate.
Playing as someone like Fiona who was only a few years older than I was at the time,
running around a huge mansion being chased by people you didn't know if they were trying
to either kill you, sexually abuse you, eat you or maybe even all three, was a panic-inducing
scenario to say the least.
If you know the bad guy is just planning on shooting you in the back of the head and ending
it then and there, it's not as scary as opposed to someone who you don't know if they're going
to kill you, eat you and/or assault you.
Although you'll surely be able to put yourself in Fiona's shoes regardless of if you're 16
or if you're 35, you know as long as you've got the imagination, nothing's stopping you.
Being chased by a stalker who, very aggressively mind you, demands to be let into your womb;
I think is bound to hit harder for a teenage girl than it is for, let's say a guy in his
You know, in my mind that's not an unreasonable hypothesis.
In games like Amnesia or Alien Isolation or SOMA it's easier to relate regardless of where
you find yourself on the gender spectrum because the gender of the main character isn't really
But because of how much Haunting Ground emphasizes Fiona's sexual attributes and fertility in
very explicit ways, it's not unreasonable to imagine that it'd hit harder for a girl.
Without having been trapped in a murder mansion stuck with ruthless killers, most young girls can
relate to the fear of being reduced to being nothing but your body.
And having that kind of fear amplified in a horror setting is not only scary but it
also gets under your skin because although it's only by a long shot, it still hits home
to a certain extent.
A good example of an opposite situation that comes to mind would be the Whistleblower DLC
from Outlast.
No, surely no one finds the idea of having their genitals mutilated comforting but specifically
having your ding dong almost cut off unwillingly is bound to be a bit more frightening for
the people that have one.
Although Whistleblower does again loop back to the main character running away from possibly getting
Anyway, I do realize that I am indeed outing myself by making this video because yes, I
did play Haunting Ground despite being underage.
That is just one of the glories, or I suppose horrors, of borrowing games from older friends.
So although mid-teenage girls aren't exactly the target demographic for a game like Haunting
Ground, I do earnestly think my experience was heightened by the fact that I did play
it as a teenager.
Don't misunderstand though, I'm definitely not advocating for under-aged kids to ignore
mature ratings on video games.
But in this particular case, I only really had myself to blame.
I saw the mature rating and full-on ignored it.
And although it was positively terrifying to go through it for the first time, it ended
up paying off as it's now one of the most memorable games I've played.
I can't recommend that anyone underage play it though with a clear conscience, but then
again, I did play it when I was underage myself so who am I to talk.
I can only assume that as a teenager, I found the idea of being forcibly separated from
my parents only to be treated like a piece of dog meat by weird strangers inside of a
big mansion even more scary than I would do now as someone who is of age.
Losing control and being objectified isn't a good feeling for anyone but as a teen I
found it to be way more scary.
Haunting Ground uses its perverse and grotesque nature to continuously make the player uncomfortable.
Outside of this horror game about a crazy old alchemist trying to use this poor young
woman to his own gain in order to become immortal, the game explores themes like mental illness,
emotional and sexual abuse, body dysmorphia, incest and of course gore.
It goes beyond ''just'' having Fiona be the eye-candy to get the player interested.
Fiona is undoubtedly eye-candy, but the people that are trying to get at her can and will
kill her if she's captured.
The fact that you are playing as the eye-candy is what is stripping all of your power from
Haunting Ground doesn't treat Fiona's sexualization as something positive but it emphasizes
how desired she is by a group of people that want to either kill or impregnate her.
Of course there's the argument that it's only obvious that I would feel scared playing Haunting Ground
as I wasn't of age to play it.
But Haunting Ground wasn't the first horror game I played at that point in my life.
I had played multiple titles before even touching Haunting Ground but none of them stuck with
me in the same horrifying way that Haunting Ground did.
As an adult now although I do find it very strange to say it, I think the ideal way for
the game to really transfer it's disgusting take on horror is for it to be played by late
teenage girls.
That's not to say that I would encourage underage people to play it but if you are in the same
age range as Fiona, there's no denying that the game is definitely more terrifying.
In short, I can safely say that after having played Haunting Ground all those years ago,
I did regret it.
There were times I wish I hadn't started it and that that one older kid hadn't recommended
it to me.
But as an adult, I'm still so happy that I went through with it because it still stands
out in my memory 'til this day.
So although all experiences may not be fun when you're going through them, it might be
worth it in the long run.
And please remember to pray to Capcom for a Haunting Ground remaster!
I hope you enjoyed this video, thank you so much for watching.
The Undertaker make Joker Submit in 2 minutes WWE August 2018 - Duration: 4:47.Undertaker vs. Joker Submission in 2 minutes
Provide this match that's for sure
The following contest is a submission match
making his way to the ring from Death Valley weighing in at
328 pounds the Undertaker
Here comes the Phenom and I would not want to be in his yard right now
I'd like to point out. Just how focus these guys look here tonight
They really do Michael which makes me think we're in for one heck of a match here tonight
And his opponent from your darkest fears weighing in at 220 pounds
We have one-on-one action on the way and this one should be nothing short of amazing
I don't doubt that for a moment Michael. In fact, I would go so far as to say this match might just steal the show
In Byron, I'd say he appears to be at the top of his game right now
Well, he's gonna need to be if he wants to survive this match. That's for sure
As one of the reasons I'm sitting in this chair
He has a lot of time here to drag an opponent into the pits of despair
We'll see if the Phenom is able to carry another body with them through the gates of hell
It doesn't get much more one-sided than this guy's I cannot believe what I'm seeing
This one's over guys
If it did he got him to tap out
Here is your winner
This one's over folks
Undertaker picks up the win Michael your pride definitely takes a hit when you're forced to tap out and
That'll do it here for this one-on-one match. I hope you enjoyed it as much as this live crowd appears to have enjoyed it
Η Δούκισσα Νομικού υιοθέτησε ένα αμφιλεγόμενο hair look - Δείτε τι έκανε στα μαλλιά της! | News | ft - Duration: 2:13.Τα πλούσια, μακριά, ξανθά, μαλλιά ήταν πάντα το σήμα κατατεθέν της Δούκισσας Νομικού
Μετά τη γέννηση του γιου της, όμως, η παρουσιάστρια αποφάσισε να υιοθετήσει μια πιο γλυκιά απόχρωση ξανθού, με μελί ανταύγειες
Μάλιστα, από τους πρώτους μήνες της εγκυμοσύνης της μέχρι και σήμερα, δεν έκοψε ούτε λίγο από το μήκος τους, με αποτέλεσμα πλέον να έχουν μακρύνει πιο πολύ από ποτέ
Το μεσημέρι της Παρασκευής, η Δούκισσα δημοσίευσε στο Instagram μια φωτογραφία της, δείχνοντας στους διαδικτυακούς της φίλους το hair look της
Τα likes, όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο, έπεσαν. βροχή και τα περισσότερα σχόλια που έλαβε ήταν άκρως κολακευτικά
Ωστόσο, υπάρξαν και κάποιοι που σχολίασαν αρνητικά το εν λόγω στιγμιότυπο, καθώς έκριναν πώς χάνετε το πανέμορφο πρόσωπο της παρουσιάστριας μέσα σε τόσο μακριά μαλλιά
Λίγο αργότερα, η Δούκισσα ανήρτησε την ίδια φωτογραφία και στα InstaStories της, σχολιάζοντας: "Και τώρα που το λέτε, πράγματι σαν να μάκρυνε λίγο το μαλλί
Να και κάτι καλό λοιπόν που κάνουν οι ορμόνες στην εγκυμοσύνη".
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme announced at IFA 2018: Specs and Price - Duration: IFA 2018 lenovo announced the first
new member of its flagship ThinkPad x1
family in a few years the x1 extreme you
might recall that the firm launched the
ThinkPad p1 a couple of weeks ago and
while that was aimed at workstation
users this is for a more mainstream
market the lenovo thinkpad x1 extreme
brings a lot of firsts to the x1 lineup
it has the largest display at fifteen
point six inches with a 4k resolution
and support for HDR it's also the first
to have dedicated graphics with up to an
NVIDIA GeForce 1050 team max Q with 4
gigabytes gddr5 memory the rest of the
lineup has Intel integrated graphics and
they also have 15 W u series processors
while the x1 extreme has the high power
45 WH Series chips you can get this
machine with up to a core i7 which is
heaps a core and there's a core i9
variant coming soon it can be configured
with up to 64 gigabytes ddr4 Ram and up
to 2 terabytes of storage just like all
think pads its mi l STD 810 grams tested
and that means that it's tough it should
be shockproof it can stand up to extreme
temperatures and more lenovo says that
the x1 extreme has four layers of
reinforced carbon fibre to absorb shocks
but most importantly the laptop weighs
in at just three pounds and seventy six
pennies an important factor in carrying
around a powerful portable PC ultimately
it's the same chassis as the ThinkPad p1
but it has NVIDIA GeForce graphics
instead of Quattro graphics the Lenovo
ThinkPad x1 extreme will be available in
September starting at 1800 $59 the core
I 9 model will be available in December
LEGO The Incredibles - Part 35 All Incredibles gameplay - Duration: 14:58.LEGO The Incredibles
All Incredibles gameplay
Why do I Teach Penny Stocks (Instead of Just Trading)? - Duration: 13:14.-------------------------------------------
The Great Piano Mystery - Duration: 7:58.this video is sponsored by Brilliant.
hey, welcome to 12tone! in 1964, legendary minimalist composer LaMonte Young embarked
on what would be his most ambitious project ever: a piece called The Well-Tuned Piano.
it's a massive, sprawling composition, over 5 hours long when Young played it live for
the final time in 1987, and requiring weeks of set-up in order to be performed correctly.
more than that, it's largely improvised: Young defined a certain structure for the piece,
drifting through harmonic spaces with names like the Opening Chord, the Magic Chord, and
the Tamiar Dream Chord, each of which might take upwards of half an hour to complete,
but the specifics changed each time as he experimented relentlessly with the soundscape
he had created.
it contains an innovative playing technique that Young described as "clouds", where incredibly
fast notes would slowly build and combine into a towering sense of harmony, but for
a long time, this piece also contained one of the greatest mysteries in all of modern
classical music: the mystery of which notes he was actually playing.
you see, the name The Well-Tuned Piano is probably a reference to a collection of Bach
pieces known as the Well-Tempered Clavier.
Bach wanted to advocate for a new kind of tuning system, so he wrote a bunch of music
to show off what that system could do, and it appears that Young was doing the same thing.
however, unlike Bach, Young is a notoriously secretive composer who kept his new tuning
system to himself for 27 years, and he only released it after composer Kyle Gann sat down
with a tuner, a calculator, and some very well-trained ears and worked out ten of the
twelve notes by hand.
so what was he doing? well, at its heart Young's system is a version of what theorists call
just intonation, which is when the intervals we hear are mathematically pure.
you see, when you hear a note, what you're really hearing is a sound wave with a specific
frequency, and when you hear multiple notes at once, your ear calculates the ratio between
those frequencies in order to determine the interval. for example, if you double the frequency,
you get a note an octave higher.
if you're playing on a normal piano, a lot of those ratios will be pretty messy because
we've prioritized other factors, like being able to easily change keys.
but just intonation systems instead aim to keep those ratios as clean as possible, using
only whole numbers and often trying to stick with small ones.
the version Young uses here is what's called a 7-limit tuning, which means that it's built
of ratios using numbers no larger than 7. because doubling a frequency just moves it
up an octave, all the even numbers are actually just copies of odd ones, so we're really just
working with 3, 5, and 7, which we can then multiply or divide by 2 to keep everything
within a single octave. these are all pretty simple sounds: the 3/2 ratio, for instance,
is the perfect 5th, while 5/4 is the major 3rd. the 7/4 ratio, though, is a bit different:
it's not that difficult in theory, but it has no real equivalent in the tuning system
most of us are used to.
it's kinda like a minor 7th, but it's almost a third of a half-step flat.
we call it the harmonic 7th, and it adds an interesting flavor that's new to most listeners
while still being fairly pure.
anyway, a 7-limit tuning is built by taking these three intervals and stacking them on
top of each other to find the rest of the notes.
or at least, a normal one is, but this is La Monte Young we're talking about, so of
course it can't be that simple.
for whatever reason, he apparently dislikes the sound of the 5/4 ratio, so he leaves it
out entirely, building everything from perfect 5ths and harmonic 7ths. and with that out
of the way, we can finally talk about the actual notes.
when you're building a just intonation system, the first thing you need to do is pick a root.
this is the note all your other frequencies will be tuned against, and for this piece
Young chose Eb, probably as an homage to his time as a saxophone player.
from there, he begins to stack 5ths, getting Bb as a 3/2 ratio and above that F, at 9/8.
above each of those he goes up two harmonic 7ths, giving us these ratios.
now, the note names here are a bit weird because, again, the harmonic 7th doesn't exist in normal
tuning so it's not super clear which note we're supposed to land on, but for now we'll
just use these.
that gives us 9 of our notes, and from there Young just adds a couple more perfect 5ths
to the end, and voila, we've got the tuning for the Well-Tuned Piano.
or at least we've got one of them: like many other aspects of the piece, Young changed
the tuning over the years.
but this is what he used for the 1981 recording that Gann worked from, and I don't believe
he's changed it since, but he hasn't performed it live in over 30 years at this point, so
who knows.
anyway, from here we can start making observations about the tuning, so let's start with the
most obvious question: what's up with G#?
I mean, first of all, the ratio is ridiculous, to the point where it's very unlikely you'd
even recognize it as pure.
but the biggest issue comes when we compare the G# to our G. did you hear that?
they're pretty close, but it turns out the G# is actually lower.
so why?
well, the short answer is that Young doesn't care about the G#. he never actually plays
it in the piece, which is why Gann couldn't properly identify all 12 notes.
that doesn't mean it doesn't matter, though: having a string tuned to that frequency is
important due to a phenomenon called sympathetic resonance.
basically, when you play a note with a specific frequency, strings tuned to a multiple of
that frequency will also start to vibrate a little, adding to the original sound.
so even though he never uses G#, you can still hear it ringing faintly when he plays an A.
this leads to an important observation: Young's notation is largely artificial.
that is, it tells you which keys he plays, but it doesn't tell you much about what sounds
they make.
if the notation goes up a half step, for instance, we could get anything from this (bang) which
is almost a whole step, to this (bang) which, again, is actually moving down.
an interesting product of this is that the notes of the piano tend to cluster.
in standard tuning, everything is evenly spaced, but in the Well-Tuned Piano, we instead wind
up with a couple pockets of notes with large gaps in between.
for instance, E, F, and F# are all within about three quarters of a half-step of each
other, as are A, Bb, and B. we already saw G and G#, and there's a similar cluster at
C and C#, and finally D sits just barely below Eb. this gives us something that resembles
a pentatonic or 5-note scale, kinda like this: (bang) but with a couple different tuning
options for each note.
it's actually a lot like the major pentatonic scale, a classic device in traditional Western
music, but the 3rd and the 6th are each about a quarter-tone sharp, because, again, Young
left out the 5/4 ratio we'd need in order to make them correctly.
this tuning variety leads to a somewhat paradoxical situation: we've got lots of intervals, but
also not that many.
like, standard tuning only has 12 possible intervals per octave, whereas Young's tuning
has 38.
but many of those are largely similar: for instance, Eb to E, Eb to F, and Eb to F# are
all basically whole steps.
in effect, Young has given himself access to lots of different shades of just a few
kinds of intervals.
however, much like we saw with G#, he doesn't use them all evenly: most of the piece centers
around the perfect 5th, the perfect 4th, the harmonic 7th, and then what are called the
septimal 3rds and 6ths. "septimal" is a fancy word for the number 7, because as we mentioned
before, these are constructed with the 7/4 ratio, rather than the 5/4 one you'd normally
the septimal minor 3rd and 6th are a little bit smaller than their standard versions,
while the major 3rd and 6th are wider.
these septimal intervals play a huge role in giving the Well-Tuned Piano its unique
sound, helping tie all the different versions together into one massive sonic experiment.
of course, there's more to it than just tuning: the structure of the piece is also fascinating,
and if there's enough interest I may make another video about it at some point.
but in the words of Kyle Gann, there is "virtually no way to analyze the piece" without understanding
the tuning system on which it's built.
That, more than anything, is the heart of the Well-Tuned Piano.
heck, it's right there in the name.
so yeah, no analysis would be possible without Gann's dedication to solving Young's riddle,
Which brings me to this video's sponsor, Brilliant!
You see, I have a theory: I believe there's a significant overlap between people who enjoy
music theory and people who enjoy difficult but ultimately rewarding puzzles, and if I'm
right, you're gonna love Brilliant.
Basically, Brilliant is all about learning through problem-solving: They have a bunch
of fun, challenging puzzles to help develop your intuitions on things like math and science,
plus each one comes with a really thorough answer so if you get it wrong, they'll explain
what you missed so it doesn't happen again.
I've been going through their number theory course because I like my concepts to be as
abstract as possible, but they also have lots of other cool math, science, and computer
stuff to try out, and each puzzle is different so you're not just drilling the same boring
question over and over again with slightly different numbers.
If you want to support the channel and learn more about Brilliant, you can go to
or just click the link in the description to try it out for free.
Plus, if you're one of the first 200 people to use that link, they'll even give you 20%
off a premium membership if you sign up for a year!
anyway, thanks for watching, and thanks to our Patreon patrons for supporting us and
making these videos possible.
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3 façons d'ACTIVER les POINTS DE PRESSION [Kyusho Jitsu] - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
MA PETITE SŒUR DE 7 ANS ME MAQUILLE - Duration: 9:20.-------------------------------------------
OKNORMAL Speedrun in 17min 52 50sec WR - Duration: 19:02.I'm gonna make a Speedrun of the game OK/NORMAL
I calculated the start of my Speedrun at -41.70 seconds
Because it's the moment between the Loading screen and my first possible movement
During this speedrun I'm gonna try to explain How I did it and when I change my split
I play almost always in First person
because it look better (For me)
But when I didn't hear the song of "eating" an object
I can leave the FPS view to see If I miss it or not
I make a Split for each level
I change the Split when I hear the finishing level sound
For winning time, I obviously always run, Everytime the game allow me to run
And also try to jump over corners to win a little amount of time
There's only one way to finish the game. So no "Any%" "100%" etc
I'm not sure there's gonna be an other category than "End Game"
In some level like this one, I can't go on FPS
But there's no problem, because I juste need to go forward
When the screen became totally Dark, I change the Split
And for this level, when the screen became totally White, I change the Split
It's better to turn off FPS for this Platforming section
It's look easier to see where are the pillars
Here, I don't Know
If we can be faster and take the pillar the first time he came
I already try it, but never manage to do it
For this Level
We meet our first ennemy, wich appears to be this Skull
And he kill me if i get too close to him
But as you can see it's really easy to escape from him
Is really slow
And we need to get very close from him to die
For this level we only need to go to the end
so is really slow and annoying
But we can see the skull, the same of the last level
but this time is pretty
Nice with us
When the screen is dark (I change Split)
For this level, we just have to wait
So i lose time by moving (Intense spinning session)
(I jump, because it make the screen shake less)
Another level, we don't have anything to do except climbing (Intense Climbing session)
And again for this level we have to wait until the screen became Dark to change the split and go to another level
Now we are in the first really big level
We can lose time if we don't know where to go
fortunately the path is really easy
To take the last key we have to jump. Our character can't climb by himself
And again we go to the end of this level
Here we are in the MAZE
The biggest level of the game
it's a level when we can easily lose a lot of time
To never forget my path I wrote it on my Split
As you can see
"Left 1" "Right 1" "Left 2" Right 2" etc
There's the Second Bad guy
AS you can see I take the second path to the left, and i will take the second to right
I don't know if
the way I did this level is the faster, but it's the first one I discover
Now we have that, I consider it as a Split but
There's no way to win time
Because it's just
a cutscene
In this level we don't have any much thing to do except go forward (while running) for a while
I consider this at the final level
Even we don't have anything to do except wait until the credit appear
When the screen became totally dark
It's the end of the Speedrun
It was the Speedrun of OK/NORMAL
I'm really sorry for my english
I working to became better
That's it. Good Bye
West Coast Racers New at Six Flags Magic Mountain 2019 - Duration: 1:51.[high energy music]
sfx: engine revving
sfx: tires screaching
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: engine revving
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: engine revving
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: crowd screaming
sfx: crowd screaming
Diabète toi et moi, YPSO pump - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Alfawise A8 Android TV Box Review - Duration: 4:06.Hello my names Mark, welcome to my
review channel today we're going to be
taking a look at the Alfawise Android 8.1 box.
The Alpha Android box is a smart looking little unit that will look
good under your TV
it comes with a user manual, power supply,
remote and HDMI cable. The remotes fine
for basic navigation but you might want
to invest in one with a keyboard on it if you want to enter lots of user names
and passwords it comes with a total of four USB ports, three around the side
that you can see here, and there's an
additional one round the back. As well as
Wi-Fi you also getting an Ethernet port if
you want to connect this via ethernet
cable to your network, so you're well
catered for when plugging this into your
TV HDMI cable is included. The interface
itself is a nice big button interface it
comes with various apps pre-installed
such as YouTube, the Play Store and
Aptoide TV. If you're not sure what Aptoide
TV is that's an alternative app
store so you can download apps from
either aptoide TV or the Play Store
you'll need to put your username and
password in to the Play Store to
download anything. The little icons down
the bottom are customizable so you can
add or remove a little shortcut. The
larger icons stay as they are, you can't
change or alter those. Just having a quick
look in Aptoide TV if you've not seen it
before, it's got all the same kind of
apps that you might be used to from the
Play Store but you don't have to sign in
to download the apps from this
particular store, you can just download
them straight away and so that can be a
bit quicker to get up and running if you
don't have your username or password to hand.
Also comes with a specially designed
Kodi version this is designed for the
particular chip that this box uses it's
really nice to see a clean version of
Kodi included so you can add your own
videos add-ons whatever else you want
nothing is pre set up. Within YouTube
you'll find that you've got a range of
qualities to choose from but I have
found that on a couple of these videos
at the very highest quality the Box
seems to struggle a little bit sometimes
the audio will play and the picture
would stutter a little bit there you go
so you can see it's paused but that was
only the various highest resolutions and
I've only tried
on a few of those 4k videos if you swap
over to videos that I've done which are
not in 4k they're pretty much all 1080
you'll find that it plays absolutely
perfectly very nice and smooth audio and
video all nicely in sync for those of
you into Netflix and binge watching
you'll be glad to know the Netflix app
works perfectly on here so you get all
the nice little thumbnails as you'd
expect click on something it takes few
minutes sometimes to come through
clearly sometimes it's a little bit
pixelated to start with, but once it's
fully loaded up it's a perfect picture
quality and it looks really good you
forget you even using the box and that's
where the little remote comes in handy
because it's more like a standard TV or
DVR remote rather than a big keyboard
and mouse like video playback gaming is
a story of two halves here we've got a
very high end demanding racing game and
although it's playing it's a little bit
choppy one thing to note I am playing
this using a pad a game pad so you can
plug in game pads into the USB ports and
use this as a little gaming box but as
you can see it's not coping too well
with this particular racing game but if
we shift gears down and choose something
a little less taxing you'll find that
this plays perfectly well this is a very
low cost box and I'd say the performance
is bob on for the price, occasionally you're
going to struggle a little bit with very
high-end movies or games but actually if
you're just looking for our Netflix
streaming box and things put Kodi on
something to play a few games like sonic
on this is a really great option at a
very low cost, could be great if you're
looking for a box for the spare room for
example. If you're interested in learning
more up links to the products in the
description below if you haven't already
please consider subscribing to my
channel thanks for watching I'll see you
next time
BMW 3 Serie Touring 330i High Executive M-Pakket Fabrieksaf*Dak*M3 Vol Youngtimer - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Pourquoi diversifier ses sources de trafic ? - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Kendinin ışığı ol! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Un immense ovni triangulaire prés de l'aéroport de Genève - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Asterix at the Olympic Games 2008 HD (ENG subs) - Duration: 1:57:15.The year is 50 BC,
Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans,
Entirely? Not quite,
One small village of indomitable Gauls
still holds out against the invaders,
Under the watchful eye of the Roman camps
Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium,
all these Gauls enjoy a peaceful existence,
All? Not quite,
This morning, one of them has woken well before the others,
Fly safely, Telegraphix.
A Gaul may be indomitable
but can be conquered,
For a while now, Lovesix's heart
beats only for Irina, Princess of Greece,
Princess, look. Telegraphix is back.
What have you brought me now?
Today, Irina, I begin my journey
And your love will be my guide
At last your eyes my face will see
In three moons, my sweet, I shall be at your side
Three moons...
Hello, is this the entrance?
- Get to the back. - Shrimp!
- Cool it! - Sweep out the stadium!
Never! I'll never marry him!
You'll marry Caesar's son Brutus after the games!
You owe it to Greece to ease the Roman occupation.
Father, you embody the grandeur of our civilization.
How can you obey a tyrant?
Caesar rules the world. We have to accept it!
I won't marry Brutus
because I love another.
Your mysterious Prince Charming with his schmaltzy drivel.
I'm in love with his words.
The words of a poet
engraved upon my heart.
Even Apollo couldn't make me forget them.
Maybe Brutus writes them.
Brutus is a brave, virtuous, upstanding fellow.
And an intrepid horseman too, I hear.
Praetorians, halt!
We weren't expecting you, Brutus.
Gently, Tweety!
It's nothing. A slippery leopard skin.
Have the groom quartered.
And get this damn bird stuffed!
I desire your heart as Caesar desires the world
Armed with my love, I launch my attack
The pretty weasel, the charming deer,
The jay, the slow worm,
My friends of the woods
Dance along in my footsteps
To cry out as one with me...
It's you?
It's him?
It's me!
You're here so early!
Traffic was light.
I was eager to meet my betrothed.
You didn't lie, Obnoxias.
She's magnificent.
I bear gifts.
Pretty imposing, huh?
It's me and you. And a big lion.
Picture it at home. I used my imagination.
And that's not all.
I know you like poetry and it just so happens...
I'm a big fan myself.
I've written a few lines
in praise of your beauty.
First, when there's nothing
But a slow glowing dream That your fear seems to hide
Deep inside your mind
All alone, I have cried
Silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel, made of stone
What a feeling, being's believing...
Well, it's not...
- Am I ridiculous? - Not at all!
I am. It's because
I wasn't totally into it. I'll try it again.
- No way! - Who said that?
I did.
My name is Lovesix.
- What's your name? - Lovesix.
I'm from the only village in Gaul resisting Caesar!
Are you now?
I love Princess Irina and...
I want to marry her.
How dare you defy Brutus?
Are you an emperor's son?
What mighty feats make you
worthy of the hand of a princess?
- I'll win the Olympic Games! - Will you now?
So what do I do now? Tell me. I don't get it.
Throw myself at your feet?
Do a Zorba dance?
Very funny, little Gaul.
Quarter him!
- No! - No?
- I accept the challenge. - What challenge?
I'll marry the winner of the Games.
What is this tosh?
The King of Greece must marry his daughter
to a man who is as brave as the Greek people.
Here I am!
Just a sec.
Playing hard to get, huh?
I like it. I like it!
All right...
Basically, if those are my daughter's wishes,
those are the king's wishes.
- Meaning? - Well... So be it!
I'll tell my dad.
Wait! He's just a tiny Gaul.
Clear off!
On your chariot!
Your rags.
Strength is dumb.
Why say that, Obelix?
It's dumb and it's mean.
Wolves eat lambs,
sharks eat little fishies,
spiders eat flies...
The weakest are always the kindest.
We can try to defend the weak.
But when I slap someone strong, since I'm stronger,
he becomes weak.
When the Romans attack, we're weak. We have to fight back.
True strength means holding back your strength.
I'll never be strong again.
- What's up? - No idea.
I'll ask him.
Excuse me, Roman. Is someone chasing you?
We saw you jogging so...
We thought a boar was after you.
You call this jogging?
I'm Gluteus Maximus! The fastest man in the Roman Empire!
You do walk a little fast.
I'm the strongest!
I've been selected to represent Rome at the Olympic Games, by Jupiter!
I'll give you jogging!
Catch this!
See, you just can't help yourself.
It's because of the tree.
Yeah, sure...
Without trees, he'd be fine.
That's forests for you. You meet a lot of trees.
It's the wind.
It pushed you and it uprooted the tree.
I'm the strongest!
Make your day! Go ahead, you Gaul!
It's not right to want to be the strongest all the time!
- I'm sick of being the Roman! - Your turn.
No, I'm sick of losing.
- I'm Asterix, not a Roman! - Let me slap you.
Lovesix is back!
He's here!
Lovesix is here! Lovesix is back!
Caesar doesn't age...
He matures.
His hair doesn't go grey... It lightens.
Caesar is immortal...
for years to come.
Caesar is mighty, all-conquering.
He's a leopard,
a samurai.
He's indebted to no man.
Not Rocco or his brothers
or the Sicilian clan!
Caesar has the right stuff.
The Academy even named Caesar Best Emperor.
Ave, me!
It's me, Brutus. Open up!
Tenacius, the code.
- Code? - The door code.
No, 1,000!
- Do you know it? - No, he does.
Get lost.
A- V-E-U...
- 24! - Enough already!
As for you... don't move, whatever you do.
Stay! You'll like it.
Battering ram!
Ave, Caesar. Your son's here.
He knows.
Egypt has her 7 plagues. Caesar has Brutus.
Ave, Dad. I was in Greece.
- A word. - He's listening.
A small hitch. My wedding has been delayed.
It's OK, nothing serious.
That slob Obnoxias will marry her to the Olympic winner.
So, I've decided to represent Rome!
- Who? You? - Yeah!
- Ridiculous! - Why?
You can't represent yourself!
- Romans run faster, jump higher... - Me!
Caesar is Roman. The world is well conceived.
Your proper place is behind Caesar!
- I'm going anyway. - Caesar says no!
- Whatever... - By Jupiter! Speak up!
It's always the same.
Whenever I want the slightest thing,
you cut me down. If Mama were here...
Forget your mother!
So be it. The die is cast.
If you want to show off, do it!
Go Greek on me!
Excuse me.
I brought you a souvenir from Greece, a bag of olives.
My taster's dead.
Oh, they're pitted.
This year alone,
your little gifts have cost me 47 tasters!
Really? 47? That's a lot.
No, but these are kosher.
Go on, swallow it.
One leopard had to go.
Lovesix is back from Greece. Let's give him a fitting welcome!
Where is our great traveller?
Lovesix, what are you up to?
Carry me over!
Is that a Greek custom?
To marry the Princess, I must win the Olympics.
I never will, so I'd rather hang.
Lovesix, you're hanging by your feet...
I want to love, not die.
- Win the what? - The Olympic Games.
They're held every 4 years.
For Greeks and Roman provinces only.
We're Gauls! We're not allowed to go.
He hangs, so lovesick
But upside down, he'll just be sick!
That's excellent!
No one's listening.
- I'll help you win the games. - What's that?
- I have a heart. - That's irrelevant.
- We're Gauls, not Romans. - Let's dress up as Romans!
- How? - I'll cut off my moustache.
By Toutatis!
We are Romans!
Romans? Since when?
Since Julius Caesar conquered Gaul!
We didn't fight at Gergovia for nothing!
Calm down. It's bad for your heart.
Asterix is right.
We're a Roman province, so we're Romans!
Kissy kissy...
We can take part?
And win?
Wed a princess?
I'll go to Greece, too.
Why not? To sing my hymn to Gaul!
Obelix, the strong, the weak...
I just confiscated the harp.
Asterix and Obelix will take Lovesix to Olympia!
Teach Caesar a lesson once and for all!
I'll come, too. I'll make my potion there.
Up with us Romans!
Up with us Romans!
A secret weapon! We must tell Caesar.
Know what Caesar does to bearers of bad news?
Nice. Gentlemen.
Not that way.
One day I'll fly away...
- These Gauls are crazy! - Let's go.
- I'm the best! - Superb!
Look at that hold!
Look at my abs!
My dorsals! My pecs!
3 pecs! What a eunuch!
- Your neck? - Eunuch.
I had him snipped. He was partying all night.
I'm tired of sport.
Help me. I'm stiff all over.
How did I do in the high jump?
12 feet, O great Brutus.
The long jump?
26 feet, O very great Brutus.
I'm progressing. The wide jump?
No such thing!
I'll sleep now.
Silenceus! Sing me a song.
Brutus is great
Brutus is first-rate
Brutus is courageous Brutus is generous
He'd give gold to the poor
No, not the poor! Get real!
Count the press-ups.
596, 597,
Ave, Brutus!
Formation time! A tortoise.
Tortoise formation!
- That's no tortoise. - It is.
No, it's not.
It is, in army terms, that's a tortoise formation.
In army terms. But in animal terms,
it's round with 4 paws and an ugly mug.
That's a tortoise. I want it in animal terms.
Tortoise formation in animal terms!
Now that's what I call a tortoise.
What's that formation?
It's an... attack formation.
- Attacking what? - Well, attacking us.
- The Games... - Yes, what?
If you want to win...
What am I doing? Train hard!
I mean, great Brutus, you have to run, throw, wrestle... yourself.
Wait a minute.
- Was that an order? - No!
- Yes, it was an order! - It wasn't.
Silenceus, did he give me an order?
Sometimes I regret having your tongue cut out. Speak up!
You gave me an order.
But it doesn't matter.
Sin confessed, sin half pardoned.
Say: "Yes, I gave you an order. "
I gave...
you... Ah, you!
I gave you an order.
There you go.
You were scared? I'm not a monster.
Thought you'd be quartered?
Thought he'd be quartered!
Throw him to the lions! That'll teach him!
I have just what you need, great Brutus.
A new elixir I made myself.
I called it EPO, Elixir Pro Olympics.
My masterpiece.
It can't be detected by the beetle test.
Does it work?
Does EPO work?
I'll turn your athletes into Apollos!
Put it down.
Last time.
So, tell me... in this mess,
would you have something to eliminate a guy who...
rules over the world and his son...
and whose son wants to get rid of him?
You want to kill Caesar?
Do you or don't you?
For Caesar, I don't have something...
I have the thing!
What're you waiting for? Go get it.
Come here, you.
Great Brutus, this is Covadinpus!
An inventor of killing machines. Remarkable boy.
Very inventive.
You bullshitting me?
No, never, O great Brutus.
Doctorjekyllus, I'll use you for my next experiments,
you piece of sh...
What's your name, dwarf?
I'm Brutus.
Great Brutus! Evil Brutus! Call me what you like.
My rules are simple.
If you make me happy and content, I'll cover you in gold.
But if you disappoint me...
I'll have you quartered!
What have you got?
It depends on the kind of death you want.
Slow... fast... alone on the couch...
hideous agony... death by poisoning...
No, just dead, nothing fancy.
I was parched!
I think I have the solution.
- Dissolution! - What?
Dissolution! Dissolve him.
It looks just like bath salts...
It smells just like bath salts, but it isn't.
With this, he's dissolved in a flash.
- Size of the bath? - 30 by 10.
30 by 10?
No more than 4 grains.
Is it for a wedding, a birth?
A retirement.
I'll see you in Olympia.
Greece is a long haul.
Greece! The Acropolis... its sky blue sea...
Listen. It ends with:
"I drift forever among the whales
Your love in my heart is the wind in my sails"
How do you manage to put words together so beautifully?
First, I eat. A little.
Then, I have to forget I'm strong. And the words just flow.
You've made me hungry.
For a few days,
Rome will lose its status as capital of the Empire
for another city
attracts the athletes and supporters from around the world,
The champions from every province will nobly compete
and thus celebrate the universal virtue of sport
in the magnificent city that symbolises it:
J ust a second, you two. I D parchment!
- Ave, Caesar! - Ave, Caesar, sure...
They seem uptight.
With Caesar attending the Games,
they're afraid of chariot bombs.
Chariot bombs!
- Why add a new sport? - To liven up the Games!
Let's get modern here, you jokers.
You get a haggis.
11 athletes in short togas
kick it around until it reaches
a fishing net. What do you think?
What would you call this new sport?
Well, I'd call it feet-ball.
- It'll never catch on! - Maybe.
Excuse me!
We'd like to sign up.
Wrong line. The ticket office is over there.
We're not spectators, we're athletes.
Yes, the Gallo-Roman team!
Athletes? You?
Can't you tell?
Of course we can tell. Idiots!
Get your portraits engraved to the left.
Have a nice day.
Ave, Dad!
Hold this.
Ave, Dad!
Let a sleeping Caesar lie.
Sorry. I just got in. A huge chariot jam held me up.
All roads lead to Rome but try getting out!
Settling in with the Greeks?
Caesar has moved house.
Greece is part of the Empire. Caesar is at home everywhere.
Great news. Look what I've brought you from Rome.
What is it this time?
Bath salts. Incredible. They soften up your skin.
They relax you. Know what?
I'll run you a bath to try them.
A perfumer makes them near the catacombs. A lovely fellow.
You're out conquering day in, day out.
Empire building's fine but you ignore your local shopkeepers now.
And that's a pity.
This'll make Pop fizz!
Maybe I've overdone it.
Dad! Ignore the bubbles. They're normal.
The water's too hard here. That'll soften it.
Nothing worse than itching in your armour.
Right... Father, have a delicious bath.
Bath tester!
Do we have to train too?
Don't! You'll only discourage everybody.
It's not fair...
Obelix! We know him!
Running in the woods. Gluteus...
- Gluglu... - Maxi...
Gluteus Maximus!
Not the Gauls!
He fell off!
See you around!
That's them! The invincible Gauls!
We've had it! We've had it!
- Let me see Brutus. - He's busy.
- Keep out. - Where's Brutus?
I have an urgent message.
The Gauls use a magic potion. They're invincible. We can't win.
We'll get quartered!
Meet the winners.
Not much of a likeness.
Get the hecklers quartered.
- She's pretty. - I know.
Ave, Dad!
Ave, me!
Not bad!
Excuse me... Excuse me, let me through.
Excuse me...
- A fine organ. - Thanks.
- You're a musician? - A bard from Gaul.
Good heavens, I'm a bard too! I'm Cacofonix.
Yes, it's me.
I know all your songs!
I love Armorica
Papa was a gladiator
I love Rock 'n' Gaul
That wasn't me.
Delighted. I'm a big fan of yours.
I'm a big fan of mine too.
I'm up next. Is the EPO ready?
Fresh this morning.
This stuff pongs!
It doesn't smell good,
it makes you good.
Doctorjekyllus! Let's break some records!
Not bad...
Never saw him without armour.
It can be misleading but with him...
Hand it over!
I mean, you have the 6-pack there but...
Could be an opening.
Guess not.
Look out, Dad!
You can't make an omelette...
Who makes omelettes? Athletes don't have time to cook.
OK, Dad?
I'm no athlete but I'd like to try that.
- What? Launch a disc? - Yes.
I prefer the hammer.
Go, Asterix! Go!
Show 'em what we're made of!
- It's us! My village! - Go, Gaul!
Watch this.
It's the magic potion, see.
- The magic potion? - It's all in the dosing.
- It's all in the wrist. - In the wrist?
Hurry it up!
She's pretty armless now!
You're getting on my nerves. Cut it out now.
I'm good with a javelin but I got the run-up wrong.
They're invincible. It's their magic potion.
We can't beat them.
- What was that? - They're invincible.
No, just after that.
We can't beat them.
No, between the two!
Magic potion?
The Gauls have a magic potion and you never told me?
- I told your centurion. - Which one?
Show me! I'll have his tongue cut out.
Complaint! Protest!
They're cheating!
These Gauls have taken a magic potion to be invincible.
And you took nothing?
That's different. I lost.
We'll use the beetlyser test!
You take a beetle.
Like that. And you blow into it hard.
See? No reaction. It's negative.
Over to you.
See that?
I fell in as a baby.
It's not in the dosing, it's in the doping.
Show a little solidarity! They cheated by mistake.
The Gallo-Romans are disqualified!
For using magic to augment their prowess!
And so the winner of this heat is...
We'll meet again!
A single defeat could be fatal.
Your performance is a disgrace!
Listen, if you don't win,
you won't just lose your wedding but your status too!
Caesar will give you the Empire's most barbaric little province!
You'll never set sandal in Rome again, by Juno!
And by myself! Ave!
- Don't care. I'll kill you. - What did you say?
Me? Nothing.
Oh, yes, I was thinking out loud.
- I'll give Dad a gift. - Be gone!
Your helmet!
Lovesix... It's not over.
It's not over yet.
Not over yet.
With or without the potion, we are brave Gauls!
Their muscles are 10 times bigger.
Muscles? It's just decoration.
Their skeleton's the same as yours.
Yours is actually bigger.
- Think of your princess. - Exactly! Obelix is right.
Think of Irina.
He's a perfect sparring partner. You can't hurt him!
On guard!
Think of Irina.
No! Hit me harder.
- Hit him! - Hard.
- Go on. - Take that!
Imagine he's Brutus.
Use your shoulder!
No, wait.
Asterix is right.
Put your shoulder into it. Like this.
- Why hit him? - I didn't. I showed him.
- You hit him! - Didn't!
I illustrated your words.
Did I ask you to illustrate my words?
Do we train him or not?
I train him. You do nothing!
Yeah, Mister Asterix gives advice! Mister Asterix knows best!
So, you give the advice since Mister Obelix is so smart!
Don't want to!
We didn't wait for Cacofonix?
Oh, don't we look sulky?
- Give me some joy. - Joy schmoy!
What're you doing here?
I'd had enough of our village where talent is crushed.
I'm in the City of the Arts
to sing of your feats!
- Put the harp away. - Lovesix...
Don't say that, Lovesix.
Your odds are good.
Your lover's heart is...
much stronger than an athlete's.
Nice line. I love it!
An athlete's heart...
a lover's heart.
An athlete's heart, a lover's heart.
"A kiss, when all is said and done, what is it?
An oath ratified,
a sealed promise.
An avowal seeking confirmation.
A rose-dot on...
A rose-dot on... "
"... the 'i' of adoration. "
- The what? - The "i".
- The what? - The "i"!
- Anyone there? - Nobody!
Introduce me to the talking bush, please.
This is Obelix, Princess.
Hi, Princess.
I'm just his mouthguard... bodyguard.
That's right, my bodyguard. He's incredibly strong.
Really? Let's see.
- No. - Oh, yes!
- Jump. - No, Irina!
- Thank you. - I've never held a princess before!
Go for a little walk.
Dogmatix and I will keep a lookout.
You're in love, too!
They're beautiful!
They're beautiful, too!
You have to go back up now. I'll make a ladder.
- They're beautiful! - Careful, Obelix.
Cooey! My Princess!
My little piece of feta!
My darling moussaka!
My vine leaf!
It's me! Your future husband!
Sorry to bother you at this late hour but...
whilst thinking of your beauty, a poem came to me.
I couldn't wait.
I wanna love you
every day and every night
We'll be together
with a roof right over our heads
Is this love?
Is this love?
I always get stuck there.
Sorry, I'm so emotional.
I'll go on.
What a cheeky minx!
See that? Brutus does that to people!
You'll be going home alone tonight.
Coming! My strong arms...
Wow! You're strong, too!
Let's not stop there, baby!
- I'm not decent. - Fine!
I'll continue to climb the ladder to love!
No, Brutus, I'm in my nightdress.
My little piece of feta!
Bye-bye, Brutus.
Go for it!
Who sings in stadiums?
The Rolling Menhirs.
My friends! Come in!
Please excuse my humble tent.
"A true Bedouin entertains under his camel. "
A Mesopotamian proverb.
- What's this? - A little present.
You know what we call doings like this in our line of work?
Keep your hair on.
Corruption would be giving you silver.
So what's this?
This... is gold. It's a gift of gold.
We can't really refuse a gift.
No, Mr Brutus! You're knocking at the wrong door!
Honesty, integrity, ubiqui...
Gentlemen, follow me.
We've heard enough!
Hey, fart face!
Here's another offer.
I can have you and your stooges quartered.
We'll take the gold.
We'll take it right now.
Boys, for the wrestling, I won't be needing you.
I have a secret weapon.
The whole ancient world will envy the wrestler we have!
The world's strongest man!
He is scared of neither fear nor pain.
He knocks out 5 oxen for breakfast!
He squeezes juice from coconuts with his bare hands!
A mean machine! A muscle mountain!
I give you Humungus!
Come on, lad! Come on, kiddo!
Come on, sonny! Come to Daddy!
Come on!
Any sudden moves can spook him.
He's in a grumpy mood!
Who's a grumpy boy today!
Calm down!
Humungus and I had a falling-out once. Nothing serious.
But I wanted him quartered.
Anyhow, this lad's joints are so strong...
the horses were torn in two from the effort.
Impressive, huh?
Right, Humungus, my boy?
- Has he eaten? - Three times.
It's out there.
Go, Humungus!
Mincemeat time!
An athlete's heart...
We should give him a drop of the potion.
Rome wins!
- Bravo who? - Brutus!
This crowd! This atmosphere!
An audience worthy of my talent!
I have to sing!
Don't you dare!
A tiny drop...
What's wrong with you two?
Obelix, no cheating!
Cacofonix, no singing! Is that clear?
Rome wins!
Excuse us.
Excuse us for being the best.
Caesar finds these games most amusing.
Smash the Gaul to a pulp
and I'll cover you with gold. Gold!
You're an animal, Humungus!
And this maybe?
All right.
We're going to win!
Go on! Go for it!
You'll see!
- Go! - For Irina.
Lovesix! Fear not, you can come to my wedding.
Return the favour and invite me to your funeral!
Turn round!
Behind you!
Get up! Stand!
Still, he took the fewest blows.
Rome wins by default!
Excuse me.
Brutus wins!
I'll waste you!
That's not allowed!
What's he doing?
Look at him!
He's cheating!
I gave it all I've got.
What's wrong? Is there a problem?
Brutus wins!
No problem.
It's hopeless. Even when he loses, he wins.
Well? Julius...
Happy? A fine victory!
I'm impressed by the grandeur of Rome!
Brutus may well win
but the whole Empire will mock Rome because of his cheating.
- No one cheated! - I'm talking to Dad.
Julius Caesar will be the Olympic champion in all-out farce!
Want him impaled? Fed to the lions?
Or cut...
Such audacity for a mere Gaul!
You dare to defy Caesar!
Very rash of you. Lions have devoured others for less.
Well said, Dad! I'd have him quartered!
You say Rome cheated?
The spectators are disappointed?
Lowly Gaul, Brutus is not Rome.
Caesar has always respected the desires of conquered peoples.
You want a test of valour and courage?
Without potions or corrupt judges?
You want blood, sweat and tears?
Caesar cancels all previous contests
and decrees that the winner
will be he who wins the last event:
The chariot race!
Cut it out!
What's this thing?
Since Caesar is in love with his image, his image will be his downfall.
How does it work?
This mirror has a frame filled with poison darts.
When the victim steps in front of the mirror,
the mechanism releases the darts, causing instant death.
If the dial's on "instant death". There's "hideous agony",
"death alone on the couch"...
I know! Help me. We'll put it there.
Dad! How are you?
Meet Covadinpoo.
Covadinpoo... JC, Julius Caesar, my dad.
Covadinpoo is a mirror cutter.
He has made this gift.
Covadinpoo, tell him about your gift!
You made it, you're the best man to talk about it.
O very great...
O hugely terrifically immense Caesar!
- Ave, me! - Enough!
Well, you see, Caesar, it's...
It's a mirror. But not just any mirror.
What is a mirror to Caesar?
Since Caesar... is beauty?
But not just any beauty! Not beauty...
Beauty at its most beautiful!
I felt a mirror could not
reflect an image more beautiful than Caesar's beauty.
That's impossible since no one is more beautiful!
- Impossible, right? - Impossible.
Then again, its reflection couldn't be less beautiful
than Caesar's beauty, even to flatter Caesar,
because that would insult Caesar's beauty.
And that's why I decided
to create a mirror that would reflect...
Oops, sorry.
...that would reflect Caesar's beauty perfectly.
- Something like... - A mirror!
It's like a mirror...
to look at yourself in.
- Shall I uncover it? - Uncover it.
I'm not worthy of being reflected in this mirror.
I shall leave you with your most Caesarly reflection.
Father, may this modest mirror bring you eternal serenity.
- Ave, father! - Go on...
Look at yourself! You're the fairest of 'em all.
Go on!
Mirror tester!
Stay on the scene
Like a sex machine
Listen, we should kidnap the Gauls' druid
and force him to give us his potion.
Really? How will you do it?
We can't cheat anymore.
Who asked you?
Silenceus, did we ask him?
So zip it! Shut up!
- What's that? - An elixir of invisibility.
To kidnap Getafix during the druids' convention.
Gluteus Maximus, drink it.
I've got a bit of a stomach upset.
What a pity. That must be painful.
- A little. - I quite understand.
- Better now? - Much better.
Drink it.
It doesn't work.
And now, go, Gluteus Maximus.
Go fetch.
No, we're going with him.
And now, here is Numeric
from the Black Forest.
Dear druid friends, dear colleagues.
I invented an elasticity potion.
Could four strapping druids lend a hand?
Go on, pull.
Pull. Yeah, pull!
Go on, pull!
There we are.
That's what I call elasticity.
What was the plan?
Here's the situation. You have us and the druids.
Triangulation. We spread out.
We corroborate. More or less.
- And we localise. - Meaning?
Well, it's very simple. In topographical terms...
Enough! Gluteus Maximus, grab him!
You can let go now.
- What's wrong? - He's in the way.
Honestly! Come here, boy.
Asterix! Obelix! My friends!
Getafix has been taken.
An invisible force has kidnapped your druid!
- During our convention! - What's the world coming to?
Invisible force? Are you sure?
As sure as I'm standing here.
If Dogmatix sniffed something Getafix had touched,
do you think he could find him?
He was in your way!
Mr Dogmatix, Mr Asterix is sorry. That OK?
What should he sniff?
Find Getafix!
Go on.
- What's he up to? - He's asking his pals for the way.
Lie down!
He's found it.
- I'll stay here. - Good idea.
I need to be rested for my audience.
I would go no doubt, but the artist in me can't.
Good boy! Come here, fella.
Yes, Gauls?
My friends, about time!
Are you OK?
I said I couldn't make the potion without bat's spit.
They'll torture me...
Hurting a druid for some potion?
Give some to everybody!
Everyone'll be equal, and I can compete!
You're a genius!
Since the Romans want this potion, we'll give 'em some!
- That's what I meant. - Good idea, Asterix.
First time I've seen anyone get beaten up by a bat!
If the druid doesn't cooperate, he'll be quartered.
Only he knows the recipe.
- The guards! - The tent! The druid!
What did I tell you? He's made his magic stew!
He cracked. Druids are dumb as hell!
Why did he leave the cauldron?
I haven't a clue.
He drank some, then knocked out 2 guards.
I'd have done the same.
It must be a trap.
Good thinking.
Taste it.
- Why not him for once? - Fair point.
- Thirsty? - Not now.
Oh, yeah? Go on.
- Hit someone. - Who?
Not him.
- You! - Why me?
I've been itching to see this!
Me too.
- Covadinpus... - Not with that, you'll break it.
Yes! It works! It works!
We've got the magic potion!
I'll win the Olympics and lots more!
I shall become...
Master of the World!
The sand is damp. The terrain will be very heavy.
- What are you doing? - Horse-whispering. You never know.
Your wheels have 5 hoops.
You'll have more grip.
Sounds like a good plan. We'll beat them.
OK, let's go.
You don't want them around but it's hard getting rid of these things.
You can eat them.
Them, not me. I'm the boss. So it's not...
Can we talk it over?
Go ahead, eat!
No. You first!
Your turn.
Come on! Shut up and eat.
- Not bad at all! - Tasty.
May the sand of the arena
turn red with the blood of the vanquished!
Ave, Caesar!
Enjoy it while you can, Dad.
Look at him! It won't last.
That hurt.
Hey, Greek!
Check your axle!
I gave it a going-over first!
I don't believe it!
Good, Michael. 100 grains of sand ahead.
Go, Lovesix. You're the best!
Lovesix! Lovesix!
Was it wise giving the potion to Brutus?
Be patient, Obelix...
Patient? For now, Lovesix is last.
What? He's in the lead and he stops?
Maybe someone changed the rules.
A crucial moment, guys.
Jean, I need more grip.
The double-grip wheels!
No more pit-stops. Over to you, Michael.
Let's go, guys.
300 grains of sand. Good work, guys!
4 horsepower isn't bad. Lend me a few parts?
Bye, you Hun!
No way!
Who's the best?
Call this a chariot race? I call it a circus. Pathetic!
I'm taking note!
Bring on the empty horses! Fast!
My beloved!
What the...
To encourage him.
Thanks, Jean!
- Obelix! - What?
- Stop that chariot! - Why? It's empty!
Exactly! Come on!
- Just do it! - Right!
Go, my babies!
What's he doing?
You just don't get it.
He can't beat Lovesix!
Spanish chariot, go!
Hey, Lovesix, who's champ now?
Where is he? Where's Dogmatix?
Sorry, Obelix, I was with a fan.
Dogmatix has gone!
Don't blame me! I didn't even sing!
Praetorians, the race is nearly over. So what's the plan?
The VIP stand. Us.
Infiltrate. Surround. Caution.
Then I say, as we rehearsed, "You're under arrest!"
Who? Us?
No, not you!
No, not Brutus!
Remember. Above all, finish the race!
Thanks, Asterix!
Obelix! There he is!
- Where? - There!
Dogmatix! Stronger than summer love!
- More serious too. - You said it.
It's a plot! I arrest Caesar and get covered in gold.
And us?
I don't recall any mention of you guys.
You heard that? A plot against Caesar!
Gluteus Maximus!
Cut me free, you fool!
See you, Brutus!
Outta the way!
You'll fart fire with this! Open up!
Not bad, huh?
This'll power you up!
Take it. It's good stuff!
Go, Lovesix! Go!
Louder! I can't hear you!
There you go! Brutus has won the Games.
And Greece wins a prince. Caesar is happy.
He found these games most amusing.
They may not last 2,000 years but they certainly are amusing.
Everything's fine.
I accuse Brutus of using a magic potion conferring superhuman powers!
Me? I cheated?
You're nuts, little man! Brutus needs no magic potions!
First, I can't make a magic potion.
Second, I don't know a druid who can make one.
And, third, I've won. So, zip it!
So, zip it!
A Greek princess cannot marry a cheat.
I demand that Brutus take the beetlyser test!
Who asked her?
I'd be delighted to, myrtle berry.
I'll take any test you like.
The beetles have vanished!
That's a bummer.
What can I say? We wanted to help...
Really, Brutus? Actually, we don't need the beetles.
Our druid coloured the magic potion to trap cheats
like you!
That's why your horses' tongues are blue!
Like yours!
A blue tongue? That's ridiculous! Let's get serious here!
If you want my hand, stick your tongue out at me.
I can't, my sweet. It would be rude.
Better than that!
All the way!
Hail to the Gauls!
We are the champions!
Couldn't you have said so?!
Up, Gaul!
That's the last straw!
No hard feelings, Mr Brutus?
At least you tried.
Village People, not now!
Mr Brutus, there's a plot against your dad!
- Romans! - Dressed in black!
Maybe we should help him out.
You have a moustache. I never noticed.
You're under arrest!
That's right, Dad!
Unlucky in sport, lucky in inheritance!
- It was Brutus! - That's terrible.
Caesar's dead! Brutus is born!
Long live Brutus the First!
Seize him!
I said, seize him!
Seize him, Tenacius!
Nice games, weren't they? Very relaxing.
When I said, "Seize him"...
I was joking. I meant, "Help him up. "
That's not a slap, Mr Caesar.
Who asked you, bozo?
May I?
That's a slap.
Thank you, Gaul.
We must render unto Gaul that which is Gaul's.
The race and the Olympic Games
were won by the team
of Gallo-Romans!
Thank you! Thank you, people!
As King Obnoxias is a man of his word,
Irina and Lovesix's wedding is held in Greece,
together with all the Gauls
who made the journey specially
and all the VIPs of the ancient world,
3- 2!
Edifis is here!
- I ' m glad to see you! - My pal!
Good to see you!
Great to see you.
It's funny...
You're more handsome.
It's true. I swear.
Good to see you.
I hear you won.
Yes! Let me tell you...
We started with the potion.
Then, they said...
Mrs Geriatrix - Edifis.
- He's Cleopatra's personal architect. - Well said.
Hi, Edifis.
Hi, ladies.
Excuse me, my friends.
Let a pro do this if you don't mind.
I want to introduce a fellow bard.
You'll see, he's mega.
Hairix Bardix.
Hey, Olympix!
Please give him a very warm welcome.
My love!
Gentlemen, let me show you
the new prototype of feet-ball.
I've done all kinds.
I built the Taj Halal.
Heard of it? It's in Papua.
What's in it?
What's in it? There's nothing in it.
It's a round haggis.
The Tower of Pisa... that was me.
OK, it tilts to one side. It's a concept.
It'll never work.
I can build an abode for your lady friends. Not funny?
It'll never work. I'll give you "It'll never work"!
You'll see if it'll never work.
Hey, Asterix!
What did I tell you?
That is bat-ball.
You're a sportsman?
Yes, of course, on several occasions.
Show me what you can do.
With the ball.
That turn you on?
- That all? - "That all"?
What do you want?
- Zidanis... We've been cousins for? - Too long.
- You're Egyptian, too. - I'm not.
You dressed me in this crap.
I bought you nice hair. Like it?
Yes, I like the hair.
That's down to me.
Get off my pyramids.
You get off my pyramids! I'm onto something big.
Like always with you! And we get the crap.
Finders keepers, losers weepers!
"Losers weepers"!
Look, isn't that Olympic material?
Amazing foot work.
He looks like a pro.
He's not about to retire. Huh, Grandpa?
Want it?
There you go!
That's good.
Hold on. I'll call it hands-ball.
Edifis! Good to see you.
Can I have it?
Look, Michael Jordanus.
You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!
Please, mister, can I have my ball back?
So, are you sure we were a hit?
A hit-ette.
Stop sulking.
- Yes or no? - Yes.
- No, people can... - Kiss!
...see us. - I said, kiss!
- I'm Edifis. - Now!
The Olympics weren't bad, huh?
Well, you can't beat a good wild boar hunt.
Hey, Brutus! You said you'd cover us in gold.
We're just covered in chains.
I never said that. You misunderstood me.
Caesar needs peace and quiet
to admire his imperial reflection.
Hey, you two!
Row faster and silently!
You too, my son.
Ave, Dad.
Ave, me.
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