We're going to do the OX quiz
What could it be? What is it?
Here is O, here is X
Listen to the question and choose one option
You can just choose one
Please give us the question
We'll start from our maknae Shuhua
Come on, come on baby~
Q: Can Shuhua distinguish between 3 types of coke?
Of course!
(caption: What?)
(Soyeon repeating the question for Yuqi)
They're asking if she can drink all of it?
No, she has to figure out what type of cola it is
eyyyy no no no X
Shuhua-ya, I believe you!
[YQ] Coca Cola is the only type of cola...
There are 3 types of cola?
Zero, Coca Cola, Pepsi
(Soojin gave a hint about which one is Zero)
(massive protest)
That's cheating
Do it quickly
Zero is really sweet
I think she'll be able to do it...
Pepsi (she actually said pesi)
Pesi? What is pesi?
'This is pepsi, this is the red color cola (Coca cola)
This is the dark color (Zero)
For me, Cola, Zero, Pepsi
-Oh! -Is it right? -It's correct
Next is Yuqi
Q: Can Yuqi flip a water bottle 5 times?
I can't, I can't
X is this side
We've done it before
This is really... It seems like you'll be able to do it
Yuqi-ah fighting!
Someone was doing this yesterday
-Am I wrong? -Soyeonie is good at this -I'm good at it
What are you talking about? I'm good
-No, I'm good! -I'm good
-Did you see it? -I saw it
-When? -I got 1st place that time
But I can do it too...
If you can't do it, sleep in the living room
No one will be able to sleep today
It's ok, I won't sleep today
Hurry up! (X2)
Let's go! -You have to do it 5 times, Yuqi-ah
Yah, it isn't hard
(arguing about whether that was cheating or practice)
I think you won't be able to do it...
Honestly, isn't it easy?
I want to leave~
It's really easy
-I'll finish it -If you can't, be careful~
(headphone users watch out)
(watch out again)
It's ok
(watch out again lol)
I don't have to sleep in the living room, right?
Soyeon will be able to do it
Q: Can Soyeon play 'ChamChamCham' with the staff?
She'll win
You'll win
If you win, you win
It's 3 v. 1 right now
Because Miyeon-unnie is here, I'll lose (?)
-Why? -Then I'll go
I believe in unnie
I feel like she'll lose...
(Do I even need to give warnings now? They're just always so loud)
Wow I'm last place
Good job, Soyeon-ah
Ah, I can't do this
I'm X
Q: Will Soojin be able to pick out a diamond card from a deck of cards?
Look at it (X3)
How come I haven't even gotten one right?
I think that if Miyeon is there, you won't win
I haven't even gotten 1 right yet, wow
You can't pick what Miyeon picks
I'm here!
Q: Can Minnie put five eggs on the back of her hand?
-She can't! -Of course she can't
How do I do it?
No, Miyeon-unnie is here
Ah! That's right!
It can't be if Miyeon is there. If Miyeon is there, I'll stay here
Do it with that hand
You have to do this in one try
-Minnie -What?
If you can't do it, you're sleeping in the living room today
Oh, it's possible
Because her hand is big
I told you guys
If Miyeon follows you it won't work
As expected, you couldn't do it
-I won't get caught on this one -I don't believe you (X4)
Ok then, unnie, please win. X~
No, but seriously, how could I not get even 1 right?
Before doing it, please say something
Do you think you'll be able to do it or not? We have to choose
Because we have to do the opposite
Ah, it's funny
Q: Will Miyeon get caught in the Russian Roulette?
Of course she'll get caught
Quickly say it, unnie. Will you get caught or not?
I won't...
I think she'll be caught (X2)
-Who are you going to do it with? -I'll do it with you
If you go against Soyeon, you'll get caught
Wait, do I want to be caught?
-X -I'm X
But seriously, I don't have any thought of getting caught
(singing Apink's 'I'm so sick') (check it out it's a good song)
That's enough
Rock, paper, scissors
I'll go first
You said Miyeon would get caught
So I won't get caught
I feel like I'll get caught
Why am I shaking?
Slowly (X3)
Honestly I've never gotten caught in this game before
See? I told you I always get caught in this
Even still, you're last place
Unnie, you're last place
It's the reality. I won't be able to eat anyways
Who was 1st place?
-Me -It seems like Soyeon-unnie
I'm always 1st in these kinds of games
First of all, it's not me
Soyeon got 4 questions right
Then Miyeon-unnie didn't get a question right even once, right?
Yeah, I couldn't even get one right
Please pay attention to us
(she made a dad joke about her frog headband)
Soyeon's prize will be sent through the company
(Soyeon repeats it)
(Thanks for watching! Please subscribe!
For more infomation >> [ENG SUB/FULL] (G)I-dle Newsade O X Game - Duration: 9:43.-------------------------------------------
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Dance with me
Η Τζούλια Καραγιάννη έβγαλε τις γάζες από το πρόσωπο και μας δείχνει τη μύτη της μετά την πλαστική ε - Duration: 1:25.
Την απόφαση να αλλάξει τη μύτη της, πήρε πριν από μερικές ημέρες η Τζούλια Καραγιάννη
Η πρώην παίκτρια του Power of love, επισκέφτηκε τον πλαστικό χειρούργο, στην προσπάθειά της να αλλάξει την εμφάνισή της
Η ίδια μάλιστα θέλησε να μοιραστεί με τους διαδικτυακούς της φίλους σχετικά στιγμιότυπα
Το απόγευμα της Τετάρτης, η Τζούλια Καραγιάννη, έβγαλε τις γάζες από το πρόσωπό της, αποκαλύπτοντας έτσι τη νέα της μύτη
Δείτε τα παρακάτω στιγμιότυπα από τον προσωπικό της λογαριασμό στο Instagram…
El Ave Fénix - Pájaros Pintados (Montevideo, Uruguay) - Ep.1 - Duration: 4:10.
Well, a very deserved first place on Cat C
Thank you for coming, nice to have you here
Pájaros Pintados from Uruguay
My name is María Luisa
I am Lucía, i am 34 years old
Hey, here's Ivy
My name is Martina
Five seconds
Well, about an interview that Hernán Prieto has been working on
he has been chatting with Roller Derby players.
¿Do you know what that is, Antonio? -Tell me more
A new sport growing in Uruguay
¿Do you wanna see? -Let's see -Roller Derby.
Roller derby would be like...
Roller derby is like an easter egg
It is a sport starting to emerge here in Uruguay
Roller derby is the best, the best, the best.
Roller derby is getting empowered
Beyond the fact that is a contact sport
we can really care for each other, take care of each other, love each other.
Well, Roller Derby is a contact sport, which implies some aggressiveness in movement
And despite that fact, on every practice
there's always this unbelievable feeling of love and caring
And i think this is because this particular sport encourages
sorority, with each other
and highlights the most collective sense
that a sport can have.
There is something you need to know,
whenever you ask a derby person
"why do you like derby, why do you play, what is it that you like about it"
might be playing or taking part in any form,
first of all, this person loves being asked about that
secondly, they won't know how to answer.
<i>Go Skyblue!</i>
<i>No pack!</i>
Player 92, player 92 Hey Jude, gets the lead jammer
Orientals, the Fatherland or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
-<i>Encore!</i> Orientals, the Fatherland or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die!
It is the vow that the soul pronounces and which, heroically we will fulfill!
It is the vow that the soul pronounces and which, heroically we will fulfill!
Which we will fulfill.
We will fulfill!
We will fulfill! We will fulfill!
Orchard Park #1 | Planet Coaster | CC - Duration: 21:55.
[birds chirping]
[light music playing]
Hello everyone, and it's Apple here welcome to my new ASMR experience. No! It's not gonna be ASMR, but I
Changed my mic settings around a little bit
So it might sound a little bit different especially then from when I stream which by the way I do
Try to share him as much as possible
It's not been as much as I'd like
But as school is about to start I should be able to get a new steady schedule. That's at Twitch.tv/AppleGlass.
There's a little bit of promo for ya. Anyway, welcome to a new series
I think it's gonna be a new series
I started to do one of these before and I had recorded hours and hours and hours
But I never did this very important part which is going back over and doing the voice commentary
So welcome to planet coaster. If you've never seen this game, you know, where have you been?
But anyway, I'm building an amusement park and I actually started this park on my stream again: Twitch.tv/AppleGlass
I started this
yesterday actually on stream. I decided you know, let's let's do a new park
it's been quite a few months since I've done anything in this game and kind of I...
the last time I was playing this it was
when I was going to do this exact type of video and I had built and built and built and
I didn't want to stream it again until I had done the video because I had done
Between 4 and 8 hours. I can't remember because I think I made like 2 four-hour recordings actually and I
Wanted to be able to get those out on YouTube before I streamed again
So people would be able to see and have an update but I didn't and then I just kind of I kept putting it off
And so I kept not playing the game on stream and then now it's been months and I haven't played
Anyway, we're back. I said, you know, we're gonna do this and I started building
But I wanted to last night after the stream after dinner and everything
I said, you know, let me play a little bit more
Maybe I can maybe I can fix some of these issues that I wanted to before so what you're seeing me doing right now
I'm going through and there's there's a finicky grid system. It keeps...you probably keep seeing the blue
Squares pop up there's a finicky grid system that I'm trying to get everything to line up for
This is...so I built all of these...well I didn't actually build the little houses
these are pre-built, but I turned them around change the stores out and everything and
Trying to build them on this grid, but it's not perfectly even and if you have not played Planet Coaster
Oh my goodness
If you were not on a grid or you're not really close to the grid your paths are gonna look like poo they're
They're just gonna look terrible
So what I did originally was these all these stores were a lot closer together
And what was happening was the the queues for them. Oh see there. You're seeing the grid and it didn't work
So I said, okay
Let me go ahead and like kind of put the pathway out on the grid a little bit and then so at least it looks
like I'm on the grid and then I can connect it because I can't actually go through the building on the grid because the
low archways are too small for the grid, which is a 4 by 4, which is the smallest grid I could do and
So then I did the grid on the other side and then just connected it with a piece as you saw there
That wasn't on the grid but it makes it look like it is and see this part sticking out
that's all grid and then what I can do is I can go back in and connect it and I'm noticing here that oh
Dang it the backside of these buildings are actually on the grid
so I'm just having to make it look close, you know, see you can't get everything perfect because there it's just I mean, it's
part of
It's part of building when you're not the one building every little piece and making sure
Because when you're when you're building things that are on path
It doesn't always like to snap to the grid if you no way of making it do that. Let me know
Let me know in the comments because they would be so helpful, but originally what I had done with all of these
I think I started say it a second ago all these
all these buildings all these shops are a lot closer together and
The queues were filling up way too fast
And so I said, okay
Let's let's back it up just a bit even though it kind of destroys the image that I was creating before
As it it was sort of like it at a triangle at an angle
Where it led up and it made the castle in the back look a lot bigger. So now it's kind of the opposite
but as you'll see in this I do go back through and
Fix it a little bit
And right now I'm trying to figure out some sort of fountain because I need something now that I've opened up this huge
Area I need something in the middle. And so I'm trying to make it fountain
I made it fountain before if you if you saw my streams, I actually
Went back into the world on my previous stream
last night when I started building this building after...er... this park after
Afterwards I said, you know, let me let me go back and look in I had a great fountain
Yeah, I thought about putting pizza or a taco. A taco looked kind of cool with it. I
Actually deliberated on having a taco as my centerpiece, but because I do love tacos
They're, they're wonderful, but I decided it just did not fit
quite right, maybe one day I'll make a food a
food park but I decided on princess Amelie and
Yeah, we're gonna go with that. But I had a I had a
Really cool fountain in my previous
In my previous park and like there was a whole light show light and water show that I set up with
triggers using a roller coaster that I just kind of hid underground we always felt bad because I had
You know this long
roller coaster worker who had no way in or out but I mean in
This game you don't get to hire the workers for the ride. So
Wasn't, really? Like?
You know labor abuse was it? I don't know
Anyway, trying to make this
trying to make this fountain look a little bit better it I think I think what I do to it
Sort of works out
like I said
There's I can't figure out any good way to put these on a grid so it's all just you know
looking at this by eye and
so I'm putting all these I do have the bushes to snap to surface or align to surface and so that
Messes them up a little bit, but I am twisting them around so they don't all look exactly the same. I know it's not
perfectly even I do realize they're kind of floating a bit since they align to surface and it wasn't quite the
surface I was going for
That's the only bad part about that. So there's
there's a lot of cool things that you could do, but then
Sometimes it's just it's just annoying. It drives me bonkers. Just how some of the things work
But I think putting some more flowers up here is just making
what is making this fountain look a lot bigger even though it's quite a small fountain and
You know originally, you know, I could say oh people could sit here, but I think if I make it this big centerpiece
It would work work. Well, I went to some topiary and finally decided on these little little swirly bits a little curlicues
I don't know exactly what they are that didn't look just right because it was
The bush was going directly into it. It's one thing if it's the if it is the
Like the branches going into it, but like when just the bush is going directly into the rock
I did notice as they got around to the back that it was the the
Second tier was kind of clipping there. You can see it in the water, but I realized that
Because of how I'm building this you can't get close enough to it to actually see that
I also realized at that point that I had not been spinning these because it's like, oh the top looks the same
But then you do have these
Finicky little branches up under
[laughs] that you have to
and I had to fix and so just go out there and try to make it look like they're not all the
exact same piece and I
Think it's almost done, but I did to say I do a little bit more after I'm lining up the front
I'm not worried about too much about lighting up every little piece, but just the front
But I decided that it would look really cool
if there was some water shooting out of these little curlicues and
It takes I I haven't been like I said, I haven't been in this game for a while. So it takes me a bit
to figure out which water I want to use and I also forgot that I...
You'll see me like realize it midway through that. It goes large medium small from left to right
Instead of small medium large and so that took me a second
I was like why why isn't this working and I'm like, oh dear. Oh dear. This is this is quite a
I thought this is small and then I look at small and it's actually small so it
Takes in second, but I'm trying to once I finally get one
I'm trying to line it up in the whole topiary bush just perfectly to be able to shoot out right through the curlicue
Make another one for the other side. I think that's a good height, but we'll see. I can't remember I already
Tested it. Okay. So now we're all into light
So I did get the the heights right takes me a little while to figure out which lights. I...the lights in this game
they're nice, but
Sometimes they're they're also a bit finicky
I do really like to put the spotlights underground because they light up a huge area
You can see it lighting up just a little bit the the buildings on the left and right and you
Can just hide them away and you you can color them, whatever you want to color
But then I also said, you know, this still isn't quite right enough. I need some actual lights. So get these little
Fantasy looking torches there. I think they're like little houses
Little witch's hat-house? I'm not exactly sure [laughs]
I don't know what they're called, but I like them and I said, oh I need lights around and
It starts making these weird
It starts making these weird like
for one I couldn't
Snap-to-surface or align-to-surface exactly how I wanted it. It started making these weird angles and said no, let's let's keep going
Let's figure something else out
So I'm going all the way through
Another part of this game is all the lights aren't in the same section
at first I thought I could I thought this was just a...
I didn't realize that was like a wall sconce
For the for the candles. I thought it would be cool. I know princess Amelie is holding bows, but I thought it'd be cool
she's holding candles, too, but
Decided against that 'cause it didn't quite work
but one of the frustrating parts about this game is as I was saying is
All the lights aren't in the same place. Some of them are in scenery
Some of them are in building, so I finally decided on these
Little lanterns 'cause they're they're not too tall. I
Thought about the little rope lights, but it just doesn't work
If they're all the different fairy lights even change the colors and the fairy lights to try to try to make it work
Surprisingly like the light colors like they just they're not distinctive at all. You cannot see the different colors, which
Once I started getting some darker blues, but it was really odd to me that some of them wouldn't work
I don't know if that's a glitch to just no one has tested or if that's just how it's supposed to be.
I do know I fought with these, the positioning of these lights for quite a bit
It's like I said, you have to do everything by eye
because I I don't know how to get it on a grid if I can get on a grid and
Trying to make them even that way but then even up and down because I thought they were a little too high
They were distracting from the main feature of this which is the princess and the topiary
It'd be a great name of a book right princess and the topiary
so a princess and the frog or the princess and the pea
Princess and the topiary I should write that one day. No one steal it or if you do credit me
I don't need any money unless you make a lot of money and then that would be nice
Yeah going around
This I keep realizing it's like no this this just isn't working
They're not even I wish I could like have a ruler or sort of like when you are working in
Even your Microsoft Word and you're putting like photos into Microsoft Word
but especially if you're in Photoshop or any other
Actual photo editing or any design software you get the little lines you get the lines to say
Hey, this is lined up with this. I really think that would be a
Very good addition to this game if you had like guidelines
Based off like adaptive guidelines based off what you put in the game
so I do remember I know the park is closed right now just because I wanted all the people out so I could build I
Remembered however that once they're in they will be making lots and lots of trash
as people do and
they'll get tired. They'll need to be able to sit. So so put some of those around but then I'm like, okay
Well, it's still a bit dark here. Let's go back
Let's let's put some lanterns and started putting lanterns out
But then I realized oh darn, they're all turned this they're all rotated the same way. I don't want them exactly the same
Otherwise it looks way too generic. So I put them back and I'm like Oh! You know that
That works nicely and luckily these I didn't have to rotate except for the one 'cause it was on the angle
And so just kind of put them roughly around. I'm not too worried about making them perfectly even
I know over here I got a little frustrated with this this last one right here because I was like dang it
It's all it's further back because I put a trash can right there. I'm like, oh, well, it's it's okay
We'll see if it looks okay at the end. It does. You don't notice that it's sticking out and they are
behind you don't I mean as I'm looking right now I can see it but
Because of the different shapes of the different dimensions of the buildings behind it. You don't notice it
And actually I think it makes it look slightly bigger so
Now what I wanted to do is said, okay, well I've changed and now that there's the buildings are further back
I still need a little bit more
It's not building up to that castle the way that I want it. So I find these really cool archways
I've not seen these before in the game
I don't know if it was just an update to the to the base game or if I just not found them from before when?
I was playing but I found them and they were gorgeous
Really really pretty at night, but then I also think they're pretty during the day
I tried to I try to put maybe like another arch at the end of this I
This took me awhile to find but it was like a whale bone and I'm like that's not quite what I want
but these were the from the same the same part the fairytale palace archery it or
Architecture. I know I'm not sure that they haven't tried to read it archway. Just archway not archery [laughs]
Just try to read it and the little preview as I'm looking through this
But I really like this during the daytime
but I think it needs a little bit more pizazz and so
figuring out some flowers that will work. I do fight with the camera a bit here. The camera as always is
My one of my probably my biggest critique about the game because yeah that the grid is strange
you'll you'll mess some things up here and there but if the camera worked a bit better, I
Feel like that would...that would alleviate some of my stress in this game!
So I'm just copying this but realize I'm having to go and zoom in every time to copy the three
Pull them through to the next one
Line it up a bit and I'm like, oh, well that wasn't perfectly
Centered or at least not how I wanted
It doesn't have to be perfectly Center, but it was sticking off the edge a little bit. So I needed to fix that
But I start to realize oh, wow. This is getting very tedious and
I'm just gonna make a blueprint and
The game said oh, you have to keep making more blueprints. I
Think I even copied and pasted the wrong thing there as I'm noticing now
My description was actually the color code from something. I'd copied before I
didn't even notice that when I did it, but
Now that I have the blueprint it's so much
Easier to just go through and I can go in and now when I select it
I just like the one piece and I can duplicate it and drag it through
Because what I want to do is not just on these sides when you're walking through
But I want to put it on all four sides of this
Of these little archways even on the outside
Because it sort of when you walk through it seemed a little strange
Now I'm trying to remember exactly
What I did before like with the blueprint
So I want to take the blueprint but I decided to end up just rotating rotating that then it's much
Easier because then I can just go sideways with this
I could just
Slide them through and then I realize oh that's actually a little bit lower
But no one will know you won't know 'cause you're you're seeing me do this now, but no one else has to know [laughs]
I'm gonna breathe this through I'll rotate it. Oh good. What is that 180 degrees? I don't math
and not perfectly even with the other side, but it's okay
so I'm bring it through but then this one this little two also have to
Raise it back up because that's when I created the blueprint and so they got placed at a slightly different spot
So now we're on this side I'm really liking how it's turning out
And so it's so much quicker having the blueprint I keep...you keep seeing me turn because I don't want it too far off
I don't want it floating off of things. So I'm at least making sure the the flower box is touching the archway
and I'm realizing I saw the little thing sticking out, but then I realized oh, they're everywhere
I don't want to fix all of these. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it all the way around outside
I thought about actually
Digging it all the way, but then I said well, let me just keep doing what I was doing it and I'll...
I'll center it on each of the archways
Instead of having just a straight line because really people aren't gonna be walking around here anyway
This is this is the entrance they're going to be walking through here
They're not gonna be into little Gardens to the left and right sides. They're going to be just walking through the
through the arches
So coming up on the end here I realized I already had that one I don't mind the tree there too much
It's it is what it is. But I do need lighting lighting is something you always need. I see these
These chandeliers I said, okay. Yes, I need this and
Luckily, I had this perfect little spot at the top that I was able to line it up with because it was a symmetrical arch
and so I get it get it close enough and
Just start copying it
I do make sure that it's lining up every time so you keep seeing the camera slip out a little bit
It's me trying to make sure that it's lining up and surprisingly
Those were lined up pretty well
I was scared that I was slightly off the grid when I was building and so things the axis wouldn't be working
So I'm going around and I realize okay, this also needs some more lighting where is a good spot
and I finally figure out oh I can I can hide a light in there and
The white light is just a little bit too much
so I I play around with a few different colors and I finally decide on this pretty little like
reddish maroon pink
thing [laughs]
And I go through and I just I said, oh well this could be nice
It's just like a little bit of an accent just a little bit but to kind of help out
Because especially at those parts right there
The the little dude when I have the game paused I have the time paused right now
But he'll be like spinning around and bells will also go off. And so you want to be able to see them
Oh see look at that
I really enjoyed that. I like how it looks. It makes the castle actually look quite big
So I think that's going to be it for today
Again, let me know if this is something that you enjoy watching
Especially if you like the whole commentary with the time-lapse I can do
a live video, but this to give you a little bit of perspective
This was sped up four times and it's just over 20 minutes long. So...
it was over an hour long and
It was about almost an hour and a half long actually so if
If you want real-time building I can do that. I can do little sections of real time building. Let me know
But anyway, I will see you in the next video. Bye! [Thank you for watching]
Monster School : AVM Shorts - Epic STICKMAN FIGHT Challenge in Funny Minecraft Animation - Duration: 10:18.
* Monster School *
Red stickman: Hit like and write a comment!
Red stickman: *hahaha*
Red stickman: *hahahaha*
Zombie pigman: Oh noooooooooooo!
Zombie: Help me!
Zombie: Oh my god!
Red stickman: Really?
Zombie: *hehahaehaheh*
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