Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 26 2017

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For more infomation >> (Liberian Music 2018) Carter P - MISTAKE Official Music Video - Duration: 2:37.


Geostorm Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> Geostorm Movie Trailer


Audi A6 2.0 TDi 190 pk Ultra S tronic Sport Edition / S Line / BOSE / adaptive cruise - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 2.0 TDi 190 pk Ultra S tronic Sport Edition / S Line / BOSE / adaptive cruise - Duration: 0:59.


Cyberpunk 2077 stream part 2: Gameplay, Bad jokes, Mr Ruvver, Life path, Fireman ideas - Duration: 21:07.

Yes, in fact, I believe that they said, well, I know that they said that Cyberpunk 2077

was going to have a huge inspiration on the Deus Ex saga, and especially in the last one

Mankind Divided?

Human Revolution?

No, Mankind divided, that was the last Yes?

Am I right?

I believe so

They said they were going to inspire the game

in the gameplay of Deus Ex which I believe is great, because they already

developed a great Cyberpunk game But I expect, or I hope, that I will have

more options, because actually in Deus Ex you only could do things two ways: one was

shooting and the other one was stealth and then you had this hacking minigame

but I believe that considering that we are going to have very different character classes

that are very different, and have very different skills, and they have very different ways

of solving things I really hope that we have more options on

the ways that we have to solve things And I believed I really expressed myself like

shit Did you understand what I mean?

I think I know what you mean that's another aspect of Deus Ex, there were

so many different skills that you could put your augmentations into to enhance your abilities

but you couldn't do them all so there were like 5 or 6 different ways of

solving problems, even just sometimes, like, how are you going to break into this building?

Are you going to shoot your way through the front door?

Are you gonna try and find a secret entrance on the roof?

Are you gonna try to hack your way in?

Are you gonna hack the robots to attack the guards?

There's often just tons and tons of different ways that you could do things

They never gave you the option to bribe someone

To do what?

To bribe someone, what if you're a Fixer?

To bribe someone!

If you're a Fixer you're going to try to bribe someone

One of the things that I realized becoming a YouTuber is that you really need to be careful

with what you say because as a real person, in real life, one of the most annoying things

that you encounter in your life is when you try to explain something and people is, maybe

you're not explaining yourself properly, or people don't understand or understand a different

thing, and it happens to everybody!

I'm absolutely sure!

That's something that happens to everybody Now imagine that instead of talking to one

person you are talking to hundreds of people, the possibilities of people misunderstanding

what you say multiply exponentially and it's kind of frustrating when you say something

and you see people understanding the opposite, and you're like "Maybe I wasn't very clear

with what I said?"

And then you explain again and they don't seem to understand, is like having a couple

argument over and over, fortunately, it doesn't happen a lot, maybe this means that I know

how to explain things make them easy to understand

It's really frustrating, really mostly because sometimes I say a joke and

then people take the joke for serious and I'm like "Oh!


That was a joke!


Actually, this happens to me in real life, is not a YouTube thing, it also happens in

real life, that I say something stupid and people stares at me like

I remember, lots and lots of years ago I was dating a guy who was really hot but stupid

as a fucking shoe

I mean, so stupid

And one day I was joking, it was Christmas and I needed to go to pick up a present for

my brother and I made a joke that my cat was pissing everywhere at home and she pissed

over my jacket and then I put the jacket on because it really smelt bad and this way I

could go shopping and people would go away from me and would let me some space

and I was explaining that in front of his family who weren't as smart as he was

and they were all looking at me like what I was saying was true, like "hello?

It was a joke!

You know?

Cool" Who uses a piece of clothing where your cat

just pissed on?

I thought it was clear it was a joke sometimes this multiplies when you talk on

YouTube Yes, it had nothing to see with Cyberpunk

2077 but yes, it's quite frustrating Yes

Well, Darth Raver 8686 says: "Do you guys think that the life path from the PNP game

will have a place in Cyberpunk 2077?"

Good question Life path

Well, one of the main differences that we're going to see here in the game regarding the

original game is that, according to your leak, and we're going to believe you guys in here

we're going to somehow be able to switch from one type of character to another so

when you built your character sheet when you were going to play a game, you defined your

character very well but playing a video game is completely different, mostly because lots

of people that are going to play this video game never heard of and never played Cyberpunk

2020 they don't know what a tabletop game is

and I hope that this is the case because if only the nerds that played the 2020 are going

to buy the game, these are going to be very low sales numbers

Not only that is a small portion of people who have read anything about this game, watched

the trailers, watched the stuff that they put out and they'll have issues with it, they

really will, because everybody does when it comes to heavy class based games, and then

people will try something that they don't like, and they'll be really disappointed with

I know that once the game is out I'm absolutely sure that there's going to be people that

are going to say that the game was "dumbed down", because that's something that people

love saying, but the truth is that I One second

Tomer says "Madqueen, Release of Cyberpunk 2077"

Ok, if this stream reaches 100 people we'll talk about that

Promise You'll click the button because it's just

sitting there ready to go Yes

we'll talk about that If not, we'll talk about that in a video that

will have more views muahahaha

Evil laugh Mhuahahahaha

Ok, back to the building

I think Tomer is suggesting that you really

know what this game should be about, so you should be in charge of it, I think

That's what I'm reading into it

I had lots of people saying that I should

work at CD Projekt RED, because, well, I don't know why they believe that, maybe because

I know the 2020 very well but, yeah, people of CDPR, you're not going

to watch this and you're never going to see my face, but I would love you to hire me

Please I'll send you my CV

Back to the character things, dumbed down, a sentence that this week I head like a thousand

times, saying that video games are going down and down because they need to dumb them down

to reach... sorry, I forgot how to speak

Just give me one second to reboot my brain Yes, rebooted.

Yes So

Oh yeah You got the blue screen?


You're still running Windows Vista in there?

No, I just had the new Kiroshi for the translation and it doesn't work very well because I needed

to get the cheap one Everybody loves Kiroshi except me

So, dumb down the game Actually I will find really OK if they tried

their best to explain the classes for people who are not used to the game and also there

is a lot of people who played the game a long time ago and they don't remember the game

very well because they didn't study the game, just played a couple of days and that's it

So, I don't know why people are so obsessed with "the game should be done for as little

people as possible" Like, one thing is dumbing down in the terms

of Transformers or Ghost in the Shell where they really took a story and they turned it

into something absolutely dumb, and a different thing is trying to make the games for as many

people as possible and I don't believe that the stories of the games, in the sense of

storytelling, that stories of the games are going down, they are really complex, you play

Deus Ex, you play Horizon Zero Dawn or Prey, they are stories that they are not dumb down

but, the game mechanics that are trying to make them easier for people that are not as used

to game mechanics as in the 80s because also the options that you had in the

80s were so different to the ones you have right now, if you're into retro-gaming you'll

see that, you will know that

You go back and play my favorite games from

when I was a kid, and I was like "Ho.Lee!

How did I play this?" mechanics are just terrible

Yes, mechanics improved

It's a little bit of rose-colored glass when you're like "I remember when games were difficult"

well, you remember when games were you had no experience... this one example

the original first Zelda I remember back in the day when that game

first came out and my older brother and an older friend were trying to play it, were

trying to figure out how to get pass this one NPC and I suggested "why don't you give

them a piece of meat in your inventory?" and they thought I was god for the next week,

because I figured that out Nowadays you go "duh" right?

So there's a little bit of rose-colored glass but at the same time there is a little bit

of dumbing down and sometimes a lot of dumbing down in comparison to some more complex games

like pen and paper stuff but

It's a different medium, I think you need

to keep that in mind, a video game is never going to simulate the experience of the pen

and paper game unless it's literally just a virtual area like we were talking about

earlier for you to meet and play the pen and paper game

A video game like this is not going to be just like non all of the medieval fantasy

RPGs are exactly like D&D

There is something if video games always get

a little bit closer to tabletop games

there is something that we really need in this kind of video games that are closer to

tabletop games and these are one thing that I don't know

how is called in English, but in Spanish is called fireman ideas

What are fireman ideas?

Fireman ideas?

Yes They are the worst ideas possible to solve

a situation but they are so bad that maybe your game director would approve of them,

would allow you to go on with them for instance, I'm going to put an example

of a game of mine, of Cyberpunk 2020, I wasn't the one directing it

One in the team wanted to have a tank you know, a tank?

Well, he couldn't afford it So, the game director said "well, wait until

you have enough experience, and you take a couple of jobs more and then you will have

enough money to buy a tank" but he wanted to have a tank

so, well, what did this guy do?

He bought a shopping cart, well he stole a shopping cart from a mall

and then put a hose, a gas tank, and a shopping cart

So he made a tank out of this?

Yes, he made a tank out of that, so that is called "fireman ideas"

You can also make a really good bomb with it

I'm trying to figure out what "fireman ideas" might render to in English here

How do you say it in Spanish?

"Ideas de bombero"


That's "fireman ideas" I don't know

Some of my viewers are Spanish and one understood what I mean with "Fireman Ideas"

"Ideas de bombero" Yes, that So, isn't there a term in English that is

close to that?

Or we are so dumb and so stupid in Spain that we needed a word just for that?

I don't know When I punched it into the translator it literally

just translates like "firefighter ideas" so I don't know

Crapshoot maybe?


Never heard that?

Is kinda like when you out of ideas and you just have this one remaining idea that is like

almost guaranteed not to work but it's your only option so you're gonna try it anyway

But to be a "fireman idea" you need this to be insanely creative and stupid both

And if it's dangerous then better It's another point to add

I don't know if we have a word for that in English, let me think about it

Jay Surname says "The closest thing I can think of is redneck science/engineering"

Oh, yeah, that works, redneck engineering is like

What is "Redneck engineering"?

It's making a tank out of a shopping cart, and a hose and a gas tank

It like if you picture a guy living out in the middle of nowhere in southern Texas and

he needs a tank, that's what he would do That works too

We need an option that is having this kind of fireman ideas in video games

We need a word for that

Everything that we can do in video games is

so logical, I mean, there's no absurd way of going through situations, except in games

that are intended to be comedy, but in serious games, there is no room for fireman ideas

And I believe that we are missing a great point in here

that is having fun you can have fireman ideas in DOOM but usually,

they all involve shooting things and I believe that this is a great philosophy,

actually, in DOOM they didn't implement the fireman ideas but this is the way they thought

the whole structure of the game

Or mayby McGyvering may be one way of saying that


You head of McGyver?

Yes, I know this guy My mother used to love him

I don't know, he's to do stuff like that all the time

Speaking of killing people, where's Mr Ruvver?

She's sleeping She has a hungover, she drank too much yesterday

Because I swear I woke up like at 3 am and saw her looking in my bedroom window

Oh, you're dreaming with her again!

Maybe it was a nightmare but I just want to make sure, if you could actually show me that

she's there with you I would feel a lot more comfortable

Well, I don't know, I didn't check on her Maybe next time that I go to the bathroom

I go to her room to check on her But I didn't check

Was it a nightmare or was it an erotic dream or a nightmare, are you sure of that?

I don't know

Under which category does this dream fall into?

You're not seeing my face right now because the camera has lag but, yes, you will see

it in a minute and you will understand what I said

I'm seeing it right now and I'm thinking that I'm just gonna keep looking over my shoulder here

Darth Raver 8686 asks "Mr Ruvver is a she?"

Yes, actually Mr Ruvver is gender fluid because she doesn't have a human body, she's a sock,

so she can choose, and she just chose that she wants to be a She, and maybe one day she

changes her mind and he wants to be a he, as there is nothing that limits her to chose

her own gender she is just going to do as she pleases

The lack of chromosomes can help in that regard

I'm hearing a sound here

Lack of anything below the neck

I think it's my cat, is fucking annoying

Lack of all DNA

Oh, she's sleepy!

You don't have a microphone on, you can't talk



I hear you but they don't

She just drank too much yesterday

Problem is that Well, problem, is not exactly a problem

but a couple of weeks ago was the birthday of my sister in law and I bought an insane

amount of drinks to bring to her party, to make mojitos for a huge crowd and in the end

I couldn't go because I wasn't feeling well and now I have my home filled with things

to do mojitos So, well, I said at the start of the story

that this wasn't a problem But, yes, which means that every now and then

I'm like "Oh! I fancy a mojito"

because usually is not that I drink a lot at home but lately is... tempting

it's really tempting

I just look like an alcoholic now!

But, yes, you know what I mean she drank a lot so she has a hangover today

and she sleeping so she's asking me to keep in down

which I am not going to do but, anyway

Pierluigi Capulto said "next time I will send you a print with Mr Ruvver"

You mean Mr Ruvver and you?


I know what you do dream when you dream with Mr Ruvver

Well, I don't know if people is getting this, because she's slightly, not annoyed, just

a little disappointed that you are calling her my mascot

because she's not In case you didn't notice by now she's my

imaginary friend so, the fact that you are seeing her as well

means that you are not completely sane yourselves

We're as mad as you are?

Maybe not as much but, yeah, a little you are seeing her as well

she's my imaginary friend so, please don't call her my mascot, she's not

she doesn't like to be called "a sidekick"

even if she is, she is my sidekick she's my Robin

but without superpowers well, Robin doesn't have superpowers

except being annoying

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 stream part 2: Gameplay, Bad jokes, Mr Ruvver, Life path, Fireman ideas - Duration: 21:07.


Exploring Buffalo with the Queen City Tuk Tuk - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Exploring Buffalo with the Queen City Tuk Tuk - Duration: 1:39.


Oklahoma Film + Music Spotlight: Garrett Starks - Duration: 1:32.

Here in Oklahoma, we have a lot of talent.

A lot of great musicians come out of this area.

It seems they felt the need to go somewhere else in order to take their career to the

next level.

And so what we want to do was kind of bridge that gap and create something here that will

allow them to be able to stay here and to continue to grow here in Oklahoma.

Our studio is kind of unique in that we're kind of the first ones to sort of set it up like

a big city studio.

Typically you don't see a lot of studios with a large tracking room.

What's really unique is that Oklahoma has a good enough player set as orchestral players

that we CAN cut 35, 38, 40 pieces live at a time which is typically something you only

see in LA or Prague but the players here can do it.

The Film and Music Office has been amazing for us because without them, we wouldn't have

gotten, I don't think any of the scoring gigs that we have.

Even talking with other studio owners, it's been huge for all of us having them there

to really help put Oklahoma on the map and help us be noticed by these other areas who

would otherwise not really assume or even think that we were capable of doing a lot

of things that we are.

My name is Garrett Starks, owner of Castlerow Studios in Oklahoma.

For more infomation >> Oklahoma Film + Music Spotlight: Garrett Starks - Duration: 1:32.


Vous êtes ballonné ? Attention, ce symptôme peut cacher de graves maladies ! - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Vous êtes ballonné ? Attention, ce symptôme peut cacher de graves maladies ! - Duration: 12:45.


Megatron Returns | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:05.

Conn, Sonar. Gained new contact, bearing 214, and possible hostile,

confirmed for Project Deep Six Drop Point.

- What do you got? - SU pulled five contacts at 5,000 feet,

diving fast.

Never seen anything dive that deep that fast.

- Man battle stations. - Chief of the watch, man battle stations!

Helm, left full rudder, all ahead two-thirds.

- Left full rudder, two-thirds. - Dive, go deep.

The nets protecting NBE One are screaming, sir.

That is 9,300 fathoms down. And no confirmed DSRVs on site?

- None, sir. - Then, people, we've got a problem!

Need parts! Kill the little one!

The shard make Energon!

Conn, Sonar. Now hold six contacts, and they're coming up fast!

- Sound collision alarm. - Left hard rudder.

Five hundred feet.

Angel Six, we got six hostiles coming up.

- Collision imminent port side. - One hundred feet.

Brace for impact.

Starscream, I'm home.

Lord Megatron, I was so relieved to hear of your resurrection.

You left me to die on that pathetic insect planet.

Only to help spawn our new army. The Fallen decrees it!

After all, in your absence, someone had to take command.

- So disappointing. - Hatchlings! Hatchlings! Careful, fragile!

Even in death, there is no command but mine.

My master, I failed you on Earth.

The AllSpark is destroyed and without it, our race will perish.

You have much to learn, my disciple. The Cube was merely a vessel.

It's power, it's knowledge, can never be destroyed.

- It can only transform. - How is that possible?

It has been absorbed by the human child.

The key to saving our race now lies within his mind.

Well, then, let me strip the very flesh from his body!

And you will, my apprentice, in time.

For millennia, I have dreamed of my return to that wretched planet

where I, too, was once betrayed by the Primes I called my brothers.

Only a Prime can defeat me, and now, only one remains.

Optimus! He protects the boy.

Then the boy will lead us to him

- and revenge will be ours. - Yes.

The boy will not escape us. We have him in our sights.

Without more Energon, the hatchlings will keep dying.

For more infomation >> Megatron Returns | Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:05.


Florent Pagny s'installe au Portugal pour "raisons fiscales"… Bruno Le Maire "l'invite" à rester - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Florent Pagny s'installe au Portugal pour "raisons fiscales"… Bruno Le Maire "l'invite" à rester - Duration: 4:51.


Jordin Sparks Includes Powerful Message While Singing National Anthem| MK EnterTainment - Duration: 1:55.

ordin Sparks Snuck a Subtle (but Powerful) Message Into Her NFL National Anthem Performance.

Jordin Sparks made a small but powerful statement while singing the national anthem before Monday

night's NFL game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals.

Wearing her Cardinals fan gear, the "No Air" singer took the stage with the words "Prov.

31: 8-9" written on her hand.

The referenced proverb states, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for

the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Sparks definitely comes from a football family.

Her dad Phillippi Sparks is a former NFL athlete and previously played for the New York Giants

and the Dallas Cowboys.

The American Idol winner also showed her Cardinals fandom on Instagram last week after she sang

the national anthem for the Sept. 17 game between the Los Angeles Chargers and the Miami


"Don't get it twisted," Sparks wrote on Instagram last week.

"@azcardinals are ALWAYS with me no matter where I sing.

#birdgang for life!!!

Congrats on the W boys, I was watching while I got ready!

Wore this lil trinket while I sang today.

#BeRedSeeRed #AZPride #GodfirstFamilythenFootball"

Unfortunately for Sparks, the Cowboys ended up winning the game and beat the Cardinals

with a 28 versus 17 score.

Sparks is certainly a woman of faith.

Her Instagram profile cites another verse: Romans 12.

As many NFL teams did this week, the Cardinals and the Cowboys showed signs of solidarity

and unity by linking arms during the playing of the national anthem.

Thank you for watching...

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For more infomation >> Jordin Sparks Includes Powerful Message While Singing National Anthem| MK EnterTainment - Duration: 1:55.


Kia Picanto 1.2 COMFORT PACK 3-D - GARANTIE 2019 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2 COMFORT PACK 3-D - GARANTIE 2019 - Duration: 0:54.


Vous êtes ballonné ? Attention, ce symptôme peut cacher de graves maladies ! - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Vous êtes ballonné ? Attention, ce symptôme peut cacher de graves maladies ! - Duration: 12:45.


Ranking NBA Best Big 3 Teams - Duration: 7:39.

Ranking the NBA's top big three teams

OKC you just turned up boy

welcome to another exciting episode of the skill I'm your host King Coopa J and today

we're gonna be talking about the best big three teams in the NBA now I'm not

talking about just teams right I'm talking about if I was to pick three

players who will I have on my team first that's what we're going for today okay

guys we're about to keep this thing lit and also would up to all my new

subscribers you already know what time it is and always shout outs are my old

subscribers you already know what time it is Flex Gang you already know me in this thing but

anyway let me just give you some facts on OKC he's big three real quick alright

right so he's paired with Russell Westbrook Paul George and Steven Adams

like these guys is about to be really really lit but look Russell Westbrook has

not signed his Supermax contract yet but 207 million dollars let's due October

16th and also he can't become a free agent Melo can become a free agent you

know he can waive some things and then Paul George can become a free agent but

these guys will at least have one year together now Russell can make the move

and sign that contract and you already know Melo

and PG will stay because why would you leave when you got it already in

OKC but anyway let me just crank it up real quick so I got seven teams on this

list right so I'm gonna go backwards down to one my seventh big three right

and I'm gonna throw in some subs just in case y'all can you know just hype it up

a little bit San Antonio Spurs number seven that's right number seven I had to

do it only because you know Kawhi is just Kawhi man you don't mean you got Kawhi

you got Aldridge got Pau and then you sub in Rudy Gay but that's it's like is

that a big three it's gotta be a big three if they stay at the top of league

I mean unless you want to throw it ain't coach there you pop you feel me

put him a part of the big three number six we have the Boston Celtics now you

got Kyrie you got Gordon Hayward you got Al Horford that's

their big three and then you can sub in up Jaylen Brown you got Tatum over there

you know they got a nice little squad but that big three led by Kyrie I just

feel like there's you know he's not he's not good enough to compete with LeBron

or Westbrook or you know those elite big three teams like that so I mean I

got them at six now they do have a solid overall team and I do think they're

gonna be nice but if I was picking big three I would not start out by picking

Kyrie first and he's the leader of that team as far as it looks on paper to me

you feel me alright so moving on to the next big three we got at number five we

got the New Orleans Pelicans that's right I put the Pelicans in there

because you're talking about DeMarcus Cousins Anthony Davis Jrue Holiday and

you can sweep block and put Rondo in there and Rondo is a passer two years

ago he led the NBA with a assist I like ten assist a game like come on you have

to put them in there they got the two best big men arguably in the NBA and a

top three NBA player in Anthony Davis yes I put Anthony Davis in my top three

dudes like eight foot ten and he can shoot damn near anywhere on the floor so

yeah I know what time it is but let me know in the comments section do you

agree or disagree do you think New Orleans shouldn't even be known as this

are they good at number five moving on to number four this will blow you away

it's about to get saucy up in this thing the Minnesota Timberwolves you got

Karl-Anthony Towns Andrew Wiggins you know he mad because

he used to be with Cleveland and then they formed a big three and one LeBron

kicked them out and then guess what they get your boy Jimmy Butler so you

already know what time this I really love this big three this guy this sick

because you got and this big three you got two of the youngest players in the

NBA with Jimmy Butler man is about to be lit man Jimmy

Butler's not to go so hard this year Karl-Anthony Towns what man is this team is

about to go like SuperDuper hard man like I really like this team and I hope

they can just really make some moves in the West but anyway moving on number

three we have the Cleveland Cavaliers and they almost they damn near don't

even have a big three anymore now that you know Kyrie

is gone but look we just don't replace him and IT so you got IT and the reason

why I say down there don't because we don't know what's going on with his hip

yeah there's been speculation about oh yeah you know he's healthy he's healthy but we don't

really know that yet we don't really know so they dropped on my list to

number three you know they could have moved up but like I said they're number

three I mean you got LeBron James he damn near make you number one and then

you got Kevin Love who's suspect you know he's you know he's supposed to have

a breakout year here because Kyrie gone and then IT probably ain't gone play most

of the season you know he probably back sometime around January All-Star we

don't know we don't really know what's going on so it's like they don't even

really have a big 3 but at the same time they still got IT on paper so you

got to put them in there somewhere it's you don't like it you don't you know

agree with what I'm saying drop your list down all right so moving

on number two oh this is gonna get tough you know what this is about to get so

real before I even say this just just forgive me

don't don't don't dislike me because of what I'm about to say but number two is

the Golden State Warriors that's right I do not care you got Curry

you got Dremond you got you know I'm saying

Klay you got Durant man elite they're number one they really got a big four

but at the end of the day on paper if it was me

if it was me you know whay I"m sayin like of course you gonna let me get Curry let man let me

get Durant you know you don't want one of them two first for your big three or

like I said LeBron but you ain't really got a big three like that so but you're

talking about these are people you start your big three with this is where you

like all right if I'm start now and I'm taking Durant

alright if I'm starting now and you you a shooter you like I'll taking

Curry like but this next big three you already know what it is it was just

formed and the reason why I'm giving it to them is because I have a very good

reason for one they got the league MVP and the dude

average the triple-double now I ain't gonna here and say hey you gonna do that

this year with these two extra pieces this has been added to the team but he's

the League MVP he's Russ he's the most explosive player in NBA is the most of explosive

player of all-time you of all time and it's not even an

argument about it Russell Westbrook is the most explosive player of all time

now he's with Carmela Anthony and he's with PG13 who said he wants to win MVP

this year yo these dudes is hungry they're emotionally driven this team is

about to be so fire I had to take them I gotta take them if I was starting my big

three the first person I would take is Russ I ain't gon lie I'll be like man let me get

Russ because he could pass rebound he can do everything that's my first player

I'll take him before I'll take LeBron cuz be tryin to chill now

you feel me he be tryin to chill I want somebody who's gonna be on go mode all day

even in practice and just bring the business and that's what I don't see

nobody like Russ man and you know what if we was talking about back in the day

I'd be taking Iverson Real Talk because they got that heart man they want they

wanna win man let me know something in the comment section do you agree with

this big three list if you new to this channel make sure you hit that like button make

sure to subscribe remember if you ain't here to debate you're here to hate peace

For more infomation >> Ranking NBA Best Big 3 Teams - Duration: 7:39.


五點殺 !! - HK Esports - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> 五點殺 !! - HK Esports - Duration: 1:47.


Beginner Brush Lettering Supplies - Duration: 7:14.

Hey guys I'm Joyce and today we're going to talk about the supplies you need to get started with brush calligraphy.

I'm actually going to do a series about brush lettering so be sure to stick around and subscribe if you're interested in learning more.

So here are the tools you need to get started with brush lettering.

Honestly guys, you just need paper and something to write with.

Let's start with your writing tools.

Ok first up, your old school Crayola marker.

I actually suggest not starting with this guy just because

the tip is not flexible and in order to get those thick and thin lines,

using this guy you really need to know your hand pressure and you may not know that right away or if you're just starting.

I also have some Tombow Dual Brush pens.

You guys have seen this everywhere online.

One end is a small bullet tip that does not flex.

And the other end has a larger brush tip or a larger bullet tip that does flex quite a bit actually.

And this is the side you'll be using if you are doing brush lettering.

So Tombows are super flexible. You can see that I can go like this

and the tip is completely fine.

Even if the pen almost folds in on itself,

you can see it bounces right back

and the shape is totally fine.

Love the pen squeaks.

I actually really do.

So you can see with the Tombow I'm able

to get thicker downstrokes than the Crayola,

just because the Tombow itself is more flexible than the Crayola.

Very similar to the Tombow is the Sakura Koi Brush Pen.

This guy is actually my favorite.

You can kind of tell the difference - you can super tell the difference -

when it's next to the Tombow of how large

the Tombow is compared to the Sakura.

This guy is actually the size of maybe a regular pen.

But that just means it may be more comfortable in your hand just because you're used to the size.

This guy a freakin wand or something and

if you're not feeling like Harry Potter,

you can use this guy and you'll have about

the same widths when you have the downstrokes as well as the upstrokes.

If the project you're working on

calls for maybe a smaller brush pen - maybe it's more formal or something -

check these guys out.

This is the Tombow Fudenosuke and I believe this is the hard tip.

It comes in a hard and a soft tip,

only in black.

And this is the Pentel Fude Touch Sign Pen.

It comes in 12 different colors.

Of course I grab pink right away.

But it has a very similar stroke to the

Tombow Fudenosuke and you just saw.

The Pentels are favorite just because

they have a wide variety of colors.

And you can still get quite a variance

in the thick and thin lines

with Pentels.

It's actually very similar to the

Fudenosuke. Ooh spell that.

These are great for addressing

envelopes or even place cards.

So I have a few actual brushes here as well

as some waterbrushes.

There are quite a few brands of these

waterbrushes, these just happen to be

Pentel but I also use the Sakura brand as well.

You can see that I have this guy filled with

black ink.

This is a mixture of I think Higgins ink and Sumi ink.

And you can see here that this is what the

waterbrush pen looks like when there's

no black ink.

You can either fill this guy with water

and then dip into watercolor or ink.

Or you can just leave him empty - this guy is empty right now -

and then you can just dip and use it as

you would a regular brush.

I also have small paint brushes. This is a

size 0 and a size 2.

I use these just for lettering.

I got them at Daiso - so an Asian dollar store

Just because I didn't want to use the brushes

that I use maybe for watercolor, for lettering.

So same thing as with the brush pens.

You can either dip into wet or dry watercolor

and then get started.

Now that we've chatted a little bit about the tools

that you can write with, you of course need

something to write on.

So I wanted to different papers that I use

everyday when I'm practicing.

First up I the HP Laserjet Premium Paper.

It comes in a ream of 500 sheets.

When you guys have this in front of you

you'll see that is is thicker than regular copy paper,

which is what you need.

It won't bleed through when you apply ink to it

and it's a lot smoother.

So you don't want to grab just any

binder paper or notebook paper when you are

practicing your brush lettering just because

it will cause your pens to fray faster.

Your pens will always use obviously,

but why not try and make them last longer by having

the correct paper.

I just found that more economical than buying

tons of Rhodia pads or more expensive paper

just because this might be something that I'll use if

I'm just practicing and it's not going to make it on Instagram

or it's not for a certain project.

So I use this HP paper for my daily practice

I use it for pointed pen and brush pen.

It's great because you can get a ream or 500 sheets

for about $10 and this might just be for practice.

It might be something that I never photograph or share.

Another favorite of mine is the Rhodia brand paper.

This in particular is the grid paper.

They also have plain and they also have dot and lined.

I use all of them. They come in various sizes.

It just kind of depends what I'm working on.

Again I use this for brush lettering and for pointed pen.

The grid pad is great because it helps you keep your

ratios in check. You can just pencil mark in

X heights - ascender and descender lines.

And you can make sure that all your letters are hitting

those lines and everything is in proportion.

So that's it guys. You don't really need anything else

except the correct smooth paper and at least

one writing tool.

Because the larger brush markers seem to be easier to

get online or in person, if you're having

trouble deciding if you want to start with a waterbrush

or the smaller Pentels, just pick whatever is easier for you to get because you still

need to learn your hand pressure and once you know that, you can easily

pick up any other tool adjust accordingly and you'll be able to write

with that new tool in no time.

Next up in my brush lettering series, we're going to

talk about common mistakes as well as basic strokes.

So again be sure to subscribe and stick around for

those videos. I've left my Instagram below.

Feel free to tag me you guys if you're having any issues

while you're practicing. I'm more than happy to help and answer any questions.

I can't wait to see what you guys create.

For more infomation >> Beginner Brush Lettering Supplies - Duration: 7:14.


Glen Ellyn Sewer Line Clogs 815-630-1024 Glen Ellyn IL Sewer Line Clog - Duration: 1:09.

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For more infomation >> Glen Ellyn Sewer Line Clogs 815-630-1024 Glen Ellyn IL Sewer Line Clog - Duration: 1:09.


O que é depressão? | Setembro Amarelo - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> O que é depressão? | Setembro Amarelo - Duration: 2:01.


Yoga for Gamers | Health Potion Ep3 - Duration: 11:22.

Hello and welcome to health Potion the show about gamers and Health.

I'm Jaymii

- I'm Karina

- and today we're talking about


[intro theme music]

so why do we as gamers care about yoga?

- well I would say it's very good for us

because it helps us to stretch out our muscles

so you know when you're gaming for a really long time

you tend to sit in the same position

and that kind of tenses you up a little bit

and you really need to kind of relax and elongate your spine

you know get some good posture going

also games put your body into like a sympathetic overdrive

so I'm sure you've heard of fight and flight, rest and digest

- yes - so our bodies are not really great at differentiating

the difference between a tiger hunting us down and a tiger hunting us down in a video game

- especially if you're playing VR - especially if you're playing VR

that stuff is tricky

so I our body can't differentiate between the two very well

so what yoga can give us is

it switches your body from being a sympathetic so that's a fight and flight

to your parasympathetic which is like your rest and digest

so it kind of forces your body into relaxing and taking a break

earlier this year I hurt my back at work and it sucked

it sucked a big time and I before this time did not really care about yoga at all

I thought why would I waste my time on this exercise which didn't really seem to do much

when I could be like if I'm gonna go out I'm gonna go for a run and spend all my time on aerobic type exercises

and then all the doctors once I did this were like "you have to do yoga"

It started off subtle at first like "have you tried yoga?"

and then it was just like "no you've got to do yoga"

because basically I wasn't allowed to do anything

I wasn't allowed to sit down and sitting down was like the worst thing for my back

and now when I do yoga I'm allowed to sit down again

basically those small times of the day

where like take a 10 minute break to do the stretches that my physio had recommended

basically just makes my back feel like magic

and I just thought if I'm doing this because of my injury but what was like before my injury

and just yoga just made be become so much more aware of my body and how it was feeling

and I become- now I know like when I'm sitting I understand how I'm feeling better

I just am more in tune with myself

even though it's kind of bad because I know when I'm more likely to be hurt

but I'm just more likely also to know what I need and when I need it

-Yeah it kind of promotes you to become a little bit more aware about how your body is feeling

in like a muscular sense as well as a postural sense

and you just deepens that connection

and the great thing about yoga is it's free

I think there's a lot of companies out there who promote certain products

and you "have to have it" but that's not really true at all

it's a- you know you have its origins in India of like centuries and centuries ago

it was practised by absolutely everyone in the country

and nowadays with the internet you- there's apps there's websites

all that teach you had to do it for free

and the great thing is it's for every fitness level

you can always do it to your pace and you can tailor make it

I think Jaymii has some apps that she's gonna mention - yeah

it's like use- well first of all YouTube is fantastic

there are like so many different YouTube videos you can do for free

so just you can just watch it and do that one

option number two is like there's some apps there's one app that I recently got-

which allows you to even choose which moves you want to make your own playlists

but of course once you know how to do certain moves

that you find useful so and you might not necessarily want to do a new routine

if you have like a small routine that you particularly enjoy doing

you can even just record- like time yourself, how long you want to do each stretch

and record it as a voice memo on your phone

and then just play it and then you know what you're doing

and you don't have to worry about money at all

basically learn the skills and then use them how it works best for you

'cause there's so many different types of yoga

there's like the hot yoga, there's the chanting yoga, there's like intense yoga

- remedial yoga - relaxing yoga

I think- I mean everyone thinks yoga and they think about these people like standing on their heads

and doing all these crazy bends and honestly that's... that's "Instagram yoga"

and that's not real yoga and it's very flashy and it's very fun

and I think great for those people for like getting to that level of strength and flexibility

but I think a little bit more of an everyday sense even if you can't even like touch your toes

like the fact that you're doing something good for your body

is good enough and it's like small tiny incremental changes

that happen within your body each time that you do it that means that you'll be better

just that little bit better next time and don't beat yourself up if you can't do a headstand

I can't do a headstand no I can't balance on one foot

I'm just not there yet and I'm totally fine with that

- my favourite yoga poses are the ones I can do lying down

especially in the morning because like my body feels incredible afterwards

but also I got to lay down

and like remember like one of the moves of yoga is literally laying down

- it's called corpse pose and you lay there and you just breathe

- and oh- and breathing we need to talk about breathing

- yes - breathing is like such a huge part of yoga

and it's something I am terrible at but I want to get better at

so with yoga they get you to focus a lot on deep breathing

so filling up your lungs all the way

and that's really really important because a lot of us have really bad posture

and we like shrink our lungs and we don't actually breathe deeply

but another part of yoga is actually breathing out and holding that breath out

and that's actually really really important for reducing stress and anxiety in the sense that

when we breathe out and hold the breath out

we're increasing the co2 level so the carbon dioxide within our blood

and that actually relaxes the body and it forces you to relax

because that low oxygen state kind of puts you in a weird little trance

it sounds really weird - I didn't know this I'm learning so much

- and it's actually really great for people with asthma as well

it can really help reduce your system's- um symptoms

and a lot of the people where you could like learn a little bit more about it's called Buteyko breathing

we'll put links down the bottom but it's that's the other side of breathing with yoga

as well as the deep breathing which increases your oxygen

but if you're a little bit stressed focusing on the breath out is really important

- when I get anxiety especially at work I stop breathing

it's like the first thing I notice especially if I'm talking to someone

and I'm nervous about my response

or like I don't want them to hear me breathing so I just like stop breathing and hold my breath

and then I just can never catch up so

- it's about the controlled breathing

and then like out and then holding that out for four

and then breathing in - and like breathing as well you breathe with like your abdomen

which is also fantastic for your abdomen

- Yeah because you're having to use those muscles

and it's kind of uncomfortable at first

'cause you're like oh my goodness I haven't used those muscles

I haven't innovated my diaphragm like enough in the past like 27 years

and it kind of freaks out a little bit

but it gets stronger again your body gets used to it and it helps improve your core strength

- and it means when you sit so when you're sitting down to play a game

you're actually like lifting yourself up better and so you're less likely to injure yourself

and just like you be able to sit for longer without feeling discomfort

- you can game for longer

which is always- which is kind of like the whole point of everything we're talking about

- Yeah exactly so you know your neck doesn't feel as sore

your shoulders and arms don't get as sore,

your back your lower back doesn't get us sore

I think we have another episode about ergonomics so when you're sitting and how to sit better

so that's gonna come up

I think it's, you know, very very important

- basically once you- like yoga is just like a fantastic easy small way to be able to understand yourself

and then you'll be able to apply that to like however you're moving and you'll go

oh yeah this is this movement and this is this movement

we haven't talked about towels

so yes you don't need any special equipment it's like completely and utterly free

even down to the fact that you don't even need a yoga mat now

- no you don't need yoga mat you can just use a couple of towels on your floor

that's enough to give you a bit of extra cushion you can even do it on your bed

if you don't have room you don't need any special clothing

just wear some normal loose comfortable clothes

- I yoga my pyjamas

- Yeah - makes me feel good [laughs]

- I yoga in my "home clothes" which are pyjamas

But mats are great too I got this one for really cheap at K-Mart

- oh yeah - so it's like 10 bucks

it's good for when um because I have very pokey like um hips

so if I do anything where I'm on my side it's like a little bit of cushion

So yoga free, it's easy you can do it to your own ability level

it'll help you reconnect with your body

and also help your digestive system as well

because it massages it all nicely

and remember if you try it and it's not for you you can try a different yoga instructor

or different videos or different ways of doing it

and if it's still not for you that's okay - that's okay

[laughs] this whole series is about exploring different ways to benefit your health

and not everything will be for everyone

but um hopefully we find that you get something out of it

- yeah - that's what we have for this episode

we'll catch you next time see ya - See ya

[music] so in yoga it's a lot about the deep breath- [loud high pitched sound]

dishwasher! - no I feel like it's the battery in my house alarm

but.... - Is it going to go again? - I don't know

- That's amazing

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