Thursday, September 28, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 28 2017

I think civic responsibility is being kind to everyone in your community

and making sure it's a well structured and safe environment

I think civic responsibility means being aware of what's going on in your community

and making sure you're respectful to the people you interact with

also making sure to keep the community clean

For more infomation >> Split Decisions - Civic Responsibility - Duration: 2:09.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ► All weapons - Duration: 22:53.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ► All weapons - Duration: 22:53.


5 Tricks to Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks - Duration: 3:20.

5 Tricks to Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks

If there is one thing that�s unsightly, it�s stretch marks.

And there�s no doubt that the appearance of the skin is something that concerns everyone.

Fortunately, you can fight these marks to reduce, or even eliminate, their appearance.

For those who don�t yet know what stretch marks are, they�re the result of the breakage

of elastic fibers in the skin.

When the skin is stretched, fibers that have less elasticity are broken and cause stretch

marks to appear.

They are especially common in women during pregnancy.

At first, they are pink or red in appearance, then they turn white.

Stretch marks essentially represent the separation of the skin.

They can appear without warning and are usually painless, although sometimes they might be

accompanied with a slight tingling sensation.

To prevent them, it�s essential to keep your skin well hydrated.

This will allow your dermis to be more elastic and to stretch without causing the breakage

of any fibers.

How can you improve the appearance of stretch marks?


Start with the right moisturizer

Lotions and other products that are rich in vitamin A, such as rosehip oil, are ideal

for fighting stretch marks.

These usually have regenerative properties and are safe for daily use.

Whether you choose a cream or an oil, they will noticeably improve your stretch marks.


Take vitamins A and B Vitamins A and B will help your body regenerate

its connective tissues and produce collagen, so they�re great for improving stretch marks.

To obtain these vitamins, increase your consumption of:

Kiwi Carrots

Blueberries Pears

Figs Watermelon


Exfoliate Exfoliating treatments can help improve impurities

throughout the layers of the skin, making this an ideal way to resolve those annoying

stretch marks.

Mandelic acid (found in bitter almonds) and glycolic acid (extracted from sugarcane) can

provide excellent results.

If you want to try some deeper treatments, diamond tip dermabrasion is the most effective.


Laser treatments

Laser treatments are another option to help you fight those annoying stretch marks.

Due to the cost, however, not everyone is capable of taking advantage of them.

Although this treatment is not natural, it provides excellent results, so we chose to

mention it here.


Mesotherapy Mesotherapy is the ideal treatment for stretch

marks that have recently appeared (those with a pink or reddish color).

It consists of injecting certain compounds into the area (such as hyaluronic acid, antioxidants,

vitamins, minerals, or amino acids) to promote cellular regeneration and restore the skin.

You should talk with your doctor about the suitability of this particular practice for

you, and always follow the advice of a professional.

For more infomation >> 5 Tricks to Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks - Duration: 3:20.


Fat people deserve respect | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:12.

I think fat people deserve respect, and for some reason that has become like a controversial statement.

I see so much hate for fat people every day,

and I see people internalize those messages and hate themselves.

And that fucking sucks.

Your weight shouldn't be a reason for people to mock you or harass you or make fun of you.

It's just your weight, and it's none of their business.

And the argument I often hear right after that is, "Well, if we live in the same country,

my insurance costs are higher if they're unhealthy!

So it's my business!"

But that's just a massive misunderstanding of the way that health and weight interact,

and how much authority you have over other people's health just because they share

your insurance provider.

Because, for one, being fat doesn't automatically make you unhealthy.

There are plenty of fat people who exercise and eat well and just exist at a slightly

higher weight than other people.

But also, there are plenty of skinny people who have health problems who don't receive

anywhere near the amount of hate that fat people receive.

People who smoke have an increased risk for certain diseases.

People who binge drink have an increased risk for certain diseases.

But smokers and binge drinkers aren't nearly mocked to anywhere near the degree that fat people are.

In fact, binge drinking is usually joked about and often encouraged in our society, while

at the same time people make fun of fat people under the guise of it being about "health".

And regardless, you as an individual don't get to decide who is acceptably healthy to

share an insurance provider with you.

If you're in the US, you probably have private health insurance, in which case it's your

insurer's job to assess the health risks of every patient and charge them accordingly.

Insurance companies obviously have their own extensive problems, and our healthcare system

is a mess, but it's not your job to call up every other person who uses your health

insurance provider and ensure that they meet your specific standards of care so that you

can get the lowest rates possible.

That's just ridiculous.

And it's not like you're perfect either.

You're telling me you've never done anything unhealthy?

You're telling me you workout every day and eat super healthy and never engage in

any kind of risky behaviors that could wind up with you needing medical treatment?

Even speeding while you're driving carries with it an increased risk for a car accident,

which could mean huge medical bills, but nobody is out here shaming everyone who speeds.

And if you live in a country where you have a national health care system, a similar situation comes up.

You can't force everyone to be perfectly healthy.

You certainly aren't perfectly healthy.

And trying to force everyone to follow the exact same exercise and diet is not

only completely unrealistic but also just a pretty fundamental violation of their rights.

You can't claim you want to live in a free country with the ability to do what you want,

and say that you want to dictate how other people live their lives.

Plus, making fun of people for their weight doesn't even help them lose weight.

That's been proven over and over again by different studies.

If your goal is to mock someone into losing weight, it won't happen.

And putting all of that aside, I don't think it's too much to ask that you just have

a base level of respect for people -- regardless of their weight.

Remember that everyone you encounter is a complete human being with thoughts and feelings

-- fat people included.

It wouldn't kill you to be slightly more considerate of people's feelings and to

try to have more compassion for people.

You could live your life trying to offend everyone and being as rude as you possibly

can, or you could graduate from middle school and try to actually be a decent person with

some sort of sense of morality.

And remember that weight gain and weight loss aren't nearly as simple as people like to think.

Calories in minus calories out does not determine your weight.

Everyone has different basal metabolic rates, and they can fluctuate throughout your life.

In fact, people's metabolism slows down when they start exercising, meaning that even

if you restrict your calories in and begin exercising, the changes in your metabolism

could mean that you don't lose any weight, or you lose it at a much slower rate than

someone with a higher metabolism.

Plus, in the longterm, natural variations in metabolism between individuals mean that

some people are simply healthy weighing more or less than other people.

Metabolism is really forgotten when we talk about weight.

So much of weight loss and weight gain is dependant on metabolic rates, but those can

vary wildly between individuals and are affected by a host of factors that we don't fully understand right now.

People with slower metabolic rates are not lazier than people with faster metabolic rates,

they just have different bodies.

Someone's weight is in no way a reflection of their willpower.

All the willpower in the world can't force your metabolic rate to change.

So weight loss or gain can be easier or harder depending on who you are.

And it's important to recognize that so you don't think that just because you're

skinny that everyone else should be able to be skinny too.

People are different. Bodies are different.

Let people live their lives and mind your own business.

And even if you hate someone, find other things to make fun of them for than their weight.

I realize it's an easy insult to go for, but when you do that, you're telling all

fat people what you really think of them.

If you dislike someone, I'm sure you can find ways to insult them without involving

their weight, since their weight shouldn't be the reason you hate them.

When you mock someone's weight, you're perpetuating the idea that being fat is bad

and that people should be mocked for it -- even if you only do it to people you dislike for other reasons.

And don't forget that sometimes weight loss happens for really traumatic or unhealthy reasons.

Rapid weight loss can be extremely bad for your health, if you go on a fad diet or something,

and that kind of weight loss is never sustainable.

Plus, many people who struggle with eating disorders also struggle with being called

"beautiful" when they're not eating and not doing well, while being mocked for

being fat when they're actually eating and taking care of themselves.

You don't know someone's backstory, you don't know what they're dealing with,

you don't know everything about their health, so don't pretend you do.

So yeah, I don't know, just be nice to people?

Show fat people respect, and show people respect whether they're healthy or not.

Respect shouldn't be dependant on weight or health.

I just wanna live in a world where fat people don't hate themselves for their size.

I want people to be able to feel confident and worthy of love even if they're fat.

I'm going to list some amazing fat activists in the description below who I highly recommend

you check out and follow.

I'll also put some links to studies down there and some articles for further reading.

If you're fat, I hope you realize that you're worthy of love and respect.

You're beautiful, you're great, and the fatphobes of the world don't deserve you.

I love you all -- and thanks so much for watching.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Fat people deserve respect | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:12.


Live from Joes Inn - Best buddo to the stars - Duration: 1:06:57.

For more infomation >> Live from Joes Inn - Best buddo to the stars - Duration: 1:06:57.


Pierce Brosnan : "J'ai surmonté les drames grâce à ma femme et mes enfants" [ITV] - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Pierce Brosnan : "J'ai surmonté les drames grâce à ma femme et mes enfants" [ITV] - Duration: 3:06.


How to Remove Black Spots on Your Face 8 Home Remedies - Duration: 7:07.

How to Remove Black Spots on Your Face 8 Home Remedies !

Many black spots or dark patches can be easily lightened or eliminated to restore a glowing

facial complexion. Dark spots, patches and other marks on the face may be due to excess

secretion of melanin on the skin. Some factors that can lead to this condition

include over exposure to the sun, hormone imbalance, pregnancy, certain medications,

vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Lemon Juice! A quick and easy solution can be found in

your kitchen or your nearest grocery store – lemon juice. Lemons have vitamin C that

can lighten dark spots on your face. It's easy to apply.

Put some fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected skin area.

Allow it to dry and then wash it off with plain water.

Continue applying this dark spot removal home remedy for at least two weeks to get the desired

result. If you have delicate or sensitive skin, you

can dilute the lemon juice with plain water, rose water, or honey. You can also use lime

juice to get rid of black spots, applying it in the same manner as described above.

Note: Don't use lemon juice if you have got open sores or lesions on the skin. Also,

avoid going out in the sun after using the lemon juice as it can make your skin photosensitive.

Potato ! Your vegetable drawer is another source of

home remedies for black spots or dark patches. Potatoes have natural bleaching properties

that help fade spots, scars as well as blemishes. The starch in potato helps reduce pigmentation,

while the enzymes in it promote healthy skin.

Potatoes can be applied in one of the three ways:

Method 1 ! Slice up a potato.

Place one slice directly on the black spots. Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash

your face with lukewarm water. Method 2 !

Peel and grate a potato. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in the grated potato.

Apply the mask on your face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.

Rinse it off using lukewarm water. Method 3 !

Extract the juice of 1 potato. Add a little lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric

powder to it. Apply this mixture on your black spots.

Allow it to dry, then rinse it off. Some people have also had success using tomatoes

to get rid of dark black spots within a few weeks.

Buttermilk ! Buttermilk is also beneficial in getting rid

of dark spots. Like lemon juice, it also helps fade blemishes and black spots but without

causing burning sensation. The lactic acid in it will gradually reduce skin pigmentation

and brighten your overall skin complexion. Take 4 teaspoons of buttermilk.

Add 2 teaspoons of fresh tomato juice. Mix the two ingredients and then apply.

Wash it off after 15 minutes. If you do not have buttermilk, simply soak

a cotton ball in milk and dab it directly on your spots. 10 minutes twice daily 4-5

weaks Aloe Vera !

Aloe vera has many healing properties and is a great natural dark spot corrector. Its

gel has polysaccharides that stimulate the growth of new skin cells to help reduce dark

spots and heal scars. Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf.

Apply it directly on dark patches and black spots.

Gently massage the area with your fingertips for a few minutes.

Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse your face.

Repeat this once or twice daily for a few weeks to fade skin discolorations.

If it becomes messy, use a clean cloth soaked in warm water to remove the mask. Follow this

treatment once or twice a week. Vitamin E oil and castor oil, too, are useful

in getting rid of black spots. Sandalwood !

Sandalwood is another effective option. The natural oils in it can help clear black spots

naturally. It even adds a healthy glow to your skin. Make a thick paste of 1 tablespoon

of sandalwood powder, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 3 tablespoons of rose water. (If you don't

have rose water, you can use milk or honey.) Apply the thick paste to the affected skin

area, leaving it on for a few minutes. Wash off the paste with lukewarm water.

Follow this remedy once daily until your black spots vanish completely.

Turmeric ! Turmeric is another popular skin-lightening

agent that can be used to get rid of black spots on your face. It repairs free radical

damage and reduces skin pigmentation and discoloration. It is also effective for quickly removing

sun spots and age spots. Make a thick paste of 2 teaspoons of turmeric

and a little milk and lemon juice. Apply it to the skin where there are black

spots. Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash

it off with lukewarm water. Almonds !

Almonds help lighten and brighten your skin as well as reduce black spots and scars. Being

rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and healthy fats, almonds help maintain clear and flawless

skin. Take 8-10 almonds and soak them in milk overnight.

Peel off the skin and grind the almonds in the morning.

Now, add 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder and ½ teaspoon honey in it.

Mix them to make a fine paste. Apply it on your face.

Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off.

Use this face mask once or twice a week. A massage with almond oil can also improve

your complexion, reduce the intensity of sun damage from skin, and fade dark spots and

scars. You can massage twice daily. Onion Juice !

Onion juice – made using a juicer, blender or grater – can be applied in a couple of

ways. Dip a clean cotton swab into fresh onion juice

and dab it directly on the affected skin area and allow it to

dry naturally.

For more infomation >> How to Remove Black Spots on Your Face 8 Home Remedies - Duration: 7:07.


$6.95 Online Traffic School - ...

For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


Russian Cyber Police Detained Criminal Net Curator - Duration: 1:02.

Officers of the 'K' Administration of the Russian MIA

detained a curator of a group in a social network

suspected of encouraging minors to suicide.

The investigation officers found out

that a social network user was in correspondence

with a fourteen-year-old girl living

in the Tula Region

and was driving her to a suicide.

It was established through investigative activities

that the perpetrator maintained correspondence

with the girl,

gave her tasks to be done in full obedience,

and also arranged situations

which caused physiological traumas

to the teenager.

The suspect,

a 23-year-old unemployed citizen

of the Volgograd Region,

was detained;

the court chose placement in custody

as the preventive measure for him.

At the place of his residence,

the policemen seized computer hardware,

cellphones and USB flash drives containing

information proving the offender's involvement

in promoting suicidal behavior among minors.

For more infomation >> Russian Cyber Police Detained Criminal Net Curator - Duration: 1:02.


ُRoya English chats with Mohammed Assaf - رؤيا تلتقي محبوب العرب محمد عساف - Duration: 6:36.

Many Jordanians have lost hope

and many Arab youths feel that their only way out is to have a foreign passport

How do you advise them not to lost hope?

I want to tell them not to let life's circumstances affect them

They should hold on to hope

This is more than just a message from me as an artist

I like to talk about hope to people and Arab men and women all the time

and tell them to not let anything, whatever it may be

I won't say what it is because I don't want anyone to misinterpret what I'm saying

don't let those circumstances affect your ambitions and dreams

If you were born in a non-Arab country

how do you think you would be any different

how will your music be any different as well

Honestly, I've never thought about it

But I believe I would probably think the same way as them

because the place you live in will have an effect on you

I won't lie to you, when I travelled the world

I learnt not to judge people based on their appearances

If you could sing in any other language, what would it be?

If I were to sing in another language, it would be English

because it's a universal language

But if I sang in just English, some of my fans might not like it

because not everyone listens to English music

Do you have any rituals before each concert?

I'm always very nervous before each concert. Stress is always there

The one thing I like to do is to sit alone and have a breather, and I wish to just sit alone

If I did sit alone before going on stage, it would have to be for a minimum of 15 minutes

I never usually get to do that, but sometimes it does happen

As celebrities, we know everything about you, but the one thing you try to hide is your love life

I'm just like any other guy. I think about these things (love)

but there's nothing official between me and anyone. How can I say this?

I don't trust anyone, I feel like if someone gets close to me, it's because I'm a celebrity

not because I'm Mohammed Assaf the regular guy

I've had a few experiences before but they failed. It's normal.. So I get scared

What thought occupies your mind the most?

The thing I think about most is where I'm going to be in five years' time

Something like that. Will I still be singing the same music and genre

the same video clips, who will my team be… because nothing lasts

In 2024, a group of people will be headed to Mars. If you could go, would you?

Our (men) planet is Mars, I don't really know

Don't you hear the saying: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus?

Honestly I don't have much interest in this. I'm very honest, bear with me

But if you could go there, would you?

Of course, I'd love to go there

Without being able to come back

No, without being able to return? No

How do you feel about the fact that fans love to dress like you?

It's a nice thing, I can't explain it, but it's a nice thing

But I like people to do what's in their heads

I like it that when someone does something

they do it from their own head

You're the ambassador of Max Fashion, so if you could design your own collection, would you?

I'd love to be able to design my own collection

You know what's nice though, I'll tell you honestly why I like Max Fashion

I feel that Max are very basic and close to regular people

I'm not advertising their products, you might not believe me

but I like simplicity and I like being close to people

I like things that are related to simple people, I consider myself to be a simple person and from a simple family

My fans, and all other celebrities' fans, are regular, simple people

so I feel like we have to be close to them in everything

and Max has good prices and nice collections

What do you feel that Western songs have that Arabic songs lack?

Smart question very much so

I feel that Arabic music is more powerful than western music

because Arabic music depends on many instruments

string instruments to be exact, when playing live

For example, in Arabic concerts, you might see 40, 50 or 100 musicians playing just the violins

Do you like jazz music?

I like the type of songs or music that have an element of uproar

For example, I like to listen to South American music

such as Gente de Zona, I really love them

Those kinds of songs excite me

For more infomation >> ُRoya English chats with Mohammed Assaf - رؤيا تلتقي محبوب العرب محمد عساف - Duration: 6:36.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.6 TDI BMT - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.6 TDI BMT - Duration: 1:00.


박명수가 수백억 자산가로 성공할 수 있었던 이유 - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> 박명수가 수백억 자산가로 성공할 수 있었던 이유 - Duration: 10:58.


Col de l'Arzelier v2.0 - C'ETAIT JUSTE ! - DH - Duration: 5:02.


My Friends

What did you say ? 😂

On the biketrail right now bro

Here we gooo


Ahhhh, you take the short way !


Wouuhouuu !

Overtaking ! 😂




Whoooo !

You alright ?

Ouh 😦

Yeaaaah boy !



He is on a tree ... 😂 😂

Waouu !

Fun trail ?

Go !

Go fun traaaail !

Wohohohohohooh !


(there was enough)

Round 2 !!

For theeee tuto tuesdaaay


With Jules Perbet And Samuel Reymond

In comiiiiing !!!

Yoooo !

Jules on fire !

Oh oh oh 😂





Fortunately, this is the last 😂

yes ! 😂

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