Darkness as we speak
has a 20 man
interceptor fleet in Esoteria
about to harass our toasters!
If you have a jump clone in d-p right now available
get in fleet 2 comms and Southsides fleet.
Stdby for instructions.
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MEASUREMENT RESULT | RESULTADO DE MEDIÇÃO #7 Bodybuilding - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Match with Mo1 & Toshiaki on the weekend - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
1. Malá kompilace z cest( Co se odehrálo v jeden den) - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Tutorial Tuesday Ep 9: Paper Beads - Duration: 9:40.so hey guys it's Tuesday and today we are going to be making our these fun
little paper beads
you can see I've got a couple different styles I've got this one that's just
kind of like a straight peg this one narrows at the top and if it's narrow at
the top and the bottom so this paper beads are really fun and easy to make
and I like them because they're great for a variety of ages you know little
kiss-up one of them I have fun making them and you can make some really cute
projects out of them and another great thing is you don't need too many
supplies so let's look at what we need your first not going to want paper
obviously as far as what patreon use I'm going to be using these little a nice
fun scrapbook paper sheets I've also got some printer paper that's just colored a
nice light lavender purple I haven't tried it with construction paper but of
construction paper that you've got on hand it should work just fine so first
thing you're going to want is paper next thing you're going to want is some glue
this is just a stick of Elmer's glue which actually I found this in a bag
that has the date August 2010 Ram on it but and that's crossed out so this was a
little funky when I was using it to make these beads earlier but Elmer's glue
stick is what you want probably not one from 2010 you might want to might want
to get a new one you just don't buy glue sticks as much when you're my age the
next thing we're going to want and we're going to want some way to measure it you
can use it tape measure I've got this little crafting tape measure here and
I've also got a measure on my cutting board it has different dimensions and
marks on it so you can use a ruler you can use cutting board you can use a tape
measure just some way to measure and then the next thing you're going to want
is a way to cut the paper the idea to make means is you're going to cut the
paper into different sized strips to get the different looks so you're going to
need either scissors or you can use a paper slicer I really like this one by
Fiskars it works really great you can measure it and it gives nice smooth
edges so the beads like extra crisp then the last thing you're going to want is a
skewer this is a bamboo skewer here and this is what we're going to wrap our
beads around because the idea is we're going to take this strip of paper and
we're going to roll it up so we're just going to use this bamboo skewer to roll
the beads around so let's get started I'm using some six inch by 6 inch
scrapbook paper so if your paper is larger than this you want to make sure
that the lengthwise of your strips is six inches and then we'll mark along
here to measure the different links so on one end to get this first shape we're
going to mark an inch at the bottom and a quarter inch up at the top and both of
these measurements are being marked from the edge from the left edge because what
we want to do is by keeping this size straight but angling this size it's
going to cause the bottom to be flat but the top to curve in and then once we've
got our marks made you can use a pair of scissors I'm going to use this Fiskars
paper clay sore just because it gives nice edges and I'm going to make sure
that my marks are lined up and I'm going to cut from mark to mark so now I have a
strip of paper that's like this the nice thing about this project is your paper
strips don't have to be perfect so if eyes a little bit off of my measurement
that's okay it'll still work out fine so cutting a strip like this gives this
shape to get this next shape we want to make both sides be angled and we want
the skinny end to kind of shift over if you think about it instead of this side
lining up at this point we want it to converge in the middle not off to this
side so we're going to need to make some more marks at the bottom we're going to
measure a quarter inch over then the top we want to be one inch wide however if I
measure an inch from the edge after we just did our previous cut this mark is
going to line up right above this mark and this sides going to be straight so
we're just going to kind of rough it we're going to move this over a little
ways so that way these two marks are kind of lined up in the middle here and
then we're going to mark the lunch spot and right here
so essentially what we've done is we've got to measure two quarter inch here in
here but instead of keeping this inch shifted over against this edge we
shifted it to the right a little bit so that way this smaller side will line up
in the middle of this wider side and then I'm going to cut this one out using
my paper cutters and so here is our strip to make it look to make a bead
like this and I'll point out the difference here you can see it better
now they're both cut this side this edge is straight and it makes them right
angle here but here this narrow piece is kind of lined up in between you could
draw lines in the middle here and hit the point where it converges so our last
bead type is the easiest to cut we just want to make it be the same width on
both sides I'm going to make this bead about an inch thick what's nice about
seasons is you can make them as tall or as narrow as you want so this edge here
is still straight because we haven't done anything with it so I'm just going
to measure an inch and at the bottom and an inch in at the top and then I'm going
to cut this side so here's where you're going to need your skewer and your glue
you're also going to want your paper strips so to start we're going to start
with this strip you want to flip it over because we want the pattern to be on the
outside and now we're just going to lay it underneath here take your glue and
rub a decent amount of glue on the other side of the skewer as I said this glue
is pretty old so yours hopefully won't look quite like this I'm just going to
smear some glue on there and then we're going to start rolling now when we roll
we're going to take this bottom edge and curl it around the bamboo skewer and
we're just going to slowly carefully tuck that edge under as we curl it
around and because we want one side of this bead to stay straight as we curl we
want to keep this straight edge lining up so just going to keep pressing
tightly on here and rolling this paper strip around when we get to the glue
part well make sure you press really firmly because we don't want your beads
to come undone you might find it's easier if you lay it on the table and
roll kind of like pushing like that make sure as you roll that you keep your
paper lined up evenly for the look you're going for and that once our beat
is mostly rolled up time to get some more glue smear it on the end you want
to make sure that you glue glue goes all the way to the end of the paper strip or
else it won't stay seal and we'll start to unwind
then finish rolling the last little bit
I want to make sure once you glue it that you really pinch and hold it for a
moment so the glue can set and here we go this is our first bead and now we're
going to repeat the process for the other one when we work this speed we
want to make sure that the narrow part stays kind of in the center you can see
when I rolled this one I didn't do it so evenly and so the shape of the bead is a
little offset this side is a little bit longer than this size a little bit
shorter but you can adjust it however you want and then let me roll this bead
we want to make sure we keep both ends even so I'm going to roll these ones up
really quick
I hope you have fun making these beads I think they're all so cute and I love a
different way the patterned paper shows when you curl it but I hope you enjoy
this tutorial also you might notice I'm wearing a pair of paper bead earrings
I'm going to put together a video with some different project ideas because you
might be going cool I've got a bunch of these paper beads but what do I do with
them so I want to put together a video and giving you some different ideas and
inspiration and that's always please give this video
a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already I would love for you to be able
to keep up with my videos and if you've already got ideas now that you've seen
this tutorial of what you might want to use your paper beads for comment below
and let me know and there might inspire someone else to try the same thing and
as always if you have any questions or comments leave those below I want to
hear from you and I hope you have a great rest of your week
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Derpy: I know you had *drugs kick in*
Derpy: ...This is your birthday, so i decided to make a cake
Derpy: Trust me, it's not poisoned
Derpy: I already checked it
Derpy: And maybe took a slice
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Derpy: Yes
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Derpy: Yes
Derpy: it's bullets
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Derpy: Scream of despair
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