Monday, April 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2018

My name is John Lomeli and I currently live in Placentia, California. When I first came

to Joe's weekend seminar, boot camp, whatever you want to call it, I was in Sacramento,

California, and so I decided to move back home to southern California, where I was born

and raised. Around 2008 we had quite a downturn in the

market, in the real estate market. At the time I owned a mortgage company and I was

buying you know, flipping, fixing, selling and was doing quite well. But after the downturn,

I lost the mortgage company and although I did have an apartment building that was providing

me with some income, I just had to try to figure out a way to get back in to doing the

real estate side and I don't know how Joe got my email, I don't know if it was something

I responded to, and what intrigued me about his method was going automated. And that was

something, obviously, that having been in the business for so long, I was used to pounding

the pavement, knocking on doors. And so automation – wow! You know, how can

I learn to do that? And it didn't take me long to realize that I needed to come out

here to Indianapolis and learn what he teaches. Joe has a system where you actually can reach

potential, motivated sellers through basically the internet where automatically emails are

sent out or they're contacted through his automation system and they respond to you

if they're interested. So, that intrigued me because it beats pounding the pavement

knocking on doors, obviously, and I wanted to learn it. So I decide to come on out and

try to learn. I'm a believer in the proof is in the pudding.

And I made a call, because that's what Joe teaches, also, to make the phone calls. And

I convinced a seller to let me do a lease option to buy and within thirty days I made

five grand. I got $3,000 up front from the buyer and $2,000 in sixty days. It allowed

them to move in, the sellers, they had a house basically sold already under the lease option.

And I just, I was excited. And I took off from there. So, less than thirty days, or

right around thirty days I made my first deal after leaving Joe's you know, seminar. So,

pretty exciting. I want to say probably about ten hours, maybe,

total. Because I went to go look at the house, I met with the sellers. I explained the process.

And then it was just a matter of finding the potential tenant buyers, you know, the rent

to own buyers. So, that, to me, after ten hours, is pretty neat. So, making five grand,

I mean, who makes that kind of money, you know, working at McDonald's? Nobody.

I don't know that there's one deal in particular that was "best." I think what

really the outcome of an investor who owned multiple properties saw my website that basically

you clone from Joe. You basically have that as your website. And he thought, wow, he says,

"How are you doing with this, you know, do you think you could help us?" I said,

"Help you?" He says, "Yeah." And he says, "We have, you know, thirty or so properties

that we went and bought, rehabbed, and when the bottom fell out of the real estate market,

they're empty. They're vacant. And we don't want to rent them out after putting

so much money back into them. So, how does this work?"

I ended up doing those thirty deals for those investors, two brothers, over a two-year period.

So, wasn't just one deal. It was multiple deals. And from there, I put on a little weekend

kind of a seminar. Not really a seminar, but a meeting with other investors who I had done

business with in the past who also had that same problem. They had houses they had put

in $20K, $30K, into rehabbing, and I got a list of properties that I just, so it was

multiple deals that literally became one big transaction for me because it kept me with

inventory, good inventory, with homes that had been renovated and I filled those.

Because of my mortgage background I was able to qualify these people, get the amount of

money that was satisfactory for the investors in terms of monthly. I told them how they

could, Joe taught us how we could get above fair market rents. It was a win-win. And certainly

it kept me afloat because when you're used to a six figure income and all of a sudden

your business is gone? So one deal, no. It provided me with multiple, multiple deals

that allowed me to more than survive. I was making anywhere between $5,000 and $6,000

per transaction. Some of the investors that I worked with wanted half of the lease option

fee, which some I agreed to. And then some just said, you know, whatever you get over

and above what I want, you keep. So, it would range, you know, they would vary. But, when

you have that much inventory, you learn in this business you don't get greedy. You

know, you take what you can take and move on to the next one. Because when you have

a happy seller, you know, and a happy buyer, it's a win-win. So you just keep moving

on. And I've had people to this day asking me, "Are you still doing lease options?

I'm looking for a house. I still haven't got my credit right where I want it." And

so, you know, when you do that, and you really want to help both parties, it's a win-win.

You can't help but get excited over that. Just recently I got back in doing deals again.

I picked up two deals, actually four deals. I've got two in California and two here

in Indianapolis. So I was able to not only come here to be with Joe after you know, seven

years. I'm back to refresh, you know, my mind and my, the concept and really get back

into it again because I know it works. And so, I have some wholesale deals that I'm

working on, but I know that using his automation again and getting back on track is going to

help me, propel me back up to – you know, you can't control what the market does.

But you have to find ways. If this is what you love, and this is a passion that you have

in life, and, there's your ups and downs, but, it's important to keep learning and

so Joe's system has gotten better, and I intend to get better right along with it and

that's why I'm here. So, a few deal here, a few deals there, I want more deals. Because

obviously at some point I want to be you know, independently wealthy so that I can go ahead

and vacation when I want to and do deals, you know, when I'm on the beach somewhere

in Hawaii. I've literally been doing this for twenty-eight

years. And again, that roller coaster ride, you can't control the market, but if you

can find other methods and doing what you love and have a passion for, then that's

my goal is, I don't know that I'll ever stop, you know, doing some type of real estate

transaction. It's a matter of finding the right system and riding that system out until

you can, maybe have to switch gears again. But I think with the automation that Joe teaches,

that's going to allow me to do deals no matter where I'm at, no matter how old I

get. You know, so, that's my goal. And obviously I'd like to be able have that you know,

income coming in from those deals so that I can then go ahead and not worry about, you

know, when my next paycheck is coming. So it's a matter of getting back on track again

for me. Again, there's, this business is not for

everybody and you've got to have thick skin and you've got to be willing to roll with

the punches. The older I get the more motivated I become because I know that there's a window,

a timeframe that I need before I, you know, decide to just do this. Whether I'll stop

or not, I doubt it. After twenty-eight years and obviously being connected with Joe, I

really don't know that I'll ever stop. So, but that's my goal. Is it money? Money's

great, but money's a vehicle. I think what, it, the money allows you to go out and do

other things to help people. I'm a veteran. And I want to help homeless veterans. And

so with my mortgage background and the possibility of building a nonprofit so that I can get

houses and house these veterans, get them, you know, a jump start. That's my goal.

It's been a passion of mine for quite some time. And I think that's more of why I'm

driving to do what I do. The money's great, don't get me wrong.

I have a great life and money has been there. When you do this business it's there. But

I think it's more than just the money that drives me at this stage in my life. I'm,

I just turned sixty-three and again, it's been a roller coaster ride. But there's

more I want to do with my life to help others using real estate as a vehicle.

I think the biggest blessing for me is being in the real estate realm, or the industry,

has allowed me to, when my children were small, to take them to school in the morning because

I didn't have an eight to five. I could pick them up in the afternoon. I could pick

them up when they got out of school. I could take them to their baseball or practices or

games and be there for them as a parent. My parents worked very, very hard but they were

at a job. And so I never had the pleasure of them coming to my games when I was playing

sports, basketball, football, baseball. I wanted that to be different for my family.

And their dad was there because a result of what real estate allowed me to do and that's

to work on my time. And of course it allowed me to give them the things that every parent

wants to provide for their children. A good home, a good education, you know, so, and

hopefully a work ethic that they can see, that if you work hard and work smart, it'll

provide you anything you want in life. And again, what I think I've learned more than

anything is not just about what it'll give me, or my family, but what you do to give

to others. And so that's really impacted me a great deal. That's why I want to keep

doing what I'm doing because I know that individually we can make a difference. Together

– oh, my gosh! It'll be a tremendous impact on people like the veterans who need it.

You know, what if we did a lease option to buy for a veteran knowing at some point they

can get, use their veteran benefits to buy a home a hundred percent? But they just need

a leg up. Can you imagine that? That's how it's impacted me. Because I know there's

more out there to helping people with what I can do in the real estate business.

I'm doing it full time. Yes. Yeah, I am doing it full time. I decided, although I

was working for a lender in California as a wholesale account executive, because again,

I enjoy the mortgage business. I left the salary and I'm working independent as an

outside remote agent, but I didn't want to be in the office, so in September I resigned

my salary position so that I could combine both. Because at some point, the people that

you're doing the rent to own for, you need to be able to help them get the loan eventually

so you know, you just kind of, and then the real estate part. If you're going to be

going out to do these deals, you've got to be able to find the time. Now, I don't

just want to do it on the weekends. I'm able to go now, take care of the job, so to

speak, as an independent contractor, and do my real estate whenever I want. You've got

to go look at houses after you meet the people. Again, Joe teaches it that you can do it the

automation way that he teaches and that's going to help me to do this across the country

as opposed to just in California. Again, that is probably one of my shortcomings is, automation.

So, yes, do I want to, have I left the job? Yes. Because I know that I want to devote

my time totally to doing this full time. So, I made that decision in September.

I've been back here to see Joe, this is probably my fourth time. So, each time that

I come I learn a little bit more and I expect to learn even more now and get started with

his automation system once again. Again, you know, there's a lot of ups and downs. It's

nothing's easy in any business that you're in and you have to keep up with things. So

for me, the automation, once I get it up and running again, get the websites up and running

again, I know that it'll all come back because once you – as a basketball player or any

sports that you might play, if you're down and you're unable to practice your trade,

you lose a little bit of what skills you have. And in the real estate business, it's much

the same. So, for me, that's why I'm back here. Because I know that this automation

will help me now take me back you know, to where I want to be in the real estate business.

Remember when that hedge fund came in an bought, I was really starting to get, you know, climb

again and all of a sudden the rug gets pulled out from under you again. You don't know

what's going to happen at that point in time, but, with the automation I think it'll

allow me to do other things that Joe teaches as well besides the rent to own, the wholesale,

because you can turn them into any type of transaction if you have the knowledge and

right now I think what's lacking for me is the automate knowledge, again, to just

kick start my business back to where I want it to be.

When I started twenty-eight years ago I had no job. I had just gotten married and I was

living back in my mother's house. It doesn't take money to make money in this business.

If you learn a method and if you learn a system and if you work that system and you work hard,

initially, you can find motivated sellers and you can find investors that will put up

the money. I literally found, learned how to do both. Find the motivated sellers, and

find the investors with money to put up the money for me to do transactions. And again,

you don't need money to make money in this business. If you use what they call OPM, or

"other people's money" and that's part of what Joe teaches, too.

And so I think Joe has been in this business pretty much the same length of time as I have,

but boy he has really found a way to help people want to get started and not worry about

having their own money. You don't need it. Get the knowledge first. Get the knowledge.

Learn how to approach a seller. Learn how to approach a buyer. Learn how to put the

deal together so that it makes sense and make it a win-win for people. So if you get the

knowledge, put forth the effort, okay, and keep working it, keep working it, keep working

it, because you're not going to perfect it at first. The first time I, and again,

I'm talking twenty-eight years ago. I knocked on the door, my knees were shaking so bad

I thought I was still knocking on that door. So you're going to be scared, you're going

to be intimidated. You're going to not, you're going to worry about what you're

saying or what you're not saying. But by golly, if you just keep at it, you'll be

confident, you'll learn it, and take Joe's system, okay, because if I had learned this

twenty-eight years ago, my guess is things would have been a little bit different for

me. But it doesn't matter. If it's what you want to do, obtain the knowledge. Learn

from Joe because he preaches and does what he says. He doesn't just preach. He does

everything that we, he's teaching us to do, he does it. And it works. I'm living

proof of that, or I wouldn't be back here seven years later. So just go for it. That's

all I can tell you. That's like the NIKE™ commercial says, "Just Do It!" Don't

worry about how much money you have or no job or where you're living or where you're

at. Just learn and run the race. You know, I've said probably quite a bit

and I think you can tell that I'm very passionate about this business. And it will make a difference

in your life. And not just that, it'll help you, it'll help your family. But I think

what I would venture to say is take what you learn, make a tremendous amount of money because

you can, and then go out and help somebody else. I think that mentoring is part of what

Joe's passion is as well. Because he wants to see other people succeed and I think that

we in turn, if we can make a difference in someone's life because of what we've been

blessed with, I would say find a "why" and then go out and do it. Find what motivates

you and hopefully you'll find that being in this business will in fact impact your

life as well as the life of your family and hopefully others.

For more infomation >> With In Thirty Days I Made $5K - Duration: 20:18.


[CC] 2018 Easter message from SoHyang / 소향 부활절 메세지 / eng sub - Duration: 1:01.

Video source : insta @_lilj_a

The more I believe in Jesus,

The more I know Him more,

The more I realize is

I no longer live

but Christ lives in me

That is the end of our way to go.

And that is the best way we can do.

And that is the way He want us to go.

I've tried to shout "I'm gonna love all beings of the world" like the lyrics of the song I've sang now("Wind Song"), but

I realize that I can not love by my own effort, in fact.

Ah, "I can not love others by my power, but ..."

For more infomation >> [CC] 2018 Easter message from SoHyang / 소향 부활절 메세지 / eng sub - Duration: 1:01.


Avengers: Infinity War

For more infomation >> Avengers: Infinity War


黃子佼求婚成功,孟耿如點頭嫁! 舊愛小S終於說話了... - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 黃子佼求婚成功,孟耿如點頭嫁! 舊愛小S終於說話了... - Duration: 6:30.


!?Nový Hrdina!? Brigette [Overwatch] - Duration: 30:35.

For more infomation >> !?Nový Hrdina!? Brigette [Overwatch] - Duration: 30:35.


04/01/2018 - Duration: 39:00.

For more infomation >> 04/01/2018 - Duration: 39:00.


Tesla Model 3: The Road & Track Review - Duration: 15:48.

Franz von Holzhausen is explaining his creation.

"I've always said, people should be attracted to our vehicles without realizing they're

electric," he tells me.

"It shouldn't be, oh, that's an electric car."

In a way, he's made that impossible.

Von Holzhausen became Tesla's chief designer in 2008; the Model S he penned made Tesla

the most recognized electric carmaker in the world.

Now hundreds of thousands of customers await delivery of the car in front of us: The Tesla

Model 3.

None of them are confused about what's under the hood.The Model 3 was conceived to bring

electric cars into the mainstream.

Driving toward Tesla's headquarters in Fremont, California, you might think that's already

been accomplished.

On my way to meet von Holzhausen and collect our Model 3 test car at the factory, I encounter

several examples of the midsize electric sedan in traffic.

The earliest cars off the assembly line went to Tesla employees; regular customers began

receiving theirs in the last weeks of 2017.

Our plan is to spend an entire day with the Model 3, using it the way an enthusiast would:

In spirited backroad driving as well as regular highway commuting.

A real-world test with an emphasis on the sporty side of Tesla's semi-autonomous,

semi-affordable experiment.Currently, the only Model 3s being built are top-spec models,

fitted with the optional Long Range battery ($9000; 310-mile range per EPA) and Premium

Upgrades package ($5000).

Base-models at $35,000 will come later; as tested, our vibrant red example stickers at


The exterior styling is unmistakably Tesla, an impressive feat for an automaker with less

than a decade of history to draw from.

Von Holzhausen tells me he wanted the Model 3 to look friendlier than the Model S, achieved

mostly by a different headlight shape.

The ever-shrinking (and totally non-functional) Tesla grille is finally completely absent;

the lofty roofline looks ungainly from certain angles, but the chiseled flare of the rear

fenders makes up for it.

The glass roof over the front seats is optional, while the giant rear windscreen will be standard

on all models.

The tinted gradient of the glass roof shifts colors in changing light, moving from ice

blue to warm copper.The interior is almost unrecognizable as an automotive design.

The Model 3's dashboard is an exercise in fanatical minimalism.

It's perfectly symmetrical, completely bereft of buttons, knobs, or any kind of moving parts.

Save for twin stalks serving the turn signals and gear selector, every control on the Model

3 is accessed from the central touchscreen.The equatorial dash vent mixes horizontal and

vertical air jets to precisely angle the flow as you desire, controlled by moving a dot

on a crosshair on the touchscreen.

Twin trackballs on the steering wheel (unlabeled and, admittedly, a little cheap-feeling) offer

stereo controls, voice activation, or side-view mirror and steering column adjustment, depending

on which touchscreen menu is active.

Even windshield wiper speed is adjusted from the monitor.

The left-hand third of the screen always displays the driver's instrument panel: Speedometer,

odometer, gear selection and the federally-required icons for turn signals, parking brake, and

malfunction indicators.

The rest of the desktop-computer-like screen cycles between navigation, stereo, and car

setup menus.It was designed, in part, to feel natural in our presumed autonomous future—when

the car is driving itself, the thinking goes, you don't need all that information staring

you in the face.

It's also an effort at being trendless, to make sure this car doesn't someday betray

itself as having been styled in 2017.

"You can get in other cars and play the date game just by looking at the buttons,"

von Holzhausen tells me.

"We put everything in [the touchscreen] and achieve a certain timelessness."

Leaving the Fremont factory with a fresh, fully-charged battery, our first order of

business is acceleration testing.

By our measure, the midsize Tesla romps from zero to 60 in 4.9 seconds; the quarter-mile

takes 13.67 at 103.1 mph, each run burning up one percent of battery life.

The Model 3 lives for the highway roll.

Dead-stop acceleration is soft for the first tick, swelling into a broad wave of torque

once we're moving.

The 50-70 sprint takes 2.5 seconds, the immediate hit feeling like the world's un-laggiest

turbo motor.

It's an unusual sensation in an entry-luxury sedan, matting the accelerator and squirting

away without the drama of a downshift, accompanied only by the growing rush of wind and the receding

ring of high-power circuitry.

You can't call it throttle response—there's no throttle at the other end of the right

pedal, only a flood of electrons—but the slap of thrust appears even before your right

foot hits the floor.

We head into the looping mountain roads at the edge of Fremont, nearly abandoned on this

weekday afternoon.

The steering is a shock and delight.

The Model 3 sports an incredibly quick rack—just two turns lock-to-lock—with three levels

of boost available through the small-diameter steering wheel.

I keep it in Sport, where firm weighting and impressive feedback help mitigate the dartiness

of such a responsive wheel.

The knife-sharp steering would be unpleasant if it wasn't for the Model 3's low center

of gravity.

The newest Tesla weighs just over 3800 lbs, half a ton lighter than the Model S; with

all the battery weight slung under the floor, the Model 3 dives into corners with hardly

any body roll.

The driver's seat is far forward in the wheelbase, behind a notably shallow dash,

perfectly positioned to feel the car pivot around the inside front wheel.

Suspension tuning is compliant, never feeling overly firm or crashy even on the choppy,

barely-maintained pavement of California's mountain routes.For now, all Model 3s are

rear-drive, Long Range models, a single 271-hp motor hiding between the back wheels.

Like every Tesla, the Model 3 has unflappable grip, finessing power output instantaneously

and nearly imperceptibly as traction conditions shift.

Regenerative braking handles all but the most panicked decelerations, a firm and linear

pedal operating the backup disc brakes.

Out on the road, the Model 3 feels special.

There's an eagerness to the car.

Steering, acceleration and chassis are nearly perfectly balanced, no one trait overpowering

the others.

Outward vision is expansive, the low dash, tall windshield, and minimized A-pillars making

it easy to place the car in corners.

Through twisty mountain roads, the car feels dynamically cohesive, thoughtfully tuned.

It's the kind of friendly, engaging drive that could make anyone excited to slide behind

the wheel.

Hustling the Model 3 is rewarding and un-demanding.

This isn't a car you drive with an iron grip and dilated pupils.

It's playful, charming, involved without demanding sacrifices in comfort or usability.

That fun-to-drive character doesn't feel like a contrivance.

Tesla doesn't bill this as the "performance" variant (though one is rumored to be coming);

the optional 19-inch wheels wear uninspiring all-season Continental tires that howl if

you push them too far.

But just below the limit, there's joy in the very design of this car, rooted in the

electric drivetrain's subterranean center of gravity and snappy acceleration.

There's something sincere about that.

It's one thing to discover driving joy in a sports car that was painstakingly engineered

to tickle the pleasure neurons of autocrossers and track rats.

Finding that in a family sedan—a car aimed at entry-luxury four-door buyers, the silver

drones of white collar office parks worldwide—is an unexpected delight.

A small handful of models in automotive history have offered such immediate, unfettered brightness

to regular, non-gearhead drivers.

Think of Sir Alec Issigonis's riotously tossable Mini, BMW's revelatory 2002.

The Model 3 shares something with those legends: It sneaks engaging, emotive driving into the

hands of buyers who weren't even looking for it.

Or at least it promises to—provided Tesla can someday achieve the production goals it

swore would happen months ago.

The gray Bay Area morning turns into a misting, overcast afternoon.

We tumble down from the hills and hit the freeway for a taste of Autopilot.

Tesla packs seven cameras, 12 ultrasonic sensors and forward-facing radar into every Model

3, enough hardware to support future feats of increasing autonomy with over-the-air software


The current version of Autopilot works well enough that there isn't much to say about


When lane-lines are clearly visible, it happily steers along, tailing the vehicle in front

of you at your preset distance or speed.

Leave the wheel unattended for long enough, and the top left corner of the center display

flashes blue to draw your attention.

Keep ignoring it, and you'll be grounded from Autopilot until the next time you start

the car.

The system still feels like it draws uncomfortably close to big-rigs in adjacent lanes, something

I've experienced in several Autopilot samplings, but overall it feels competent.

It's shocking how quickly you get used to it.

I can't say the same for the giant central display.

It's easy enough to remember to look to the right to find your speed or odometer—gazing

through the steering wheel at a featureless expanse of dashboard is a handy reminder.

But it demands an extra thought to accomplish something that's been ingrained in every

driver's mind.

It's akin to a bottle company producing a righty-loosey, lefty-tighty jar.

You'd get used to it, eventually, but only after un-learning a deeply habitual behavior.

In addition to the Model 3, Tesla gave us a Model S P100D to drive around for comparison.

Ever since its introduction, the Model S has felt one step removed from "normal" cars,

with its rocket acceleration and tablet dashboard.

The Model 3 feels like it hails from a decade in the future.

It redefines the scope, painting the Model S as the halfway point between conventional

cars and the capital-F Future.

Road and tire noise seeped into our Model S, while the Model 3 whooshed along in dampened

silence; the studious minimalism of the 3's interior made the S's dash and door panels

seem overadorned.

Outward vision from the S's driver's seat feels needlessly clipped.

The esophagus-squeezing rush of Ludicrous Mode is still as exhilarating as ever, but

it makes the hefty, uneager-to-turn Model S feel like a one-trick ZEV.

If the S was an ambitious and successful first experiment, the 3 benefits from everything

Tesla has learned since.

There are skills that Tesla still hasn't mastered.

Our Model 3's turn signals blinked unsteadily and far too fast, like it was one incandescent

bulb short of a complete circuit (Tesla says this was fixed with a software update after

we returned the car).

One DRL was notably dimmer than the other.

Body panel gaps, particularly around the doors, were gaping and inconsistent; the paint showed

a few sags and one spot of mismatched hue on the driver's door.

There's a deep irony here: Tesla assembles its cars in what used to be known as New United

Motor Manufacturing, Inc., or NUMMI, a factory once jointly-operated by GM and Toyota in

an effort to teach Japanese quality control and tight tolerances to American autoworkers.

As the sun went out behind Bay Area clouds, there was one thing left to do.

It involved disconnecting some crucial components.

The method is not described in any owner's manual or handbook; the option is unavailable

from the touchscreen.

Your service department likely would not be happy with you attempting it.

The car certainly wasn't.

Returning to Tesla's Fremont factory after dark, I thought back to what I expected from

the car at the start of the day.

The news out of Tesla hasn't been all positive lately, particularly when it comes to building

the Model 3 in mass numbers.

It feels like a real car.

Prior to my Tesla factory visit, I briefly drove a Model 3 that had just been delivered

to one of the first non-employee customers.

Both vehicles were solid, silent, and substantial.

Body and trim alignment issues aside, the cars felt complete, well-engineered, cohesive

in philosophy and design.

Tesla entered the auto industry tenuously with the first-generation Roadster.

The Model S was revolutionary on introduction and stayed fresh with continual updates and


(The Model X proved that even the sleekest design gets dorkified in the transition to


The Model 3 proves that Tesla is thinking far beyond the edges of the Model S and X.

Stepping out of the 3, you realize that, as far as the S and X pushed the envelope, they

were always meant as intermediaries, stepping stones designed to draw people away from comfortable

convention and into the future of the automobile.

Previous Teslas defined themselves by the standard paradigms: Sports car, luxury sedan,

flashy crossover.

The Model 3 is Tesla at its most unabashed.

It's an automaker finally willing to abandon the skeuomorphism of a false radiator grille,

the tradition of a driver-oriented gauge panel.

It's as daring today as the Volkswagen Beetle was in the days after World War II, as dedicated

to unconventional solutions as old-days Saab.

It'll take years to find out whether Tesla can make the electric car ubiquitous.

The Model 3 is the right car for the task—but accomplishing this feat will require building

them in the hundreds of thousands, at a level of quality the newcomer automaker has yet

to master.

If Tesla can hack it, Von Holzhausen's dream may yet come true.

People will look at a Tesla and they won't wonder what propels it—because, if the plan

works, electric cars will be the new norm.

For more infomation >> Tesla Model 3: The Road & Track Review - Duration: 15:48.


Le jus de grenade peut nous protéger face à la maladie d'Alzheimer - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Le jus de grenade peut nous protéger face à la maladie d'Alzheimer - Duration: 8:09.


세상에 모습을 드러낸 일루미나티!! 공식 웹사이트, 트위터, 페이스북?... - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 세상에 모습을 드러낸 일루미나티!! 공식 웹사이트, 트위터, 페이스북?... - Duration: 2:54.


Mariage de Meghan Markle : décou­vrez sa sexy demoi­selle d'hon­neur, Jessica Mulro­ney - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Mariage de Meghan Markle : décou­vrez sa sexy demoi­selle d'hon­neur, Jessica Mulro­ney - Duration: 2:44.


【比比 Bebe 비비/Get Ready With Me(?)】 毫無技術成分的Baby Don't Stop拍攝準備過程 ft Hazel - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> 【比比 Bebe 비비/Get Ready With Me(?)】 毫無技術成分的Baby Don't Stop拍攝準備過程 ft Hazel - Duration: 8:10.


Top 5 des signes du zodiaque les plus sexy - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Top 5 des signes du zodiaque les plus sexy - Duration: 8:11.


더블스타로의 선택...회생 길 들어선 금호타이어 |Largus TV - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 더블스타로의 선택...회생 길 들어선 금호타이어 |Largus TV - Duration: 4:16.


DDD All-Star Tournament Part 3 - Duration: 42:14.

For more infomation >> DDD All-Star Tournament Part 3 - Duration: 42:14.


I Hear Thunder | Nursery Rhymes Cartoons for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:56.

I hear thunder!

I hear thunder!

Don't you to,

Don't you to,

Pitter, patter raindrops,

Pitter, patter raindrops,

I'm wet through

So are you!

I hear thunder!

I hear thunder!

Here it roar

Here it roar

Pitter, patter raindrops,

Pitter, patter raindrops,

I'm all wet

I'm all wet

I see blue sky

I see blue sky

Way up high

Way up high

Hurry up the sunshine

Hurry up the sunshine

Will soon dry

Will soon dry

For more infomation >> I Hear Thunder | Nursery Rhymes Cartoons for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:56.


Planet Song | Learning Videos For Children | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 18:34.

Planet Song

For more infomation >> Planet Song | Learning Videos For Children | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 18:34.


Calendrier Éditorial 1/2 ❧ Comment faire un calendrier éditorial dans son Bullet Journal - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Calendrier Éditorial 1/2 ❧ Comment faire un calendrier éditorial dans son Bullet Journal - Duration: 8:17.


How to Choose Canberra city gym ? Call + 61 (26) 1403477 - Duration: 1:01.

How to choose Canberra city gym ? Here are all the answers !

What really matters to you in a gym in Canberra city ? Read and find!

The best gyms all over Canberra - do not hesitate - call us!

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