It's almost April, um,
when I put this online it probably already will be April,
which means it's time to
set up my April bullet journal.
(intro music)
First I'll just go through my March pages real quick
to show you how they've changed.
The first page for March,
I've just put some stickers and washi in there to fill it up a little bit.
Um, yeah you can see, um, I'm hoping that in the last few days I will finish at least
one of these books *chuckle*
Um, yeah it's been, um, not the best reading month *pained chuckle*
Uh, but here you can see how my Movies & Series page turned out.
Um, yeah I quite like how simple it is
um, I'm going to just colour it orange every time I finish a season or
on the last day of the month when I'm not going to watch any more.
Um, as you can see here I need to wait a little bit longer before I use the marker, um,
after I put in those last stripes,
because, um, yeah, don't want that happening any more.
Uh then here something happened that I'm not very happy with,
this just, erm, is totally visible through the nex- the previous page.
Um, so I'm going to try something else this month and um, well, you'll see how that's
going to look in a moment.
I hope that will also make it less of a mess because I can't do straight lines.
I haven't actually figured out how I'm going to do the sleep tracker next...
I mean I kind of like this format except that it's so messy.
So... maybe I'll just do the same thing and try to be a little bit neater...
I don't know.
Uh, you'll see by the end of the video.
Um so the dailies just turned out like this, I, as you can see I went to see Black Panther
I always put my ticket stubs and stuff in my bullet journal.
Um, I know this bit looks a little bit weird, I think, but there was a stain on here, so
I put washi on top of it.
And it looks pretty cool in the end.
Here's a genderfluid dragon.
I might- I don't know, this is kind of empty but maybe I'm going to just leave it like that.
Um, yeah, here are my drawings of uh, ghost Eevee. *awkward chuckle*
It's just an Eevee with a sheet on top of it.
I'm convinced that should be the ghost eeveelution.
Um here's a really cool sticker of Nico diAngelo.
I just, you know, I just put some stickers in the empty pages
and because I was already drawing ghost Eevees I thought that one would fit.
Um, I'm going to try to find all the creators of the stickers so I can put their links in the description.
Uh, then we have the last, uh, pages.
This is this week so it's not, um, all... made up fancy yet.
Just kind of empty. Um...
I'm hoping to fit in the last day in this little space here.
Um... yeah.
Not really much else to say.
Uh so I'm just going to... start my April bullet journal pages.
(upbeat music)
First I've tried something new,
uh, I've just put washi all along the edge here,
and I'm hoping that will make the start of each month easier to find and I also think
it does look slightly better than
folding it like this.
Um, this time the month started on a left page instead of a right one, like in March,
but that worked out fine because I have an extra tracker this month for Camp NaNoWriMo.
So I put that right on the second page.
And I'm still kind of doubting what I should do with this space,
I feel like I could maybe put word count in there, I'm not sure
Or maybe what project I'm working on, or both, um, I'm just gonna think about that a little more.
Um, but for now I've just got a sort of graph for minutes written every day,
because I've got my goal set at 20 minutes a day.
I made a video about Camp NaNoWriMo earlier, so, um, you can check that out if you're interested.
Uh, I kind of smudged the line there by moving the... uh, the ruler...
which was not a good idea, but I'm rolling with it.
It looks okay? I guess?
Um, yeah.
So just like last time I've got the month, the goals, and I'm probably gonna put some
stickers and washi in there again.
Maybe add some more goals, I'm not sure.
I haven't really thought about that a lot this time, so, we'll see how this will get filled up.
(upbeat music)
I didn't change much to these pages compared to last month.
Um, this one is basically the same.
I've still got to fill out my TBR a little more.
Um, this one I just, er, put in some more writing because I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo so
I want to be writing a little more.
Um, and because I don't have my resit to study for any more,
I mean I won't have after next week,
I set one day for, um, catching up on uni stuff in case I can't get something done
in the time I had planned before.
So I hope that will help me stay on top of things.
Um, yeah, apart from that nothing has changed, uh, except I'm trying to start an hour earlier
than before
so I'll have more time to read in the afternoon.
(upbeat music)
This is how I changed my self care tracker.
Um, I just didn't draw any lines, um, because,
I mean, the dots are kind of all over the place but it doesn't...
It's not so clear that it's not a straight line because it's not actually a line. Um...
So I'll just cross them out, uh, or...
I don't know, I'll figure out some signals,
uh, maybe I'll do colour coding again, but then I'll just have to colour the dot so it won't,
um, shine through as much.
Uh, and then because I had so much space left, I decided to do my sleep tracker in mini form.
Um, which, the writing kinda got messed up, but it's an experiment so it doesn't matter.
Um, so I just, instead of writing down the hours and stuff, I just made a list for how
many hours I slept and how many times I woke up at night,
um because those are really the most important things to track.
I also accidentally made a squiggly line on the next page,
but, um, I'm just going to put a sticker over that, or something.
So yeah, I'm... just about done, just need to colour this part, so I'll just go and do that.
Um, and then this is where I'll start my dailies.
So that's all coloured in now, um...
Yeah, I'm... I'm liking this set up and...
um, I'm looking forward to this month actually.
Mainly because of Camp NaNoWriMo.
I hope that's going to go well.
You will know, if you subscribe to my channel, because I'm gonna be vlogging about it.
Um... So yeah, stay tuned.
And, uh, thank you for watching, and I hope you will have a good month.
(outtro music)
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