Hello Geo subscribers I hope you are well and that you do not abuse
chocolates this weekend! Today we find ourselves in a new video
we'll talk about this video Pathtags then we asked the
several times made because I said the word often in Pathtags
Live in the video and the events I am often asked what is a
Pathtags What is a Pathtags, so we will talk about Pathtags!
A Pathtags what it is then it is a small piece of metal so I
So that presents Geocaching Vlogger this year see this is
a Pathtags there for example that this is also so there GeoJangie
it is in circular form and there are also
So that they are really great fun so they do not have the same size so
you understood these are small metal objects
so usually it's the size of a one euro coin so it can compare it
is the size of a one euro coin tac or a quarter for US
Here then little information to get into the technical is
metal that is 23 mm wide and 2 mm thick
is iron so make very strong and to prevent rust that it has received
a color silver plated copper gold or black to choose from. this is the
Pathtags and I present one of the chain so you know it is a Pathtags
us is the little mascot that in fact do and I
transformed into Pathtags. what good is a Pathtags? well it
serves at the base really all start as object
advertising was an object that was you know we put on a key ring
that attaches into the hole like that a bit like a trolley token
and it was a subject that was extremely prevalent among scouts and
in military and As at As gradually as it is
Geocaching who really taken almost 90% of production which
just what is a huge Pathtags? in fact
neither more nor less than the collection of the exchange to the same to the same image
in fact that there geowood you know that there is a site that allows you
manage your Geowood and to trade
this is the same principle but in metal but a little different in the direction
where you have a rear code that you actually like a logger
TB and virtually add to your collection
you can for example there were five add five manage your collection
your exchanges is very well done we will see it in a few minutes
directly on the PC. By cons you will not have the same
let's map the map mapmonde with the various trips that made
your Pathtags. that there will not be since there is not the principle of log cache by hiding
but there are two solutions is to change that. So either
actually enjoying the Pathtags hole, hanging 1 tb and over there it traveled with
the Pathtags so people can accommodate the Pathtags tb and so it is rather
fun or just use a Pathtag Sherpa Geocoin
so I put the picture here is nothing less than a Geocoin with the middle one
loving base and on which the paste has Pathtags
Here I come to talk about these magnetizable as it is so iron
the advantage is for storage, you can create a sort of small table with
magnets and so arrange your Pathtags I think I will make a video
also on that and it will please I think up enough of them
the words to the details we will move immediately to create your
Pathtags account to get started today to share with the world.
So you're on your browser
Internet favorite you type Pathtags with s and you get there on
the first link you click on it and you're on the page of Pathtags.com
I warn everyone this is a site entirely in English
There is no little button to select your language etc.
little tip if you are Google Chrome users or right-click
and translated into French for my part I will stay in English
but really please right click switch to French if you
you are not comfortable Pathtags therefore you will see thousands
because there are thousands of really it's just impressive you
see a few examples here and there you can find at the top in
did visit the gallery and there you will see all shapes and
all colors look me that one was shaped flower is
just beautiful besides I'll open another window and I
will contact the person to make a trade you have greatly
really it's just incredible, the only limit is going to be your
imagination so I want to say that
anyone can create a Pathtags. The only thing to know is that it a
suddenly it is quite expensive it must create the design so pay someone to
to design if you are not comfortable with digital tools. 2 must
actually created the mold so the need to pay the mold and after the units must
Minimum order 50 Pathtags the unit so that it all takes
about 1.50 dollar coins. I will make a video totally dedicated to the creation of
Pathtags alphabetically we will create a model set but definitely I do this
in a totally dedicated video because it takes some time and I
would not lengthen the video so now that you have seen what
like the Pathtags you go at the top right and click
on log in here then I log with my
main account but today we will sign with Mr.
boat that is my account of tutorials that I had a problem on this
tutorial I filmed with his mobile phone
there was a crash and I redo this tutorial is again so I
am already created, I show you how I did it but not will validate
So you arrive on this page so you will now created your nickname
used such that geocaching or any nickname you want me
it will be mister boat here I had already created email you type your email
here mister boat
"Like" then he said to me that I have an account on the other hand it is
Normal you said I've recorded I will not follow through
your location you type in the city you want me I typed at the base
Lampay since Lampay is a small town in Peru and then you
down you make sure that you have validated the four small checkmark
you say that you have accepted the terms and conditions that the police etc.
you are over 13 years so you're human you remember
check the captcha therefore the panels check you and you are a
human and you'll sign up now on this page you will find in
is the basic information so your nickname
the e-mail so it makes magic number that corresponds to your number
personalizes your limit on Pathtags.com exchange
then you're starting at the exchange limit of 5. What is a
limit trade? is to avoid it is bad exchanger
that is to say, they ask that they receive but do not sends it to limit
Five exchanges at the start is from the time when trade began to
how and good you can increase your limit
So here you have then the number of exchanges that you have already done so
there inevitably you're 0 so without your collection a little veras
later and therefore the currency pathCash there you do not have one but by the
Eventually you can have for example by becoming creative design or
selling some of your Pathtags is that many of Pathtags
back when you had a custom front and rear custom
when you choose when you made the production part
Sub often go a charity
Whether for cancer kids etc so it's a very nice gesture. On the
right you will find everything that can be found at the top it's just
on this page is really the shortcut. Now you created
Well your account offers your logger
first Pathtags. I'll give you the number of the Pathtags which is Pathtags
the chain's mascot here. namely that it is not like a tb you
can not get it back so you can just log on and it will
add to your collection and you will have more in your Pathtags
collection. this will be your first Pathtags normally and I am very
glad it was this one. So for the logger is simple you while
High log and tag. you click on it you will therefore go
your location so my example I'll leave it to Lampay
there normally is good then you type the number
Therefore series of the serial number it is at the back of your Pathtags
it's still pretty simple issue there forever letters
normally. Unless specific customization. So we shall
So typing is 52 79 15 and there when you type the
latest issue well look what happens
1 and here we see the image of you Pathtags you're logger
so no mistaking it's more fun that was really well done
So then how you want to log in there in case one but
you can have several and you can leave a message
So to Lampay since it will be me who would get the message when you loggerez
Pathtags your "thank you for sharing"
you tell me you want! you are free ^^
thank you for sharing and date and makes you click to add! you come here
Pathtags to add to your collection you have your first log
Pathtags see it's very very very very simple from the site can
seem a little complicated but ultimately really get used to it very well
to see your collection you just in my stuff and my collection
click it and voila you have your Pathtags
if later you receive this so Pathtags to receive this one there to
two solutions is be patreon member, because all members
Patriots get what Pathtags where bin in fact I will definitely make games
etc. and it will often be in a small price Pathtags I find it quite nice
it's metal that's quite nice if you have more you can by
eg keep and proposed an exchange for adding 1 you put here
here the amount you want to sell now you will be able
customize your profile so you go to my stuff and my profile
Here you can change your nickname you can also change your
mail you can make a little blurb that is
always nice when you do trade someone is able to read
just where it came etc ... are made not a novel but is just a little one
little message "hello, I'm from France" I would collect
Pathtags short, the communications option, so it's
no more or less at what address is what I get emails every time I
When a message mails etc are exchange messages you
to automatic messages and forum signature
there a week and I would definitely go for a ride
Forum is in socializes and Pathtags.com forum so I start
in a new tab that is this is the forum I suggest you Pathtags
really go for a walk there really any exchanges ago
discussions tips on creating games
Sales really all all all they have to do with the
Pathtags and also geocaching I suggest you really take a turn is
a community that is very very very very active you will see what is
impressive and especially a great thing it is a community
I would say that is nice I have not seen a single haters is really what
I call haters even if there is a question of time a bit silly
there is not the guy who returns the ropes. That way it would do a lot with us
of course feel free they have a facebook page
So facebook page in socializes
it's quite interesting to indormations there, the places they go beings
in short of offers is very interesting and I also
think there you already have enough to start and start trading
Moreover with the world really it's going at breakneck speed
to begin from the moment you put your first Pathtags or request
exchanges to know that even if you do not have to exchange it Pathtags
Sometimes, gently asking on the forums I started
especially that they know that European, not a lot of Pathtags to start
"I started is someone to a first double for me?"
you can exchange I saw often against Geowood
of Pathtags really there to really a community which is great and I am
sure you will find your first Pathtags very quickly. I offer
anyway to win this Pathtags saying as usual you
you thought of the video in the negative positive reviews etc.
and I will draw lots Sunday 8th in the day a person in
comments that will receive this Pathtags. This video is now over I will
thanks again for having followed sorry if
maybe a little hatched a bit complicated at the assembly. I had a lot
technical problems whatsoever on the first shoot
or the second time it was hell! I spent four hours to turn this
video and I'm really glad she's finally out
See you very quickly as usual by email private message on
field by Facebook for comment and why not by Pathtags to
trade together do not hesitate in any case Geo friendship friends
Ciao Ciao
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