Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 2 2018

서울의 한 단독주택 재개발 단지 모습. [헤럴드DB] 7월 단독 0. 9%, 연립 0.61%↑"규제 적고, 값 싸다".돈 몰려임대수익+개발기대 '일석이조'[헤럴드경제=박일한 기자] 단독주택, 연립주택 가격 상승세가 사롭지 않다

아파트 시장이 정부의 각종 규제로 주춤한 사이 단독, 연립주택 가격은 0년 만에 가장 높은 상승폭을 기록하며 급등하고 있다. 2일 KB국민은 에 따르면 지난달 서울 단독주택 가격은 0

79% 올랐다. 전달(0.46%)보다 0.33%p 더 올랐고, 2009년 9월(0.93%) 이후 월간 기준 상승폭이 가장 높다. 연립주택도 지난달 0

61% 올라 전달(0.32%)의 두 배 수준으로 뛰었다. 2009년 10 (0.69%) 이후 가장 많이 오른 것이다. 이런 흐름은 다주택자 양 소득세 중과 등으로 아파트 매매 시장이 위축된 4월 이후 본격화했다

3월 0.28% 올랐던 서울 단독주택은 4월 두 배 이상인 0.68%나 뛰었다. 5월에도 0.55% 올랐고, 6월 0.46% 상승했다. 연립주택 올 1월 0

07% 오르는 등 예년과 비교해 특별한 모습은 모이지 않다가 3월 0.5 , 4월 0.43% 등으로 높은 상승률 행진을 이어가고 있다. 이에따 단독주택은 올 1~7월 누적치로 3

17% 뛰었다. 연간 변동률 기준과 비교 2008년(6.16%) 이후 가 높은 상승폭이다. 연립주택도 올해 7월까지 누적치로 2.46% 올랐다. 역시 전년 동기 기준 2008년(8

06%) 이후 가장 많이 오른 것이다.  박상언 유앤알컨설팅 대표는 단독이나 연립주택을 사서 다가구나 다세대 주택으로 새로 지어 임대수익을 리는 사람들이 많다"며 "뉴타운 등 재개발 사업이 추진되다가 사업이 지지 진해 정비사업 대상에서 해제된 곳들을 중심으로 매수 상담이 많다"고 전했

정비사업 대상에서 해제되면 신축이 가능하기 때문에 이런 지역이 인기 끈다는 이야기다. 단독주택, 연립주택은 거래량도 안정적인 편이다. 서 시부동산정보광장에 따르면 서울에서 단독주택은 지난달 1517건 거래돼 전 (1529건)과 비슷한 수준을 유지했다

4월 1373건, 5월 1562건 등으로 안정적인 거래량을 유지하고 있 . 연립주택은 지난달 4087건 거래돼 전달(3813건)보다 매매가 많았

4월 이후 월평균 4000건 전후 수준으로 거래되고 있다. 박상국 이프테크 대표는 "각종 규제로 아파트 매매가 어려워지면서 뭉칫돈을 가진 영업자 등이 아파트에 비해 상대적으로 싸게 느껴지는 단독, 연립주택을 사 있는 것"이라며 "주거 형태별로도 일종의 '갭메우기'가 진행되고 있다" 해석했다

중장기적으로 언젠가 재개발이 진행될 것이라는 기대감이 작용했다는 분 도 나온다. 평생교육원 구루핀 전영진 대표는 "시정개발연구원 자료에 르면 서울 다가구 밀집지역이 2020년이면 100% 재개발 지역 요건을 족한다"며 "당장은 임대수익이 목적이지만 중장기적으로 재개발이 추진되면 매차익을 얻을 것이란 기대감도 많다"고 전했다


For more infomation >> 서울 단독, 연립주택 10년 내 최대 상승..아파트 규제 영향? - Duration: 3:33.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Aurora Police identify home invasion s - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Aurora Police identify home invasion s - Duration: 1:47.


True Legato Strings phrase by S Legato Strings Bundle - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> True Legato Strings phrase by S Legato Strings Bundle - Duration: 2:09.


Get all of this and more with a brand-new Biltmore Co. home! - Duration: 1:24.

Hey everybody this is Christy Hovey

I am in a Biltmore Co. home in Hillsdale Creek.

And we're going to share something with you

that everybody says to us when they come into this model -

they say, it's not an upgrade?

Check out that gorgeous five burner Bosch cooktop.

And this Bosch double oven.

And this butler's pantry.

Definitely not an upgrade.

Wow kitchen cabinets all the way up

to the top of the ceiling.

Soft close drawers

and a quartz countertop.

Not an upgrade.

Super trendy light fixtures.

Not an upgrade.

Nope, this is all included with your Biltmore home,

you don't have to pay extra for it.

Oh look, it's plumbed for a gas barbecue.

Nope, that's not an upgrade.

Ooh this master bath is so spacious

and the shower, look two shower heads!

We invite you to come and visit us

at one of our many communities,

our models are open seven days a week from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

(doorbell rings)

Whoa that was fast!

For more infomation >> Get all of this and more with a brand-new Biltmore Co. home! - Duration: 1:24.


Big Time Rush - All Over Again - Duration: 1:53.

I still got that same look that sets me off.

'Cause there's just something about you.

I got these feelings to let it show 'cause I wouldn't let you go.

I shouldn't of let you go.

You asked me for closure before and girl I told you it's over, it's over,

It's not over. So here we go again.

It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

For the first time and I know that it feels right.

I think I'm falling in love all over again.

Love at first sight, do you know ho I feel to the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.

To the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.


Baby there's something that you did to hold me on.

Maybe there's something that just keeps me from moving on.

Your love is static, it pulls me in like a song when it first begins

I'm ready to go again (Yeah)

It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

For the first time and I know that it feels right.

I think I'm falling in love all over again.

Love at first sight, do you know how I feel to the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.

To the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.


For more infomation >> Big Time Rush - All Over Again - Duration: 1:53.


✅ 台北市議員王世堅昨在網路節目發豪語,若年底柯文哲落選就剃光頭慶祝,引起網友熱烈討論,過去他賭過大大小小的事情,結果全應驗,導致他跳海又高空彈跳,王世堅今天自嘲,由於賭運差,從沒贏過,所以這次倒過來 - Duration: 2:24.

 〔記者楊心慧/台北報導〕台北市議員王世堅昨在網路節目發豪語,若 底柯文哲落選就剃光頭慶祝,引起網友熱烈討論,過去他賭過大大小小的 情,結果全應驗,導致他跳海又高空彈跳,王世堅今天自嘲,由於賭運差 從沒贏過,所以這次倒過來打賭,他很珍惜頭髮,剃光頭根本是自虐,但 會以此方式慶祝柯落選

 王世堅在2008年賭「國民黨8席全上就跳海」、2012年賭「蔡 文沒當選總統就高空彈跳」、去年賭「網路節目點閱破百萬就剃頭」,結 全應驗,他也都兌現承諾,全部做到,因此被網友讚為「真男人」

 王世堅受訪說,第一次期待能夠懲罰自己,希望這一次能夠應驗:「懲 我吧!凌虐我吧!11月25日隔天,我希望有機會能剃光頭,慶祝柯文 落選,柯落選才是台北市民之福!」 至於是否有信心「剃光頭」,王世 認為,選民會做正確的選擇,柯文哲從公宅、公托、五大弊案,沒有一個 到的,他只為了政治利益做事,對選民很有信心


For more infomation >> ✅ 台北市議員王世堅昨在網路節目發豪語,若年底柯文哲落選就剃光頭慶祝,引起網友熱烈討論,過去他賭過大大小小的事情,結果全應驗,導致他跳海又高空彈跳,王世堅今天自嘲,由於賭運差,從沒贏過,所以這次倒過來 - Duration: 2:24.


✅ Les salariés de la Tour Eiffel en grève contre les files d'attente trop longues - Duration: 1:17.

Les personnels de la Tour Eiffel sont en colère et souhaitent que l'accueil des visiteurs soit plus efficace

Pour cette raison, les salariés ont débuté un mouvement de grève ce mercredi en milieu d'après-midi après la suspension des négociations un peu auparavant

Le monument était donc fermé.La CGT reproche à la direction d'avoir dédié le pilier nord d'accès à la Tour à l'accueil des visiteurs munis de préventes, et l'autre pilier à tous les autres

Une organisation mise en oeuvre par "la Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel (SETE) qui génère des files d'attentes parfois monstrueuses" et "souvent totalement déséquilibrées", a expliqué le syndicat dans un communiqué

For more infomation >> ✅ Les salariés de la Tour Eiffel en grève contre les files d'attente trop longues - Duration: 1:17.


Đồng hồ Hublot HBL-03AMB-D cực ngầu - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Đồng hồ Hublot HBL-03AMB-D cực ngầu - Duration: 1:04.


Đồng hồ Hublot HBL-02AMS-D phong cách cá tính - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Đồng hồ Hublot HBL-02AMS-D phong cách cá tính - Duration: 1:02.


TOP 8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving To New Zealand - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> TOP 8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving To New Zealand - Duration: 5:55.


Ce qu'il faut savoir si jamais votre caca est vert - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Ce qu'il faut savoir si jamais votre caca est vert - Duration: 7:16.


Discovering the Sun's Mysteriously Hot Atmosphere - Duration: 3:25.

The Sun's core is the hottest part of the Sun.

But our star's temperature doesn't behave as you might expect.

The core is roughly 27 million degrees Fahrenheit

and 10 times more dense than gold.

As you move outward, the layers of the Sun become cooler and less dense.

Something unusual, however, occurs when you reach the outermost layer.

While the surface is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit,

the corona – the Sun's outer atmosphere — is several hundred times hotter.

That's the opposite of what happens with a fire, when it gets cooler the farther away you get.

Scientists call this the coronal heating problem

and evidence for this was first uncovered during an eclipse in the 1800s.

The corona is usually hard to see -- it's too dim to be seen next to the Sun's bright body.

But it can be seen with the naked eye,

when the moon blocks the sun during a total solar eclipse.

To understand how this mystery was discovered,

it helps to know how scientists started studying the chemical properties of materials on Earth.

In the early 1800s, instruments named spectroscopes

were invented to identify materials that emit light when heated.

Light enters the spectroscope and is filtered through a tiny hole to isolate a single area.

It then bounces off a special grating that disperses light into its different wavelengths.

While sunlight contains every wavelength,

scientists discovered that every chemical element and compound

contains a unique pattern of wavelengths

that allows scientists to determine the composition of light sources.

It wasn't long before astronomers started extracting information from the light of distant stellar objects.

In 1869, two scientists independently decided to point a spectroscope toward the corona during a total solar eclipse.

As the Sun's light disappeared, the pattern of wavelengths changed.

They saw something they had never seen before.

A bright green line that did not relate to any element found on Earth.

For a short while, scientists named it 'coronium'.

It wasn't until 70 years later that a Swedish scientist discovered

that these lines were the result of elements such as iron being stripped of its electrons.

Every element has a specific number of electrons surrounding the nucleus.

As each electron is removed, more energy is needed to remove the next one.

The green line shows that iron has been stripped of 13 of its 26 electrons –

– indicating that the corona needed to be millions of degrees -- counterintuitively far hotter than the Sun's surface.

Scientists have since proposed a variety of theories

for what mechanisms could be adding that extra heat into the atmosphere.

One theory suggests that small waves in the Sun's surface pushes particles and heat into the atmosphere

- a bit like how ocean waves push surfers.

Another theory suggests small bomb-like explosions from the realignment of the Sun's magnetic field create heat.

Many scientists think it may be a mix of both.

We've studied the corona from Earth during many eclipses,

but to solve our star's biggest mystery we have to make direct observations from the region itself.

For more infomation >> Discovering the Sun's Mysteriously Hot Atmosphere - Duration: 3:25.


Are you a commodity? - Duration: 3:18.

Are you a commodity?

You may not reckon you are, but you market sure thinks so.

Don't believe me?

Tell me what you'd say when someone asks what you do.

"I'm an accountant", or "I provide finance", "I'm a business coach",

"I do digital marketing", "I help you with your social media presence", "I create

websites" or "I provide managed IT services".

Frankly they're all pretty boring!

These are all descriptions about what you do.

There is nothing unique about these.

Not one provides a compelling value proposition, a clear, and outcome based statement of the

tangible results a customer gets from your product or service.

Given these descriptions, I don't know how I could benefit, so why would I bother listening


This is Rashid Kotwal from Revealed Resources.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you must develop a strong unique value proposition

that cuts through, immediately generating interest from your prospects.

Don't use motherhood statements like quality, reliability, professionalism and customer


Only talk in terms of results and outcomes.

Talk about the pain your prospects are likely to be experiencing and how you can alleviate


What they could save.

What they could make.

Could be terms of time, money and effort.

The more specific tangible benefits the better.

So here are some examples from our clients.

A Financial Planner who works with clients preparing to go into aged care minimise their

Bond and Daily Care Fees, while maximising their benefits from Centrelink, potentially

saving themselves thousands of dollars a year.

Or the Investment Property Buyer who helps clients find, negotiate and settle on undervalued

property so they make money right from the start.

On average they secure property at $15,000 to $20,000 below market value so clients get

an immediate return on capital investment which continues to grow long term.

And finally, a Photographic Lab servicing professional photographers who guarantees

the physical prints will exactly match the captured images with no additional work on

the photographer's part or they get 110% of their money back.

Being specific and detailing tangible benefits gets attention and encourages your prospects

to ask for more information.

Now it has another benefit too.

A strong, tangible value proposition helps you value your own product or services more.

It builds your courage and confidence.

So that you can pick up the phone and write to a prospect knowing that you add value and

should at least be given a hearing.

Now, some of you might be stuck coming up with your own value proposition.

Often we're just too close to what we do and minimise our own value.

One of the best ways to find the answer is to ask your clients.

Call them up and ask what value you provide.

What are the benefits?

What did you do to help them?

You might be surprised at what they come up with.

Wrapping up, if you'd like additional help determining your uniqueness, and you can't

do youself, give me a call.

And finally, if you find this video useful I'd appreciate your hitting the like button,

sharing it and leaving a comment below.

Until next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

For more infomation >> Are you a commodity? - Duration: 3:18.


Un Américain amputé des quatre membres après avoir été léché par un chien - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Un Américain amputé des quatre membres après avoir été léché par un chien - Duration: 4:06.


Big Time Rush - All Over Again - Duration: 1:53.

I still got that same look that sets me off.

'Cause there's just something about you.

I got these feelings to let it show 'cause I wouldn't let you go.

I shouldn't of let you go.

You asked me for closure before and girl I told you it's over, it's over,

It's not over. So here we go again.

It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

For the first time and I know that it feels right.

I think I'm falling in love all over again.

Love at first sight, do you know ho I feel to the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.

To the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.


Baby there's something that you did to hold me on.

Maybe there's something that just keeps me from moving on.

Your love is static, it pulls me in like a song when it first begins

I'm ready to go again (Yeah)

It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

For the first time and I know that it feels right.

I think I'm falling in love all over again.

Love at first sight, do you know how I feel to the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.

To the left, left, left.

On the right, right, right.

To the back, back, back

On the side, side, side.


For more infomation >> Big Time Rush - All Over Again - Duration: 1:53.



- [Brad] Welcome to Dreamland Beach.

- Here we are.

- [Brad] Dreamland Beach.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

We're off to Dreamland.

We're off to Dreamland Beach.

Dreamland Beach.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

Look, baby, look.


That way.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

- We've come to our first stop.

We've just rolled up to Dreamland Beach

and there's rubbish here.

A lot of rubbish.

It's not what I was expecting.

All right, let's check this place out.


Coconuts of Dreamland Beach.

- I'm gonna do my usual thing.

- [Brad] Yeah, you're gonna hold your coconuts.

Show us your coconuts.

Can I open them?

- Ah, they dripped, they're dripping on me.

There's so much coconut.

As well inside.

- [Brad] Look at that guys.

- [Robyn] Open it.

- All right, let's take this to the beach.

Let's go to the beach.

Let's go.

We've seen more souvenir shops

than beach in Dreamland Beach.

What time is it?

4:30 in the afternoon.

- It's 10 to 5:00.

- 10 to 5:00.

We're at Dreamland Beach here in Bali

and it is so crowded here.

I can't believe just how many people there are.

Check this out.

Look how many people there are.

(upbeat music)

- I came here 13 years ago.

- 13 years ago?

- I told you this.

13 years ago and I haven't told you this.

13 years ago and it wasn't...

Obviously there weren't as many tourists.

And it's very developed now.

I remember it almost like a haven hidden on the beach.

It was blue and beautiful.

- Everybody's coming to the Dreamland now.

- Yeah.

The sand was, I mean, sand.

- It's good for surfing.

Everyone has a surfboard.

I think we're the only people who don't have a surfboard.

Everybody else--

- We can change that.

- Everybody else has a surfboard right now.

(upbeat music)

Welcome to Dreamland Beach.

- Here we are.

- [Brad] Dreamland Beach.

- Ah.

- [Brad] Whoa.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

We're back together again.

After four weeks of being apart.

We're finally back together.

- Yeah, we are.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

- All right, it's 6:00 o'clock

in the evening the 16th of July.

We're at Dreamland Beach right now.

We're about to watch the sunset.

Check this out.

Check that out.

So Dreamland Beach is like the surfing beach here in Bali.

What do you think, honest opinion, Robyn?


All right, I'm gonna pull my chair in.

We want your honest opinion, Robyn.

- It's not what it was 13 years ago.

That's my honest opinion.

- She doesn't like it.

I'm not a big fan either.

I think there's a lot of people.

There's too many people here for me, for me.

So many people.

Like, look at this.

There's people everywhere.

Down on the beach, look.

Oh. Fish and chips has arrived.

We're being spoiled.

Speaking of being spoiled.

Check this out.

This is what we're eating right now.

- [Robyn] Thank you.

- Thank you.

Fish and chips.

So, this is our Robyn and I, our first day together

in four weeks.

I'm based in Melbourne, this one's based here in Bali.

And it's been tough.

It's been hard.

It's been hard.

Four weeks, long distance has been really hard.

If it wasn't for Facebook I don't think this would work out.

- [Robyn] No.

- It's like we've been, what is it?

Got my attention.


So we've been doing Facetime almost everyday.

Every second day for the last four weeks

and it's been good actually

because we've kept ourselves entertained.

I may even throw up some photos actually so you can see

some of the characters that we get into.

Some of the little costumes that we put on ourselves

with Facebook or Facetime or whatever it's called.

And I think it's worked out quite well

because it has helped us to keep the humour

and keep things funny and not take it too seriously.

So I think it's not an ideal situation to have long distance

and I hope this is very very short term.

But for now, it's been really helpful

especially the last four weeks.

Anyway, that's it, wrap it up, finished.

Hope you enjoyed the video.

First day here with Robs in the house.

More adventures to come.

I can't wait.

- Bye. Enjoy.

- Bye.

("Oh Oh Woah" by Mikey Geiger)

For more infomation >> OUR DREAMLAND BEACH BALI ADVENTURE | INDONESIA VLOG SE02 EP03 - Duration: 6:51.


Otto Bitjoka, un grande africano: "La sinistra usa i neri come carta igienica, ora basta" - Duration: 7:01.

 «Attenzione cari fratelli e figli miei, siete usati e sarete sistematicamente buttati via come la carta igienica, mi permetto di consigliarvi da vecchio leone disincantato

Non è più accettabile essere strumento di lotta politica nelle mani di una sinistra contro i sovranisti populisti»

 Otto Bitjoka ama sorprendere, e non le manda mai a dire. E interviene a modo suo - dall'alto della sua stazza di camerunense bantu con laurea alla Cattolica di Milano, imprenditore e banchiere naturalizzato italiano (ha fondato Extrabanca) - sulla diatriba in atto tra buonisti e cattivisti, sospinta dall'opposizione piddina e Leu contro la Lega di Salvini

 Lo fa con un incandescente post su Facebook, che poi commenta e dettaglia con Libero: «Il nostro problema - scrive sul social network - si affronta con un approccio post-ideologico

Ai giovani leaderini sindacalisti dei braccianti (ogni allusione all'italo-ivoriano Aboubakar Soumahoro è molto probabilmente voluta, ndr) consiglio di guardare verso le nostre parti, l'Africa ha il 68% delle terre incolte del pianeta, il 65% della forza lavoro trova occupazione nell'agricoltura

Impegniamoci tutti per fare diventare il nostro amato Continente, il granaio del mondo

Il nostro sguardo deve andare oltre, la nostra capacità d'auto strutturarsi è messa alla prova in questo particolare momento storico in Italia

Questa è la nostra vera sfida!»  Scusi, Bitjoka, ma lei - con l'esperienza e la credibilità che ha - non si rende conto che denunciando le strumentalizzazioni che la sinistra farebbe del problema migratorio sta facendo un gran regalo a Salvini?«La sinistra ha sempre considerato l'immigrazione come una questione di accoglienza dove manifestare la sua magnanimità

Lo sa anche lei, che dico il vero: la sinistra ha sempre strumentalizzato».  Lo vede che è di destra?«Macché: anche la destra ci ha sempre criminalizzato, l'obiettivo è stato uguale, mettere nel tritacarne gli immigrati»

 Allora questo o quello per lei pari sono!«Sì, ma gli immigrati, negli anni, si sono fidati di più della sinistra che della destra, salvo poi renderci conto che ci usano sempre e ci gettano

Io non voglio dare l'idea di essere diventato di destra: non è così. Sono un non-allineato

Affermo però che la sinistra ha tradito e adesso gli immigrati sono un po' come orfani

Mentre io personalmente sono sicuro che si può - e oggi si deve, visto che è al potere - negoziare con l'istituzione gestita dalla destra

Se vogliamo disintermediare il nostro destino dobbiamo imparare a parlare con tutti

Con Salvini sarà difficile ma si può parlare. Leggo che la sinistra preannuncia per settembre una grande manifestazione antirazzista: benissimo, facciano ciò che vogliono, ma non si arroghino l'esclusiva della rappresentanza degli immigrati»

 Ma cosa dovrebbe fare la sinistra, secondo lei?«Se fosse appena appena intelligente potrebbe mettersi accanto all'Unione delle comunità africane in Italia per sostenerla, ma perderebbe protagonismo e invece vuole essere al centro dell'attenzione

Siamo noi però a voler essere e poter essere protagonisti e non vogliamo essere a rimorchio delle agende altrui…»  Scusi, ci faccia capire: lei si era candidato col Pd…«L'ultima volta, sì, alla Regione Lombardia, con la lista di Ambrosoli

In precedenza due volte con i verdi del Sole che ride. Oggi ho preso atto che sono un indipendente e quindi nessuno mi vuole perché non mi metto in riga»

 Cos'è per lei l'integrazione?«È il successo attraverso la meritocrazia. Io non penso che gli africani in Italia debbano portare un pezzo d'Africa qua, dico che sono italiani, ma devono vivere guardando l'Africa

La sinistra ha avuto spesso la tendenza di cooptare i mediocri, in cambio della sudditanza

Perché tutti vogliono parlare di integrazione, ma nessuno la vuole sul serio, nessuno vuole che in nome dell'integrazione un immigrato diventi dirigente, o docente…»  Ancora una cosa: lei ama definirsi provocatoriamente "negro", non dice mai "nero"

Perché?«Perché sono titolato a dirlo, so di cosa parlo, ho studiato per sette anni di letteratura africana

È una scelta che risale alla corrente letteraria della negritudine nata negli anni Cinquanta che aveva visto giusto

Oggi del resto si parla di afrocentrismo, di afrocrazia… c'è una semantica nuova, serve una nuova grammatica che richiede anche una nuova ortografia»

 Ok, ma per dire cosa, al di là delle parole?«Per dire che tra 15 anni sarà l'Africa a dare le carte dello sviluppo

Per gli africani emigrati, per quelli che saranno rimasti e per il mondo».  di Sergio Luciano

For more infomation >> Otto Bitjoka, un grande africano: "La sinistra usa i neri come carta igienica, ora basta" - Duration: 7:01.


#Agradecimento pelos 600 inscritos! Thanks for the 600 subscribers! - Duration: 8:31.

Hello! friends!

I want to thank you for the 600 subscribers on the channel! Thank you!

Thank you for watching this video! Please, subscribe! kisses!!

For more infomation >> #Agradecimento pelos 600 inscritos! Thanks for the 600 subscribers! - Duration: 8:31.


✅ Filha de Catherine Zeta-Jonas cresceu e está a cara da mãe - Duration: 3:15.

Carys Zeta Douglas é a nova carinha nas capas de revistas. Ela - juntamente de Catherine Zeta-Jones - figurou para a capa de setembro da revista americana Town & Country

Raramente em público, a a primeira vez que a garota aparece em capas, e impressionou a todos pela sua crescente semelhança com a mãe

 Filha da atriz com Michael Douglas e neta de Kirk Douglas, garantiu que não pretende seguir os passos de atuação da família

"Quando eu era mais nova eu não gostava da ideia de ter esse nome, dessa coisa toda de 'Dinastia Douglas'

Eu acho que o que mais me incomoda é que a maioria das pessoas acha que eu não faço nada, e que não preciso trabalhar duro

Que tudo que eu faço é entregue de mãos beijadas. Mas honestamente, é o oposto. Eu tenho que me provar para os outros o tempo todo

Não posso ser qualquer filha", desabafou. A adolescente admitiu que olha para a mãe em busca de inspiração na hora de se vestir, pois ela é um "ícone da moda"

Já Catherine garante que a filha tem um estilo individual que a deixa orgulhosa. "Ela é moderna mas se veste de acordo com a idade

Eu nunca tive que virar para a Carys e dizer 'eu acho que isso é inapropriado", contou a estrela

"Uma vez ela disse 'mãe, eu gostei muito deste macaquinho', e eu respondi 'hum. Mas você não acha que ele é muito comprido? Não deveria ser mais curto?' e ela riu e disse 'você é a única mãe no mundo que diria para a filha de 15 anos que a roupa deveria ser mais curta", finalizou rindo

Apesar da fama e do dinheiro, ambas garantem que Carys cresceu com os pés no chão

"Meus pais fizeram um ótimo trabalho em me fazer crescer vendo a realidade. Eles sempre dizem 'olha em volta

Sua vida é extraordinaria", admitiu a garota. "O que eu ensinei para os meus filhos, e eu tenho muito, muito orgulho disso, são boas maneiras", disse atriz

"Não tem nada pior do que uma criança mimada e sem boas maneiras. Eu treinei eles como no exército

A adolescência. Ela sabe que não pode revirar os olhos para mim, ou xingar e bufar

For more infomation >> ✅ Filha de Catherine Zeta-Jonas cresceu e está a cara da mãe - Duration: 3:15.


KARAOKE | Xin Đừng Buông Tay | Noo Phước Thịnh, Thủy Tiên - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Xin Đừng Buông Tay | Noo Phước Thịnh, Thủy Tiên - Duration: 3:41.


Les humains pourraient venir d'une autre galaxie - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Les humains pourraient venir d'une autre galaxie - Duration: 3:28.


✅ Les salariés de la Tour Eiffel en grève contre les files d'attente trop longues - Duration: 1:17.

Les personnels de la Tour Eiffel sont en colère et souhaitent que l'accueil des visiteurs soit plus efficace

Pour cette raison, les salariés ont débuté un mouvement de grève ce mercredi en milieu d'après-midi après la suspension des négociations un peu auparavant

Le monument était donc fermé.La CGT reproche à la direction d'avoir dédié le pilier nord d'accès à la Tour à l'accueil des visiteurs munis de préventes, et l'autre pilier à tous les autres

Une organisation mise en oeuvre par "la Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel (SETE) qui génère des files d'attentes parfois monstrueuses" et "souvent totalement déséquilibrées", a expliqué le syndicat dans un communiqué

For more infomation >> ✅ Les salariés de la Tour Eiffel en grève contre les files d'attente trop longues - Duration: 1:17.


Il y a 700 000 ans, des "Hobbits" ont véritablement existé - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Il y a 700 000 ans, des "Hobbits" ont véritablement existé - Duration: 4:39.


Reasons to Get Excited about iKON's Comeback! - Duration: 0:21.

  Click To View Slideshow  SEE ALSO: iKON drops D-Day poster for iKON's comeback with 'New Kids: Continue' iKON

For more infomation >> Reasons to Get Excited about iKON's Comeback! - Duration: 0:21.


New Ad For Democratic Candidate Tests A Populist Message In Suburban Kansas - Duration: 6:13.

Brent Welder Campaign via Facebook Brent Welder is one of the Democratic candidates vying for the chance to unseat Rep

Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.), considered one of the most vulnerable Republicans in Congress

 The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is funding an advertisement in support of Brent Welder, a progressive lawyer seeking the Democratic nomination in Kansas' 3rd Congressional District

 The minute-long video, which consists almost entirely of a passionate segment from one of Welder's speeches, banks on voters' appetites for unabashed economic populism

Through its super PAC, the PCCC has purchased $30,000 worth of airtime to play the spot on the local morning news in the Kansas City media market, starting Thursday

 "The wealthiest of the wealthy take a tiny sliver of those enormous profits that they steal from us and use it to pay off politicians to keep it rigged in their favor," Welder tells supporters at a July 20 rally featured in the video

"We gather here tonight to say, 'Enough is enough!'"  Welder, a union-side labor attorney and former campaign official for both Barack Obama and Sen

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), is in a close contest for the Democratic nomination in a district that includes Kansas City and many of its most affluent suburbs

The primary is next Tuesday.  Although there are six Democratic candidates, poll watchers believe the primary is effectively a three-way race

Welder's top competitors are Tom Niermann, a centrist, private-school history teacher, and Sharice Davids, an EMILY'S List-backed attorney

Davids is more liberal than Niermann, but unlike Welder, does not support Medicare for all and some other progressive priorities

She is running heavily on her personal story as a Native American lesbian and Army veteran

 The Democrats are vying for the chance to unseat Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.), who is considered one of the most vulnerable Republicans in Congress

Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump among the district's voters by 1 percentage point; national Democrats put Trump's approval rating there at about 35 percent

 The suburb-heavy district is not necessarily fertile ground for a Sanders-style, class war battle cry

Local Democratic officials, who are mostly backing Niermann, see moderation as the surest ticket to a general-election win

 But national progressives stumping for Welder can't pass up the opportunity to show that left-wing populism is a political winner across the country ― even in a well-to-do swing seat in deep-red Kansas

 Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic nominee in New York's 14th Congressional District, held a massive rally for Welder in Kansas City earlier this month

 PCCC's ad attempts to give Welder still more populist momentum.  And while Welder, like Ocasio-Cortez, is an alumnus of Sanders' 2016 presidential run, the PCCC most closely associates itself with that other progressive tribune: Sen

Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).  "Brent Welder is the type of Elizabeth Warren-style, bold progressive that excites voters in red, purple, and blue districts," PCCC co-founder Adam Green said of the group's ad

"His message of challenging corporate power over our political system and bold ideas like Medicare For All is exactly what will maximize a Democratic wave in 2018

" Download Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here's how

Daniel Marans Reporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction MORE: Elections Democrats Kansas 2018 Elections Brent Welder

For more infomation >> New Ad For Democratic Candidate Tests A Populist Message In Suburban Kansas - Duration: 6:13.


F-22와 F-35를 섞은 한국형전투기 C-109 기본설계검토 |특수 부대 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> F-22와 F-35를 섞은 한국형전투기 C-109 기본설계검토 |특수 부대 - Duration: 5:03.


요코타에서 오키나와로 돌아가는 F-15C Eagle 전투기 |특수 부대 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 요코타에서 오키나와로 돌아가는 F-15C Eagle 전투기 |특수 부대 - Duration: 4:27.


Discovering the Sun's Mysteriously Hot Atmosphere - Duration: 3:25.

The Sun's core is the hottest part of the Sun.

But our star's temperature doesn't behave as you might expect.

The core is roughly 27 million degrees Fahrenheit

and 10 times more dense than gold.

As you move outward, the layers of the Sun become cooler and less dense.

Something unusual, however, occurs when you reach the outermost layer.

While the surface is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit,

the corona – the Sun's outer atmosphere — is several hundred times hotter.

That's the opposite of what happens with a fire, when it gets cooler the farther away you get.

Scientists call this the coronal heating problem

and evidence for this was first uncovered during an eclipse in the 1800s.

The corona is usually hard to see -- it's too dim to be seen next to the Sun's bright body.

But it can be seen with the naked eye,

when the moon blocks the sun during a total solar eclipse.

To understand how this mystery was discovered,

it helps to know how scientists started studying the chemical properties of materials on Earth.

In the early 1800s, instruments named spectroscopes

were invented to identify materials that emit light when heated.

Light enters the spectroscope and is filtered through a tiny hole to isolate a single area.

It then bounces off a special grating that disperses light into its different wavelengths.

While sunlight contains every wavelength,

scientists discovered that every chemical element and compound

contains a unique pattern of wavelengths

that allows scientists to determine the composition of light sources.

It wasn't long before astronomers started extracting information from the light of distant stellar objects.

In 1869, two scientists independently decided to point a spectroscope toward the corona during a total solar eclipse.

As the Sun's light disappeared, the pattern of wavelengths changed.

They saw something they had never seen before.

A bright green line that did not relate to any element found on Earth.

For a short while, scientists named it 'coronium'.

It wasn't until 70 years later that a Swedish scientist discovered

that these lines were the result of elements such as iron being stripped of its electrons.

Every element has a specific number of electrons surrounding the nucleus.

As each electron is removed, more energy is needed to remove the next one.

The green line shows that iron has been stripped of 13 of its 26 electrons –

– indicating that the corona needed to be millions of degrees -- counterintuitively far hotter than the Sun's surface.

Scientists have since proposed a variety of theories

for what mechanisms could be adding that extra heat into the atmosphere.

One theory suggests that small waves in the Sun's surface pushes particles and heat into the atmosphere

- a bit like how ocean waves push surfers.

Another theory suggests small bomb-like explosions from the realignment of the Sun's magnetic field create heat.

Many scientists think it may be a mix of both.

We've studied the corona from Earth during many eclipses,

but to solve our star's biggest mystery we have to make direct observations from the region itself.

For more infomation >> Discovering the Sun's Mysteriously Hot Atmosphere - Duration: 3:25.


'랩터'를 꺾기 위해 러시아가 심혈을 기울인 최신 전투기 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> '랩터'를 꺾기 위해 러시아가 심혈을 기울인 최신 전투기 - Duration: 6:06.


與「三百八十萬獎金」無關!胡瓜揭小禎減肥「勸不聽」 直到進了醫院 . - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 與「三百八十萬獎金」無關!胡瓜揭小禎減肥「勸不聽」 直到進了醫院 . - Duration: 4:13.


S1E11: Paperwork, exams and learning. - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> S1E11: Paperwork, exams and learning. - Duration: 5:01.


Fortnite Birthday Cake's Locations: Where To Dance For The Challenge - Duration: 5:59.

Fortnite Birthday Cake's Locations: Where To Dance For The Challenge

To celebrate the first birthday of Fortnite, developer Epic Games has introduced a special set of celebratory challenges to the game as part of the 5.10 update.

There are a total of three new challenges, and if you're able to complete all of them you'll get a special, birthday-themed reward item.

Thankfully, each of the challenges are fairly easy, though one of them will require you to spend a little bit of time running around the map and getting your dance on.

Here's what you need to know and where to go.

The first of the challenges involves playing 14 matches in the Battle Royale mode, which you can probably manage with ease.

The second involves being a little aggressive in-game and dealing damage to opponents.

You'll have to dish out a total of 1000 points of hurt before you're rewarded with the birthday emote.

The third of the challenges requires you to dance in front of 10 different birthday cakes, and once you've done that you'll get a spray.

We've done the legwork and put the locations of each of the birthday cakes on the map, which you can find below.

There's also a list of the locations, along with a short description on where to find the cakes.

Alternatively, you can watch the video above to see us find each of the cakes and do a little jig.

With all three challenges complete, you'll unlock a special back bling for your character.

You've got up until August 7, when the event will no longer be active.

You can see an image of the new Back Bling, along with the details for the three challenges, below.

Fortnite 1st Birthday Challenges.

Play matches (14) -- 5,000 XP Deal damage to opponents (1000) -- Emote Dance in front of different Birthday Cakes (10) -- Spray.

Birthday Cake Locations.

Lazy Links: Near the road next to the southern sand traps Wailing Woods/Risky Reels: On the hill between Wailing Woods and Risky Reels Retail: In the middle of the market near the basketball court Tilted Towers/Loot Lake: Above the waterfall between Tilted Towers and Loot Late Pleasant Park: East of the park, behind the gas station Greasy Grove: Centre of Greasy Grove, between the Durr Burger and the basketball court Paradise Palms: North of Paradise Palms, across the street from the welcome sign Fatal Fields: In the middle of Fatal Fields Flush Factory: Under the giant toilet sign Lonely Lodge: West Lonely Lodge, near the parked Caravans.

Alongside the new challenges, Epic Games has detailed the contents of the 5.10 update.

The patch brings back the Playground LTM, which has had a few tweaks for its second appearance.

There's also the introduction of the Compact SMG, which is deadly when you get in close.

A number of tweaks have also been made to the gameplay, performance, and user-interface, so check out our story on the full patch notes to see that all.

You'll also find some details on what's new with Save the World mode.

Subsequently, Epic released another patch that nerfed the SMG.

In related news, Fortnite Halloween costumes are going to be released as part of a partnership with retailers Spirit Halloween and Spencer.

The two completed a deal with Epic Games for "a range of officially licensed" Fortnite costumes, as well as accessories and gear based on the brand.

There are outfits based on the Black Knight, Crackshot, Dark Voyager, Skull Trooper, and Cuddle Team Leader skins.

You can also purchase the basic, rainbow smash, and party animal pickaxes, or a light-up boogie bomb that actually plays sound.

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