welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K
stay frosty we're back at it cheaters cam style after hours headed into Taco Bell
to take a look at an item currently in test that happens to be named
appropriately for the time of night that I'm filming this right now so let's set
ourselves up to that drive-thru good how you doin tonight
yeah peep this out you know let me go for two of those new midnight melt tacos
please and that's it thanks a lot you know with Halloween not too far
off it's kind of cool that this taco shell is the color that it is but now
that I think about it a black taco shell probably would have been better hey yeah
hey question for you real fast is there anything different flavor-wise with
these midnight melt tacos because of the blue corn really so it's more for the
look huh cool Thank You brother stay frosty now we'll see you alright guys
let's get up close and personal with this one and see what it's working with
it's just after midnight here at Taco Bell so how cool is it we're checking
out something that's got a flair for after hours guys have a look at the
midnight melt taco and what's supposed to be a blue corn shell this is looking a
lot closer to black guys looking really nice more of a Halloween taco actually
that's some purple action in the middle there it's looking really interesting
let's swing this one around and I'll give you a look as to what this has got
on the inside as you guys can see we have got typical Taco Bell fare here
guys lots of lettuce lots of tomatoes lots of shredded cheese we've got that
seasoned beef in there it's got some sour cream and what's essentially some
nacho cheese sauce on the very bottom I don't want to lift this cuz this is
really all gonna fall apart but as you can see it is really the classic Taco
Bell but the main highlight with this is the actual shell itself now blue corn is
what this is made out of but again look closely guys it looks black and I got to
say something very very different from Taco Bell and I think it kind of fits
the theme of Halloween so making it for sure let's see exactly how amazing the
flavor is on this it's the midnight melt taco currently in test here at Taco Bell
in Irvine California let's peep out this flavor yeah I call it blue corn if you
will this is straight-up black to me guys but it looks pretty awesome let's
dive in the midnight melt taco after midnight here at Taco Bell
hmm messy mmm it's a taco supreme guys there is no difference in the flavor
with this aside from how cool I think that it looks especially for Halloween
this is actually really really cool but really no difference whatsoever the same
Taco Bell meat and I'm definitely diggin how the color of this taco kind of
changes the experience slightly only because of the appearance not because of
the flavor the same ground beef that you already know from Taco Bell the sour
cream a little bit of nacho cheese that I'm tasting there but aside from that
the lettuce the tomatoes that's pretty much it of course you know I'm all about
the close-up so let's get started with a few of them right now as you can see all
those familiar Taco Bell flavors on the inside but this is really the main
highlight it's really just the appearance but I really have to say I
like the fact that I'm eating it with a darker shell like this it's actually
really cool and I've never had anything like this from Taco Bell so that's a
plus number one why they would want to bring this one out nationally it really
looks decent and it kind of makes you wonder why they haven't tried anything
like this sooner I mean I've seen lots of multi-colored tortilla chips in the
past elsewhere so it's kind of cool this is actually something from a national
chain if it goes national but it's just fun to eat definitely tasty Taco Bell
goodness and you know what I don't mind having the diced tomatoes on this
because there's plenty of sour cream plenty of that nacho cheese sauce on the
inside to go with the seasoned beef anyway but guys like I said there's
really nothing else I can really say about this except that the appearance is
cool I think it's fitting for the holiday if they decide to do this for
Halloween and that's pretty much it pretty good though so there you have it
the same old Taco Bell that most people should know in love with a very cool
outer shell that in this case is not dusted with nacho cheese like the
Doritos locos taco this is straight-up blue corn it's looking a lot more black
and purple than anything else but like I said super fun to eat and guys the
appearance just looks really striking this way you know I got to admit this is
a little hard for me to rate right now so I think I'm gonna go with the
marketing end of what they're going for with this one because in that regard it
actually is very close to what they're advertising here guys I mean the shell
is not necessarily blue it is black so for the midnight melt taco I would have
to say it's pretty spot-on for that but at the end of the day it's still a taco
supreme with some nacho cheese sauce that's pretty much it so with that said
I'm gonna have to give the midnight melt taco here at Taco Bell testing in Irvine
California just an OK 7 out of 10 I mean the addition of that nacho
cheese sauce does kick up the taco supreme insides just a little bit on
this guy's but again it's really more for appearance more for show with a
little bit of that extra flavor and the cheesiness that you would expect with
Melt in the name but like I mentioned earlier if you're into Taco Bell you
already know what to expect and I think a lot of you guys know that already hey and
real quick let me send a huge shout out and thank you over to Fast Food Bryan
from youtube channel New Fast Food I'll make sure to link his channel down below
in the description make sure you hit it up
he is definitely on it showcasing all the new upcoming promotions from all of
your favorite fast food restaurants with a detailed breakdown an analysis on
everything that he talks about and I gotta say guys it's a lot of fun to
watch so make sure to head over to his channel and definitely subscribe you
won't be disappointed and while you're over there tell him Ian K sent 'ya so
to close this one out what do you guys think of this particular taco is this
something that you would like to see national do you think the name is
spot-on for what it is drop those comments down below as well
and let me know what you thought and with that this is Ian K closing out
another episode of peep this out cheaters cam style bringing you brand new
content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the
next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty if you do take this
one national Taco Bell do it for Halloween you know it makes sense
alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon
For more infomation >> Taco Bell® | Midnight Melt Taco | Food Review! 🌮🔔🌙 - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
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CANLI YAYIN | Göztepe - Fenerbahçe (Spor Toto Süper Lig 3. hafta) - Duration: 4:53.
CANLI YAYIN | Göztepe - Fenerbahçe (Spor Toto Süper Lig 3. hafta) SPOR TOTO SÜPER LİG HABERLERİ | 25
08.2018 20:57 | 38 dakika önce Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçıyla Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 3
haftasındaki heyecan devam ediyor. Geçtiğimiz hafta oynadıkları maçları kaybeden Göztepe ve Fenerbahçe, kozlarını İzmir'de paylaşıyor
Saat 21:45'te başlayacak olan Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçında iki takımın da hedefi 3 puan
Zorlu Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçının 11'leri belli oldu. İşte Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçının 11'leri, canlı anlatımı ve tüm ayrıntıları
Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 3. haftasında heyecan, Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçıyla devam ediyor
21:45'te Bornova Stadı'nda oynanacak olan Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçının 11'leri belli oldu
Göztepe - Fenerbahçe maçının canlı anlatımı, 11'leri ve tüm detayları haberimizde yer alıyor
Beto, Gassama, Titi, Reis, Traore, Alpaslan, Borges, Halil, Tayfur, Yasin, Deniz Volkan, Isla, Neustadter, Skrtel, Hasan Ali, Mehmet Topal, Elif, Ayew, Alper, Dirar, Slimani Fenerbahçe ile Göztepe, Süper Lig'de 49
kez birbirlerine rakip oluyor. İki takım arasında geride kalan 48 maçtan 22'sini Fenerbahçe, 7'sini Göztepe kazandı, 19 müsabaka da berabere sonuçlandı
Gollerde de Fenerbahçe'nin, Göztepe'ye 73-32 üstünlüğü bulunuyor. Geçen sezonun ilk yarısında İzmir'de yapılan müsabaka 2-2 bitti, ikinci devre İstanbul'da Fenerbahçe 2-1 kazandı
İki ekip, İzmir'de 25. kez karşılaşıyor. Geride kalan müsabakalarda Fenerbahçe'nin galibiyetlerde 8-5 üstünlüğü bulunuyor
İzmir'de 11 maç da berabere sonuçlanırken, Fenerbahçe 26, Göztepe ise 17 gol attı
Fenerbahçe ile Göztepe arasında geride kalan 48 lig maçında en farklı skora sarı-lacivertliler imza attı
1974-1975 sezonunda İstanbul'da yapılan maçta Fenerbahçe sahadan 7-1 galip ayrıldı
Göztepe ise toplam 7 kez yendiği rakibi karşısında 6 galibiyetini tek farklı skorlarla elde etti, 1970-1971 sezonunda evinde 3-1 kazandı
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No Jeanne, it's toxic!
I told you it's...
Behind you,
Jeanne... run
By the power vested in me
I pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Now, I propose to go to the buffet...
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(Prod. by Georgie)
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Top 10 Riot Symbiote Surprising Facts - Duration: 9:20.
When you think of the symbiotes in comics, the characters who probably come to mind are
Venom and Carnage.
Hell, you probably think of Spider-Man, too.
But there's another symbiote on the block that's got people pretty excited, and its
name is Riot.
Riot may not have been the most popular symbiote character to exist in the Marvel universe,
but he's quickly becoming one of interest, thanks to the upcoming Sony film Venom, starring
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, aka Venom.
So who is he?
And what can we expect from him in the film based off of his appearances in the comics?
Well, today, we're diving deeper into the character's part with our list of the top
10 Riot Surprising Facts.
Some of which may not surprise you if you already knew a thing about Riot.
Just saying.
10 Venom's Offspring Riot is an offspring of Venom's.
In his first appearance in the 1993 Venom Lethal Protector series, he was created when
the Life foundation forcibly extracted five Klyntar seeds from Venom.
So for context, let's jump back a sec.
The Life foundation, which is a name you're probably hearing a lot more often now that
they're featured in the Venom movie, is an organization that, in the comics, sought
to provide a 'comfortable life' for their wealthy clients in case of something referred
to as a MAD occurred.
MAD stands for Mutually Assured Destruction, meaning if there was a nuclear attack or some
sort of terrible fallout, the Life Foundation would have your rich ass secure.
They wanted to create superhuman 'police' to help protect their clients and this so-called
future, so the head of the Foundation, Carlton Drake, whipped up a plan to collect unborn
offspring from Venom.
The organization captured Venom in San Francisco, took him to a lab in the Mojave Desert, and
extracted these seeds.
Drake then used them to bond with a group of hosts to create the Foundations' Guardian
9 His Powers The Riot symbiote, like many of the Klyntar
race, has a variation of exceptional powers he's capable of.
He's got superhuman strength, with Riot appearing to have the greatest physical build
out of all of the Lethal Protector symbiotes, although his exact strength level was never
revealed in the story.
He's got superhuman durability, stamina, superhuman speed that allows him to move faster
than the human eye, an accelerated healing factor, he can crawl up walls, has an immunity
to Spider-Man's spider sense, webbing generation, camoflauge capabilities, constituent matter
generation, and constituent matter manipulation, which he uses to form weapons out of himself.
Riot, in particular, liked to created massive bludgeoning weapons from his arms, like maces
or hammers, which many speculate is due to his first host's aggressive mentality.
But more on him later.
And, similar to all of the other symbiotes, his weaknesses are fire and sonic sound waves.
8 David Michelinie One of Riot's creator writer David Michelinie
is pretty darn familiar with the race of Klyntars.
This is because he also had a major hand in creating Venom, alongside Todd McFarlane.
Michelinie and McFarlane were the ones who crafted the persona of Venom and Eddie Brock;
prior to this, Venom had only appeared as the sentient alien costume that Peter Parker
encountered during Secret Wars, and that Mister Fantastic had removed from his body.
The symbiote would break out and then find Eddie Brock, bonding with him.
But, back to Riot.
When Michelinie created him, it was as part of the Lethal Protector story arc we mentioned
earlier, with the character first appearing in issue 4 in May of 1993.
Michelinie is also known for creating Carnage a year prior.
He's also responsible for working on many a DC comics title, too, and aside from artist
Paul Ryan, is the only comic book creator to contribute to both of the wedding issues
of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, AND the wedding issue between Superman and Lois
7 Carlton Drake In the Venom film, it's Dr Carlton Drake
who ends up bonding with the Riot symbiote, who goes head to head with Eddie Brock's
But in the comics, that's not the case.
Drake in the comics is simply the leader of the Life Foundation, who just happens to have
some sort of extensive knowledge of the symbiotes, or at least enough to recognize that they
carry seeds around in them that can be used for reproduction, and that those seeds can
be extracted.
His first appearance is in the 1988 issue Amazing Spider-Man number 298, which was also
the first appearance of the Life foundation.
And his last was in Spider-Man The Arachnis Projects issue 6 in 1995.
The first appearance had Drake hiring costumed assassin Chance to steal weapons for him,
and electrocutes the assassin when he fails to do so for him.
This occurred after Peter had gotten the new black and white costume that would later be
revealed to be a sentient alien, who would later become Venom.
The issue also features a mystery man at its end who is looking at a collage of Spider-Man
newspaper articles, vowing to get revenge on the hero.
That man is Eddie Brock, who had ruined his journalism career by exposing the identity
of a villain.
Riz Ahmed plays Drake in the film.
6 Trevor Cole Trevor Cole was Riot's first host.
A mercenary for the Life foundation who worked as part of their security team, Cole was chosen
to be a part of the experiment that bonded the Venom offspring to humans.
Cole is memorable for being incredibly aggressive and unsympathetic, and more ruthless than
his siblings that appeared in Lethal Protector.
During that story arc, Riot and the other Guardian Symbiotes were defeated by Venom
and spider-Man, and the Riot symbiote was artificially aged to dust and Trevor's body
was caught in an explosion.
The Riot symbiote did survive, though, unlike it's host.
5 The Hybrid That wasn't the last we saw of Riot.
The symbiote would later be contained by Venom, along with its sibling symbiotes, and would
be sent to the Vault, which is a prison for superhuman criminals and a specific wing to
contain extraterrestrial ones.
From there, they were sent to a facility in which scientists would conduct painful experiments
on them, as seen in Venom The Hunted issue 1.
During Web of Spider-Man super special vol 1 issue 1, Venom stops a giant carnage by
releasing a cry of pain that the symbiote race is forced to commit mass suicide.
We actually discussed this ability on our Venom weaknesses list, which you should definitely
check out after this video.
Anywho, the psychic shriek killed the invading symbiotes, and Riot, experiencing this shriek
along with his siblings (minus Scream, who was dead), managed to break out and merge
into one creature; a Hybrid symbiote.
Calling itself Hybrid, it merged with a guard at the Vault named Scott Washington.
Eventually stopped by Eddie Brock, the US Army would find the remains of Hybrid.
That brings us to our next number, 4 Howard Ogden
In the Carnage USA series, the Army separated Hybrid into the four original symbiotes that
bonded together to create Hybrid; Riot, Agony, Lasher and Phage, and bonded them with the
members of their Mercury Team in order to take on Carnage.
Petty Officer Howard Ogden was the man who was bonded with Riot, who trained with Riot
for months in preparation to fight Carnage.
According to one of the other members on the Mercury Team named Rico Axelson, who bonded
with Phage, Ogden did not fully pass his mental health test.
Which I suppose makes him fitting for Riot in the long run.
Ogden and the rest of the Mercury Team were eventually killed off by Carnage, with the
symbiotes surviving but the hosts dying.
The symbiotes, including Riot, were returned to the military, and put back in their containers.
3 Deadpool That wasn't the end of the Mercury Team,
In Deadpool vs Carnage, Carnage sought them out, and Riot and his siblings, which initially
seemed like the villain was going on a random killing spree in Oklahoma with his girlfriend
Carnage found the team in an underground base above an abandoned town, and killed all of
the Mercury Team, but thanks to a German Shepard (named War Dog), Lasher was freed, who then
managed to save Riot and the other symbiotes before it was too late.
Deadpool then showed up, and Carnage cut him up into pieces.
Lasher, Riot and the other symbiotes found Deadpool that way, and bonds with him and
War Dog, created a Deadpool symbiote hybrid, with Riot clearly possessing his right arm.
Deadpool then goes after Carnage, disguises Shriek as himself to be a decoy, and Carnage
nearly kills her, which allows for Deadpool to capture him.
2 War Dog By the end of Deadpool versus Carnage, the
symbiotes release Deadpool as a host, and the merc with a mouth gives him to War Dog.
That may seem super weird, but War Dog was actually a pretty big part of the Mercury
He was owned by Chief petty officer Marcus Simms, and had been trained to bond with the
Lasher symbiote.
So after helping Deadpool fight Carnage, Deadpool gives War Dog/Lasher the other symbiotes,
including Riot, in order to return them to the government.
Gotta love dogs.
I guess when you don't have a host, getting around is a real tough thing for a symbiote
to do.
Anywho, after War Dog carries Riot and his siblings away, the character hasn't been
prominent in any other story arcs; we also don't know if Lasher/War Dog took the symbiotes
back to the government as promised, either, so there's a very good chance that the symbiotes
are out there somewhere ready to stir up more trouble in the future.
1 His Name Perhaps the most interesting fact about Riot
is that the character actually didn't get the name of Riot until 19 years after he was
first introduced!
It wasn't until Carnage USA issue 2 in March 2012 with Howard Ogden as its host that the
symbiote started being called Riot.
And the reason why the name Riot was chosen was because of two factors.
The name Riot was the name of an action figure who was a part of the official toy line, which
had been described as having multiple limbs, with its body being the size of a house in
This action figure and the Riot name struck a note with fans, who started referring to
Trevor Cole's symbiote as Riot.
So years later, when Zeb Wells and Clayton Crain were working on Carnage USA, they canonized
the name, along with the names of the other symbiotes, Lasher, Agony and Phage.
There we have it friends!
Are you excited to see Riot up on the big screen?
And were you familiar with the character prior to the announcement that the symbiote will
be the big bad in the upcoming Venom movie?
Give us a shout in the comments below and let us know!
If you dug this video, spread the love and hit that like button.
And if you want more videos on symbiote characters, Venom or Marvel in general, why not swing
on over to our channel top 10 nerd and click that subscribe button?
We've also got a nifty little playlist currently flashing on your screen that you may want
to check on.
Go on, give it a peek!
In the meantime though, thanks for watching friends!
I'll catch you all in the next video.
Monster Hunter World on old CPU + GPU. WILL IT RUN? - Duration: 5:19.
Aaaah Monster Hunter.
Japan´s Call of Duty.
Filled with some many parallel systems that it is going to take you years just to figure
them all out
and ready to fill your life with tons of stories of your multiplayer exploits.
What is there not to love?
Ok so the minimum requirements for this game are a tad higher than initially expected,
so if your pc is more on the lower budget side you might be left wondering what the
game can really do, and what options you have to play it.
Thankfully you are watching the LowSpecGamer, where I explore different ways to push low-end
hardware to its limits and test it on actual hardware under the minimum requirements
and not a random gaming pc *cough* *cough* to see how far we can get.
Let´s begin.
Part 1: THE GPU
The minimum requirements mention a GTX 760 and unsurprisingly I did not see much success
in any resolution for integrated gpus
or low end dedicated GPUs,
so I am going to try with an older GTX 460 which I recently cleaned and restored, originally
released 8 years ago with a single Gb of vram.
In order to make this possible, I will try two important changes:
the first is that the game already has an impressive resolution compatibility,
but if you are like me and want to use something low but still be 16:9 you can add a custom
resolution in your GPUs control panel like 960x540 or 896x504 and it can be selected
in the game.
The second is, of course, Nvidia Inspector which is linked down below and that only work
with Nvidia gpus.
Select the Monster Hunter profile, or if you are using an old driver create one and add
the .exe and then enable the maximum performance power plan, selector transparency supersampling
to replay mode All and set the direct X lod bias value to some big number.
If the new profile does not work you can temporarily edit the global profile, just remember to
change it back when done.
The higher the number the worst the texture quality, and this value seems to be the lowest.
This is also in the description.
And yes, this... this looks pretty interesting, doesn´t it?
Part 2: CPU
There is a fair amount of worry regarding the CPU usage on this game due to the alarming
number of threads it generates.
One thing you can do about it is the special K tool, developed by the same guy that did
the Nier Automata mod that dramatically improves the performance of the game.
While no magical feature exists in the tool for monster hunter, yet, there is an option
to limit the number of threads to the number of cores in the CPU.
Be warned that this solution is not perfect but it can help a fair bit on something like
a more budget oriented dual-core, especially if you set an fps limit of 30.
If you are stuck on a low-end CPU I do also recommend you play in a private session, people
joining or leaving sessions and other online interaction can generate some heavier CPU
And as always on some of the most intense areas, your mileage might vary.
If you have something a tad better, like a very first generation i5 with 4 cores, things
become quite better.
Combining that with the GTX 460 from before and well...
What are those?
Part 3: Effect Removal
Hey Alex why does your voice sound different?
Because I am currently on Gamescom, I did not bring my good micrphone, all other parts
of the video were recorded before leaving and instead of paying attention to the conference
I was looking at Monster Hunter mods on my phone.
Go figure.
But because of that I ran into this effect removal mod, that uses the Special K tool that
I talked about previously on this video.
All you need to do is, after installing Special K, is to copy the included d3d11_shaders.ini file
into the installation directory.
This removes Motion Blur, Depth of Field and Vignette which can gran small boost in performance.
I tested this on the MX150 laptop that I brought with me and even while recording the game
using software I noticed an obvious difference in performance.
Might be the small boost that you need.
In this state, without the FPS limit, this PC is pushed to the max.
It is worth noting that even on this resolution the game is not that bad looking and is still
plenty readable.
Ok, this is not the ideal way to play this game but hey,
you know what you were asking for when you basically imploded my notification feed when
this game released
Why is grass always the weirdest looking thing when you do this?
I do imagine as time goes on and better mods are released that there might be other things that can be done to increase performance
But it is still very early, so if that happens subscribe to find out
In any case, if you are using private sessions to minimize CPU usage you might want to recruit
some friends to actually advance on this game.
Thank you for watching this video or supporting this channel on Patreon.
Famous Gamer Kills A Mother & Daughter, 12, In Fiery Crash While Driving Wrong Way In His $500K Car - Duration: 4:23.
This is horrific. A YouTube gamer driving upwards of 100 mph in the wrong direction caused a fiery collision that killed himself and a mother and her daughter in another vehicle
An 18-year-old gamer was speeding the wrong way on Interstate 805 in San Diego on Aug
23 when he crashed his sports car into an SUV, killing himself, a 12-year-old girl, and her mother
Authorities have identified the teenage driver as Trevor Heitmann, a YouTube star who had made a small fortune in video gaming gambling, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune
Heitmann was driving south at upwards of 100 mph in a northbound carpool lane when his 2015 McLaren 650S crashed head-on into a 2010 Hyundai SUV shortly after 4:30 p
m, according to the California Highway Patrol. Heitmann died at the scene of the wreck, as did the two passengers in the SUV
The impact destroyed the sports car and mangled the SUV, which became engulfed in flames while a 43-year-old woman and the 12-year-old girl were trapped inside
The woman's son identified them as Aileen Pizarro and her daughter Aryana Pizarro
Aileen was a marriage and family counselor working toward her license, and her daughter was going to start seventh grade this Monday, Aug
27, Dominic Pizarro said. After the initial collision, several other cars also crashed or were struck by debris, including a Honda Pilot whose driver suffered serious injuries, CHP public affairs Officer Jake Sanchez told Times Of San Diego
The entire northbound side of the freeway had to be closed for about six hours due to the pileup
The motives behind how and why Heitmann raced against traffic, and whether he did so intentionally or by mistake, were still under investigation on the afternoon of Friday, Aug
24, Sanchez said. Investigators believe he had entered from Carroll Canyon Road, about a half-mile north of the crash scene
The gamer was also involved in strange and reckless driving about 30 minutes prior to the deadly freeway incident
At about 4 p.m., a black coupe believed to be Heitmann's British sports car smashed through a gate at Ashley Falls Elementary School and accelerated onto the grounds of the campus near groups of shocked students, according to the CHP and San Diego police
Witnesses say the driver stopped briefly, exited his vehicle, and smashed a window on a school building before getting back into the McLaren and speeding away
Heitmann had nearly 900,000 subscribers to his YouTube video channel and his Twitter followers knew him as "McSkillet
" Fans online tweeted about how Heitmann had been banned from facilitating e-sport gambling that led to his sizable income
Many questioned whether he crashed his car intentionally as a means of committing suicide
Taco Bell® | Midnight Melt Taco | Food Review! 🌮🔔🌙 - Duration: 5:51.
welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K
stay frosty we're back at it cheaters cam style after hours headed into Taco Bell
to take a look at an item currently in test that happens to be named
appropriately for the time of night that I'm filming this right now so let's set
ourselves up to that drive-thru good how you doin tonight
yeah peep this out you know let me go for two of those new midnight melt tacos
please and that's it thanks a lot you know with Halloween not too far
off it's kind of cool that this taco shell is the color that it is but now
that I think about it a black taco shell probably would have been better hey yeah
hey question for you real fast is there anything different flavor-wise with
these midnight melt tacos because of the blue corn really so it's more for the
look huh cool Thank You brother stay frosty now we'll see you alright guys
let's get up close and personal with this one and see what it's working with
it's just after midnight here at Taco Bell so how cool is it we're checking
out something that's got a flair for after hours guys have a look at the
midnight melt taco and what's supposed to be a blue corn shell this is looking a
lot closer to black guys looking really nice more of a Halloween taco actually
that's some purple action in the middle there it's looking really interesting
let's swing this one around and I'll give you a look as to what this has got
on the inside as you guys can see we have got typical Taco Bell fare here
guys lots of lettuce lots of tomatoes lots of shredded cheese we've got that
seasoned beef in there it's got some sour cream and what's essentially some
nacho cheese sauce on the very bottom I don't want to lift this cuz this is
really all gonna fall apart but as you can see it is really the classic Taco
Bell but the main highlight with this is the actual shell itself now blue corn is
what this is made out of but again look closely guys it looks black and I got to
say something very very different from Taco Bell and I think it kind of fits
the theme of Halloween so making it for sure let's see exactly how amazing the
flavor is on this it's the midnight melt taco currently in test here at Taco Bell
in Irvine California let's peep out this flavor yeah I call it blue corn if you
will this is straight-up black to me guys but it looks pretty awesome let's
dive in the midnight melt taco after midnight here at Taco Bell
hmm messy mmm it's a taco supreme guys there is no difference in the flavor
with this aside from how cool I think that it looks especially for Halloween
this is actually really really cool but really no difference whatsoever the same
Taco Bell meat and I'm definitely diggin how the color of this taco kind of
changes the experience slightly only because of the appearance not because of
the flavor the same ground beef that you already know from Taco Bell the sour
cream a little bit of nacho cheese that I'm tasting there but aside from that
the lettuce the tomatoes that's pretty much it of course you know I'm all about
the close-up so let's get started with a few of them right now as you can see all
those familiar Taco Bell flavors on the inside but this is really the main
highlight it's really just the appearance but I really have to say I
like the fact that I'm eating it with a darker shell like this it's actually
really cool and I've never had anything like this from Taco Bell so that's a
plus number one why they would want to bring this one out nationally it really
looks decent and it kind of makes you wonder why they haven't tried anything
like this sooner I mean I've seen lots of multi-colored tortilla chips in the
past elsewhere so it's kind of cool this is actually something from a national
chain if it goes national but it's just fun to eat definitely tasty Taco Bell
goodness and you know what I don't mind having the diced tomatoes on this
because there's plenty of sour cream plenty of that nacho cheese sauce on the
inside to go with the seasoned beef anyway but guys like I said there's
really nothing else I can really say about this except that the appearance is
cool I think it's fitting for the holiday if they decide to do this for
Halloween and that's pretty much it pretty good though so there you have it
the same old Taco Bell that most people should know in love with a very cool
outer shell that in this case is not dusted with nacho cheese like the
Doritos locos taco this is straight-up blue corn it's looking a lot more black
and purple than anything else but like I said super fun to eat and guys the
appearance just looks really striking this way you know I got to admit this is
a little hard for me to rate right now so I think I'm gonna go with the
marketing end of what they're going for with this one because in that regard it
actually is very close to what they're advertising here guys I mean the shell
is not necessarily blue it is black so for the midnight melt taco I would have
to say it's pretty spot-on for that but at the end of the day it's still a taco
supreme with some nacho cheese sauce that's pretty much it so with that said
I'm gonna have to give the midnight melt taco here at Taco Bell testing in Irvine
California just an OK 7 out of 10 I mean the addition of that nacho
cheese sauce does kick up the taco supreme insides just a little bit on
this guy's but again it's really more for appearance more for show with a
little bit of that extra flavor and the cheesiness that you would expect with
Melt in the name but like I mentioned earlier if you're into Taco Bell you
already know what to expect and I think a lot of you guys know that already hey and
real quick let me send a huge shout out and thank you over to Fast Food Bryan
from youtube channel New Fast Food I'll make sure to link his channel down below
in the description make sure you hit it up
he is definitely on it showcasing all the new upcoming promotions from all of
your favorite fast food restaurants with a detailed breakdown an analysis on
everything that he talks about and I gotta say guys it's a lot of fun to
watch so make sure to head over to his channel and definitely subscribe you
won't be disappointed and while you're over there tell him Ian K sent 'ya so
to close this one out what do you guys think of this particular taco is this
something that you would like to see national do you think the name is
spot-on for what it is drop those comments down below as well
and let me know what you thought and with that this is Ian K closing out
another episode of peep this out cheaters cam style bringing you brand new
content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the
next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty if you do take this
one national Taco Bell do it for Halloween you know it makes sense
alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon
Juice WRLD Type Beat "Vanguard" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:16.
(Prod. by Georgie)
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